Winter Snowman Scene (Blender Tutorial) ⛄

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hey everybody this is Ryan King and in this blender tutorial we're gonna be making this winter snowman scene so I'm gonna be doing this in blender 2.82 which is the current stable version and I'm gonna be using two resources online I'm gonna be using this Wood zero three six from CC zero textures comm the link will be in the video description I'm gonna be using this for the snowman's arms and then the other texture I'm going to be using is this fabric zero to six and the link will be in the video description and I'm gonna be using this texture for the Hat and the scarf on the Snowman and Here I am in blender 2.82 I'm just gonna close the splash screen and I'll just delete everything let me just turn on screencast key is really quick so you can see what I'm clicking right down here and so I'll just select everything and delete it I'm gonna press shift day and I'm gonna add an eco sphere so we're gonna start modeling the Snowman so I'm gonna press ctrl two to add a subdivision surface let's go over to the modifiers right here and I'm just going to just pull this out so we can see it a little bit better and just yeah I'm gonna set the render in viewport to two and then I'm going to add another modifier and that's going to be the displace modifier I'm gonna click right here to add a new texture to this displacement modifier and then I'll click this button right here and it'll take us to the texturing panel and then on the type right here instead of image or movie I'm gonna change that to clouds and that's going to use this cloud texture that's built into blender and it's gonna displace this actual object right here so you can see it's making this really cool effect now right now it's way too strong so we want to make it less strong so the size I'm actually gonna turn up a bit so there's I'm gonna turn down a little bit something like something like that maybe and then I'm going to go back over here to our modifiers right here the wrench and the strength I'm going to turn way down and I'm gonna actually hold down shift OOP I'm gonna hold down shift while I drag this strength and I'm just going to turn it way down because right now it's just way too big and the render and viewport I'm actually gonna bump that up to three so there's just more detail and then I'll go object and I'll go shades smooth and then just turn this down this is gonna be the Snowman so the snow is just gonna be kind of lumpy and then I will add another subdivision surface on top of that so I'll go add modifier and just add a subdivision surface and just maybe leave those at one maybe turn up the strength a little bit just something like that okay so I like this this is gonna be the starting of the snowman and then I'm gonna add the rest of the snowman so I press shift D and then I'll press Z and just bring the Snowman up and just bring the rest of the Snowman up and then I will tab into edit mode and then make sure everything selected and just scale down and they'll tab back into object mode why we're doing that is because if I just scale this it's gonna make a lot more detail see how small this is and then see how big these noise are so I want to keep the noise level about the same amount so my tab an edit mode scale it down then you can see the noise the noise amount is kind of the same detail so I'll just make this a little bit smaller and then also the strength I might want to turn down a bit so right here I can just turn the strength down a little bit because I feel like it's just a little too much and then maybe just make it a little bit bigger and kind of sink it into the other snowball and then I'll do that one more time so fresh shift D Z pull it up and then I'll tap into edit mode scale it down and this will be his head the snowman's head so just make it however big you want and maybe make it a little bit bigger maybe pull it over and then also I want to rotate needs to oppress our Z and just give them some random rotation just so that the noise looks different and then also this one I might make the noise a little bit less because I just think it's a little bit too much right now so just just pull it a little bit less something like that okay and then let's save our file so that if blender crashes or something we don't lose it so just press ctrl s or go file and save so I'll just save this on my computer as snowman blend and then you can see if I move myself you can see save blender file click that right and then I'll move myself back and now what we want to do is start modeling the nodes of the Snowman so I'm gonna just click to put my 3d cursor just about there where I want the nose to be and then I'll press shift a and I'll go to circle and then I'll just go here to the add circle I'll change the vertices to 8 because we don't need it to be 32 and then I'll just scale this down and I'll press our Z actually Y and then I'll type in 90 so I'll rotate it by 90 degrees I'll press period to just zoom into it and we'll just scale it down and just move it out a little bit I'll tap into edit mode I'll press e to extrude this out and just scale it down and E to extrude again and then I'll just press F to fill that face like that maybe just what you can do is you can press alt and then click on this ring of vertices so I'll click and then just press S and scale it and then right back here I'll press alt and click on this ring of vertices and then press F to fill that face then I'll press control 2 to add a subdivision surface and it looks like the normals are flipped so we need to change that so I'll tab into edit mode select everything and press shift N and that'll recalculate the normals so now they've been flipped in the right direction and then tab in edit mode and press ctrl R and that will add loop cuts and then I'll click and then just bring out these edges a bit just to make them look pretty nice and then I'll I'll press object and click on shades smooth ok and then I do want this there's to be a little bit more pointy so I'll press 3 to go to face select click on this press e bring it out and then press s just scale it down so it's just a nice pointy carrot for our snowman I do want to make this snowman's nose a little bit bent so I'll press tab to go into edit mode one to go to vertices select and then I'll press Z and move my mouse this way to wireframe and then I'm just going to select just like this much of the snowman's nose and just kind of rotate it and then maybe I'll add a loop cut by pressing ctrl R just pull that up and rotate it a little bit and that way his nose will be a little bit bent I'll scale it down a bit and then I'll just rotate it and stick it onto his face you can press the double