THEORY: Glinda is the Wizard of Oz MASTERMIND!

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spoiler alert this video may contain plot points from the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz those who have been living under a rock for 100 years you have been warned watch at your own risk regardless of my bad comedic principle though it's been a while since I've touched this movie but believe me I did make my mark on it and so I'm going to revise my theory on it if you don't know a revised theories where I take one of my much older theory videos and I really improve upon it in every way that I can and this one's getting redone because of the robot voice in the background which has held people back from it and the tiny plot holes I left in it ever since I made it I felt the need to improve on it so let's do this [Music] hello I'm the theorized er let's start the revision by like always re-explaining my old theory and believe me it's a good one although it does take some considerably large leaps is oz a real place or is it all Dorothy's dream at first glance her trip is widely considered to be a dream I mean come on there's magic she gets knocked out by the window Oz has parallel characters to her friends back home she wakes up on a bed and the flying house isn't ripped apart by the f5 tornado so right off the bat basically everything we have pushes all of this to be a dream but there is one nearly impossible detail to come across which flips the board completely all of the Kansas characters have doppelgangers and Oz right the three men back on her farm are found as the Scarecrow Tin Man and lion each doppelganger pair are played by the same actors and both characters each have similar traits professor Marvel is the Wizard of Oz same actor and the same character traits her mean neighbor is the Wicked Witch of the West but there's only one person other than Dorothy who doesn't have a parallel and that would be auntie em you could easily argue that Glinda the Good Witch is her parallel except she isn't she doesn't fit the pattern auntie em and Glinda are played by different actresses their traits slightly differ as well some believe that the reason Glinda was played by a different actress was because the producers wanted someone young but here's the thing Glenda's actress wasn't even a decade younger than an TMS and the kicker is the difference in their characters the closest character em could be is the dead witch beneath the house and of course Dorothy is the one doing the traveling and wouldn't have a parallel no why well I'll come back to that we need to quickly address something else though Coraline the Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland I constantly compare these three movies and have dissected them so in depth ly that it was hard for me not to notice something so striking each story is sort of based off of the other they all star an independent young female protagonist who travels to a magical and fantastical world where they meet characters who are identical to their friends back home all three stories leave the audience wondering whether the whole trip was a dream or not in the parallel world things start off as magical and amazing but slowly get more and more dire and spooky there's always a lovely old mentor woman that loves the main character but she's revealed to be a lying manipulative antagonistic old ruler of the whole land that has a nasty invested interest in the protagonist they were waiting for to come in Alice in Wonderland this old hag bag would be the queen of hearts in Coraline this would be the belle damn but in The Wizard of Oz well we don't know we need someone who starts off nice but slowly begins to manipulate lie and get things real dire at the end they must be female and significantly older than the female protagonist they must be the primary ruler of the world as well one would immediately jump to say that it's the Wicked Witch of the West of course but here's just the thing she has a parallel back home the neighbor and those she isn't a real character that lives in this world she's a doppelganger who was created look at how she melts because of water like a wax creation of some sort how am I the first to notice this and notice how the mean green nutcase never lies to Dorothy like the patterns States she never mentors her she's always evil right from the get-go she didn't expect Dorothy to arrive either but do you know who did Glinda if Glinda follows the pattern and she does then she should be the true villain and she is in Coraline and Alice in Wonderland who starts as the kind older woman but lies the your antagonist who doesn't have a real parallel back home the future antagonist this is escalating in the crape factor by the second in The Wizard of Oz who forces Dorothy to go on a quest find a useless wizard to only reveal the truth of the slippers later after Dorothy nearly died who lied about all of this Glinda who has magic that can bring a house in one piece through an f5 tornado Glinda who could have created the doppelgangers of Dorothy's friends by spying on her Glinda and who shows up right after Dorothy's house somehow lands directly on one of the villains Glinda she's one nasty so why forcefully bring Dorothy to Oz the big thing we're missing here is the motives and the plan why bring Dorothy to let the Wicked Witch kill her then why'd she let Dorothy return home at the end what is it with Glinda and Dorothy and here's the conspiracy bomb I have planted Glinda let Dorothy go sure but only after Dorothy systematically took out ozs other three rulers The Wizard the Western witch and the eastern witch leaving Glinda as the only one left the secretly nasty evil ruler of Oz taking out the other three to leave her as the true ruler but why get Dorothy to do it instead well Dorothy is the perfect independent female heroine for the job and if someone else does Glenda's dirty work her nice pretty non sinister image will be kept in the eyes of the munchkins the only real inhabitants of Oz who were only terrified by the evil witch who attacked them the Good Witch swoops in saves the day and nicely sends the heroine home she's fit for the ruler in their eyes she's also rather careless and cruel she Disick rates the eastern witch's body by shriveling up her legs she then taunts the Western witch about her sister's death and begins to condescendingly make fun of her but then later in the movie take a look at this simply notice how odd it is that the wizard leaves in an uncontrollable hot-air balloon he just floats up and away out of control it's so bizarre and we see that the Tin Man was the one who let the Rope go letting the balloon just fly away and that really makes no sense he knows what he's doing Dorothy has literally just jumped out of the balloon and the tinman untied the rope from its post and lets it go just like that it's so weird there is no explanation unless he's a villain of some sort or someone is forcing him to do it and the only magical person left in all of Oz who could control him would be Glinda and this is besides the fact that he is