Dark Hollywood : Winona Ryder (Documentary 2019)

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Thanks so much for posting! I really enjoyed all the well researched info about her. Think I will go watch Edward Scissorhands now

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Fine_I_Willl_Sign_Up 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

Winona Ryder is cult classic legend, known for her obscure and eccentric roles beginning with Beetle Juice and Edward Scissor Hands, and Heathers. Also greatly revered for her role in Girl Interrupted, this veteran actress had her comeback in 2016, with Stranger Things. The dark history of Winona Ryder, from 1971 until present.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/tezzmosis 📅︎︎ Apr 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I gave up on this as going though every single role she ever played was just too tedious.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/easilypersuadedsquid 📅︎︎ Apr 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/walkinthecow 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
Winona Ryder born Winona Laura Horowitz was  named jointly after the nearby town of Winona   Minnesota and after the wife of her father's  friend Aldous Huxley her stage name Ryder comes   from the musician Mitch Ryder of whom her father  was a big fan she came into the world on October   29th 1971 an Olmsted County Minnesota her mother  Cynthia is stass Palmer was an author and video   producer her father Michael Horowitz also an  author as well as a publisher editor and book   salesman he was most notable for working as the  archivist for psychedelic guru dr. Timothy Leary   she had a younger brother named URI Horowitz named  after a year ago Guren the first Soviet cosmonaut   she also had an older half-brother named jabal  Palmer and an older half-sister sunyata Palmer   and let us not forget Timothy it was a staple and  Wynonna's life from birth a few days after she was   born he and Wynonna's father Michael were on a ski  trip together when Tim was asked to be Wynonna's   Godfather Timothy Leary was a psychologist and  writer known for advocating the exploration of   the therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs  under controlled conditions he was especially   known for the experiments he conducted under  the Harvard psilocybin project in 1962 1962 LSD and psilocybin were not yet considered to be  illegal in the United States it's been speculated   that these trials were funded by the CIA as an  extension of the MKULTRA program it's well known   that the CIA introduced LSD to the United States  after was developed in a Swiss lab by dr. Albert   Hoffman how did it taste had no taste how did it  look colorless two hours later in every air force   it seems to me you see I should like to find  the words because I can ordinarily find them   but it seems to me that what to my I can't seem  to want to say what I want to say and there are   times when I feel exactly what I I know that  I know what I'm doing see I do Wynonna always   looked up to Tim and found she could confide in  him and he would always encourage her positively   when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer Winona  took time off work to help look after him Aldous   Huxley who was also a close friend of the family  was a well-known English writer and philosopher   who wrote almost 50 books it was a humanist and a  pacifist who is also very interested in spiritual   subjects such as parapsychology and universalism  his experience with mescaline inspired his book   the doors of perception later he and Michael  Horowitz co-authored a book entitled moksha   another of the group notable in this specific  realm was writer in beat poet Allen Ginsberg he   was best known for his poem howl and throughout  the 60s took an active role in the domestication   of LSD alongside dr. Timothy Leary he was also  a huge advocate for gay rights he too documented   his experiences with psychedelics in written form  a large portion of Wynonna's childhood was spent   in Colombia with Chilean revolutionaries  a dictatorship was established after the   democratically elected socialist government of  Salvador Allende was overthrown by United States   cia-backed coupe d'etat on the 11th of September  in 1973 in 1978 when Winona was 7 her and her   family moved to a 300 acre commune alongside seven  other families in Mendocino County San Francisco   they were a genuine hippie commune seeing no need  for electricity or other luxuries they were also   a part of a cult-like group called the rainbow  family of living light later shortened to the   rainbow family they focused on the principles  of non-violence and egalitarianism Winona took   a great interest in reading during this time her  favorite novel being JD Salinger's The Catcher   in the Rye she had had very little exposure  to outside media beyond that aside for the   handful of films her mother would play on a  projector in a barn this is what inspired her   to pursue acting most specifically Sarah miles  performance in Ryan's daughter released in 1970 Wynonna's early exposure to literary figures  stands out in many of her films where she's   generally playing some extension of that a  journalist reporter writer or simply a teen   writing in her journal or diary she also took  great interest in films that were adaptations   of novels in 1981 at the age of 10 Winona and her  family relocated to Petaluma California during her   first week at Kenilworth junior high she was  perceived as an effeminate boy I was wearing   an old Salvation Army Shop Boys suit as we went  to the bathroom I heard people saying hey they   slammed my head into a locker I fell to the ground  and they started to kick the [ __ ] out of me I   had to have stitches the school kicked me out not  the bullies she was expelled for what the school   claimed was her own safety I was home-schooled  from that on at 12 Wynonna nearly drowned which   caused her to develop aquaphobia it was at Dillon  Beach in Northern California where she got caught   in the undertow it sounds very dramatic but  I was under for a long time luckily for me   a lifeguard pulled me out I didn't have a pulse  and he had to pump the water out of my lifeless   body shortly after this near-death experience she  joined Amnesty International helping the fight for   Human Rights for people in third-world countries  as a teen Winona attended a public Junior High   School where the bullying continued in 1985 at  the age of 15 Winona videotaped a monologue from   the novel franny and zooey by JD Salinger as an  addition for the movie Desert Bloom although she   wasn't chosen for that part writer / director  David Seltzer requested for her to appear in the   movie called Lucas a romantic comedy released in  March of 1986 it was about a boy and his life in   high school the lead character Lucas was played by  Corey Haim and co-starred Charlie Sheen and Carrie   green Ryder played Rena one of Lucas's friends  and this is where her stage name Winona Ryder   was decided upon in his book released in 2013  Corey Feldman a close colleague to him within   the industry claims that Haim was abused on the  set of Lucas he alleges that an adult male on   set had told him that it was normal for older men  and younger boys in the business to have sexual   relations he states that the man later took him  between two trailers and sexually assaulted two   then fourteen year old actor Feldman claims  that the man who committed this vicious crime   is still alive and is one of the most successful  people in the industry in February of 1987 Winona   appeared in the American drama film square dance  based on the novel of the same name she was cast   as a 13 year old who bridges the gap between  two worlds a country girl in the big city her   performance for the role was critically acclaimed  with the LA Times noting it as a remarkable debut   both films however did poorly at the box office  later this year director Tim Burton chose Winona   to appear in the fantasy comedy Beetlejuice  released in March of 1988 Ryder was cast as   Lydia Deetz whose family moves into a haunted  house occupied by ghosts played by Geena Davis   and Alec Baldwin the boogeyman type character  named beetlejuice was played by Michael Keaton   Lydia befriends the two ghosts and joins in on  their situation with beetlejuice this film was   a hit among critics as well as commercially  successful earning nearly 75 million dollars   Winona reflects on how her acting career collided  with her troubles with kids at school oh it's   Beetlejuice like the number-one movie this  is going to make things great at school but   it made things worse they called me a witch  in a more recent interview Winona shares an   anecdote regarding her bullies years later I went  to a coffee shop and I ran into one of the girls   who kicked me and she said Winona Winona can I  have your autograph and I said do you remember   me remember in seventh grade you beat up that  kid and she said kind of and I said that was   me go [ __ ] yourself released in October 1988  Winona appeared in the dark comedy Heather's   the film portrayed a satirical view of teenage  life centering on the character Veronica played   by Winona was put between a rock and a hard  place regarding her love from her boyfriend   played by Christian Slater and the fact that he  began eliminating the popular students at their   school her agent had begged Ryder not to take this  role as he was concerned that she would ruin her   career however contrary to his negative belief  her performance was widely embraced and were   quite positive The Washington Post claimed it was  Hollywood's most impressive engineer Ryder makes   us love her teenage murderous a bright funny girl  with little Bonnie Parker in her she's the most   likable best drawn young adult protagonist since  the sexual innocence of Gregory's girl the film   was a box-office failure but became a predominant  cult classic to this day Winona and her co-star   Christian Slater reportedly struck up a romance  between 1988 and 1989 while working on the film release the following month in November  of 1988 Winona was cast as Beth Carr in   the drama film 1969 she was the girlfriend  of Scott Denny played by Kiefer Sutherland   and sister of Robert Downey jr. as Ralph  Carr the film focuses on the Vietnam War   and the social tension between those who  supported and those who opposed the war   sink flower children / hippie movement in  April 1989 Winona was the main focus for the   music video for mojo Nixon's Debbie Gibson  is pregnant with my two headed love child released in June of 1989 Winona appeared  in the biographical drama of great balls   of fire alongside Dennis Quaid and again Alec  Baldwin based on the autobiography of the same   name written by Myra Gale Brown the former wife  of musician Jerry Lee Lewis Winona cast as Myra   was went to Jerry who was also her cousin at  the tender age of 13 the film follows Jerry's   rise to fame and how the scandalous marriage  effectively ended his career it was a complete   box-office flop and received mixed reviews  it was said that Winona had met Johnny Depp   at the premiere for this movie when it was more  likely they had met during the filming of Lucas   when Winona fifteen was working alongside  Courtney thorne-smith when a brief fling   with Johnny during this time Ryder was  meant to appear in Francis Ford Coppola   's The Godfather Part 3 but withdrew from  the role of Mary Corleone due to exhaustion   in October of 1990 alongside Jeff Daniels as  Denton web and comedy-drama welcome home Roxy   Carmichael Winona played fifteen-year-old dinky  bisetti who was adopted as a baby then later   struggles with her lack of gender conformity  to the behest of her mother Rachelle she takes   solace in a beached cabin boat that she refers to  as the ark this film was virtually unnoticed by   critics and suffered a roughly 10 million dollar  loss released in December of 1990 Winona was   cast as Charlotte flax a narrator of the mermaids  Charlotte was an awkward fifteen-year-old living   in Oklahoma with her single mother Rachel flax  played by Cher a nine-year-old sister Kate played   by Christina Rishi Charlotte Falls for 26 year  old school bus driver Lew Lansky mermaid's was   a box-office success and received great praise  Chicago sun-times wrote Winona Ryder and another   of her alienated outsider roles generates  real charisma wenona later starred in the   shoop shoop song music video for the mermaids  theme song alongside Cher and Christina Ricci you also released in this year in December and  reunited with Tim Burton as the director   Winona starred in the timeless classic  Edward Scissorhands it's described as a   dark fantasy romance and she plays the role  of teenage daughter Kim who is met with an   artificial man named Edward played by Johnny  Depp who was brought home by her mother he   was an unfinished experiment and had pairs of  scissors instead of hands he eventually falls   for Kim and the film follows the triumphs and  tribulations of the obscure and misunderstood   character that is Edward Scissorhands the  movie was a significant box-office hit   earning almost 90 million dollars worldwide  and the adoration of many critics and fans it was during the filming of Edward Scissorhands  that Winona who would