Windows 11 Tutorial

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hello and welcome to our windows 11 tutorial my name is mo jones and i am really glad to be able to guide you through this tutorial of windows 11. we'll explore the refresh interface we'll take a look at what's new and we'll spend some time just finding our favorite tasks and commands this is interactive so be ready to pause the video and practice anything that we've covered if you're enjoying these videos please like and subscribe if you're looking to earn certificates and watch videos without ads sign up for learn at any time our dedicated online training subscription service check the link in the description for more information if you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors please join our off-site community the link is in the description as well as always if this course has exercise files you'll find them in the video description below let's dive in welcome back i just opened a brand new user account here on my windows 11 machine and i just signed in and i have to say it looks very very good very very appealing and one of the things that you'll notice since windows 7 up until now windows 11 we've seen microsoft really paying attention to colors and providing more just vibrant options for us and this is a really nice looking interface so we are given this basic theme here this default theme which we will change a little later here and notice we do have our icons here i do have a few programs that i installed and so we still have our icons available on our desktop they'll show up here for us another thing to notice is that our start menu is normally over here but it's not and windows 11 is done is kind of centered everything for us over here and we still have our notification area over here to the bottom right we do not have a specific notification area icon but what we'll see later is we kind of interact with these different icons here they will open up that notification area for us so here's our start menu it's moved over here we can actually move this back to the left if we want to here's our search bar we can search for programs and we have this option here where we can kind of open uh different virtual desktops so we can kind of work separately and we have our widgets here and notice that microsoft teams is built into windows 11. we can still access our folders by clicking on the folder icon here and microsoft edge is the default browser for windows 11. and finally we have our microsoft store here icon has changed a little bit looks pretty good okay so let's go ahead and talk about our desktop here one of the things i like to do i like to right click and just to see what my options are and we still have the capability to just right click and get this really nice menu here where we can pretty much access a lot of the places in terms of customizing our look and feel so i can go ahead and change the size of my icons if i want to right now my icons are small so maybe i want to make them medium and we see that they change the medium for me here i'll go ahead and right click again and maybe i want to see large and keep make note of the actual shortcut key so if i want large desktop icons i can press ctrl shift that will give me large control shift 3 will give me medium control shift 4 will give me small i'll go back to large here wow these are really really big yep i'll go ahead and put those back to medium i like it like that let's see what else is in this menu so just interacting with our icons here we can notice my icons are auto arranged they are aligned to the grid and i'm currently showing my desktop icons so if i don't want to see my desktop icons i can just unclick right here and notice my icons icons are gone if i want to put those back i'll go ahead and right click again and i'll just go ahead and show those icons now i can turn off some of these features such as auto arrange okay so i can so now what i can do is i can kind of move them around to different places if i want to okay and so the auto range is very useful when you have a lot of desktop icons and for me i like to keep it turned on so i'll just go ahead and auto arrange that and it puts it back for me right there on the left i'll go ahead and continue going through this menu so the next option here is to sort by so we can sort our icons here by name by size by item type or even the date that was modified i'll click on name and it is somewhat sorted by name here let me try a different option be by size let's see date modified so it's really up to you this is fully customizable i'll go ahead and put the sort right back here by name i like to keep it that way as well very good and i'll right click again we can refresh the desktop if you want to i have not needed to refresh the desktop since really windows 7 but the option is there for you another thing that we can do we still have this new menu here where we can create a new folder so i'll go ahead and create a new folder here just click on there and here's my new folder so now i can go ahead and just just type a name maybe i'll put windows 11 or just 111 there and so it's easier to really create a new folder go ahead and right click again and depending on the folders that you have the programs that you have installed you can go ahead and launch or create a new program right here so if i wanted to create a new microsoft word document i can do it right here from my desktop just by right-clicking and i'll go ahead and give this a name [Music] and i'll call this win 11 tutorial so very useful tool and again so we can manipulate the desktop icons we can create folders we can create programs right here from our desktop so go ahead and just check out the taskbar go ahead and create a new folder go ahead and arrange your icons just right click on that menu and make some customization so that you can have the look and feel that you are accustomed to and come right back welcome back well hopefully you had fun just kind of customizing your desktop icons and maybe you created a folder and a file as well well now what we want to do is just go ahead and take a look at our start menu so once again our start menu has moved from the far left over here and now it's kind of at the beginning of our center console here and one thing that microsoft has done really since windows 8 is to really provide a kind of hybrid type of operating system and today microsoft is actually referring to windows 11 as a operating system that was designed for a hybrid experience so many of us are working from home and especially if you have a a microsoft surf surface computer which is touch screen which kind of doubles as a tablet and a computer this operating system is perfect for that so if you have a really nice mobile setup then this is perfect for you and so what we'll notice is we kind of navigate the menus here what we will see is kind of this transition to a mobile type of experience here so i'll go ahead and click on my start menu and we'll just kind of highlight a few things here notice at the top that we have our search bar so we can actually search here we also have our search bar down here we can go ahead and use that so if you want to remove this we can actually remove that or unpin that from the task bar a little later but we do have the option here to search what i really like is i don't really use the start menu that much i just basically just type what i want to look for if i want to open up powerpoint i'll type powerpoint powerpoint will show up for me and i'll be able to open that so as a windows 8 i don't really need to you know to really drill down into the start menu to find what i'm looking for so we have some pinned applications here as well so a lot of these are by default so we have edge word excel powerpoint we have our local basic mail client which is pretty pretty cool we have our calendar and a few other things here we have some apps that came pre-loaded such as spotify these things here so we can unpin these if we want to okay but uh before we do that what i would like to do is just take a look at this getting started guide here to kind of take a little transition to see what's new in windows 11. finally if you want to see all of our apps they are right here okay so go ahead and click on the start menu here i'm just going to take a look around and see what applications are available and what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove some of these i'll just go ahead and right click and i'm going to unpin this from my start menu just to kind of get things out of the way here and again a lot of these just kind of came with the operating system some social media applications here and i just want to kind of remove them i