you can DoubleTap R and then you can kind of rotate it around and it'll give you more ways to rotate it and so I'll just kind of rotate it just do it however you want something like that okay and then I do want to add a camera so I'll press shift a add a camera and then I'll just move myself to wherever I want the camera to be and then I'll press ctrl alt 0 and that'll jump the camera to wherever we are and then I do want this to be a square image you don't have to if you don't want to but I'm gonna make it a square render so to do that I will hover my mouse over the dimensions right here right here in this tab and I'll press ctrl C on my mouse is hovered over that'll copy the value and then I'll press control V and that'll paste the value and now we have a square camera so press 0 to jump to the camera view I'll press G and DoubleTap Z and that will make the camera go forward and backwards and then I can just press G and just pull the camera over to wherever I want and just move it a little bit okay just something like that and then I do want to rotate this nose a little bit so I'll click on the nose DoubleTap our move it a little bit and then I'll scale it down and just pull it out like this I'll press period to jump to it and then just push it back into his face a little bit more just like that so I like that um so now I'm gonna add his eyes and his mouth so I'm gonna just click on his head and I'll press shift D to duplicate and then I'll press X and pull it forward and then s to scale it down and just move it up here and I'll just stick it right here and just push it into his head like that so he has an eyeball and then I will shift D this bring it over and I'll scale it down you can give him as many eyes as you want I'm just gonna give him two eyes and I'll make one of them smaller than the other just cuz I feel like that it just kind of makes it look cooler just kind of more random one of them is a little smaller and maybe kind of falling down just so that everything's not quite perfect and then I do want to add a material real quick so I'll click on the material right here and then I'll click new and I'll call this coal because he has coal eyes little chunks of coal and then I'm going to just just turn the base color down but then we'll we'll edit those materials later I'm going to click on this and just drag and drop it onto here so now these both have the cold material and then I'll scroll down right down here and you can see right here on the viewport display I'm just gonna turn this color down just to kind of a gray color that way we know it's the coal material and then I can just shift D this and I can make a little mouth so you can give them whatever expression you want I'm just gonna give them a nice happy smile so I'll just just keep duplicating these with shift D and just make some bigger some smaller and also just a double tap or and just rotate them kind of randomly I'll do that for this one too and then I'll just shifty that one more time so I'll just have five little pieces of coal and just stick it right in there and just kind of push it in a little bit more so now we have a happy snowman so that's looking pretty nice I kind of like that his head is can I tell titties like oh that's pretty funny okay so we have our snowman now let's add his arms so I'll press shift a and I'll add a cube and then let's scale that cube down with s and press G and just kind of pull it over here and we'll stick it right here on the side of him I'll press period on the number pad to jump into him or to zoom it over here and then [Music] let's just move it up to wherever we want and then I'll tab and edit mode press three to go to face select I'll just click on this face and I'll press e to extrude I'll just bring out his arms just like this and then at because this is like a like a branch that someone just stuck to make his arms we want to make the branch get smaller as it comes out so I'll scale it as I make it kind of come out I'll scale it and make it just slowly get smaller and smaller because that's how branches work so I'll just do that and then I do want to give him some other like branches coming out so I'll press ctrl R click and then drag and then click and then I'll press ctrl R again drag and then just place it where you want and that way we have like a square right here and then I'll press three to go to face select click on the face and then we'll extrude that up with s scale it down and just kind of rotate it and just make it kind of random so I'll just pull this out like this and then extrude it out again make it a little bit smaller and just something like that and then I'll press control tube and that'll add a subdivision surface I'll go to object and then click on shade smooth OOP shades smooth and then I do want to bump up the resolution a bit because right now the resolution is really small so I'll click right here on the modifiers and I'll just bump up bump up the viewport to two and render to two and then I do want to sharpen these edges a bit so I'll tab into edit mode and I'll press ctrl R and add a loop cut there and then drag it down and then I'll also sharpen these two ends so press ctrl R click and then drop it right there and then ctrl R and drop the loop cut right there so now we have a branch for his arm all this scale it make it a little bit bigger and then I want to duplicate this so he has another arm on his other side so I'll press shift D move it over I'll press R to rotate and then Z and then I can rotate it on the z axis and just bring it over like this or you can just type in 180 for 180 degrees and then just kind of rotate it and bring it up maybe scale a little bit bigger just rotate it and then I do want to make this more random so I'll tab into edit mode I'll add some more branches so I'll press ctrl R and then ctrl R and then three for face select and then just click on that face and extrude it out and just kind of rotate it and scale it and make it smaller as it comes out and just make it kind of random just it was just a branch and then I'll press ctrl R and ctrl R and make one more extrude that out like this and then I'll just press ctrl heart out some loop cuts and just straighten out these edges just kind of yeah make them stronger and then yes I'm like that I like how that looks so you can make your branches however you like I'm just going to rotate this maybe yeah maybe like that and then I think I want this branch to be a bit a little bit longer so just gonna pull it out like this I'll tab into edit mode I'll go into wireframe and I'll press one to go to vertices select and then just press B and just select this area and then just pull it back over here and then I'll go back into object mode and then just to give this