How to make Pumpkins in Blender (Tutorial)

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so recently i made a tutorial on how to make stylized acorns and that tutorial did pretty well i think people liked it a lot so i decided to do another fall festive style tutorial because uh currently it's october 2020 so it's fall where i live and so i decided to make this tutorial on how to make pumpkins in blender so we are going to be doing a little bit of sculpting we're going to be doing some sculpting uh to make the stems but um the rest of the pumpkin is actually going to be modeled and then all the materials for the pumpkins are going to be procedural so we're not going to be using any textures i am going to be using this hdri on hdri haven it's photo studio 01 link is in the description for this and i just like this i just found it and tried it out and i think the lighting is pretty good for it but you can totally use whatever hdri you want or light the scene however you'd like to so let's jump into blender and make these pumpkins alright and here we are in blender and i have my screencast keys so that you can see what buttons i'm pressing right down here in the corner so i'm going to start off by just deleting everything so i'll just select everything with a and then i'll hit x and delete and i am doing this in cycles i just wanted to mention that i'm going to be doing this in cycles render so let's start out by modeling the pumpkin so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to add a circle now right behind me on the add circle settings you can see there's the vertices count here i'm going to change this to like 10 and then i can just close that then i'll press period on the number pad to hop over here and let's tab into edit mode i'm going to press e and extrude this up and then z to constrain it to the z-axis just bring that up there and it's definitely helpful to grab some reference photos of pumpkins while you're modeling this so if you want to go ahead and do that that would be great but let's extrude this up you can when you press e you can click with your middle mouse wheel and then let go and that'll constrain it to whichever axis you're pulling it on so that's a very quick way to bring it up on the z-axis so now let's press s scale it down now it looks really low poly right now but we're going to be adding a subsurface modifier to smooth it out so let's press e again and s maybe g and z move it a little bit more down and then the very center of the pumpkin where the stem is kind of goes back down in so i'm going to press e and z bring it down s scale it in i think i want to move this loop out so i'll hold down the alt key and click right around here to select this loop and s to scale it out maybe move it up a little bit and if you want to slide an edge then you can uh double tap g and that will do the edge slide feature and you can slide that edge to somewhere where you like so i use right click select so what i'm going to do is hold down alt and right click on a loop but if you're using the left click select you're going to hold down alt and use your left mouse button to select a loop of vertices to do that so now i'll just scale this down okay so i'm going to alt click on this loop i'll press e and s again just make it really small and then g and z just bring it down and then f to fill that so we have just a little face in there let's do that for the bottom two so i'm going to alt click on this loop e c and then s maybe move it up a little bit pumpkins are all different shapes and sizes so if you want to make a little a really long pumpkin or like a really short pumpkin it's totally up to you i'm going to extrude this again scale it down with s now this looks a little sharp here so i'm going to alt click on this and then double tap g to bring it up a little bit and then alt and click back on this loop and we're gonna make that go back in because on the bottom of the pumpkin it does that too so i'll press e z bring it up s scale it back down maybe that's a little too far okay and then we'll do that again so e s f to fill that now and then g and z just bring it up so now to smooth this out the shortcut key is ctrl 2 or control 1 or control 3 depending on the subsurface level that you want or you can just click on this right here the wrench and then click on add modifier and add a subdivision surface so i'm just going to set it to the levels both to 2 and then i'll shade that smooth now it is kind of looking like a pumpkin right now it looks a little bit like an apple actually but i think i want to make the bottom of it scaled in a little bit more because it seems like that's how pumpkins are the bottom is scaled in a little bit more so i'm going to tab back here tab into edit mode all alt click on this loop scale it in a bit alt click on this loop scale it in a little bit and that's definitely looking better i think i want to scale this entire area smaller so what i'm going to do is press 1 on the number pad for front view i'll tab into edit mode i'll press z move my mouse over to hop into wireframe and then i can press b and box select this entire area and then press s scale it down a little bit smaller and there we go that's looking better okay so that's pretty good so now what we're going to do is we're going to apply the subsurf so just move your mouse over the subsurf and press control a and that'll apply the subsurf modifier i have it on two levels when i applied it so now if i tap into edit mode you can see this is how many vertices we have so now what i want to do is i want to select some different edge loops around the entire pumpkin and then scale those in so that we get that kind of effect where there's these little creases around the pumpkin so i'll hold down alt and start clicking on loops and i want to have it a pretty even amount you can see if it does that just ctrl z that and find a different loop that you can select and try to find a pretty even