Windows 11 24H2 is WORSE THAN Windows 8 | RANT:30

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I love Windows 10 and Windows 7 was special those two operating systems are some of the most functional and useful operating systems ever made now I know I can already hear the Linux people screaming stay tuned I'm going to release a video talking about the ways I use Linux and why I cannot use Linux as my daily driver desktop right now what we're going to do is talk about the upcoming changes to Windows 11 why I think Windows 11 is in fact worse than Windows 8 the reasons why it's not just going to be like an old man ranting about why the things are changed and I don't like and why have you done this to my thing you ready for my philosophy on what I think an operating system should be like an operating system should be like a very good manager and what do good managers do good managers enable you they allow you to do things in your own way as long as you get them done and then they get out of your way and let you work a bad manager gets in your way throws things at you all the time tells you that the way you're doing it is not the right way to do it and you should do it their way and then bothers you the entire time you're trying to do your work and makes it difficult for you to do the normal tasks that you would be doing that's a bad manager Windows 11 is a bad manager Windows 10 is a good manager Windows 7 is a great manager so hopefully someone from Microsoft is watching because I think a lot of the power users like me and a lot of the people watching this video have our Telemetry turned off so they cannot monitor everything that we do and they don't know the ways that we're using the operating system maybe that's why they're going in such a terrible Direction with Windows 11 before we get into any of that let's make sure that your copy of Windows is activated I use hook keys for my OEM keys this is where I get my windows Keys you can also upgrade from home to Pro which I highly recommend that you do but first off let's show you how these prices so you see 30 bucks right if you go to Microsoft website it's over $200 what's the difference this is an OEM key meaning that it's generally locked to the hardware sometimes it moves from one to the other but we can pretty much say that it's going to work on one system and then if you move over to the next system you get another key for that system now you'd have to do this multiple multiple multiple times before it would be uh you know a better deal to get the regular version from Microsoft the other thing about OEM Keys is they don't come with a warranty from Microsoft so on your operating system you can't just call up Microsoft has anyone ever done that so let me just show you the prices right now so if we just throw this in our cart proceed to check out and then use the coupon code ts25 I've got it saved but I'll just put it in here hit apply and watch it come down $23.22 we also have Windows 10 Pro and I want to note that Windows 10 Pro right now still unlocks Windows 11 so you can get a Windows 10 Pro key save a little bit of money and use it to unlock Windows 11 but Google this because you know it may have changed by the time you've seen this video if it's been a few months or whatever just Google and see hey do Windows 10 Pro Keys also unlock Windows 11 I'm going to put this in my cart put in ts25 coupon code and that comes down to 1761 let's say you need a copy of office and you don't want to pay for the Office 365 monthly recurring thing well you can get office 2019 and not have to pay that monthly fee the coupon code ts25 click on that hit apply and there we go $488 instead of paying a monthly fee so I need to activate Windows 11 for this video and for the next video so I'm going to go ahead and buy a copy of this right now clicking on buy now takes you straight to check out I'm going to go ahead and submit my order once you're finished placing your order it brings you here and then you can just click on view Keys and codes if you do not go directly here go up to the top click on your email address click on user Center and then in the middle of the page it'll tell you you have an unextracted key extract now yes it'll bring you here but if not just click on my Pur orders and then view Keys and codes says completed and then right here we can do get the key and right there in the middle of the page that's your key so go ahead and copy that click on start type activate and it's going to give you all kinds of garbage but just wait for it to say activation settings click on that once you get here just click to change your product key and wait activating Windows you get the best experience yes yes yes click on activate now remember this is a Windows 10 key I'm trying right here and hey we're activated there we go got a screenshot from Oblivion on there we've changed our wallpaper we are activated and we are good to go so thanks again to H for sponsoring this video and now it's time to get on to our regularly scheduled program let's talk about how we got here right now Windows is still running on the Windows NT graphical user interface Windows kernel has been evolving over the years and you may have looked over at Linux and said they've got all these different desktops they've got window managers you got Budgy you got cinnamon you got lxd you got KD plasma you got xfce you got what's it Monte you got gnome uh gnome 3 of course you've got Unity which is is built into aontu you got flux box you got open box if you want window managers you've got all kinds of different graphical user interfaces for Linux why don't we have the same things for Windows well Windows is closed source and the kernel is there and they've just been using the Windows NT as the graphical user interface and they've been using that okay this is crazy it's before Windows 95 Windows 95 didn't use Windows NT but Windows NT came out as a 32bit version of the Windows 3.1 file manager that they had way back then so this is really old stuff we've got Legacy code all the way from back before Windows 95 built