Bridge Fishing With Live Bait!!! SUE STYLE

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well good evening folks it's richard here i didn't plan on going fishing today this is just one of these quick trips and i'll explain to you real quick what's going on here first thing is i had to run the freedom marine to get me an oil filter and uh some foot oil and oil for the top side of the motor i'm going to go ahead and service that 20 horse 20 horse mercury which is right on me under um because i do that to all my motors once a year i service them so on the way back i stopped okay i had a bridge and i got out and made a few casts for crappie there wasn't any crappie there just as i was about ready to leave here they come bam bam bam i seen a skull of bass and there's two columns on this particular bridge both columns had some bass schooling up on shad about that long so i come back home real excited i said mama sue do you want to go catch you a bass on a live shad she said yes so right now i'm rushing getting everything in the boat we're not going to need a whole lot i'm just going to take what we need and that's it and chance it and see if we can catch some bass all right folks this is what kind of patience i have let me show you it's one o'clock uh hurricane susan's coming gonna hit the tennessee valley mama sue's backing up right here she's trying to back up right here and here she comes she's doing pretty good let's go look at her real quick [Laughter] but she's doing pretty good right here oh right there's good all right let's get her done right here i'm excited anytime that i see bass and especially if i see that there's some size on i don't care about the weather conditions in fact the the worse the weather is the better they buy it a lot of times especially in the fall but i've always done real good um when hurricanes come through of course we don't have to take the brunt of it and i hope everybody who encountered it is fine i don't think it was a real bad one i think it just caused a lot of title surges and stuff like that but uh we're this is spin-off right here and there's some big bass in there make sure we got our cast net right here you ready mama sue uh we got everything we need we just gotta hurry up get down there that's the main thing okay let's go see what we can get done whoa whoa well folks once again y'all missed it i just put this net over some pretty good shad they're not real big but uh i found some shad so that was the main thing let's put this back here mama sue out of the way and uh let's take a look at them there's a few in there big enough so let's just go on back to the bridge and see if we get these fish back i'm talking about now i've seen them on both columns right here folks right here and right here now they're bad about doing this in the fall they will suspend right here we're in 28 feet of water and i guarantee you there's some bass on this column and this one so i'm going to show you what we're going to use right here we got a pair of gander mountain rods right here this is a both of them are medium action six and a half feet long we got uh a daiwa reverse right here loaded with 10 pound braid and a 10 pound car fluorocarbon leader one of about four to six foot long and this is a size one eagle claw hook and we got them both here's yours mama so now i'm gonna rig hers up right here then i'll rig me one up let's get her one of these bigger shad and we're gonna hook him just like this right through the nostrils right through both of them like that and i'm going to do mine the same way but what i'm going to do is let that shad just free line around this column you got him there you go he ain't big is that other one or easy daddy he's a bass fish i'm teaching mama sue too good folks got off there we go dad got it i believe that's a drum no it's the best and a good one too pretty good spotted bass what about that that fish wasn't moving a muscle he just hit that he just hit that shad and stayed put no indication of nothing that's a pretty good spotty bass right there ain't nothing wrong with that i won't complain about that pretty fish too look at that look at that what a chunky fish my my my my we're fixing to have to go back on the shad run mama little bitty mouth he almost looks like a small mouth but he's not he's a small mouth i i mean a spotty bass i feel that tooth patch on his tongue let him go my my my whoa go right up there close hon i didn't move at the winds doing all that the wind is doing all that look throw right in there like that let that shad go to the bottom and then when he comes off of that last little brake line off the reel route you know more like yeah right there over me like yet he'll go [Laughter] you got him mama i told you dang is that good hey is that a good one oh that's a good one mama so tighten your drag up just a little right here it needs a little bit of tight got loose okay now you can handle him then fish move to the rip route let's see how big he is oh you got a bugle mouth look at there she sure did i was wondering why that fish wouldn't come up and shake him gels she got her a bugle that's all right though yeah and you ain't got him i thought he'd swap them them right hey you got lucky there there's your net right there behind me huh they're bad about that they are they're bad about that and you barely got him hooked oh yeah they ain't nothing wrong with catching trump [Music] i hear clearly [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay you got to be patient with your wives gentlemen you got to love them and tell them how much you love them and that they're right all the time and but there he is right there yep there he is you want me to release him or you want you don't want to deal with him listen to him he's well he ain't doing it now he was drumming oh yeah there he goes ain't nothing wrong with it well there's fish on here right now there he is let's see what we got they ain't that big a little large jaw they is fish in here like crazy [Music] they are fishing here like crazy of all sizes what about that quiet now you you don't do that fat he's been eating him shad look at that what a stomper let's let him go right here back in there i don't know i know one thing we're catching them though get him he got him i hope he didn't swallow it what do you got my goodness you're catching the fish no you're gonna have to handle this one no you got him that's your fish you hooked him mommy oh he ain't there well you my goodness well this take your time with him oh my goodness honey it's a catfish you got a catfish i think got you another channel cat my goodness you're just gonna have to wear him down that's all you can do i'm gonna start charging you for these fishing lessons if you're gonna come out here and beat me like this you better get him yeah channel cat he he didn't come to you is what happened yeah you can get him hey they ain't no cane get him there you go well oh me i've had a ball with her today folks that's the only way i can teach you if i do everything huh you want to give them this fish are they still there they were catfishing wouldn't they all right yeah we'll get and look they're watching one just eat mine up right there they killed my shad whatever it was let me see them tattoos well there's a couple of them well it made me catch them but they on that brake line over there like crazy right now they had uh they ain't pulling no water so when they ain't pulling up water then things will get close up to the bank oh really yeah man it's nice to meet you nice to meet y'all i've been watching you since you've been old well thank you good evening that's your good woman taser fishing boys whoa hey man whoa thank y'all for everything that y'all do hey good [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Richard Gene The Fishing Machine
Views: 176,305
Rating: 4.9392004 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fishing videos, funny fishing videos, fishing with live bait, bass fishing, bass fishing tips, bass fishing with live bait, bass fishing for beginners, how to catch fish, how to catch bass
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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