How To Make Candy Canes In Blender / Blender Beginner Tutorial

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[Music] hello people as today is december 1st when i bring this episode out i decided to make something christmas releases so today we're going to make these candy canes here you can see on the screen right now um it's really not hard but it's uh you gotta do uh something unconventional so yeah let's hop right into it at least this is the easiest method i found i'm going to enable my screencast keys so you can see what i'm pressing down here although we won't be doing so much modeling right now first thing i'm going to do is delete the default cube and the lamp and now by pressing shift a i'm going to import a torus where do we find the torus here going to rotate it on the x-axis by 90 degrees press number pad 1 to get into front orthographic mode then we're going to press tab to get into edit mode now we want to get these this transparency over here this button don't mind me clicking the wrong thing twice now i'm going to select this and delete the vertices select this press s z and 0 as i find that these often do not really line up 90 degrees now i'm just going to select this row press e zed and extrude them to get this shape i'm just going to get a loop cut by pressing ctrl r and bevel it once until it's like over here [Music] and uh yeah this should be good enough um we can get rid of the transparency and control click or no alt click there press f i'll click here press f to fill these in um face selection mode and ctrl b to battle this just a little bevel like this will do right click or press w and shade smooth and now let's grab the edge selection tool and what i find to be the best way to do it is to grab the most inside line so the the one facing the inside so i'll click that and alt click the faces and press control and e and then mark c we're going to give this uv unwrap we're not going to texture this but we're going to need the uv coordinates of this so press a you unwrap um now we are going to see that we have this sort of uv map which does not look really nice as you can see it's kind of wonky and um not really great so what we're going to do is get this press s y and the zero now get this one s nope not that s y zero and let's just get i don't know this one s x 0 and move it out to where it was approximately s x 0 and move it back to where it was approximately now we're going to get that face um by pressing a enabling this button and um [Music] if i wasn't stupid click that until it's like half transparent with a with a line on the outside that will select this face here u uh follow active quads and just press ok and not everything should be straight um that is good enough let's go to shading [Music] as for the shading we're going to get the standard material i'm going to call it candy cane really gotta control myself to not say sugarcane because that's what it's in german and um i've been corrected multiple times so now what we're going to do is press ctrl t uh first click on the principle ctrl t grab that bring it over here we don't need the image texture and now what we want to do is press ctrl a or shift a search for a what do you call the separate x y z put the vector into the vector and now you can see that if we shift click this we have uh this going up um although it should be the z component so let's apply the rotation of the scale okay so the y for some reason play around with it until you get something that um goes like up not to the side and now we need a math node place it in between here set it to modulo now you can see that we have like um these stripes and we can basically play around with this value to get more and more of these stripes and um people that know what i mean or what i want to do will already know what this is going to be so let's add in the color ramp and um this is not needed right now let's get this out of the way and um basically the red portions will be this black thingy over here and the white portions will be white now you will need to play around with this to get uh something that you like this is red no it's white [Music] so maybe decrease that a bit so something about these lines i wanted to blend in a little bit but now as you can see you have them going around like this and if that is what you want feel free to do so but i'm not feeling this so what i do want to do is rotate it along the z z component by 45 degrees and now if we were to look at it from the front orthographic view it looks perfect but on the inside it does have a visible seam which does not look really cool so what we can do to fix this is to go into the uv editing workspace enable shaders view and just scaling not this but this uv we can by doing so line these up until they look like this and um the way we're using the uv um the reason for using the uvs maybe i should scale this down is to not get any shading issues um the reason why why we are doing this uh with uvs is simple um with object coordinates you cannot really get it to flow like in this 45 degree angle and still wrap itself around this hook um and that is one major limitation um of all the other workspaces i think you could make it work but much more complicated um now you could throw on the sub serve here if you wanted to look to make it look more smooth and the really easy thing to do to like um cheat your way out of um having these circles be random colors is to simply go in and bring them wait let me just um do something like this control plus and scale them down quite a bit scale them to zero actually can i do that just um a little experiment okay yeah i can but the thing is [Music] that i need more so something like this and i want it to be white just move it around and you'll have something white now for the bottom one oops i'll just select this control plus two times scale it to zero do it wants to be red definitely looks like it should be red because there the majority of it is red maybe not now let's make it white [Music] like this and you have a candy cane which does look good you could just plug in that same shader into the cylinder let's just bring it out a little bit make it smaller along every axis but z maybe like this and um what i find is that if you just stick to this candy cane shader it doesn't look good on its own like this so you got to make it separate material if you want this to be applicable to something like this and i find this to be perfect at an angle of like 10 degrees and again it doesn't line up what you can do is just simply go into the uv editing workspace and um make it line up like like so it's really not hard to eyeball it to look perfect i'm not going to bother about oh my god i can speak i'm not going to bother about this right here so now what we can do is simply copy all of this so let's get this here copy it and now put it into the bump or into the normal socket and add in the bump node like so and add it right here now what we can do is preview this i'm going to make this black and this is going to be not white but something darker like 0.15 and set the scale to something like 10 or maybe even 20. and um what that will allow us to do is to get some um yeah to get some bumpiness along here maybe set this to something lower um we can play with the angle of it to better match what we have right here 15 is maybe a bit too low 25 25 seems to be but right um if i added an environment texture and hdri this is just for preview so you can see what it looks like i'm going to add this one and we'll look at it it really does look good even an eevee of course you could make it look better in cycles maybe the strength of this is too high still something like this would look better you can of course make it super shiny like so i think that's what i did to make it look wet um maybe if i set this to transparent yep i think that is what i went for and in cycles it looks even better so if i switch to cycles you can really see it uh being a lot better in cycles of course you could add more grooves less grooves make them more visible less visible as you please and yeah this is what i have for december 1st i think i'll be throwing out the new tutorial every few days because i don't have quite enough ideas to make a whole christmas series going over 24 days but if you have some ideas as to what i could make um yeah feel free to put them down in the comments say hi so i know you've watched the video until the end and um yeah if you like this maybe recommend it to a friend or whatever i hope you will enjoyed this and learned something we will see each other in the next episode see ya bye
Channel: Philip Kriegel
Views: 2,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, modeling, modelling, english, blender 2.8, blender 3d, blender tutorial, tips, tips and tricks, blender modelling, blender cycles, render, rendering, beginner, beginner tutorial, beginner tutorial blender, Candy, cane, candy cane, candy cane christmas, christmas, holiday
Id: 9Q0WcClD2FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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