Window Install with Thick Exterior Insulation

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on the build show today window installs with a thick foam blanket on the outside of my house so I'm coming to you from my real rebuild project where I've got two inches of the exterior insulation on my house which makes any window install a little bit trickier and I also have a bunch of different windows styles and door styles in my house from jeld-wen so we're gonna get into all the nerdy details on how to install these windows how to flash them correctly how to make sure that a hundred years from now they're still gonna be nice and waterproof today's video sponsored by jeld-wen let's get going [Music] alright guys so we're talking today how to install jeld-wen windows children makes a bunch of different product lines but basically the install is gonna be the same stay tuned for a future video where actually i'm gonna be reviewing several of the different products that I'm using on my house but I do want to say thanks to these guys for supporting my videos and also I want to mention before we unpack this look at this great packing job the ship from tri supply locally here in Austin and look at how nice this is when it comes out to the jobsite we're able to move these around and we're not worried about breaking that flange on the outside okay so if you've been paying attention to my videos you know I've got a thick blanket of poly iso insulation on the outside of my house that's this right here which means that this window installs a little bit tricky it's not kind of the standard install now I did do a video before on how to install these windows with just standard zip on the outside so check out that video it'll be a link in the description but let's get into this I'm gonna go meet bill would my frame Carpenter we're gonna walk you through all the steps alright guys so we're on the side of the house where we did our first install and I'd highly recommend no matter what window no matter what system you want to get the whole crew together and do one installed everybody on the team builder an architect if possible whoever's doing the details to talk through it now I'm here with Bill wood from Madera framing bill and I've worked together for at least a dozen years now bill talked me through the install but let's start at the zip system sheathing that we use first and walk me through the steps okay I know that there's a lot of stuff here but it's all basic standard framing standard frame walls zip system sheeting with our WRV there then we put exterior rigid foam two inches of that and then around the window we've got a two inch buck that kind of trap the perimeter of the foam okay so then after you were done framing with the zip system the first thing we did and by the way Steve basic architect out of Boston did a fantastic job of putting these details together with me this is really Steve's work here we taped with a piece of zip tape the sheathing all the way around the rough opening to make sure that that's a really airtight connection and then Bill's team put a 2x2 all the way around it's not really a 2x2 it's really more like a 2x1 and a half we took a pressure-treated 2x4 we ripped it on a table saw to two inches and then the inch and a half face is sticking out the two inch depth is going to capture our foam and it's the same thickness as our foam so if we would have had thicker foam let's say 3-inch foam we would have used a 3-inch rip that's why you buy four and pressure-treated in case any minut amount of water gets there we want to make sure it's gonna be rot free I'll take it from there bill once the two by twos on you guys install the foam now what's the first step on the window install we treat our window sill like we would normally do in this case we're using the zip products and so we use the stretch tape and that goes over the top of our slope silt and and so we're kind of imagining now whatever we're doing a outside insulation we have to imagine that that is now our seething layer yeah that's right so we've taken our stretch tape we've run it down our ceiling coming up our legs a bit and actually let me enter in B there I actually like to show these guys how to do that and we have a window let's cut to that real quick and I'll show you how to do that all right guys now this opening is prepped you can see we've got zip tape on all sides which is taped to the sheathing back to the rough opening we've added the two by two in the outside so the next step is we want to add our sill and pull this down so we can talk a little easier and we're using zip system stretch tape this is a really cool product a little bit difficult to use if you've got a bigger opening but on a smaller opening you can do it by yourself oh the wind is brutal right now hard to do with the wind hopefully I can do this we shall see you guys got a split release line around here and you can see I'm just releasing the the back side I'm gonna fold this in half trying not to touch it to each other it's sticky you're gonna see if it sticks tin anything it's gonna it's gonna stay there OOP there's the wind and that's the beauty of cutting a piece six inches up on both sides these are really really handy tools right here we're using that bondo scraper is basically what this is and this has just given us a little bit of adhesion tack and we're gonna come back with a the j-roller in a minute though and really nail this thing down the beauty of this is it's allowing me to get into the corners really stick that down we don't want it we don't want a big bubble in the corners okay now here's the fun part we're gonna grab it with two hands right here in the corner we're gonna peel back and stretch it oops it's kind of repositionable