Windows 11 Tutorial for Beginners: Windows 11 Crash Course!

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subscribe and click the bell icon to turn on notifications now the first thing i'm going to go through with you is how you can download and install windows 11 because it can be a little bit confusing if you're not sure and also there are some caveats when it comes down to um downloading windows 11 not everybody can download it so i'm going to show you what your system requirements need to be before you can download and install it once you've got it installed we're then going to run through some of the main changes we're going to take a look at the taskbar and the start menu i'm going to show you how you can pin items we're going to take a look at how you can personalize the desktop there's some really fancy nice new desktop backgrounds that you can add i'm going to show you where all of those are we're going to take a look at using search because there's some differences there and also this feature called multiple desktops which is really cool we're going to move on to taking a look at widgets and snap layouts and also some things related to settings such as quick settings there's also been quite a few changes made to the microsoft store so i'll run through some of those with you and then right at the end we'll take a look at some of the newer inbuilt applications so things like teams and other applications that come along with windows 11 and of course as we go through i'm going to be showing you some new keyboard shortcuts that are available in windows 11 as well just to make your life a little bit easier and i'll point out all of the ui changes as we go through as well so the first thing we're going to start with is how you can download and install windows 11. now windows 11 is available as a free update to windows 10 users so if you already have windows 10 you are eligible for a free upgrade to windows 11 but and this is the big but there is a caveat with this and that is that you have to have a compatible system and this has been a little bit of a saw point for many people running windows 10 who haven't been able to upgrade to windows 11 because their pc doesn't meet the spec requirements i was having a little read yesterday actually and microsoft have mentioned they might change this further down the line so that windows 11 is available to more users but at this first release this early stage then you need to make sure you have a compatible pc so what exactly are the requirements for windows 11 well let's take a look at them you need to have one gigahertz of cpu at least four gig of ram and 64 gig of storage now most newer laptops and pcs this will be absolutely fine if you have a slightly older machine then you're probably going to want to check what you're running before you try and download windows 11. i will say if you try and download it it's not going to allow you to if you don't have a pc that meets those requirements let's just have a quick look at how you can check that information i'm going to come out here now obviously i am using windows 11 so where you go to find this if you're using windows 10 i think it's roughly the same so i'm going to go to search and you really just need to find your system settings or system information so i'm just going to type in system information and pull that up find this screen on your current system it's normally called system information and this is where you're going to be able to see exactly what it is that you're running so you want to look at the processor and also a bit further down you're going to have things like your physical memory things like that so go through and check to make sure you have the correct spec if you do then you can go and download windows 11. now windows 11 is available as a free update so the first place to check is to see if it's been delivered to your pc yet obviously with these things it's a roll out so people generally tend to receive the update at different times so once again you're going to need to go into your settings wherever you find your windows updates so for me if i just type in windows update settings there it is you'll find it in settings somewhere this is where you want to be check for updates click that button and you may see it sitting there if you do you can simply click the install button to install windows 11. now if you're impatient and you don't have the update yet but you do want to install it you can manually download it from the microsoft website as well so this is a fairly simple case of going into your preferred web browser so let's just use an edge web browser why not and i'm going to type in download windows 11 and that should take me to you want to make sure you have the microsoft link which is going to be this one just here and it's going to take you through to the website and you can download the installation assistant which is going to help you download windows 11 and the installation assistant is pretty much like a wizard it's going to walk you through the process okay so those are the two ways that you can get hold of it check to see if you've got the update and install that way alternatively use the installation assistant to download it now so with all of that said once you've downloaded it installed it let's take a quick look at some of the main changes now the most obvious change that you're probably gonna see is with the taskbar at the bottom notice now it used to be over on the left hand side now everything is centered and if i click on the start button just here which is the windows key this is going to pop up and this looks a lot different to what it did in windows 10. if you remember in windows 10 we had things like live tiles that we could use i never really got along with those i never used the live tiles i just found they got in the way this is a lot cleaner it has much more of an android phone appearance and a lot of the icons in windows 11 have also been modernized and updated now notice that this is also centered so we have a center taskbar and we have a centered start menu remember the keyboard shortcut if you want to pull up that start menu you can just press the windows key on your keyboard and that's going to pop that up also notice with all of your windows that you open now you have a nice little rounded corner effect so again very small visual changes which add to a much sleeker looking ui now