We Caught Shark In The Mississippi River

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welcome back to m hood fishing everybody look where we're at i'm with my good friend jared it's the mississippi river we're near fort jackson this looks like a really good oh my goodness look at that it seems like there's mullet here now i've never fished this spot but i've always wanted to i've fished real close to it we're not far from the spot where i've been catching donkeys we're real close to that we chose this spot because of jared he's got just 10 foot rods and the spot down the way that we have been fishing has a oh there's a lot of mullet here that spot has a really evil drop off and 10-foot rods still seem to fare real well so we've tried this we come to try this spot oh was that a skipjack i tell you what i'm about to do i want to get out of my lines before i start to try and catch mullet so i have some mullet that i vacuum sealed that i brought down and i pulled out of the freezer and that's on an adot 50 pound is the leader 80 pound is the braid and 3 ounces of the lead using my 12 footers both rigs are the same so look at that mullet does that look pretty good doesn't look great to me it doesn't look absolutely horrible it's only been in the freezer for three weeks maybe and it was vacuum sealed i think it's going to work but it is a little soft after putting both rods out i can tell you for sure that this is not deep water nowhere near as deep as the other spot that i usually fish down this way but i have fished close to here a little further down where it's similar to this it's shallow water now we're not like fishing in two feet of water out there it's a lot deeper than that but down the way where i fished in more shallow water like this here today i did catch nice fish and i'll tell you why i think that's gonna happen here if you look out here oh like right there you see that there's a lot of bait a lot of bait there's mullet there's shad there's something chasing the shad there's a lot going on homeboy's already had his two rods get hit by something small so i think if we sit here for a while that something's going to happen now you can always judge how deep the water is by the angle of your line see how that's not like a really steep grade if you can see my line i'd say we're in at least 20 feet of water out there are you there he might be here there he is not very big whatever it is oh man he was coming in on me racing like out and damn it not there came off i wonder if that was even a catfish he was racing unlike a cat it's very possible that that was not a catfish we are really far down river let me come closer so you can hear yeah this bait is all tore up look at this guys look how tore up that is we're really far down river and this water has a higher salt content to it than most places on the river i've already tasted the water and the possibility of some interesting catches is there today [Music] yeah yeah [Music] oh he's running hard to the right here i wonder what this is oh he's all the way over here out of camera guys hey that's that's a shark is it a shark no way that is a shark sunk really that is a shark it's a shark that's a black tip shark it's a black tip woohoo hold on guys let me take you with me he's having some real trouble here it's look at that [Music] look at that look at that pretty sure i finally did it i got a shark out of the mississippi river yeah you're right whoa look at this guys i don't watch shark week so i have no idea black tip or bull it's got black tips full of sand he's got a big one on right now oh it's not even shark week and we're getting sharks out of the river while he's playing this big fish guys i'm gonna let this one go oh that's a short oh it's bigger than the first one oh yeah jared look at that oh how was that that was awesome it was awesome you [ __ ] oh he [ __ ] steak oh yeah oh that was on my rod yeah it was going in the water yeah you're right all right guys so that was caught on my ugly stick jared grabbed it because i was dealing with the smaller shark and yeah it bent the uh the rod holder it's really easy to do that shark are really powerful so that was on a mullet head frozen mullet head i'm going to deal with this real quick and we're going to let it go it's not big enough to keep anyway and again i think bull shark because bull shark is the most likely one to be in the river jared thinks black tip we'll see who's right so there he goes well i had to hang out with him watch him do figure eights and just kind of hang out now he's headed out yeah you're right next round of shark bait frozen mullet we're going to put out a head and we're going to put out this body piece this mullet is going to be trash by the end of the day it's already getting there but man more about how i'm feeling here in a second have you stopped shaking yet not yet yeah that was the first time jared had ever caught a shark i've caught them before man i'm still i'm excited i'm really happy so i've been wanting to get shark out of the mississippi river for a long time i've been hoping for it i've been coming down here because i've always thought it was really likely to happen here because we're so close to the gulf i did not expect it today but i tell you what in the back of my mind with that first little one that came in i was thinking this isn't this isn't a catfish