Willy Wonka’s TRUE Plan! [Theory]

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[Music] hello I'm the theorized ER and after the recent passing of gene Wilder I was lured back to watching Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory not the Tim Burton 2005 one I'm talking the original classic derived from Roald Dahl's book I have always looked at this film and wondered what exactly goes through his head as all of the children are altered and hurt around him I sort of diagnosed him with bipolar but I now see that I needed more attributes for an accurate diagnosis and while this theory still remains as one of the robot voiced suddenly popular analyses of my channel there's clearly more to this mystical misfit his plan what exactly is it and by that I mean the parts we aren't told and I'm not going to accept the theory that the children are made into chocolate that's a bit ridiculous even for me what I will do though is summarize his plans into a huge list to organize what this madman has on his agenda but first we need to address a very interesting point granted many many people have noticed this point over the years and you've probably heard of it yourself after augustus Gloop is taken by the pipe the boat has just barely enough seats for the people left no room for Augustus and his mother same goes for the Wonka wash barely enough seats for the five people left elevator definitely no space for all 11 people so did Willy Wonka actually know that the kids were going to disappear well if you still didn't know yes he did we are told that his plan was to bring kids to his factory to turn the kindest one into a master chocolatier and grant them his Factory he had an employee pose as slugworth a competing chocolatier and this phony slugworth was to ask each ticket receiver for an Everlasting Gobstopper the child who was nicest and didn't give it to slugworth was awarded a factory and the children who were selfish were taught a lesson about their rudeness and their parents were taught to become more strict fairly standard plan he is doing as the saying goes and is killing two birds with one stone not only does he help bratty kids and parents become kind and strict but he finds a perfect to give his factory to although you know if you're dealing with me you'll be guaranteed that there's more to it and I will repeat myself I don't believe he is turning kids into chocolate like other people have said he just isn't that kind of person he even admits that they'll be alright and he wouldn't have taught them all a lesson just to kill them but I have a different idea a more intricate and possibly even creepy idea let's figure out his whole plan let's start with the slugworth impostor what exactly is his purpose well that's obvious it was stated that he was there to test each kid's loyalty to Wonka their generosity willpower and kindness all that sweet stuff but what I'm asking is what's his real purpose what else does he do we see that in the Chocolate Factory there is lots of chocolate clearly but there's also many rooms that have absolutely nothing to do with chocolate and simply don't fit at all they're very oddly specific to each kid and out of the likely tens to hundreds of rooms in the factory he takes them to those few in particular it's clear he knows what will occur he takes Augustus to a room entirely composed of edible sweets takes violet to a room where he's developing amazing gum takes Veruca to an irresistable room where she'll wanted all and takes Mike to a room that has entirely to do with televisions how inexplicably bizarre this is crazy how does one can know what each kid wants sure you could argue that he looked at them all when they entered and took them to room specific to their stereotype but it's far too strange to have rooms like those in the first place he allows them to roam free all by themselves but it's clear that he knows what will happen so how does he know what each kid wants before they even get there well what we need to assume next makes everything slightly chilling here's my theory you might find this obvious or perhaps it will blow your mind maybe it'll keep you neutral I don't know but I'm fairly certain that Willy Wonka was spying on these kids hear me out we'll call this man mr. Wilkinson as that is his real name Wilkinson suddenly appears right after each kid wins he is doing something near right before he approaches them he was eating at the same restaurant as a Gustus gloop right as he found the golden ticket he brings in a box of candy bars to the salted peanuts Factory which ultimately leads to verrucas victory hey see what I did there salt did okay I apologize for my horrible contribution to society but what is more is that he casually washes a car behind Violet Beauregarde right after she wins and he is standing right near Mike teavee posing as a reporter as Mike wins he was there to assure these brats victories he spies on the most bratty of brats approved by Wonka and gives some tickets probability itself makes the whole thing improbable for rude kids all similar this is out of the world's billions of people so all of the winners being kids lowers chances greatly the fact that they are all this rude and cruel also lowers the chances of the tickets actually being random the world thought that all of this was random and that they could have won but in reality they had no chance it was rigged I mean look at this man he created a probability machine that would