what do we have in this start menu now well at the top here we have pinned applications and by default you're going to have a few pinned up here so this just makes it super quick for you to access things that you use frequently underneath that i have some recommended items so these are normally things that i've opened previously again just a quick way of getting to them if you want to see a full list of all of the applications that you have on your pc you have an all apps button at the top and it's going to list all of your applications in alphabetical order so it's going to be a lot easier for you to find these things now if you want to pin any of these so as i said when you go back to the start menu by clicking the back button i have lots of things pinned up here i can pin any application to this star area or in the taskbar at the bottom it's a simple case of going across to all apps and let's just grab something i'm going to grab adobe lightroom right click on the application and you'll have a pin to start option or if you hover over more you can pin it to the taskbar so i'm going to pin to start and then when i go back i probably find that at the bottom of the list there it is just there and you can rearrange these and obviously delete ones that you don't want so i can right click on anything in here and i can unpin them from start as well i can move these so i can click and i can drag up to the top and drop that wherever i want it to be so i would recommend you go in and you set this up with all of your apps that you use frequently pin them move them around getting get them into a nice order then right at the bottom of this start pop-up we have our power options so if i click this button just here i can choose sleep shutdown or restart so that is where those live just now and then over on the left hand side if you have multiple accounts you can switch to any different accounts that you have or you can lock your pc sign out or change your account settings so a slightly different look and feel to that entire start area so now that we've got our head around that which is probably the biggest overall visual change let's start to take a look at some of the changes that have occurred with the actual desktop now the most obvious thing you can see here is that i have a really nice high resolution background and this is one of the backgrounds that comes with windows 11 and there's about six or seven that come with windows 11 and they're all really really nice so if you want to personalize all you need to do is right-click on your desktop background notice that this little right-click menu is also taking on that same look and feel we have those rounded corners and this just in general looks a lot more modern than the old style right click menu now from here we can go to personalize and that is going to jump us into windows settings into the personalization area i'm going to talk more about settings a bit later on because they really have changed this and made this a lot easier to use than in windows 10 but for now let's just take a look at how we can personalize these backgrounds so you can see the one that i have selected and then we have all of these themes at the top here and they're all really high quality really nice backgrounds and they all come with their own theme so some of these will give you a dark theme some of them will give you a light thing so if i was to switch to this one here windows dark theme and if i click it sometimes takes a few seconds for it to load up you can see that now i've got a dark theme applied and a completely different background if i select this one just here glow this is also quite nice that's also going to give me a dark background and some of these other ones have much lighter background so this is all really down to personal preference whether you prefer a dark or a light background so really nice now of course all of these can be personalized further you have your colors in here and themes so if you want to change any of the accent colors that you're using you can do that from here as well so all new background themes go through choose which one you want if you don't like any of them you can still use your own images all right let's close out of here for now the next thing i want to show you is a slight change to the right click menus now this is consistent whenever you right click i'm just going to right click on this folder that i have on the desktop because now we have this new right-click menu now as i said it does look a little bit different to the old one the biggest change and i tell you this is one of the things it took me ages to work this out when i first downloaded windows 11 and i don't know why i was looking desperately for the rename option in here i thought where has it gone where have they moved it to it's up here we now have these icons running across the top so if you want to cut it's up there we've got copy up there we have rename we have share and we also have delete so they've effectively removed those from the right click menu and those are now icons and i just couldn't see those for the first week or so so i'm very happy that i've now discovered those so don't forget that that is a change from windows 10. now if you just can't get on with these menus and you want your old menus back the old menus are still there if you go down to show more options you're going to get that old style menu so that kind of gives you a good comparison as to what it looks like in windows 10 and what the new menu looks like the overall thing they're going for here is just to make things a lot slicker a lot easier to use and keep these menus not quite as long okay so just remember that that's going to come up whenever you right click all right what else do we have that's new in here well if i go down to my taskbar at the bottom this second icon that we have across here is the search button and we did have one of these in windows 10 i think it was pretty similar so i'm struggling to remember now what windows 10 was like even though it was only six weeks ago but i think it was pretty similar this is your universal search and from here you can basically search across everything so you can search across your apps your documents the internet we even have other things you can search through email folders music people so on and so forth now i have all selected so if i was to type in let's just type in excel it's going