Stranger Things' Charlie Heaton & Natalia Dyer Take Lie Detector Tests | Vanity Fair

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Natalia yes Charlie hello we're gonna be taking a lie detector test today one of you will be hooked up to the machine while the other ask questions and then you'll switch who would like to go first okay so I look afraid nothing to worry about is your real name Charley Heaton yes were you born in Bridlington England no I was born in Leeds are you ready to take this lie detector test I think so okay so you grew up in the UK huh do you want to move back sometimes would you say you prefer fish and chips over a hamburger and fries yeah yeah is it fair to say you're more of a Prince Harry than Prince William uh yeah that's bad yeah I think so yeah would you say I'm more of a Megan than a Kate yes does being British mean you have to care about the Royals no I don't was it hard to perfect your American accent no have you ever had a hard time understanding my accent sometimes no I'd say no no actually no do you think I do a good British accent yes is it true your birthday is February 6th yes so you're an Aquarius yes would you say you relate to the song Age of Aquarius I don't know do you think you let the Sun Shine in yes are you in the horoscopes astrology astrology of Lane yeah do you believe our signs are compatible yes have you ever looked up the signs of your celebrity crushes to see if you were compatible not is it true you were a drummer in the band common achi yes would you say you're a better musician than this man no no I think he's really talented he's a great musician what about this no I'm not more successful than this who would you say if influenced to use a drummer more charlie watts or Ringo Starr Ringo Starr sure king of Greve what about animals I still Ringo Starr but I liked how ferocious and erratic he was I was probably close to close the drummer to this guy then can you show me Choi if you didn't want to act anymore would you want to become a rock star I didn't want to act I mean I don't miss it I used to do that don't miss it but if I wasn't acting I don't know what else I would do so maybe yes I would probably I'm in a rocker I got big rocks that would be pretty fun yeah be honest have you ever purposefully trashed a hotel room no on purpose but you have but just this one word you're going to be a no the the New Mutants is that right mm-hmm yeah are you nervous to join the Marvel Universe no do you think Newton's exist in real life if you had superpowers which power what do you want to have teleportation what do you think my superpower would be yes yeah it's be invisible you played Jonathan Byers and stranger things right are you a lot like your character partly yes these are hard these are hard yes and strictly hard yes and though for the only they all need an explanation yes I am in some ways and no I'm not in other ways okay do you think Nancy would be into you Charlie Haden no do you ever wish you had hair like this guy yeah at any point during this interview did you lie and we didn't catch you I don't know I mean I don't know if you caught me did he lie he's not lying you ready Natalya yes okay it's real name that's all your diet yes were you born in Nashville Tennessee yes are you ready did say the lie-detector test not sure I guess so okay if we get started um is it true you were born January 13th yes as a child did you have birthday parties with leftover decorations from New Year's parties I don't think so I hope not do you remember the sign cycle what I don't think so do you remember the best birthday present you were ever given as a kid I had a Barbie Jeep I can't remember Phelps the birthday thing or if it was my sister's they drove it a lot I don't know option growing up did you always want to be an actor yeah u-turn you like that did you ever anything else yeah I thought about it writer yeah something else do you have a favorite TV show going good I like what age are you dunking let's pick like 12 year-old Natalia 12 year olds this is actually hard I don't know I mean I watch Disney Channel did you have a celebrity crush yeah you're dead hey Dad um oh it was your biggest celebrity crank it down I think Orlando Bloom when I will Lord of the Rings us I don't know we had the same birthday yeah have you met them no not do you have a current celebrity crush um do you know who my childhood celebrity crush was I feel like I do I feel like maybe I don't okay okay I'm gonna find one that's your first role was in Hannah Montana the movie correct I mean look like I am deep here all well you more of a mighty fan or Hannifin my way I mean do you think it's possible to have the best of both worlds um sure yeah you graduated from NYU correct I went there do you think you're smarter than me because you went to college no I can't spell better though uh can you do your best New York impression accent no completely embarrass myself no I'll offend plenty of people I'm sure you played Nancy wheeler in stranger things is that right yes did you watch a lot of scary movies to get ready for the show I've watched some scary movies I mean yes do you enjoy scary things no be honest did you watch Finn's movie hipped no I'm so sorry I know I'm I'm very suggestible um you play Finn wolfhard sister in the show in real life you have a sister is that correct yes does she like stranger things I have two sisters I don't know if either of them have watched it what do you say you were cooler sister than uncie I don't know he's pretty cool you and I were casting on the same time right what you and i we're cast around the same time yeah do you remember your first impression of me yeah what was it you're scared of bugs um yeah you're cool you're cool guy your drummer and Bing oh man is that first impression still true your call of course your cool guy did you go at any time we didn't catch you don't think so did you he's like hey do you also didn't lie [Music]
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 7,980,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: celebrity, charlie heaton, charlie heaton british, charlie heaton interview, charlie heaton on royals, charlie heaton stranger things, charlie heaton takes a lie test, lie detector, lie detector stranger things, natalia dyer interview, natalia dyer stranger things, natalia dyer takes a lie test, nathalia dyer, nathalia dyer and charlie heaton, nathlia dyer hometown, stranger, stranger things, stranger things interview, stranger things vanity fair, vanity fair
Id: m_-N3bOJTQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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