William J. Federer on the White House Leftist Agenda and More!

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welcome to the truth and liberty broadcast we believe we have a mandate to bring godly change to our nation and the world through the seven spheres or mountains of influence to further this cause we give away a product every week that will empower you to get involved in changing your life and changing our world you can register for our weekly giveaway by subscribing at truthandliberty.net you can also subscribe to our newsletter to receive weekly updates on guests news and much more this is an interactive live cast and we welcome your questions to ask a question during the live cast use the commenter chat features now get ready to dive into this week's topics with our hosts on location in colorado usa hello and welcome to our monday night truth and liberty live cast i'm andrew wommack i've got pastor mark coward here with me he's uh one of our main guys here truth and liberty and richard harris isn't with us tonight and so mark and i are going to stumble through these introductory things it may be entertaining to not yeah so give us some mercy but we also have bill federer with us and i tell you bill is just one of my favorite people i've uh he puts out i mention this every time and i know he's got i saw 22 books listed in this thing and you've got more than that don't you right we just came out with a new one too i've got it's called the miraculous milestones it's um advances in science medicine and innovation and the faith of those that made them and anyway bill along with lance wall now and david barton are uh is on our board of directors here for truth and liberty and i tell you this man has forgotten more about world history than i've ever known it's unbelievable he's just like a computer so we're going to have a great time and he's going to help us put things into perspective tonight so it'll be real good but we need to encourage you to participate and we do have people standing by on our phones they're at 719-635-1111 and we're now open 24 hours a day five days a week and 10 hours a day on saturday and sunday and you can call you can get prayer you can get questions answered in case we don't announce something correctly but anyway we encourage you to do that and also you can participate how do they do you have it down how they well if they have questions tonight they can post their comments in the live chat at truthandliberty.net live or leave your questions in the comment section on facebook you might get yours answered tonight and also we give away a book every week and last week we gave away my book entitled a sure foundation and the winner of that was um rodney breden and so we'll be shipping that out and tonight bill has offered to give away his new book and he just signed it for us so that'll be a blessing so what is this about again miraculous milestones in science medicine and innovation and so it was christians that invented hospitals all the way back to constantine in the third century had every cathedral where they took pilgrimages to to have an infirmary right people would show up sick so the word hosp means traveler and so then the bubonic plague in europe and you had catholic nuns that started the hotel to use the first hospital in paris and then they started hundreds of those all across europe but here it's interesting they're wanting to tell christians put away your morality and do the abortions and do the sex change operations and christian doctors and nurses like we want we don't want to do this well it's christian morality that gave birth to hospitals and like the hippocratic oath it used to be that you'll do harm to no one and now they've quit doing that because of abortions i guess doctors don't take that anymore do they no they've switched it up but it also has where a calendar came from right adbc has all the different famous astronomers and their statements of faith just a fascinating book great for the student on college campus and their challenges uh defending their faith so anyway we'll be giving this away and if you want to enter that you just go to our website and sign up do you know exactly well i'll look right if you'll go to our website i'm sure that there's something self-explanatory and those that sign up on the website we just pick a name and that's how we do this it says to be eligible for the gift go to truthandliberty.net slash subscribe and i believe that puts them in there so if richard harris is watching tonight this shows you that man we really appreciate you richard neither one of us know what we're doing also let me mention that we would love for you to become a partner with truth and liberty you know we have anywhere we've had up to 80 000 people watch this plus ctn carries this on their network i don't think every one of the stations but some of the stations on the ctn network so there are tens of thousands of people watching this and it costs money for us to do this plus our website is awesome if you go to truth in liberty dot net i tell you that is a great resource and we don't do everything ourselves but we will link you to all of these other places so there's just a wealth of information we got all kinds of new posts that we put on there and you know andrew it that is not a tax deductible gift but you know people that have a heart and a passion for this if they'll sow into this i'm telling you the lord will bless them in more ways than they can imagine and that's what i appreciate about you all is it's not just about us when you see a work such as bill federer and things like that we connect to people like that that have incredible resources matter of fact if you go to our truth and liberty we've got all bill federer's american minutes on there and i read those every day i've been doing that for years i've learned a lot about history there's a lot more i need to know but we encourage you to become a partner and the way you do that is we ask for an automatic withdrawal there's a place on our truth and liberty website where you can go and do an automatic withdrawal of at least five dollars a month and uh we have a lot of people now doing that and we we subsidized it i think for the first year but now we're actually turning a profit and we're beginning matter of fact we've got a meeting tomorrow to figure out how we can branch out and do some more things to flip not only colorado but just start making a difference in our nation so anyway those are good is there anything i missed mark well i think you did a great job let's see we do have some meetings coming up let me announce those we've got our orlando gospel truth uh seminar coming up on february the 11th through the 13th and i've got jeremy pearsons who's going to be there with me that will be in orlando florida and then we have a truth in liberty live on sunday february the 14th and that's in naples florida and we have