think this looks pretty good i'll go ahead and keep everything else here now we do have a small kind of navigation menu over here it's very subtle but this is a small scrollable menu and so i just want to go ahead and kind of scroll through that so you can go down and see what else is there as well go to the previous page very very good on the bottom we also have some recommended applications so a lot of these are just kind of things i've been working on recently but what i want you to do now is click on the start menu go ahead and just kind of remove some apps here that you don't want to use and then go ahead and click on all the apps and here we can scroll and we can see all the applications that are installed and so if you want to you can go ahead and pin something maybe i'll pin uh this music file here go ahead and pin that to the start and what else do i want to pin here maybe i'll pin microsoft teams as well i'll go back here and i should see them here if i go to the next page there they are very good so go ahead click on your start menu go ahead and remove some pinned applications click on all apps and go ahead and add some of your favorite programs by right-clicking and pinning them to your start menu and come right back welcome back okay so let's talk about what's new so once again i'll go ahead and click on my start menu here and we did talk about some of the pin files all the applications and right here i want to take advantage of this and let's just see what windows 11 has in store for us so i'll go ahead and click on get started here and we kind of get this dialogue right this kind of wizard here that's taking us on the journey and wants me to sign in with my microsoft account now signing in will allow you to really take advantage of all the features you can sync across different devices which is very very good i'm not going to sign in right now i'm going to go ahead and just go to the next menu here okay and so we can go ahead and we can sync our files to onedrive okay so it does come with windows 11 that enables us to do that and so here are some apps some recommended apps that microsoft thinks that will like it's from the microsoft store and so if you're a big fan of these social media apps here's a great place you can just go ahead and click and then install them right from here and one thing that has improved with microsoft store is that now there are a lot more public apps that you can take advantage of you don't really need to sign in to install a lot of applications and here is giving us a little tour of our start menu here how we can engage it kind of search for things and as i said before i just like to type in the search box and pull up the actual application so we do have this option called focus assist and we kind of open that by engaging with the notification area and now we'll kind of take a look at that a little later on but if you want to go ahead and set this up right now you can click on this blue button and that will set it up for you and this really just helps you to manage your notifications and you have a few options here you can turn them off priority only or alarms only so you have the capability to customize your notifications just as you would on your phone app and microsoft edge has come a long way from the days of internet explorer they really made a lot of modifications and really realizing that there are a lot of browsers out there that are really have cutting edge technology and we'll take a look at microsoft edge later some of the features that it offers and you may want to stick with microsoft edge as your default browser and then we have this option here for widgets so you can find our widgets here on the bottom and so these widgets gives you different things from news to stocks to the weather and it's a nice option if you want to be able to use those widgets there are various widgets that you can use another really cool feature is you can link your android phone from your pc so you can do the things you do on your phone right from your pc use your favorite phone apps respond to text make calls view photos and more so this is a really really nice feature that they have as well we'll try to get into that a little bit later and of course as i mentioned before microsoft teams is now built in to windows 11 so you do have the option there to make calls to send messages and to send files as well and that's it it says we're all set so we can either go back home or we can open some tips i'll go back to the home here and i'll go ahead and close this out so go ahead and just take that quick tour and as you're going through the tour you can actually enable a lot of those features that are there as well so open that up go through the tour and come right back welcome back well hopefully you were able to take that guided tour and maybe you were able to implement some of the features that you were being shown there let's go ahead and talk about our search bar here but before we do that just to kind of finish up with our start menu i do want to point out a few things here here we can go ahead on our start menu we can go ahead and turn off we can put our computer to sleep we can shut it down or we can restart it so if you're wondering hey where's my power button this is where it is we can also go ahead and sign out of our current session we can lock our screen or we can log in with another user account here as well now our search bar is here at the top and so when i click on the search we get a more exhaustive list we have some more options so notice here we can do a complete search and as i said before maybe i want to open up a application like powerpoint so if i just type powerpoint from here i can press enter or i can just go ahead and click on powerpoint and that will open powerpoint for me so i just go like that it's opening powerpoint for me i'll go ahead and close that so we can either search for apps and it shows frequent apps here that you use and it shows recent apps down here and so this is more than just you know a search feature this is really kind of making things more accessible for you and allowing it to be more efficient so i can search for individual documents don't have any documents right now but as you can see the coding change here the command now we have the documents we can search the web and we do have more options here we have more filters so we have music photos settings and videos and so very very nice options as well over here we do have another menu here you can go ahead and just kind of add your microsoft account we can go ahead and specify the search settings all right here just from the search we can specify the indexing options i'll click on search settings and it opens up this privacy and security console for us and we do have safe search here that's turned on so we can specify what type of safe search we want by default it's set to moderate but if you want to make it very strict we can do that as well or we can completely turn it off and then we have some cloud content search here so if you are logged in with your microsoft account you can take advantage of a cloud searching through your cloud service and we can go ahead and allow windows search to provide results from the apps and services that we are signed into with our microsoft account we can show our search history on this device we can go ahead and clear our device history so what we're kind of seeing here is integration with so this search is not just for your computers for your computer it's for the web and it's for your cloud based data source as well very good and from here we can access other settings as well so we can access the full settings right from here let me go back here all right and so that is our search bar providing us with a lot of options to search so go ahead and open up your search bar there and do some web searches search for an application and open it go ahead and try to search for an actual file or a folder you can go ahead and adjust the settings for your search as well play around and come right back let's move on to our taskbar so here's our taskbar here on the bottom and what i'll do is i'm going to go ahead and just kind of highlight some of the areas here so we have kind of our center console here that has various applications that we can interact with and various commands such as the search bar and over to our right we do have our icons here as well such as our wi-fi our battery we have our date and we have our microphone settings here and any other hidden icons here that we're using but what i want to do i want to go ahead and right click on my taskbar so i can take a look at the settings so i can customize it a little further so let's see what options are available i'll right