Windows 11 AI The Good, The Bad, and The DANGEROUS!!!

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So the plan today was to make a video about the new AI features coming to Windows 11 but it turns out that maybe AI isn't going to be the killer app that saves Windows 11 because if you want to try out the fancy new AI features it looks like you might have to buy a new pc and it doesn't matter if your system meets the system requirements stay tuned so in my last video on Windows 11 24 H2 none of the AI features were working so I pretty much just covered a few of them and couldn't show you how they worked so the basis of this video was to go back and to show you how they worked now that I have a computer that has a neural Processing Unit unfortunately though it looks like you're going to need more than an npu in order to use the new AI features in Windows it looks like you're actually going to have to buy a new pc and that's been blessed by Microsoft to run the new AI features now this isn't a lack of Hardware requirements this is literally Microsoft saying that only these specific computers can use these features at least that's the way it looks like to me so that's what we're going to talk about today but first I got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor VIP SD key you can get a valid Windows 10 license for under $20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10 also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code cyber CPU for a 25% discount once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running and unactivated copy of Windows 10 now on with the video so here's the thing I guess in order to use the new AI features in Windows 11 you need to have a co-pilot plus PC not just an mpu though that is required too but you literally need a PC that is marketed as a co-pilot plus PC even if your computer supports the hardware requirements you need that little sticker sold by Dell or HP or numerous other manufacturers so it looks like that means if you have a custombuilt computer or if you have an older computer you don't get to play with the new toys even if your computer supports the hardware requirements for them so apparently then Microsoft didn't learn their lesson when it comes to ridiculous Hardware requirements for Windows 11 now they're literally going to make you buy a computer from an oem manufacturer in order to use certain features in Windows regardless of the hardware requirements now granted I may be completely wrong about this but I spent about 5 hours trying to get these features to work in the latest beta build of Windows 11 and essentially every time I got hit with a brick wall saying that if I wanted to use these features I needed a co-pilot plus PC and it gave me a whole list of Manufacturers where I could go purchase one even though I have an Intel Core Ultra CPU with an mpu doesn't matter I need to buy A1 thousand computer from Dell in order to play with these new features since I'm not gonna do that I'm just going to show you what I can show you without actually showing you what they are I guess if that makes any sense but so let's jump on the computer and I'll show you what I can and I won't show you what I can't okay so here we are in Windows 11 24 H2 if we go into system right here and we scroll down to about you can see I'm on 24 H2 and this is build 26100 712 now this is the latest beta at the time of filming this video so this is actually a newer beta version than the one that I showed in my last 24 H2 video but we're going to be covering mostly just the AI features in this one and the first of those features is going to be actually a really cool upgrade to paint and believe it or not I bet you haven't seen a video on paint lately have you but this one right here essentially is the co-creator or in this case it's actually not going to be the co-creator it's going to be the image Creator but like I said this computer isn't blessed as a co-pilot plus PC so we're stuck with this so essentially what this does is it actually helps you to create images using AI now you have to have a Microsoft account to use this so essentially what you can do is you you type in right here what you want so in this case we're going to put let's try a house built from leaves that's interesting so a house built from leaves and hit enter and it'll go through and it'll build you through AI a picture based on your search term that you made and it looks like it might take a second you can also choose the style right here too so as you can see we got a bunch of different houses right here or you can select different styles as well so if you want sketch or digital art pixel art things of that nature so let's go ink sketch and then hit enter again and see what happens and of course it'll take a minute and there we go okay you know what it actually looked better before so I'm going to get no selection I'm hit enter again and we're going to go back to the other one and we're going to go through here we're going to pick one of these so pick the one you like double click on it and it throws it out right here onto your paint so you can edit it as if it's a picture you drew yourself so that does look fun and useful but it gets even better of course if you have a blessed co-pilot plus PC because co-creator actually isn't co-creator anymore they renamed it to image Creator which is what we just played with and then they used the original name co-creator to make it even cooler essentially what you're going to be able to do is not only just type what you're wanting to draw but actually draw a rudimentary version of it and the AI will draw you a picture based on your sketch and your text now this would have been an awesome feature to show you guys but of course I can only use it if I buy a PC that's been blessed with the co-pilot plus PC sticker so since we can't play with the cool version of paint I guess we'll have to move on to the next feature and that feature is going to be Studio Effects this is an AI feature that will take your