William "Bill" Federer - Socialism

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[Music] we're going to go back to plato 380 bc in athens and he writes in passing of atlantis this highly structured society which he considers very advanced and so forth and it uh offends the greek greek gods and gets sunk in the ocean and he keeps referring back to that this uh you know he describes it and so forth and uh sort of went into the imagination of uh writers well uh if this is a structured society he considers democracy an unstructured society so demos means uh people crossy means rule and so they had a democracy in athens and the main characteristic of a democracy is tolerance everybody tolerates each other it's great he said it's the most charming form of government it's like a bazaar where you can buy any viewpoint it's like an embroidery patchwork with lots of colors and and so they tolerate each other and then they tolerate some people that are a little bit off then they tolerate people that are a lot off until finally they're tolerating crooks and crime and fraud in broad daylight looting and nobody does anything about it they're just tolerated and then convicted criminals are just walking the street and nobody does anything about it and then he says um the manner of life is that of democrats that's his word because he's describing a democracy uh the matter of life is that of democrats every man does what is right in his own eyes and uh now where have we seen that line before right in the book of judges and he says the then this tolerance uh this you know everybody doing what's right in their own eyes creeps into their morality and he says the young man passes into freedom and libertarianism and useless and unnecessary pleasures there is no conceivable folly or crime not accepting incest or any other unnatural union yes that's what he's talking about he's parted company with all shame and uh lord behold 1934 uh oxford anthropologist named j.d unwin wrote a book titled sex and culture in which he studied 80 civilizations over 5 000 years of history and he found out that loosening of sexual restraints always leads to civilizational decline and he actually in this book breaks it into four categories a civilization and now you study greeks and babylonians and assyrians and egyptians and you know romans and all this stuff you studied all these different civilizations he said first they go through a period of pain and poverty right they come through a war they come through a famine and then they pitch in they work together they become productive they become protective they become prosperous uh they begin to grow and become expansionistic and innovative and then they become prosperous and then they become pleasure-focused and indulgent and lazy and they're enjoying all their riches and so forth then they become promiscuous indulgent undisciplined lawless and weakened and then they get conquered by the next civilization that's on the rise he says it's irreversible he says everyone that he's seen once they why because human nature is on their side the human nature wants this uh this indulgent pleasure and um anyway uh he actually calls it a sexual marketplace he says if the women say nothing happens unless there's a ring on the finger and a commitment the guy says okay whatever it takes and um then the guy ends up working hard to bring back to give to his wife and he becomes productive and then little kids appear and he becomes protective and when all the men of the country become productive and protective the country ends up becoming productive and protective and more expansionistic and there's more kids to fill the military ranks but he says if the women say oh you know there doesn't need to be a commitment water seeks its own level guys will say really okay i'm i'm happy to go ahead that direction and the guy becomes more pleasure focused and more of um selfish and when the majority of the men in the country become this direction it ends up becoming less productive and less protective and there's fewer kids and the it weakens from the inside and now he's not a christian he's a you know oxford anthropologist anyway so john adams writes to thomas jefferson have you ever found in history a single example of a nation thoroughly corrupted that was afterwards restored to virtue and without virtue there could be no political liberty will you tell me how to prevent luxury from producing effeminacy intoxication extravagance vice or folly no effort in favor of virtue is lost harry is truman said without a firm moral foundation freedom to degenerate quickly into selfishness and anarchy so what happens you have this democracy they're tolerating uh each other it's good then they tolerate people they're off then tolerate people a lot of it goes into the morality then it goes into their finances and so now they're indulgent and there's a city treasury sitting there with all this money and it's a democracy they just vote to spread the wealth around now the treasury's empty well i like this money where can we get more money out of the rich people it's a democracy they just vote to take the money from the rich people now there's no rich people left and then there's a shortage and they begin to have a tug of war well don't cut back on what i'm used to getting don't cut back on mine and before you know it turns into tensions and chaos and anarchy and fighting and in this chaos they begin to say can't someone come along and fix this mess and that's when some governor comes along and says i can fix it i just need some emergency powers and they take the powers they usurp the power and before you know it they stand in the chariot of state holding the reins of power and they're revealed as the tyrant so plato's model is democracy without morals and virtue ends in chaos out of which a tyrant usurps power and the uh this is what he says the last of all comes the tyrant in the early days of his power he is full of smiles but having a mob entirely at his disposal he's not restrained from shedding the blood so he smiles until he gets in power and then when somebody challenges his power he uses this mob to go after him if any are suspected of resistance to his authority he will have a good pretext for destroying them the protector standing up in the chariot estate with the reins in his hands a tyrant absolute now um he says a tyrant governor will attract mobs and hire voices fair and loud and persuasive sort of like a fake media right you know and now media let's talk about this for a second athens democracy the there's 6 000 citizens and they decide what's going to happen in the city now if you have a king and you have an agenda you got to get in to see the king to pitch your agenda well if it's a citizens or ruling like in a democracy and you have an agenda how do you pitch your agenda to an entire city theater and so they would get the entire city into an amphitheater and they would put on plays comedy satires tragedies where they would ridicule and buffoon certain points of view and honor and extol other points of view and you read aristophanes and these greek comedies and they're actually ribbing politicians by name and so it's very similar to saturday night i mean it's just and um and then in the tragedies they honor and extol certain character qualities as noble and so forth and people leave the theater saying like i don't want to be that poor guy that was ridiculed to death and this other person they were noble from that time till now theater media hollywood is always political in a country where it's the people that makes the decisions think of your favorite sitcom or show or movie there's a character you identify with they're cute they're funny they're the hero and as this series goes on this character begins to make morally compromising decisions all right they lie a little bit here cheat a little bit here a little lust little revenge and you find yourself apologizing for him saying i know james bond is with a woman he's not married to but he's about to save the world so can we get on with the story and it minimizes a character quality that used to be important to you marital fidelity and now it's and then they make people that hold old traditional values look like they're backwards and bumpkins and simples and idiots and even hateful and you turn off the show saying man that guy did look really backwards and i don't want to be looking like that and and the other person you know they're so cool i want to wear their ten issues you know and um and so what happens is that there's a human desire to fit in with the group and when it's perceived that the group adopts certain values you want to go along with that and when something is ridiculed by the group then you want to back away from that anyway this is greek theater plato says democracy is doomed to fail because it's based on people having virtue and if you give people a choice between giving up their life or giving up their virtue they will always give up their virtue to save their life now i'll talk about ancient israel they attempted to rule themselves without a king and they did for 400 years their experiment lasted a little longer because they had a big magnet in the sky called god and people were virtuous because they were accountable to this god athens didn't have that athen had of fickle deities that by plato's time nobody really believed in anyway so plato said it's it's bound to fail and then he said this believe it or not 380 bc if a truly just man lived let him die as he lived i might add that the just man will be scourged racked bound and will at last be crucified he wrote that in 380 bc anyway so plato concluded that the best you can hope for is a nice tyrant he called them a philosopher king and he is the head of gold and his administrator military deep state political crony class they are the arms and chest of silver together they make up the ruling class everyone else is the abdomen of iron and bronze and they are the ruled class so now we're back to a structured society of a ruling class and a ruled class so atlantis was this structured society democracy is unstructured turns into chaos and now we're going to get back to a structured society with a head of gold king tyrant king and then the military enforcers and and deep state people