Window Install & Flashing - Jeld Wen in Zip System

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hey guys I'm coming to you from my real remodel projects where I've got a mock-up over here of the windows I'm going to be using on this house that's the gelled win' aura line brand-new coming out in 2020 and we're going to be installing that on the hueber zip system so I thought I'd use this as an opportunity to get together with my frame carpenter Bill wood and show you the best practice method for installing a window into the hueber zip system today's video is sponsored by Hubert and jeld-wen let's get going hey guys you all met bill wood before bill and I have built houses four dozen or so years that's right it's crazy bill all right so we're gonna show you the best practice method for installing this brand-new jeld-wen or align window into a huber zip system now remember it's all about shingling and no matter the window manufacturer you want to install our windows so that the rough opening is totally waterproof so if anything happens in the future we're gonna shed that water to the outside so first off we've used a lot of different seal pans over the years on our jobs bill and I but Hubert came out with this a couple years ago if you've not seen it it's called stretch tape and this is a crazy impressive seal pan material because it's gonna stretch really nicely and conform into all those random corners on just about any kind of project whether it's a pipe flashing that's coming out of the house or a window so bill will you show us how we actually pan flash this window to start with sure first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna grab our roll and remember we want to bring this up six or eight inches and rather than measuring it out what we'll do just to kind of save some time is roll this out make a form and then Mark it with your finger and then go ahead and make a cut so we'll just set it in our hole and depending on the the depth of your sill this is a 2 by 4 installation so we're using the six inch stretch tape here if you were using a two by six you'd use the wider version problem that's right and what we want to do is make sure that it protects our sill if any water does get behind your window and then shingles over the top over the face of the zip wall yep we have a split release liner and while bills doing that I do want to make mention that you want your sill to be sloped and I've seen a lot of guys including my buddy Jake bruton who by the way did a great video series on a similar install on fine home building and Jake's a big fan of using a cedar beveled siding as a sill bill and I like to actually cut our sills on an angle or partly cut our cripples on an angle underneath that sill so that all our sills have about a 5 a group Babylon it's really easy to do bill and I've worked together a long time I don't even have to mention that his guys automatically know whenever they're cutting the cripples for a sill cut him on a five degree angle and then all those sills have just a little bit of positive slope to the outside so that's what's going on here now he's doing the inside release liner first and then he's gonna stick that down and then he's going to go ahead and do the outside one next but you can see he's bringing that stretch tape basically right inside on the sill just a somewhere around a half inch or so in and then he's coming up the sides about six inches and what I like to do is on the corners actually learn this from Jake I like to use a bit of a tool to help me kind of get into the corners and the speed square is a great tool for that just kind of pushes into the corner makes making sure there's no bulk remember you want to generally frame your rough openings about a quarter inch on all sides or a half inch top and bottom bigger than the window so you've got some room to shim and you've got a little bit room for that flashing in there as well remember all the zip tapes are pressure-sensitive adhesives they're all acrylic adhesives which is really the newest and best technology when it comes to flashing tapes but it's really important to pressurize that tape it needs to wet onto the surface and it needs that pressure you can't just hand pressure it you can do that hand pressure to start but you always want to finish off the roller that's gonna make sure it's gonna really be tenacious and never come off and you'll see I've done lots of this stuff and you'll see that it can be a bit of a bear especially if you stick it to itself yeah we want to try and not stick to itself if we can so you can start to pull it you don't want to pull it too much if you don't have to because a lot of times this really has to endure some time but here in the corner once I get my middle kind of hang then I can bring my thumbs and stretch it and you can see that s stretching out and then just kind of get this in here not my own that's cool it does it's nice stuff I really like how how it sticks and doesn't move to some of them a tendency to so many other flexible flashings tend to curl back they do and that's why you only want to stretch it as much as you need to yep and we don't want to thin it out too much and that adhesive is gonna build in time it actually gets stronger with time you know if you absolutely have to sometimes you can throw a little staple in that just a little t-50 staple sometimes these projects stay open for quite a long time before they get siding stucco or stone so we're really asking these products to do a lot for us okay here in Texas that's looking good looks great nice job bill okay now in the past I would tell you that if you look up bill and I his videos from you know five years ago actually have a gel new do from five six years ago we basically stopped at this method or we stopped here we did not cover the jam but today we feel like it's best practice to actually cover your jam with your waterproofing and your air tightness all the way to the back of the jam so the next step on this is we're gonna take on both the jams the right and the left hand Jam a piece of flashing tape there straight flashing tape and we're gonna run it just below the the window sill here and run it all the way up to the head so let's get started on that we need a little bit of ladder probably to reach that to bill right here you might consider running a line on the left-hand side to make sure that you're you're getting these numbers correct now this flashing tape efemer curricula bill is just below four inches it's like three and three-quarter something like that yeah and so you know I've always felt funny about applying anything to bare wood and now zip system cheating is not Burwood but we feel like it's best practice to kind of give this a layer of protection prior to trapping it behind the flange of the window yeah another thing we're doing here is we're connecting this face of the zip is our air tightness layer and so we're