WiFi Range Extender - WiFi Booster explained - Which is the best?

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What is a Wi-Fi extender? So that is the subject  of this video. Now a Wi-Fi extender, as the name   suggests, is what extends the range of a wireless  signal from a Wi-Fi router. It acts like a bridge   between a Wi-Fi router and a Wi-Fi device that is  outside the range of a Wi-Fi router's signal. The   Wi-Fi extender first connects to an existing Wi-Fi  network and then once it's connected it then acts   like a wireless access point for Wi-Fi devices to  connect to. So as an example most people who have   internet service in their home will most likely  have a Wi-Fi router that will broadcast a wireless   signal all throughout their home so that their  wireless devices can have internet access. But   sometimes there might be issues where the wireless  signal is not strong enough to cover the entire   house. So for example in this home the Wi-Fi  router is in the living room. Now if you have a   wireless laptop that's connected to the router's  Wi-Fi in the same room as the Wi-Fi router,   the signal is obviously going to be very strong  since it's close to the router. But as you move   further away from the router, the wireless signal  will not be as strong. So in this room up here,   and as you can see by the signal bars, the signal  is weaker but you will still be connected and   still have internet access. And also in the kitchen  it's the same result. The signal is not as strong   but you can still access the Internet. So reaching  the wireless signal in these two areas are not   necessarily a problem. However if you were to try  to access the wireless signal from the furthest   distance in the house, like up here in the bedroom,  the wireless signal is going to be very weak   or the signal may not reach at all. And the main  reason for this is obviously the distance because   as you get further away from the Wi-Fi router,  the signal weakens. And another reason is the building   structure, because as a wireless signal broadcasts  the signal gets weakened as it goes through walls   and through floors in a building. Now one way  to solve this problem could be to reposition   the Wi-Fi router to a different location in the  house such as moving it closer to the center. But  this could be an issue especially if you have wired  devices that are connected to the router or if you   have a connecting modem that can't be moved and  needs to stay in its original location. But there   is another way to solve this and this is by using  a Wi-Fi extender. The Wi-Fi extender will connect   to the wireless signal and extend the distance  of the wireless signal so it can reach further   distances. So the best place to put the Wi-Fi  extender would be somewhere in the middle of   this home. So in this case we're just going to put  it here in the kitchen. And by placing it here, the   Wi-Fi extender is still close enough to receive  a strong signal from the router and it can still   send a strong signal up here to the bedroom. So now  the Wi-Fi extender will connect wirelessly to the   Wi-Fi router signal and then once it's connected  it will broadcast its own wireless signal all   throughout this home. Now keep in mind, the Wi-Fi  extender is not strengthening or amplifying the   router signal. It's actually broadcasting its own  signal but it's getting its internet access from   the router. So for example this router broadcasts  a wireless signal with a name that's customizable.   And this name is called the SSID or service set  identifier. So let's say that the owner called the   wireless signal 'Home' h.o.m.e. this name is how  you identify which wireless signal that you   want to connect to. And the Wi-Fi extender is also  going to broadcast a signal with its own SSID or   name. Now a lot of times when you're hooking up  a Wi-Fi extender, the extender's setup assistant may name   itself as the same SSID as the router's. But with  a name added at the end. So for example as I said   before the router's SSID is called 'Home' and then  once the extender is configured and hooked up to   the router, it may call itself 'HomeExt'. So now if  we open up the laptop up here in the bedroom and   then scan for wireless networks in the area, we'll see the router's Wi-Fi signal called 'Home' and the   Wi-Fi extender's signal called 'HomeExt'. And as you  can see the router's Wi-Fi signal is very weak.   But the Wi-Fi extender's signal is very strong. So this laptop will now connect to the Wi-Fi   extender's signal and then once it's connected,  it's able to access the internet. So now any   device that connects to the Wi-Fi extender's  signal will be able to access the Internet.   If you want to know which Wi-Fi extender  that I personally recommend there's a link   in the description below and it's by far  the best one that I've worked with yet   I have personally set this up for many of my  customers and they all have been very pleased   with it without any complaints. It's made by  Netgear and I created this graphic to look   just like it and like I said there's a link in  the description below and thank you for watching
Channel: PowerCert Animated Videos
Views: 882,567
Rating: 4.8469505 out of 5
Keywords: wifi extender, wifi repeater, wifi booster, wifi range extender, best wifi range extender, wireless extender, best wifi extender, extend wifi range, extend wifi, boost wifi signal range
Id: 1rJ1tSzgvpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 27 2018
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