click on my taskbar and now in windows 10 we had a long menu that we would get when we right clicked on the taskbar for example we can turn things off right there and the menu by checking them or unchecking them we could open up the task manager as well but now we get the settings so we'll click here it brings us to this personalization menu and specifically for the task bar so from here what we can do we can go ahead and turn things on or off so maybe you don't want the search bar here because it's already integrated into our start menu so maybe i'll go ahead and turn you know remove that so i basically just unpinned it from my taskbar here and the task view that gives you the different desktops i'll leave that there uh the widgets i'll leave that on as well teams chat maybe i'll turn that off very good so we can just go ahead and just remove things from our taskbar now we can add applications to our taskbar so if i click on my start menu here and i go to all apps maybe i want to add microsoft access to my taskbar so i'll do again i'll right click and again i can either pin it to the start menu but that's not what i want i'm going to go to more and here i can pin it to the taskbar so if i do this correctly it should show up down here in my taskbar and there you go so there's microsoft access so it's very simple to add programs to your taskbar makes it a lot easier so you don't have to go to the menu and find it so we also have options down here and we have some taskbar corner icons okay so what this allows us to do is show our hide icons that appear on the corner of our taskbar so we can show the pen menu so if i just kind of toggle these offer on if you have a touch keyboard we can always show the touch keyboard icon so as you can see it shows up down here if we have a virtual touchpad we can take advantage of that as well so these are all options i'll turn these off i'm not using any of these right now other things that we can personalize is the taskbar corner overflow so we can choose which icons may appear in the taskbar or if all others will appear in the taskbar corner overflow menu and so again this is just a matter of preference what you want to see so i have some other these are really kind of programs that start up when you start your computer so for me i have you know i have this kind of built-in for my computer this came with my computer oem and we have a windows security icon here so i can just go ahead and turn these off or on so maybe for microsoft teams so now i just revealed microsoft teams now i just revealed one drive so really what's happening here is you can either hide these icons right by turning them off and if you need to access them you have to click on this menu here so that you can interact with them or you can just you know reveal them so that they will always show up down here so it's really up to you i like to keep them turned off because i don't like my taskbar being flooded with applications here and then we have our taskbar behaviors so right now i was telling you earlier we can move our taskbar to the left so right now it is centered so all of our friends here are in the center of our taskbar but what if we wanted to go ahead and move them to the left we can do so so now if you want you can put your start menu right back to the left so it's really up to you notice it does not give us the option to go to the right because then you'll be crashing into our notification area down here as well here's the option you can automatically hide the taskbar so it just kind of hides there you kind of have to move your mouse so that it comes back i'll leave mine turned on here and we have some other options here okay so you can show the taskbar and all of your displays i am using two displays and so i do want to see the taskbar on both of them as well so these are options that are fully customizable for you so go ahead and right click on your taskbar i'm going to put these back in the middle i like it there i think it just looks a lot better so go ahead right click on your taskbar go ahead and adjust these settings maybe you want to remove some of these programs here maybe you want to add some icons maybe you want to kind of auto hide some of these icons that are over here it's all up to you you have the ability to customize them so play around with those settings pause the video and come right back hopefully you had fun just customizing your taskbar settings there now what i want to do i want to talk about our task view and right next to our i did remove my search bar here but let's go ahead and talk about our task view so if you're a multi-tasker which many of us are this was actually available in windows 10 as well and this basically allows you to open various desktops here okay and so what i'll do i'll go ahead and just mouse over it here and when i mouse over it it shows me my current desktop which is default to desktop one i can go ahead and create a new desktop so if i click on this plus sign here that will bring me to a new view and that's desktop too so what i can do i can go ahead and right click you're going to change the name of this here why would you want to have more than one desktop that you're working on well maybe you have one just for you know doing research maybe you have another one for learning so maybe i'll call this one research and it just really allows you to kind of get things out of the way and keep things organized here so i call it research i can also right click on it and i can move it to the left if i want to i can close it remove it but one cool thing that i can do is i can go ahead and choose the background right so maybe i'm doing the research i wanted to you know have another type of background here so i can click on choose background and this brings me back to that personalization menu but now it's specifically for the background and even more specifically for the background for my research desktop here so it gives me the current view of what's happening here so now i have a few options i'll just scroll down a little bit here so i can use a picture if i want to or i can use a solid color or i can use a slideshow so again it's fully customizable however you want it we do have some default pictures that comes with windows 11. so maybe i'll try i can try this one if i want to get a nice preview so this is what it would look like looks pretty nice very very nice and but maybe i want a solid color so i'll choose a solid color here and from here i can choose different colors that i want to use maybe this blue and so i can do that if i want to now if i want custom colors i can also add some custom colors by clicking on view colors and i have my color palette here if i want to click more i can enter the rgb values of those colors if i want to and i do have the hsv values here that i want as well so if you're really into colors you there's a lot of options online that provides you a lot of free websites that gives you the color codes rgb values for various colors so maybe you're looking for a specific one i'm not going to play around with this just want to show you that this option is there i'll go ahead and cancel this and i think what i'll do is i'll stick to this color here but what if i'm working at night right and i want to use a a contrast theme right for low vision light sensitivity so microsoft has done a lot just in terms of making these options accessible to us and you'll notice a lot of these dark or contrasting themes are becoming more and more available especially on mobile devices where we tend to spend a lot of time so we have various themes here we have this desert we have dusk we have night sky and i can scroll down and i can go ahead and choose one of these themes i'm not going to do that now it's going to really create a interesting visual as i'm recording here but you do have these options here you can check them out and see how you like them i can go ahead and go back to my themes here so here the different themes that i can use and remember the theme is just the combination of colors and effects that applies to your experience here okay so i'm just going to leave it here as this blue so i'll go back and let's see i'll go back to my so here's my research [Music] now i can go back to my desktop one as well i want to create a new desktop i can do that i'm gonna go ahead and close this out now let's see if i can create another one here and i'll choose a background for this one and i want a picture and i'll give it this picture here and i'm good to go so now i have a few desktops and i can navigate through each one there's desktop one here's research and here's desktop three and i can go ahead and launch individual applications inside of each of those desktops so