into Windows 11 we have not made a change in that long Windows NT finally showed up in a desktop on Windows 2000 and it was like oh this is great and it was it showed up Windows XP and Windows 7 and Windows 8 and now Windows 10 and 11 they're all running with the same stuff going on it's the same car with a different paint job on on top now the paint job on Windows 11 is a little bit different so how did we get to that what's happened with Windows 11 is they've locked down a lot of things to try to I guess obfuscate or keep you away from a lot of the subsystems that are running in the background they don't want you messing around with stuff they want things to be nice and easy but they also want to stop you from customizing things which is what we're going to see with the the new you know versions that are coming out they've removed parts of the old taskbar so the functionality that used to be there in Windows 10 they're removing a lot of that functionality so that only the windows 11 taskbar is going to be available uh and they're going to lock down a lot of the other features because we've been using different hacks to bring back features from Windows 7 and Windows 10 and just really helpful things even stuff from Windows 8 you can bring back uh Windows 8 flyout menus for the volume and the network and all that you can bring all that stuff back using Explorer Patcher and a number of other things but they are locking it down so you can no longer do that because they're just they're finally removing it they're removing that little piece from the window Windows NT you know from the Windows NT user interface they getting rid of it so that's going to be gone and you know that's fine we we move forward we move into the future there's new ways to do things and normally I don't have a problem with that you know I I was thinking that the whole advertising in Windows was a new thing and then I installed Windows 95 cuz I was just messing around with something something and testing and I ended up with a a later copy of Windows 95 that had the Active Desktop stuff and do you remember this Windows 95 look at that MSNBC news Disney all this stuff Sports remember this Active Desktop nonsense and then when you clicked on the start button there were advertisements for they had advertisements built in for MSN and AOL and just all kinds of nonsense there AOL preview so yeah they were they were cramming advertisements in from the beginning from Windows 95 they've always wanted to cram in advertisements but they didn't have the bandwidth to really do the Telemetry that they can do now and they didn't have the the I guess they weren't as big as they are so yeah the advertisement I guess is way more efficient now it was pretty easy just to turn off the AC Active Desktop close a couple things and then you're done when it comes to Windows 95 but the corporate brain rot has been there from the beginning and uh we just have to keep wrestling functionality away from the corporate nerds and the marketing Bros and giving it back to the developers and the Nerds who are actually using the stuff so yeah it's funny to see that the direction that they're going in is not governed by what is good for a desktop power user it's governed by what is good for a tablet in my opinion I think that's really this this kind of happened back in Windows 8 Windows saw something and they immediately had an identity crisis this you remember this this is the first iPad in 2010 Steve Jobs and this is when he was out you know out there just showing off what it was so let's get over here and just take a look at this user interface great user face for a tablet and the iPad became a sensation so what did what did Windows do well they looked at that and they're like okay that tablet operating system that they have there and all the stuff that's going on why don't we take a lot of that DNA and shove it into a desktop operating system and then you know what we got on August 1st 2012 a couple of years later we got Windows 8 there it is let's get some shots of this just so you can remember and it didn't feel like a desktop operating system anymore there was a giant context shift between the start menu and the actual desktop where you did all your work and it felt jarring it didn't feel right it didn't feel like something that a power user would want to use but there was something that I think is is okay about the Windows 8 experience you were still able to hack it you could change it you could add open shell back then it was called Classic Shell to bring back the original start menu make it look like Windows 7 which was what most of us were familiar with the Windows 8 start menu if you ran it in the small mode using a some hacks or whatever was actually okay it wasn't that bad in fact I think it was maybe better than Windows 10 because it had fewer advertisements and fewer you know bits of garbage there was no Candy Crush right there on the start menu there was some other things there maybe just camera games Xbox the whole thing whatever it was U there Sky Drive and some other stuff that they had that they just throw on there but they were mostly Microsoft things Maps maybe a Twitter app or something there was some some of the Metro apps they came out with it wasn't CR full of candy crush and Spotify and whatever all the new nonsense is let's just take a look we've got Windows 11 right here on a VM yeah what what do we got here when I press start yeah I've deleted most of it it looks like but you do have LinkedIn Spotify Sometimes some games you don't want some addictive gotcha games with pay to win mechanics or whatever crammed right here into your start bar and there's going to be ads here too you know back back in the Windows 8 day that was not there you could organize it it was very nice and then then in Windows 10 they just gave you the small one that a lot of people were trying to to hack their machines to get anyway and it was okay you could delete stuff pretty easily from the taskbar and that's the thing you could modify it and and it was it was nice and it was usable