something special happening for our army members i don't think we're advertising that that's just a special meeting with them we've got our keras men's advance coming up and that's with jb and tony dungy i tell you these guys are seen by over i think it's 50 million people a week watch them and they just love it and you know jb brown i mean he is not just a big name in sports casting and things like that he is such a man of god oh he's awesome and has some of the most anointed word to share two men that really love god you know i really didn't expect them to have the depth of maturity that they do but i tell you what jb and tony both have preached some of the best messages i've heard absolutely and they put it into a sports context that reaches a lot of men so you ladies that are watching you know if you have husbands or sons or people you know that love sports man you can draw them in by these big names but when they come they'll hear the gospel it'll be good we've also got god with us coming up that's a musical that we put on april the 2nd through the 4th and then our campus days where you come and experience what karis bible college is all about is april the 7th through the 9th and you'll have some lunch with us you'll get to meet all of the instructors and stuff and it's just a great great time also let me say that we went to battle with the state we won they have removed all restrictions so now we are having all of our meetings there's zero restrictions on how many people we can have come so don't worry about the kovid stuff come and praise god we're gonna have a great time and be well at the same time awesome amen so bill it's a real honor as i said you're on our board and you and david barton have just been a resource for me as i'm trying to launch into becoming more involved in what's happening in our society you guys are are two of the greatest resources that we've had and so uh you have all of this information and every time around you you put it into a perspective that gives it gives encouragement because this isn't the first time we've ever had a problem in our nation no no it's not the first time in history it goes all one of these goes all the way back to plato talking about these things right uh it's called socialism the real history from plato to the present and the subtitle is how the deep state capitalizes on crises to consolidate control but i thought i would talk about two concepts one is called psychological projection and the other is psychological operation so psychological projection what's that sigmund freud coined the term that's where rude people call everyone they don't like root you're denying yourself a negative quality but project that quality onto the other person and so this is what adam did to god the woman you gave me right and little kids do this i didn't start the fight you did it uh cheating spouses do this i'm not the unfaithful one you are and sharia men that will rape woman say it's your fault because you tempted me so it's blame shifting where the attacker blames the victim so it's gotten into politics david axelrod was the campaign manager for president obama and he was on npr radio 2014 and he said in chicago politics we have a tradition where you throw a brick through your own campaign office window and then call a press conference to accuse your opponent so if there's a candidate that's colluding with russia maybe giving away a fifth of the u.s uranium in exchange for 145 million russian contribution to her clinton foundation she wants to pay for a steele dossier to accuse her opponent of colluding with russia are you accusing her oh i'm telling the this is the actual fact whether you do or not i will i'm sorry i believe that's exactly what happened and so what happens is the innocent person gets their name associated with the crime in the media over and over and over again and people make a subconscious connection and if the fingers ever pointed back at the guilty person by that time the water is muddied and the public doesn't know who to trust and she gets passed if there's another candidate that's extorting ukraine saying stop investigating my son or i'll hold back american money well you want to accuse your opponent of extorting ukraine you accuse them of the exact crime that you're guilty of that's why their name gets associated they have to go on the defensive and if it ever gets pointed back at you by that time the water's muddied and you get a pass so this is used every single day where they accuse you of being hateful where they're the actual hateful ones they accuse you being intolerant when they're the intolerant ones but it's actually gone another step higher well they'll do violence and accuse you of the violence so we if prior to january 6th if i were to say what political party is most associated with attacking capitals around the country uh you would you have to guess they're on tape right you know there's maxine waters and others saying go out there and get violence in the streets and things like that uh prior to january 6th if i were to say describe a trump rally people say well there's families showing up and everybody's happy and they pick up the trash afterwards so what happened on january 6th is totally out of character for trump supporters and it's totally in character for the antifa blm type and so what we see is that the reports have come out that there were antifa people who infiltrated the rally and i did an interview with um curtis bowers who's a former idaho state representative and he said he showed up at the capitol with his son was there at the rally he noticed that there was suspicious that there was no security around the capitol he says i've been there before you step off the sidewalk under the grass the police will yell at you he says it was eerie that there wasn't any security and then the doors opened from the inside and they were waving people in and some naive trump supporters thought they were giving a free tour of the capitol and he does not naively wander in there and then when the violence occurred they did not arrest anybody on the spot they let everybody go until we'll follow up very strange behavior and anyway so a little background dressing up as uh supporters when you're not in um i mean we even had the boston tea party right where they dressed up as indian so dressing up is not anything new 1788 the king of sweden gustav iii wanted to invade russia but his parliament would not approve funding so he had the tailor of the swedish orchestra so russian uniforms and he had some swedish soldiers put on the russian uniforms and attack a swedish outpost and the media picks it up and runs with it that the russians attacked and it fans it into a flame and when the parliament hears about this all the pressure they just cave and go ahead and vote to fund the war with russia i'm sure you would know all the details but didn't hitler do the same stuff right and