WiFi 6 Explained

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Hello everyone. In this video we're  going to talk about the 802.11ax   wireless standard. Which is more commonly known  as Wi-Fi 6. Now Wi-Fi 6 was released in 2019   and is the latest wireless standard that's used  in wireless devices and is the successor to the   802.11ac Wi-Fi standard which is known as Wi-Fi 5.  Now Wi-Fi 6 is faster than Wi-Fi 5, however speed   wasn't necessarily its main goal. The main goal  of Wi-Fi 6 is not just an increase in speed but   it was to make a Wi-Fi network perform better when  a lot of devices are connected to it. And this is   because today there are so many devices in our  home that use Wi-Fi, such as computers, tablets,   phones, security cameras, refrigerators, light  switches, thermostats, and so much more. And with   so many devices competing for the Wi-Fi signal, it  can slow down a network because a Wi-Fi router can   only communicate with so many devices at a time.  So to meet this demand engineers developed Wi-Fi 6.  So what are the differences between Wi-Fi 6  and Wi-Fi 5? Well one of those differences is   obviously speed. The older Wi-Fi 5 had a maximum  speed of 3.5 gigabits per second. But with Wi-Fi   6 that speed has been increased to 9.6 gigabits  per second, which is a significant increase.   Now keep in mind this increase in speed is shared  across multiple devices. It does not mean that   each of your devices will achieve this speed. And  also this speed is on your local area network,   meaning in your home or office. This does not mean  that your internet speed will increase. However it   will make it seem like it's faster because  of the technology that has been implemented   in Wi-Fi 6. Now one of these technologies is  orthogonal frequency-division multiple access   or OFDMA. Now this technology lowers latency  and delivers data to multiple devices more   efficiently. Fo for example let's say that Wi-Fi  transmissions act like carts that deliver data to   Wi-Fi devices. And let's say you have three Wi-Fi  devices. Now with the older Wi-Fi 5 a cart would   deliver one piece of data to one device at a time.  So each Wi-Fi device would have to wait their turn   to receive data. But with the newer Wi-Fi 6  each cart would carry three pieces of data   that would deliver to each device at the same  time. So with Wi-Fi 5 devices will have to wait   their turn to receive data. But with Wi-Fi  6 they don't have to wait because they all   receive data at the same time. So this makes more  efficient use of data delivery which reduces lag. And another technology that Wi-Fi 6 uses  is MU-MIMO which stands for multiple-user,   multiple-input, multiple-output. Now this  technology first made its debut in Wi-Fi 5   version 2. And what this does is that it allows  multiple wireless devices to communicate with a   Wi-Fi router at the same time. Now before Wi-Fi 5  routers used SU-MIMO, which stands for Single-User   MIMO. And this also allowed Wi-Fi routers to  communicate with multiple devices but only with   one device at a time. So each device will have to  wait their turn to communicate with the router.   But a router with MU-MIMO, all the devices  that are connected won't have to wait their   turn because this allows communication  to multiple devices at the same time.   It breaks up the internet bandwidth into  individual streams and pushes it to the   connected devices. So with this technology you'll  see a significant improvement in the speed of your   internet if you're doing things that require  a lot of bandwidth such as streaming videos or   downloading. So as I stated before MU-MIMO debuted  in Wi-Fi 5 version 2, but it has improved in Wi-Fi   6. The difference is is that with Wi-Fi 5 it was  only available in download and it can only support   four simultaneous streams. But with Wi-Fi 6  it's available in both upload and download   and it can support up to 12 simultaneous  streams. And Wi-Fi 6 also has an improvement   in beamforming. Beamforming is a technique that  sends transmissions in a specific direction   which strengthens the signal. But without  beamforming, the transmission is sent in   every direction which can weaken the signal which  is what happens in older routers. But with newer   routers the signal is directed to the devices  that are connected to it. And Wi-Fi 6 also has   the ability to minimize interference from nearby  networks. And it does this by using a technology   called basic service set coloring. So for example  when you have two Wi-Fi routers next to each other   such as what happens with neighbors, the  signals from the two networks can overlap   and cause interference with the other signal.  But Wi-Fi 6 with BSS coloring, it colors or   marks the networks so it can distinguish another  network from its own. It marks frames from nearby   networks so that your router disregards them which  makes your Wi-Fi router more efficient because   the less time a Wi-Fi router gets distracted the  more responsive it can be. And as far as security,   Wi-Fi 6 has the latest security protocol which is  WPA3. WPA3 provides cutting edge security features   that enable a more robust authentication  that will increase protection from password   guessing attempts. And in order for a device  to be Wi-Fi 6 certified it must have WPA3. Wi-Fi 6 also has the ability to extend the battery  life in Wi-Fi devices. And it does this by using   a technology called Target Wake Time. With  Target Wake Time a router or an access point   schedules a time with Wi-Fi devices on when  data is supposed to be sent or received. So   according to that scheduled time when Wi-Fi  devices are sending or receiving data,   their antennas are powered on. But when  they are not sending or receiving data   they go into sleep mode and their antennas  are powered off which saves battery life Now Wi-Fi routers will broadcast a wireless  signal or frequency band so that wireless devices   can connect to. And up until now they have been  restricted to broadcasting two frequency bands.   Which are 2.4 and 5 gigahertz. However with  the new Wi-Fi 6E it'll broadcast a third band   which is 6 gigahertz. The 6 gigahertz band  opens up additional channels for delivering   large amounts of data to Wi-Fi devices especially  in crowded environments. These additional channels   will result in a better network performance  and a greater capacity to support more users.   So who would benefit from a Wi-Fi 6 router?  well if you have a lot of wireless devices,   like perhaps 15 or more, then I would definitely  recommend getting one especially if you have   closer to 20 devices. Because you're going to  see a big difference in the performance of your   network. But you also have to keep in mind that  in order to reap the full benefits of Wi-Fi 6,   your devices must be compatible with Wi-Fi 6.  So if you're interested in getting one I'll put   a link below in the description of this video of  one that I recommend and thank you for watching.
Channel: PowerCert Animated Videos
Views: 907,625
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Keywords: wifi 6 router, wifi 6e, wifi 6, wifi 6 vs wifi 5, wi-fi 6, 802.11ax router, what is wifi 6, wifi 6 vs wifi 6e, best wifi 6 router, wifi 5 vs wifi 6, wifi 6 explained, fastest internet
Id: Y7OWUg_kmK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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