Windows 11 Features You Didn't Know Existed! 2023

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as many of you know when Windows 11 first launched to put it mildly I was not a big fan over time it's improved quite a bit and is now the most feature-packed operating system Microsoft has ever created so coming up to this video I'll show you the windows 11 features most people don't know exist that are actually worth using let's get started [Music] let's start with an old dinosaur first notepad has been around since 1983 after 40 years it finally received its first major update and overhaul to its interface in addition to supporting a dark theme it now has Tab support letting you easily navigate multiple files in a single window if you want to use a dark theme when using it go to settings here on the right click the drop down for app Theme if your system setting is already set to dark select use system settings otherwise select dark the Snipping Tool built into Windows is useful for taking a screenshot using the keyboard shortcut which is the Windows key plus shift plus s and now lets you record any part of your screen the keyboard shortcut won't work for this you'll need to open the Snipping tool app start a recording select the record icon then select new select a portion of your screen that you'd like to record and then select start if you're someone that's been wanting to see a clock readout in the taskbar showing seconds you're in luck to turn this on right click on an empty space of your taskbar and select taskbar settings scroll down and open taskbar behaviors go to the last entry in this list and check the box next to show seconds in system tray clock did you say this will use more power so if you're concerned about battery life you might want to keep this turned off for those times you need to get some work done without any distractions try out focus mode to enable this feature from the settings app in system go to focus you can change the allotted time along with other settings including turning on do not disturb when you select start Focus session a timer will appear in the upper right corner by default it will be on a 20 minute timer letting you know when you should take a five minute break Microsoft has made a ton of headlines over the last several months integrating open ai's chat GPT into its products to use their Bing chat you can now access it by selecting the Bing icon to the right of the search bar you could type your question in the box or if you have a microphone Click the microphone icon to ask your question here's an example what is the meaning of life searching for meaning of life that is a very profound and philosophical question there is no definitive answer to the meaning of life as different people and cultures may have different beliefs values and purposes some may seek meaning in religion spirituality science art or human relationships some may believe that life has no inherent meaning but that we can create our own meaning through our choices and actions a task most of us do every day is copying and pasting the clipboard history feature lets you see everything you've copied to enable it in the settings app in system scroll down and select clipboard toggle the switch on for clipboard history if you have other windows 10 or 11 devices using the same account you might also want to turn on sync across your devices this will let you access stuff you've copied on those devices as well to access your clipboard history use the keyboard shortcut which is the Windows key plus v ly click on what you want to copy and paste it wherever you need it voice typing is a little known feature in Windows that works quite well it can be used anywhere you type within Windows here's an example to open it use the keyboard shortcut which is the Windows key plus h hi Jane period I just read your memo regarding pay raises for the entire staff period that is very exciting news exclamation point I mentioned earlier that notepad now has Tab support file explorer also got upgraded and now has the ability to open multiple tabs now instead of having multiple Explorer windows open they can now be contained within a single window the phone link app for Windows 11 in addition to Android now supports iOS so now you can read and send messages from your iPhone on your PC and make and take phone calls it's easy to get set up first select your device then follow the instructions live captions is an awesome accessibility feature that will offer real-time captioning of any audio playing on your screen from any program to open it you could search for live captions or use the keyboard shortcut which is the Windows key plus Control Plus l here's a short example using one of my most recent videos in the Box type your prompt after entering in your prompt click on create select one of the images you'll have the option to share it with others save it to one of your collections download it to your computer or customize it here's one that is deeply hidden many people didn't think still existed to organize your media collection Microsoft replaced Windows Media Player with something simply titled media player many people feel it's bloated slow and less functional to use the Windows Media Player go to search and type windows media player select Windows Media Player Legacy and there you go the NightLight feature built into Windows 11 and also available for Windows 10 uses warmer tones blocking blue light to help you sleep to enable it in the settings app in system go to display in brightness and color to enable NightLight at any time toggle the switch on screen recording software won't capture this but my displays are now using warmer tones when you click Into Night Light you can adjust the strength and below that to have it automatically turn on toggle the switch on for schedule nightlight what I do is to have it active from Sunset to Sunrise or if you'd prefer you can set your own hours thanks for watching if this video is useful for you give it a thumbs up and share it with others what are your favorite features of Windows 11 let me know about them in the comments and if you're new to this channel subscribe and click the notification Bell for the latest on Windows 11 and other Tech related stuff right here on Brett in Tech
Channel: Brett In Tech
Views: 28,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows 11 Features You Didn’t Know Existed 2023, Windows 11 Hidden Features, Windows 11 New Features, Top Hidden Windows 11 Features, Features of Windows 11, Windows 11 Best Features, Microsoft Windows, Windows Tips, Tricks, Features, Windows 11 Top Features, Windows Features, New Features in Windows 11, Microsoft Windows 11 Features, Windows 11, Hidden Features, 2023, Brett In Tech
Id: z05uXjlOBZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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