have just turned 18 began   dating Depp who at the time was 26 they  claimed it was love at first sight Depp   described the moment as a classic glance  like the zoom lenses in West Side Story and   everything else gets foggy weather it was  referring to when she was 15 or closer to   17 is very unclear the two had officially  met privately at Chateau Marmont arranged   by a mutual friend notable figures that  took residency here were Sharon Tate and   Roman Polanski in 1969 and Jim Morrison in  1970 Billy Wilder Hunter s Thompson F scott   Fitzgerald Tim Burton and many others have  produced work from within the hotel's walls the latent great John Belushi was found dead in  bungalow 3 on March 5th 1982 after having been   supplied a speedball intravenously by Cathy Smith  she was charged with involuntary manslaughter and   three drug charges Johnny and Wynonna's first  actual date was at Timothy Leary's house one can   just imagine what that entailed Johnny proposed a  mere five months into their official relationship   Winona was only 19 years old there's been nothing  in my 27 years that's been comparable to the   feeling I have with Winona he had Winona forever  tattooed on his shoulder to show he was committed   to the relationship and now says why no forever  he said to have removed it would have been to   act as though it had never happened the couple  began living together in 1991 deb had once sent   200 packets of Wynonna's favorite ramen noodles  to her hotel room when she was working on a film   regardless of Depp's romantic encouragement  when no one has soon checked herself into a   hospital for depression anxiety and exhaustion  as a result from her constantly working on films   in October of 1991 Mathew sweet released  a song Winona on his third album entitled   girlfriend he confessed to naming the song  after Winona Ryder although the two never dated member in December of 1991 writers starred as a  tomboy taxicab driver named Corky in the   LA segment of night on earth the part  of Corky was written specifically for   Winona by Jim Jarmusch the film  had a limited release but had a   great response from critics I need that  leg sorry sorry yeah Ewan yes thank you oh [ __ ] what what's wrong released in  November of 1992 a feature that have been   brought to Francis Ford Coppola 'z attention  by Wynonna joined by Keanu Reeves as Jonathan   Harker and Anthony Hopkins as van Helsing for  Bram Stoker's Dracula Rider played both roles   of count Dracula's reincarnated love interest  Mina Murray and Dracula's past lover princess   Elisabetta Winona later claims that due to  Romanian customs and since a real Romanian   priest was used in the ceremony her and Keanu were  officially married during filming we actually got   married in Dracula no I swear to God I think were  married in real life in that scene Francis used a   real Romanian priest we shot the master and he did  the whole thing so I think were married Coppola   corroborated her story saying this is pretty  authentic and I think very beautiful because   we actually did the ceremony and had the priest  do the ceremony so in a sense when we were all   done we realized that Keano and Wynonna really are  married as a result of the scene and the ceremony   in 1992 Winona appeared in the music video  love song for a vampire for artist Annie Lennox you you you you you you you in 1993 wenona appeared in the music video locked  out by crowded house in the video Winona plays a   woman running away from a man which perfectly  coincided with her and Depp calling off their   engagement in June of 1993 shortly after Winona  was diagnosed with anticipatory anxiety and her   doctor prescribed her sleeping pills she spent  the next two weeks in her hotel room drinking   screwdrivers from the minibar and smoking  cigarettes while listening to Tom Waits   she was quickly brought back to reality after  falling asleep with a lit cigarette one night   I fell asleep with a lit cigarette and woke up  to the flames haven't visited that dark side   since that was what you might say my wake-up call  Winona says Johnny was her very first heartbreak   and that he'll always be very dear to her when I  met Johnny I was a pure virgin he changed that he   was my first everything my first real kiss my  first real boyfriend my first fiance the first   guy I had sex with so he'll always be in my heart  forever fairly shortly after her split with Deb   Winona started dating the soul asylum frontman  David Turner Dave after his recent success with   the band song runaway train had left his wife  of 13 years in order to date Mona the two had   met while Seoul Asylum was taping their unplugged  special for MTV a couple years prior in September   of 1993 Winona appeared in Martin Scorsese's  film the age of innocence alongside Michelle   Pfeiffer and Daniel day-lewis it was a historical  romance drama adapted from a 1920s novel of the   same name set in the 1870s in New York and Paris  Winona plays may Welland the fiancee of Newland   Archer played by day-lewis she went Best Actress  in a supporting role and the film earned the Best   Adapted Screenplay among others in October of  1993 Winona was joined by a star-studded cast   including Meryl Streep Glenn Close and Antonio  Banderas in the old world drama film the house   of the spirits based on the 1982 novel la casa  de los espiritu's about a young lady named Clara   during the dictatorship in Chile Winona played  Lanka the love interest of Pedro who was played   by Antonio this film garnered some awards but  suffered in over 30 million dollar loss Ryder was   set to co-star in the film broken dreams alongside  River Phoenix unfortunately production of the film   was put on hold until decades later due to the  untimely death of 23 year old Phoenix on October   31st 1993 January of 1994 Winona appeared  in the romantic comedy drama called reality   bites the film was produced by Danny DeVito it  was directed by and also starred Ben Stiller   as well as Ethan Hawke and Janeane Garofalo the  plot follows Lelaina played by Ryder an aspiring   videographer working on a documentary called  reality bites about the lives of her friends and   roommates exemplifying the lifestyle choices made  by Generation X both of her brothers took part the   film received mixed reviews but was a moderate  commercial success it later achieved cult status first aired September 11th 1994 Winona made  a guest appearance in The Simpsons and the   episode titled Lisa's rival as Allison Taylor who  is very similar to Lisa was looking for a passage   to India correct Allison and on your very first  day in our class and during a subsequent voyage   Columbus found what is now the