amount something around there just keep on clicking it looks like if you click on one two three four that works well if you click on five it's gonna go back up there so maybe every four or so just go around the entire thing and there we go so something like that just select a slightly even just try to make it pretty even so now that we have these selected actually i'm going to save my file because i don't want blender to crash and lose all of our progress i'm going to file and i'll click on save right here and you can see i've already practiced this tutorial a couple of times so i'm just going to save this as pumpkin to dot blend and just save that blender file okay so now now that we have this selected i'm gonna press ctrl b ctrl b is the shortcut key for adding a bevel so i'm just gonna make a pretty small bevel i don't want it to be too big because you can see there's a lot of shading issues if i make it too big so just make a small bevel just something around there and just click to place that and then what i can do is press s and that'll bring all of them down into the center and i don't need to do it very far just something like that is probably fine you don't need to scale it down very small and you can see now it's starting to look like a pumpkin but it's very sharp and just doesn't look very nice but if you add a subsurf modifier you can see now it looks quite a bit nicer and then you can also scale this a little bit more down if you want to maybe bump up the levels to two you can see here there's levels in the viewport and levels in the render so this is the viewport so it's gonna show us two if you go zero it's not going to show us any i'm just gonna have both of them at two and there you can see that looks up pretty nice maybe just scale it down slightly more okay so it's really starting to look like a pumpkin now and so we're basically done modeling the pumpkin now we do need to model the stem though so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to add a cube and then let's just scale this cube down i'll press g and z bring the cube up okay we can just zoom into this cube here scale it down a bit more now i'm going to add a subsurf modifier on it to smooth it out turn these both maybe up to like three so that it's a lot smoother now i'll tab into edit mode and i'm going to click right here to go to the face select and then select the top face and i'll press e and extrude it up now again looking at reference photos it seems like a lot of the pumpkin stems are kind of rotated a little bit so i'm going to press r rotate this g move it over okay scale that up a little bit extrude that up and you can see there we go now i want to bring this whole thing up so i'll just move it up a little bit um let's go underneath here select the bottom one e to extrude down s we'll just scale this up a bit okay and then i want to sharpen up this right here so i'll press ctrl r add a loop cut right there and then s scale it up a little bit and then i want to bring the bottom of the stem out a lot more so i'll go z and go into wireframe i'll go here and this is going to the vertex select so we can select single vertices and i'll box select this and press s scale it up a bit more okay that looks pretty good for our stem i'm just gonna shade that smooth now we're gonna be doing some sculpting to kind of give it some rough little lumps and detail so if you have a pad tablet or a drawing tablet of some kind that would be helpful you can do this with your mouse i tried it and it's okay it's a little bit funner and a bit easier to use a drawing tablet so if you want to use a drawing tablet you can but if you only have a mouse that's fine as well so what i'm going to do is bring the levels and viewport way up so up to like four or five if your computer can handle that um and then press control a and then if i tab into edit mode you can see it's a very dense uh mesh so we're gonna be using this for the sculpting so i'm going to hop over to my drawing tablet and then we'll do some sculpting all right so i've hopped over to my drawing tablet now so if you want to go over to the sculpt mode you can do that oh and you can see here i notice that the normals need to be flipped so let's just do that real quick i'm going to click on this here we'll tab into edit mode and just make sure everything is selected with a and then press shift n so shift n is going to recalculate the normals and now you can see the shading is correct because there were some shading issues there um so anyways let's go back into sculpting so make sure you have this object selected let's go back into sculpting now i'm going to zoom in here now before we start sculpting we want to turn the symmetry off so just turn off that x and that way it's not going to be symmetrized um that's kind of mirroring it on either side like if you're sculpting a face it's going to be a mirrored you can like sculpt one eye and it's going to be on the other side but we don't want to do that for the pumpkin stem here i'm going to use the draw brush i'm just going to start by adding in some bumps here um so i found that there's some like big lumpy bits that kind of come down and then there's usually some creases so we're going to add that in later too and i've also found there's usually just some like lumps so i'm just gonna yeah use this draw brush just give it some some lumps and some bumps if you want to hold down control and sculpt you can sculpt in so you can add some creases and crevices but yeah the stems seem to be pretty random so just yeah kind of make it lumpy and organic you know we're really trying to just make this look organic also i'm going to use the crease brush and we'll just add some creases uh in there if you want to make a crease actually come out you can hold down control and that'll like sharpen that out and then if you want to crease it in just sculpt and it's going to sculpt it in you can see here there's the direction so add is