I tried Tiny11 on a Laptop from 2008..

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I love old computers and there's something oddly satisfying about taking obsolete Tech and making it functional again like our good old laptop here from 2008 running just a dual core CPU and just 3 gigs of RAM it's probably not something that you would call fast it's currently running Windows Vista of all things and while it's responsive I think we're going to need something a bit more modern to make it usable in our previous video we ran Linux on this PC and a lot of you commented about tiny 11 a de loaded version of Windows 11 I always wanted to try tiny 11 but never have and in fact I did run Windows on just stock Windows on this PC and it didn't run great at all so let's give tiny 11 a try and see how it compares to Linux and stock Windows 11 now I know some of you might be wondering why even bother with Windows Linux is the best for old PCS in fact like I mentioned in the intro a Linux drro called laun worked surprisingly well on this machine definitely go watch that video after you're done with this one but after making numerous content about Linux I received comments daily about how Linux isn't for everyone which is totally true especially if you're already been using Windows for a long time switching to a new OS might be a little intimidating plus not all programs and games work with Linux but obviously Windows especially in recent years has become quite bloated here's a start menu of stock Windows 11 and I suspect companies like Netflix Spotify Tik Tok and others have some sort of deal with Microsoft to include their apps by default obviously there's nothing wrong with that but as a person who doesn't really watch Netflix or use Tik Tok I wish there was some sort of an options menu where I could select which apps I want or don't want kind of like how you can do on Nite and it goes without saying that I kind of missed the days of Windows 7 where you would only get the absolute Necessities needed for using your PC so let's shift our Focus to Tiny 11 now tiny 11 is like a strip down version of Windows 11 it achieves this by removing a ton of pre-installed software that I mentioned earlier the Creator ndv released a new version of tiny1 just recently on his archive.org page so follow along with me and let's try to get this HP laptop to run Windows 11 and hopefully it runs much smoother than stock version of course by the way before we started shooting this video I couldn't figure out why I wasn't able to connect to Wi-Fi on this machine and it turns out that the Coss battery has probably died long time ago and because of that the date in Windows was set to 1980 thus Firefox wouldn't load any pages so there's a little Pro tip for you if you're already using a super old PC like me anyway with that out of the way let's head to archive.org and download the ISO file for tiny 11 the file comes in at 4.2 gigs and compared to the official ISO that's around a gig or so Slimmer which is already a decent difference there after downloading we can use Rufus to create a bootable USB and begin the installation by the way check out this funny thumb drive that I got it's seriously so tiny it fits this video so well once Rufus has finished we can boot into BIOS and change the boot order to install okay now that I'm in the installation screen here you might be wondering how are you installing Windows on this PC or specifically Windows 11 don't you need to have TPM 2.0 for that well tiny 11 is awesome because it completely bypasses the TP M 2.0 requirements so you can install it even if you don't have one all right so after what felt like an eternity no seriously I was staring at this loading screen for good 15 minutes which is yeah there was a point where I thought this is not going to install because this is crazy but thankfully the setup screen did come back and everything did install just fine so long setup time aside everything went well and I should still point out that this laptop is running a hard drive and not an SSD so that's probably why it took so long now guys for the real experience we're going to have to bring in our second camera here so excuse it here in the background here it is we're going to put it live so we can see what's going on on the screen all right so we set up the camera so you guys can see the screen now and here we are this is Tiny 11 running on a laptop from 2008 by the way if you're enjoying the video thus far please give it a thumbs up this takes time to install all these versions and I I would really appre appreciate it okay so first impressions just uh scrolling and and doing nothing pretty much on the LA on the desktop here try opening up start menu let's see if that works and wow the developer of tiny 11 wasn't joking this really is Tiny version of Windows 11 and here we only have Edge the edge browser we have the settings menu and we have file explorer so yeah there's literally nothing here and I open up the Edge by no reason so yeah okay I think the first thing we need to check out is the task T manager so if we right click over here and go to task manager we can see how much RAM we have used up by default so let's take a look okay and here we are so looks like 56% of our Ram has already been taken up by just nothing I guess uh so at the top we have the antimalware service executable that's probably Windows Defender doing it doing its thing so uh I probably wouldn't recommend disabling that or I would recommend something like Ser shark antivirus which you can get as well and that's probably going to have a bit less usage there on your CPU we also have widgets so that takes up around 130 Megs of RAM and we for some reason have uh Edge that's probably uh a saved up TX we can just remove that and see how that removes uh some of the memory and we still have around 50% being taken up so yeah in terms of CPU I'm actually happy to say that we are using around 10% which is pretty good that that means that we probably will be able to run like video and stuff like that okay so the number one thing where tiny level1 will help you out is probably web browsing um since it does remove quite a bit of ram from those uh apps it can free up and you can use it on something like YouTube instead okay so here we are loading up YouTube so web browsing is possible uh but let's see if we can play video as you can see at already it's not exactly smooth so let's go to our channel here Ser truck Academy once again drop a sub if you're watching and uh let's play just one of our videos here okay man n I'm something that I really appreciate right now the touchpads nowadays are a 100 million times better than they were when this PC came out let me tell you that latest TR news okay so we are running currently at 720p