a bit of a curve I'll press ctrl R click and then click to confirm that and then just maybe pull it up a little bit and now I'm gonna add a ground plane so I'll press shift a go to plane and I'll scale this up and just press GZ pull it down and so just so that it's on the ground like this I'll just pull it over like this and then I'll press s X and I'll scale it up on the x-axis and then just scale it up even bigger bigger and bring it over just like that and then I want to scale it again this way so I'll press s and Y just scale it like that now I want to subdivide this ground plane to give it more detail so I'll just press f3 I'll press f3 to search and then I'll start typing in subdivide and then I will subdivide the mesh and then right down here I'll change this number of cuts to probably like 20 maybe 25 okay that's good and then I'm just going to deselect everything and then holding down shift I'll click on some random vertices around here and we're just gonna make it kind of lumpy especially at the end so I'll just go like that select some random vertices and then I'll turn on proportional editing by pressing o or you can just click on this and then what this will do is when I move these vertices it'll also move other vertices that are nearby so I'll press G and Z and you can see I'm pulling up these vertices but I'll use my scroll wheel and scroll out this little circle and what that'll do is it'll move these other vertices that are nearby so I'll just pull that up like this I'll just kind of pull it up like that and then I'll deselect these and just select some more random vertices holding down shift just select some random vertices just like this and then Chris GZ and just pull them down and I'll just keep doing that a few times so I'll press GZ pull these up and this will just kind of give some randomness to our plane so now our plane is kind of all random like this I'll press 0 go into the camera view and I think these are a little too tall so I'll press s and Z and just scale that down a little bit and then I'll just go object and shade smooth now I want to give even more detail to this ground right here so I'm gonna click on add modifier and I'll have a subdivision surface so subdivision surface just turn the render and view to two and then I'll click on add modifier and I'll add a displace and we're gonna do the same thing that we did with our snowman so on the displacement I'm gonna add a new texture click right here that will jump to the texture panel and then on type image or movie I'm going to change that to clouds and then the size we'll just make it really detailed like that so we have tons of noise and then that looks pretty weird but if we just go back to the modifiers and just change the strength way down you can see now it's just giving it lots of little bits of detail right there and then just to smooth that out again I'll add another modifier and add a subdivision surface and that will add the subdivision surface below that and then I'll just turn these with up to two and now we have some nice detail on our snowy ground and then I do want to press control B in the camera and just box like this so that when we go into rendered mode it'll only render what's in the camera because we don't need to render all this other area around here we can just render what we see in the camera view so let's give this scene some lighting so I'm just going to add a plane so I'll press shift day I'll actually click right here on the Snowman off our shift day and I'll add a plane and then I'll scale this up and you might have noticed I am using right-click select so then the left Mouse is going to place this cursor just so you know I do use left I do use right click select but if you use left click select then just click with the other mouse to select things so yeah all add this plane here I'll just scale it down just grab and just move it up rotate it and just kind of bring it like this and this is going to be our lighting so now we'll go here to the materials will click new we can just call this light and I'll just change to the surface to emission and then I'll change the strength up to maybe 10 and turn the color to just a little bit of a blue color now if we go into the camera view and press Z you can see we have some lighting and then the world I don't want there to be any color in the world so I'll click on this world and I'll press X and I'll close it so now we just have a black world and then I'll just go let's see I'll just click on this light again and just go right over here go into the camera view and I'll just make this a lot stronger and then I do want it to be a bit more of a blue colour because right now it's just not quite blue enough there we go and then you can actually see it right here so I'll just kind of move it over scale it and just move it to where I want something like that and then I do want to make sure that my color management is set to filmic so I'll click right over here on this render settings scroll down and on color management just make sure this is set to filmic and then the look is gonna be medium medium high contrast and that will just give us more accurate lighting and then the look will just make it the colors look a bit nicer and then I do want to maybe just scale this up a bit maybe move it a little bit back something like that and then I do want to add a rim light so I want to add a rim light behind the Snowman so I will go back into solid view I'll shift D to duplicate this light I'll just rotate it to make it a little bit more straightened and then I'll press s Z and just scale it so it's really long and then just scare the whole thing down and then just drop this behind our snowman go into the camera view and just scale it up and then just kind of move it right outside of the camera view it's gonna be giving the back of the snowman a rim light and right now it's not very strong so I'll just go over here like this I'll press this and that'll duplicate the material so it's a separate material and all call this rim light and then we can just make this even brighter so I'll just turn this way up like past 200 more like 300 or something and then that's giving us a nice rim light maybe just scale a little bit smaller and you can see now that's popping out the snowman and then also this light I think it's a little bit too big so I'm just gonna scale it down a little bit and you can also you could also just make it less strong of a strength you could just turn the strength down if you wanted home and then make it a little bit more of a blue color and right now it's a little too far away from the snowman so I'm just gonna pull it closer you just kind of bring it over like that that looks better okay so there we go now we have a nice