so it was 1930s the nazis wanted to invade poland and world opinion would not go along with it and so it's called operation himmler the guy guys fits glyvettes incident so they had nazi soldiers dress up as polish soldiers and attack a german town and the media picks it up fans it into a flame the polish should attack and now the nazis have a justification to go in and kill all the uh take over poland um you know what's interesting uh dave the um saul alinsky community organizer uh hillary clinton did her senior thesis at wellesley college on saul alinsky and president obama was a solinski organizer in chicago there's uh in the 1960s and 70s he was talking to students and some students said that they were going to disrupt a speech that then representative to the united nations george h.w bush was going to defend nixon's vietnam war policies and these students told olinsky they were going to try to disrupt the speech and he said no no go to the speech dressed as kkk members and whenever bush says something supporting vietnam uh hold up placard saying that kkk supports bush and he says the students did this and they had a tremendous effect and so the idea of the left dressing up as faux supporters fake supporters but the purpose is to disrupt is a standard policy and so i wanted to so there they do the disruption but they want to accuse you of it they want to project that blame onto and um and so stalin did the same thing so in 1934 stalin has a anti-stalinist movement that's gaining momentum and he's trying to figure out how to get rid of it at the same time stalin has a friend sergey kirov who's the party boss of leningrad and he's giving speeches praising stalin he's so popular they built a statue to him and so stalin came up with an idea he would assassinate his friend sergey kirov and blame it on the anti-stalinists nobody would suspect stalin of killing his friend because they were buddies and everybody would believe that the anti-stalinist did this and so did the assassination blame the anti-stalinist and he started this campaign not just a sensor or d platform or cancel culture but to arrest and kill over a million people so this idea of they do the violent crime and they blame not just trump but all the trump supporters and they'll just let this thing go like a snowball the more mo the more that people cave the bigger this gets and the easier it'll crush other people and it's like blood in the water to a shark if and so it takes the ability to stand up and say we're not going to bend and the only way you can do this is to expose projection when they say you're hateful you have to say no no no you're projecting your hate on me well you christians are intolerant no no you're you're intolerant and you're projecting your intolerance on us christians so when you have the news media that is a hundred percent behind all of this stuff and reporting this how do we stop this how do we change it well first of all call it out and begin to educate ourselves on this issue and i've done uh interviews where there'll be somebody else on there and and uh i'll i'll actually beat him to the punch where i'll say something in that and i'll say well i feel like you're intolerant of my viewpoint i feel like are you being hateful of me yeah are you being and you and all of a sudden they're like wait a second that's what i was about to call you right and um but it's a tactic that's used every single day in the media and the thing is if you cave to it you can never cave enough yeah you got to back up some more well really i i'll tolerate more i'll tolerate more until pretty soon there's nothing left you don't believe anything you've just given up so that's a tactic that we is called psychological projection it's used every day one other incident that's worth noting is 1955 istanbul turkey had a remnant of a greek orthodox population and the sharia fundamentalists that were in power wanted to get rid of them so they planned to blow up the home of ataturk he was the founder of the turkish republic and the home was in greece the home never got blown up but the news media the fake news ran with it anyway and had the headlines and that they blamed these greeks for blowing up the home of ataturk and they destroyed they looted pillaged to smash windows and destroyed 80 ancient churches pulled these orthodox priests out of their beds and ripped off their beards i mean and sure enough the remnant of the greek population left so you create the crises blame it on the innocent victims and you use that to rile up the media to push this narrative that you can go after them with that's the uh tactic that's being used today that we need to pull away the curtain like the wizard of oz and say this is really what's happening you know i'm not sure this is the same thing but we had one of our karus bible college graduates that participated in going into the capitol and so the local news here was bombarding us and i was away at a meeting but they were contacting me and saying how do we respond to this and i said don't respond at all i said we are responsible for that and i said if we respond and start trying to explain and do all of this stuff i said we are in a sense empowering their things so i said just turn to them and say are you responsible for every person that works for your news agency and what they do and so i think it's a similar type of thing they were trying to project me as being guilty and if i'd been on the defensive it in a sense would have uh empowered them and i just dis and disassociated myself and said i'm not responsible for what a people a person who graduated 10 years ago does today this is such a classic tactic uh germany was a republic in the 1920s the weimar republic and they had a somebody started a political party named the national socialist workers party the head of it was adolf hitler and he had a violent arm to it right sort of an antifa blm type arm it was called brown shirts they were nicknamed sturm obtained which means stormtroopers because they would storm into the meetings of hitler's opponents and shout down the speakers and disrupt the meeting and then these brown shirts would lock arms and block access to buildings could you imagine people locking arms and blocking things and then they blocked streets and then they went into the cities in germany and smashed over 7 000 windows of jewish stores looted them set them on fire in the night of broken glass crystal knocked and then their capitol got attacked and set on fire and in this confusion started by hitler's brown shirts hitler seizes power accuses his political opponents has him de-platformed censored canceled arrested and shot without a trial and when the dust settled hitler didn't have any political opponents right this tactic is used over and over again it's just been perfected we're just seeing it being used on our own soil i don't know how to counter this if people aren't aware of what's