going to make it uh come out so if you want to like sharpen up an edge here and then subtract is going to make it go in so if you want to add like a crease or something okay we're almost done with this doesn't need too much just needs to be kind of look random and organic all right and there we go i'm going to call this finished so this is how my pumpkin stem looks maybe i'll just smooth that out a little bit okay so let's go back into layout now so i'm done sculpting so i'm going to hop over to my main screen just put my drawing tablet aside here and i'm back okay so this is really starting to look like a pumpkin now i'm gonna go file and save this again now let's add some lighting before we go ahead and do the materials if you wanna download the same hdri that i'm gonna be using the link will be in the video description for that but you can really light it however you want to so i'm going to go to the world here click on this and then go to environment texture so we're telling the background the world that it's going to use an environment texture then we have to open it in so just click on the open button and then here is the one i'm going to be using photo studio and i'm just going to be using the 1k version because we don't really need it to be that high quality we just need the the light detail or the different colors in the hdri but it really helps to make scenes look more realistic okay so now that we've added that in we can press z and move up to go to rendered mode you can see how it's looking now i just want to make sure that you're using filmic blender because filmic blender looks more realistic it has more accurate lighting so if you click on this right here go down to color management and the view transform that should be set to filmic the look here i'm going to change this to high contrast because it bumps out the colors and makes the scene look a little bit nicer and then i'm also going to add a camera so i'll just press shift a go down here and add a camera and then we can move to wherever we want the camera to be so i want it to be somewhere actually maybe over here and then you can press ctrl alt number pad 0 the camera is going to hop to where you are and then to move it around you can press g make sure the camera is selected you can also press g and then double tap z to move the camera out and you can also double tap r if you want to kind of rotate it around okay now i'll go into rendered mode now you can see here that's rendering everything including all the places around the camera and i don't want it to do that because i want it to render quicker so what i can do is i can press ctrl b and then just box select where the pumpkin is and that way it'll only have to render right here and it's going to render a lot faster one last thing that you might want to do before we start doing the materials is if you click right over here scroll down oh wrong one if you click on this one and scroll down on the film here you can just open this up and you can see that there's this transparent button if you turn this on the background is going to be transparent so if you want to do that just personal preference i like to do that but you don't have to do that if you don't want to okay so let's click on the uh pumpkin here and then let's click on the shading tab and that's going to give us a shading workspace i'm going to press 0 and then press z and move my mouse up to go back into rendered mode so we can see what this pumpkin is looking like okay so let's press new now i'm going to call this material pumpkin oh my caps lock was on oops that happens a lot with me i think it's because i'm using all the blender shortcut keys and i accidentally hit the caps lock key let's set up the material so i'm going to start off with adding a veroni texture so i'll press shift a i'm going to search for voroni verona if that's how you pronounce it when i've looked at reference photos it seems like pumpkins have these little yellow dots but they're mostly orange so what i'm going to do is add this veroni texture and tell the little dots to be yellow and then tell the rest of it to be orange now before we continue i wanted to say that i'm going to be using the node wrangler add-on you may have this enabled but if you don't you can just go edit click on preferences right here this is going to open up the blender preferences you can just click on add-ons and this is a built-in add-on in blender so on the search here you can type in node wrangler just click the check box right there and then you can close it now what it does it has a few different uses but what i'm going to do is press ctrl t with my veroni texture selected that's going to add this texture coordinate and mapping node why i'm adding this in is because i want to turn the object up to the vector and that way the veroni texture is going to be placed around the object a little bit better another reason why i'm using the node wrangler add-on is because i want to preview different parts of our node setup so if i hold down control and shift and then click on a node you can see what that node is doing so here is the veroni texture this is what it looks like and i want to change the scale way down so i can just change this scale i need to make it smaller and it really depends on your scene but i'm going to change the scale to something around 40 but you could play around with this and get it to how you like and this is going to be those little yellow dots on the pumpkin so just scale it to a size that you think looks nice i like something like this now what i want to do is i want to tell it that the black areas where the dots are are going to be kind of a yellowy color and then where the white is that's going to be an orangey color so to do that i'm going to add a color ramp node so i'm going to press shift a and i'm going to search for a color ramp so select the color ramp node and just drop it in between the connection right here so that we can preview