rim light I'm just gonna bring it a little bit closer and just rotate it just kind of like that okay so now we have some pretty nice lighting let's do more materials so I'm gonna make this material on his nose the carrot material so I'll just click on the carrot I'll click new if I can just call it carrot or nose whatever it is and I'll change the base color to kind of an orange color and if I go into render mode I can see right they I'll just make it kind of an orange color and maybe turn down the roughness a little bit just like that or you could turn it even maybe turn the roughness up a little bit yeah I think that's better okay and then let's click on his eye and we can make the coal material to do this I'm gonna jump to the shading tab right here like this compris zero to go into the camera view I can just zoom in and then scroll up and you can see or just press Z and move up and go into rendered mode and now we can start making this coal material so I will make the base color really dark so let's press shift a and let's add a noise texture and then we're going to use this noise texture to make more noise on the coal so I will put the factor into the normal right here and then I'll press shift a add a bump node drop the bump in here and put the factor into the height and now you can see it's giving a lot more noise like that just turn the roughness up a little bit and then maybe it won't be so black so I'll just make it a little bit more gray and it might be a little too strong so I'll just change this to maybe 0.7 that's a little bit better maybe 0.5 let's do the snow material so I'll click on this and I'll click on new I'll call it snow and then I'm just gonna go out and back into solid view and I will just click right here and I'll drag and drop the material on all the snow so I'll just drop it on these three snowballs and then I'll also drop it on the ground so now all of these have the snow material and now let's start doing the snow material so I'll press shift day and I'm gonna add a Verona texture or however you pronounce it Verona Veroni I don't know but we're gonna add a Verona texture I'm also gonna be using a node Wrangler add-on so you don't have that you can just go edit preferences and then on add-ons you can type in a node Wrangler and just add it right here and then you can save preferences if you want it to be in all your blender files I used a lot because it's really great and the node Wrangler will let us preview different things in the node editor so I'll just go back into rendered mode and then right here when I have this texture selected I'll just press ctrl T and that's also using a feature in the node Wrangler and I'll add this texture coordinate and mapping so then I'll just plug this object into the vector like that and then if I ctrl shift and click on this Verona texture and this is a big feature of the node Wrangler if you control shift click on different nodes it allows you to preview it so it's really helpful I'm gonna change the scale here to 3 so I'll just click drag down and then I'll change all of these to 3 so I'll just type in 3 and now you can see that's a bit smaller and then I'm gonna duplicate this Verona texture because I want to make another one so I'll put a shifty just drag it down like this and I'll press shift a and I'm gonna add a Mixel at a mix RGB right here and I'm gonna drag both of these distances into here so we're actually gonna mix these two together and it'll give it a nice and then right here on this f1 on the bottom Verona I texture I'm going to change this to f2 and if we preview what this looks like by control shift and clicking on the Voronoi texture you can see what it's doing it's giving this this kind of pattern thing and then I do want to plug the vector into the vector right here and then I want this detail to be a lot smaller so I'll change the scale just way down just make the scale to something like this maybe just maybe even a little bit smaller maybe like that and then this scale I do want this to be a lot smaller as well so I'll just change the scale way down so it has a lot more detail and then I will ctrl shift click on the mix and you can see what it's doing it's mixing both of these together and it's giving it this kind of look so I'll drag this and drop it into the base color and then I'll just ctrl shift click on the principle best yet and it's starting to look like snow it's not there yet but it's just starting to I want to give the snow a little bit of a blue color because it's like frozen water frozen ice so I'll press shift a and I'm gonna add a color ramp node I'll drop the color ramp right here in between the mix and the principle and then I just want to make this black color a light blue color I'm gonna ctrl shift click on our color ramp just so that we can preview and see what it's doing and you can see it's making some of this white and some of this blue so I can just kind of drag this over to make things a little bit more blue and then I can just change this color just make it something like that so now I'll shift ctrl click back on the principled and I'll just bring this out and then I do want to add some bump to the snow so I'll just take the color drag it into the normal and then I'll press shift a and I'll add a bump node and drop it in between these two connections so it converts what it's seeing right here it converts it into data that it can use to add the bumpiness so then I'll drop the normal into the height and that will give it some roughness and some noise right there and then this is way too strong so I'm going to change it down to like point 1 and then that's a lot better maybe 0.15 a little bit bumpier there we go and then I want to add another noise texture to give this bump a bit more noise so I'm going to shift D this bump drop it right here and then I'll press shift a add a noise texture drop it right here and then just put the factor into the height and then I'll click on the noise texture and press ctrl T and that'll again add the texture coordinate and mapping I'll take the object and plug it into the vector and then if I control shift and click on the noise texture you can see how big it is and I want the detail to be way bigger so I'll change the scale way up just that it has a lot more detail maybe set it to 40 or something like that and then if I control shift click on these bumps you can see what it's doing and there we go so I actually think I want to change these just to like with one both of these okay there we go and then this snow material right now I don't think it has quite enough detail like it needs to be a bit smaller so I'm just gonna change this scale just a bit more and then make this scale a bit more so it has a bit more detail and then