connecting that and making sure everything's tight air tight through the window install that looks great bill roll that out okay so now he's gonna cut it and you can see he's running that back into the jamb now and then ultimately what we're gonna do is when we when we the window to the jamb on the inside that's going to connect our air tightness from the window to the zip tape there you go we try to be as neat as possible because by the time we get all these layers on the face of the sheeting it tends to build up a bit and then we have to compensate for that when we do our window trim the cool Hueber is done over the years is they've I don't know I'm three four year three years ago maybe they started selling all their products on Amazon not the the sheeting but all the tapes and flashings so if you need just a small amount of something you can get it now you notice when he's putting that tape on he's not going as I this time he's only going on the top just you know an inch or so over the top because we want to layer our other tapes that are going on the window on top of that when we want to shingle those as much as we can now you noticed he's going about an inch or so above the rough opening and again onto this face is going maybe an inch and a half two inches and we're gonna go below and make a straight cut here okay roll that thing out we always like to roll the tape right after we've done it no way you don't forget especially the window install when things are about to get covered you want to forget to roll it okay laughs we're gonna do the head can you get it to that head bill you notice we've shingled that right so he started to always want to start low and work your way high while bill is making this final cuts a couple things I want to mention on this window this is a brand new window from Zelda on the aura line it's being released early 2020 but they're gonna unveil it at the IBS show in Vegas so if you're coming to the Builder show in January that's the International Builder show in Las Vegas stop by the JAL Duluth and learn some more about this brand-new product being unveiled early 2020 it's the aura line composite and I'm gonna be using that here on my real remodel Series house interesting product it's a composite frame meaning it's a wood and PVC composite similar to a composite deck where you've got much more strength in a standard vinyl window but much less cost than a standard wood window so it kind of fills in a nice category a little bit more expensive than vinyl with a lot more features and benefits not quite as expensive as wood clad window the other thing I like about this line in particular is the color on the frame is actually through it it's not just a topical paint and every single window they make is PG 35 rated or better which is basically a rating of how well it's gonna resist wind and water from coming through the frame it's an impressive little product our bill looks like we got a rough opening it's ready to go right anything else we need here well we need to prep the window with our caulking on three sides yep Anna I prefer to put the caulking on the sheathing itself rather than the window that way you don't have to put your fingers in it we could sit the window on the sill and push it into place kind of limits the amount of mess that we make on top of the windows yeah so in this case we're gonna be using Dyna flex ultra this is really just the belt-and-suspenders is what we're doing so we're gonna run that in a u-shape from here all the way on you want an unbroken nice bead and this is what the flange is gonna sit on and again this is just belt and suspenders we're just making sure that if something were to fail in the flashing tape all right guys just just a quick side note here we took the caulking off because we are gonna be pulling this window for another demonstration and I didn't want it bonded forever but you're gonna have a u-shaped bead and we're not gonna at the sill when we set that window all right so we've imaginary the three sides we're gonna place a window and and push it into the spot now what I'm gonna do Matt is I'm gonna run inside and with the nail bar I'll level it out okay and shim it as necessary and you want me to put one nail in a corner well as soon as I get you as soon as I tell you where to go you know each sill is different in each frame is different so what I want to do is get it up on it's on it shims if it's needed and then we also kind of want to Center it inside the framing you know every house has got every detail so you know we're gonna have a sheetrock return or wooden jam or who knows what so so what wills gonna do is he's gonna put two shims underneath there to leave a little bit of a gap between that waterproofing we just did in the window itself that's going to go on the inside right good bill okay we've also got a two foot level in the house for us to check plumb level and square that seam right there at the top we actually pulled that zip tape up so we could shingle it correct so make sure your sill is clean make sure the bottom of your we're not level is it clear and looks like I need to come up on that's right hand side yep so and Bill's got for a little bit I'm gonna break the tip of my shim off just get the height that I want yeah that looks good bill yeah let me just pull it out a hair more and let's pull the window down so what I've noticed is I have even space side aside even space top-to-bottom that will enable me to get a good sheet rocks around or wood trims around so Matt I think if you grab those I've got the top of the window the roofing nails are there there are the river nails yeah I like to use galvanized roofing nails because it's got a good flat head and in this scenario since this is a casement here's my opening Matt go to your left-hand side and put me one in the corner there okay we're using a non waffle faced hammer too so just like a door we want to go ahead and secure go ahead and give me one in the middle on that same side please secure our hinge side you want to go to the top one or you want me to go down a list the top would be great now we can go to the other side kind of do the same thing definitely on your one over ones you want to make sure that the the middle of your jamb legs are not touched in or push that out because that will really affect the function of a window like it'll get tight when you try to slide it up or it'll maybe fall out of its track so you always want to make sure that those are nice and lined up this is a casement it's locked into position so it's locked into its frame and so after we get it nailed up it should operate just fine hello kids me windows big after we set every window before we go anywhere else wanna check this operation and check it for operation yep make sure everything's working well you know if you're doing a line of windows what you're gonna be doing is making sure they all line up especially in a single room