likely her creation anyways so naturally he'd be obedient but then Glinda shows up one scene later she was right nearby the whole time so we know that she'd have a part in all of this need I remind you that after the wizard gets into the air and Dorothy asks him to come down he says he doesn't know how the balloon works really then why the heck does he have one let alone why would he plan to take it up in the first place either he's a pure idiot he's villainous or he's obeying someone else and guess what happens he help Glinda shows up right after such a nasty woman her plastered on face is so frightening now not that it wasn't before I mean just look at it she looks like a foundation fondu good god woman you look like a fisher-price toy but I still hear you saying Dorothy woke up in her bed how could she have taken a trip and to that I say she didn't it wasn't a dream she did actually go there but not physically Oz is a place a real one and it was her spirit not body that traveled there it's still a very real very heinous land but why the doppelganger friends why would Glinda assume their significance well they were intentionally put there to aid Dorothy on her quest notice how bizarre it is that Dorothy walks down a perfectly set road and right past the three people that she just happens to know from home they are there to further subliminally reassure her to take out Glinda's other creations they're there to push Dorothy to fight for something other than herself to really force her into doing things like finding the Wizard and killing the witch to let the munchkins see Glinda as a fitting ruler this manipulative maniac she seems very adamant about coming a ruler I mean just look at her flamboyant crown that thing could reflect gamma rays and the green which dies from melting due to water sure but even though she's fake that water shouldn't be enough to melt her I think Glinda aided with that a little bit and finally the reason Dorothy does not have a doppelganger she is the only one who is travelling to this world she's the one Glinda needs to do her tasks she's the only person without a parallel meaning this so-called parallel world has an anomaly something rather strange don't you think well it isn't strange when you consider my theory and because I'm sure there will be plenty of skeptics out there I still have so much more evidence that Glinda is the villain trying to manipulate the munchkins back when we first meet Glinda we see something odd right off the bat she steals the eastern witch's shoes and then puts them on Dorothy's feet but when the western which arrives and wants the slippers Glinda has put protection on them the witch can't steal them and this is all the stuff we see happen but then when the witch gets angry and says she wants them Glinda tells Dorothy keep taking inside of them the magic must be very powerful she wouldn't want them so badly she's acting like she doesn't know what the shoes are capable of right after she has stolen them and put them on Dorothy and then at the end she also reveals what they do so why play it up like this why act so blissfully ignorant skipping ahead to the death of greenie the which says something odd as well she says yo [Music] it's almost like she's acting up trying to melt and I mean duh of course she's acting it's a movie but that's not what I mean the woman who plays the Wicked Witch of the West she changes in this scene and she never changes her acting style anywhere else in the whole movie just when she's dying and it isn't her acting either it's the way it was written how odd skipping ahead again to a different part we see another strange thing when the tin man asks Glinda why she didn't tell Dorothy about the slippers earlier Glenda's excuse this whole time is that she wanted to teach Dorothy a lesson and what was that lesson it was not to stray far away from your home to not wish to go over the rainbow I'm not buying it at all although the so-called lesson she taught her does have a certain effect as if she's implying that Dorothy dare not return to Oz creepy but hold up hold up hold up hold up Glinda said that she was trying to teach Dorothy a lesson two things one how the heck would Glinda know that Dorothy needed to learn anything unless she'd been spying on her and to what if Dorothy hadn't come here at all Glinda with holds the slippers from her to teach her a lesson but if this makes sense it just doesn't even come close to adding up the only two explanations for any of this is one that it's a dream or two it's everything I've been saying it is and with the countless new chunks of evidence I've been presenting for the past 10 minutes it's now more likely than not to be a real trip I also have more on Glinda's lies she says whenever she suddenly appears it is because she was called by the munchkins okay okay so first of all how the heck do they call her and to that's a blatant lie the final time she appears is right when the balloon flies away but nobody could have called her in that short time no munchkin calls her they all stay right there watching the balloon yet she shows up directly after it floats off she was there the whole time and she's a liar and I have one final huge piece of evidence that it was Glinda who brought Dorothy here when Dorothy is using the shoes to warp home Glinda waves her wand over Dorothy's head it isn't the shoes at all Glynda is using them as a distraction look at her wand in this clip and tell me that she isn't the one teleporting Dorothy and you know what this means she's also the one who brought her in the first place and why is she pinning her magic on the shoes once again to convince the munchkins of her Queen leanness I don't know how much more I need to give to convinced you just take one good look at us after this video and you'll see just how surreal and ridiculously over-the-top certain aspects are and it's not due to the way it was shot directed or written it's because of the underlying plot so that is my extensive sort of maybe a little bit out there take on The Wizard of Oz I know tons of people question my mindset when i theorize on almost 80 year old movies but oh well everyone's seen them so everyone can relate to my ideas I hope you enjoyed this theory of mine I sure do why not check out my other channels one where I gained and one where I tell an intricate story that needs to be pieced together until next time I'm glee [Music]
Channel: The Theorizer
Views: 1,471,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wizard of oz, oz, theorizer, theory, the theorizer, theorizer wizard of oz, the theorizer wizard of oz, glinda, wicked witch, the wizard of oz, wizard of oz theory, the wizard of oz theory, wizard of oz conspiracy, wizard of oz arguement, film theory, wizard of oz conspiracy theory, the wizard of oz conspiracy, the truth about the wizard of oz, dorothy, scene, clip, tin man, scarecrow, yellow brick road, the wizard of oz full movie, cowardly lion, the wizard of oz part 1, munchkin
Id: tmeXSt753Rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2017
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