Who is King in America? By Bill Federer

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well I have a talk that has basically been 30 years worth of preparing for it in my research and so the title of the book is who is the king in America and I go through all the world's history and I bring out some points that I think you'll find fascinating tonight so with that I'm going to go ahead and jump into my talk and history is not prophetic but it is predictive so past behavior Winston Churchill said the further back you look the further forward you're likely to see so it gives you a trajectory it's not prophetic but it does past behavior is the best indicator of future performance so let's look back get a trajector we can sort of see where things are headed riding was invented around 3300 BC Sumerian cuneiform on clay tablets in the Mesopotamian Valley today that's Iraq take a stick poke it in clay that's the beginning of writing 3300 BC here is Neil deGrasse Tyson and astrophysicists in his cosmos TV series he says it was here around 5,000 years ago between the Tigers and Euphrates rivers that we learned how to write so writings been around for about 5,000 years Egyptian hieroglyphics weren't invented around 3000 BC Chinese characters around 2600 BC India's first civilizations around 2600 BC but you round it out there's about five or six thousand years of records human beings actually writing down human records franklin roosevelt said 5,000 years of recorded history have proven that mankind has always believed in God in spite of the many abortive attempts to exile God he uses the number 5,000 Richard ovary wrote the times complete history of the world said no date appears before the start of human civilizations around 5500 years ago in the beginning of a written or pictorial history so 6,000 years is not that long it's only 60 people living 100 years each back-to-back how many of you have met someone who's lived a hundred years or close to it maybe a grandmother we're talking 60 grandmother's and you're all the way back to the beginning of recorded human history it's not that long ago but now that we have 6,000 years of records let's look at them what do they show they show that there's been a 6,000 year quest to rule the world and the first story of the first civilization is Nimrod Tower of Babel and he the Jewish commentator Josephus said Nimrod wanted to build the tower so high that if God destroyed the world again with the flood he could survive on top so it sort of had this defiant in-your-face attitude and God comes down confuses the languages and the people what scattered so we see this first illustration of power concentrated defiant against God and ruling over people the story was that he made every family bring bricks and if they didn't they would get killed and then God confusing the languages and the people scatter and that's separated power in the hands of the people so everyone hold up a fist in one hand and say concentrated power concentrated power fingers apart with the other hand say separated power separated power now back to the fist concentrated power concert that is world history for most of world history power is in the hands of the kings pharaohs Caesars Kaiser Sultan's and czars very rarely do people get a chance to stretch the rubber band and rule themselves without a king but in times of crises they let the rubber band snap back so let's look at some history God confuses the language languages at the Tower of Babel but it's almost like every generation sense has tried to rebuild the Tower of Babel only on a bigger scale because with military advancements you can kill more people but you ever seen the movie The Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger there's this killer metal robot from the future and they blow it up and they think that they're done with it but the little pieces melt into little silvery balls and they roll together and out of it comes this hand in this term is chasing them again it's like how do you get rid of this thing it's like how do you get rid of this Tower of Babel every generation wants to try to rebuild it only on a bigger scale and so have you ever seen a Nautilus seashell but does the little circle little bigger bigger bigger circle that's a rate of geometric expansion called the golden ratio or Phi or the Fibonacci sequence where a number plus the previous number equals the next number and that number plus the previous number equals the next number is a gradual expansion and so it's observable in nature and seashells and tornados and hurricanes Alexei's I decided to see if it was observable chronologically with all these empires and so I literally spent years researching every civilization that's ever existed on the planet and sure enough they seem to follow a pattern like this so we got Nimrod tower Babel and then 2500 BC is Gilgamesh king of a rook or Iraq and the the oldest story ever written in any language is the Epic of Gilgamesh now you know what his first invention was he was the first one ever to build the wall around a city hmm walls and then interesting and so he goes on this long journey to meet this old guy who survived the global flood and he talks about this old guy made a boat and cover it with tar and pitch and fill the full animals it's to know a story matter of fact over a hundred ancient civilizations have flood stories and flood legends in their ancient past gee maybe there was a flood well then around 20 to 50 BC you have Sargon of Akkad he conquers a bunch of walled cities from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean and then you have 2,000 years of Egyptian pharaohs and they owned the people to cattle the land 5,000 years of Chinese emperors and then around 700 BC Assyria is the biggest empire the planet had ever seen with Nineveh as their capital and then it's conquered by Babylon which is conquered by Persia Cyrus of Persia had the biggest