webcam image and change the lighting and background to make it look more more like a professional image or like it was filmed on a professional camera now looking at the demos for this feature it looks really unfortunately it's another one of those features where you have to buy a computer with the Blessed co-pilot plus sticker on the front it looks like you can't use it in Windows 11 without Microsoft's blessing which this one is strange because apparently this feature was enabled previously but then went away and became a premium feature that you can only get if you buy a computer that has a special sticker on it because you know that sticker is really important that's that's what makes it all work of course it's not the mpu or the GPU it's the sticker so since I can't really show you how it works I guess we'll just move on to the next feature and the next feature luckily I can show you so let's jump back on the computer and I'll show it to you okay this next feature we can go ahead and close paint right now and we don't have to save it but this next feature is called voice Clarity and essentially what this does is it allows you it it kind of cleans up the microphone sound it gets of a lot of Reverb and a lot of background noise from your audio to make your audio sound better when you're on zoom and other programs like that now it's supposed to be enabled automatically so right now obviously I'm using my lapel mic but right now I'm going to switch over to the audio that's being recorded in OBS so this is the audio that's actually being recorded on the system itself that I use to kind of synchronize my audio and video when I do screen capture so you'll be able to hear kind of the audio that isn't on my Lael mic now of course this audio is sounds like it does I don't know what it actually sounds like and I won't know it until after I edit this video but I'm going to go ahead and record Another segment in Windows 10 without voice Clarity to see if there's any different and I'll go ahead and play that right now so now we're going to be testing this on Windows 10 to see if it sounds any better than Windows 11 so does it sound any better now I don't know if the audio sounded any better on that in fact I won't know until I sit down to edit this video but apparently this feature used to require an mpu but now it works without one supposedly it's just automatically enabled all the time so there's no way to turn it on or off and that's why I recorded audio now on Windows 11 on 24 H2 and then later on after I do this segment I'll go back and I'll record audio in Windows 1022 H2 using the exact same microphone so you can tell if it was better or worse but you'll have already heard that so let me know in the comments below if it was better could you tell the difference now the next feature that I want to talk about is another one that unfortunately we don't have the blessing to use and that's a new version of co-pilot currently co-pilot acts like an app that is pinned to your taskbar by default however the new co-pilot will be all the way over to the right hand side of the screen like this image right here according to what I've read about it's because I couldn't actually use it unfortunately it's supposed to be able to handle system functions like the computer itself so you'll be able to turn the volume up or down or turn the Wi-Fi on and off and things like that one of the commands that is supported if I understand it correctly will be to give you your IP address I think that would actually be a pretty cool feature it's almost to the point to where we can talk to our computers like in Star Tre track that actually sounds really cool unfortunately I wasn't able to test it because my computer's not blessed with that little sticker that says co-pilot plus PC you know I'm really going to have to find someone to buy one of those stickers from but in the meantime since I really can't say anything else about the new co-pilot plus I guess we'll just have to move on to the next feature and that feature is live captions now Windows has had live captions in the past but now we have live captions that make use of the mpu and are able to translate different languages now this feuture I actually did get working and I even found a couple of YouTube videos in Chinese and German to show how it worked and it did work unfortunately it wouldn't translate Chinese at all and it would only translate about 30% of the German but unfortunately after turning it off and trying to turn it back on again it broke and I haven't been able to get it to work again it essentially just sits there and says it's enabling and stays there forever I'm not going to be really hard on Microsoft about that because this is a beta build of Windows 11 so obviously we can expect some bugs so hopefully by the time it's released these bugs will be worked out and hopefully its ability to translate from different languages is a little bit better than it is right now because based on my limited testing prior to breaking it it didn't really work that great at least not in Chinese or German maybe Spanish would work better I don't know it kind of stinks though because I wanted to kind of try to test it on Klingon we must respond personally a universal translator will be recognized and that brings us to the last feature and the one that ultimately inspired this video this one I can honestly say I'm happy I cannot show you because yes it's that bad this new feature in Windows 11 is called Windows Recall now a lot of people have been mentioning this to me so I'm finally doing a video on it this is a feature that essentially turns your computer into the ultimate spying machine to be honest with you Windows recall is a feature that every intelligence agency has been waiting for seriously and by waiting for I mean I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA helped implement this feature this is a feature that is going to take screenshots every few seconds while you use your computer and it's going to use AI to analyze those