Windows 11 24H2 is Going To Be A Huge Update!!

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so Microsoft just released the RTM for Windows 11 24 H2 I guess that means it's about time to take a look at it huh stay tuned everyone was expecting Windows 12 in 20124 and it looks like technically we're getting it but it's not going to be Windows 12 more on that at the end of the video I might have another conspiracy theory Brewing today we're looking at the upcoming Windows 1124 H2 that just a few days ago at least based on when this video is being recorded was released on RTM RTM simply means release to manufacturer so this is more than likely going to be the feature set that we're going to see when 24 H2 finally gets released to the public so it's about time that I stop dragging my feet and actually do a video on it so that's what we're going to do today but first I got to pay some bills so check out today's sponsor is your copy of Windows 10 unactivated well it doesn't have to be because with today's sponsor vipd key you can get a valid Windows 10 license for under $20 stop dealing with that stupid watermark on the desktop the valid license for Windows 10 also with an activated copy of Windows 10 you can upgrade to Windows 11 for free just go to the link in the description below and pick up a valid Windows 10 license key during checkout use the code cyber CPU for a 25% discount once once you have your key go to your activation settings in Windows 10 and click on the link that says change product key enter the product key you just purchased and hit activate now you don't have to deal with that stupid Watermark that come with running an unactivated copy of Windows 10 now on with the video so Windows 11 24 H2 isn't set to be released until around September maybe even October of this year however the arm version of 24 H2 is set to be released earlier in time for the June release of the quantum Snapdragon X Elite processor this is going to be a 12 core arm processor designed specifically for notebooks as if working on Windows PCS wasn't hard enough now we're going to have to deal with two completely different CPU architectures isn't that great you can probably sense that I'm not super excited about Windows on arm but that's not what this video is about but we have to talk about it just for a little bit because that's one of the big changes in when Windows 11 24 H2 Microsoft has made a lot of improvements in 24 H2 that directly relate to Windows on arm most of these are definitely due to the upcoming release of the Snapdragon X Elite which will essentially make Windows PCS competitive again in the mobile market against Apple's new iMacs which also are based on Apple's own arm processors one of the notable changes in Windows 11 24 H2 is that Microsoft will be dropping support for 32-bit arm app apps and that's honestly not surprising because pretty much all arm operating systems have done exactly the same thing unfortunately I couldn't find any other good breakdown of other improvements that 24 H2 will be making for arm support but hopefully they're going to be concentrating on improvements to Performance because I played with a few windows on arm systems and they're not exactly fun to use but then again we really don't have a good arm processor yet either so the Snapdragon X Elite might be exactly what windows on arm needs now I guess I'm going to need to go find all of the tools that I currently use in Windows for the arm architecture but that's a ramp for another video as with all other build updates that Windows comes out with 24 H2 should also be a free upgrade I honestly don't see that changing anytime soon Microsoft has not only offered build updates for free but entire version updates for free for quite some time however this should still be an optional update as long as you're running a currently supported version of Windows 11 the build updates are on a 2-year support cycle So currently the original build of Windows 11 is already out of support and 22 H2 will lose support later this year but if you're on 23 H2 24 H2 won't be a mandatory update also I've heard a lot of talk about new hardware requirements for Windows 11 and 24h to personally I don't think a lot of these stories are true at minimum I think they a misunderstanding of what's Happening you see there are some features coming to Windows 11 24 H2 that do have new hardware requirements however I don't believe that those are going to be requirements to use the operating system but rather requirements to use certain features within the operating system but you know what I'll talk about those later in the video when we actually get to those features personally I think if your system supports the hardware requirements to load WIndows 11 now then will always support the hardware requirements to run Windows 11 in the future now I might be totally wrong about that but I'm pretty confident that that's the way it's going to be because you know what personally I don't think Microsoft wants more bad press in regards to Hardware requirements either way once 24 H2 is released I will definitely be doing a video on how to install it on unsupported Hardware anyway now that we've gone over all of that let's jump on my system right here that already has 24 H2 installed and I'll show you some of the changes that I found noteworthy okay so here we are in Windows 11 24 H2 if we click on the start menu here go into settings go into system then I'm going to scroll all the way down to about and you can see right here we are on 24 H2 now this is build number 26101 and this is the release that Microsoft claims to be the RTM at least that's what I found in all of the research