empire but it's conquered by Alexander the Great he has the biggest empire but he stopped going into India and they have the Gupta Empire Chandra Gupta and it controls a quarter of the world's population and Rome right 45 BC Julius Caesar and 25 BC Augustus Caesar it's the biggest Empire that planet Earth had ever seen matter of fact Augustus Caesar wanted to have a global census he wanted to have his version of an NSA tracking he wants to track every person under his thumb is that interesting dictators want to track everybody but God has a plan behind the plan because that had Mary and Joseph leave they'd have to go to Bethlehem to be counted in that census but nevertheless Kings want to rule people and then the Roman Empire is conquered by Attila the Hun around 400 AD he has the biggest empire then the Justinian with the Byzantine Empire and then Islam comes along in the 7th century conquers from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean all of Spain and then the Muslims are stopped from going into France by Charles Martel and his grandfather a grandson is Charlemagne so 800 AD Charlemagne has this huge empire and then there's genghis khan in the 1200s he has an empire that goes from korea to hungary to russia he kills 30 million people and he has the biggest empire that planet Earth had ever seen then his grandsons Kubla Khan runs China Tamerlan kills another 17 million across Central Asia Ivan the Terrible controls Russia 12 times owns this guy controls and then you cross the ocean and there's Aztec Montezuma and he's got concentrated power right and then 1500s the king of Spain has the largest empire that planet Earth had never seen had ever seen and and then the 1700s the king of France has the biggest empire louis xiv the Sun King of France and then the 1800s Britain ends up having the largest empire that planet Earth had ever seen 13 million square miles and a half a billion people all of India Australia New Zealand Hong Kong British Guiana Canada and America and America's he was a globalist he was sorta like a one-world government guy and he wanted to be the guy and America's founders decided they didn't like this globalist King telling us what to do and so they broke away and flipped it and made the people the king now power wants to concentrate and the problem is it's in each of our DNA and it goes back to the fall in the garden and Cain killing Abel and one King taking the kingdom from another king and saying the Gustin called it libido dominant E the lust to dominate and so that same fallen nature Cain killing Abel Nimrod Tower of Babel it has a global conquest and if these dictators didn't die along the way one of them would have had the whole world under their thumb by now and but they have this ultimate goal wanting to rule the world just magnified because of military advancements right you got a stone and then you got bronze weapons and iron weapons and phalanx Spears the Greeks head and then scimitar swords and gunpowder and then finally nuclear power if you saw the movie the Lord of the Rings there's a line where Gandalf tells Frodo always remember Frodo the ring is trying to get back to its master it wants to be found power wants to concentrate and it's like a pull of a magnet it's like the law of gravity and so you put some babies in a playpen one of them will take the rattle from the others and you put some kids on a playground one of them is the bully hogging the ball and you put some junior high girls in a clique and one of them is the diva you put some natives in the woods one of them is the Indian chief and you put them in an inner-city one of them is a gang leader and all the King is is a glorified gang leader it's a hierarchical system if you are friends with the King you are more equal if you are not friends with the King you are less equal and if you are an enemy of the king you're dead it's called treason or you're a slave and so it's this pyramid structure to society that keeps repeating itself all around the world from Nimrod to the family onehans and the Assyrians and the Chinese and Aztec Montezuma and the king of Spain it just keeps happening you got the king at the top you got his administrators and he's got his army to force his will on everybody and then you the peasants and the slaves at the bottom what if you were the king that'd be pretty nice and then things are going along fine but let's say you have a sister that you really love and she has a teenage son and he starts drinking and driving and partying and he hits someone with the car and kills him and now this teenagers facing manslaughter charges mandatory prison and your sister comes begging to you and says you're not gonna let my little Johnny get locked away half his life are you what are you gonna say to your sister well I'll let little Johnny off the hook this time but don't let it happen again guess what as soon as you say that you are the corrupt dictator you just sent ripples through your kingdom then if your family or friends with the king you get special treatment you're not family and friends you don't get it and if someone wants to point out your favoritism you're gonna be tempted to want to shut them up and so it just happens as power concentrates it has favoritism it has corruption now in reading through ancient civilizations I saw 3 things that kept repeating themselves one is they transition from hunter-gatherers to agriculture we have the Bible story of Adam and Eve plucking the fruit off the tree and then Cain was a tiller of the soil and once grew people groups transitioned to agriculture they needed to know when to plant the crops which means they had to keep track of the seasons which means they had to keep track of the Stars and so they would build big immovable structures to observe the Stars is like a rudimentary clock too right so they could keep track of the seasons and them Stonehenge ziggurats pyramids they all want to