this noise texture might maybe make it a little bit smaller as well there we go that looks better and then I want the snow to look like it's kind of wet and frozen so I'll change the roughness down to like 0.2 you could even make it a little bit smaller and then that what that'll do is it'll make that shine right there so it looks like it's wet I'll press file and save just to make sure this is saved and then right here you can see this ground this is probably happening for you there's not enough detail like the texture is scaled way to big we want to scale it smaller so I'll just click to select this ground and I'll click on this and that'll duplicate the material I'm just going to call it ground and then what I can do is right here this mapping I can just click and drag these down to select all of them and then I can move my mouse left and right and I'll just make the I'll just make it way bigger you can see it has a lot more detail it's a lot closer to this so now let's do the wood right here so I'll just click on this click on new and I'll call it wood and then I'll also select this arm right here and I'll select the wood material and then I'm gonna be using that texture that I talked about at the starting and another super great feature in the node Wrangler is in super easy way to add in textures so if you click on the principal be SDF and then you press control shift T what that will do is it'll open up the file browser and then you can just select the textures that you want so I'm gonna use this wood color and then I'll shift click on the normal and the roughness and I actually don't want this so I'll ctrl and click on this to deselect it and I'll click principle texture setup right there principal texture setup and then what that's doing is using the node Wrangler it automatically adds these so automatically turns these to non color and it adds the normal map so that's really great and it's just super easy and quick and then I want to put the object into the vector because I'm gonna be using an easy texturing method that I like to use if you've seen my other tutorials you might have seen me use it what I'm gonna do is change this flat to box and then change the blend to point two and I'm gonna do that for the other so flat two box and then change the blend of point two and flat to box and the blend of point two and these all need to be the same because the textures have to overlay on each other right like the normal and the color and stuff and actually an easy way to preview this material is to press Z and move down and that will go into the material preview and I can zoom in and just look at this wood and then right now it's it's way too small you can see it's like you can just see the texture again and again and again so I'm gonna change the scale way smaller just bring it way bigger there we go to like a point zero nine or something like that so it looks like it's like a wood stick and then if I just go in back into rendered mode you can see there it is I might change the strength to like two on the normal just the there's lots of bump and you can see it's doing that for this as well and then these sticks here I want them to have more noise in the mesh so I'm going to add a displace modifier just like I did like this so I will go over to the modifiers add modifier and add a displacement and they'll do the same thing add a new texture click right here and I'll change this to clouds and then I'll bake the size really small and then I will go back over here I think I'll bump the render and viewport to 3 just that it has more detail and then you can see right here there's a lot more detail and right here there's a lot less detail that's because if you tap into edit mode you can see there's a lot of vertices here and there's less vertices here so to fix that I'll just press ctrl R how to loop cut right here and then ctrl R evolute carry there and then I will tab in edit mode on this one and I'll just add a loop there in the loop right there and then that'll add a more detail kind of even it out a little bit more and the strength is too much so I'm just gonna change the strength down a bit so there we go for you know to rendered mode you can see now the stick has a lot more roughness and noise onto it so I'll just do the same thing really quick right here so I'll go add modifier I will add a displacement add a new texture change it to clouds make the size really small go back over here and then just make the strength less and then I'll bump up this viewport and render 2/3 and there we go so now we have his sticks for his hands and now let's make the Hat on his head so I'll go back into layout analyst go into solid view and let's just select his head press period to zoom in and for his hat we're actually going to be modeling a simple hat but then we're gonna be using a cloth simulation and we're gonna drop the hat on top of his head alright let's model his hat now so I'll press shift a and I will add a circle and I'll just scale this circle down and I'll go to front view and I'll tab into edit mode and I'll press e to extrude bring it up press and scale it down and we're gonna kind of help out the cloth simulation because we want it to be we want the hat to kind of fall over this way and if we don't model it that way it'll kind of just fall on top of his head so I'm just gonna press our rotate this and then e and s and just kind of bring it over so that the hats kind of rotated just like this so that then it'll kind of fall down sideways so I'm just extruding it and scaling it and rotating it and then I'll press F to fill that face and there we go and then I'll just bring it kind of over and make sure it's just on top of his head and then I want to give this a lot more geometry so I'll press ctrl - just like that I'll go to the modifiers and I'll just apply that now you can see that we need to recalculate the normal so tab in edit mode select everything and press shift in and that'll recalculate the normals and then I want to give it some thickness so I'll go add modifier and add a solidify modifier just bring up the thickness now I'm going to add the cloth simulation so I will click right here on the simulations and I'll add cloth and then I'm going to click right here on his face and I'm gonna add collision and so that way it'll collide into that because we added the collision in the simulations so now I'll just click on this and there are a few things I want to do the stiffness tension I want to turn that to 8 because I don't want it to be very stiff I want it to be a bit less stiff and then I'm gonna scroll down and then right here on collisions I'm gonna turn on self collision that way it won't collide into itself and then right here on the bake I'm gonna set this to