to go through and search through all of these different things so it's found the excel application and then i can also see that there are eight plus documents on this pc which i can then click on to find all the documents which have excel in the title so this really is great for finding anything and that's not just documents if you're looking for a system setting so maybe you want to i don't know adjust the brightness on your pc and you don't know where to go for that you could type in something like brightness and it's going to give you the best match just here you can click on it to jump straight into settings where you can go in and change that brightness so universal search is really really good let's close that down and move across to the next icon on this taskbar and that is the ability to have multiple desktops so this is great if you're somebody who always works with lots of windows open and i am one of those people i always have about 50 different windows open and i work on a laptop as well so things can get very kind of crowded and a bit crazy what i can do now is i can split up my applications across multiple desktops so i'm not just restricted to one so i have desktop one let's bring that up again desktop one just here which is one i'm currently clicked on but if i want to add another one i can click on it new desktop and it gives me desktop too now desktop 2 i can change the background theme independent of the other one i can have my own applications on here i can have different windows open on here as well and then effectively switch between the different desktops that i'm using so this is kind of similar to having you know multiple physical monitors except these are effectively virtual monitors and you can't even go as far as to name these different things as well so i could double click and i could name desktop one oh sorry it keeps going away all gone a bit crazy hang on let's go back here oh my goodness double click that's it so i could name this um microsoft whatever i want to name it and i have all my microsoft applications on this particular desktop so on and so forth so your multiple desktops are a really great way of organizing lots of different windows now another thing that we have down here is widgets now i think i can't remember if we had widgets in windows 10 i don't think we did we have had them in previous versions of windows maybe before windows 10. they kind of disappeared for a while but now microsoft have bought these back now keyboard shortcut for quickly opening up widgets is windows key w that's going to open up your widgets pane it's going to slide in from the left hand side note that if you are using a touch screen device you can pull up this pane simply by sliding your finger from left to right that will pull across this widgets pane and what this widgets pane does is it basically gives you at a glance access to information that's going to be useful to you so things like the weather you can get traffic reports you can see the latest stock prices things like that and of course this whole panel is customizable what you also have at the bottom is the top news stories as well so you have a news feed and then customizable widgets above so if i want to add more widgets i can click the add widgets button and then i have a few different ones that i can add and there's not too many in here at the moment microsoft said that they are going to be adding more as time goes on but at the moment we kind of have the basic ones so i can choose to add a to-do list i can maybe add a traffic report just by clicking that plus button when i close that down i now have these added and i can then choose the size of these widgets so if i click the three dots in the corner currently this is set to medium size i could make that a smaller widget or i can make the widget a bit larger if i want to and really sort of customize how these look i can also drag them around and reposition them so tailor this so that it suits you and how you like to work and the information that you're interested to see okay so that is widgets to get rid of this pane you can of course press the windows key w key again to get rid of it or you can simply click on the widgets icon in the taskbar now one thing you'll notice you might notice with mine is that when i am not using that taskbar it hides itself it disappears off the screen it doesn't reappear until i drag my mouse down to the bottom so when i want to click on something effectively now this is just a setting that i have set up simply because i record a lot of videos and a lot of the time i don't want to have this taskbar showing in the video so i've got it set to hide itself whenever i'm not using it now i just thought i'd point this out as a little side note in case this is something that you want to do as well you can right click on the taskbar and simply go to taskbar settings so again this is going to jump us across to our new settings and if we scroll down to the bottom we have taskbar behaviors and it's this little option here automatically hide the taskbar so if you want to hide it make sure you have a tick i'm actually going to untick mine because in this webinar i'm finding it a bit annoying that it keeps disappearing so now i've unticked that i'm going to close down and my taskbar is there permanently now something else that's new for windows 11 is snap layouts now to demonstrate this i'm going to open up a microsoft edge window now you might be aware that in windows 10 we can snap our windows to different parts of the screen and that still works in windows 11. so what i can do is with this window i can pick it up i can drag it all the way over to the left hand side and i can snap it to the left hand side of the screen i can pick it up and i can drag it over to the right and i can do exactly the same if i want to drag it to the corner of the screen i can kind of drag it up to the corner let go and it's gonna place it just there alternatively i can just drag it up to the top to make it full screen now all of those were available in windows 10 but we now have in windows 11 some additional snap layouts now you can get to these simply in one of two ways i should say simply by hovering your mouse over the maximize button in the top corner of the window and notice i have four different types of layout another way you can pull this little snap layouts up on any window that you're using is to