happening they listen to the news and believe it i think we're seeing the absolute necessity of freedom of the press and what we've seen is big tech and all these people censoring and what have you because everything you're saying you know with different youtube things that didn't get pulled in facebook i saw so many reports of people saying hey what happened in january 6 is just what you described because i've been to that capitol and i'm telling you're right you don't get on the grass without getting corrected and all these people had video where the police were ushering the people in and so the freedom of the press but really bill what you're describing is right there in romans chapter 2 says that you're inexcusable whoever you are that judges because when you judge another you're really guilty of the same it's a it's really nothing new under the sun what we're seeing going on in america right now and then the timing of it is suspect the uh that disruption in the capital happened at the exact time that they were bringing up the voter fraud allocations the exact time that they were giving speeches saying wait a second and you look at the numbers 75 million people voted for trump that's more than voted for president obama at his height he only got 69 million that's more than voted for hillary clinton she only got 65 million and i haven't met anybody that thinks that biden is more popular than obama and so so supposedly biden got 80 million votes that's more than obamacare and trump said that he got 11 million more votes in 2020 than it did in 2016. that's a huge increase yeah and they all came in after eight o'clock at night so so there's a lot of legit so out of the 75 million that voted for trump 75 of those think that there was voter fraud this is a massive amount of people in the country that think this and so these are things that the other side doesn't want to bring up now there's another tactic it's called psychological operation and this is the creating of a perception that everybody believes a certain way and it has quite an interesting history uh we're all familiar with uh world war ii and the airplanes would fly over and drop pamphlets on the enemy that would say uh your side has already lost but your leaders aren't telling you that and it would just confuse them and another is tokyo rose so the japanese would have a sweet sounding woman speaking in english trying to confuse the american navy and so forth and so this idea if you want to confuse uh let's go back and see the idea of influencing population wells fargo wagon sears catalog they would sell things by listing the attributes of the product and then in the early 1900s there was developed a marketing strategy where instead of listing the aspects of the product you would just make it look like everyone was using it and the classic is crisco oil now crisco is made out of what cotton seed oh i thought it was lard it's cotton seeds i don't know it put the lard business out of business but nobody ate cottonseed oil it was used in factories and in machinery and so they they somebody came with the idea of boiling a bunch of different times and you know making it white and but they specifically did not list cottonseed oil on it they made up a term vegetable based they made that up right and so they would it was a total marketing campaign of ladies serving it the nice dish to their families around the table and they have the magazine pictures and the ladies using in their kitchen and it created this perception that everybody's using it even though nobody knows what's in it so this idea of how do you push something on a national level based on a perception that everybody's using it then you add in fear so 1938 is the orson welles an actor he's doing a radio drama called war of the worlds and it was a sensation right we interrupt this program to announce that martians have attacked new jersey and it spread across the country like wildfire everybody's running outside looking up in the sky for martians it was this phenomenon of fear and so now it is studied how you can manipulate an entire mass of people not just to buy crisco oil in a product but to motivate them fear-wise this was studied by joseph goebbels he was the propaganda minister for the nazis imagine having a business card propaganda minister so he orchestrated these coliseum events with a hundred thousand people and at the beginning in the front they would start to give the hitler salute and then everybody else would would see everybody else given hitler salute and they would get the hitler suit and everybody else would see you getting the hitter until pretty soon it worked its way all the way back and everybody would feel pressured to fit in with the group uh it's sort of like in islam where they would pray in a group right and they'd all bow and it would take a lot of backbone to stand up and say i'm not bowing right but it's this group pressure that's being used to push this fear and mobilize an entire nation to go along with something this was studied after world war ii in america it's called the solomon ash conformity experiment done on college campuses and they would pull eight students into a room seven students had been paid ahead of time to be actors one was a naive participant and the teacher would put two cards on the front desk one card simply had one line on it the other card had three lines one longer one shorter one the same and beginning with the paid actors one by one they would stand up and convincingly say that the shorter line was equal to this first line by the time it got around to that eighth naive participant thirty percent of them would deny their own eyes to go along and fit in with the group they so much wanted to they they would doubt their own perception they would say well these people must know more than i do and and so this has now been used in classroom settings they call it behavior modification so forget academic achievement they would just peer pressure kids and the teacher would say set what's acceptable right sort of like the king would set the the dress or the wig or the makeup or the queen everybody wants to dress like so the authority figure the imam the whatever sets the the authority so the teacher sets what's acceptable and it's as easy as this um first day of class the teacher says who believes it's normal to have a mommy and a daddy and little johnny raises his hand he goes you're a hateful kid you're a homophobe you're a bigot you're a terrible kid you're the worst kid in the whole wide world and she stops and says does anybody else believe what little johnny does everybody's like uh right so you you if solinsky says you pick a target you freeze it you isolate it and you destroy it and then everybody backs away not just from them but from everything they believe so this concept was used in marketing it's used in the nazis studied but then it's gone online and so now everyone