keep track of these stars and then somebody got to climb up this building look at the Stars and come down with this secret knowledge from heaven as to when to plant the barley and when to plant the corn and when to plant the wheat and this person began to claim that they were the intermediary between the heavens and these commoners below and this turned into the fine writer kings and so you read through this ancient history the babylonian assyrian kings were king priests the egyptian pharaohs claimed to be the son of the god osiris roman emperors claim to be divine demanded that their image be worshipped chinese emperors ruled by claiming they had a mandate from heaven Incan Emperor's claim to be delegates of the Sun God the Muslim khalif's claim to be successors of The Messenger of Allah India their Raja their king were a semi-divine caste of rulers Japanese Emperor's were heavenly sovereigns and then they Christianized it in Europe and called it the Divine Right of Kings God chose me to be the King so whatever my will is must be God's will because he put me here and I don't believe everybody's created equal I believe I'm created a little extra special and God gives all the rights to me and I dispense them to whoever I want and so this Divine Right of Kings is this top-down flow of power the creator to the king to the people and it keeps multiplying all around the world here's king louis xiv the son King of France he said I am the state talk about an ego and then he's talking with some administrators and they say King you can't do this particular thing it's illegal he says it is illegal because I wish it oh well that's easy the law is nothing more than the Kings wishes and he just happens to have a really powerful army to make you obey here's King James Jamestown remember King he says Kings are God's lieutenants upon earth sit upon God's throne the king is the overlord of the whole land master over every person having power over the life and death of everyone so these Kings were powerful and if you didn't believe exactly the way they did they would kill you and so we go through these six thousand years of recorded human history and we see these Kings keep getting bigger and bigger because with military advancement you can kill more people but as that same fallen nature it came killing Abel finally the king of England the biggest do we have Kings today yeah they're socialist and communist dictators do you know Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Workers Party I think I got a slide here and so that's what Nazi stands for National Socialist Workers Party he was a dictator Stalin was was a Comrade Stalin he was the head of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics he was a dictator so wherever you have socialism and communism you have a dictator Stalin Pol Pot Ho Chi Minh Castro Mouse a tongue and then the Communist Party members are the new royalty they're that special class that is and then the people are the peasants at the bottom and anyway so at the time of our country's founding the King of England was the most powerful King on the planet he had this global Empire of 13 million square miles and a half a billion people it took centuries millenniums for our founders to get the opportunity to set up a government that was not ruled by a king and here's James Wilson a signer of the Declaration he said after a period of six thousand years since creation the United States exhibit to the world the first instance of a nation assembling voluntarily and deciding that system of government under which they should live uses the number six thousand and something really unique happened right here and Daniel Webster Secretary of State says miracles do not cluster what has happened once in six thousand years may not happen again hold on to the Constitution for if the American Constitution should fail there will be anarchy throughout the world for millenniums these people say only if we can get rid of a king and rule ourselves without a king and we've had it and if we fail there's been no hope for the rest of the world so we're gonna jump into history and we're gonna see how it turned into this experiment we call America and we're gonna jump in into the 1500s and we're gonna see the Ottoman Empire right so the Muslims conquered Egypt which used to be Christian revenge lines by Mark that wrote the gospel the Muslims conquer Syria which used to be Christian evangelize by the Apostle Paul Muslims conquered North Africa did you know there used to be two hundred and fifty Catholic Diocese along North Africa in the seventh century and they're all wiped out by the Muslims why is a movement called pietism that said if you're really a Christian you should give away your money and live in a cave or join a monastery it was their version of separation of church and state if you're really Christian just focus on yourself and your own spirituality these guys would actually build platforms in the desert climb on top bake in the Sun thinking they're denying their flesh and getting holier but it was abandonment Annie and as a result Islam just swept right through North Africa and then they invaded Spain and held it for 700 years and then they conquered into Turkey which used to be the Byzantine Christian Empire all seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation were wiped out by the Muslim Turks the Christians begged the Catholic West for help they sent help for a century or two called the Crusades when they fizzled the Muslims conquered Constantinople cutting off the land routes to India and that's when Columbus set sail looking for a sea route to India but finally the Muslims invade Europe and their surrounding Vienna Austria in 1529 and Charles v is the Catholic Holy Roman Emperor he is the most powerful guy in the world he controls Spain Austria the Netherlands Italy he controls all the new world the Philippines are named after his son