use windows key zed and that's going to pull those snap layouts layouts up as well so now you can choose where you want to place your windows so maybe i want to place this one in half of the screen and then if i've got something else open let's just open up excel i can hover over and i want to place this in the top corner and then i can fill the bottom corner with something else okay so you have additional snap layout options which is quite nice i find myself using these all the time i tend to drag but it is good to know that we have those additional ones now as well now let's move on to file explorer now i will say that isn't too many changes with this let's just quickly open it up i've got mine pinned down in the taskbar and if we go to this pc now there are some cosmetic changes some visual changes in here again our windows have this nice rounded corner effect we have some updated icons now i was actually very pleased to see this because in previous versions all of the folders were the same color they were that yellow color now they've made each type of folder a different color just to make it a bit visually easier to see them a couple of other changes that we have in here are we have a simplified menu so running across the top we have um simplified menu options so again we have our cut our copy our paste and rename all of those options are up there this is going to be a bit easier to see if i actually click on something so let's go to a folder and select a file that's going to make these active so that's where your rename your cuts your copy your share all of those live now the rest of the options in here are pretty much the same as in windows 10 we can still sort our files we can change how we're viewing our files whether we're seeing a list or thumbnails or things like that and of course whenever you have these little three dots that's going to show you more options so more things you can do and of course all of these menus have that new sleek layout now one thing again another thing that really confused me when i first started using windows 11 was i tend to have multiple file explorer windows open at the same time and the way that i used to do this in windows 10 was i would open one of them and then i would go to file new window but now we don't have that option up here we have new but this is just going to give us a new folder a new shortcut or we can create new documents directly from here as well so this is another new little feature if i want to create a brand new word document i don't have to open word if i've got file explorer open i can just select microsoft word document excel access whatever it is from here okay now just going back to that point of opening multiple file explorer windows the only way i've found of doing this is to go back down to the taskbar right click my mouse and then i've got file explorer just here so when i click it it's going to open up a new window now i don't know if any of you guys are already using windows 11 and you know an easier way to do this maybe there's a shortcut key that i haven't discovered yet but so far in all my playing around that's the only way i've found to open multiple file explorer windows i don't like that that's one of the things i don't like about windows 11 i'm hoping that's going to become a lot easier but just be aware of that right click on file explorer to open up a second window all right let's close both of those down now we touched on this earlier we've been into settings a couple of times and settings is really undergone quite a bit of an overhaul so let's jump in and take a look at it now the easiest way to do this is you can either open up your application list and click on settings from here or you can use your search bar to search for settings simply by typing it in the search at the top now if we click on settings this is a new settings area and i really like the way that they've designed this i find it a lot easier to use than the settings in windows 10. we now have all of our categories down the left hand side and things are a lot more consistent than they were so for example i'm currently clicked on system and now i have all of my different subcategories related to system so i can go into display and this all looks very consistent across every single category so i can come in here to adjust my brightness to turn on my night light to change my resolution things like that now to get back i have my breadcrumb trail at the top here so we have system and then display so i can click on system just to go back a level or we have a back arrow at the top here so pretty easy to navigate around we'll also find things in here like notifications if you want to set up what you're going to receive notifications for and in windows 11 you'll see a lot of things now have these little toggle sliders and i really like these if you use an iphone i'm not sure about android i have an iphone we're very used to using toggles to turn settings off and on and that's kind of what they've brought in to windows 11. and this makes it very straightforward if i don't want to receive any notifications i just toggle all notifications off if i want to receive them i toggle it back on i can click on it to see any other options so these toggles are a really great way of working if i want to connect up bluetooth or any devices that i have i have a category for that and you can see that i have my headphones paired with this device so if you want to set up printers bluetooth devices your phone cameras your mouse and touchpad settings all of that is going to be under bluetooth and devices network and internet this is where you can come to set up your um what network you're using vpn mobile hotspots we've seen what we can do in personalization this is how you can customize your windows 11 setup so change things like the themes the background the start menu so we have a few customization options for that start menu as well pretty much everything can be customized i'm not going to go through all of these because i think you get the idea but a lot easier to find now in windows 11. of course if worst comes to worst you do also have find a setting at the top here you can just type in what it is that you're looking for and it will jump you straight to the correct area okay so i love this new revised settings area oh before we leave here the final thing to point out is right at the bottom windows update so this