what it's going to do now we can take the black and change it so i'm going to make it a nice yellow color kind of a bright yellowy orange color something like that maybe a little bit more orange and fully bright okay there we go and then click on the little white tab right here and then change it and i'm going to change it to an orange a very nice pumpkiny orange maybe a little bit darker okay now you can see here that it has way too much yellow and not enough orange so what i'm gonna do is just click on this drag it over and you can see now it's becoming more and more orange and less and less white and those uh dots are getting smaller so just bring that out and then just play around with the colors try to just tweak it make it look nice and you can of course come back later and change those colors if you want to if you don't quite like how it is i'm just going to make this a tiny bit more red and something like that okay i like how that looks now now what i also want to do is make the indents of the pumpkin you can see the little creases right here i want to make those a little bit darker so that they're lit so they stand out a little bit more so to do this there's a really cool node in blender you can press shift a search for the geometry node just drop it right up here and then if you control and shift and click on it you can preview what it's looking like we don't want to use any of these except the pointiness so you can control and shift and keep on clicking and keep on going all the way down to the pointiness and now we're using that pointiness value now what this does is it finds the spots that are coming out on the mesh and then it also finds the spots that are coming that are going in on the mesh and what it does is it makes the parts that are going in darker and then the parts that are coming out lighter so that way we can kind of have more of a contrast for the creases or crevices in the pumpkin so i need to add another color ramp node what i can do is actually just select this one press shift d and that'll duplicate it just like when we're duplicating a object and just drop it in right here so that we can preview it now i want to have the same orange color so i'm just going to leave this orange color the same but this i want to turn this all the way to black now nothing's really happening but that's because we need to change this if you pull this out and then pull the black in you can start to really see what it's doing so it's the pointiness value what it's doing is it's making those crevices in there darker and then everywhere else it's making lighter so we can just bring that around just play around with it until we get it to a nice balanced place and i want to make it a bit darker because we are going to be mixing this with our other colors so make it a little bit darker than you would actually want something like that maybe make this a little bit brighter of an orange color okay that's good i like that you can definitely go back and change this later if you need to um but we want to mix these two together now if you control shift and click on this you can see here is the little yellow dots and if you click on this you can see here is the the contrasted colors we want to mix them together so to do that i'll press shift a and i'm going to search for a mix rgb just select the mix rgb and drop it in right here and i want to give this a little more space so i'm going to press b box select all these nodes g and move them over just that we have a bit more space and then what you can do is uh this one right here you can drop this in here and then just make sure that this is dropped in here now you can see it's mixing them together i find that um the ad works better so if you click on mix and change this to add uh whereas that here it is add that it works a little bit better i want to change the factor down though so that it has more of that dark color so you can just play around with this and there we go so i like that now what we can do now that we have our final colors is we can drop this color into the base color then if we control shift and click on the principle that's what it's going to look like so it's looking pretty good right now but it's very smooth and pumpkins seem to be pretty rough so what i'm going to do is add some bumping with the normal right here so what i'll do is press shift a search for a bump node drop the bump node in between this connection and then because this isn't actually a normal map we want to change this from normal to height so now if we control shift and click on the principle you can see that this isn't really exactly what we wanted because it's coming out way too much what i want to do is make it so instead of the bumps coming out they're actually going back in so what i can do is just click on the invert button right here and now they're going to be going back in but it's way too strong right now so i'm going to make it a lot less strong maybe 0.15 or something around there you can see now it's way less strong and that looks a lot better now it looks like it's a little bit hard to actually see those yellow colors so i'm going to ctrl shift and click on this and maybe make those yellow colors a little bit brighter so that they stand out a little bit more just wanted to give it a little bit more yellow color and apologies if the video is lagging a little bit when my gpu is working a little bit hard to render this for some reason it makes the screen recording software lag a little bit and so it kind of you might see a little bit of lag on the video okay so that's looking pretty good but pumpkins do have a lot of roughness they have some kind of random roughness on the surface so i want to add a noise texture to give it more bump so i'll press shift d to duplicate this bump node drop it down here and then down here i'm going to press shift a i'm going to search for a noise texture oh there we go noise texture drop it in here and then i want