it's running more like a redfish and it turned out to be a little shark historically the furthest north that shark bull shark that is that have been caught out of the river is up in illinois it was a long time ago now they have been more recently caught up in northern louisiana and a little further up from there in the last 20 years wow we're probably gonna get some more it'd be nice if we get cats too but this this is gonna be a catfish video who knows oh oh oh dude oh we got us a donkey here this is on that mullet head oh he has got his head down oh i keep looking over my shoulder people at the other rods jared is all the way down at the end we got two rods in the middle of us whoa jared is fishing skip jack and i'm fishing mullet and he's had a couple bites on the skipjack but man i'm getting the heavy boy big boy hits here you think i got a cat oh no dude that excuse me yeah there was some other fish just broke the waters probably jared thinks he saw a cat break the water to the left of me this this fish is probably big because it was taking drag i had him close to the surface and he went he put his head back down at the moment i just feel like i'm dragging in a sack of potatoes oh no no he he turned the power on a little bit a little low power but he turned some power on he put the he put his big toe on the pedal there oh geez he's giving this beef stick a workout what is it last rod the ugly stick's going off am i into my ugly stick line is that what's up [Applause] oh that is something big you want to come under am i am i in that line okay i'm not tangled up good no spaghetti oh my goodness what is that what do we have here jared this is a guard is it yeah it's a big one oh my god you got your rope no go look in my bag i mean do we need the rope for it yeah go get look in the bag look in the small pocket look in the front i should have my gar rope in there i think it's a black cord what black look for the put that on the side and look for the black see if i have it i might not did you look in the big pocket batteries in there i didn't look inside you look in the big pocket the big where the tackle box comes out of yeah i just take it off the light i knew i had it bring it to me and take over the rod yes sir this is probably a pb guard for me bring him in keep keep the line tight come on uh oh that was a big fish damn oh i tell you what he lasted a long time before he bit through that 50-pound mono that was a big fish yes sir that was a big key let's keep going oh what a day it is hey hey man we were about to change the battery too we got about 20 of a battery oh there might not be oh here he is here he is or no is he here or is he swimming in he's swimming on me oh there he is oh i gotta keep up with this fish he's coming in fast this is a body piece of mullet i think it's another little shark well these shark love that frozen mullet it's vacuum sealed mullet so it's a little fresher than normal frozen mullet this is the smallest one of the day third shark of the day not very big but there are bigger out there man it's a lot of fun i'm really happy that this is happening today it's not just one three shark there must be a lot if there's three that we've caught you know there's a lot more out there trying to come at me need to say coyotes something's at it look at it that could be a crab but that's a mullet head so it's not too much to worry about if a crab is at it but any second we could have that tip go over here it goes oh he's already up on the surface too oh yeah well he's beaver tailing like crazy this might be a cat jared i thought maybe these people were coming down to fish oh yeah look at them run he's not going to weigh a lot but yeah nice fish what is it that's another guard is he bit he's small enough to fit in that net might be that's the news uh i'm gonna need the rope right you want me to put the rope on it these halfway i got them secured there you go you got him finally nice definitely 30 35 pounds we're not going to bother weighing this fish really good fight where's your big brother at all right man i was about to release this gar looks like i might have to catch another fish before i do that well yeah we'll just have to keep an eye on that let's go ahead and try and get this guard back in the water worse come to worst jared can have that fish we're getting at that time of the day where things are going to be golden the bite has slowed down but sunset is right on top of us don't roll don't you do it don't you do it you got it look at that guys isn't that awesome so we still have our lines out but i'm going to do the outro right here and if anything amazing happens it's going to be before this and it's going to be darker right this day has just been absolute fire i know not not tons of fish but so awesome first time for jared ever to get a shark my first time getting sharks out of the mississippi river a lot of other exciting action just amazing catching shark out of the river is a special experience let me tell you one worth one worth going out to achieve and i that's what i've been doing this whole time coming down here this is what i wanted to do sharks in the river there we go thanks for watching and subscribing we will see you next time
Channel: M. Hood Fishing
Views: 141,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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