wants to be liked and friended and followed and nobody wants to be unfriended and de-platformed right it's it's almost an online version of honor shame culture from the asia and the middle east what what brings honor to your family is good what shames your family is bad sometimes they'll even kill their own daughter if she embarrasses them in front of their group right their community and so this is now a manipulated public opinion that's not real but they're able to create this impression that the google with their algorithms you type in a candidate's name it'll pull up all the negative articles on one candidate all the positive articles on the other candidate and the person doing the search wants to fit in with what everybody else is believing and they'll say oh okay and so this this pressures them and so we're seeing this being used today on a massive level in the media in the internet and um in this public opinion could you relate the covid virus and stuff to all of this because i think there's a lot of that lot of shame and and and people are going by what everybody else is doing not following logic yeah so there it was a uh sort of like the solomon ash experiment uh and chuck colson talked about it it was one done with wine tasting and so they had a room full of couples and they would taste the wine and everybody was in on this experiment except one naive couple and they poured vinegar in the wine and this couple writes this tastes terrible but all the other ones would stand up and say this taste this is why i had character this was robust this was really good by the time i got around to this naive couple they had scratched out that it was terrible and they agreed with the crowd and then someone stood up and said well you know all they did was pour vinegar in the wine the couple that had changed their views criticized that person for saying that and it's a phenomenon called false enforcement once somebody buys into the false view they don't they don't know what happened but they they finally cave to what the group says they will enforce that everybody else go along with the group so is that happening yes yes so this is what's called the psychological operation or a psyops and now the little background on that so world war ii ends and germany france england give independence to their former colonies and now it's a brand new world with new countries and new leaders romania and czechoslovakia and lithuania and the kgb decides that it wants to take over these countries so they would send kgb agents into these brand new countries and identify all the people groups and break them into victims and oppressors haves and have-nots ethnically right bosnian serbs croats religiously of sunni shia orthodox racially economically didn't matter they would break them into these groups and then they would have the victims stage protests that they would escalate into riots escalate into violence caused the country to get into a panic and then they would co-opt the media with bribes and threats to blame the current leader for all of the problems and when they would nurture weak links in the military and when the country got panicky enough they would do a coup or a rigged election replace the leader with the soviet puppet and uh the violence would suddenly subside for a while but when the dust settled everybody realized we just gave up our free country and now we're underneath the thumb of the soviet union so these tactics have been perfected the uh you the president in america at this time was truman he does nothing he thinks the united nations that he helped form will bring world peace but the next president is eisenhower and he's faced with 1953 iran siding with the soviet union the leader in iran was mazdadek and mazdak decides he's going to nationalize the oil industry in iran and people say well big deal wait a second britain has no oil and so in 1908 britain formed the anglo-iranian oil company you know it better as bp right british petroleum is really the anglo-iranian oil company and when mazdek nationalizes this britain has no oil and so they appealed to eisenhower and eisenhower approves the first cia operation to overthrow a country's leader it's operation ajax the cia operative on the ground is kermit roosevelt jr the grandson of teddy roosevelt he's an expert in foreign languages goes to tehran he does the same thing he recruits mobsters and gangsters and radical imams he stages protests and riots and attack mosques they co-opt the media with bribes and threats to blame mazdek for all the problems they find some weak links in the military when the country gets panicky enough they put mazda under house arrest lock him away for the rest of his life where he dies and they replaced him with the shaw who loved america because we put him in and then the cia did the same thing in guatemala in 1954 the congo 1960 dominican republic even chile and the kgb did the same thing with brezhnev helping yasser arafat to start the plo and brezhnev helping castro take over cuba and farc and so forth and so um so these are tactics called the cold war so these cold war tactics have been perfected being used in other countries but now we see them being used on our own soil you know washington warned against this you would know the exact time and quotes and everything but he basically said that if you ever use the power given to you to even if it accomplishes a good thing you've unleashed um something that will eventually turn against you well you can't do that yeah and bill you have just encapsulated what we've watched unfold this might be a good opportunity to insert questions are starting to come in but yeah this is a question i've got right here because uh wendy on facebook said how do christians respond to this projection and blame shifting what can we practically do on a daily basis yeah it's i would suggest calling them out on it now it's not a we've sort of um gotten used to uh the idea that that christians just go along with anything and we have to refresh ourselves and reread the gospels and see that almost every other time jesus talked he had pharisees and sadducees trying to catch him in his words his first public sermon ended with them wanting to push him off a cliff another sermon ended with them picking up rocks to stone him to death right i mean he was somebody that was not afraid to call out injustice when he saw it and so we need to refresh ourselves to the different uh aspects of jesus and not the fact that he just tolerated to the humble he was forgiving and open to the prideful he was tough but you know if you're dealing with the person one-on-one and they're saying these things well then you can do that but how do you deal with when it's on a national level and you've got these people with a platform that's reaching millions of people and here you are just an individual how do you counter that we don't have the same platform right uh that that is