they're the arms and chest of silver they're the ruling class and then the people there are the peasants they're the abdomen of iron and bronze the ruled class so that's socialism so every major book that goes and does an expose or history on socialism goes back to plato goes back to this uh so the ruling class they're above the law they're politically connected they're supported by the commoners down below they get favors i mean they can get their hair styled when nobody else can right and then the ruled class they own no property they have no families the government decides who gets to have children and the government takes the children from the parents and the children are quote unquote socialized in government schools why they learn how to give up their parents values and just obey date tells them to obey and serve the ruling class so plato writes this when the true philosopher kings are born in a state they will set an order their own city they will take possession of the children who will be unaffected by the habits of their parents these they will train in their own habits and laws and so if you think of it your spirit mind and body your mind is like a super fancy computer it's more than that but it's at least that and your body's like the computer case which makes it silly for people to argue over what color the computer case is right red computers are better than green computers it's like really doesn't matter what color the computer case is what matters is what software what apps are running on the thing right so it doesn't matter what color somebody's skin is it's what behavioral software is loaded onto their brain is it the gospel software love your enemies turn the other cheek forgive or is it a selfish malware spyware you know corrupted files so the battle for society is who gets to load the software on the next generation's brains and um anyway now plagio says that the children are taught noble lies he actually calls them noble lies but the lies help him stay in power and since the best she can hope for is a nice tyrant it's okay for him to stay in power now plato again he lived 380 bc let's fast forward like almost 2000 years columbus discovers america and now there's new lands and there is a writer in england named sir thomas more and he writes the island of utopia and it's a fictitious island off the coast of south america supposedly discovered by amerigovus buchi and the word utopia means nowhere and the book is written as a dialogue with a traveler and the traveler's name is heith lodes which means peddler of nonsense and so he's referring back island he's referring back to the island of atlantis and it's lo and behold a perfectly organized society with a upper class ruling rulers and lower class commoners there's free health care free identical clothing everyone lives in communistic a welfare style living they have shared identical three-story public housing with no locks on any doors they have common meals and monastic communal dining halls there is no private property all goods are stored in a communal warehouse there are no taverns no ale houses no coffee houses no places for private gatherings no privacy everyone is tracked with an internal passport and if you're caught traveling without your passport it's a lifetime of slavery the government decides everyone's careers there are no families the government decides who gets to have sex and who gets to have children and then the government takes the children away from the from the parents uh this is similar to china's one child policy where the government decides who gets to have kids and margaret sanger the founder of planned parenthood said no woman shall have the legal right to bear a child without a permit so we went through plato's structured society on the island of atlantis or thomas morris structured society on the island of utopia and now let's skip forward to sir francis bacon in 1626 and he writes the new atlantis so he's naming it new atlantis intentionally referring to plato's atlantis and so on sir francis bacon this new atlantis is a fictitious island in the south pacific off the coast of peru and it is highly structured with a ruling class and a rule class a little more scientific because the scientific revolution took place by this time with sir isaac newton discovering there's laws of gravity laws of optics laws of planetary motion robert boyle discovering laws of pressure and and so anyway uh and the government dictates everyone's careers and you work the career the government assigns to you for the rest of your life someone wrote a farced on this jonathan swift's gulliver's travels right here's gulliver washed up on this island and he discovers it has a ruling class and a ruled class and the ruling class is ridiculous and all this and everybody else just has to obey and so forth and uh now why is this important the pilgrims the pilgrims were originally a company colony companies are interesting there were no companies in the middle ages it was a sin of usury to pay or receive interest and so there were guilds which were groups with a thousand rules if you want to open up a shoe peddler shop in a town but there were no companies the reformation happens and the first companies are formed uh first one in um uh the company had merchant adventurers in england in 1555 and they were going to go north of russia to get over to china and they freeze in the ice a couple of them are rescued and taken to ivan the terrible and they turn it into the muscovy company but it doesn't make any money and then the dutch formed the dutch east india company and they find their way around south africa to go india all the way to japan and for two centuries the dutch east india company is the richest company making more money than all the other companies combined and and then the british start the british east india company and then the british start the virginia company and then they start the london company and so the pilgrims were sponsored by the london company and it had investors that wrote the bylaws for the company and the bylaws um looked back to plato answered thomas warrens or francis bacon so you got these rich guys and they're pretty smart and they're saying they're okay how is cal even gonna be run and and so um anyways there's three types of colonies one's a royal crown colony ruled by a administrator from the king the other is a proprietary colony where it's all given as a property to william penn or somebody and then there's the company colony so the bylaws of the pilgrims said everything would be owned in common actually called it a communistic plan the pilgrims tried it and almost starved to death william bradford uh gives record he says the bylaws said all profits benefits that are got by trade trucking trade traffic trucking working fishing or by any other means shall remain in ye common stock all are to have their meat drink apparel and provisions out of ye common stock and at the end of seven years yi capital and profits the house's lands goods and chattel will be equally divided betwixt adventurers that's the name for the investor and the planters bradford said the failure of that experiment of communal service was which was tried for several years by good and honest men proves the emptiness of the theory of plato and others applauded by some of latter times here's the governor of the pilgrims william bradford in his history of the plymouth settlement saying proves the emptiness of the theory of plato they knew that they were acting out this theory of plato and this theory of sir thomas warren this theory of sir francis bacon and he says that the taking away of private property and possession of it in community would make a state happy and flourishing as if they were wiser than god for in this instance community of property was found to breed much confusion discontent and much employment which would have been to the general benefit and comfort for the young men who were most able and fit for service objected to being forced to spend their time and strength in working for other men's wives and children without any recompense the strong man or the resourceful man had no more share of food clothes etc than the weak man who was not able to do a quarter the of what the other could this was thought injustice the aged and graver men who were ranked and equalized in labor food clothes except or with the humbler and younger ones thought it some indignity and disrespect to them as for men's wives who were obliged to do service for other men such as cooking washing their clothes etc they considered it a kind of slavery and many husbands would not brook it or allow it and he goes on let none argue that this is due to human failing rather than to this communistic plan of life in itself i see answering that all men have this failing in them that god saw in his wisdom that another plan of life was fitter for them so they began to consider how to raise more corn and obtain a better crop than they had done so they might not continue to endure the misery of want at length after much debate the governor with the advice of the chief among them allowed each man to plant corn for his own household wow what a novel idea and so every family was assigned a parcel of land according to the proportion of their number this was very successful it made all hands very industrious so that much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the governor could devise and saved him a great deal of trouble and gave far better satisfaction the women now went willingly into the field and took their little ones with them to plant corn while before they would allege weakness and inability and to have compelled them would have been thought great tyranny and oppression so plato's for thomas morris or francis bacon all theoretical the pilgrims tried to live it they almost starved to death and they scrapped it and they gave everybody their own plot of land so any questions so far is this interesting is it so um so the pilgrims replaced it with a covenant form of government and i'll explain that in a minute a covenant is uh where people are committed to each other uh but it's voluntary you're not forcibly having to share you're voluntarily committing to helping each other and you get your rights directly from god and you're personally