I did for this video now let's take a look at some of the new features that come with 24 H2 so if we close this the first thing I want to do is I want to go into file explorer right here and I'm going to go into our documents folder so as you can see right here I got a couple of text documents in here and one thing if you guys have watched my videos for a long period of time you know is that I absolutely despise this new context menu and one of the reasons why I despise it is because of the stupid icons that typically show up at the top obviously you don't see them in this one here but if I right click on one of these files you're going to see it so Now new to Windows 11 24 H2 now if you click on them as you can see you don't just have icons you actually have the words themselves that go along with the icons which I think is a pretty good addition in fact it actually kind of makes me almost start to like the context menu maybe a little bit now while we're in the context menu another thing that's new to 24 H2 is if you go down here to compress to as you can see we can still compress zip files like before but now we can also compress szip and tar files so by doing this all you have to do is click on that and it will create a szip archive just like it used to create just a zip archive I think this is a huge addition to Windows 11 because before the ability to open these that was one thing but the ability to create them is honestly a feature that I don't know why they didn't Implement at the same time however one thing that you will notice is that this compressed two function is is only in the windows 11 context menu so if you go down to show more options and you go to the oldfashioned context menu normally you would go to the send to menu to create a zip folder however in this case it's just going to create an old-fashioned zip folder it's not going to create a seven zip or a tar archive so if you want to use the new compress 2 function you have to do it from the windows 11 context menu so this is going to be kind of a feature that's only going to be available to people who haven't disabled this menu so I guess I may have to stop disabling this menu if I want to use that but additionally on top of just being able to create these different archives you can also click on the additional options here and with that you can actually kind of more finitely dial in how you want your archive to be compressed you can either pick the archive from the list so if we want to go say seven zip it'll give you all the different compression methods that are available for seven zip as well as the compression level that you can use and same thing is if you go to use the tar you can change your different compression methods for tar as well and same thing for zip however zip is a little bit less customizable than the other ones and that's one of the reasons why tar and zip was added to Windows 11 in the first place because they are much more robust compression methods so now that we talked about that let's go on to the next one and I think this one has to be probably one of the coolest additions to Windows 11 now have you ever opened a command promp so if if you go say CMD and you open a command prompt have you ever been here and forgotten to open it as administrator and then you go to run an administrator command and it doesn't work like for instance if I was to go power CFG DH off that essentially turns hibernation off and then I hit enter it goes ah it requires administrator privilege in order to execute that command so you got to go you got to close your your command prompt you got to open it again you got to go run as administrator hit yes in order to run the command that you wanted now if we close this and go back to a regular command prompt one thing that a lot of Linux users would know that we have the command in Linux to use Su do which essentially means super user do so if we were to run that we could actually take whatever command from a non-administrator profile and we could run it as the administrator so we don't actually have to open the entire command prompt as an administrator now with Windows 11 24 H2 they've given us the Su do command so if we were to write Su do power CFG slh off and then hit enter now of course now it tells me that Su do is disabled on this machine to enable it go to developer settings the first time you run it it'll tell you this and you can actually click right here in order to open it you just hold your control key and hit click and it'll open straight to the developer settings and if you go right down to the bottom where it says enable Su do you just flip it on hit yes to the user account control and you could end there however there's one more thing that I would recommend changing if you drop this down right here it says in a new window all this will do is it'll open a new window with the Administrator Command and then run the command and close it so if you want to actually be able to make sure that command ran and there was no errors then I would recommend doing it in line and what this would do is it runs the command in line in the command window that you're currently running and then if we do that all we have to do is go down right here go back to our thing we can hit the up Arrow to refill out our Command that we had typed before and hit enter and then at this case what it does is it gives us the user account control and at this point you can just hit yes and it runs the command and it disabled hibernation however I should probably turn hibernation back on because you know it is what it is but either way if you ever want to know how to turn off hibernation that's how you do it now alter alternatively