a difficult thing uh i am uh pleased to see lots of new platforms coming on um there's the truth and liberty but you've got gab and telegraph and uh signal and uh life dot usa and these mewi different apps and replacements to facebook and twitter and i would encourage people to begin to to take advantage of those from a political point of view i would get away from computer voting i spent two years with phyllis schlafly before she died collecting all the stories of voter fraud from around the country from all over eagle forum members and there's hundreds of different ways to do voter fraud from having names of people that are dead still on the voter rolls to having go out with cash paying people to take one of those names and go and vote with it to you know but with computer voting it's like totally open it is so easy to do computer voter fraud the computer's hooked up to the internet a certain company makes the modems and they're companies based in other countries well they have the codes to access the modem remotely and then the com companies that make the computer software they can have date sensitive fraud so the day before the election it works great the day after works great but the day of the election it sorts it out to a predetermined percentage they would have trap door programs where you'd punch a ballot in a way that nobody normally would and once it gets read it activates the code to sort it out to a predetermined percentage there were even lawsuits where salesmen for these companies and many of them are based in outside the united states but but the salesman would promise the little county uh executive that hey if you choose our machine over the other one we'll promise you get reelected um and uh so uh i could talk a whole lot on that you've been a recipient of voter fraud you ran for office in 2000 right right so you saw some of this firsthand right i ran against dick gephardt he was the nancy pelosi before nancy pelosi so he was the number one democrat in congress and on election night jefferson county missouri hillsborough we were ahead on the computers and all of a sudden the electricity goes off in the whole board of election the building and when it boots up again we go from being head to behind that sounds like trump's election and so when they we had people call us we hadn't heard of in decades and they call this when in georgia they said oh that water main broke and they had to get everybody out of the building and then they find out it wasn't a water main break someone stuffed a urinal they fixed it within an hour but they just needed an excuse to get everybody out of the building right we had my name left off the ballot in five wards in the city of st louis people need to vote for me my name wasn't there i mean i stood in front of guelphi elementary school for eight hours on election day in the cold shaking thousands of hands it was the largest precinct polling place in the county and um that night at our victory party i didn't win though but my uh we're watching the tv and all of a sudden i get a phone call from one of our volunteers down at the jefferson county board of election they said they they can't find the box of ballots from guffey elementary school like what i stood in front of that school for adot you're telling me that and um anyway at the same time my opponent gets on tv not just he won i mean it happens and it's for those that can say it doesn't happen they are either totally naive or they're they're benefiting from it somehow so let me ask the question i know we found to have a lot of others but what do we do about this this goes back to 2000 and i know that you were on uh just a few weeks ago with us and you said lyndon johnson was a master at all of this so this goes back decades it seems to be systemic how do we change the system well i would on a state by state level go back to paper ballots you think oh there's so many millions of ballots just count them on a precinct level and have it open to precinct judges from any party that wants to and sit there all night if you need to but everybody all the republican democrat whatever other parties you count them over and over again until you agree you sign off on it and then you tape the results to the window then you package up the ballots and send them to the board of the election and they can be tallied up but if you're running for office you can drive around all those little precincts look at all the windows and by golly that better be the same number that they announced on tv that night and do automatic audits and swap out the auditing companies and but paper ballots is the only way you can get around it now you can still bribe election judges but it it goes back to more of a local bribing versus with the computerized stuff you can have stuff in other countries accessing our elections so i would go back to paper ballots and people sometimes get discouraged and say well we can't turn around they for for them to work so there are some areas where every single republican won't accept trump now it makes no sense that somebody would be so republican they'd vote for every one of them and then vote for biden right so so it would take them a while to work any fraud down to the local offices i would tell every church to identify every elected office in your church area school board fire bar board police board and put a name on the ballot for every single seat that's what the other side did they did it faithfully for 20 years and they've got into the system just run somebody maybe they can get in maybe they can't get in once a month there's there's the political parties have their meetings right the democrats have a club the republicans have a club just say have the church on that thursday night of whatever week show up at the republican club meeting you know take over the whole meeting let me just say that mark and i were in a meeting this last week and we've got a meeting with david barton bill federer tamara and we are starting to do some of these exact things so we aren't just describing the problem we are taking steps to fix it we're premature to say anything tonight but we're doing stuff and what this is all saying is we have to get involved it's we the people and i'm looking at your second volume i believe there bill of miracles in american history now last week we had david and tim barton and i asked him this question this is some of the most encouraging materials or short stories that i believe your wife put together susie that just her favorite accounts can you think because when you hear this stuff people's hearts can be overwhelmed be discouraged say what what good is it to even hope this will change can you think of any particular time or something that stands out because there were times in history that had god himself not intervened we wouldn't be here starting with our birth is there a particular story that stands out in your mind that would