like 50 and then all bake that and just make sure you click file save and then bake all right so it finished baking so if I press the spacebar to play that you can see now it kind of falls down and this is what we want something I don't like about it though is it's it's not really a detail it doesn't have enough geometry so I'm just gonna go like this I'm gonna add modifier add another subdivision surface and then I will just click right here to bring the subdivision surface to the very top and just set render and viewport to one and then I'll apply that and then I'll just go back here and then also the stiffness I think it's a little too stiff so I'll click delete bake I'm gonna go right here to the stick this attention and I'm gonna change that down to like five and then I will click bake again and so now it's finished so if we press the spacebar or click on play then you can see it and there it is and so now you can just find a point that you want I think I like that okay so I'm just going to press control two and that will add another subdivision surface on top of there our simulation and we'll just go object and shade smooth and then what I'm going to do is go over here to the modifiers I'll apply the solidify modifier and the cloth modifier and then I'll just leave the subdivision surface like this so now if we have an edit mode you can see it's now a mesh so now I'll just rotate this bring it over scale it down a bit and you can even scale it down on the Z if you want and it'll just set the hat on his head however I want just something like that now all the cloth simulations are kind of gonna be different because I've gotten a lot of different results and you can play around with it just move it around to kind of get it how you want but something I'm gonna do really quick is just make this area smaller so I'll just go into wireframe mode I'll press v to go into orthographic view and then I'll just I'll just actually shift select these points and then I'll be and just block select this whole area just to make sure all these are selected and I'll just kind of bring them in a bit and then bring these up scale it down a little bit and then I'll alt shift and then click to deselect that and just bring this up scale this down a little bit just like that so that way that area is kind of smaller now let's add the material to that so I'll go into the shading and we need to actually mark a seams that we can UV unwrap this so that we can have the texture shell tab in an edit mode and then I'll press alt and just click on a loop until I find a loop like this that goes all the way up and then down and I'll press ctrl II and then I will mark the seam and so now we can UV unwrap it better so I'll just select everything and then press U and then click on unwrap and if we go over right here to the UV editing real quick you can see it's UV unwrapped it that's a pretty good UV unwrap it could be better but it's pretty good so I'll go back over here to shading press 0 to go to the camera view and then I'll click new and I'll call this cloth and then I'm going to use the node regular add-on and so I'll press control shift and then I'll click T and that will open up the file browser and now I can just select all the textures that I want so I'm gonna use this fabric texture the link will be in the video description and I'll just ctrl and click on these three so the normal roughness and color and then I'll click on principle texture setup right here and now it just automatically added these and then if we press Z and move our mouse down it'll go into the material preview and we can see what this is looking like so there we go that looks pretty good I do want to make this a lot smaller though cuz these need to be really small because they're like little pieces of cloth so I'll just click and drag down and then just bring this value way down just like that and that looks a lot more like cloth maybe bring it up a little bit cuz maybe that's a little too big okay and then if you want you can kind of rotate it like this way using the Z rotation and stuff I think I'll just rotate it like this so that this is now kind of going back and forth and then to make it look more like cloth I'm gonna turn the sheen all the way up to one and that'll make it more like cloth and now I can go to our rendered mode and just look at it and see how it's looking so that looks pretty nice I do want to make it more red though so right here I'll just press shift day I'll add in RGB curves so RGB curves and I'll drop the RGB curves right here and then I'll just go to the R for red and just bring up this so that it really boosts that red color I do want to pull this back a bit because it's kind of making a bit of a shadow on his face so I'll just drag his hat back a little bit but I don't want the snow to get through so I'll just kind of move it how I like and then I can just have into edit mode press a to deselect everything and then I can select one of the vertices and I can just pull it out and I'll use proportional editing like what we used before so I'll press O or just click on this and I can just kind of drag this so I press G to move this bring it down and I can just kind of pull this out so that it's not it's not bringing the snow through the snowman's head through just like that okay there we go so we can't see any of that so that looks good and then I'm gonna model this little kind of frilly thing at the end of his hat so I'll go back into the layout I'll press v to go out of orthographic view I'll zoom in here and I'll just add the 3d cursor right here I'll press shift a and add a plane I'll scale this plane down I'll press period to zoom into it and then I'll just kind of rotate it around I'll tab into edit mode select these two points and I'll press e to extrude and just kind of keep extruding it so it makes this cut a little cool look and then I'll press ctrl two to add a subdivision surface and now you can see it's out of this funny little frilly thing right here I'll tap it edit mode select everything and for shift D to duplicate and then I will deselect this because I don't want to use the proportional editing anymore and then I'll just rotate this around just like this DoubleTap a and then or just select everything and then shift D and then just rotate this again okay and then I'll select everything again shift D all of those double tap are just kind of rotate them around and just kind of making this fun little thing at the end of the Hat and they'll do that one more time so I'll select everything shift D again to duplicate all those and then just kind of rotate it around Emily and just put it how I want something like that okay so it's good and then I will go to object and I'll go to shade smooth and