continent of  South America yeah we late 1994 in the family   drama film Little Women an adaptation of Louisa  May Alcott's 1868 novel of the same name Winona   co-starred as Josephine Marsh alongside Samantha  Mathis Kirsten Dunst Claire Danes Christian Bale   and Susan Sarandon the film is dedicated to Polly  Klass who was kidnapped and brutally murdered and   began the Polly Klass Foundation the film was  a major success among critics although it was   only moderately successful in the box office  in October of 1995 she appeared in the drama   how to make an American quilt based on the 1991  novel of the same name by Whitney Otto once again   alongside Samantha Mathis Winona took the lead  as Finn Dodd a recent graduate who retreats to   her grandmother's to contemplate her boyfriend's  recent proposal other notable appearances in this   film were Rip Torn and Maya Angelou it gained  little attention from critics in spite of its   thirty million dollars in earnings this makes  he thinks I'm leaving because last night he   proposed to me Sam's great and I really love him  and I'm 26 this is not an unreasonable age to get   married especially if they've found her possible  soul mate also 1995 Winona voiced the audiobook   of The Diary of Anne Frank in 1996 after moving  out to Minneapolis with David burner for a time   the couple decided to part ways neither Dave or  Winona commented on the split or provided any   particular details released in May of 1996 Ryder  co-starred in the film boys originally titled the   girl you want alongside Lucas Hoss it follows  a boarding school attendee John Baker played   by Hoss who rescues patty bear played by Winona  which turns John's life upside down they then   embark on a journey of love and self-discovery  Winona had reportedly hated the script and tried   to get out of the contract touchstone pictures  threatened to sue so she reluctantly finished   the film it had extremely poor critical reception  and was a complete failure commercially on May   31st 1996 when Nona's Godfather Timothy Leary  passed away at the age of 75 after struggling   with an operable prostate cancer for well over  a year his death was videotaped for posterity   and his request by Dennis berry and joy Cove  Ella capturing his final words several grams   of Leary's ashes were sent into space aboard a  rocket carrying the remains of 23 others by a   company called Celeste as' later other portions  of his ashes were given to friends and family   Susan Sarandon brought her share of ashes to the  Burning Man festival where they were put into an   art installation that was burned ceremoniously  September 6 2015 the energies that you run into   when you take LSD the visions that you get are  not supernatural and they're not pathological   these are ancient biological messages which are  stored in the nervous system and in the cells of   your body when you take LSD you go out of your  mind you go beyond words you go beyond symbols   you go beyond the 20th century because 99% of  your brain doesn't know that you or the 20th   century exists in October of 1996 Wynonna appeared  in Al Pacino's documentary film entitled looking   for Richard this was Pacino's directorial debut  exploring Shakespeare's Richard the third as well   as Shakespeare's impact on culture and society  as a whole other featured stars included Kevin   Spacey Kevin Conway and Alec Baldwin it was not  an official release and was mainly presented at   film festivals also in October of 1996 Winona  voiced herself on the show dr. Katz professional   therapist in season 3 episode 2 called Monte Carlo  if you do you have any Kleenex sure help yourself   maybe you should no I'm good thanks it oh right  right Oh has that been there the whole time we've   been talking business I apologize if that's see  that's why I'm still hungry released in December   of 1996 she starred in the film adaptation  of Arthur Miller's the crucible as Abigail   Miller Abigail attempts to frame the wife of her  ex-lover John Proctor played by Daniel day-lewis   for being a witch in the middle of the 1692 Salem  witch trials this film was also poorly received   by both critics and the box office released in  November of 1997 Winona was cast in the sci-fi   horror Alien Resurrection also known as alien  for she starred alongside Sigourney Weaver and   Ron Perlman this was the final installment of  the original series set 200 years after alien 3   this film was the least successful of its series  however it still earned over 150 million dollars   worldwide critics also gave major praise to both  riders and Weaver's performances Winona went on to   win a blockbuster entertainment award for best  actress yes that blockbuster Blockbuster Video you during the filming for alien Winona ended up   facing her fear of going underwater  during the flooded elevator scene Wynonna and Matt Damon were introduced at a  party on New Year's Eve of 1997 by Wynonna's   then bestfriend Gweneth Paltrow who was dating  Matt's best friend Ben Affleck they hit it off   and began a relationship the two were very  low-key about their relationship and would   arrive to events separately aside from  the Golden Globes in March of 1998 Winona   appeared on the Larry Sanders Show as herself  in the episode entitled another list mid-1998   Winona appeared in the music video talk about  the blues by John Spencer Blues Explosion released in November of 1998 in the  comedy-drama celebrity directed by   Woody Allen Winona was joined once again by  a star-studded cast exploring the life of Lee   Simon an unsuccessful writer who decides  to pursue celebrity journalism after the   divorce from his wife Robin he experiences both  professional and sexual encounters along the way   but his insecurities and fame seeking creates a  cycle of self-sabotage other notable stars who   appeared in this film were Leonardo DiCaprio  Judy Davis Charlize Theron and Hank Azaria regardless of the cast it was considered  a magnificent disappointment by both   critics and the box office released  November of 1999 and the South Park   movie bigger Longer & uncut Winona was  parodied this was the benchmark of meme   status if you got cut up on South  Park you were very socially relevant no the riders doing along with this she had gained  a cult status in her own personal right she had   grown quite an obsessed following of different  forms of stalkers and Wynonna enthusiasts cosmopolitan magazine has one  of the most sensitive bachelors   2003 currently Dudley's been dating Winona Ryder many musicians considered Winona their Muse  writing and naming songs after her many without   ever having met her for example Primus Wynonna's  big brown beaver and