give us encouragement tonight with all of this stuff we've seen because i believe so many people are watching and they know something in here is telling them that all this stuff that's gone on the election fraud and all these staged riots and all these kind of things is there any particular story that stands out in your mind that would be an encouragement for the viewers well thanks for mentioning that mark we have to remind ourselves the church was born into a one world anti-christian government the roman empire evidently god's not concerned about christians being in one world anti-christian governments the church not only survived but won and so this is the idea that um history has gone on and on israel they for a long period of time they were in charge of their own destiny but there was a point when they sinned enough and god let them get taken away into babylon they were still god's people they still ministered and they still grew and then eventually god let them go back it's just learning how i'm reminded of when the missionaries were in china right so in the late 1800s the missionaries went to china and they were there all the way up until the uh mao taetang and he did a cultural revolution where they uh not just drove out the missionaries but they build those the churches down and they dusted their hands and said that's it we took care of christianity but providentially some of the church leaders said no no the building's not the church you're the church and they they i remember one told the story of a lady going to a a laundromat first he said it was watchmeni uh was one of these chinese pastors and he said five things number one if we cannot someday we may not be able to broadcast lord willen will be able to continue to this but in some countries like china and so forth these freedoms are not there but five things number one listen for people around you for neat that have needs in the course of your day right have a spiritual ear if god just happens to have somebody cross your path and they have a need so so keep a spiritual number two do the best you can to meet that person's need number three become that person's friend continue to stay in touch with them number four introduce them to some of your other christian friends and finally introduce them to your friend jesus so that he tells the story uh years ago ago i met uh uh paul yankee cho uh the world's largest church there in seoul korea anyway tells the story of a lady going to a laundromat you know they lived in those high-rise and her crying goes around the corner it's a new pregnant mom and she doesn't know how they're going to make it so she brings a bag of groceries over to this new pregnant mom their their house and and helps her and then she goes back every now and then it checks up on her how are you doing then you get some of our other christian lady friends to go and they check up on her have a baby shower and so forth and finally this girl says why are you all being so nice to me and they said well let me let us tell you about our friend jesus now that girl's not about to turn him into the communist authorities because they were her friends in her time of need and so with that model the church exploded in growth behind the bamboo curtain so what we may be entering into is a period where it's going to be a personal faith it's going to be each christian living out their faith in their own day-to-day having a spiritual ear if it doesn't mean that you go out and necessarily pass out a track to a stranger but if the lord has somebody cross your path and and they have a need and you have a spiritual leader you're like okay lord is this you and do you right then you do the best you can to meet the need right if you're a guy and there's you know somebody that got a flat tire you feel like you can help out so um and i tried to help a guy that was broken down on the road today just walking down the road and stuff and you know i i believe you could prove and verify that during um history throughout history that persecution and hardship actually causes the church to grow prosperity has been more damaging to the church than persecution it's caused leanness of soul and you know david barton pointed out in the last two decades we've had an explosion of mega churches but in that same two decades a decrease of professing christians from 85 to 65 percent and one of the things he said was you know we think bigger is better but what you just described is true christianity so david told he had a meeting in arizona and six people showed up and somebody said well would that do to your ego and he said well it didn't bother me i ministered to those six people and one of those six people became a very effective state senator in the state of arizona and what you just described one another question that's come in i think this is important too how can parents make sure their kids are learning traditional american history and i want to say this i was going to say it a little bit earlier revisionism is not so much what they're trying to introduce it's not what they're saying it's what they don't say the uniqueness of for instance you and david barton is there's some things left out about our christian heritage so how can parents make sure their kids are learning genuine i guess we could say unedited american history well that um is is sort of the reason my wife wanted to put this book together of miracles in american history we got a volume one and a volume two there are stories in our country's past where there's a crisis they pray and things turn around and uh one of the things this in this volume we found out that revivals usually happen in times of crises so you got the the french and indian war well gee at the exact same time is the first great awakening and then you have the revolutionary war and then you got the circuit riding preachers and then you have the uh you know the barbary pirate war and a threatened war with france and then you got the second great awakening revival so in times of crises people turn to christ and it's in time to crisis that god raises up leaders you never would have heard of moses had an open for the crisis with pharaoh never heard her david hadn't happened for the crisis with the goliath we never would have heard of george washington that hadn't happened for the crisis with king george he just would have been another gentleman virginia farmer never would have heard of lincoln had it happened for the crisis of slavery he just would have been an illinois lawyer the other thing we found is that it's always the preaching of the law before people see their need for the lamb and so the first great awakening is jonathan edwards sinners in the hands of an angry god what's that all about it's god is a just god which means he has to judge every sin if he doesn't judge the sin his silence is effectively giving consent to the sin right silence gives consent remember a wedding