Exterior Insulation - Windows are a PAIN

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on the build show today we're gonna be tackling an age-old question when I add exterior insulation of my house what do I do with my windows build show today sponsored by my friends at pros to go and rock wool let's get going alright guys so you know the deal if you're adding exterior insulation to your house just about every window in the world that I've seen at least the ones sold in America have a nailing flange it's gonna give you about an inch and a quarter of depth which works great when you're putting your standard hardiplank siding and trim on like you're seeing here but what happens when you want to add some exterior insulation and of course builders all over the US are being actually not just voluntarily doing it which many are like we are but codes are changing and in many parts of the country it's code to add our five our ten sometimes more of exterior insulation to the outside of the building so for instance this nice r8 rock wall comfort board bat is 2 inches thick if I were to put this right up against the window flange you see that I'm coming out from the window and now all of a sudden what am I gonna do with all my finishes with my siding my trim all that sort of thing now in the build show today I'm gonna give you four ways to do that and let's start over here actually with this method so on this opening you'll see here we've got pretty standard zip system window installed check out another video I made on how to do this but basically what we're gonna do is we're gonna install the window right here at the shear wall at this line right here so that everything is quote unquote normal and then we're gonna make three options for an exterior window jamb extension now there's a couple ways to do that one of the kind of easiest ways to do it is to use a 1 by 4 trim now in this mock-up that I made the 1 by 4 is a PVC product a cellular PVC exterior trim and you see all we're doing is just making a square box out of that and then we're gonna slide it over the window after its installed pretty simple and then later we can come on and put our hardy or trim whatever other finishes we want up to that it's kind of a nice modern look too now another method instead of that if you want an even thinner profile and maybe more of a contemporary exterior is just using elf flashing it's basically a sheet metal that I'll get bent by my roofer or my flashing company you can get it in a color to match the window trim so in this case I got this one bent to match the black on my gelled win' window over here and all we're doing to do is basically just like that first one we're gonna picture frame that window in an L flashing really pretty straightforward it's not too hard to learn now if this was gonna be a final install I'd actually rivet my corners on this but in this demo I just cocked the corners because I just wanted to show you basically how to do it I'm not I'm not giving you all the install methods today I'm really just trying to show you the options now the third method on this any window as I like to call it is to make a little bit more of an elaborate trim profile and that's actually the one that I like the best and probably what I'm going to use for my house here this is a mock-up on the back of my house we're actually working on my real remodel house now this one I like basically it's that same 1 by 4 picture framing but I've left the bottom out because I wanted to make a sill that would be more like a proper old-school window sill I'm going for kind of a modern farmhouse look on this house and so I ripped a 2 by 6 cedar I put a kerf cut under the bottom to break that water tension I primed it all and then the rest of the mock-up is all made from Hardy's 1 by 4 now you can use 3/4 or 5 quarter hardy I tend to prefer the 5 quarter I like a little bit thicker material but one of the beauties about the heart is we can actually nail it with a 15 gauge exterior trim nail and so this is simply nailed together pretty straightforward I think that's probably what I'm gonna go for here now the fourth option is what we're looking at over here and this is a little bit non-standard so I'm gonna walk you through the steps here let me rewind time a little bit so what we did here was when we got the opening roughed for the window we added an inch and a half in all dimensions basically three inches to the height three inches to the width and then we added to that roof opening a 2 by buck material the way that we're going to decide how far out that is is we want to measure the thickness of our insulation so in this case I've got 2 inch thick insulation and then we're gonna add in the dimension of our rain screen on the outside and I would tell you anytime we're doing an exterior insulation in a siding we want that rain screen vital to have so that shows that from the shear wall I want to add two and three-quarter inches so basically I took a 2 by 10 ripped it down so that it would stick out two and three-quarter inches and here's what the fun come in comes in how do you waterproof that if you're using traditional flashing type materials very very difficult but in this case let me walk you through the steps it's really really easy with proce it goes fast flash system let me start at the WRB so we we we did a peel and stick WRB on this house this would be a vapor open assembly this is delta vent ese a nice high perm house wrap that's peel and stick so we've got really good air tightness we're gonna be able to drive through that in a cold climate but then this flashing for this is really simple with prost goes fast lash if you're not familiar with this the commercial guys have used it for decades now but it's really become a new thing in the residential world even in the last two or three years this fast flash is basically a for lack of a better term kind of like a bed liner that we're gonna custom-make on the whole outside of that assembly now i taped around this with just some blue tape so i could keep a nice straight line don't have to do that but of course when clients look at our work it's not necessarily about workmanship they don't know craftsmanship but they know cleanliness so that's why i like this nice tape line you also want to verify with your manufacturer that the house wrap you use is compatible with Prosek oh and any one of these makers of these house wraps will give you a letter to say yes that's compatible or no it's not you know if this was a white traditional house wrap the proscope may not stick but this material by delta venice a it's kind of feels like a jeans material sticks great and