accountable to god so you're voluntarily nice to each other because you're aware you're accountable to god not because the government and the uh the they looked back to ancient israel and matter of fact they taught hebrew at yale and harvard now this was interesting so between the reformation 1517 and the age of enlightenment which began in the early 1600s you have a century where the scholars in europe are not just thrilled that they can read the bible in their own language they focus on a particular part of the bible that first 400 years when israel came out of egypt before they got king saul right so it's the first five books of the bible and then the book of judges and so this was unique on planet earth where you have the whole world ruled by kings and here you have these um uh israelites come out of egypt and for 400 years they're ruling themselves without a king and how did this affected america's founders matter of fact harvard which is in massachusetts uh had a president named samuel langford and when the constitution was written it needed to be ratified by nine states and so there were eight that had ratified it the ninth was new hampshire and it was about to vote against it and so samuel langdon harvard president shows up and he gives an address titled the republic of the israelites an example to the american states and so uh he said instead of the 12 tribes of israel we may substitute the 13 states of the american union and see this application plainly after his address they they vote and they ratify it so our u.s constitution went into effect after the sermon the republic of the israelites an example to the american states so what was the republic of the israelites it was that first 400 year period when israel came out of egypt before they got king saul right so here we are they come out of egypt and since there is no king everyone is equal you see if there's a king if you're friends with the king you're more equal you're not friends with the king you're less equal you're an enemy of the king you're dead it's called treason or you're a slave and so in ancient israel there was no king and the law specifically says there is no respect of persons in judgment rich or poor everyone is to be treated the same right so this is um how many of you have studied this before i don't want to be repeating myself all right is this is this have you studied ancient israel's republic before all right well let's go through real quick so ancient israel was the first instance in world history of equality right every wherever you have a king a pharaoh a caesar a kaiser a sultan if you're friends with a king you're more equal you're not friends with the king you're less equal you're an enemy of the king you're dead so ancient israel was the beginning of the concept of equality ancient israel came up with the idea of tolerance there were strangers living amongst them but they never felt compelled to force the stranger to convert and become an israelite ancient israel was the first place where there was private land ownership how many of you like owning things right and so wherever there's a king you never really own anything all right it's always going to be conditional of you staying on the nice side of the king you cross the king he will take away your land and everything you own and kill you well in ancient israel the land was permanently titled to each family if they got in a pinch and sold the land every 50 years the land reverted back to that family that feature prevented a dictator from gathering up all the land and putting the people back into slavery so if you own land you can accumulate stuff the bible called that being blessed karl marx called it being a capitalist you got stuff you worked hard you saved it right matter of fact karl marx says communism can be summed up in one sentence abolition of private property but yet the bible has god giving private property to every single family permanently to that family ancient israel had no police everyone was taught the law everyone helped enforce the law it was like everybody was deputized we have a little of that today with traffic laws right somebody's driving crazy cut you off you take it upon yourself to honk the horn right you help enforce the traffic laws and maybe um you know a a babysitter watching a bunch of neighborhood kids she has no problem correcting somebody else's kids in ancient israel everybody corrected everybody else it was a self-policing system and why how did everybody know to correct everybody else because everybody was taught the law from a child matter of fact that is why god chose abraham it says um genesis god says for i know him abraham that he will teach his children to keep the way of the lord to do justice and judgment and then deuteronomy teach them to your children and grandchildren teach them to thy sons and thy son's sons teach them diligently true children so again the battle is over who gets to load the software on the next generation's brains god chose abraham because he knew that abraham would teach his children on the children's children and so forth so in ancient israel every single child was taught the law so that they could all help enforce the law ancient israel had no standing army uh you have another these are good points if you want to uh write these down or when i get done you can even take a picture of the screen but ancient israel had no standing army every man was automatically in the militia and armed with a sword upon their thigh and they were ready at a moment's notice to defend their family and their community ancient israel um had no prisons when joseph was in egypt he was in prison for a couple years well in ancient israel there were no prisons when a crime was committed you witness the crime you get the accused you bring them to the elders of the city and they have the trial right then and if it's a capital crime you can run away to a city of refuge and wait for it but but it was immediate and ancient israel had a bureaucracy-free welfare system what's that well uh instead of a remember in egypt people were selling their souls to the pharaoh for a bag of grain well in israel when somebody harvested their field they left the gleanings the corners of the field for the poor people to pick through like ruth this way the poor were taken care of and they did something because they to keep their dignity right um but it was providing for the poor without some political leader collecting everything and doling it back out as favors to those that can help keep him in power right so it was the poor were taken care of sort of on a cellular level so to speak ancient israel had a system of honesty god hates unjust weights and measures this became the basis for commerce and ancient israel got to choose their own leaders of their different tribes so every village would elect their own elders and the elders would send representatives to the sanhedrin so this is a good slide if you wanted to take a picture of it to show how ancient israel is different than the king run top-down colonies so um anyway so this is what moses spake unto the children of israel how can i myself alone bear your burden take you wise men and understanding and known among your tribes and i will make them rulers over you so this was an election process in the tribe you know the people that hate covetousness that hate bribes and so moses says you pick him and you bring him to me so anyone in ancient israel could be raised up into leadership gideon from a nobody family here's deborah a woman becomes a national leader not because she's related to royalty she simply knows the law she's honest the reputation spreads people make their way all the way across the country for her to hear their case and tell them what the law says where else in the world at this time where you have kings and emperors and pharaohs where else in the world could a woman become a national leader who's not related to royalty it's just her so an action is where anyone could be raised up so harvard president samuel langdon says the israelites may be considered as a pattern to the world in all ages of government on republican principles from abject slavery a mere mob to a well-regulated nation under laws far superior to what any other nation could boast think of it they go from 400 years of slavery they can't even read and suddenly they get downloaded the most unique form of government the world has ever seen so contrary of human nature right human nature is the default setting for human nature is gangs right a bully on the playground uh you know junior high girls get together and one of them is the diva of the clique if you're her friend you're in if you're not girls can be real cruel to each other right you're ouster-sized you're out right the default setting is gangs and with military advancements these ganks can get bigger and you got you know indian chiefs and gang leaders in the city and ultimately a king so all king is in a sense as a glorified gang leader now ancient israel had a covenant form of government during this 400 year period with no king and it was people getting their rights individually from god not from a pharaoh and we're all being nice to each other because we're accountable to this god and um so if you think of it of power as a spectrum one side is total government the other side is no government total government power concentrates into the hands of a king like gravity like a black hole it concentrates and the kings rule through fear you do what the king says or he kills you and so if you're going to take power away from the king the people need to have virtue that's what plato said right and and so that means everybody in ancient israel had to be taught the law and uh i thought of a way of explaining this uh how many of you have iphones or a phone with a gps on it you know and uh so so think of uh your iphone and you have the the gps um it knows exactly where you're at and it can tell you turn left 50 yards ahead imagine if there was a behavioral app that could tell you how to act in real time right i see you looking at that on the table don't steal that oh you'll see you don't lose your temper at that person right don't hold it right and so think of the law as a behavioral app and the levites were the computer geeks that help you to download