single window install fairly straightforward when you start talking about a line of windows you have to make sure all of those line up build let me ask you a question do we want a nail in every single hole or do we want to skip one I think it just depends on how the flames lays down yeah you know we've got it sealed from the backside yep yeah we're gonna looking back there too yeah we've got the caulking back there and then we've got the nails we've left the bottom open to allow any water that may get back there to escape and then we're gonna seal over the top of the flames so if our flange is laying down nicely there may be some situations where you could skip you know sometimes putting all the nails in will make the flange pucker a little bit no you just have to read the situation and whatever you feel is best is what you should do let's talk about the bottom now they're build you have those composite shims course I want to mention on the bottom that remember we didn't put any caulking on the bottom here and you could nail this tight in fact a lot of manufacturers call for that and their install instructions but what I prefer to do and again I'm not a I'm not telling you that this is true for every window manufacturer you're gonna have to look this up on your own but what I think is right is for us to get a little bit of a shim in here by these bottom ones so when we nail these bottom ones down we're gonna have a little bit of a gap between that flange and our waterproofing so if any water got in there they have a place to run out so when we nail this up tight here we're gonna we're gonna not quite nail it so that this isn't snug we're gonna leave just a little bit of room for that on the bottom now we're not gonna finish all the nail holes on this window before we move on to flashing because this window is gonna get removed for another demo we're doing but in general as bill said we want to either fill every hole or at least every other hole all the way around the window except for the bottom there for the bottom yeah okay so now we've got our window nailed up installed and now we're gonna go ahead and finish this thing up we're gonna take our zip window flash and lay it over the top of the window flange and apply it to the face of the zip wall you want to notice that bill started that tail about the same distance up as the underlying tape he doesn't want to go too high because we're gonna end up shingling correctly with the tape so well run it past the bottom flange with inches and make sure and lay that down nicely and roll it out when you roll that out before I get the next piece on there making sure to adhere to the flange and I know it seems like a lot but you know honestly with all of the rotten wood that I've replaced in my life this is where you get the rot yo you know you lose energy coming out of your windows you allow water in and so why not just take a little bit of time do all right right bill I do want to mention something I like about this jeld-wen window because this is a composite window the flange on this is integral to the frame meaning it's the same material as the frame similar to a vinyl window really and so as a result we don't need to wrap our tape onto the body or frame of the window now there are some manufacturers that have a stab in flange am i using the correct term stab wound or a rooted frame that's got a separated right and oftentimes you see that on aluminum clad windows where you have an aluminum clad window but the nailing flange is PVC or something and so in that case we actually want to wrap our tape up onto the side here if you come around the side I'll show you what I'm talking about so so Bill's got his tape flush right here if you can see the tapes gonna go right here but if this was an aluminum window with a separate nailing flange we actually want to wrap that tape on to this frame as well so we got a little extra belt-and-suspenders bill let's come over to this side now all right so now we're gonna shingle another important thing here we always want to make sure that with the shingle all of our tape just imagine yourself being a drop of water and what a drop of water would do and remember that water can and does run uphill as well so what you'll notice here in the shot is we've got our tape at our joint I'm gonna fold it up a little bit and that is so we get the ultimate belt at suspender action over the top I also want to point out this tape you can see is higher than the tape layer that was below it if it wasn't hired we want to put another piece of tape on there if for some reason you messed up and that that tape that was on the flange went too high either cut it back or make the next layer go a little higher that's real important okay windows looking great last step is to put a head flashing on now honestly this is a mock-up and look at look how close this window is to a two-foot overhang if this was really the case I wouldn't be super worried about needing a head flash this windows not gonna see any water at the head but if this was a bottom window on a two-story house yes we definitely want a head flash or even worse a house with no brands so use your judgment on when you need and when you don't need but if you didn't if you're not certain add one I got this been at a local sheet metal company here in Austin called capital company but usually your roofer is gonna have at least a 10 or maybe even a 20 foot break and I got this bent in a similar black metal to match my frame an old roof per top pane when you're using a roofing nail hold it with the mushy side of your fingers up because if you hit your fingers you hit the soft side and not the nail smart anyway I think that's enough yep that's good and then we got to put a piece of tape on that on when you're done okay and this window install is complete big thanks to our friends at Huber for sponsoring today's video we we've really liked the zip system and we're gonna be using on this real remodel and also big thanks to gelled wind this is their brand new window as I mentioned earlier it's getting unveiled at the International Builder Show in Las Vegas in January it's going to be available nationwide early in 2020 if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below we've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday and oh by the way check out our new website build show network comm where we're publishing one new video every single day of the week follow us on Twitter Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 284,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: window install, how to install a window, zip sheathing, zip tips, Jeld Wen window install, Jeld-Wen window, Zip Window install, Best Method Window install, Window Flashing, Window Flashing tape, Window Flashing Method, Zip System, Huber Zip
Id: 7XFS3oLu5J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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