but I think that the the whole identity crisis is still there when it comes to the design and the whole idea that we need one interface for all users whether it's a tablet whether it's a laptop or whether it's a desktop power user who is doing something something completely different than what someone who with a tablet is doing we need to give them all the same unified interface and that is ridiculous that whole idea is ridiculous you've ever heard the whole story of like what's the best Pepsi and Pepsi paid a gazillion dollars to a marketing person to try to figure out what's the best flavor of Pepsi and he came back and he said your question is wrong the question shouldn't be what's the best flavor of Pepsi the question should be what's the best Pepsis and they were like huh and he's like people are different you need Cherry Pepsi you need vanilla Pepsi you need Diet Pepsi you need all these different flavors peanut butter Pepsi I don't know Crystal Pepsi remember that nonsense we need all these different flavors of Pepsi and sure enough it worked and now there's still lots of different flavors of Pepsi some of them come and go but people prefer different things and different things will sell to different people and sales will go up overall but Windows keeps trying to create this one unified interface interface for all people regardless of what they're doing with their device you know on the tablet I'm probably going to leave the regular Windows 11 interface face except I might change a couple little things make some things smaller if I can but it's nice when I flip it sideways it automatically flips and things are big enough for my fingers to tap on the tablet and use it it's okay it's not too bad yeah I'll change a few things but when I'm sitting in a desktop I don't want the taskbar to be this big whatever is it like 50 pixels almost 48 pixels tall I don't need it to be that tall I want that desktop real estate for my power stuff I don't want to use autohide cuz that's annoy that annoys me when it's constantly popping up and down let me just do a little show and tell here Auto hiide I can't stand it it like sometimes it pops up when I don't want it to pop up sometimes it doesn't pop up when I want it to pop up it's like and it's there's always a little bit of a latency like when I go down there like it's sometimes if I go up and down and it's like I I don't like that this is my windows 11 desktop that's not been updated to 24 H2 but this one on the VM it's been updated to 24 H2 look at the size of this taskbar now here is the thing that I really really really hate about Windows 11 24 H2 yes they removed a lot of the other subsystems that were hiding there the windows 10 functionality the Windows 8 functionality that's gone the taskbar is different it's not the same animal anymore they're removing pieces but they're also locking down our ability to change things you used to be able to go in and say I want small icons on the taskbar and that would reduce the size of the taskbar by several pixels which makes a difference we don't need all the extra padding if we're doing something and we want all of our desktop real estate uh a tiny little taskbar on the bottom is completely fine and with most versions of Linux like plasma and gdome and everything you can go in and set an individual pixel number telling you how you know telling it exactly how big you want your interface to be on the bottom you can tell it how exact this is how big the task this big you know like 16 32 pixels whatever you want you can tell it exactly how many you want it's brilliant but Windows does not want you to do that and it doesn't make any sense because I'm still using your product let me change a few things here and there you know that don't take away functionality if if I'm if I'm on a desktop let me do stuff to the operating system but right now Windows has been blacklisting programs and this is something that I think is kind of new because these are not viruses these are not programs that you know destroy the operating system these are programs that allow you to configure the way Windows functions and looks they patch different parts of Explorer like Explorer Patcher uh they're blocking start all back which is a start menu and taskbar replacement program that does some other things to the system they're blocking several different apps that you can use on Windows these are not viruses but they say they may have you know like unintended consequences or whatever they may it's okay that's not your business Microsoft I bought the operating system I bought the omk but you get the idea we bought the operating system it's on my computer I'm using an offline account you have no business telling me what I can and cannot do the registry hacks that we used to be able to use to make the taskbar smaller those are also disabled in the latest 24 uh H2 those don't work anymore the only way to change this and I'll show you if you want to change the size of this the only way I've discovered so far is to use start 11 which is a paid program but it's it's from stardock and it's a well-made program but it doesn't do all the stuff I want it to do like I actually prefer the start button from Classic Shell so if I turn this on watch the taskbar on the bottom look at that it works I'll tell it to always combine buttons may as well there we go so I don't know what what they're doing that's different from the other programs but maybe explor Patcher will figure something out but whenever you try to install explor Patcher on the latest version of Windows the one that I'm looking at here this is also the beta or the dev build or whatever it's coming out later in the year all right so check this out right here's explor Patcher if I want to install that and double click it and look what Windows tells me this app can't run on this device this app can't run because it causes security or performance issues on Windows so it says a newer version may be available so that's promising it's not telling me that like hey it's gone forever but they are blacklisting things and telling