go ahead click on your task view here create a few desktops change the layout of each by using a picture a different picture for your background right take a look at some of the other contrasting views that we have available and come right back welcome back well hopefully you had some fun creating different task views there or different desktops and taking advantage of the customizable options well let's go ahead and talk about our notification area here or our quick settings area we're interchangeable here we've poked around over here a few times but now let's go ahead and dive in so the first thing we notice is we have our hidden icons here and remember we can right click on the taskbar and kind of specify if we want these to be revealed or to be hidden i want them to be hidden if i want to go ahead and close these i can right click right here and i can actually quit them just like that or i can exit okay now we do have our similar icons here so we can see our microphone settings here if i click on my microphone i can get some of the settings that relates to my microphone here i can specify which apps can use my mic as well and of course we have our wi-fi here if we click on wi-fi we can specify uh what connections we want we can manage it right here and notice i clicked on wi-fi but i'm getting my full notification menu here if i click on my speakers i also get that big menu and if i click on my battery my battery status i still get that same menu so notice we don't have a specific notifications icon as we did in windows 10 but if we click on one of these icons here we'll bring up that menu and we have our date here so if i click on my date here i can go ahead and kind of look through my calendar here if i want to and we do get a separate menu at the top here so now i can go ahead and i can turn on my focus that says settings which we'll take a look at in a few i can adjust my date and time settings and i can go ahead and change my time zone as well so this would be a place for you to come to go ahead and make any adjustments to your clock and your date and your time settings go ahead and minimize that so let's open up our notifications pane here so i'll click here so one thing i realized with the speakers so if you have more than one speakers available usually you would have a toggle where you can kind of go up and down but now you have to click to the right to kind of reveal your different speakers here from here you can choose your speaker and you can also click on more volume settings to get more settings for your speakers i'll go back here so at this point what i want to do i want to just kind of take a look at the options that are here so here's my wi-fi wireless fidelity i can go ahead and change my wi-fi or manage my wi-fi here i can toggle my bluetooth off or on i can go ahead and enable airplane mode and again this is just that keeping the mobile friendly or the mobile conscious user in mind this is a very mobile looking menu here and if you have a windows phone which i had for a few years i used to really like this menu i would swipe and i would get this menu here but not everything is showing up so we have our wi-fi we have our bluetooth we have airplane mode whoever focuses this we have accessibility options we have our battery saver and here we have our brightness level but i know that some things are missing because i'm used to this menu so i'll go ahead and click on edit quick settings here and i can go ahead and remove some things from here if i want to maybe my battery saver i'll unpin that don't really want that there but i want to add some things here so if i click on add so here we go here's my night light okay i like to use the night light here especially when it gets dark at night and i'm working late i like turning on the night light so it will you know basically block a lot of the blue light emissions that's being transmitted from my monitor so i can go ahead and add that let's see what else i want to add so there is the battery saver that allows your computer to go into a basic mode based on the amount of battery life that's remaining we can cast which i've done often cast it to your tv if you have a smart tv like a real cool device or something of that nature you can cast your entire desktop or a browser you can introduce the keyboard layout here if you want to i'm going to go ahead and enable the mobile hotspot so i want that to show up and we have other options here for nearby sharing or projecting so these options are available here for you i think i'm done so i just removed removed a few and i added a few here i'll click on done so here's my night light go ahead and turn that on just kind of removes some of that blue light there i'll turn it back off okay here's my mobile hotspot so here's focus assist from this menu you can toggle so you can say priority only alarms only or we can turn it off and what's really cool is from here you can access all of the settings so if i click here open up that menu for me and i have all of my system settings so from my display to my sound notifications let's talk about focus assist here i'll go ahead and open up this menu and basically this is designed to help you stay focused okay so right now focus assist is turned off so right now i will receive all notifications from my apps and my contacts they will pop up for me if i want to go ahead and enable priority only i can see only selected notifications from the priority list or i can just say alarms only which just hides all notifications except for alarms and we have the option here to show a summary of what you've missed when focus assist was on as well we have some rules down here that we can establish so we can say from 11 pm to 7 am priority only okay and if you're duplicating your display so it's fully fully customizable here when you're playing a game you can go ahead and um enable that as well and believe it or not windows 11 does have a gaming mode and it's on by default what will happen is when you enter a game it's going to remove processes that are running in the background so that you can have more fun and get things done so go ahead spend some time uh open up just click on one of your icons here and go ahead and just modify your notification area the one last thing before you pause is we still have the option here to show the desktop so if i were to open an application maybe i'll just open up a folder open up a folder here like that and if i just move my mouse to the right the bottom right edge i can trigger the show desktop if i click on it it will minimize everything for me and just show my desktop there okay if i click it again it's going to reveal everything that i had open so the option is still there for us well uh you know it's not as obvious but it is there so go ahead play around with your notification settings and come right back welcome back okay so now that we've talked about our start menu our task view we've looked at our task bar settings we've taken a look at our notifications area let's go back to our desktop and take advantage of our right-click menu here because one of the things that we like to do is we like to interact with our display settings especially if you have more than one monitor i need to come in here and kind of set things up here so i click on display settings here and notice i am using two monitors okay and so we do have the option here of first kind of identifying where our monitors are so it places a number on our monitor screen so i know that currently i'm on monitor number two and so here is where we can go ahead and make our customizations so we can go ahead and we can either duplicate the displays we can extend them we can only show only on one or show only on monitor two so we do have these options here but it's first you want to be able to identify where your monitor is so my monitor two is to my left and my other monitors to my right here and so we can go ahead and we can toggle which one will be the main display so right now my monitor 2 is my main display so notice how this when i click on monitor 2 it's grayed out i cannot make it the main display because it's already the main display but if i click on monitor one i can choose to make this the main display okay and if i want to i can move them around so i can kind of swap them around like that but now i just have to have to be mindful which way my mouse is moving make sure i can either go to the left or to the right when i'm navigating okay so we can apply it or we can cancel if you want to i'll just scroll down here and we want we wanted windows to remember the windows location based on the monitor connection so your windows 11 will recognize the type of monitor that you're connected to okay and we can