the mapping to be connected and then we can control shift and click on this and play around with the size of it i found that somewhere around 3.5 looks good uh and then the detail i bumped this up to maybe like 10 or something then let's plug the factor into the height and now you can see if we control shift and click on this it's adding that nice detail there so now you can see that it's mixing this with this and now there's two layers of bump and if we click on this now you can see that's really starting to look like a pumpkin now it has a lot more detail there and you can play around with this um it might be a little bit too bumpy if you want to you could make this a little bit less bumpy okay so it's looking pretty good now i'm just gonna go file and save this again and then let's go ahead and do the material for the stem so we've actually done a lot of the work already what we can do is we can use the same material and just duplicate it and then change some of the things to make it look a little bit better so i'm going to click on the stem and then instead of adding a new material i'm going to click right here that'll give a drop down and we can click on the pumpkin material now i don't want it to be the same pumpkin material because i want it to be kind of a a tan gray color so what i can do is i can click on this little button here it's like it looks like two little like pieces of paper or files and that's going to duplicate the material so now we have two materials now instead of this being called pumpkin.001 we can change this to a different name like stem so now we know that this is the stem material now i don't need to preview the entire thing right here so in the camera view i'll press ctrl b just box select this so that it'll render quicker alright so there's just a few things that i want to change one thing is this orange material i want it to be kind of a tan gray color make it maybe make it a little bit darker something like that and then i want this gray color to also be right here on the orange so i can just select this orange color then i can grab this color bring it over and let go and that's going to drop the color on there and then this yellow color down here on the second color ramp i don't want it to be yellow i'm gonna just change it to black now if we control shift and click on this you can see it's doing the same thing it's adding that pointiness value and i want to make it maybe a little bit darker so i'll even bring that out more i'll ctrl shift click on this and i actually don't want to have the veroni texture because i don't want there to be little dots so i'm going to click on this press x to delete it and then i'll press shift day and instead i'm going to add a noise texture so drop the noise texture in here make sure that it's not on this connection just bring it up a little bit and then once again just plug that up to the vector plug the factor up to the color ramp and then if we change these values around and now you can see that noise texture coming in there now i want to make this scale a lot smaller so i think i'll change it somewhere around 1 probably around one or even a little bit less than one maybe point eight something around there now pumpkin stems also seem to have a little bit of green so i'm gonna click on this plus right here and that'll add a new color i want to drag this color over here and then make it a very organic pumpkiny green color now i'm going to need to play around with this to kind of get that to come in but you can see it's starting to come in there just a little bit of green i think it will make it look a little bit nicer make it probably a pretty dark green though and there we go so now we just have a little bit of green and then if we control shift and click on the add you can see it's mixing them together let's just play around with this um so that they're mixed together how we like now this stem looks a little bit bright so i want to take this right here this color just make it a little bit darker there we go that's looking better okay let's control shift and click back on the principle and you can see how that's looking all right so our pumpkin is basically done now i'm gonna do a few more things to just finish up the image and make it look nice so i'm going to go back over here to the layout and then you can just go out of rendered mode by pressing z and moving your mouse over and then letting go so one thing i want to do is add some more lights because the lighting is pretty nice but i want to add some better lights to really show off the pumpkin so i'll press shift a i'm going to add a plane and then bring this plane up here rotate it so that it's kind of pointed at the pumpkin i'm going to use this plane as a light source i'll press ctrl 2 to add a sub surf you can also just go right here add a sub surf right there so that it's a circular light then over here on the materials i'm going to click on new and then on the surface here instead of it being a principled i want it to be an emission and i've found that somewhere around 25 for the strength is pretty good let's go back into here and see what that's looking like you can see it's giving that nice light right there it's really showing off the detail of the pumpkin so i think it's definitely worth adding now i want to add a rim light as well because it's a little bit dark over here and we could really make that pop a little bit so what i'm gonna do is press shift a add another plane i'll bring that plane over here and then i'll rotate it on the x-axis by 90 degrees so it's sideways and then i'll tab into edit mode i'll press s z scale it up a lot tab back into object mode and i'll scale it down a bit and then i'm just going to rotate it over and then probably rotate it kind of like this so that it covers more surface of the pumpkin now we can add that same light in so if i just click on this i can add the light and now if we go into render mode again you can see now