Fall Out Boy she's my Winona as well as some low-budget fan videos such as  palmer Winona Ryder and Mike Myers sweep Winona some do not officially state their  song had anything to do with Ryder but   it's pretty interesting how many songs  make use of the name Winona in general there's also a handful of tribute bands such  as Winona and the riders it's actually really   weird how many musical references there are  to Winona there are dozens of popular and   underground bands with Winona songs I invited  you to search Winona song on YouTube and see   for yourself there's not really any specific  explanation as to why this is so if anyone   can come up with one I'm all ears Winona even  had one man go so far as to try and get on as   an extra on all her movies just so he could get  close to her there's also an obscure group that   chronicles all the parts and movies in which  she is smoking this could either be a fetish   or the fact that it's taboo and she was always  smoking in films censorship Radek lists versus   sexually perverse who knows Winona is quite the  fangirl herself and is obsessed with Hollywood   star collectors items and costumes in December  of 1999 after three years of production and post   Girl Interrupted was released it was based on  the autobiography of the same title written by   Susanna Kaysen Ryder was especially focused  and attached to this film that she had not   only starred in but served as the executive  producer she considered it her child of the   heart Winona starred alongside Whoopi Goldberg  as nurse Valerie Brittany Murphy a patient named   Daisy who was sexually abused and struggling  with bulimia and OCD and Angelina Jolie as a   patient named Lisa a diagnosed sociopath do you  lie down you confess your secrets and you're saved making a brief appearance Jared Leto played  at Sue's Anna's boyfriend Toby Winona played   the role of Susannah an 18 year old diagnosed  with borderline personality who tried to end   her own life five milligrams of Valium IV I  decided to stay voluntarily at the Claymore   psychiatric facility she develops a relationship  with a handful of the other patients the closest   being with Jolie cast as Lisa Rowe bald guy was  a little pecker and if that wife it's a rapist   we'd be unless unless they're giving you shocks  I got forbid letting you out then you get to see   the great wonderful dr. Dyke Lisa had been in  the facility since she was nine years old she   is charismatic rebellious and abusive Lisa  hijacks Susanna's Mental Health by leading   her out on one of her infamous escape plans  after encouraging resistance to medication   and therapy all right listen tongue your meds  tonight after one o'clock checks Gretta always   goes out for a smoke check the mirrors and if  they're clear you go down to hector's closet what are we doing one Susanna learns quickly that  Lisa has been manipulating her   as well as emotionally abusing her and the others my father loves me I bet with every inch of God  I'm going to sleep now the film received mixed   reviews and had mediocre box office results but  Jolie went on to win an Academy Award a Golden   Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award  later in an interview Crider reveals that it   actually took about seven years to get this  film to screen between reading the book the   difficulties to secure the rights to the film  adaptation and then going into agreements for   production in late 1999 Winona started her own  music company called roustabouts studios Winona   accompanied Matt Damon to the Golden Globes  in the year 2000 they became engaged but broke   up later this year Winona only had good things  to say about the split saying he couldn't be a   greater nicer guy in August 2001 ona co-starred  in the romantic drama film autumn in New York   alongside Richard Gere and Vera Farmiga the plot  follows a middle-aged will keen a restaurant   owner played by Gere who falls in love with  a much younger woman named Charlotte played   by Ryder who also happens to be terminally  ill the film was quite successful in the box   office earning over ninety million dollars  worldwide although it received mixed reviews October 2nd 2000 wenona played Fran on the  TV show strangers with candy on the very   last episode of the show entitled the last  temptation of blank also in October of 2000   Winona co-starred alongside Elias Koteas  and the religious horror film lost souls   Ryder was cast as a nun named Maya Larkin who  was part of the secret society connected to   the Catholic Church who were determined to  prevent armed again Winona had refused to   do any commercial promotion for the film which may  have contributed to its extreme commercial failure lastly and also in October of the year 2000  Ryder received her star on the Hollywood   Walk of Fame Winona had allegedly dated back  briefly after Damon and he then went on to   write several songs about her that appear on  his album sea of change however Winona later   admits that this was just a rumor and the songs  he wrote for her were a coincidence in April of   2001 she appeared on the hit TV show friends  for episode 166 called the one with Rachel's   big kiss Rachel runs into Melissa played by  Winona Ryder a former sorority sister with   whom she had once had a passionate kiss I'm not  gonna let you take that away from me okay so if   you don't remember that maybe you won't remember  this in August of 2001 Winona was diagnosed with   a Gastroenterological disorder while in London  this illness caused her to drop out of Lille   and the secret planting and her role is given  to Kate Winslet instead she was quite unhappy   about this because she was very passionate  about the film released in September of 2001   another Ben Stiller production Winona made  a cameo in the action comedy film Zoolander   starring Ben Stiller Owen Wilson will ferrell  Mia Jovovich and Jon Voight the film features   a narcissistic brainless male model Derek  Zoolander played by Stiller he becomes   involved with corrupt fashion executives plotting  to assassinate the Prime Minister of Malaysia just you can help these children put on December  12th of 2001 Ryder was arrested for allegedly   shoplifting over $5,000 worth of designer  clothing and accessories from Saks Fifth   Avenue in Beverly Hills she was also in possession  of pharmaceutical drugs to which she did not have   a prescription including oxys diazepam and vicodin  she was caught after she left her credit card on   the counter and walked out she calls that this  was an act of self-sabotage psychologically I   must have been at a place where I just wanted  to stop I won't get into what happened but it   wasn't what people