this thing it's like well how do you where do you go to apple store google play press this button here press this button here this is here's the settings you go to this right and so everybody has a copy of the law memorized on their heart the ten commandments they're from little kids everybody's got but why would you follow it what would motivate you to follow an internal moral ancient israel had the key ingredient there is a god who is watching everyone he wants you to be fair and he's going to hold you accountable in the future so you're about to steal nobody's around you know you can get away with it and then you think god is watching me he wants me to be fair he's going to hold me accountable in the future maybe i should hesitate stealing and so it creates something in your head called a conscience if everybody in the country seriously really does believe this you can maintain complete complete order complete safety security for life and probably women can go anywhere without fear right and um anyway but if you get rid of this god all you got a bunch of rules that some old men made up why follow them some will out of habit as long as it's socially acceptable like plato said you know but if you give people a choice between a temptation and virtue and they're hey it's there and there's no accountability they're going to start yielding to their selfish side and give in to libertarianism and useless and unnecessary pleasure and it's going to turn into chaos and lawlessness and rioting in the streets and looting and nobody's going to stop them so they just keep pushing it's like a wild animal right if they and this out of this chaos people say well we need someone to come along and restore order and um what happened with ancient israel so the high priest the main guy that's supposed to be teaching the law his own sons are sleeping with women in the very tent where the ark of the covenant is right and then you have the story of a levite in the book of judges with a silver graven image in the house of a guy named micah and the tribe of dan comes along and steals the graven image and has this levite come along and they tell him you can be a priest to our whole tribe and you're reading the story scratching your head thinking what's this levite doing with a graven image like isn't that one of the commandments you're not supposed to have graven images so it shows that the levites weren't following the law much less teaching it and then the terrible story of a levite with a concubine the law says the levite is to marry a virgin of his own tribe curious with the woman he's not even married to and they're traveling and they're in a house surrounded by sodomites something about that behavior right this giving into useless and unnecessary pleasures even incest and unnatural union as plato said there's casting off of moral restraints this abandonment to passion and they're not content with doing it on their own they want to force it on other people and they're banging on the door and they rape the poor girl to death and by the time you're grossed out with the story you read this line every man did that which was right in their own eyes why because the priests had stopped teaching them what was right in the lord's eyes they lost the awareness and fear of god they lost the knowledge of the law all they had left was their selfish raw human passion they give into it it turns into chaos and then they get a king now they all go to samuel the prophet they say this self-government system's not working we want to be like all the other countries we want a philosopher king right we want a tyrant and so the lord tells samuel they have not rejected thee but they have rejected me that i should not reign over them anyway so they get a king named saul and uh interesting story saul is pouting that his son jonathan became friends with david and saul turns to his soldiers and he goes you soldiers don't care about me and one of them doug the edomite says king i care i saw david go to this city called knob the priests there gave him some bread and they gave him the sword of goliath that was stored there and saul says hmm bring those priests to me they come he turns to his men and says kill him the men hesitate doug the edomite says i'll kill him goes out there and kills them all what just happened the soldiers had been operating under the old system where every single person is accountable to god to follow the law and the law says you need two or more witnesses before you condemn someone to death there is only one witness doe egg so they're like okay you're telling me to kill i'm supposed to have two witnesses there's one and i'm personally accountable to god they're like this does not compute you know they're hesitating they still have a conscience doug says king i'm going to surrender my conscience to you you tell me to kill i'll kill you tell me it's okay to kill the baby in the womb fine tell me there's no more male and female fine you know tell me that the color yellow is now fair boating you know okay fine you tell me not to you know uh eat peanuts anymore whatever you tell me whatever you tell me whatever you tell me right you surrender to the state when nebuchadnezzar blows his trumpets you bow to his statue he doesn't care if you understand his statute he doesn't care if you have a warm feeling in your heart for the statute you just throw away your morals and your faith and your belief and just go along with the state anyway uh so how what now we've seen democracy without morals and virtue ends in chaos out of which a tyrant arises now this is a normal thing but there are some people that say hey let's speed it along let's let's hurry up and cause chaos and let's so discord and so this is proverbs 6 where it says six things the lord has seven are an abomination proud look lying tongue hand swift to shedding innocent blood and he that soweth discord amongst the brethren so we're going to look at this for a second gideon had an illegitimate son named abimelech and he went to the town of shechem and he went and said to the people and shechem is it better for you that all the sons of gideon reign over you remember also that i am your bone and your flesh so this is the first instance of race politics right hey i'm the same flesh as you look hey i'm one of you guys don't look at whether i'm a good ruler or not hey just i'm just one of you and uh so and his brethren spake of him in the ears of all the men of shechem with these words and their hearts inclined to follow abimelech for they said he is our brother so abimelech took money from the treasury of the pagan temple to hire protesters agitators rioters to commit violence and kill all of his half-brothers so it says and they gave him three score and ten pieces of silver out of the house of balbarith wherewith abimelech hired vain and worthless persons which followed him and he went unto his father's house at ophra and slew his brethren so he's hiring rioters and um so it kills them all and then the men of shechem made abimelech king so this hebrew republic experiment is temporarily over because he makes himself king and now it's sort of interesting once he's firmly in power the people of shechem begin to uh criticize him and what does he do he goes to shechem and he kills them all and it says abimelech fought against the city of shechem and slew the people and all the men of the tower of shechem entered into a hold of the house of the god balbareth the same temple where he took the 70 pieces of silver out of and abimelech sec set the hold on fire so that all the men of the tower of shechem died and also about a thousand men and women so this is the model right a tyrant will uh take money buy a bunch of riders to put him in power once he's in power he kills the very people that put him in and um and so he was a king for a couple years until someone threw a millstone over the wall and killed him anyway so we're going to see this theme again with machiavelli so machiavelli lives 500 years ago in italy italy was not italy it was a bunch of city states venice genoa naples florence siena and they all fought and machiavelli thought if one prince could control all of these city-states it would stop the infighting and so his end was good and so he thought the ends justifies the means the end of one prince controlling all these italian city-states will be such a good end because it will stop all this infighting that any means necessary to get there is justified light cheat steal so if a prince conquers a city-state the people would hate him but if the prince pays criminals takes money from the house of balbarid howard's venue pays criminals to riot and kill and smash windows and set things on fire the people will cry out for help this prince can come in and dispatch with the very people that he paid to cause the writhing nobody will know the better for it and everyone will praise the prince as a hero so it's good marketing you create the need and fill it you go around the back of the house and set it on fire then you go around the front of the house and sell them a fire extinguisher and they'll pay anything for it and even thank you for being there so it's called machiavellianism where you create or capitalize on a crisis to consolidate control right so if the democracy without morals and virtue ends in chaos outwards return arises this is this let's speed it along let's intentionally create crises or capitalize on a crisis to usurp power and um and so people in a crisis will panic and they'll quickly knee-jerk reactions surrender their freedoms for security and more recently it's been reworded this way you never want a serious crisis to go to waste it is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before rahm emanuel who was the campaign manager for the previous president or chief of staff rather so here's hillary clinton remark the chief of staff for president obama is an old friend of mine and my husband's and he said you know never waste a good crisis so you and i see a crisis our response is how can we help people through it they see a crisis and they think this is an opportunity for us to do a usurping power grab by the government and have the power go from the people to the socialist state and let's look at another example britain took over india you know how