it's adding that right there i think it's really nice you can double tap r and rotate it around and scale it if you want to change it up a little bit okay i like that now i want to add a ground plane so i'll press shift a add a plane we'll scale this way up so that it's covering the entire camera now we need to make the pumpkin resting on the plane so i'll just go underneath here and then press g and z move the plane down until it's almost all the way through just something like that and then i'll need to scale this plane up a little bit more all right and then let's add a new material to the plane we can just call it ground or whatever you want to call it now i found that a purple color actually looks kind of nice um i think why this looks nice or why i like it at least is because yellow and purple are complementary colors and so uh the orangey color is pretty close to yellow i like it i think it looks kind of nice and then also i think i might turn the roughness up a bit so it's a little less reflective okay now i want to set up a little scene of like three pumpkins so what i'll do is uh select this and then shift select this and i'll duplicate these and kind of move this aside just so that we have a backup in case we want to go back to the original pumpkin now what i want to do is tab into edit mode here on this pumpkin and pumpkins are very organic and so i want to make them have little little lumps and bumps and just kind of make them a little bit different so i'm going to click on this that's going to turn on the proportional editing and what the proportional editing does is it moves along vertices with other vertices so if i just select a random vertice right here and i press g you can see that now there's other vertices following along with it so i can use my scroll wheel and change this circle and the circle is going to tell it how much is going to be pulled along with it so i'm just going to go along here click on vertices press g and just move them around just give it some random kind of organic look because yeah pumpkins they aren't the same and they aren't perfectly round okay now you can see it's a little bit random now i want to duplicate this so i'll click on this shift click on this and let's go back into the camera i'll move this over maybe scale it down just a little bit so that we have more room in the scene i'm gonna need to move this down a bit more okay i'll press shift d and then click with my middle mouse wheel to pull it over and then scale it down a little bit and i think i want to move it back a little bit so i'll press g and x move it back a little bit and then i want to give it a random rotation so it doesn't look too similar so i'll press r z rotate it around and then i can tab into edit mode and do the same thing now this one i think i want it to be a little bit um smaller around so i'll hold down alt click on this right here and then press s and make it a little bit smaller around and you can make it higher if you want or whatever you want to do now i want to do that one more time so i'll click on this shift click on this we'll press shift d to duplicate it scale it down just make a a smaller pumpkin in the front okay then i'll tab into edit mode i'm going to do the same thing so i'll hold down alt click on this loop and then press s and just make it like a bit thinner a little bit smaller and then you can also just click on random points if you want and make it random and organic sweet okay and then this right here i need to press g and z scale it down a little bit or bring it down also scale it a little bit more okay and then i want to give this a random rotation as well so i'll press r z rotate it around and there we go now i'll just adjust the camera and there we go that's looking pretty nice if you click on here you can see that there's the sampling i'm just gonna turn this to a hundred and then let's go file and save this again and then you can hit f12 to render or go right here and click on render image you can see that right now it's kind of laggy that's because my gpu is working hard and so for some reason my screen recording software doesn't like it all right and we're done rendering this now if you want to change down the strength of that one normal map with the noise texture you could it does look a little bit rough so if you want to turn that down a little bit you could i'm just going to leave it how it is now before i call this image finished i do want to add a denoise node because you can see it looks a little bit rough and noisy right there so i'll click over on the compositing node so i'll click over here on the compositing tab and then i'm going to click on use nodes so that we're going to be using the nodes and then i'll press shift a i'm going to search for a denoise node click on that and drop it right in here between these two nodes and then i can hold down control and shift and click on this and that'll add a viewer node and that's going to denoise the image now to save this image let's click back on the rendering tab um right here this is the render result so this is what it's rendered but i want to view the viewer node to see that finished result with the denoise so to save it i can press shift alt s or you can go image and click on save as and here is the finished pumpkin render so i found this pretty fun to make and i hope you did as well so i hope this video was helpful and i hope you had fun and if you want to download the project files they are going to be available on my gumroad and patreon and that will help support me as well so thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in a future video [Music]
Channel: Ryan King Art
Views: 14,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender Tutorial, Pumpkins, Fall, Blender, 3d, art, tutorial, blender, pumpkin, Ryan King, Ryan King Art
Id: EpZa0l_aCuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 35sec (2135 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.