think she was released on  $20,000 bail and was ordered by the court to   pay for the stolen merchandise after her  arrest she went on to study constitutional   law with regards to environmental activism  after sitting in on some lectures she climbed   up 180 foot redwood tree where she stayed  for almost a week she was inspired by Julia   butterfly Hill who had famously lived in a tree  for 738 days to prevent its destruction during   this time she had had a brief relationship  with singer-songwriter peter yard but the   two separated after she was arrested for  shoplifting in May 2002 Wynonna appeared   in a Saturday Night Live episode featuring Winona  Ryder and Moby when I go home I turn into the oven and June of 2002 co-starring Adam Sandler in  the comedy mr. deeds a remake of the 1930s   Gary Cooper film mr. deeds goes to town Winona  made a comeback with her role as an undercover   news reporter named babe Bennett who disguises  herself to get closer to Longfellow deeds played   by Sandler to get information about the irregular  circumstances in which deeds inherited a massive   fortune the film received mostly negative  reviews from critics but did exceptionally   well in the box office earning over a hundred  and twenty million dollars I never broke a bone   until that movie until I did deeds I broke my  arm we were shooting a scene where Adam and I   were riding bikes down a long flight of stairs  in Central Park I was in heels and my heel got   caught in the pedal the funniest thing is we were  just standing there but I was totally showing off   like an idiot suddenly I was on the ground and  he was like are you okay I got up and I was like   yeah I'm fine no problem and in the morning oh  my god my arm hurts I went to the doctor and it   was broken in three places miraculously they were  just joint breaks so you don't put those in a cast   in August of 2002 Winona starred in the sci-fi  film Simone alongside Al Pacino Elias Koteas   and Jason Schwartzman Ryder's starred as Nicole  Anders who is replaced with a computer-simulated   actress which refuses to finish a movie this film  went nearly unnoticed by critics and they were   barely able to recuperate their initial budget  in November of 2002 Winona was found guilty of   the charges laid in 2001 she was convicted for  grand theft over 5000 shoplifting and vandalism   she was ordered to serve 480 hours of community  service and three years probation she paid 37   hundred dollars in fines and sixty three hundred  dollars in restitution to Saks Fifth Avenue she   was also ordered to attend counseling in 2003  Woody Allen wanted to cast Robert Downey jr.   and Winona Ryder in the film melinda melinda  but was unable to get insurance on either of   them what width Wynonna's recent run-in with the  law and roberts widely-known rehab visits due to   his struggle with drugs and alcohol released  in mid 2003 Winona had produced and narrated   a documentary entitled the day my god died the  film centers around the lives of young girls in   India who are sold into the child sex slave trade  sometimes by their own family it was filmed on   location in Nepal India containing actual footage  from brothels in Bombay known as the cages using   advanced spy technology the documentary also  introduces those who are trying to prevent   this from continuing some additional narrations  were done by Tim Robbins regime Obama advertising according to the United Nations 2,500 women and  children throughout the world disappear every day   to be sold into sexual slavery Mina Anita and  Miley are but three of the 15 Nepalese girls   traffic daily often by someone they trust also  in 2003 Winona held a benefit called rider to the   rescue highlighted by an art show the exhibition  was called cruel and unusual an exhibition to   benefit the West Memphis Three Damien Echols  Jessie Misskelley jr. and Jason Baldwin became   known collectively as the West Memphis Three  after they were tried and convicted in the   1993 murders of three boys during the trial  the god-fearing prosecution asserted that the   children were killed as part of a satanic ritual  the ultra religious country town of Arkansas was   less interested in the truth of the matter and  became fixated on pinning the crime on the black   sheep of the community those pesky teenagers who  are dark clothing and listened to rock music we   believe a terrible injustice happened 10 years ago  an injustice that involves six young lives three   are dead three are holed up in prison for crimes  that we and millions across America believe they   did not commit along with the many celebrities  as well as millions of Americans even some of   the parents of the victim stepped forward in  support of the defendants and reassessment of   the evidence the art show was organized by the  support group wm3 org and continued mainly West   Memphis 3 themed art donated by 20 nationally  known artists they fund raised over $20,000   to go towards efforts to a DNA testing done on  the physical evidence from the crime scene after   revisiting DNA evidence in the case the three were  eventually released after agreeing to a rare plea   deal called an Alford plea which allowed them to  maintain their innocence while pleading guilty   at that point they had served roughly 18 years in  prison other celebrities that vied for the support   of the West Memphis Three were Doug Hutchison  Jello Biafra Tobey Maguire lawyer danced in   and Arkansas's times editor mara levitt author of  devil's knot the true story of the West Memphis   Three another huge advocate for the West Memphis  Three was Johnny Depp who became fairly close   with Damien Echols you make a decision you know  and it's very simple you know everybody anybody   and everybody who saw those initial documentaries  you make a choice am I gonna watch the thing and   go oh wow that's really horrible and then  you know go out and get a milkshake or am   I gonna go you know what that's just you know  it's I can't I'm unable Daz well the two have   even gotten a number of tattoos together since  Damien's release it's one of those he didn't   just support us while we were in prison he's been  with us every single step of the way since we've   gotten out he's become like a brother to me  and that's one of the things we always do you   know just as part of that bond is whenever you  get tattoos like that it's something that both   of you carry with you through the rest of  your life it's really we have some dad said   motioning towards a tattoo on the right side of  his chest this one Damien design it's one of my   all-time favorites and it means quite a lot to  me during the summer of 2003 Winona had dated a   helmet