4 Commands To Fix Your Windows Computer

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today on James on it we're going to talk about some simple commands you can run right now on your computer to fix weird Windows issues and how easy it is let's get started the common issue with Windows is and honestly you're going to run into this on any computer is files can get corrupted over time things just happen we are imperfect people and we build imperfect things but you can fix your windows install by refreshing those files back to what they were when you originally installed Windows by just running a couple simple commands let me show you what you can do so here we're on our Windows computer and if we go down here to the start button right click you'll have a selection of terminal and terminal admin we want to run the terminal and this will open up a new box this little black box let's kind of zoom in here so we could see what we're doing together now a couple commands to run is the DI ASM command and the other one is sfc what these do is they check your Windows File system and your windows files for any type of corruption or any files that may be missing or changed in some way and refreshes them back to where they were when you originally installed Windows and the best part is it doesn't damage your computer this fixes stuff it does not do anything wrong because it's looking at your core system not the stuff stuff that you change in your day-to-day use so let me show you how to run these commands our first one is dism and there's a couple options that we need to run first is going to be online what this does is it pulls the image from Microsoft so you don't have to have Windows install media on your computer to run this because that's what it's comparing to it's actually going out and checking what's the official Windows installation look like versus what you have on your computer and then that's what it goes off of to fix it so this will go out to online resources and we're telling it to clean up image and then we want it to there's a couple different flags that we can do the first one the easiest one and the quickest is the check Health flag we run this now what's going to pop up it's going to say elevated permissions are required to run dism now the reason for this is because this is doing things that are a much much higher level I actually did this on purpose because I wanted to show you that you can't run this on a regular prompt so let's go ahead and do that let's change over and we want to run the admin one now now if yours says something different here like it says command or Powershell that's fine the big thing that we want to do is we want to run Powershell so if you not sure here what you can always do is you can hit your Windows button just type in Windows Powershell and you'll see this and then what you'll want to do is right click on it and then run as administrator that does the exact same thing opens up another box for you to get into Powershell to run these commands that we're going to be running so let's open this up now let's do that same command we're going to dism online clean up image and then check health and you'll see that it's going to run so you noticed that ran super fast well the check Health just looks for the most obvious thing so it's the fastest thing to run you see no component store corruption detected in other words everything checked out clean on this install which is awesome so the next one that we want to run though is scan health and by the way you're more than welcome to run these commands while watching this video it will literally just run in the background which is great now what you'll see here is that it's going through and scanning the system so this is a much much deeper scan to check and see what could be corrupted what issues we could have on the system versus this one which was pretty much instant so we'll go ahead and let this finish and then we'll fast forward to when it's done so as you can see it finished and we see here that the component store is repairable it's always pretty much going to say that unless it's not repairable but since we don't have any issues it's always going to say that it's repairable and then that the operation completed successfully if you get any errors just Google them and you'll be able to see what to do to fix those but for the most part it should run just fine after you run the scan Health next what we want to do is run restore Health what this does is it actually goes out and starts fixing all the issues that it found so as you could see here it finished the restore process 100% and we'll put my get this above my head so you can see it the restore operation completed successfully which is fantastic so it means that if there was any issues it fixed those problems downloaded the files that was needed now this does take a lot longer than like the other two because it's actively doing more but as you could tell you know since this is a clean system I didn't have any issues so let's clear the terminal here now let's run another program so this is sfc what we want to do is scan now this is good to run after you run the dism commands that way this looks at other areas of your system and fixes those so now what you'll notice here it says that there's a system repair so the other did repair something so we need to First restart our computer and then we can run this sfc command then it's always good to run this after you run the dism since this checks other areas of the system and fixes those so we'll reboot and we'll just cut over to that okay we're back after reboot now let's get back in our terminal here and run our scan now so like I mentioned before the sfc command it looks at other system components and what it does similar to the dism where dsdm is looking at the component store the sfc is looking at more of your system files and it goes through checks them and fixes any corruption that may find there's a long running joke in the it community that sfc fixes nothing cuz most of the time you run it it doesn't seem like it fixes anything but honestly especially here lately I found that it's fixed quite a few little weird quirks for me as you can tell it doesn't take very long for sfc to run so we'll just speed this video up here and I'll see it 100% all right we're done and as you can tell it didn't find any Integrity violations which means everything checked out beautifully but if it does find something it'll say that repaired things and usually there's reboot now the dism and the sfc doesn't fix your issue then the best thing to do is go ahead and run a Windows restore or what you can do is use the Windows installation media for Windows 11 you can either download it or you can make your own from your Windows computer and run repair now that usually will it'll go through and wipe any of your installed programs and stuff but that's really the only way to fix something if it's really really bad on your system but keep these commands handy these four commands that you can run at any time while you're doing stuff it keeps your system healthy if things are running slow running weird it's great to run these and just to help make sure everything's nice and clean and working well on your system thanks for watching don't forget to hit that like And subscribe and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: James on IT
Views: 91,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i2a0-nprlWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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