Winona Ryder Says THIS Word in 'Stranger Things' 22 Times | All About Me | Harper's BAZAAR

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- Hi, I'm Winona Ryder and I'm gonna answer some trivia questions about myself. Let's see how I do. Where was I born? I was born in a farmhouse in Winona, Minnesota. (bell dings) That's true. And I was what they called a shoelace baby. I was a little early and back in '71. What you did is you boiled a shoelace to tie off the umbilical cord. So that's some trivia. Not a lot of people know that. When is my birthday? October 29th, 1971. (bell dings) I have the same birthday as Fanny Bryce and Kate Jackson, according to the almanac I grew up with. What did I want to be when I was younger? I think I wanted to be a writer because that's, my parents are writers, and they're incredible writers, and so I wanted to be like them and I loved to read. And so I think that was sort of what I was hoping to do. - [Interviewer] Winona, you know, the internet says that you wanted to be a competitive skateboarder. (buzzer) - Oh, well, I did go through that stage. I definitely, I was on a skate team, believe it or not. I knew that I didn't have what it took to skate professionally, but I was in that scene and I did see some of the great skaters, meaning I was in the same auditorium as them. According to IMDB, how many roles have I had? I have no idea. Do they count everything? Oh God, I don't know. (buzzer) 68, Wow. How many times have I worked with Tim Burton? "Beetlejuice", "Edward Scissorhands", "Frankenweenie", help me out guys. I did a video with him, for the band, "The Killers". Am I missing something really big? (bell dings) It's an absolute dream. He's just one of my favorite people. And I also credit him with giving me a career. He's just the best. I loved him. What year was I nominated for a Grammy? Oh, I know this. I was nominated for reading "Anne Frank", a book, the unabridged "Anne Frank" book on tape. And I'm like, they have to give it to me. I mean, I'm, it wasn't televised. It wasn't the televised part of the Grammys, and I wasn't even invited, but I was sure I was gonna win. I thought I was a shoe-in and I was like, that is so cool. I could be like a Grammy winner, and I lost to Patrick Stewart, reading "Little Red Riding Hood". He robbed me of my Grammy. Damn you, Patrick. (laughs) - [Interviewer] Wait, what year was it though? - Oh, what year was it? Oh, that was the question. Oh shoot, I was, sorry. Oh, I don't know, the nineties. (buzzer) Oh, okay, I still have a big chip on my shoulder about that. How many times have I played a character named Charlotte? "Mermaids", Charlotte again in another movie that I don't, nobody saw. (buzzer) - [Interviewer] So Charlotte in "Mermaids". Charlotte in "Autumn in New York". - Oh! Yes. - And then Charlotte in "The Last Word". - I just woke up really, so I'm, I, three times. Yeah, that's a great name. Oh, how many times do I say Will in "Stranger Things" season one? I'm sorry, I am just failing this test, right? I, I have no idea. It was a lot. And I think it probably drove some people crazy. Is there a person that counts these things? Who, who is the person that counts how many times I say "Will"? (buzzer) Every scene, probably. - [Interviewer] Our records says 22. - Oh, that's nothing. That could have been like, he was, we were a regular family and he wasn't missing, and I would've said it that many times, right? Like, I thought it was gonna be like hundreds or something. But I think I compensated with the, "Where is my boy?" "Where is my son?" How many times have I sung in a movie? I did sing a song in "Frankenweenie" as like a nine year old girl with not a great voice. That was the only time, like, I recorded a song with Danny Elfman. And so are we talking about like sung along to stuff in movies? - [Interviewer] How many times you actually sang out loud and can hear you. - Oh, oh my gosh. Well "Beetlejuice", no, but I'm mouthing "shake shake shake senora." "The 10" I do. You missed it, ha ha, We did a whole like musical number. I had to go to a recording studio and sing. It was like a ridiculous song. I sing like a hymn in "Square Dance". - [Interviewer] It's "Girl, Interrupted" and "Little Women". - Oh yes. (buzzer) "Downtown", "Girl Interrupted." Duh, 'cause I had to learn that on guitar. And then I was really upset because they didn't, you didn't see my fingers doing the right chords. How many movies have I done with Keanu Reeves? Four, (bell dings) and hopefully many more. We did get married, you know, on "Dracula." It was on Valentine's Day and it was a real priest and he pronounced us man and wife and we kissed, and I think that's like, in some way that is official. How many movies have I had blonde hair in? Well "Edward Scissorhands", obviously. Deeds, "Mr. Deeds, Yeah. They put some like (bell dings) clips in and I lightened my hair. Well I was a blonde kid. My hair isn't as dark as people think. I just have always like had it dark. It just kind of stuck. In the "Heathers" movie poster, what color skirt am I wearing? Blue. (bell dings) I love that movie. Love that movie and yeah, I'm wearing a blue skirt and like a black top and I'm like reaching for Christian. Ooh, which side of my face is featured in the movie poster for "Girl, Interrupted"? Okay, is this if you're looking at it or if you're the poster. - [Interviewer] This is if you're the poster. I think it's this side. (buzzer) My left side. If you're the poster. Yeah, that is my right side. That picture was taken of me by one of my best friends, Suzanne Tenner, who was also the still photographer on the movie and a lot of amazing movies. And that picture was taken of me while I was when I was like much younger. Wasn't actually from the movie. Where was this red carpet look? This was at the Golden Globes. (bell dings) The early nineties. I was there for "Age of Innocence" and I'd never been and I just went and I bought that dress. I didn't know like that it how fancy it was. Where was this red carpet look? Okay. This was for an, I think it was like an AFI event honoring Scorsese, (bell dings) and it was such a beautiful dress. I still have it. And it was like one of the first times I wore a color, 'cause if you'll notice I wear black a lot. Which look did I wear once in 1991 and again in 2016 for the "Paterson" premiere. Oh, well first of all, yes it's my Tom Waits t-shirt. (bell dings) I babysat Tom's kids when he was doing a play and he came home and he didn't have cash and he gave me this t-shirt. I'm like, that is plenty. My Lord and Master. I love him so much. So I wore that shirt all the time but I did wear it to the premiere of "The Commitments." Then I wore the same t-shirt to the "Paterson" premiere and I almost wore it yesterday. Thanks for watching. You can catch season four of "Stranger things" on Netflix.
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Id: qfqkT54LoHg
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Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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