me that I can't use them but check this out the Blacklist is so stupid and crude that all I had to do was rename this to explor Patcher just I put explor Patcher yes and look at this we're installing it now that's it mhm it's installing now and now I've got an Explorer Patcher installed you shouldn't be installing explor Pat and start 11 and all these other things at the same time because it's going to confuse things it's like what's going on it's fighting it's fighting with Explorer Patcher and and you know start 11 right now I've got start 11 and I've got that's open shell and all this stuff installed at the same time it's not killing anything it's kind of working but also it's not working perfectly either because look there's a space right here over over there right there see that space that's because uh the the open shell doesn't know that star 11 has made the taskbar smaller so I don't know it'll be a way to fix that or not it's it's really annoying they're making it so difficult to customize Windows 11 and for power users who want to use the software it's it's making it almost to the point where it's a deal breaker and and a lot of people are going to start moving over to Linux it's going to be a slow trickle it first it's not going to be like a lot of people in the Linux Community think that Windows 11 is so bad that people are just going to like all of a sudden tomorrow going to wake up and have like 40% you know share of the desktop operating system will be Linux and that's not going to happen it's going to be like 6% 7% 8% 10% you know like it's going to be a slow thing and a lot of people like me are going to be stranded on windows for a long time I might have to try to figure out something where I'm running a VM because I'm getting so frustrated with the direction that Windows 11 is going in but I have I have software that's on Windows 11 that keeps me hostage and I'll make a video about that soon so all the Linux people who really want me to move over to Linux can understand where some of the people are uh you know when it comes to being stuck and I think a lot of it's a creative people stuck by the creative programs that don't have good Alternatives or any alternatives at all and don't work in wine or with any other compatibility layers so I've had to do a lot to get Windows 11 to function half as well as I'd like it to and there's still many things about the user interface that make me insane the last thing I'll mention here is that you cannot drag and drop um images or anything else like if you're just chilling here in your operating system and you know you used to be able to drag and drop stuff up here to the bar you can't drag and drop up here unless you have hack it I had to use explore Patcher to allow me to do this but in Windows 11 you can't do that so if they don't allow me to hack that then that's going to I mean I'm have like this you see this we still have the file explorer from Windows 10 this is the Windows 10 style File Explorer with the ribbon right here there we go i' I'm using that one and I actually like the windows 11 tabs that's really cool File Explorer with tabs but I've decided this is more important to me being able to drag and drop things up here I do this every day all the time and it's not a feature that everyone uses maybe because everyone doesn't know about it but a lot of people used it and they just removed it from the file explorer it almost feels capricious when you think about like some of the stuff that they've taken out because who was that bothering who was that affecting you had to actually do work to remove it and troubleshoot it and make sure that it was not working it's like why did you remove that it was in the early builds of Windows 11 with the new file EXP floor it was there but why did you remove it why are you doing this to power users so the identity crisis is back and it's worse this time because they're trying to tell me that I can't run Windows the way I want to run Windows like I could with Windows 8 and Windows 10 I could hack the interface I could make changes to it now speaking of hack the interface there are a few things you can do and you know like I wish there were more all you know like alternative guis that you could use you know it's not that easy to write UI for Windows and there's a few that have come out over the years I think the one that's probably the most welldeveloped and still has I think some support is Kyo it's a different desktop operating system in my opinion it's uh not easy on the eyes it's kind of I guess looks about like Windows XP era if you like this then then cool it it's very functional does a great job so if you want to explore just a totally new desktop environment that works on Windows Cairo is that but I think we're at the era where we need some new alternative desktop goys that you know use Windows as the kernel and then we've got a new guey on top that would be brilliant but this is closed Source stuff this is not the same as Linux you can't it's not it's nowhere near as easy a lot of it you're going to have to like be doing overlays and stuff on top of Windows functionality so it's not going to be the same level of compatibility not that not the same level of function so yeah I mean ultimately my the thing if I had everything that I wanted I would just have the programs that I really really need I I would have them create Linux versions that would be amazing so FL Studio if you're watching please uh Vienna symphonic orchestra please there's that's some of those plugins for the audio stuff huge deal but they're only windows or or Mac you know there's one other solution that I was thinking of and this could come from inside Microsoft and I think we bother some of these developers and and maybe just bother Microsoft enough to let them know that Hey listen I know you're not getting a lot of telemetry from us but we we use your products we buy Microsoft we I you know I make tons of tutorials that help people who are going to use Microsoft the vanilla way with ads I make tutorials for them I talk about Windows um but we