several others it's gonna stick really well just the same as it did on the Zipp system if you've seen my zip 2.0 video we're gonna run it down in an s-shape bead we're gonna use like a bondo type scraper to scrape it out as long as we don't see wood through it we know we're thick enough and basically you can see we're doing the entire opening now on the head I do like if possible to flap over top of the head my delta vent si but you're gonna see later I made a custom head flashing for this as well as head flashings for the other in e window so that if any water got back there I could dump that water to the front side of the window and not have it back there but once this price go fast flash is done that window opening is money absolutely love that it's totally waterproof and then we're gonna set the window in a fairly straightforward fashion fashion right onto this now for this mock-up I'm gonna take this back down and I want to reuse this window for another display so I did not use fast flash behind the flight in the nanning plans for this mock-up I would do that though and we want to do that in a u-shaped pattern with no fast flash at the sill and then to finish off the install and to make it airtight we're going to go on the inside here and we're not going to use low expansion spray foam like it's fairly typical in residential jobs we're gonna use a rod and method where we're gonna use a backer rod all the way around that window on all four sides and then Persico makes a product called air dam that's meant for this application we're basically going to use a sausage tube of air dam and caulk all four sides all the way around the backside of that window that's gonna give us a perfectly airtight install in this window and it also means if something happened in this window ten twenty thirty years from now and we developed a leak in the corner it's gonna hit that back dam and it's going to run forward it won't be able to run back into the house yeah I also like that that Prost goes all the way back in all the way to the back side of the window it's really important now you didn't have to go quite as far back as I did you could have taped that to save a little bit bit of material but in this case it works really well and then the rockwool just like on the other ones is really straightforward all we're gonna do is tack this rockwool up now this rock will is a little heavy if you've not worked it before you really are supposed to have gloves on and it cuts with a serrated knife kind of like a bread knife pretty straightforward to install now I use cap fasteners on this but if your cat fastener is in the way of where your 1x4 goes don't worry about that you could just back that right out all those are doing is just holding it in place until my rain screen battens on and my rain screen Bratton's are going to apply that pressure there when I put those in with a pneumatic gun I've got my velocity screws on there just sucks that right in now be careful though if you're using an impact gun and you had a small section like this you could actually overdrive that and you could compress that comfort board insulation a little bit so if you're doing a long run you might want a string line from your two outside pieces run a string across there and that way when you're sucking your battens in place you're not over tightening those and then you can see after we've installed our trim and our hearty from the outside you have no idea this is a thick wall or what I would call an Audi window because the window set normal like any other window but behind that I've got my hardiplank I've got this nice big air gap 3/4 inch air gap so any caulking that cracks here anything that happens here that water is going to come back here to this ventilated cavity which is gonna be vented on the top and the bottom we would if we were really doing this for real we'd put a bug screen down here we'd put a bug screen in the top and we make sure that was an open vented cavity any water that gets in there is gonna fall out harmlessly that also means that our paint films and our finishes are gonna last honestly twice as long and then you're gonna see after we put the rain screen on there and the hearty it looks like a normal install now I just did a corner here cuz I'm just trying to give you the flavor on this but those are four good options for installing your window on the outside 3 any methods that are basically exterior window jams and one method that's what I would call an Audi window and as you can see with these materials from these manufacturers everything's gonna be nice and airtight and nice and watertight which is what I care about now one of the thing that I didn't mention but if you noticed I'm cutting my overhangs off on this house stay tuned to my future videos on the real remodel we're gonna be doing a thick blanket of exterior insulation on this house on the walls we're also gonna be running that exterior insulation up to the roof and I'm gonna be doing what I what I've heard Joe starett call a chainsaw retrofit so stay tuned for some future videos on that guys big thanks to my friends at Prost ago and rockwool for sponsoring today's video I love working to these companies these are great manufacturers but one of the things I like about the build show is that there's no one on set from these comp I can say what I want and I love that they're allowing me to show you these systems that really honestly they would work with other manufacturers other types of insulation these are good companies that you should check them out a lot of benefits to comfort board and I do have a comfort board video in the works that we'll be publishing soon talking about fire resistance in particular and how you can use comfort board in w UI areas that's wildland-urban interface areas which is code in a good part of the country because you've got a bunch of urban areas and are intersecting with fire prone areas so I'll be talking about how to use that in the future on a on a fire rated assembly on the exterior of your house anyways guys follow us on Twitter Instagram hit that subscribe button below and oh by the way don't forget to go over to build show network comm every single day of the week we've got a brand new video published from jobsites around the u.s. follow us on Twitter Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 341,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rockwool, exterior insulation, window install, waterproofing, building science, dorken, zip system, jeldwin windows, prosoco, wrb
Id: yT-abBfhRaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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