tell him the exact location of the tickets but it didn't tell him the truth what a peculiar thing to include film makers now - Charlie where things get difficult how does Charlie receive a winning bar charlie finds a coin in a drain and buys a chocolate bar with it he's about to leave but then decides to go back and purchase another this second purchase is the chocolate bar containing the golden ticket how was it assured that Charlie received a ticket here Wilkinson we see him one scene later indicating that like the rest he was recently there he monitored the winning chocolate bar assuring Charlie's victory also notice how the Candy Man talks about hiding tickets and then immediately goes to grab a chocolate bar of his own choice and being a Candy Man he'd have direct affiliation with the factory down the street or in the least slugworth and the way that this shot lingers on the candy man after charlie leaves showing him continue to look at him so sneaky but the big question is why why charlie a nice boy compared to all of the vicious and brutal kids something massive to consider is the timing the craziest thing in the whole movie is the timing Wonka opens his factory only a few days after Charlie longs for its insides how strange how perfectly specific Wonka also says how he needs a successor someone to take on the factory after he passes away so compiling all of this together we have our answer needing a successor Wonka sent out Wilkinson to find the perfect child Charlie a poor boy that lived down the street was a perfect fit for a successor pure innocent kind fun chocolate loving and perfect for the job so to keep suspicions down regarding a single boy Wonka continues to invite four more kids into the factory in hopes that Charlie would pass his tests and the rest would flounder Wilkinson finds four of the most bratty kids in the world four kids that could any day lose to Charlie in a contest of kindness loyalty and most importantly selflessness Wonka creates objects and rooms specific to each of the four brats to further ensure that they will indeed fall for the traps notice how there's no room specific to Charlie no room at all and if you're going to say oh but what about the bubble room well the bubble room wasn't intended to trick Charlie it was a test not a child trap Wonka just passes right through that bubble room this is completely the opposite from what he does in the other rooms he waits there and waits and waits until the kid that room is designed for engages in their terrible actions and this teaches them and their parents a thing or two about selflessness and parenting also Wonka repeatedly acts strange around Charlie almost like he's a secondary character to him he makes him sign the contract last he pauses and waits to give Charlie a Gobstopper last one for you and one for you and one for you yeah what about Charlie and one for Charlie and he speaks slightly differently to him he always keeps him at the end of the line and away from the spotlight of the other kids the bubble room is a strategically placed test it was a room he knew Charlie would use which would break the contract and this would force Charlie into the final position of giving up the Gobstopper or not a final test past notice how Wonka just assumes that they used the bubble room in the Golden Goose scene he couldn't have had any idea that they even used the room and he just acts like they never left the group how odd and when Charlie wins he says he knew Charlie would four bratty kids one kind kid such odd probabilities Wilkinson the slugworth imposter the contract rehearsed songs minimal vehicle space strategically placed bubble room oddly large pipes fit for a fatty lingering shots timing chronically apathetic tour guide intelligent mastermind succession extremist parenting tips all of it this whole thing was to get Charlie to win he even says at the end how he's sorry for putting him through all of it I'm not too sure if all of you think this is obvious or not but I think it's pretty cool I'm doing this to hopefully put an end to many questions people still have I suppose this video was just more or less to display as much evidence as I could to show why this almost certainly is the case and I hope you at least a little bit enjoyed this in-depth analysis of logic shots and timing so in summarization Wonka was killing three birds with one stone first bird saving the futures of these brats by teaching them and their parents lessons second bird saving a poor boy by turning his life upside down and third bird a successor Wonka needed a replacement and via an extensive process he succeeded in helping the lives of many people brilliant I hope you learned something and until next time I'm the theorise er
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 2,755,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slugworth, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, charlie and the chocolate factory, theory, willy wonka theory, wonka theory, the theorizer, theorizer, johnny depp, wonka, willy wonka, oompa loompas, theorizer willy wonka, theorizer wonka, the theorizer willy wonka, the theorizer wonka, theorizer charlie and the chocolate factory, the theorizer charlie and the chocolate factory, wonka theories, roald dahl, willy wonka theories, charlie and the chocolate factory theory, clip, scene
Id: dOu2NpXXgiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2016
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