they did it india was lots and lots of kingdoms and the british would go to one kingdom and give them guns and go to another kingdom and give them guns and then stir up ancient animosities between the kingdoms and they would fight and beat each other up and when they were all beat up and weak the brits would come in and conquer both and restore order and then they would do it again and again and again until they took over all of india a quarter of the world's population and they tried doing it in america where the british would pay the indians to scalp the americans along the frontier right so here's a foreign power coming in paying and hiring rioters so to speak and they did this with the mohawks in the new york battle of saratoga and they did it in fort mims alabama where they scalped 500 people this is a historical marker it says um uh here the creek indian war 1813 and 14 took place the most brutal massacre in american history indians took the fort with heavy loss then killed all but about 36 of the some 550 in the fort creeks have been armed by the british at pensacola in this phase of the war of 1812. so here you have the british arming these indians and promising them money for scalps i mean it's one thing taking the fort but after they took the fort they had 550 captives they killed them and scalped them all one after the other one after the other wonder if they're why because the british promised some gold for scalps and so again you got a foreign power paying money to hire people to commit these violent acts and so the british could take away the our american freedom now another interesting example i found in history of a guy creating a crisis was king gustav of sweden in 1788 he wanted to declare war on russia but his parliament would not approve it and so gustav orchestrated he had some swedish soldiers dress in russian uniforms and attack a swedish outpost which convinced his parliament to declare war on russia wow could you imagine a government orchestrating an attack upon itself for political purposes washington says this disorders and miseries this is his farewell address disorders and miseries gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual who turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of public liberty let's look at france and how am i doing time what all right so let's look at france the french revolution and we'll see this model play out again uh so remember france helped us during our independence you know what they got in return for helping us nothing but debt lots and lots of debt and then their crops failed for a couple years and the people of france said you know if we can just chop off the king's head all of our problems will be solved and so they chop off king louis xvi's head and his wife marie antoinette and it does not get any better and so then they chop off the heads of all the royalty and it does not get any better then they chop off the heads of all the wealthy they have money we don't have money they must be evil it doesn't get any better then they chop off the heads of the businessmen and farmers they have food and supplies we don't still doesn't get any better then they chop off the heads of the hoarders the people that have extra food hidden in their house they're you're greedy you've got extra and we don't have enough and then they chop off the edge of the clergy because they were speaking out against all the head chopping off stuff and then they chopped off the heads of the former revolutionaries the ones that used to chop off heads but got tired of it somehow they're to blame remember abimelech chopped off and killed the people that helped him get into power right and um 40 000 people had their heads chopped off in paris and uh their motto of the french revolution was liberte egalite fraternity and uh liberty equality fraternity fraternity was their word for socialism it was the collective the group the socialist state liberty is individually experienced and equality can be understood two ways in america it was equal treatment before the law and equal opportunity in france it was everyone having an equal amount of stuff and if the state the fraternity thinks you have too much stuff the state can take its power and take away your stuff and kill you and while this is going on in france america is like freaking out and so the president of yale is timothy dwight and he sort of gives a background and he says this speech in 1798 he says about the year 1728 voltaire so celebrated for his wit and his hatred of christianity formed a systematical design to destroy christianity and to introduce in itself a general diffusion of irreligion and atheism the being of god was denied and ridiculed possession of property was pronounced robbery right you got property and stuff you know chastity and natural affection were declared to be nothing more than groundless prejudices right i mean if you feel like you're a girl today boy tomorrow it's all just sort of what groundless prejudice adultery assassination poisoning and other crimes of like infernal nature were taught as lawful provided the end was good so it's okay to smash windows and set people's stores on fire and all that kind of stuff as long as you think your end is a good end all right the education of youth books replete with infidelity irreligion immorality and obscenity and uh i have seen some of those textbooks i was out in california and they're showing pornography they're showing these little kids to destroy us therefore our enemies must first destroy our sabbath and seduce us from the house of god so uh why is it important for them to teach the education of the youth oh let's see plato he wanted to educate the youth and god chose abraham because he knew he would educate the kids to follow his way well this idea of who controls education it's called deconstruction it's a socialist tactic and where you portray the founders of a country negatively now is this interesting look at the person next to you and uh say this is interesting okay that was a little trick because i keep people awake right so you wanna all right so um uh so deconstruction you portray the founders of a country negatively and uh so that the people are emotionally detached from them then you get them into a neutral ground where they're open-minded and then you portray the future positively it's a sales technique if i was a toothpaste salesman the first thing i do is i tell you negative things about the toothpaste you're currently using you're still brushing with that old stuff don't you know it'll eat the enamel off your teeth and dry out your gums you're like oh really i didn't know that now i have you in a neutral position you're open-minded what are all the toothpastes out there then i give you my pitch for this brand new tartar controlled breath freshener toothpaste right so it's a drive neutral reverse it's like a gene replacement therapy for a culture the old section of the dna and then you put in a new and so they go into the classrooms and they tell the kids negative things about the founding fathers they took land from india and sold people into slavery they were shoved through the students or a pulse bomb now you got the kids into a neutral they're open-minded what are all the belief systems out there then you give them your pitch for socialism or lgbt or islam and europe went through this it went from a judeo-christian europe with um catholic cathedrals protestant reformation and jewish neighborhoods to a secular europe with the french revolution and free sex anything goes and now it's turning into sharia and a socialist europe with muhammad being the number one name for newborns in london milan brussels so we have a part of this is a textbook they use in the public school called howard zinn's a people's history of the united states it's all deconstruction it's all saying every single person that had anything to do with america's founders was bad so why so the kids will emotionally detach from the founding and then they're okay we're open-minded if that wasn't very special we're open-minded and then you give them your pitch for your socialist future carl sandberg a poet said when a nation goes down one condition may always be found they forgot where they came from now the same thing happened in china around 3rd century bc there is the warring states period in china half a dozen kingdoms fighting it out one wins quin shi huang di is the emperor and quinchi wong d was being criticized for doing things differently than they had been done in the past and he got tired of being criticized so he decided to destroy the past he decided to destroy every single historical record in china and he ordered them all burned thousands and thousands and thousands of records and um uh and then he founded what's considered the the han dynasty in the beginning of modern day china uh and so in the basic annals of the first emperor quinn his chancellor lee c said i your servant proposed that all historians records other than those of quinn's be burned if anyone under heaven has copies of the classics of history the shujin they shall be they shall deliver them to the governor for burning anyone who dares disgust the classics of history shall be publicly executed so this idea you're educating the kids right plato wants to educate him and so forth you want to do this anyone who uses history to criticize the present shall have his family executed anyone who has failed to burn the books after 30 days of this announcement shall be subjected to tattooing and sent to build the great wall now had it not been for a previous emperor having some of the classics of history buried in his tomb they would never have survived why is this important well uh mao zeitung in the 1960s was taking over china and said okay we want to get rid of the history so he decided to have a cultural revolution not just political cultural he he destroyed 5 000 years of chinese culture the oldest buddhist temple in beijing he destroys the great the oldest buddhist temple in china and then the great gates of beijing and so he destroys them all why because he wants to get rid of the past so he can brainwash all these young people into the brand new people's republic of china pol pot did the same thing in cambodia the khmer rouge he made 1975 the new year zero and