King Philip of Spain but Charles v is faced with a double dilemma he's got a Protestant Reformation on one hand 1517 Martin Luther this Muslim invasion of surrounding Vienna on the other hand 15:29 and so he spends a couple decades trying to stop the Muslims he realizes he needs the Protestants help and so he gives a treaty in 1555 and it is called the Peace of Augsburg it is the first treaty ever to recognize Protestants and in this treaty is a little Latin phrase that had enormous repercussions the phrase was Coolio's regio EIU's religio which means whose is the reign his is the religion so in other words look Protestant King in Germany believe whatever you want in your kingdom let's just work together against these Muslims who are invading Europe because they sort of want to kill us all and it worked it stopped the Islamic invasion but in the next century different Kings believed different things and so it was one Christian denomination per country in Europe and what the King believed the kingdom had to believe and if you didn't believe the way your King did you were persecuted and you fled and so you had northern Germany and Sweden where Lutheran Switzerland Calvinist Scotland Presbyterian Holland Dutch Reformed Switzerland Calvinist and Italy Spain France Austria Poland Ireland remain Catholic and England was Anglican now let's look at England England had a King Henry the eighth and he wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon the daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella and she was the daughter of the king of Spain the most powerful guy in the world and the Pope didn't want to recognize Henry's divorce divorce of Catherine of Aragon because Charles the fifth Army had invaded Italy and captured the Pope and he died and this new pope doesn't want to get on the wrong side of him and so the Pope does not recognize Henry the eighth's divorce so Henry the East decides he's going to be his own King he starts the Church of England puts himself on at the top and he ends up having six wives divorced beheaded died divorced beheaded survived not a nice guy to be married to his advisors suggested I don't think I forgot a slide on in here it advisors suggested if you're really serious about breaking with Rome we should get rid of that Latin Bible get an English Bible all right the Germans had Martin Luther's German Bible that helped them to break away Henry you need an English Bible so he does he gets they basically take William Tyndall's translation called the great Bible they spread it all across England it's called the chained Bible because they had actually chained it to the pulpit anyway Henry dusts his hands and says that's it we broke from Rome we got our own English Bible alright whatever they but something unexpected happened people began to read the Bible now that it's in their common English language for the first time that they common people have access to it they begin to compare what's in the Bible to this King divorcing and beheading his wives and so a group starts that wants to purify the Church of England they're nicknamed the what Puritans and then another group said it's beyond open purifying we're going to separate ourselves and they would meet in secret and barns and basements by candlelight and the Kings like look you can believe whatever you want I mean you can read the Bible but you can't believe it ever you want you have to believe what I tell you do so he passes the act of uniformity and cotton of Prayer you want to say a prayer you don't make up prayers you read the prayer from the book if you have five people meeting in your home and you are talking politics without approval of the king you're all criminals they'll bust into your house and arrest everyone they passed a five mile act if you are caught preaching within five miles of a town without approval of the government you're a criminal and they drag you before the Star Chamber is a room with stars on the ceiling but they would twist your arm and cut off your ear and cut your nose in half and brand you on the face as a heretic for not believing the way the King did and so this is what caused the there is one it was his name was Thomas he'll wise he was one of the early Baptists in England he says if the King can stand there on the day of judgment and answer for your conscience fine believe whatever the King tells you to believe but if the King is not gonna be there on the day of judgment you are accountable to God for your own conscience well you can see how Kings didn't want that they didn't they wanted to dictate it another was the the word ecclesia and so the Muslims are invading Greece Greek scholars are fleeing to Italy and they're taking with them their Greek New Testaments and so for the first time the Western scholars like Erasmus are reading the Bible in Greek and he was a friend of Martin and they began to see words they hadn't noticed before and one was ecclesia ech means out of and Kleiza means a calling and so this was a Greek word where they for their democracy they would call everybody out of their homes that come together and they would discuss what's gonna happen in the city the word politics is Greek and it means Pallas means city like metropolis Annapolis Minneapolis a Polish means city so politics is the business of the city so they would call people out of their homes ecclesia call them together into a body and they would decide what's gonna happen in the city and so that's the word when Jesus says upon this rock I'll build my ecclesia it's talking about the body of Christ and the Protestant reformers use this to come up with a congregational form of church government the King didn't like that he wanted to keep the hierarchical form of church government because he King Henry wanted to be the head of the church and how can you be the head of something where it's the bodies involved and so anyway the pilgrims are separatists and