which is actually pretty surprising and as you can see the playback is actually pretty decent uh we are getting some skipped frames but overall it's pretty usable now what's interesting to try is something like if I open up another Tab and do like a Google search or open up Ser shark.com for instance so let's see how it's going to react now and I'm going to be monitoring this on the task manager at the same time so we can check out how it looks like so here on the task manager as you can see our CPU is at 100% almost and we still have a bit of memory left actually even though we have two tabs available here now believe it or not YouTube has actually gotten a bit harder to run over the years since they do add new features all the time but again on this PC it actually runs pretty all right it's not great but you can use web browsing and things like that but I guess one thing that's kind of wild to me as I'm making this video right now is that you we're running Windows 11 and and it really shows you that you can run Windows 11 on pretty much anything which is something that you cannot say the same on like something like Mac OS right like I guess you could do it in a hacky way but doing this this way on Windows is so much easier so it's kind of surreal and I am enjoying the experience but at the same time I'm seeing how slow things are here all right so one more thing I wanted to do in this video is that if you have t 11 installed can we reduce RAM usage even more is it possible well we're going to do it right now here live on camera so number one we're going to open up the task manager again and see how much RAM we have to work with and again it's hanging around and around uh 60% range 67% range so probably number one thing that will increase performance is by going to uh uh our settings here and going to personalize here if we go to Colors we can actually disable transparency effect so that's number one we can also enable dark mode but I'm not going to bother with that for now I'll just keep it on light mode but you can change that here as well so if you're running an old PC definitely disable this uh these transparency effects another thing that you can do actually and this is a bit underrated but if you're running a really really bad GPU you can actually change the background to something like solid color so if we change this from picture to solid color we can leave it either black or something like that and it will also help just a little bit we also going to change our desktop icon so I can actually access my computer so I'm just going to select that and apply and now we can head here and actually change a bit more stuff so by right clicking on this PC going to properties and then if it loads we can actually go to Advanced system settings over here and you can also see our specs here if you're curious and here on this system properties window we can actually go ahead and go to Performance and and also disable additional animations like animate controls animate Windows animate animations uh you can also disable enable Peak you can fade disable all these fade outs and uh also I think this slide open combo boxes so again these are certain animations and even disable the translucent selection rectangle you can also disable Shadows for icons which should help a little bit again and we can see how much RAM it's probably not a ram thing it's but it's going to help either way so you can already see it's a bit smoother but again that's probably not going to reduce memory that much if we can see what's actually using up our memory we have Edge so let's end the task there Microsoft store let's end that task here um we're going to leave that widgets we're probably going to end the task there all of them and we're actually below 50% now which is pretty nice start menu can we end the task the task for start menu uh yeah not much that we can do there all right so after all that let's go to the conclusion is Tiny 11 worth it look I've seen the comments asking if tiny 11 is the best thing out there and it might where well be the right thing for you to installed since I did try to use Linux on this PC I would say that it still felt so much better compared to this due to maybe not having as many fancy animations and apps running in the background and yeah tiny 11 for all that it does it can't remove every little bit and for that you're probably going to have to use something like Powershell and at that Point you're really messing with the system at at such a deep level where it can impact certain things and stability but and this is a big but for lightweight Windows tiny 11 is as good as it gets now the question is on whether it's worth it or not compared to stock Windows 11 look my advice is this if you're currently running an older machine mid-spec or lower spec with something like Windows 7 you're still on that older Windows version or Windows 8 or Windows 10 and you're planning to upgrade to to Windows 11 then tiny 11 is probably something that it's worth investing and downloading instead of the stock version because if you're going to deblo your system anyway tiny 11 is going to LeapFrog you and you don't have to deblo it yourself and it's already nice and clean from the get-go on the other hand if you already have a PC with Windows 11 and you thought wow tiny 11 is going to give me like super good performance and stuff like that uh you might want to tune down your expectations instead what I would do if I already had Windows 11 is I would deep load it myself and we actually did use things like geek uninstaller we shared it how to do it in one of our videos which I will leave here in in the description below and you can do it yourself so it's probably not worth it so to sum up I think tiny1 is a wonderful project that allows people with lesser Hardware to run modern windows I still think that Linux will give you a better experience in terms of overall performance but if you love windows and you just have to stick with it then tiny 11 is as good as it gets guys that'll be all for this video thank you so much for watching if you enjoy our content definitely hit the Subscribe button to support our Channel and go check out more windows content right over here on the side like that Windows Vista video that we made that one was pretty crazy and yeah that'll be all for this video thank you so much and I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Surfshark Academy
Views: 216,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: surfshark, surfshark academy, I tried Tiny11 on a Laptop from 2008, tiny11, tiny11 on old pc, windows 11
Id: _ctFxVKDeUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 26sec (806 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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