minimize windows when a monitor is disconnected so that option is there for you you can either turn them on or not if you are if you connected another display and it's not showing up you can go ahead and click on detect it will try to detect it for you and connect to it and we have other options here if you have some smart technology in your home you can connect to a wireless display and then from here we can go ahead and adjust the brightness we can turn on the night light right so we can use warmer colors to help block that blue light which is one of my favorite features here as well some hd recording options here and we have some scale and some layout so depending on the size well first depending on your resolution right now i'm currently using 1920 by 1080 which is hd so depending on you know how your resolution and the size of your monitor windows 11 will scale the size of your text your apps and other items for you just so that it's easier for you to see them so it kind of runs a test for you and says hey you know what we need to be able to let's scale this to 150 percent otherwise will be very difficult to kind of read the text so it's kind of doing that in the background for you we can change the resolution if we want to now notice i do have two monitors so depending on the monitor that you have selected so if i click on monitor 1 and i can choose the display size i can go up to 1920 by 1080 and if i choose monitor 2 let's see so i can go up to there as well very good okay and so that's the scaling and you have to display orientation most people leave this as landscape but if you want to make it portrait some people turn their monitors uh long side up and down in the horizontal plane and that's very you you can specify that here as well we do have some advanced display options that you can take advantage of here and notice you have to kind of select your monitor here so i have my internal laptop display and i have my display too so you have to kind of specify which one you were looking at here you can establish the refresh rate here okay mine just caps out at 60. a lot of monitors will cap out at 60 as well and depending on your display driver as well so let's go to my internal display and i only have 60 here so very good so here's where you'll just adjust your display options very useful if you're using multiple monitors you can come in here and literally just move things around to the way that you like them so go ahead and take a look at your display settings go ahead and configure your monitors and come right back welcome back well we did spend a little time personalizing our different task views here but we can also access that menu by right-clicking on our desktop and clicking on personalize and that will we can make this a little bigger if we want to but for personalization you notice that you will have your entire menu over here on the left so we can access any of these many items which we'll take a look at in a little bit here but here we can go ahead and select the theme that we want to apply or we can scroll down on this list and we can specify the background we can specify the different colors effects or color theme we can manage our themes right from here we can personalize what shows up on our lock screen for our touch keyboard and so there's a lot in here that we can personalize we did already personalize a few of these items such as the taskbar and the start menu but let's go up and let's talk about themes here so we are currently on a theme we can change the themes we can get a nice preview just by clicking on each different theme we just give it a little time there and so it's really up to you you can select the theme that you want so notice things do look a little differently when you open menus as well you have different accent colors so we can set up a slideshow so right now it is a slideshow so my screen will change maybe i don't want that maybe i just want a solid color and i'll choose a maybe a nice neutral color here maybe something like this and so i'll go ahead and choose that and once again from here you can take advantage of the contrast themes just as we did before as well so these are the different backgrounds that we can interact with here if i go back to my personalization menu i can change some colors here if i want to so i have this mode i can choose either a light mode a dark mode if i want to and so this is the dark mode so maybe maybe you prefer to work in the dark mode this makes a significant difference on your experience here and we want to set some transparency effects we can do that as well and we have some accent colors so you can choose automatic accent colors if you want to which i recommend it will give you a really nice you know contrasting or really good color mixtures here the same as you would if you were using microsoft powerpoint so we have some windows colors here that we can use custom colors we can decide whether or not we want to show the accent color on the start and the taskbar so notice how my taskbar change now to that accent color and what about title bars and window borders we can show that there as well so it's really up to you you can go ahead and really customize this experience so i'll go ahead and put these back here and let's see i'll go back to my light mode there's also a custom mode that you can choose if you want to um but i'll go ahead and put this back to light things kind of back to normal here there we go right so all these options are available to you i'll go back to personalization and we've taken a look at most of these here so what about our lock screen okay so we have our other options here that we can use for our lock screen this is kind of a preview of what our lock screen would look like right now so we have the windows spotlight we can use a picture if we want to we can use a slideshow okay by default it's on windows spotlight here and we can choose how apps are you know sharing data on our lock screen you can go ahead and toggle some of these here we can set up the screen timeout just as we would on our mobile device here we can go ahead and specify this here as well we can toggle various power modes from best power efficiency to best performance or either balanced it's unbalanced by default here and we have a battery saver that turns on at 20 so again very mobile friendly a lot of these features we will see on our mobile devices as well go back to my personalization here we're just taking a look at the different options available under this menu we can install fonts if we want to and once again we've already taken a look at the start menu in the taskbar settings as well from device usage down here so you can select all the ways you plan to use your device to get personalized tips ads and recommendations so these options are available for you as well and we always have these little help menus here that gives us more information about these menus that we're interacting with right so go ahead at this point go ahead and personalize your windows 11 experience select a theme maybe you want a background color maybe you want a solid color or picture slideshow go ahead and play around with these options here spend some time pause the video and really customize windows 11 and make it yours and come right back hello hello well hopefully you took some time to really customize your the look and feel of windows 11. we all have these kind of favorite themes that we like and we have our favorite colors but really it's all about what works for you so hopefully you're able to find a combination of themes and colors and effects that work for you as well let's go ahead and talk about the built-in browser for windows 11 which is microsoft edge so i just open my microsoft edge here and the first time you open microsoft edge it asks you a few questions i ask you to sign in so that you can kind of sync your favorites and sync your passwords and your history and your web settings across your different devices and it's really helpful if you log into another machine you can have all of your bookmarks show up which is becoming very very common for modern day browsers but one of the things i really like about microsoft edge is that it has come a long way from the days of internet explorer and it has gotten much better here and i like that you can customize it now i just bypass the actual setup but if you want to go ahead and sign in and sync your data right here on the top right we have an avatar and if you just click on that avatar from here you can go ahead and sign in and just like it says here you can back up your browsing data your favorites your passwords your history on different devices even on your phone as well so you can manage your profile here if you