they flee from England to Holland and then Spain threatens to invade Holland and they flee again to America and comes they tried to get permission from the King to do their little pilgrim religion in America he said no but they figured we're gonna be 3,000 miles away he won't notice and so they decide to come to Jamestown a king run colony and they get caught in a storm their boat leaks they have to come back their boat leaks again they have to come back they're killing time they finally it's a wintertime there's stormy and they get blown off course they finally land on the coast of America and they're 500 miles off course you think oh no problem just sail down the coast no it's wintertime it's stormy and off the coast to Cape Cod it's really shallow the sand goes out way far and the boat almost gets stuck it's called the graveyard of ships over 3,000 ship to have wrecked off a Cape Cod so the Pilgrims almost sink the captain says it is too dangers to do any more sailing and he goes back to Plymouth Rock and he says everybody off the boat and the Pilgrims say well we have a question who's gonna be in charge there is no king appointed person on our boat we were going to go to Jamestown and submit to the Kings government the whole world is ruled by kings and Pharaohs and Caesars and Sultan's and here you are you're telling us to get off there's nobody that's appointed by the king who's gonna be in charge they do something unique they give themselves the authority to start a government it's called the Mayflower Compact we in the presence of God covenant ourselves together into a civil body politic to enact just an equal laws as shall be thought most meat or necessary unto which we promise all do submission simple revolutionary in the womb of this little Mayflower in the hull of this boat is a polarity change in the flow of power instead of top-down ruled by a king it's bottom-up ruled by the people it's the difference between a dead pyramid and a living tree where every root and every little capillary root sucks in nutrients to help keep this tree alive every citizen is needed to participate to make this thing work it's a bottom-up form of government they take their congregational form of church government where everybody in the congregation has to be involved in the ministry and they take it and they make it their community government where everybody has to be involved in the community it's simple and so instead of Divine Right of Kings it's we the people now where did the Pilgrims get this idea that they could rule themselves without a king their pastor John Robinson it's like pastor Robb he has a faith in the public square forum this pastor John Robinson is the one who teaches them this form of congregational where everybody in the congregation has to be involved and that painting painting by the way hangs in our US Capitol rotunda in Washington DC the idea of Mayflower Compact or Compact means covenant and the the word Commonwealth means covenant this was studied by the Reformers John Calvin Bingley Knox Thomas Cromwell this idea that we the people are in charge but it's not this mob Bhakra see that that Athens had we're in a covenant with each other and pastor John Robinson William Brewster wrote the pilgrims are knit together as a body in covenant of the Lord so we hold ourselves tied to care for each other's good later John Winthrop comes along he says we are a company professing ourselves fellow members of Christ we ought to count ourselves knit together by this bond of love it is a mutual consent through a special overruling Providence we are entered into a covenant with him for this work we must be knit together in this work make one another's condition our own rejoice together mourn together labor and suffer together as members of the same body so shall we keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace we shall find that the God of Israel is among us the Puritan found and the pilgrim founders looked back to ancient Israel so the pilgrims are over here for 10 years they do a good job the Puritans decided to come over to it's heating up in England they're tired of getting their noses cut in half and so forth and so there's just a couple hundred pilgrim pilgrim but there's sixteen thousand Puritans it's called the gray Puritan migration a fifth of the wealth of England leaves those that didn't leave ten years later had a civil war but this is before that they come across now once they come across in such large numbers they decided to institute Puritan religious uniformity right in England it was angled community yankin uniformity and if you don't believe the way the King did you were persecuted they come across they're happy to be across but once they get here they're like you know what maybe it's not such a bad thing that's the government tell the church how to have church because we're in charge of the government so they begin to enforce Puritan religious uniformity and what happens here's justice black in the case of angle versus vital Supreme Court case when some of the groups which had most strenuously opposed the established Church of England found themselves sufficiently in control of colonial governments they passed laws making their own religion the official religion of their respective colonies great now the non conforming pastors have to flee again and so you have a reverend John Lothrop he and his little Church flee and found Barnstable Massachusetts and Reverend Roger Williams he and his church flee and found Providence Rhode Island and the first baptist church in America Reverend John wheelwright he in his church flee and found Exeter New Hampshire and Reverend Thomas Hooker and his church flee and found Hartford Connecticut this is unique on planet Earth at a time when you have 5,000 years of Chinese emperors Indian Maharaja's Russian Czars Muslim Sultan's African chieftains kings of Spain France and Austria here you have