then I want to give these a little bit of a thickness so I'll go add modifier and I will add a solidify I'll move the solidify modifier up by clicking this up arrow and then I'll just turn the thickness up a bit like that there we go and then these are a little too big so I'll just scale them down a little bit and just rotate them a bit okay and then I'll go back into shading I'll add a new material I'll call this like half top and now I just want to make this kind of like a dark blue color so I'll just click this you can make it whatever color you want and I'll just go into rendering mode here you can see I'm just making a kind of a dark blue color maybe another dark blue color just a blue color and then I'll turn Sheen all the way up and that'll make it more feel like cloth so now we need to model his scarf to keep him nice and warm so to model the scarf I will just click about here to set the 3d cursor and then I'll press shift day and I'll add a plane I'll press s to scale down the plane and kind of rotate it a bit and I'll press period on the number pad to zoom into it and then I'll DoubleTap R to rotate it just kind of pull it out like this rotate it move it over okay like that and then I'll tab in edit mode and I'll just start extruding these points out so I'll press E and just rotate by pressing R just kind of scale it and I'll just make it go all around his neck so that his he'll be nice and warm in the winter and I'll just press R rotate that and press e to extrude and just go all the way around and then you can just select single points and kind of rotate them or move them down and just keep going around his neck all the way just kind of move these dents that I want there to be that much room in between that just kind of move these down a bit I'm trying to keep the width somewhat consistent though so I'm gonna just make sure that kind of stays a bit more consistent just kind of just kind of keep on modeling this until it's the shape that you want you can see there's too much room right here so I'll just pull this down and this down and scale that down a bit okay and then right here I want this to curve down so it's kind of hanging down so I will press E and then our hope select these rotate foam and just kind of make this so that it's kind of falling down just like that okay and just bring bring that down like this and then this I want it to kind of look like it's tucking underneath the scarf so I'll just press e extrude that up and just move this down and then I'm gonna kind of make this so it curves around and it goes underneath just like that so kind of see that it looks like it's going underneath it so I'll tab and edit but now click on this and just kind of move this down okay like that so that's pretty good modeling and then I want to add a solidify because it needs to have some thickness so I'll go to add modifier and again add the solidify modifier just kind of bring up the thickness and then I'll press ctrl - to add a subdivision surface and then I do want to tighten up these edges a bit so I'll tap in edit mode I'll press ctrl R put a loop gun there and then I'll press ctrl R bring a loop to this side press ctrl R and burn your loop to this side and then I'll go object and shade smooth so now that looks pretty good it's a nice scarf we do want to make sure this doesn't happen so I'll tap into edit mode just select some nearby points and just kind of drag them up like that so the snow doesn't get through and then here as well the snow is kind of coming through it so I'll just bring these up a bit and just make sure that all looks good this I might bring out a little bit more okay I like how that looks maybe just this bring this a little bit down okay there we go and then I want it to have the same cloth material so I'll just click on right here on the materials I'll click on this and then I'll just click on cloth I'll go into the shading tab right here and then I'll just press Z move my mouse down so I can see the material preview and you can see we need a UV unwrap this because the UV unwrapping is all weird so I'll press tab to go into edit mode select everything and then just press U and unwrap and if you want to make this more detailed we can click on this and that will duplicate the material I'll call it scarf and then you can go over here to the mapping and I'll click drag down to select all these and then I can just move my mouse left or right and I can just change that so if there needs to be smaller I can just do that like that and then again if you want to kind of rotate this you can do the rotate and kind of rotated around if something looks better um something like that I like how that is okay so that's done let's go into rendered mode I'm actually gonna go back into layout go to the camera view with zero and then I'll just kind of look at this and see how it's looking so it's looking pretty nice um I'm going to make this eyeball a little bit smaller because I think it's just a little too big so I'll just pull it down scale it down a little bit just a subtle thing okay that's looking really nice and so one more big thing that we're gonna add is the snow so we're just gonna make like one snowflake and then we're gonna add a simulation a particle simulation just have the it rain kind of snow down on our scene so I'll go back into solid view I'll press shift day and I'm gonna add an eco sphere I will make the subdivisions all the way just back to one and then I'll press object and I will shade smooth and then I'm gonna just add one subdivision level so I'll press control one to add a subdivision surface that will just kind of smooth it out a bit and then I'll just press G kind of pull it over here so we don't see it and then I'm gonna call it snowflake so I will click right here on the object settings and I will just click on this and call it snowflake okay and then I need to add a plane that's going to emit those snowflakes so I'll press shift a out-of-plane I'll press GZ pull it up and I'll press s and just scale it out a bit and I'll press s and X and just scale it out so it's like this move it over so it's over the entire scene maybe that's a little too long so press X just bring it down a bit and then scale it up like that and then I'm going to right over here I'm gonna click right here and this is the particles and then I'm gonna click right here and that will go to the particle settings and I'll click + to add a new particle the number I'm gonna make it like 10,000 if your computer can't handle that then you can do less but I'm gonna make it 10,000 and then I'm gonna go down here and on render I'm gonna change the render as to object and then I'll click right here and I'll start typing in snowflake I'll click on the snowflake and now it'll