too while we're in the settings menu I wanted to point this out this isn't new to 24 H2 but while I was putting together the um points that I wanted to show off in this video I also remember that I just want to highlight this one real quick is if you're in developer settings and you do turn this on then right here this setting up here where it says end task I would highly recommend turning this one on too and what this does is it adds when you rightclick on an application down in this taskbar here when you right click on it it adds this end task selection into the rightclick menu which honestly I think is hugely helpful so that's another one I would turn turn on but like I said this isn't brand new to 24 H2 but it's still one that I'd like to highlight anyway so if we close settings now the next thing I want to look at ironically is back in settings I guess I shouldn't have closed it in the first place but if you go open up settings and you go into system and then from there you go into Power you'll notice that in 24 H2 you have more control over your power and sleep buttons so it gives you control over the things that the buttons on the computer actually do which you had to go into advanced settings before in order to change in earlier versions of Windows 11 and also if you're doing this on a notebook it will also give you the option to decide what opening and closing the lid of the notebook does right here from within settings so obviously Microsoft is trying to move more settings into Windows 11 settings to make it more complete and give us Less Reason to have to go to the control panel to be able to change settings and also while we're here in the energy saving mode if we click on here we can also turn on energy saver which this is essentially just a way to save power on your system now this used to only be available on notebooks to save battery power but as you can see we're on a desktop now and it's available on the desktop however I'm not actually going to turn that on because I'm currently screen recording and I don't want to mess up any performance that the system gives me right now so it does limit your performance in order to save power that's kind of how it does it okay so we're done with settings here we can go ahead and close this and the next thing I I want to show you guys is the Quick Settings panel now if you're not familiar with this it's right down at the bottom where you see your network and your sound icon if you click on that it opens up the settings panel and from the settings panel one of the new features in this is before you could only have six buttons and you had to decide which six things you were going to show but now is if you notice at the side right here you actually have Pages now so you can create different pages for your quick settings icons and then while we're in quick settings I went ahead and plugged a wire less USB card into this computer just so I could show off this new feature and this one's huge I don't know why Microsoft hasn't had this in earlier versions of Windows I think this affects Windows 10 as well but if you go here to click on your wireless networks as you see you see a new refresh button right here at the bottom corner and if you click on that what it'll do is actually refresh the wireless network so if you know one should be here there's always reasons to refresh well prior to having this little refresh button you actually had to close it go back open it and then every time you'd open it it would refresh it one time and then you'd close it go back open it it was kind of annoying now all you got to do is hit refresh and it'll refresh the list and then since we're down in this corner right here if we go down to the bottom and right click on our Network icon you can see another new setting right here is for diagnose network problems and if you click on that it essentially goes through a new diagnostic system that Microsoft has added in 24 H2 that will help you diagnose why you're your network isn't working so we have yet another wizard that probably won't actually do anything to fix our problem but it's there so I wanted to include it in this video now as you can see there doesn't seem to be a lot of huge changes to 24 H2 but then at the same time there are some pretty huge updates in 24 H2 for instance the labels on the context menu might actually make me not hate the context menu as at least not as much as I did before that's saying a lot because here's the thing my biggest complaint has always been the time that I've had to waste by hovering over the icons because I don't remember what the specific icons represent the text labels are a huge upgrade now if all they did now was remove the icons and put the text in line with the other text then it would be perfect but then again it would make it the classic context menu wouldn't it also support for creating szip and tar archives is huge as well I'm honestly not sure why this wasn't implemented when extraction of those archives was added to 23 H2 but I'm glad it's finally had the ability to do that from within 24 H2 because it's nice to have the native ability to create those archives from within Windows there are also some features that are supposed to come out with 24 H2 that haven't been implemented yet now there's a chance they simply won't be implemented in time and they'll be added at a later point and that's happened quite a bit but I wanted to at least mention them while we're here one of these is the ability to use your phone as a webcam built natively into Windows now this is a feature that you can do right now with thirdparty software but having it built into Windows could make it quite convenient also 