want to but as soon as you sign in and you accept sync data you'll see all of your bookmarks show up right here all your passwords will be saved you can browse as a guest if you don't want to use you know browse with your current microsoft account and they reintroduce kids mode which is a really really nice feature and you can add more than one profile here if you want to as well so one of the first things i like to do is i like to come in here and just customize it so i'll click on this gear icon and it gives you a nice you know basic menu here for your page layout so it can be focused so right now it's focused i'm not showing any ads right or any news i just have my weather here my search bar and some of my quick applications here so here i have my menu if i want to access my microsoft apps such as outlook or office online i can interact with that menu so here's my search bar that i can go ahead and use and here are some kind of apps that are just just kind of came with microsoft edge so if you want to use these you can if you want to remove them you can just go ahead and remove them just by clicking on the menu and just removing so maybe you don't want these you can also rename them if you want to i'll just go ahead and remove some of these so this mode is focus mode so this is the view that i get so if i do scroll down right i do get some news down there so i have your feed which you can customize in different topics here from sports to money as well so it's up to you you can choose any of these page layouts you can customize a layout if you want to we can turn the background off we can have the image of the day just kind of populate back here you can create your own image you can customize the theme and again here we're on windows 11 it's we're talking about customization you can customize so many things here to make sure that you have the experience that you want so my quick links it's referring to my quick links down here i currently have one row and that's fine for me but if you want more you can have two rows to give me more more space down there and for my content i can show headings only i can turn the content off if i want to so now if i scroll down there's no nothing down here no news or anything of that nature so it's really up to you choose your page layout choose a custom layout okay if i click on advanced i can go ahead and change my language settings here if i want to maybe you want to maybe use speaker you know another language another language is your preference you can go ahead and do that as well so go ahead and open up microsoft edge you can go through the setup just sign in as it kind of guides you through there and once you sign in go ahead and click on this gear icon and choose your layout you can turn things on you can turn things off it's your experience so make sure you configure it the way that you like it and come right back welcome back let's go ahead and take a look at our settings and let's take a look at windows security to see what's happening in the background i'll go and click on my start menu here and in the search box i'll go ahead and type windows security and the best match is right here windows security app that's what i want i'll go ahead and click on there and windows has its own built-in security system here and we have many different layers of security so over the years we've relied on you know external services or antivirus clients to kind of safeguard our data or information and but windows for some time actually has had this windows security system in place and as you can see we have several layers here so we're getting virus and thread protection right here so that's one layer another layer that we're getting is we're getting account protection so if we log in with our microsoft account it's protecting our account and it has some really pretty robust tools such as authentication two-factor authentication options as well we have this virtual firewall that's protecting right so we have firewall and network protection here we also have this app and browser control so while we're surfing the web or whether we're connecting to the web through applications we're getting this security feature as well we also have device security so we have these different layers here and it's really taking care of these for us and if we want to we can always kind of do a checkup here for the device performance and health right now it says no actions are needed so that's pretty good but i am seeing some kind of alerts here for the virus and threat protection the account protection and the app and browser control so specifically i'm not currently logged in with my outlook account but if i want to take advantage of greater virus and threat protection if i set up my one drive then i can have some file recovery options in case of a ransomware attack okay and if i sign up with my microsoft account i do get enhanced security and other benefits as well one of the benefits that you get is being able to take advantage of using windows hello so windows hello will give you some other options to sign into your device such as using a fingerprint or a special pen or even using your picture to sign in so i'll go ahead and click on this app and browser control here and basically what's happening is these will protect my device from malicious websites so there is a list of malicious websites out there the list keeps growing every day microsoft is aware of them and they will basically deter you from getting to those websites or it will evaluate the current site for you and kind of let you know that this is a malicious website as well one of the really cool tools is that we have this option here of isolated browsing and so microsoft defender basically will open microsoft edge in an isolated browsing environment so it can protect our device and data from malware in the old days we saw a lot of malware attacks because the browser was kind of integrated into the operating system and so it would provide a path for a lot of malware injection directly from the browser so now we kind of have this sandbox type of activity going on here which we can really appreciate if you're really really conscious about your security so i'll go back here and then once again this is pretty self-explanatory here but i'll go ahead and click on here because i do want to kind of check some things here get some information on my current threats there are no current threats that's good i had a scan that was done today no threats were found very good and let's see if i scroll down i can see that my virus and print protection is up to date using the security intelligence so i'm good to go so if i want to i can go ahead and set up my onedrive so i can restore my data in case of a ransomware attack so ransomware attack basically i have all of your files if you want them back you need to pay a certain amount of money so we don't want that to happen here so we have the firewall here and so we also have our device that's being secured as well so if we click here so we have some core isolation that's going on so we have some virtual some more sandbox options here to kind of protect the core parts of our device so very robust security tools that are taking place we also have the trusted platform module that's in place to help us as well and we also have secure boot which is turned on by default and so that will prevent a lot of root kit viruses back in 2011 there were a lot of root kit viruses that were attacking that were very very difficult to to fix because they were taking place at boots and so you need some powerful tools to be able to run that so microsoft has become privy to that they're giving us some secure boot options here as well so you can appreciate all these different sandbox types of settings here that will help protect our personal information finally if we wanted to we can just click on the device performance and health here and if there were any alerts we would have them here but we're all good to go right so at this point what you can do go ahead and open up the windows security center go ahead and make sure you set up your one onedrive make sure you sign in for account protection and if you want to go ahead and turn on the app and the browser control and come right back let's talk about a few quick tips and some some tricks that we can use in windows 11. now a lot of us have seen this situation before we have a few windows open here we're trying to kind of move them around so they can right so we can kind of see everything in one view here well we have the snap feature that was available in windows 10 which will allow us to show two different windows side by side but we've noticed something new here if we just go ahead and interact with