until we get that j-roller on like all the hueber products the adhesive is pressure-sensitive because I haven't rolled it yet I'm able to get that out stretch it out perfectly oh man that's such a satisfying product to use because now I've got a continuous sill pan now I sloped my sub sill my framers put a 5 degree bevel on that now the last step is we're gonna J roll it I'm gonna get some good adhesion on here and you'll see when this sets up it's not going anywhere see how that kind of stretched out right there it will continue to stay like that now we've got a fully continuous sill pan next step is we're gonna take a four inch piece of zip tape and we're gonna cover this joint right here we're doing the bottom first and over working our way up so we're gonna come up to here next and cover this and then we're ready to set this window okay bill so now that the stretch tapes on what's the next step in the process just like a standard window install we're gonna go ahead and run our tape on the inside to kind of protect our our jams that's right so that's running past the two by two and connecting with the original zip tape we put on there that's fine and it's going on to the face here of the foam so we're preparing to put the window and that's right next it's gonna be go ahead and caulk the three sides in a horseshoe shape the window actually let me interrupt you there cuz I would actually like to show these guys that and get to a couple details good idea let's go show you that real quick all right now we need to the flange next before he set the window but I'll tell you real quick about this cool gun the guys at 2 Jima sent me this is a really top-of-the-line well-made Japanese gun but check it out you can change the thrust ratio so with one stroke right now it's on the long side if we flip this button down let's say we have a more viscous liquid now it's gonna go to about half at so if we had a liquid that was a little more viscous we can push more of these stroke check this out to one the other thing I like really long piercer right here so a lot of times that it's not long enough you got to find a really long nail this was built in much longer okay now on this flange and we're gonna the flange of the window there's two ways to do it you could either caulk the rough opening but I kind of like to the flange we're gonna be using OS i's quad max and we're gonna only three sides on this thing we're not gonna the bottom so let's say this is the bottom right guys yeah and we're gonna run that bead just inside of where our nails are going now we also drive fitted this to make sure we were good to go before we did this and again I'm not cocking the sill now you're also going to notice where bill is in the rough opening there that at the sill we put some shims down we want to make sure this window is not sitting tight against the bottom we want to shim it up just there I'm gonna put a little more of it right there okay good now we got a nice continuous B to that quad max so these shims right here are gonna keep that window off the sill pan that we made okay you're gonna set it Luke yeah go for it brother and then you're gonna see later when we nail this off the guys are gonna put some smaller shims those red shims when you buy this horseshoe shims they're about 1/8 inch per shim and when we drive fitted it we're checking to make sure that we've got an even reveal all the way around on the rough opening we're also looking to make sure that as we nail this window off that we've got the window plumb and square and the opening and the way we typically do that is we're gonna put one nail in a corner I'm gonna do that in a second and then we've got a laser setup inside which is going to be lasered right at the bottom sill of the window which allows us to put one sham in and then if we need to we can shim up and down a little bit on one side or the other just to make sure it's nice and plumb plumb is level except in the vertical position right and then once we're nice and level the last thing we want to do is check the operation before nailing off now this is a fixed window so we don't need to do that weird ruler just making sure that the reveal looks good on the inside and we're plumb so we're gonna go to nail this off and again when we nail off the bottom we're going to put some shims in before we nail that which means that if any water somehow gets through this window over the next decades it's gonna hit that airspace right there and be able to run out the face of our drainage plane right here okay bill now that the windows in place we're cocked in how are you getting that let that window level and square and tell me about the shims we've used on the sill as well okay so we use chimney we want to keep the window off the sill and that's if any water gets back there it gives it an opportunity to go past the window our sills are sloped towards the outside and that can move out outboard we've leveled our window we get it centered in our hole so when you either trim or sheetrock at least you've got you know basically reveal on both sides and you also set up a laser on the inside we did we we lay through our windows and especially you know if you're running horizontal siding on the outside you want those lines to be right or four or five windows on the inside in one room you want all those to go playing so when you set that laser up you could either set it so it's kind of perfectly in line with the bottom flat or bottom sill rather the window or it can be randomly on the window and using tape measure right yeah they're exactly okay it doesn't really matter gotcha okay so our window is in we've attached it to the buck alright so we've nailed on all sides we've nailed it around and I do want to put a