Overnight Bushcraft Camp at a Cliff with Minimal Gear and a Dog in the Snow

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hey folks how are you Joe here it's been a minute I'm out in the bush with Wolfie we have a small backpack on we're going to do an overnight with minimal gear hey boy and it's snowing oh this is cool I'm going to use this I'm going to use this rock wall to Camp against we're going to have our fire against it and use it for warmth because I have such minimal gear I don't have all the an an an amenities that I normally would such as like a sleeping pad or a decent um sleeping bag so we're going to have to use natural materials build up a good shelter but it is coming down quite a bit I got to find Wolfie and get his backpack off good boy good dog hey that's my good boy packing on the pounds this winter Wolfie packing on the pounds got to go on a c trip and burn it off hey all right go on okay this stuff can stay here nice and dry while I look around for the exact spot I want to camp there's a lot of resources so that's good done I think I found the exact spot I want to camp at it's going to take some doing to get it ready but that's cool we'll get uh we'll get working right now I don't have a saw we all ax work wfy I rehandled that myself this axe mask I took off of another axe Wolfie here here come yes hi buddy boy I had this as an old crappy axe at home for a long time just on a little tiny handle and I decided to rehandle it I think it worked out good I haven't used it yet this will be its virgin cut since I sharpened it and everything so we're going to do a lean two we're probably going to lean some logs up against the rocks to be honest with you we'll see how it goes now it's not too cold right now about -2 or so all right so far so good with that axe oo job for the gloves I think bu's full of [Applause] snow such a weird winter man nor this would all be [Applause] buried woo too bad I don't need a fire pit okay I think we're going to Camp right here it's a little uneven but I can even it up with boughs cuz I have to get a bunch of boughs anyways good thing is like I said not too much snow this year so you don't have to really worry about digging out kind of just pack it down or kick it to the side if it's in the way so like stuff like that man that would have been buried at least 3 ft underground anyway anyways I want to make a bed um actually let's get our our shelter poles first so we can kind of get a little secure area out of the snow here I used Cedar wedge and this pink color is just what I used to treat the hand handle that'll go away nice Plum style rounded just going to look for a smoothish wrist size piece maybe like this that so I lean them up against the rock wall that might work I'm going have to cut this to size I got to watch over for these trees behind me because if the tarp comes we can't have the tarp be impeded by these trees these impeding trees okay let's see something like that m okay well let's try that see what it looks like I'll show you what I have here soon but for now I got to grab my tart all right this is the wild the Wild Land and scope pack that I did in collaboration with why not the company like so very long ago all right early on in my YouTube channel we got this small that's not it at the bottom like two of the things I have anyway is a ground sheet and a tarp I got a potato a steak some warmth and then a little [Applause] it I warm I me a puffy jacket Okay small tarp small ground sheet let's get these scored away it's a 5 by7 or 6x8 this thing 6x8 probably all right probably tie a cross piece brid Bridge pole here I think yeah get that all tied off maybe even on the back too all right good thing is I can use piece of this other uh tree I cut down okay ax is working pretty good don't heat it at all okay something like that something like that all right we're going to do a jam knot on here nice and quick and easy of the Canadian variety loose now does matter what way you run this through here and I'd be lying if I said I remembered what way it's supposed to go but if it doesn't work you just do it the other way and then it'll work or there's also the Old Faithful wraps freaky you know a lot of you are saying no I don't know some of you are saying yes I do I do know I know them look at that rudimentary as I'll get out as I'll get out even as ever yeah this is the wrong way okay coming along coming along I can't get this taught the traditional way but I do have an idea on how to tighten it up I'm going to have a little bit of a wing on the side which is never a bad thing for wind and or extra you know cool looks so we'll put that there and I'm hoping to Anchor it inside this rock wall somehow hey buddy all right sweet what do you think I'm not done setting up my shelter I've still got to get some heavy duty pegs made to uh to hold it down I have no real spot to work on and I'm worried about chopping into the ground because of all the Rocks around underneath the snow I just did this ax up so I see this and it looks might Topo could potentially use it for something other than firewood because it's a balls some fur I could use it for firewood but could also use it as a chopping excuse me as a chopping block so and I'm going to get it out of the way of potenti Pardon Me of potentially coming down on me in the night time all these other trees are live so let's get rid of it so