emit all the little snow it'll emit this object and then I'm gonna go to cash right here and I can bake it so I'll just set this end value to like 50 and then I can click bake and that baked pretty fast and if I click play you can see it's raining down snow I actually need to give it more time so on this end value I'll just make it to like 100 and then I'll just bake that again so I'll click delete bake and then bake as you can see now it's baked and it's all the snow is all just falling down like that and you can just find an area that you like now if the snow is too big or too small you can change that you're gonna go to right here the render has in the scale you can just change the scale and then if you want to change the random scale you can do that and that'll make some of them randomly but it's bigger and some of them a bit smaller so just find an area that you like I don't want there to be giant snow selected right in front of it so something like that and then you can go into rendered mode and just see how it looks you can see that's looking pretty nice yeah I'm gonna move it around a bit because I want there to be a bit less close-up like that okay I like that okay that's pretty good and then I do I don't want to be able to see this because if you look you can see there's the plane and you can see it so I will go to the materials add a new material and I'll make it transparent and then I'll just make sure this color is fully white and now when we go into rendered mode you can see you can't see that plane so it's just all blacked um and then something else just to make it look even nicer is I'm gonna add a depth of field so I'll just click on the camera right here go down and then I'll click on depth of field the focus object I'm gonna focus on his nose actually you can do whatever you want you can do is head I'm just gonna do his nose and then I'm gonna change the f-stop to maybe like 1 I'll go into rendered mode just to see how that looks I do want it to be a strong depth of field so that this snow is kind of blurred out a little bit so I might go like 0.7 and so now I'm gonna set up the final render so I'll go over here to the render settings the the render sampling I'm going to change it to 200 you could just have a 100 or something that will probably be fine but I want to look really nice so I'll just make sure it's at I'll just set it to hundred one hundred will probably be fine the light paths I'm going to turn these downs that it'll render faster so the total I'll turn to to to to the diffuse will turn to to to the glossy to to and then the transparency turn to zero transmission zero and then all these zero filter cloth zero and just turn off these that way the render will just be faster it will have to calculate as much stuff so now I just go file and save and there you can hit f12 or go file and render the image and then once that's done rendering we're gonna do a little bit of compositing just to make the scene look really nice and then we'll have our finished render all right so the render has finished let's just do some quick compositing so I'm gonna go over to the compositor I'll click on use nodes and then I'll just press end to close this because we panel because we don't need it and I'll just bring this out right here hope for shift day and I'll just search for RGB curves because I just want to edit some of the colors and then using the node Wrangler features I'll press ctrl shift and click on the RGB curves just to see that and if you don't see this backdrop you can just click on that and you should be able to see it and then I can press V and that will just move the backdrop out and now I can just play around with some of these colors so I'm just gonna boost this up a little bit that's a little too high and then just bring this down a little bit that will just kind of give it a bit more contrast and I think it looks makes it look a bit nicer and then what I'm also gonna do is I'm gonna add a glare node so I'm gonna press shift a add a glare drop it in right there and then just change the streaks to fog glow and that'll just kind of add a glow on the side of him I'll just change that like high quality and you can see there it is and then the other thing that I want to do is add the D noise node so I'll press shift day start typing indeed noise click right there and just drop it in and then it will kind of D noise that and that will get away all those speckles and little things down there and there we go that's the finished render so I'll just go over to this rendering panel right here and then from render result I'll click on viewer node and then we can preview our finished render to save it all press shift alt s and I'll just save it as no man and then if I just move my face you can see right here just click on save as image and here it is the finished render I do think that maybe I should have rendered it on a different frame cuz that little piece of snow is right there but you can if that happened you can go ahead and just change that and when I made this scene a few other times I did get some results that were slightly different so this was kind of the best one that I got and I did just want to share with you guys that I in uploading my tutorials to the blender market and also on Gumroad so I've just started these I still need to upload the rest of my tutorials but I'm gonna be uploading pretty much all my tutorials and they're only a couple dollars so this is just for if you want to help support me you can buy them and then you'll get to download the video of the tutorial and then you'll also get like the finished render and the finished blender file and the textures and all the things like that so there'll be links in the video description to my blender market and Gumroad page so if you do want to support me this is a great way to and I greatly appreciate it but all these tutorials are gonna be of course free on YouTube as well so I hope you enjoyed this tutorial I hope it was helpful and as usual with all my blender tutorials if you do this render and you post your render online you can leave a link down below so that I can see your guys's finished artwork I like seeing your guys's stuff so if you want to do that you can leave a link with your finished artwork and thank you for watching see you in another video
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 9,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowman, winter, snow, cold, blender, tutorial, learning, ryan, king, ryan king, blender 2.8, artwork, blender tutorial, 3d, 3d software, rendering, cycles, textures, hat, ryan king art, gumroad, blender market
Id: Kqxj9wlszb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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