is where you're going to come to see any updates that are sitting waiting for you to install so very important to keep on top of those now i will say that microsoft do release their own updates um occasionally it used to be i think they used to release an update every six months that's now changed for windows 11 they're only going to be releasing one update a year so you'll see that when it comes in and you can download it from here so just a few sort of important things to point out from within settings so let's jump out of there what else do we have well let's go down to our taskbar over right in the bottom corner where we have the date and time now if we click on the date and time this is going to open up and notification panel so you can see at the top here any notifications that you've set to come in so i've got a new mail notification from look fantastic of course a clothes shop i'm on every single shopping mailing list so i've got a new notification coming there and of course you can customize within settings what notifications you see in this notifications panel underneath that we have the full version of our calendar super useful if you're trying to if you just want to quickly see a calendar without having to go in and open up the calendar within your mail and if you want to customize anything with these for example if i want to customize these notifications i can right click at the top here and it's going to jump me straight to my notification settings in that settings area so if i click go to notification settings it's going to jump us back into that area where we just were and i can come in and i can customize which applications i want to receive messages from so if i'm getting too many notifications from my mail i could choose to turn off notifications for mail simply by using that toggle slider so i would definitely recommend going in and customizing that to suit your needs now the other thing that we have down here in this taskbar area are quick settings and you'll find this if you click on this next three set of icons so where i have my wi-fi and my volume and my battery this is kind of a group of three if you click on them and it's going to open up your quick settings panel now if you forget to do that there is a keyboard shortcut for this as well which is windows key a windows key a again to get rid of it and i don't think i mentioned the keyboard shortcut for that notifications panel either if you want to pull up that notifications panel windows key n is going to do that for you windows key n again so your quick settings down here this is just basically a quick way to toggle off and on settings that you're going to use frequently so quite often people want to adjust their volume you have your volume slider in here you also have your screen brightness available in here so you don't have to go in and find it in settings you can do it from here i can toggle off or on my wi-fi or flight mode or bluetooth if i want to connect a device and i can edit this little panel to show other settings as well so right at the bottom we have a little pencil icon when i hover over i can edit my quick settings and i can click the add button if i want to add something else so we just have a few in here that microsoft has deemed useful to you things that you might just quickly want to turn off and turn on so go through and you can add whichever ones you like so let me add nightlight just so you can see how it works click done now i have this little nightlight toggle which i can click toggle off and on i can also rearrange these so again if i go back into edit mode i can rearrange these simply by dragging and dropping okay remember every time you see a little cog icon that's going to take you into that settings area where you're going to find more options related to whatever it is that you were clicked on okay so really nice and simple now what else do we have we have microsoft teams has been built into windows 11 so if you are a teams user currently this is a really nice little thing so when you install windows 11 if you take a look down in your taskbar you're going to have your microsoft teams just here and it comes under the heading of just chat now we'll say this is this is really dependent on what you're logged into your pc as so when i'm working i use my work account and i log into teams currently on this pc i'm logged in into my personal account so all of the contacts that i see are going to be my personal contacts so just bear that in mind this is very much related to whatever email address you're using when you log into your pc so we can click to open chat alternatively there is a keyboard shortcut to quickly switch into this team's chat of windows key c and i think this is having an issue because i turned off my internet earlier and it hasn't refreshed because i haven't rebooted my pc well what you're going to see in here is basically what you would expect if you were to open teams you're going to see a list of all of your contacts you can double click on them to chat with them you can start meetings with them pretty much the same functionality that you have in teams so that's now been built into windows 11 another really great feature now a lot of the changes that have been made have come with the microsoft store now i don't know if you download apps fairly often from the store i tend to download more apps i would say on my phone than i do on my pc but there have been times where i have downloaded apps and the problem that i always had with the microsoft store was that it didn't have that many apps in it or it never seemed to have the app that i wanted to download and that is one of the big changes that has occurred with this windows 11 update you now have access to a lot more applications from within the microsoft store so i'm going to press my windows key to pull up my start menu and do i have my store in here i do not so let's go to all apps i'm going to search for microsoft store and we never know whether this is going to be under m it is under m there we go and i'm going to pin that to the start so it's easy for me to access so when we jump into the store we now have access to a lot more applications and this entire interface has been redesigned as well so things are a lot easier to find if we look over on the left hand side we're currently on the home page we can search for apps specifically or if you're into gaming you have a