need the tools we need the power toys so maybe the power toys team could could look into doing something because right now power toys is an awesome piece of software let me just open it up right here it gives you so much more functionality you've got you've got better zones when it comes to snapping just all kinds of different tools for your sleep there's so many tools built in here and these are Microsoft devs who are working on this this is a Microsoft a Microsoft product what if there were some configuration options here for our desktop user interface B our file explorer there's file explorer add-ons right here but this is mostly just for file types and everything but what if we brought back some of the functionality from older versions of Windows like Windows 10 or or just some new ideas for better ways you know cuz let's let's just face it this see this nonsense right here if I click on the the volume thing it brings up this entire cluster and that's the new thing in Windows 11 and normally we could patch this out but as of the newest version of Windows this Dev build that have here you can no longer patch this out but what if we had some alternative ways to do this a different taskbar that could be enabled through power toys for people who are using desktops and and need different functionality and don't want to have to deal with all this nonsense here and look this little this is for swiping up and down but it doesn't allow me oh you can swipe up and down with your mouse but I mean that's not what I want if I'm going to this this little thing if I'm want to pop this out then pop the whole thing out why are you making me do extra clicks to move things up and down it's this is stupid this is extremely stupid and then if I want Network I got to Jesus I'm so unhappy right now so what I did is I created a desktop shortcut for network and I'm probably going to put that on my you know I put it on here just drop it right there sure there Network great so now I can just click on that and it'll go here or you could just click on this and and go to my network connections here I'm going to have to be using my start menu like crazy so open sh you're going to be doing a lot of extra work when it comes to Windows 11 all right I'm going to close this out by saying if you are tied to Windows like me because of some software then I I would recommend you stick with Windows 10 for as long as humanly possible it's the last desktop operating system that Windows has made and not I do not consider Windows 11 a desktop operating system it's another identity crisis that thinks it's a tablet interface but wants to make sure that it can work on a desktop as well just God I wish the Windows phone had worked so all the people who are working on the Windows 11 interface could just put their energy over there on the phone and tablet products and leave us alone on the desktop but you need you need two different interfaces you need the power user desktop interface and you need the interface for tablets and phones and whatever else touch devices those don't need to be the same interface and you need to allow us to customize our interface Microsoft or else people are going to start going to Linux more and more every day and then maybe it'll get to the point where there's enough of a demand on Linux that somebody big like a dilby will say you know what we can do the Adobe suite and they'll do it for I don't know one Dro or do I don't know if they probably do a flat pack or whatever but they'll they'll do it and then who knows what else will happen maybe Fubar will make a Linux version please anyway that's the end of this rant I'll see you in the next video I'm going to actually do a fun thing where I just sit here it's going to be nerdy just put it on have a cup of coffee and and goof off with me but I'm going to try to hack the hell out of Windows 11 and just see what I can do with version 24 H2 it's going to be a long video of me like hacking around with the files seeing how many things I can change seeing what I can do installing all kinds of different programs and just seeing how much I can tweak the operating system as it is so it's a feasibility study and I'm going to take you along for the ride so that'll be coming up as well soon this entire month I'm going to be talking a lot about Windows um Windows Alternatives like Linux and why I can't move to them and and just other stuff like that so we're going to get into it this month kind of crazily I'll see you in the coming videos yes yes and lastly don't forget we have some awesome t-shirts over here on Epic and this is half price as well as the as the keyboard this is our finix Swift Mouse an extremely ergonomic and comfortable right-handed Mouse with the 3360 Flawless sensor and 1999 it's kind of stupid um also one of the things I love about this is you can change the colors by holding down button combinations and you do not have to go and install any software so this is all just plug andplay no software needed to change all the colors and and the video right here will tell you all about that and then over here we got our water resistant keyboard we'll ser several and over here we've got our water resistant keyboard with several different colors you can swap through just by holding function and pressing tab really easy No Nonsense no software that's how I like it and that one's also $1 199.99 on sale right now plus a little shipping because shipping is a billion dollars for me I'm always eating a little bit of the profit on shipping but hey that's uh the way it works anyway I'll see you all in the comments you're awesome let me know what you think you ready for My Philosophy about what an operating system should be like p [Music]
Channel: Tek Syndicate
Views: 145,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tek Syndicate, hardware, technology, science, games, gaming, culture, tech, computers, retro
Id: o3mIzSMizSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 34sec (1654 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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