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well today i'm going to show you a little trick uh about a trick worm and how i fish him this time of year in the springtime there he goes whoa what i'm doing this morning is a little trick that'll help you catch more bass whether they're finicky or if you're just want to catch a lot of bass in the spring time up shallow when they're up shallow this is a zoom trick worm black that's my favorite color in the spring time in the fall i like my thyroid and bubble gum what i do is take a pair of scissors and split that tail up anywhere from an inch and a half to two inches up right through the center i'm gonna rig another one up and show you something like i said deadly deadly okay now let's get us a trick worm out right here this is just a solid centered black one that is my favorite color in the springtime i guarantee you that but what i'm gonna do first of all let me let me rig the bait right here and this is just a three out ewg right here and now a lot of people likes to use a straight shank worm hook but i don't i like to use i like the ewgs now i'm gonna go in here about a half inch fishing this particular bait the way i'm fishing it everybody says a quarter and they'll go about a half 3 8. okay now i'm rigging it on the flat side of the worm instead of in the seam i'll rig it on the flat side like that and then i'll text pose it now i'm using an eight pound test fluorocarbon later and i'm using frost braid and that's just a ten pound test and i've got a leader around seven feet long six or seven feet long but here's the deal take this trick worm right there in the center with your scissors and try to keep it centered and split that tail up anywhere from two two and a half you can even go three inches whatever you like got a little off-center right there but still it'll work okay about like that that is deadly that's a whole totally different presentation than just rigging it straight let's look at this in the water right here let me get real close so you can see the action and what i'm talking about a different presentation it's important folks what does it do it'll cause you a lot of times to catch twice the bass that you normally would even on a bad day but as it falls where you split it i can't get a good visual i'm going to try it again when it falls where you split the tail those tails that tail that you split they're just doing this right here on the file that's the best way i can describe it just try it and you'll see what i'm talking about now i'm going to be fishing aquatic vegetation i'm going a mill full hydrilla uh and possibly today shallow these fish are real shallow let's make us a cast right here i'm gonna be fishing anywhere from two to four feet deep and i i'm not gonna have to fish any deeper than that today but i'll just let it glide to the bottom it's weightless pick it up let it glide back that's basically all i'm doing the tail that i split doing all the action remember on the fall it's doing this right here as it's falling oh deadly deadly deadly deadly i can't say it enough how deadly there's another one yeah i made a cast out there and he just went straight away from me ain't bad ain't bad at all lucky to be catching these fish right here after a front like that that's really a pretty good fish i didn't want to put up a dink video i try not to folks sometimes well i have to let's dip him up there look at there hey that's not bad now you see that fish is peeing right there i mean he is pee and that's a male that's a big male though that fish is probably close to close to three pound that's a big male for the tennessee he's still paying see that now that's one reason why i'm not catching any big fish right now i'm mainly catching well i'm catching males look he's still paying let's let him go he's he's peeing all over me look that's a pissing this fish i ever seen in my life let's let him go here going back that's a big male though and i want to go ahead and mention you can't fish this bait wrong usually now if the wind went blowing like this i'd have it about a 10 o'clock position move it an inch or two let it settle back let it lay especially if i was fishing targets pick it up let it lay and i can almost do it now it's still a little bit too windy folks but um you can also just slide it like that nothing wrong with that slide it let it sit there all that is is just a different presentation and that may be what will work on that particular day much better than picking it up letting it fall old marshall's ball-headed old thing got two hairs right in the center of his dog gone head about that long hey man he's got a unibrow a wart right on the end of his nose hey hey hey whoa oh merciful there he is ain't that something anchored up here and i'm going to give y'all tip right now about this what i'm doing right here and how come i wish i was here you'd see i'm catching a lot of fish by doing this i bunch of fish not no real big ones but i'm having a ball out here come on back here boy ben it's too windy and i'm in an aluminum john boat that's all this is okay i'm anchored right there at the back of the boat that's a no no if there's a lot of traffic that's another good mail right there if there's a lot of boat traffic don't do that quit he's hooked kind of funny yeah he's all right that's a no-no but if you're back up in the area like i'm in it's fine what it does is it keeps um noise down now if i was to anchor at the front of the boat up