the resize icons on our window here we'll notice that we have some more options if i just mouse over i have some alignments here that i can use and these are really really cool so these are called snap layouts so i can lay out two items if i want to i can lay out four in this type of grid here and so for my current windows my current security window maybe i want to put that to the top right so i'll go ahead and click here that will snap it to that top right for me and so now i have these other options here and i can go ahead and add my other windows here as well so maybe i want to go ahead and snap that i'll snap that and i'll go ahead and snap that so now i'm able to just kind of snap all of these together which makes it a lot easier for me to go ahead and manage that now obviously snapping four i've never really been a fan of snapping four but if you have a very you know large monitor this is perfectly fine for you i do have two monitors so i'm more of a fan of snapping two together so let's go ahead and reveal my desktop here put my desktop back okay there we go so now if i want to kind of break up this band here i just want to so maybe i just want to see my account protection and maybe microsoft edge just like that and so it just gives me this really nice space that i can work with and that's the snap the snap layout feature for windows 11 they've taken the snap feature to a whole nother level you have various layouts that you can use and they're all really pretty pretty nice i have to say in addition to taking advantage of these snap layouts another thing that you can do is you know we're all concerned about the speed of our computer as we tend to use our computer longer it tends to slow down but a lot of that can be prevented by us and so one of the things i like to do is i like to just keep track of my startup items so i'll go ahead and click on my start menu and in the search file i'll just type startup and i'll look for my startup apps here and so basically every time i turn on my computer if i take a look at these applications all of these applications they're all trying to start here let me see if i can sort these by by status so right now all of these items are starting up when my computer starts up so they're just kind of running okay maybe i said some of these should run when i start up like my sis internals here but some of these are just on by default and they can slow down your computer so what i like to do is come in here and i'll just turn things off maybe i don't want cortana maybe i don't want this you know all of these things to run here and so i'll go ahead and just turn all these off just be mindful you want to keep on the windows security or anything that looks like a driver you want to keep those on but it's really up to you because if we check these startup impact here we'll see these have different impacts so microsoft onedrive has a high impact on it here now every time you install a program if you just kind of accept the defaults those programs most of the times they will want to start up when when you turn on your computer and if you don't have a solid state drive or you know maybe you don't have the best hardware it will severely impact how long it takes for your computer one to start up and how long it takes for it to boot as well so i like to go ahead and turn these off and only keep on what is necessary another option i'll go ahead and close these out here so another option that i like sometimes if you know you could be running out of space here i'll click on my file explorer here and i'll go ahead and just go to my pc and i'll check and i'll see currently i have 25 gigs free so what i can do sometimes i can say well why am i using so much space i don't really have that much data on my computer and so i'll go ahead and click on my start menu and i'll run the i'll run the cleanup utility so i'll type cleanup and i have this disk cleanup application here so i'll go ahead and click on that and if you haven't run it before it kind of analyzes your disk here but then it shows you all of these different kind of like our mobile devices it shows us you know what areas of our device is taking up space so right now i'm doing pretty good because i only have 37 megs that i can actually clean up but the whole idea is is in here you'll just kind of scroll down and check and look for any big ticket items here okay and if you want to clean up system files a lot of times what happens is with windows updates especially after you upgrade to windows 11 they'll have a lot of files that are kind of left over for from the updates and they can be very large 20 gigs 30 gigs so i'll click on cleanup system files here is basically running another calculation here and now because i was able to run that now i have this option here i can clean up my windows update files so as you can see it's 158 mags i did clean this up earlier so it's not very big now but here's where you would come and you would actually just look to see if windows update is holding on to a lot of information there you can go ahead and clean that up and so that's what i like to do i'll hit cancel now i already cleaned it up i cleaned up about 24 gigs well earlier here so that's another option that i like to use another option that i like is just kind of keeping my browsing separate right so i like to separate it so if i'm just browsing logging into my bank account my personal accounts i'll go ahead and use microsoft edge for that but if i'm surfing the web just kind of searching for information what i'll do is i'll go ahead and search in another mode which is uh in private so i'll go ahead and click on my in private window here and this is why i like to use it because this is what it does it's going to delete my browsing info when i close my window and it prevents microsoft bing searches from being associated with me as well and i can always turn on this tracking prevention here as well okay so i like to do this because you know as we're surfing the web there's cookies there's a small database file that's being built on your computer and so you just want to kind of be mindful i don't like to mix different types of you know research with my personal life and so whenever i just need to search for something i'm going shopping or whatever i use the in private mode so after i close it that information is not stored in my computer and interfering with my other personal information now i know some of us like to access some of the older menus so if i open my file explorer here and if i right click if i just scroll down here right click on my pc so notice there's a lot of options now that are not available that old option to manage is no longer here so from here i can do a few things but if i click on show more options so now i get that older menu right so now i can manage i can map or network drive if i want to and i like to use the manage because if i open my management console right so from here i can take a look at my device manager if i want to and make some changes here so this goes back this looks like windows xp right but it's still there running in the background and i find it a lot easier to just kind of create user accounts in the air so if i go to users i can go ahead and just quickly create a new user here or i can add someone to the admin group so to get to the computer management console you can just go ahead just right click on your pc but just show more options and you can get the management console up welcome back well let's take a look and see what windows 11 has done to make the process of updating windows more efficient here i'll go ahead and click on my start menu this time and i'll go ahead and click on settings right here open my settings and so i get my my system menu here what i want to do is all the way here on the bottom i want to go ahead and click on windows update so clicking on windows update the interface is a lot better it's more visually appealing we get this nice big notification here that we're up to date i do have a update that's uh for windows 11 that's kind of pending so i can go ahead and download and install that if i want to go ahead and check for updates right now if i want to as well some other things that we can do we can pause updates we can go ahead and pause them for a certain amount of time we can take a look at our update history and we have some other advanced options that we can take a look at okay so let's just kind of take a look at the options here for pausing updates so we can pause them for two three four or even five weeks so maybe you're really digging away at a project you don't want any interruptions you can you can just pause it it'll turn off in the background for you you can view your update history