balls kind of have a tendency to go a bit Punky that's why they're not great for firewood but they still work sometimes it's actually pretty dry there we have it I broke my axe okay well I did something wrong then obviously huh son of a [Applause] gun all right so there's a couple good pieces on here I can use for Hooks and uh pegs so if I take it here and here I can push that in and it won't come out ah mess that up we'll just use this side anyway make them big and sturdy and long in the winter time like this cuz even though there's not a lot of snow most likely the ground is not going to be easy to pound into so you got one there got this one again there so that'll be the top let we cut it there and there cut the knob off sharpen her quick we got two done uh let's go see how these work put one in the middle first that's as far as it's going to go far out bro see if tree is still in the way too well that was not not difficult at all but now with this knob into the ground I know that it's locked in I don't have to worry about not so okay getting nice and tight well I really went and did it now I thought I could Salvage it pound it back in but no go so both sides broke out I don't know I didn't have it set down far enough I guess anyways this is what it is now and this is what we are dealing with now so at least I have this there's a lot of firewood wish I had a saw there's a lot of firewood around that's readily available for me to just break so I think everything is going to be okay uh bummer but it is what it is could be worse and uh learning a lesson as well so broken axe man okay yeaw by bring this down tighter to the ground I won't have to step over it it won't be so awkward I will still have to step over I won't have to go under it though that's the point that's the ticket Joe okay home sweet home this is going to be toasty in here man we got a good one big step away from the fire here yeah Wolfie probably won't even come in here with me but speaking of which we need to go find that dog it's been half an hour or at least all right take a break for shelter building for a minute we're going to go find Wolfie get drink of water here too actually all right oh for me there we go okay I got to start to find some boughs and get firewood we're in this hard wood stand so getting firewood is going to be easy but getting B sorry about that battery died but I'm going to have to get creative on getting boughs into here I might have to climb up this rock and throw some down pass well they're slim pickings that's for sure got three decent bundles but I need more the good thing is the snow is not wet it's not sticking to it kind of just falling off so that's that's good cuz I don't want to sleep in wetness G of that there's room for Wolf if he wants in hi good boy he's like I know you got that kabasa I know you got that kabasa in your pocket well that's that's not what I meant I actually do have kabasa in my pocket pocket kabasa we'll call it all right watch out go get more to weave in because I know that this is not enough which is a bummer cuz it's enough work Gathering them and then uh but I got to transport them back here you know what arm fold arm loads back here anyways no big deal it was sketchy getting in here with my truck I drove in for I don't know 40 minutes half hour off the main road and then uh but I just didn't want to drive any farther anyways it wasn't so bad cuz it wasn't snow but I'm hoping on the way out cuz of all this snow coming down it doesn't get treacherous you know they got to come this way some got to take a little water break here so I figure maybe this is a good time to show you guys what I have in my pack nothing for you okay anyways I've got my ground sheet over there I'm going to grab it this is a decent ground sheet canvas on one side wool on the other like I said and then I've got my wool blanket attached to the bottom I'm using Canadian jams to attach that comes on and off relatively easily I do have straps for this but uh I didn't know where they were anyways wool blanket Old Faithful this is an Italian wool blanket I've had forever again this is the why not Wildland scout pack my design ibles puffy this is my warmth I've got a potato with a bunch of eyes some butter some seasoning and out of my backpack over there is a steak I got on the way here that's over by Wolfie's uh backpack there I've got my headlamp no that's my head mount for my GoPro got my GoPro I've got a tiny sleeping bag this is more of a sleeping bag liner that's going to go inside my my wool blanket um that's I don't have a lot of room and that's how much warmth is uh important to me I'll have the fire but for some reason like I my my axe broke what if I didn't have all this firewood I need to huddle and keep warm so this going to go inside the the Sleep the wo blanket but the fire is going to be the main keepy of the warmth for me bigger possible poach I got socks long johns a little ground sheet in case I needed to sit or do any work off the snow and what else so that's it for that compartment in here I've got TPP protein powder no sorry protein bar stick protein bar and in the side I've got my Nene with my cup uh titanium cup to cook with I got some oatmeal and some tea I believe that is everything yeah that's everything so I still had another uh pouch that I could have used but I didn't need it so anyways oh my axe was attached to this I