there yeah i got a cocoa and a coffee right there i'm hyped up by anchoring at the back of the boat these fish don't even know i'm here and what i'm doing like i said i'm just fishing in a circle i'm even fishing this shoreline right here in hopes of going over a big female bass that's on bed but uh it's more of the technique is what i want to show y'all how easy this stuff is so aluminum boats are great to fish out of they just pop pop pop pop if you anchor in this shallow water like i said in the front you're not gonna catch me fish you're gonna spook these fish off anchor in the back but you don't want no traffic that's a good fish right there there ain't nothing wrong with that not at all let's let him go going back what are you doing you get there he goes okay so that's what i'm doing right here and i look to trick worms one two three four and i got one up there five i've caught two bass well that's six so six times two i've been caught twelve bass i'm catching about two bass per bait per trick worm then it tears them up and i see it nothing to it so i've done caught 12 bass in about an hour and a half hey i'm gonna show y'all one more time that right there that's the deal a heck of a unique action that they're not they're not used to they've never seen it i'm gonna call it let me look at it let's look at this and think what's a good name for that folks i'm gonna call it the clapper bait whoa look here i want y'all look right here now there we go there's another one and two fellas in front of me fish the dog out of this point right here and i pulled up my anchor and pulled up to the point and the first cast i made on it bingo the clapper rigged not that they're not good fisherman folks this is just a different presentation i wanted to show y'all i just don't it don't look like i'm gonna catch a big fish but this is a big fish deal right here it just don't work out all the time i got him funny right there that's unusual i'll show you what i'm talking about it's a good one though nothing wrong with that bass fish right there i got him in the bottom of the lip right there y'all see that he's barely thorned too nothing wrong with that fish right there another male yep ain't just barely peeing but a good sized male really let's let him go i wish the female would mess up right here ain't that pretty the clapper rig let's let him go right there i've been wanting to show you all this for years and i thought why why not why not this is a fishing channel designed for fishermen we're gonna have to let some of these secrets go out here and this is a good deal for high-pressure water and if you're fishing shallow and and like i said just about all of our lakes are high pressure a lot of pressure what is that i'm too excited there's a lot of pressure on all of our lakes as far as colors you know i like black that's just the confidence color i have but uh green pumpkin if this water was a little bit clearer that would be the color matter of fact any color that you have confidence in is what you need to fish it's all about confidence fishing is i'm giving them two different presents i mean a lot of times i'm just gonna okay it's on the bottom now i let it lay there a little bit i'm gonna that's it that's gonna pull that bait up and that cl and as it falls that clapper is going to do like this on the fall in it hey man whoa there we go on in here you ain't big as a butter man come here and you hunt back or something look at that fish his humpback or something get on back in there and do whatever what was that wow oh he squared up with me right there look at there now that's why another thing you can do with braid and i love it on these shallow flats and a long cast and still get a good jolt on that fish a good hook set i mean that was a long cast and you need them on these flats a long cast now romano it's been hard for me almost impossible to get a hook into that little fish quit go away oh man well so far i ain't called a real biggin i think i'll flip him but i've had a lot of fun i've caught a bunch of these right here let's let him go thank you sir you going back in there going back in the wars you get a little bit bigger than that but that was that was a long cast tell you what the lord has blessed me today i have set this hook 31 times so far 31 fish and it looks like one of those would have been a big but i begging but you know that's just fishing folks i appreciate it appreciate y'all spending a few minutes out here with me god's great outdoors we caught a few fish try that technique it surely works you'll you'll double your bats a lot of times didn't catch any big fish i never did get bit by a good fish what i call a really good fish mainly males i want to say thank you all very much for everything y'all do keep one foot in front of the other god bless each and every one of y'all and i love y'all hey whoa you talking about dog don't remember gold fishy wiggy can [Music] because [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 132,184
Rating: 4.9674101 out of 5
Keywords: how to catch bass, how to fish for bass, bass fishing, bass fishing tips, bass fishing for beginners, bass fishing videos, bass fishing early spring, bass fishing spawn, bass fishing lures, bass fishing 2021, bass fishing tournament, zoom trick worm, bass fishing trick worms, bass fishing rig, bass fishing setup, lure modification
Id: oHCPA12jxp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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