said everything prior to that was irrelevant and he killed anybody that wore glasses if you wore glasses you could read if you read you knew the history so two yesterday two days ago two days ago i spoke in des moines iowa and one of the speakers they had before me was a woman that was raised in cambodia and um her name was new elans uh and new is about ngu but um she said how she was five years old and into the town came the uh trucks with all these soldiers and they were all young people who were disillusioned with the way the country was running and they came out and they rounded everybody up and they started randomly killing people and um she it's called the killing feels and uh she was separated from her family and they were hiding and they were like trying to live off of little scraps and everything and and then she said she was put into a re-education camp and um they would make the students snitch they would say who do you think's disloyal to the government and and if they didn't snitch on somebody they would get killed and so they would snitch on somebody and she says we knew that the person was innocent they'd immediately take the person they snitched out and kill them and it happened again and again and she said you know they said all they all lived in fear and um anyway muslims do the same thing whenever fundamentalist muslims conquer a country they destroy the history one of the famous ones was khalifumar concord alexandria egypt where they had the oldest library in the world and they brought the books to khalif umar and said what should we do with these he said every book that does not agree with the quran destroy and every book that does agree with the crown has redone it so destroy them all it took six months to burn them all but it's this idea you get rid of the history so that you can brainwash them into the new future anyway um so the french revolution did this they tore down statues one of them was good king henry iv because he helped try to patch up the catholics and the protestants in the 1500s they tore a statue down um and uh they wanted to erase christian heritage and religious monuments were destroyed graves were desecrated like saint genevieve the young woman that got all paris to fast and prey in the year 450 so attila the hun skipped sacking paris they dug up her bones and trashed them during the french revolution church meetings were prohibited could you imagine the government prohibiting church meetings and churches closed christian schools closed church education outlawed no private public or private worship crosses were forbidden they were called offensive and robespierre the head of the french government called the committee on public safety he gave an address titled terror justified said it's okay for the government to commit terror on their own people because they'll cause the people to get scared and panic and they'll give up their beliefs and they'll embrace the secular government sort of like cowboy rounding up cattle you shoot the gun and scare the cattle and they all go into the pen you know and um so this idea of you um priests and ministers those who harbor them were executed on site a similar thing happened in mexico in 1917 with president cayes there's a rural rural country area called the vendee and uh they were hundreds of miles away from paris they thought they were safe well lo and behold paris sends its army to the vendee and kills 300 000 men women and children considered the first modern genocide so the french revolution is the model for every single socialist revolution where you tear down the old order tear it down kill it destroy it and then think something good is going to come out of it well what and then he even wrote the pr even put a prostitute in notre dame cathedral covered her with the sheets and this is the goddess of reason let's worship her and they did not want done in the year of the lord because it went back to the bible all right they went back to jesus's birth so they came they made 1792 the new year one sort of like pol pot made 1975 the new year zero and they didn't want a seven day week because it went back to the bible so they came up with a 10 day week called a decade week each day had 10 hours each hour had 100 minutes each minute had 100 seconds they said 10 was the number of man because you count with 10 fingers and so they called it the metric system maybe that's why i never really liked the metric system anyway so since there is no god the state decides what's right and wrong and it turns into a power grab if you help the state get power you're good if you don't if you help then you're bad and um so democracy without morals and virtue ends in chaos out of which your tyrant arises that's what happened they got a tyrant named napoleon right so they have this this uh democracy libertarian quality fraternity it's all wonderful but it turns into debauchery turns into chaos and lawlessness and random killings of everybody now that chaos you have somebody usurp power as a dictator named napoleon and so he conquers across europe and six million people die afterwards the king of prussia said we can't get conquered that easy again we need to strengthen our state so germany was not germany it was a bunch of kingdoms uh saxony bavaria prussia and so he got someone named hegel h-e-g-e-l he was a professor at the university of berlin and um now let's go through a transition a couple slides the pilgrims had a covenant form of government what's that people in agreement with each other but more than that they're committed to each other why because they're accountable to god and they all get their rights from god in the next century after the pilgrims covenant turned into social contract with the age of enlightenment and what social contract it's just people in agreement with each other you're not committed to helping each other you're just in agreement and if god is there he is distant he is uninvolved this came out of the scientific revolution again sir isaac newton discovering laws of gravity laws of planetary emotion laws of optics and some theologian says gee maybe god made everything with laws and like a guy winds up a clock and sets it on the shelf it's all running its course and he's not involved don't even bother praying because he doesn't intervene everything's just going to run its course the ultimate of this is god is an impersonal force out in the universe right so we go from covenant people committed to each other rights from god accountable to god to age of enlightenment social contract where you have a distant god to the french revolution where social contract with no god to marxism and socialism where the state is god and you get your rights from the state you're accountable to the state and if the state thinks that your life is no longer worthwhile the state kills you pulls the plug and so here's hegel he's the philosopher to uh germany he says the state is god walking on earth we must worship the state all the worth which the human being possesses he possesses only through the state all right you contrast this with the bible that you have worth because you're made in the image of the creator no no no you just have it if the state says so rousseau was a french guy he wrote the social contract rousseau said when the state says to a citizen it is expedient for the state that you should die he ought to die because his life is a gift made conditionally by the state and though a hundred years later in germany you have the national socialist workers party you know it better by the acronym nazi nazi stands for national national arbeitzer socialistic party and it says nazi ministry of justice authorized physicians to end the sufferings of incurable patients no life still valuable to the state will be wantonly destroyed yeah as long as now here's pop who was the communist leader in cambodia what's the difference between communism and socialism um lenin said socialism is the transition phase from capitalism to communism socialism is a transition phase from capitalism to communism it's the road socialism is the road communism is the destination and um so socialism is like communism light and and then communism karl marx says communism can be summed up in one sentence abolition of private property so socialism is the gradual taking away a private property till you reach this communist utopia where there is no private property anyway so pol pot the cameo's communist leader of cambodia said to keep you is no benefit to destroy you is no loss so you know as long as you're as long as it's a power grab by the state that's all it is there is no god it's simply a big power grab by the people that are in power and if you help them get more power then your life is is worth something for a while and if you challenge their power they want to get rid of you and um so we go for the pilgrim covenant under god age of enlightenment social contract with a distant god french revolution social contract with no god to marxism and socialism where the state is god hegel said the state recognizes no authority but its own it acknowledges no abstract rules of good and bad abstract rule of good about you mean like the ten commandments yeah there's no rules it's just a flat out power grab by the state eisenhower said this in many lands the state claims to be the author of human rights if the state gives rights it can and inevitably will take away those rights the founding fathers had to refer to the creator in order to make the revolutionary experiment make sense it was because all men are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights that men could dare to be free in other words do your rights come from the government or do your rights come from a source higher than the government right and the founders said oh they come from a career that's why every socialist experiment has to get rid of god has to outlaw churches has to ban out where you have to get rid of this concept that you have rights from a source higher than the government they don't want that so um one of the students of hegel's was machiavelli i'm sorry it was was karl marx so uh so karl marx was a student of uh of hegel now hegel took this concept of democracy without morals and virtues and chaos out of which a torrent arises he turns it into an equation you know germans