screenshots so it can put them into a searchable database so essentially so you can search for everything that you've done in the past now that does seem kind of like a cool feature if it didn't come with a massive privacy problem I mean have you ever wanted to go back to that website that had that picture of that actor from that movie from the 80s but you can't remember his name or the movie's name and even the website's name wouldn't it be neat just to ask the computer that question just how I just asked it and have it give you the website yeah that would be pretty cool however how would you like that same database to be in the hands of someone that you don't want to know what websites you visited or what things you've done on your computer yeah that could be a problem but Microsoft assures us that these screenshots are only stored locally on your system and the AI that analyzes it is going to be the mpu on your own system so the data will never leave your local machine and we can totally trust that that's going to be the case because when I think privacy I think Microsoft [Applause] oh first off Windows recall is not going to be an opt-in feature yes you can disable it but by default it's turned on you can also configure it to not watch when you're using certain apps or going to certain websites but of course that's on an opt out basis by default it watches everything so essentially this is a feature that watches everything you do and categorizes it all into a database that's easily searchable what could possibly go wrong well let's go over some ways that could go wrong then for one your computer might get compromised it's not that uncommon for a fake tech support scam or Amazon refund scam to have a scammer take remote control of your computer what do you think they would be able to do if they had an entire database of everything that you do on your computer that would include your banking information your login credentials or all the websites you visit and you know what let's hope you don't have a Word document that has all your passwords listed on it we wouldn't want a screenshot of that now would we and another thing that could go wrong is you could get in trouble with law enforcement could they subpoena your computer how convenient for them that everything is neatly categorized in a searchable database with pictures and everything now now I know many people might say that if you don't do anything wrong you don't have anything to worry about tell that to the dude spending a decade in prison for having some words taken out of context and maybe you do do things wrong hey I'm not here to judge I'm just telling you that you might not want to have this feature turned on if that happens to be you I mean it's probably best not to have stuff like that stored if you know what I mean I'm sorry but this feature is just downright stupid I mean who wants a searchable database of everything you do on your computer come on who thought that was a good idea I mean it's true that some people have read the book 1984 and thought it was an instruction manual but come on this is ridiculous not only that but this feature is storing screenshots every couple of seconds while building a database of everything you do on your computer are you telling me that that's not going to be a little resource intensive I mean stupid doesn't even begin to describe how bad of an idea this feature is luckily this is another one of those features that you don't get to play with unless your computer is blessed with that little sticker that says co-pilot plus PC if you can't tell I've filmed a lot of this video very sarcastically and to be honest with you it's because I'm kind of pissed off we've been complaining now for several years about the arrogance of Microsoft making ridiculous Hardware requirements for Windows 11 now if you want to use the newest features of Windows 11 the latest Hardware requirements is a freaking sticker seriously now you know I might be completely wrong about this and if I am please let me know down in the comments below you're free to call me all the names you want if I just misunderstood how these features are going to be rolling out then I'd just really like to know but from everything I looked at it looks like these features Fe are going to be premium features for computers that are blessed with a little sticker that says co-pilot plus PC now granted when it comes to features like Windows recall that's actually awesome because as long as you don't buy a PC that says co-pilot plus you won't have to worry about that and I can tell you right now that if I'm right and this is how they're rolling these features out I do not recommend buying a computer that says co-pilot Plus in fact that sticker might as well say brought to you by the Federal Bureau of Investigations however if these features eventually are going to come on regular PCS without you know that special little sticker then this is very concerning this means that Microsoft has came to a point to where not only do they flagrantly disregard your privacy but they're not even trying to hide it anymore I mean hear me out we already have a good portion of the population that don't trust AI if your first big AI app on the desktop PC is a program that cataloges everything you do on your computer then that's just going to increase people's distrust for AI you know I did a video a while back where I asked the question if AI is going to kill us if you'd like you can check that video out here I think I might have been on to something manufacturers are not going to use AI to make your life better it looks like they're going to use AI to make it easier to control you as always you guys have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 35,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows copilot plus pc, windows ai, windows 11 24h2 AI, windows recall, cocreator, copilot, voice clarity, windows paint
Id: AIz4PaT3g88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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