pause there for one second because I do want to note at the bottom when we're nailing it you're seeing we're gonna skip every other nail on the nailing flange and we're also gonna put some smaller shims you could use slightly thicker samms this is like an eighth inch shim on a couple of those locations so that we have a weap path for water to get out and you briefly mention it but i want to take a quick second to say these guys would do a great job on sloping the sub sill meaning the framing the two-by-four itself is cut at a 5 degree angle with all the cripples underneath it so the sill itself is sloped if you're not doing that if you have a flat sill you might consider using a piece of beveled cedar or another way to give some sloped or it or even a back Dam is a great option as well so that any water that gets in there is gonna want to go by gravity to the outside okay bill starting her up so then you've got the jam tape on what's next after that jam tape in this case we're covering our head which is our buck from the zip wall over the top of the buck over the top of the flange and you will notice that we've actually gone on to the edge of the window slightly with our zip tape and I love that detail that just gives us a much if something ever happened with it all flanges are different depends on the window manufacturer so this just gives us a little belt and suspenders to to try to get that as waterproof as possible that's really smart bill okay so that's six inch at the top there which allows us to go up the wall at least two inches or so right and one thing I do want to mention on this system the zip itself is my water and air bear especially my air barrier however the way we're installing these windows the face of the foam is my drainage plane because later we're gonna come in and we're gonna put a one by four on top of the foam and then we're gonna put hardiplank siding and this window will look like a normal install you won't go to tell there's a bunch of thick foam insulation on the outside and stay tuned for future details on that but any water that gets into here is gonna have an air gap to fill out harmlessly I don't need this to be perfectly perfectly detailed because all this is doing is just giving a drainage plane all right now bill you did a beautiful job making this the other day with me this is our head flashing that's right give me the quick version of how to make one of these well what we did is we knew we wanted a back piece of 2 or 3 inches that's kind of standard so we'll be taping this against the zip wall yep this is our actual book dimension so that's our foam thickness and that's right and foam thickness and then our the depth of it and then this part is actually going to sit over the top of the window frame and then with our standard quarter-inch kick out and kick down and with a reverse ham as to not catch any water and then what we did is Matt likes this detail where we end dam over the top of the window so waters aren't actually running down the of the window it kind of coaxes the water to shoot out yeah setting water that comes down here it's not gonna want to run on the sides it's going to want to kick it's a slight detail but I like that I keep it small too so I could either but my trim or I could knife that through my trim if I wanted to and there's just a little beat of GSL sealant on there and here's what its gonna look like when it's all said and done we're gonna nail that up with a couple roofing nails four inch zip tape here that way anything above here gets in it's gonna want to kick out above the window and it's not gonna get this window wet and then we're gonna ultimately fill in this with a piece of foam and we're all done and then rain screen and then hearty so this is a bomber install and I would also mention this house has good overhangs we've got a two-foot overhang everywhere in the house and a couple of windows in the back of the house that don't have a big overhang we're gonna be making awnings for some particularly exposed windows so we're taking all precautions bill and I've been building enough and seen enough rot in our lives to go hey let's not just wear a belt let's put suspenders on as well this is definitely a top of the line installed bill great job to you and your crew love working with you guys I want to say big thanks to jeld-wen for sponsoring this video these are been some great windows as I mentioned earlier I've got a future video coming up where I'm going to review these and I have several different types of gel drug products between those and doors going to my house so stay tuned for a review on those but this is a top of the line install for a really well insulated really airtight house if you're not seeing my other videos in this project go check out my playlist I'll put a link to the description in the description below for some of the other videos from my personal build over here you're not currently subscriber hit that subscribe button we've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday follow me on Twitter Instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on build show hey guys I was really excited to put this new gelled win' or align composite window into this project they haven't quite hit the market yet but I've got to be one of the test houses so stay tuned for more information on these in the future [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 245,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeldwen windows, matt risingers home, risingerbuild, custom home building, best windows, construction videos, installing window, window installation, how to install a window
Id: W5zR3GeUjG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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