Stranger Things' Sadie Sink Reveals Her "First" Everything! | Teen Vogue

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my first friend on set that was finn even when he was like what 13 14 he's like the coolest kid ever hey teen vogue i'm sadie sink and today i will be sharing with you some of my firsts [Music] the audition process for max oh i want to say it took place over over a month i think at one point they thought i was going to be too old but i was just like no just give me give me more material like i want to go in again and then i did and we did a chemistry read and i got there and we were all the same height and the same age and they had nothing to worry about first big stunt i ever did on stranger things there's like a scene in season three where like billy like punches me across the face so that was a stunt i guess but the real heavy stunts come in season four the first thing that people get wrong about me probably my age maybe people recognize me from the show when i was like 14 or 15 on it they think somehow they've aged but i haven't but i have oh my god i was so nervous the first day of shooting being on like a tv set as big as stranger things was very intimidating the first scene was where i'm like in my like michael myers like costume and then i jump from the bushes and i scare the kids seriously i can just feel like a whole bowl of nougat straight up [Applause] holy you should have seen the look on your faces and you who screams like that you sound like a little girl i remember watching season one like the week it came out because all my friends were watching it i think i watched it in like two days or something like that like i did not leave my room i first watched it like a week before i got the audition so that's when i think i got the audition i was like this like i don't know like it was just a lining i still feel like every time i hear that theme song i go back to like my room on my laptop when i'm watching season one for the first time my first dream that ever came true being on broadway like that was all that i wanted and i was able to do that when i was like 10 years old i think that was the ultimate dream my first show was annie on broadway and annie was everything like i'd watched the 80s version of annie with caro burnett and alien quinn over and over and over again so to do that on broadway was like oh it was just it was everything first thing i learned how to cook for myself oh god um you know i actually over the pandemic i i liked to cook a lot but pre-packaged things are so much easier so unfortunately i'm like a cereal for dinner kind of girl um especially when like i have a busier schedule or like postmates first date no maybe when i was like like little you know you'd hang out with a boy and then people were like oh you went on a date and i was like oh no first famous person that followed me i mean i guess it'd be one of my cast mates i guess when i joined the show technically i honestly didn't feel like really intimidated going into like a cast that already knew each other i think the only intimidating part was like joining a show that had such an enormous fandom that was something that i was not used to in any way and just to kind of be like thrown into that was like a lot i was at like a speech and debate practice or something and my mom called me in a panic and she was like i need to pick you up and i'm like well mom i'm practicing my routine and she's like no i got to pick you up so then like she came she picked me up she drove me home and she was driving really fast and then i think i knew something was up and then i got a phone call and it was matt and ross and they were like all right you got it i was like okay cool and then i think i had like a month before i had to go to atlanta and it was hard because like i just started freshman year and i was really liking being in school but then of course when stranger things came out i was like oh no no this we're gonna do this the first time i watched myself on screen it was my first tv job ever and i was a i made like a little guest appearance on the tv show called the americans which is a really good show do i look like a little girl thank you i was like oh i don't i i don't like watching myself because you know when you're when you're on a stage it's like you go you do whatever and then you don't have to see it or think about it ever again until the next performance um but like seeing your work back that was the first time i like kind of like watching myself act and it took some getting used to for sure the first piece of advice i remember getting as an actress it was like the second uh show that i did one of the associate directors was like you know go be a kid like experience what it's like to to to be in in school in high school like i had been out of school since the fourth grade i'd been homeschooled and so i took that advice and i'm really like glad that i did because i you know made friends and got to experience high school my first friend on set i knew caleb and gayton before because they were on broadway at the same time first person i met besides those two uh that was ben even when he was like what 13 14. he's like the coolest kid ever first time i got on a skateboard was for max probably i was like 14 years old it was hard i had to like work at it for three four months or something like that the goal was to just make it you know look like i was comfortable with with the board um yeah i was like three hours every day for a long time i have a few skateboards that are just like collected um and then sometimes if i'm bored i'll go like skate around around the block like if i'm at my parents house or something but not not often my first red carpet event was i think season two of stranger things god no one teaches you what to do on those things they kind of just like throw you in blind and i'm like not a natural in any way i was just kind of like okay i guess i'm just gonna like look at what everyone else is doing and try and emulate that they said my name and i remember that was really weird for me because the show hadn't even come out yet but they still like knew my name [Applause] it's just so overwhelming but you get used to it for sure the first thing you should do when you visit texas go get yourself like a half gallon of bluebell ice cream you won't regret it mint chocolate chip was always my favorite but that's i know a lot of people think it that's that shouldn't be an ice cream flavor but that was my personal favorite my first big purchase was a car that i got myself for my 18th birthday it was a tesla it was exciting it was new it was like i i had it for myself and i was like i did it and it was electric and i loved it and then i sold that car because i didn't use the car the first thing i did after getting cast is max i told my brother mitchell and he cried it was very sweet i'm one of five kids but my brother mitchell was like my my musical theater partner in crime i think the first time i cried on command it's interesting because when i was little crying on camera was all about like producing tears and you're just like oh i gotta get a tear down or something like that and then as you get older there's like a shift where it's like you kind of start to just like feel it more and like you're actually emotional when you're doing it i like hate hearing myself even say this it sounds so actory and i hate it but like yeah you would go to a dark room and like you'll like listen to music or something get into your character's mindset whatever like serves you in that moment the first time i met daker who plays billy my stepbrother on the show we didn't have a chemistry read or anything so i think i met him at like the opening like cast welcome dinner we didn't get to practice anything like our first scene that we filmed together was i think in episode four hey this is serious okay i'm older than you and something you learned is that there's certain type of people in this world that you stay away from daker's such a nice person and in between takes he's just you know ever so lovely and charming and and hilarious um but then we'd get into it and i was like oh wow it was a lot more intense than i thought it was going to be but he's he's a really talented actor and like taught me a lot just like watching him just throw himself in there first time i got turned on for a role i really wanted oh man i i auditioned for matilda which my brother ended up being in i am not a dancer i can't do that but i auditioned and um needless to say did not get a call back that was it the first time i got recognized i was skating at a skate park some girl like walked up to me and she was like mad max and that was the first time i was like oh my god and then it started happening a lot more as like more people were watching the season and everything first time i felt like a real adult probably when i started living on my own and like going to set on my own before you turn 18 you have to have a parent or guardian with you on set and then i turned 18 over the pandemic and my mom was like all right fly away be free first piece of advice i'd give aspiring actors go big like make choices throw it all out there you kind of get like a little stiff and you just do things the way you think they want it to be done and that can work sometimes but like don't be afraid to like mix it up a bit and like put yourself out there
Channel: Teen Vogue
Views: 2,489,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first date, firsts, mad max stranger things, max stranger things, sadie, sadie sink, sadie sink 2022, sadie sink dacre montgomery, sadie sink first date, sadie sink firsts, sadie sink interview, sadie sink mad max, sadie sink max, sadie sink red carpet, sadie sink stranger things, sadie sink teen vogue, stranger things, stranger things 2022, stranger things s4, stranger things scenes, stranger things season 4, teen vogue, teen vogue firsts, teen vogue sadie sink
Id: YVozYjIxQJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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