but one of the things i really like and a lot of times we don't really pay attention to this menu but we do have some advanced options here and specifically we'll take a look at some of these advanced options but the delivery optimization is very very important so here we have some things that we can turn on or off so we can receive updates for other microsoft products if we want to we can do that i'll leave that on because i do want those to happen we can say get me up to date now this feature will restart as soon as possible and notify you 15 minutes before restarting so the old days we're trying to get up to date now we have this option here if you're using a metered connection you can turn this on and it will just be more economically friendly for you we can receive notifications when a restart is required to finish updating very very good and then we can go ahead and specify what i like to do is specify the actual active hours okay so during my work hours please do not restart my computer without me i don't want to be in the middle of a meeting and my computer restarts so we can specify this here as well this is my secondary account so i don't currently have it set up here this is automatic but you can go ahead and adjust it manually so another thing that we can do so let's talk about delivery optimization here we can set bandwidth limits for updates and we can download from other devices so i'll go ahead and open this up here and so delivery optimization what is that all about it downloads updates from windows microsoft store and other microsoft products quickly and reliably and this option right here to allow downloads from other pcs okay so these are other pcs that are on your local network so your pc may send parts of previously downloaded windows updates and apps to devices on your local network or on the internet so this is an option here so basically if there's a computer on your network that has downloaded all those updates your computer can get some of the information from that computer as opposed to all of the computers on your network reaching out to microsoft servers and downloading using a lot of bandwidth so this is a pretty nice option here as well so we have the options here we can allow downloads from devices on the local network and there's another option here where you can devices on the internet and your local network so this is the safest option and they're both currently checked off here and so that's a really nice feature that can help if you're working with a really really big organization here and we have some bandwidth here so you can kind of set how much bandwidth your updates will use we know historically it's it's it's consumed a very large percentage of the bandwidth so here you can specify what percent you wanted to use here as well so the point is you can go ahead and manage all of this and you're in control of windows updates you tell it when how and you're in control so go ahead and open up the settings click on your start menu click on settings head over to windows updates and take a look at some of these options and turn some of those on or turn some of those off and come right back welcome back well hopefully you adjusted your windows update settings so that they will behave properly for you let's go ahead and open up the microsoft store so right here on my taskbar i'll go ahead if you have not removed it or unpinned it i'll go ahead and click on here i can also go back to my start menu and just type microsoft store or i can access it here as well so once again if you're logged in you'll see your custom applications and one thing one of the things that windows 11 has has kind of guaranteed us is that there's a lot more public apps available okay so not just microsoft products we have a lot more public apps that are available here so the store is growing so here we have some apps that we can install just by clicking someone will require you to sign in but let's take a look at let's just go through the menu here so we have various apps that we can install we have free apps we have essential apps some require a purchase some are free we have some suggestions here some productivity apps that are here we have some creativity apps so there are a lot of applications available here here's what's trending some options here for us and if i go over to the gaming section believe it or not the microsoft store has a lot of games that are available here halo is a very very popular game and things they just integrate with either your xbox or your windows 11 computer and it kind of just installs for you the same way that you would install an app on your mobile device so there's a lot of options here available as well so no need to surf the web and play browser games there's a lot of options here in the microsoft store let's go over to movies and tv so we have various movies and tv here we have new movies section we have streaming apps that we can use so just like any other app store that you would use for your other devices you have the options here as well they're all very robust and they offer you a lot of different filters that you can search through so i'll head down to the library here and the library is a combination of what is currently on your computer and maybe synced on your other devices as well so notice i'm not logged in but it's showing me these are all the apps that came with windows 11. so here's my movies and tv app music if i just scroll down these are all here so notice i can open them right from here because they are installed i did not install these they came with windows 11. power automate is becoming very very popular very powerful tool help you to automate tasks paint 3d we have some mixed reality portals here so if you've never taken a look at these they're all here they're also in your start menu but here you can just get a nice visual look of all of them of course there's cortana that you can speak to gives you feedback learns your voice learns your preferences and provides information for you as well so this point i can either sort by date by name by whether it's installed or not and from here i can go ahead and click on get updates for all of these applications and we'll go ahead and update all of them for me so i'll go ahead and click on get updates and let's see what happens i want to make sure everything is updated on my windows 11 machine here and it's running i assume it has to do a lot of syncing okay let's scroll down and see if anything is updating yet yup there we go so i have my intel graphics command center so that's updating okay very good so while that's running go ahead click on the microsoft store look around see if there's anything that interests you sign in for more options and install a few apps come right back well that was fun taking a look at windows 11 taking a look at some of those really nice features enjoying that new refreshed interface we spent a lot of time just customizing windows 11 making it more friendly for us as the user we talked about various security settings some of the new features and one of the features that we talked about was just linking your android now what microsoft calls this windows subsystem for android and basically what that allows you to do is to run android applications right inside of windows 11. now keep in mind you will need to install the amazon app store from the microsoft store and then you will be able to run applications there as well so what i recommend you do click on your start menu and launch that get started uh dialog and go ahead and log in and go ahead and just kind of enable some of the features there especially the option to link your android take advantage of the delivery optimization that the windows update provides and your you will be on your way to really having a great experience with windows 11. i want to thank you for all of your time it's been a pleasure and i look forward to seeing you in a future tutorial thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music]
Channel: Learnit Training
Views: 155,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn windows 11, windows 11 tips and tricks, windows 11 guide, how to use windows 11, free windows 11 training, windows 10 vs windows 11, windows 11 help, learn windows, upgrade to windows 11, windows 11 start menu, windows 11 taskbar, windows 11 desktop, windows 11 settings, windows 11 search, windows 11 microsoft store, windows 11 security, windows 11 operating system, windows vs mac, windows 11 apps, windows 11 widget, windows 11 compatibility, download windows 11
Id: m82-FjOUfdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 54sec (5274 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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