are real analytical and everything so it's called hegelian dialectics or hegelian dialectics and it's a triangle one corner is a thesis the opposite corner is an anti-thesis or antithesis and the top corner is a synthesis it sounds complicated but it's not in other words you start off with a status quo the way things are now you create a problem that is real bad and then everybody's happy to settle for your answer that's half as bad and then that becomes the new starting point and then you create another problem that's real bad and everybody's happy to settle for your answer that's heaven's better then you create another problem that's real bad everybody's have you keep creating these crisis and every time the people surrender a little more their freedom and independence to the state to have the crises solved until finally you move across the page from the people ruling themselves bottom up back to the state with a dictator on top ruling from the top down so hegel influenced karl marx karl marx was a member of this radical student group called the young hegelians and uh mark says okay how do you create a problem that's real bad you send in agitators agent provocateurs community organizers labor organizers their job is to find people with grievances stir them up to riot and protest and have enough violence so that people panic and in the knee-jerk reaction they'll surrender all their freedoms to some tyrant philosopher king that promises to restore order and uh 45 countries fell to communist dictators this way and so um you're basically tempting the population to break the ninth and tenth commandments thou shalt not covet thou shalt not you know so forth um now it works best if the people you're you're trying to stir up are not christian if you go to a christian populace and they're hurting they'll just forgive and they'll you know suffer and you know give it to the lord but if you get rid of christian faith then all you got is raw human passion and lust and some religions are predisposed toward rioting and so you bring in a lot of immigrants from those countries and so karl marx you organized the proletariat against the bourgeois you organize the poor against the rich you organize the blacks against the whites catholics against the protestants muslims against the christians hutus against the tutsis in the congo and rwanda you really don't care who the two sides are and you really don't care what the issues are your goal is is to get rid of patriotism break people into subgroups fit them against each other so like the british when they took over india give guns to one kingdom give guns to another kingdom to pin them against each other they beat each other up and then the government comes in and takes all of them and again he that soweth discord amongst the brethren that's the strategy castro said when he took over cuba the revolution needs the enemy the proletariat which is the working class does not flee from the enemy it needs the enemy the revolutionary needs his antithesis which is the counter-revolutionary if enemies were lacking they had to be fabricated so how can you organize people to riot unless you have them to write against something and so you if if everything's fine they're not going to write so you need to create an enemy to organize against right and so how did socialism come to america well you got karl marx in the middle 1800s well in the late 1800s there's a socialist named eugene debs and he came to chicago where there were railroad car companies and the pullman railroad car company had a little village where they lived the little shops where they shopped they worked at the factory and then they had an economic crisis orders for railroad cars dropped and eugene debs comes in and organizes them to riot and they burn eight billion dollars worth of railroad cars in 27 states and finally grover cleveland had to send in the u.s army to restore order well afterwards eugene debs is arrested and then he gets out of prison but he forms the socialist party of america and he runs for president five times between 1900 and 1920 doesn't really get very many votes but one time he ran for president from prison now you may be familiar with eugene debs because bernie sanders had a portrait of him in his office in burlington vermont um so off of the socialist party of america in 1920 splits off the communist party usa and they run candidates for president every year from 1920 to 1940. and what happened in 1940. franklin roosevelt made a treaty with stalin the communist leader of russia during world war ii so the communist party usa said why should we run another candidate when we have a democrat canada that's making treaties with the communists so from 1940 on the communist party usa has just supported democrat candidates and then let's look at germany so germany in the 1920s and 30s was a republic that the people had a representative form of government and somebody started a political party it was the national socialist workers party run by hitler and there had a violent group sort of an antifa blm type group that would create riots and violence but it would help his party and so they were called brown shirts they were also called sturm which means storm troopers because they would storm into the meetings of hitler's opponents and shout down the speaker and and disrupt the entire meeting and then they would lock arms and block access to buildings and lock arms and block streets could you imagine people locking arms and blocking streets and then they went into the city and smashed the windows of oh and looted and set on fire over 7 000 jewish stores in the night of crystal broken glass crystal knocked and then the capitol got set on fire and in this national confusion that was stirred up by hitler's supporters um hitler sees his power and in this confusion he rounds up his political enemies and quickly has him shot without a trial the dust settles there's nobody left to challenge hitler and uh what does he do he rounds up all the brown shirts and kills them right ernst rome a radical homosexual who was leading the brown shirts was hitler's most trusted friend and here it says hitler puts most trusted friend before firing squad so just like abimelech killed all these people a second that helped him get into power just like the french revolution killed off the former revolutionaries right and so here hitler kills off the very people that helped him to cease power and now we're getting a little closer to home after world war ii uh britain gives independence to its former colonies and so does france and germany and they turn into brand new countries with brand new leaders and it's a perfect world except the soviet union decides it doesn't just want communism running russia it wants it running the world and so they would send kgb agents into these brand new countries and find people with grievances ethnic grievances bosnian serbs croats religious grievances right orthodox catholic islamic uh they'd find people with economic grievances they'd found people with racial grievances it didn't matter and they would organize protests that they would escalate escalate into riots that they would get violent they'd smash windows and set buildings on fire then they would co-opt the media with bribes and threats to blame the new leader of the brand new country for all the problems and then they would nurture weak links in the military they'd find out who was weak and when the country got panicky and confused enough in that distress they would do a coup or a rigged election and they would replace the leader with a soviet puppet and then the rioting would stop and everyone would be relieved for a moment until they realized they just gave up their freedom and now they're under the thumb of a soviet totalitarian dictator and anyway so the kgb did this estonia latvia lithuania yugoslavia hungary romania czechoslovak china all these places and the president of the united states was harry s truman and he did nothing because he thought his united nations that he helped start would bring world peace and uh so all these countries that fell were called behind the iron curtain and here's what eisenhower wrote the united nations has seemed to be two distinct things to the two worlds divided by the iron curtain to the free world it seems that it should be a constructive forum to the communist world it has been a convenient sounding board for their propaganda a weapon to be exploited in spreading disunity and confusion so eisenhower's choice was sit back do nothing let the soviets take over all these countries or fight fire with fire and that's what he did he approved the first cia plan to overthrow a country's leader and it was in iran so iran decided to side with the soviet union and its leader mazdadek nationalized the iranian oil industry and you think what does that have to do with anything wait a second britain had no oil winston churchill changed the british navy from burning coal to burning oil but britain didn't have any oil you know other than maybe one oil well and so in 1908 britain formed the anglo-iranian oil company you know it better as bp british petroleum is really the anglo-iranian so here they are they're taking down the anglo-iranian oil company sign and they're putting up the british petroleum site so bp is really the anglo-iranian oil company and when mazdadek nationalizes the iranian oil britain has no oil and they go to eisenhower says help and eisenhower approves the first cia operation to overthrow a country's leaders called operation ajax and um the cia operative on the ground is kermit roosevelt jr the grandson of teddy roosevelt and he goes over to tehran and he does the same thing in reverse he recruits mobsters and gangsters and radical imams and they stage protests and riots and they attack mosques and they co-opt the media with bribes and threats and they'd cultivate weak links in the military and when the country is panicky and confused enough they put mazdadek under house arrest lock him away for the rest of his life where he dies and they install the shaw and the shaw loved america because we put them in and the cia did the same thing and now it's interesting in co-opting the media they would release false polling data to show that the popular leader of the country was unpopular