also had a uh my tarp and a bag of paracord inside here I believe that was all Wolfie has a couple snacks and his food in his backpack and he also has another water bottle for me there is some Open Water I saw down at the creek so if we need it we can go get some but we'll be boiling no filter okay I'm going to Camp sored away a little bit here I'm not going to take my sleeping bag out of its case just yet but I am going to let it Loft up inside there some so tips for looking for dead standing wood in the winter when everything is leafless um basically the bark and or Twigs like you can see sometimes that the bark looks really dry or it's missing a little flake like here this is a Telltale sign you actually see wood uh also if they're leaning or in a clump of maple a lot of times there will be a dead standing one in the middle of it for some reason so it stops the fire from spreading any F farther that way there are some leaves along here but underneath it I can see it's like ice so I'm not too worried about it once those leaves flash uh burn out of here I'll put another big rock on that side stop it we'll have a long fire shall be good so it's not bare leaves right on it not that it really matters that one's not coming up I'll find it another rock boy therey you go [Applause] boy everything is pretty snowy that's all right I collected some bird spark earlier when I was walking around I was able to find some really nice ribbony stuff so we'll get that going and you want to build a little bit of a platform underneath so that you don't have so you're not really putting your fire directly on the snow so I got my bigger pieces here that I'll use some for the ground some on top we're almost ready to get this going I'm going to grab a couple more small pieces use a later this time sometimes it's good flip your uh bundle upside down so the whole thing gets caught oh the glow already in here it's not even Dark Yet nice something like this or it just sticks in the ground a little bit there we go okay go get some more water after before it get too dark you tired oh I'm freezing it's is not a good sign I've got to get a ton more firewood oh I have long johns I have Long John I'm going to wait I'm going to wait to put the long johns on so I don't get them wet at all that made me happy oh I also have a space blanket that I can rig up too if I need to I might do that I might even wrap it around me who knows wolfy found a nice spot over here where there's no snow right next to the cave or right next to the cliff wall I already drank a lot of that tea I'm just reheating this one and we're going to go out and get fire wood and boughs [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay that's got to be it for wood all the fire has melt the fire's melted all the snow off the tarp there that'll go getting hungry such a good dog w go well I've got a steak to cook like I said today but in sticking with the minimal stuff and not having everything I normally do I don't have any way to cook it so I figured that I would just stick it on a stick skewer it on a stick and do it that way should work fine got some seasoning gave Wolfie food but I got enough steak to give him some as well I might need couple little things to Butterfly it open we'll see you can use one of these you shall see those from pinan hills it's the place to get your Meats pinan Hill is the place to get your Meats all right these are called picana picana Co kulet steak Colette smells like meat all right some seasoning on here before we try and do the old twist method the guy when I was buying told me South America where is it they South Africa I'm sorry I don't remember properly but they Twisted apparently cuz I was like I just want to put on a stick like what's a good textured one he said these guys twist this one and put on a stick over the fire so we're going to try that twist what does the twist do though boy okay but that's not it's kind of Twisted we have another one to try it with too so I'm going to put a little brra fly in here all right one's done o that's plenty hot that cook all right I'll whip up the other one see how that one goes okay that stretched out a little bit better on there let's see how that one goes it's time to put on my puffy and my long johns and chilling down pretty quick not moving around and uh while I'm cooking here the fire is not roaring so layer up for now and that'll help that one is ready to be eaten right off the stick uhoh little moocher little mooch action eh okay that's super tender man it looks overdone so that's good oh yeah that's really good that's perfect what's up wolf don't worry I got more for you second steak just as good as the first my potato looks like a lump of coal I'm trying to keep it out of the Flames now but I throw some more firewood on cuz I'm getting chilled again so I mooved the out to the side Wolfie's in here with me right now so you can see that he's fine to be here next to the fire as long as there's food so he should be fine to be here next to the fire for warmth as well if he needs it that's my thought anyway there's plenty of room for him on there and under there with me or just next to here that Wolfie to come cuddle me over here off the uh snow for a bit so that's good supper was real good good that potato is just long buried in there I forgot about it I kept adding wood so we're calling it uh a lost a lost potato lost