ceremony and the pastor says anyone that's against this wedding speak now or forever hold your peace if you're sitting there in the wedding silent your silence is giving consent to the wedding so if there's sins and god is not judging them his silence is giving consent to sin and if god gives consent to sin he's no longer a just god right he he denies his just character he denies himself and god cannot deny himself so he is going to judge every sin the gospel is that jesus took the judgment of our sin in our place right so so once you realize gee it's one strike and you're out all you got to do is sin one time and you can never go to heaven by being good enough it's like whoa i'm in trouble i need help okay now i got your attention here's help jesus he died on the cross to pay for your sin and so we see that the preaching of the law there was a 1857 layman's prayer revival there was a financial collapse in new york thousands of people out of work one guy named jeremiah lamphier puts a sign out says come in at lunch time and pray like one person comes in but he does it and the next week 10 people the next week a dozen hundreds thousands to pretty soon 20 30 000 people in new york chicago la all across the country and it's a layman's nobody's organizing it's just a move of the spirit it's people saying i'm going to get involved and then there's you know billy sunday was a famous baseball player at the height of his career he decides to be an evangelist and pioneers radio broadcasting and dl moody was a shoe salesman and there was a empty saloon in downtown chicago and he opens it up for kids to come in and he one person visited and said that um dl moody could hardly read the bible himself and he was holding up a black child and he had the cam the layup and was struggling reading through the bible and he says if god can use that guy he could use anybody theo moody said it's the biggest lie of the devil to think that kids can't understand the gospel when god used a child to be the example of faith d.l moody actually had such a hard time reading that he would read until he got to a word he couldn't pronounce or didn't know what it was and so he'd preach up to that point and then start on the other side of that word i've heard that story before we quit we're just about out of time you need to tell them about your website and how they can get your materials oh thank you andrew americanminute.com americanminute.com and i send out a daily history email that you can sign up for for free and also have the different books and you got all of your books listed on there right right this brand new one called miraculous milestones in science medicine and innovation in the faith of those who made them it's great for witnessing to unbelievers and sort of with those that are on college campuses and in school and we're going to give this to one person that we choose so go to our website and sign up and we will pick a winner out of this i think we've got time for one more question we do um curtis on chat here should christians continue to vote in light of recent election irregularities right uh definitely and again look at all the local offices so even if we didn't win the presidency for somebody that was pro-life right i voted for trump uh but even if we didn't win that there's still lots of local elections that the fraud has not gotten down to and you can make a difference there uh i do think we need to transition to paper ballots put pressure on congressman to at least suggest that and bring it up as a bill but have someone run for every single office whether you win or not just put your name to run for a school board seat to run for uh you know city council or whatever and let you can't hit a home run at least you unless you come up to bat yeah i i heard somebody years ago i think it was terry law and he says i bet the lord used me to heal more people than anybody else in this room and he says you think i'm being boastful he goes no he says i just prayed for more people it says if you're sitting there you're not praying for anybody god's not going to you put your hand on him and say a prayer and he says you'll start seeing stuff but it's like you you just put your name on the ballot get out there and do something and then let god do his half i agree we need to get involved on the local level but at the same time there are some people who are trying to get some voter uh some things changed in the voting system and so we need to pray about that and deal with all that voter fraud too we got a minute and a 40 seconds got one more question um oh let's see how should christians respond this is linda on youtube how should christians respond to the growing influence of socialism expose it that's what i did in this book socialism is the cultural bait and switch imagine if older fish could tell younger fish to stay away from sparkly things in the water but they can't so every new generation of little fishes see that sparkling little fishing lure up there and goes up and bite it socialism is the sparkly thing in the water it's free food free clothes free education free well free is attractive right but there's a hook in there there's a great quote from gerald ford he says the government that's big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have man well we're just about out of time again we want to thank ctn for carrying this on their network and we do this every monday night at 6 p.m mountain time and we have on some of the greatest guests if you don't know bill federer if you hadn't been to his website if you don't get that american minute please sign up for it i think it's a free deal isn't it right right it's sent out to you uh by email and i promise you you will be blessed so thanks to pastor mark for uh filling in and uh richard harris man we missed you tonight yes we did i bet it'll be sure to be here yeah next week we'll have you back next week but god bless you we are going to be back next monday and i encourage you to please participate in the political process that's what truth and liberty is all about go to truth in liberty dot com or net net and check us out we'll see you again next monday god bless you join us next time for the truth and liberty broadcast find tonight's episode in related articles and links at truthandliberty.net truth in liberty is viewers supported if you'd like to help us continue our live casts you can make a donation at truthandliberty.net you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 6,084
Rating: 4.8528428 out of 5
Keywords: Federer, Election, Rights, Constitution, Education, Law, Economy, Democrat, Republican, Globalism, Immigration, Environmentalism, Politics, Marxism, Socialism, Family, Agenda, Ideology, Truth, America, History
Id: RHF_vlBUnfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 26sec (3506 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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