24 H2 will officially support USB 4 this is great at least once we have Hardware that supports USB for now some other features that either haven't been quite implemented yet or have kind of been implemented but don't really work are some of the new AI features in 24 H2 one of these is going to be super resolution which honestly I think I'm looking to forward to the most this is essentially going to be the same Tech that RTX uses with dlss but it will be handled by the processor instead of the GPU unfortunately though this Tech requires an mpu in your processor so the ability to use it you'll need to have one of the new Intel Core Ultras the new AMD ryzen 8000s or even the quantum Snapdragon X Elite so unlike how being able to use dlss just requires a new GPU using Windows super resolution will require a new system all together but it will be nice once it comes out and I will definitely be testing it at least once I have a computer that supports it another AI feature coming to Windows that I don't know for sure will be in 24 H2 or in a future update will be something called voice Clarity this will be a native Windows feature that helps to remove background noise from your microphone so that when you're using a microphone it will give you better sounding audio finally the last AI feature that I read while researching for this will be natural language search queries this will essentially allow you to search for things using natural language like asking your computer to show you the pictures you took last month at the aquarium and having it actually show you the pictures that you took last month at the aquarium and honestly I think that's that's going to be a pretty cool use of AI however I don't know if these features are going to be ready in time for the release of 24 H2 or if they'll even work on current Hardware in the first place I do know that super resolution feature will require a neural Processing Unit but I don't know if the other AI features will require the same however this goes back to what we talked about back at the beginning of the video in regards to 24 H2 Hardware requirements while there are many features coming to Windows 11 that will require Hardware like an mpu this Hardware won't be required to run the operating system but rather only be required to use those specific features which honestly I have no problem with if Microsoft wants wants to take advantage of new tech then that's awesome however making that new tech a requirement to use the operating system well I'm sorry but that just sucks with that said I did promise you a conspiracy theory and I'm going to deliver on that now we were supposed to get Windows 12 this year and that's simply not going to happen in fact many people believe that 24 H2 actually is Windows 12 I mean all Microsoft would have to do is slightly tweak the UI a little bit and call it Windows 12 I mean it's not like they haven't done that before so then why is Windows 12 being delayed this is where my Conspiracy Theory comes in if you saw my video previously discussing the conspiracy theory behind the windows 11 Hardware requirements I think it's related I think Microsoft knows that they made a huge mistake with Windows 11 and with Windows 10 Reaching end of life in about a year and a half they need to make a decision if they're going to stick to the three-year version cycle like they've rekindled with Windows 11 or if they're going to go back to the rolling release that Windows 10 was supposed to be I mean here's the thing Microsoft doesn't make money off of Windows releases Microsoft has essentially become an advertising company just like Google or Facebook or and pretty much all of the tech industry so their profitability is on them spying on you and what you use your computer for and then displaying ads they actually lose money by having to support a fragmented operating system landscape so if Windows 12 would have been released in 2024 like the rumors suggested Microsoft would be supporting Windows 10 Windows 11 and windows 12 simultaneously this is literally the problem that led to Windows 10 becoming a rolling release in the first place at the time Microsoft was supporting Windows 7 Windows 8 and Windows 10 the reason why they said Windows 10 was going to be the last version of Windows Windows was because they wanted it to age out Windows 7 and Windows 8 so they only had one version of Windows to support as a rolling release so could the delay of Windows 12 be an indication that Windows 11 might become the rolling release that Windows 10 was supposed to be or was until Microsoft decided to drop Windows 11 in our lap essentially that's what I'm getting at maybe Windows 12 is dead and windows 11 will be the last version of Windows that we get how however I don't think Microsoft is going to make the same mistake as publicly announcing that they kind of got egg on their face the last time they did I don't know we'll have to wait and see but in the meantime we have a pretty good update coming to Windows 11 in 24 H2 with each update that comes out Microsoft makes it a little harder to hate Windows 11 and that's a good thing if you'd like to try this beta build here of Windows 11 then go ahead and check out this video where I show you how to create create isos for beta builds of Windows the build that I'm currently using is 2600.1 and you'll find it in the canary Channel as always you guys have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 260,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows 11 24H2, Windows 12, Windows update, windows 11
Id: vqBdf_ljwKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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