Axe and lost potato on this trip but that's all right nice and warm now oh I got the um the myar blanket above just to stop any more snow from coming down in front of me and to try to hoop the the the heat in here and it is it's doing well the rock face back there is acting like a like a Chimney Rock to um draw all the smoke directly upwards so that's nice it's good for Wolfie too cuz I'm sure that's part of the reason he doesn't like the fire but he's doing good he's here on his own will he's not tied up so good boy hey he my good boy he's koed I think but I got a lot of big pieces on right now burning them in half just trying to stay warm I'm going to go to bed soon soon wrap up here and uh just listen to my book on tape I got to try to make room for Wolfie on this thing I might uh open it up a bit more that was just me that was just me buddy oh you're warm the heat coming off of this guy is insane this little coat little big guy in a little coat it's growing real nice now into a nice big long fire a proper long fire super nice out by the fire here nice and warm comfortable it's still snowing a bit freaking Wolfie's KO like you guys can see it's nice to be back out man it's nice to be back out this feels good I'm happy uh that everything turned out well I didn't know that I was going to get this big rock face out here I'm glad I did cuz uh turned out really nice and lots of good firewood and stuff so bonus bonus bonus I'm going to get ready to go to bed here soon one two at least I won't have to put my boots in son oh stok fire again back to bed after this the head lamp is [Music] dying hey buddy boy all right we go well that was pretty chilly night it's before 7 in the morning right now uh this is the last of the wood I've been trying to conserve it for the past couple hours but yeah not enough uh Pine boughs not enough Spruce boughs down U but anyways we made it and uh I got some Twigs left to throw on and build this up so that's what I'm going to do now see the sun coming up all right it's probably time to get up that uh I'm warmer by the fire than I am in the blanket anyways so it's uh it seems like it's going to be a stormy day the wind's already kicked up much more than it was yesterday so who knows but we get get squared away here and maybe I make a tea still got that water bottle that was in Wolf's backpack wolf one climbed up on this Ridge over here and he's huffing and puffing over there see the red that's wolf he's like so smells something or hears something goad good boy some tea [Music] going ah I have my protein bar in my pocket trying to warm it up cuz it's a ice block right now not for you not for you mister not for you all right I'm going to start tearing down Camp you want to go buddy are you all done look he's in the little crack there that has no snow oh good boy okay that can cool down now so the shelter is pretty easily done actually just leaned these guys up on here and that was basically it oh know it's nice to have a fire going while you're breaking down camp in the winter time just to stop and regain feeling in your hands you know it's little things in life well that's it for me hope you guys enjoyed this video I really enjoyed getting out shooting it spending time with the dog I didn't enjoy the cold last night very much but that's on me and that's fine and try and do something in these parameters uh not everything goes perfect all the time but anyways had a good time regardless and the night and the dog learned something some more bonding time with him so that's all a plus in my book the axe breaking uh could have been worse so that's uh duly noted and that's in the bottom of my pack now I don't have it on the side obviously cuz I burned the handle last night I do have a bigger thicker wool blanket but it's like at what point do you just bring a sleeping bag you know what I mean it just doesn't make sense to carry something so big and bulky the the wool Blanket's already this one's already heavier and bigger than than a decent size sleeping bag so it's just for the nostalgic feel of it really just for the video to be honest with you but that's okay I like doing that kind of stuff every now and then next time I go out the temperature is supposed to drop quite a bit so I feel like I'll probably do like a a uh hot tent camp with the dog that should be pretty good he'd like that I think am I doing here there we go but anyways like I said thanks for watching I appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed it and you'll see me again soon there will not be a big hiatus again I'll be putting out videos regularly if you're still with me thanks for sticking with me you guys are the real ones have a good day you right come on [Applause] boy
Channel: Joe Robinet
Views: 278,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bushcraft, Backpacking, Canoe, Dog Training, Ontario, Canada, Bowdrill, HD, Nikon, Gopro, camping, winter, wintercamping, offgrid, adventure, off, grid, outdoors, wander, hiking, outside, steak, dog, tripper, scout, dutchshepherd, joerobinet, wilderness, forest, woods, fort, wild, wildcamping, tent, hammock, bivy, tarp, shelter, build, building, builder, cooking, cook, grill, bbq, food, skills, outdoor
Id: A-VTXxu5khM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 39sec (3219 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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