why so that when they would do the code nobody would protest if they show the real polls and the polls show this leaders this guy is really really popular then when they do the rigged election everybody's going to say wait a second he was really popular what do you mean we've got to investigate how did you lose but if they can release false polling data to show the popular candidate as really close election then they can do the coup and people say well you know i knew it was going to be closed anyway so the cia did the same thing in guatemala in 1954 in the congo 1960 dominican republic vietnam brazil chile elsewhere and the kgb did the same thing with brezhnev with yasser arafat helping him to start the plo and brezhnev hugging castro and helping him to take over cuba and taking over countries in latin and south america and starting farc in colombia and taking over countries in africa and the chinese doing the same thing in the far east this is called the cold war right and um it's a whole period of time where you have these countries doing these coups one against the other against the other it's the subject subject of every spy novel right you go to a third world country and you find out uh run into the russians the kgb and then you run into the cia and then they're all going to do an assassination there's 70 years of them perfecting these tactics and what's happening in america has all the fingerprints of looking like it's an orchestrated event we already know there are people in the department of justice cia homeland security that do not like the current president and they've been trying to oust him with the false russian narrative stuff and you don't have pallets of bricks dropped off right where they're going to have a riot i was in emporia kansas and they said yeah they were planning a peaceful protest and right there somebody dropped off a pallet of bricks and there was no construction in the area right somebody and um anyway now it's interesting chai guevara was a killer for uh castro and he said blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations transforming the soldier into an effective selective coal killing machine a people without hate cannot triumph so they want it what does the bible say the bible says you you forgive karl marx and frederick engels wrote the communist manifesto and then later they wrote this they were alchemists of the revolution their business consisted of spurring it into artificial crises every new crisis must be more serious and universal than the last every fresh slump must ruin more small capitalists this will increase the number of the unemployed in the end commercial crises will lead to a social revolution in other words to have a ruling class in rural class you have to get rid of the middle class now what's the covid response the coveted response was one let criminals out of jail oh okay then crime goes up oh we didn't think that would happen criminals out crime goes and then when crime goes up in the cities some people move out who maybe those with children and families okay pro-family people and um then you shut down businesses and smash businesses and the pro-business people move out then you shut down churches where social conservatives gather and then you close the schools and let kids that have been indoctrinated with hate america out 75 percent of the rioters or spoiled white high school and college kids that have been indoctrinated with howard zinn's a people's history in the united states net result of the coveted response was more people of one political party move out of the city leaving the city in monopoly control of the other political party and in presidential election years whoever wins the big city ends up winning the state whoever wins the state gets all the electoral votes for the state and the president is elected by electoral votes there is a clear political advantage to one party by having violence going up in the city so democracy and morals without virtue ends in chaos and out of that chaos a governor sees his power and acts as a tyrant anyway uh whoever is president when there's an economic collapse usually gets voted out like herbert hoover and here's david horowitz a former communist he says the issue's never the issue the issue is always the revolution in other words civil rights women rights is never the real cause women blacks are only instruments and a larger cause which is power battles over rights and other issues according to alinsky should never be seen as more than occasions to advance the real agenda which is the accumulation of power power for the state those that are involved in the riots lenin call them useful idiots they're like oh this is over this issue it's over don't kneel to the it's over uh confederate statues it's over hands up don't you it's over you know uh occupy whatever the issue is no that's not the issue the issue is they want a power grab and um solinsky now there was a woman who was state and she decided to run for president and she did her senior thesis at wellesley college on saul alinsky and there was another person that was president and he was a alinsky organizer in chicago who was solinsky he wrote around with al capone's hitmen right al capone hitman in chicago frank niddy and he saw how all the hitman had to do was kill a few people smash a few windows and the whole neighborhood would panic and give up their freedoms to the mob and agree to pay extortion protection money and so solinski applied it to politics he says all you got to do is go into a neighborhood and create crises people will surrender their freedoms to somebody that promises to solve it and so solinsky says this the organizer's first job is to create the issues of the problem you must the organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community an organizer must stir up this fat satisfaction and discontent fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression the organizer polarizes the issue and helps lead his forces into conflict he must search out controversy for unless there is controversy that people are not concerned enough to act and so and solinsky dedicates his has an acknowledgment unless we forget an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment lucifer he dedicates his book lucifer why because proverbs six things the lord hates a7 last is he that soweth discord amongst the brethren that's the political strategy that has been used on america for the last generation this intentional stirring up of discord and so we see it over and over again and um anyway uh i'm from missouri and we found out that the uh people that organized the burning of missouri were actually paid to do so and so forth and um so uh lots of different stuff this was really i'll go through this real real quick so hitler had a propaganda minister propaganda minister yeah his name was joseph goebbels and he noticed that people want to fit in with the group and so he would orchestrate these big events where everybody begins to give the hitler salute and what happened was the the people feel pressured to comply so afterwards this was studied it's called the solomon ash conformity experiment solomon ash conformity experiment and they would put a eight students in a room they put two cards on the desk and now seven of them were paid actors one was an unsuspecting uh student and the cards one was one line they had three lines and they'd start with these kids and they go around the room and all the paid actors would say that the shorter line was equal to the other line and by the time it got around to the eighth naive participant 30 percent of them would change their views to fit in with the group and so this idea of fitting with a group has been put into what do you call it uh politics now it's all online so people want to fit in with the group they want to be liked they don't want to be unfriended and so they manipulate that desire to want to fit in with the group um with um google searches so you do a google search on a they have algorithms that will pull up all the positive results in one all the negative ones on the other and um what happens is uh you want to fit in so you'll change your views and uh most elections are won by a small amount so if they can switch just a few few votes they can swing an election and so it's just this idea wanting to fit in with the group anyway so uh there's more there but i don't have time for it all so um uh the the last uh thought is that so in times of crises people like oh their freedoms um yeah but it's also in times of crisis that uh people turn to christ and uh and it's also in times of crises that leaders will raise up so what are the stories we love best in the bible well there's a crisis the israelites are being surrounded by the philistines or the egyptians and then god raises up little nobodies with faith and courage right and so that's the devil what the devil meant for evil god turns around for good when the enemy raises up a standard when the enemy comes in like a flood the lord raises up a standard against him so whenever the so god loves to raise up here's gideon there's a hundred thousand midi nights only thirty thousand israelites and god said too many tell everyone that's scared to go home then he whittles it down to 300 other words god likes it when the odds look terrible and then he raises up a little nobody with faith and courage to do big things so out of the 6 000 years of world history the good lord decided for you to be alive right now he's knows except he knows every dirty backroom deal that everybody's planning and he knows um uh all the what's happening and he had you born right now and he thinks you've got what it takes and he's given you his word he's given you a spirit he's given you great professors and teachers giving you a great church and it's like he's slapping you on the back and says it's your turn get in the game so this is an exciting time to be alive and greater is he that's in you that he is in the world anyway i'll end with that thank you so much you
Channel: Florida School of Discipleship
Views: 698
Rating: 4.8095236 out of 5
Id: 55diU6TLEf0
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Length: 89min 27sec (5367 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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