gaming section or we have films and tv just here as well so again this really all depends on what it is that you want to download and with these apps if they're free you will see underneath it will say free or you'll have a choice to purchase them much like you would in any other store now as i said these are all divided down into categories but what we now also have included in the store are android applications so for example something like tick tock now i'm a bit too old for tick tock i have to say it hasn't really caught on in my world but i know a lot of people love tik tok and android app that is now available in the store and microsoft have made it a lot cheaper for companies to um host their their apps effectively in the microsoft store so you're seeing more and more apps from lots and lots of different companies added every single day so the store is now becoming a lot better than it was in previous versions of windows so definitely check out the microsoft store now of course along with windows 11 we still get our inbuilt applications and when i say inbuilt applications i mean applications that come with windows 11 as opposed to applications that you install yourself either downloaded from a website or maybe from the store so an example of an inbuilt application would be something like the calculator so if i press my windows key again and do i have my calculator in here yes i do this is an example of an inbuilt application if i open up the calculator and i'm going to open up a couple of other apps as well so let's go back and i'm going to search for in fact i'm going to type into the search let's search for maps this is another inbuilt application in windows 11 and that is maps so there's quite a few of these we have the photos app as well there's the snipping tool app all of these different applications that come along with windows 11. now again all of these have a slight redesign we have those rounded corners remember each app isn't consistent with other apps so what i mean by that is when you have different apps the way you access things within each app doesn't tend to be consistent for example if i'm working in this maps app to see more options i click the three dots whereas if i'm working in the calculator if i want to see more options i click the three lines so you will find these kind of little things that are different between these applications so look out for three lines three dots in the corner every time you see a cog icon that's going to take you to your settings now one of the changes that they've made to these inbuilt applications is that you can choose what theme you use for each individual application so previously in windows 10 if you'd chosen to use a dark theme overall when you opened your applications all of your applications would be using that dark theme now you can choose what theme you want to use with each application so i'm using a light theme at the moment but maybe i want my map's theme to be dark i can click on the three dots and i can go into settings this takes me into settings for map i can scroll down and i can choose to use a dark theme instead and when i go back to it that's going to change and it's not going to affect any of my other applications so again being able to modify the theme for individual apps is another change that they've made as i said a lot of these are visual changes just to make things a lot easier for you to use and just make the user interface a bit nicer let's close down both of these now microsoft edge i always find that people most people don't tend to use microsoft edge as their browser and i will say that i am quite guilty of this as well my natural thing is to reach for google chrome every single time now i'm trying to get into using microsoft edge i don't know why i don't use it as much because it's it's effectively pretty much the same as google chrome it's just a slightly different browser so if you've never used microsoft edge it is worth having a little look around here because some things are really cool now the one thing i would say to you that's quite good about this is and i think you can do this in google chrome as well but just to remind you is that you do have access to in private browsing from edge as well so if i click the three dots in the top corner we can open a new in private window now i know this sounds a little bit dodgy it doesn't record any of your history it doesn't record anything that you're doing in this particular web browser and i would say that if i'm doing anything on my pc maybe i'm looking at my bank details or something that's quite sensitive i will always open an in private browser so that nothing is tracked nothing is logged in history so don't forget that you have that available to you within microsoft edge as well and this browser works exactly the same as most other browsers you can add new tabs at the top you can add favorites simply by clicking the star icon at the top pretty straightforward and simple let's close that down and that is pretty much all i have to run through with you we've taken a bit short of this lesson but those are the main things that you're going to find as i said there aren't humongous changes to this system but there are some really important and key design changes here and a few little quirky things that are definitely worth knowing about like things like how to open a second window in file explorer those things as i said took me a while to figure out but those are the key things or the key differences between windows 10 and windows 11. if you're not a subscriber click down below to subscribe so you get notified about similar videos we upload to see the full course that this video came from click over 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Keywords: Windows 11 Tutorial, windows 11 for beginners, windows 11, windows 11 tutorials, windows 11 features, windows 11 tips and tricks, how to install windows 11, windows 11 download, windows 11 start menu, windows 11 install, windows 11 taskbar, windows 11 widgets, windows 11 teams, windows 11 snap layouts, virtual desktop, file explorer, windows 11 tips, microsoft windows 11, how to use windows 11, windows 11 tutorial, windows 11 tutorial for beginners, windows 11 tricks
Id: HDpZKtE06J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 27sec (2487 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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