Configuring CISCO Switch at work | CISCO commands, real world best practice

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previously on East [Music] charmer hello guys welcome back to the channel and for today's video I will be configuring a Cisco switch that we have unboxed in the last video and I will be showing you what you need to configure The Cisco switch and also the commands that you will be using and maybe I'll show you how we will rea the switch later on in the video as well so in this video I be sharing with you tips on configuring switches in real world best practices what we actually do in the work place so if you're interested in this video please keep on watching and without further Ado let's get started so this is our just SCH switch is Cisco Catalyst 9300 with 48 ports that is managed and stackable and has Poe so what we need to configure this is a console cable just make sure that you're going to have the proper ports that you can connect to the switch to your laptop so you can access it there's different kinds of console cables that I discussed also in my previous video we also need a flash drive where we are going to import the config file for all of the commands that will be running and we will be saving in the switch so if you are using a USB make sure that you convert it to Fat 32 first so there's different ways on configuring a switch you can use a tftp server and just import the config files from the network I am going to use the USB cuz it's I think it's faster I don't have to rely on my network and I don't have to set up my network I can just plug in this USB to the switch and it will just import the config files quickly and also just make sure that your Cisco switch supports USB cuz some of them you might have to configure to like support or detect the USB so just make sure that it's fat 32 before you put in the config file and that it supports USB also we are going to need the laptop to connect the switch to the laptop when you are starting our configuration because we are building this from scratch it doesn't have anything on it yet so we need we need to be able to access the switch so for now we are not able to SSH to it we we don't have an IP address for it yet we can't do it remotely so we will need a laptop for now and of course it needs to connect to the network when we are configuring it so make sure that your network Port is your switch Port is configured correctly if you're going to use trunking make sure it has DHCP or on the men management VLAN and whatever it is that their company has for the configuration to be able to configure this properly so this is going to be my first time building a physical switch on my own I have watched people do it at work and I never had to do it in my previous jobs I've only configured on simulation like package Racer gns 3 so I'm kind of nervous actually I hope I don't mess this up you won't be able to break it because it's new we can just start from scratch and probably like flash and wipe whatever wrong config we have if we really mess this up so it's going to be a fun learning process I'm going to be learning a lot I have shadowed people who have done this so hopefully I can do this by myself of course our lab is a mess but what we need to do first is to plug it in of course to power it on and this is the two power supplies for this and also realistically if we are building this switch from ground off from scratch from the start we are not going to be typing all the commands manually because that will be probably tedious and it is faster and more accurate if you just import the config files and if you work in a bigger company the config files are probably provided to you by the network engineering team the networking team we didn't really create this config file it was just provided to us and we will just change it or or make changes to it um changing the IP address for the switch and the host name I think that those are the main changes that we have to do but the rest everything will be provided already and we will just have to import and copy it to the startup conf he's so the switch is initializing and you can hear like noises I think it's going through the hardware initialization process okay so I'm going to be using this USB console cable there are different kinds of console cable there are DB9 to rg45 so this is I think easier for me because we have the laptop where we need to connect to and the newer switch I guess has the mini USB in front that you can use just easily and it's plug andplay you don't have to insert like adapters for it okay so before we putty in let's check device manager first cuz we are going to be connecting through the serial port and if you scroll down to the ports common lpt in here you would see serial device connected so this is the port that you're going to be using to connect to our switch switch Comm 3 so now we can putty into the switch and change our serial settings in here to Comm 3 because that is what we have listed in our serial device and then go to the session select cereal com tree should be selected and then if you open you should be able to access the switch and see what it's doing now so now it's initializing Hardware so you also need what's called an SFP that stands for small form factor pluggable and this is a connector that we can use on switches there are different kinds there's electronic and optic for fiber and ethernet and the one that we're going to use this time is the one that looks like this it's an RJ45 connector where we can connect our cat cables so we can get internet on our switch so the SFP will be plugged in in the two slots in front of the switch and you can connect your cat cable so you can get network so after you power on the switch it does a lot of setup like bootstrap and it checks the backup and nvram if there's configuration save to it it defaults the boot config that is used a lot of Auto installation and and it will ask you to terminate the auto install also then after the initial configuration the switch asked me to set up an enable password for it and then I will be inserting the USB flash drive now where the config files are and this will show that the flash drive will be mounted and added to the switch so we're now able to access all of the files in here now I've typed in this command to copy this file this is the approved OS version of the switch from our company so it can be installed and this will be copied to The Flash The Cisco flash memory is what it's used to store the iOS of the software images for the switch so the only changes that we have to do in the config file is to change the host name and the command to change the host name is host name space the name of the switch and we also have to edit the IP address with the command IP space address and the IP add address space the subnet mask then once we have edited our config file The Next Step would be to copy the config file from the flash drive to the running config so the command will be copy space USB flash Z where the flash drive is mounted and the file name of the config file space running config okay so just refresher running config is stored in Ram which means that commands copy there will be lost after a restart so after we have copied the config file to the running config we should also save the file into the startup config so it will be stored in NV RAM and won't be lost after I restart now I'm just verifying our configuration by running this command show in status to see all of our interfaces if they were configured and of course running the show run command shows us all of the configuration in the switch we have all of the vlans all of the interfaces description and configuration so everything that was in the config file should be in the running config okay so now that I've configured the IP address I should now be able to SS each to it so we can test it out by puttying into the IP address okay so I have finished configuring the switch I'm now able to add the S to it and I've checked the configuration with the verification commands and I think that I should be all set and I am going to show you how we are going to Rack this and connect it to the router and Patch it after so watch out for that video if you're interested so that will be the next step so after configuring this is racking and then moving all the old connections from the old switch to this new Switch so I'll see you guys in the next video thank you so much for watching
Channel: East Charmer
Views: 255,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rbIr-nNAMKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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