Windows 11 Pro Gaming ISO | Ghost Spectre Superlight Windows 11 ISO Installation Tutorial

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hello everyone and in today's video  I'm going to be showing you the best   ISO or AKA Windows modded client I  guess you could call it it basically   um tweaks some settings and optimizes  performance over security and looks   so the iso I'm going to be showing you guys  today is a Windows 11 22 H2 from ghostspector   they have multiple different editions and you can  pick whatever one you want right when you boot   into the installation ISO on your USB the USB size  you're going to need is roughly 8 to 16 gigabytes   I am not sure if an 8 gigabyte stick will work  but let me know in the comments down below if it   does I currently use a 64 gigabyte USB and I've  noticed it does not take more than 10 gigabytes   so first thing you're going to want to do for  this tutorial is go to your browser and then   you're going to look up Rufus download search that  in go to the very tab website it says   and then once you are here you just want to  download Rufus and then whatever version is   currently the newest and then once you have that  you want to open another Tab and you want to look   up a ghost Specter Windows 11. now I will note  that ghost Specter does have Windows 10 versions   as well but I personally prefer windows 11. I  like the look and the feel better than 10 and I   actually noticed some increase in performance  on Windows 11 but I have a pretty high spec   computer so you if you have a lower end computer  I would still recommend staying on Windows 10.   so once you've searched that I go to the  website Tech latest this is where I like   to download this version of ghost Specter you  want to scroll down a little bit and you want   to click 22 H2 or if you'd like they have some  previous versions on here as well like 21 H2   so you want to click that it'll bring you  down here there's a couple different links   and there is different builds of 22 H2 that  you can download and it'll tell you the file   size as well so depending on which build you  want I am going for the very top one you just   want to click download and it will bring you to  MediaFire and it will start your download for you   now after that is downloaded you would like to  extract the windows 11 file that you downloaded   you can either use um WinRAR or 7-Zip  for this it's all personal preference   and your file might have a password  so make sure you look at that when   you are downloading it I'm pretty sure  the password for this file is 22h2u8 and then once you enter in the password it'll  start extracting to your file system wherever   you installed it all right so when your file is  done extracting you want to open up Rufus and   this could take a second and it'll also give you  an admin prompt just say yes and then if ask you   to check for updates just click yes as well and  then a page should open like this what you want   to do is select your USB that you wish to install  this ISO to and then you want to make sure this is   on disk or ISO image and then click select right  here it'll bring you to your file directory system   and then you'd like to go into your extracted  folder and click the ISO once you've did that   your ISO will load in here and you don't really  need to touch much at all besides start here now   keep in mind that this will wipe everything  on your USB drive so make sure if you have   any important files on it that you should back  them up on another Drive where they can be safe   and then this could take either a couple  minutes or it could take 10 20 minutes it   depends on your drive speed and  I think also your internet speed now I would like to note that once you are ready  in your installation of the iso has been complete   you just want to restart your computer and  boot onto your USB if you're watching this   video I'm going to assume that you know how to  boot onto a USB if you don't you can simply boot   into your bios and select your USB as the boot  option or you can click your boot menu key when   your computer is booting up this differs  on your motherboard model for me it is f8   so I spam f8 and then you will just click your  USB name for me I would click 64 gigabyte SD USB   and it will bring you right to the iso and just  like a normal Windows installation there's going   to be a couple different options there is going  to be a compact version of the ghost ISO and a   super light version compact version is  just most of the bloatware removed and   Etc and you can either have Windows Defender  or remove it and then there's another version   called super light and then there's a addition  where you can remove Windows Defender or keep it   or you can also remove the start menu and it'll  come with a custom app for you to customize your   start menu and Etc like this I personally went  with a super light version and I also still have   Windows Defender because I prefer that little bit  of extra security because I don't do what normal   people do on my computer I'm downloading files  like this and testing them out for you guys so   once you have that you want to boot up and then  depending on your hard drive or SSD speed it could   take a second to install so when you boot up it  should not ask you for your Microsoft account or   anything like that it should start you offline  but you can still add your Microsoft account   so you do not have to worry about anything like  that but when you boot up you should have some   icons on your screen lined up not like this of  course because I have a lot more I already have   my Edition all set up and ready there is going to  be a new ghost mode option when you right click   um god mode ping test reduce memory taskbar and  power options so this is a new feature and then   also you're going to see a ghost toolbox you can  open that up it'll give you an admin prompt just   click yes and a window like this will open this is  essentially a whole bunch of pre-built things that   ghost has put in for you guys um like DirectX  tools and other stuff to help your computer   run right here is you see highly recommended to  install um this visual C plus plus is something   just to like Health games and programs run  some programs require this visual C plus plus   um for instance the Rockstar game launcher  well um GTA 5 runs off of you need this visual   um file to run that DirectX is just something  for your graphics card and it runs games for you   and then here you can see is a toolbox to see what  has been added or removed from this custom ISO   and then up here you also have some things  like tweaks fixes cleaner and other options   personally once in a while I like to come up  here and clean my windows cache so what I'll   do is I'll just type three since there's a  little three next to the option click enter   it'll bring this up and it'll say clean now or  back to menu I'm going to click one to clean now   and then enter and it will be doing all the stuff  like turning off delivery optimization and then   what this is going to do is clean all your cache  files to speed up your computer a little bit   and this can also take a longer time depending  on what type of drive you have depending on   if you have an SSD or a hard drive hard drives  will take a bit longer than a solid state drive   and then after you have this all set up and  everything of your choosing installed from this   you can be done and do what you'd like um there  are a couple things that I want to explain to   you though it does come in with some browsers  built in for you to install on this ghost tool   but one issue you might run into if you're  trying to do it manually is if you go to your   settings and try to add your online Microsoft  account that will not work and you'll get an   error code so what you'll have to do is right  here you'll see change administrator name or   add a new user this is the setting you will  have to use to add a online Microsoft account   and then your Microsoft account you're going  to add it's not going to come as admin and it   could have a few issues so what you could do is  just make sure you give your Microsoft account   admin and then delete the local account that's  on your computer so before doing any of this if   you would like if you're okay with not having an  online Microsoft account then you don't have to   worry about this if you prefer to have your online  Microsoft account linked to this which personally   I do you should log into that online account  before running any of these options as they will   go away if you switch to a different account not  all of them say like these drivers down here those   won't go away but some things that you install up  here like Firefox they will other than that that   is the end of this up here you can see my addition  right here and then I have the super light plus   Defender and yeah this will also delete the  security measures and system requirements so if   you're on a very low end computer you'll be able  to install this because TPM and all the windows 11   security things they get disabled on this ISO  and yeah you can also right here allow higher   compression for your drives um I wouldn't touch  that unless you know what you're doing by the way   because it could corrupt some files and that is  going to be the end of this tutorial guys I hope   you like liked it and found it useful if you did  make sure to like subscribe let me know what other   videos you'd like to see in the comments and  I will see you guys in the next tutorial peace
Channel: AcesTechSpace
Views: 61,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows11, windows11pro, ghostspectre, ghostspectresuperlight, ghostspectrewindows, ghostspectrewindows11, windows11prosuperlight, windowssuperlight, superlight
Id: 76layDbdbw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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