frontman Paige Hamilton and many of  the songs on their 2004 album called size   matters were inspired by Winona but the couple  split shortly after their album was released June 18 2004 when Otis charges from the earlier  shoplifting incident were dropped from felonies   to misdemeanors she claims she was clinically  depressed at the time and that her doctor had   prescribed medication that seriously clouded  her judgment said dr. Jules Marc lust Minh   had his medical license revoked by the Medical  Board of California for unethically catering   to the demands of wealthy and her famous  drug seekers for prescription narcotics   which would otherwise have to be obtained on  the street January 2006 and a film adaptation   entitled the Darwin Awards based on a website  of the same name was only broadcasted at film   festivals it featured stars such as Winona  as well as David Arquette Weller Valderrama   and Chris Penn released in May 2006 Winona had  another comeback with the adult animated sci-fi   thriller a Scanner Darkly but George Clooney  listed as the executive producer it was based   on the novel of the same name written by philip  k dick with an ADD isotope in society that is   plagued by a drug addiction epidemic under  the constant surveillance of the authorities Oh Chuck hey Donna can I get anything some ham starring Winona as Donna Hawthorne alongside  Keanu Reeves Robert Downey jr. and Woody   Harrelson this film had a limited release and  performed very poorly in the box office it was   widely misunderstood and confused by most  critics seeing their offering of any type   of review as a complete burden to me it was 18  speeds I just got grieved I just got wait wait   now I count eight six here and then two in the  front that makes hate what do you think happened   to the missing gears think I know they were  probably working on it these gypsy grifters   with improper tools and no technical knowledge  no understanding of reverse engineering and when   they attempted to reassemble it they panicked  they got security they left nine orphan gears   they're just laying on the floor the police  still there in Florida garage interview for   the Guardian one critic wrote the movie is often  startling and engrossing but the question of   what the heck is going on and why is never  entirely absent from your mind however much   like its predecessor the waking life released  in 2001 it remains very popular among certain   niche groups of film enthusiasts in 2006 went  on a date at henry alex-rubin the two had met   while working on Girl Interrupted Henry made a  mockumentary about Winona shoplifting scandal   which she starred in but it seems it was never  released to the public in August of 2007 Winona   appeared in the religious comedy film entitled  the top ten alongside Adam Brody Jessica Alba   Paul Rudd and Justin Theroux this film was also a  limited release and performed very poorly overall   in September of 2007 writer was reunited with  the screenwriter from Heather's Daniel waters   in the dark sci-fi comedy film sex and death 101  it focuses on a wealthy businessman in roderick   plank played by simon baker who receives an email  on the eve of his wedding with a list of every one   of his past and future sexual partners this too  was a complete commercial failure by late 2007   Winona had dated Blake Sennett a guitarist for  about a year there were rumours that the couple   had become engaged but neither confirmed or  denied it in April 2008 Winona appeared in   an obscure comedy drama called the last word the  first debuted at the Sundance Film Festival the   film is about a poet named Evan played by West  Bentley that writes suicide notes for a living   when he meets Charlotte played by Winona a sister  of one of his late clients who he becomes enamored   with another notable appearance was Ray Romano  from Everybody Loves Raymond at the end of 2008   there were rumors about a romance between Winona  and MTV's Tom Green after the two were spotted   going on a date she was also rumored to have  had a fling with British model James Gooding   released in February 2009 and the romantic comedy  the private lives of Pippa Lee alongside Julianne   Moore Keanu Reeves and Blake Lively Winona made an  appearance as Sandra Dools the film was based on   the novel of the same name by Rebecca Miller and  portrays the history of the life of Pippa Lee the   film was shown at a handful of film festivals  but was only given a limited release released   in April 2009 based on a collection of short  stories written in 1994 by Bret Easton Ellis the   Informer's co-starred Winona Billy Bob Thornton  Kim Basinger Amber Heard Mickey Rourke and Brad   Renfro it includes seven stories taking course  during a week in the life of movie executives   rock stars a vampire and other morally challenged  characters set in 1980s Los Angeles it was the   last feature film for Renfro before his untimely  death on January 15 2008 at the age of 25 actor   Brad Renfro was found dead in his Los Angeles  apartment the cause of death was not immediately   known but the 25 year old actor had battled  the drug abuse to add insult to injury the film   was a tragic failure in the box office and with  critics also in 2009 she made a brief appearance   in the Star Trek film as Spock's human mother  Amanda Grayson should I choose to complete the   Vulcan to substantive : ha and purge all emotion I  trust you will not feel a reflux judgment upon you as always whatever you choose to be you will  have a proud mother released in April 2010   Winona starred in the TV movie when love is  not enough the Lois Wilson story the film   is based on the life story of Lois Wilson  founder of al-anon / Alateen her husband   had returned from World War one and turned  to drinking the story is based around his   struggle with alcoholism and eventually  becoming sober and staying that way with   help of fellow alcoholic dr. Bob Smith  they then founded Alcoholics Anonymous my husband I prayed and I have fought for you like  no one else why wasn't my love enough to make you   stop after a handful of commercial failures and  cameo appearances Winona was cast as a retiring   ballerina Beth MacIntyre and a psychological  horror epic Black Swan released in December   2010 she was cast alongside Natalie Portman Mila  Kunis and Vincent Cassel 28 year-old Nina Sayers   played by Natalie Portman gets the lead role  in Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake she's a great fit   for the white swan but is unable to truly embody  the black swan which would be better performed   by newcomer Lily played by Mila Kunis nina begins  to lose a grip with reality and her sanity as the   pressure to compete and perfect her performance  weighs down upon her in spite of the small budget   of 13 million dollars the film grossed over  325 million dollars worldwide and received   great praise an excellent view of reception  released in January 2011 in the comedy-drama   film produced by Ron Howard and Vince Vaughn the  dilemma Winona co-starred with Vaughn as well as   Kevin James Jennifer Connelly Channing Tatum  and Queen Latifah the film follows the lives   of Nick played by Kevin James and Ronnie played  by Vaughn her close friends and partners at an   auto design firm Ronnie sees Nick's wife Geneva  played by Ryder kiss another man Channing Tatum   Ronnie then has to figure out if and how he should  tell his friend Nick it received mixed reviews and   only just recuperated the initial budget released  in September 2012 she voiced Elsa van Helsing in   the animated horror comedy film Frankenweenie  directed by Tim Burton and produced by Disney   it was an all black and white film following  Victor Frankenstein and his dog other notable   voice actors for this film were Martin Short and  Catherine O'Hara Frankenweenie won the Saturn   Award for best animated film and was nominated  for an Academy Award a Golden Globe a BAFTA and   an Annie Award for best film in each respective  a animated category it also did moderately well   at the box office also in 2012 Winona appeared  in the music video here with me for the killers released in May 2013 Winona appeared in The Iceman  a biographical crime thriller as Debra Klinsky   wife of a contract killer based on the true story  of notorious hitman richard kuklinski played by   michael shannon alongside Ray Liotta and James  Franco the film was poorly received by critics   and suffered a great loss released in November  of 2013 she appeared in the home front based on   Chuck Logan's novel of the same name adapted into  a screenplay by sylvester stallone she co-stars   alongside jason stathom and once again James  Franco the film had moderate box office earnings   it was very poorly received by critics between  2013 and 2014 Wynonna appeared in two episodes of   drunk history first was season 1 episode 4 Boston  or she plays Mary Dyer and rages war against the   Puritans secondly season 2 episode 8 Philadelphia  where she plays Benedict Arnold's wife released in January 2015 she starred in  experimenter the biographical drama based on   the Milgram experiments in 1961 Stanley Milgram  conducted a series of behavior experiments at   Yale University they tested the willingness  for one to obey Authority even if they were   under the impression that they were causing harm  to strangers the correct answer is box Curt an   officious one saying correct 75 volts each time  he administers a shock lips drawn back bares his   teeth but they all seem to want to impress you  for some reason mmm-hmm but why why do so many   the vast majority push all the way through to  the final switch why is the Dutchman's defiance   the anomaly instead of the norm at least in 2015  she appeared in the four-part miniseries show me   a hero the series followed those who are trying  to build public housing in the white middle-class   area of Yonkers in 1978 starting in 2016 and  continuing presently Winona has a starring   role in the Netflix original series stranger  things a sci-fi horror written and directed   by the duffer brothers after a young boy named  will Byers mysteriously disappears the residents   of small town uncover secrets of a government lab  the boys friends are joined by a little girl with   telekinesis who escaped Hawkins laboratory where  she's being experimented on Winona has a main role   as Joyce Byers wells mother and is joined by fresh  faces from the Netflix casting couch Milly Bobby   Brown who plays the telekinetic escapee named 11  has seen great success and recognition throughout   the series earning several awards since it began  at the Screen Actors Guild Awards Winona became an   instant meme sensation after pulling a series  of strange faces during the acceptance speech   it was later said that because they didn't have  mics on and there were no speakers at the front   of the stage it was really hard to hear the speech  that david harbor was making on their behalf she   couldn't hear me harbor told people at the Writers  Guild Awards in New York Sunday night which I was   confused by because I was screaming but apparently  she couldn't hear me it's bit hard to believe this   explanation when this is the first time we've  seen a reaction of this sort of form from someone   on stage during any acceptance speeches why do  you guys think she was making such strange faces and tired they are not alone we are united  in that we are all human beings and we are   all together on this horrible painful joyous  exciting and mysterious ride that is being   alive although it hasn't officially been  stated many have speculated that stranger   things is based on the clandestine human  experimentation under project Montauk a   covert government operation that illegally  recruited human subjects runaway kids for   purposes of mind-control and some of the more  elaborate stories are time travel interstellar   travel interdimensional travel and reverse  engineering of extraterrestrial technology Wynonna's most recent film appearance was  a release in august 2018 Winona and Keanu   Reeves were reunited in the romantic comedy  destination wedding as to strangers invited   to the same destination wedding were forced  to get to know each other better it was mainly   released under digital distribution so the  earnings aren't quite clear and it received   mixed reviews all in all Winona isn't exactly  dark by her own right however throughout her   life she's rubbed shoulders with many  key players in life's game of good and   evil finding semblance of balance between  the joys and tragedies deep within the dark   and twisted recesses of Hollywood Winona lives  neutrally reading a book and smoking a cigarette we're gonna be late no no no  no one no no no no no one name
Channel: tezzmosis
Views: 740,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winona, winona ryder, winona ryder interview, winona ryder sag awards, winona ryder and johnny depp, winona ryder shoplifting, winona ryder keanu reeves, winona ryder interview 2019, winona ryder documentary, winona ryder documentary 2019, stranger things, winona ryder stranger things, winona ryder interview 2018, winona ryder and angelina jolie, winona ryder biography
Id: cOZ59-uBf2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 49sec (4189 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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