this little green house called New England and you have pastors and their churches forming communities and they're doing this form of government where everybody's involved in the church work in the ministry this is 50 years before Europe's Age of Enlightenment you read a secular history bring all the founding fathers got all their ideas from the Age of Islam this is 50 years before that these are non-conforming fasters pastors fleeing the Puritans so Reverend Thomas Hooker and his church they flee you know what they fled about Puritans said only Puritans could vote Thomas Hooker said anybody that's a Christian should be allowed to vote and that was a big enough deal for Thomas Hooker to say Church next Saturday meet in the parking lot with your cows and wagons and we're leaving and they went hill and dale found the little place they named it hartford made friends with the indians and after they're there the church comes to the pastor and says pastor um how do we do the government thing and so he gives a sermon in 1638 titled the foundation of authority is laid firstly in the free consent of the people again this is revolutionary because in europe the foundation of authority is the creator given the power to the king and them dispensing it as god's lieutenant and here he's saying no no it's the other way around it's the foundation of authorities of the frickin the people this is reflected in our declaration with the line government from the consent of the governed Thomas Walker says the privilege of election belongs to the people according to the blessed will and law of God that phrase the people's reflected in our constitution we the people were given ourselves authority for this he goes on they who have the power to appoint officers and magistrates it is in their power also to set the bounds and limitations of the power so his sermon is written down it's called it becomes the constitution for Connecticut his sermon becomes the constitution for kinetic is called the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut they use it from 1639 up until 1818 after we become a country Connecticut is still using Reverend Thomas Hooker sermon and that's why Connecticut is called the Constitution state they have it on their license plate here is a plaque in England Thomas Hooker founder of the state of Connecticut father of American democracy did you know that over there they think this guy you never heard of is the father of American democracy here's another plaque in England Thomas Hooker Puritan clergyman reputed father of American democracy here's a statue of Thomas Hooker holding a Bible at the Capitol grounds in Hartford Connecticut at the base of the statue it's as leading his people through the wilderness he found Hartford on this side he preached the sermon which inspired the Fundamental Orders it was the first written constitution that created a government here's another plaque in Hartford it says Thomas suger preached his famous sermon the foundation of authority is laid in the freaking sand of the people and then representatives of the people passed the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut here is what are the fundamental orders say the people can join ourselves to be as one public state or Commonwealth doesn't that sound like the Mayflower Compact we covenant ourselves together to form a civil body politic we can join ourselves why to preserve the Liberty and purity of the gospel of our Lord Jesus the purpose of the government was to preserve the Lib the Liberty to preach the gospel here's another plaque in Hartford they have lots of plaques in Hartford this is what says some Thomas hookers congregation established the form of government upon which the present Constitution of the United States is modeled do you catch the significance to this his church form of government where everybody's involved is the model for our US Constitution we the people they even have a plaque that says this now the next state over reverend roger williams says the government in this island is a popular government that is to say it is in the power of the body of freemen orderly assemble so in new england instead of separation of church and state it was the pastors and their churches that created the state how could you say pastor don't get involved in politics when it's his sermon that's the constitution how could you say church members don't get involved in politics when all there was in hartford was the church members so their idea of a covenant came from israel it's people in covenant with each other under god they get the rights from god and they're accountable to god in the next century the covenant changed the social contract and it was people in agreement with each other with or without God if he's there fine if he's not there fine the next century turns into French Revolution and Marxism and it's a social contract intentionally without God you get your rights from the group when you're accountable to the group what happens is it makes the group God and whoever gets to be the political boss the dictator of the group decides if you're contributing to the group you're worth more if you're not contributing to the group you're voted off the island and you're killed so do I still have your attention so in New England they did an experiment that was unique on planet earth and they realized that the kingdom of God could not be forced from the top down they were fleeing from Europe where Kings were burning people at the stake for not believing the way the king did and they saw the scriptures that Jesus never forced anyone to follow him he even says something difficult and many disciples walked with him no more he turns to Peter says you want to go to Peter says where else can I go you're the only one with the words of eternal life Jesus was willing to let them go and you read the context he had just multiplied loaves and fishes and had a crowd following him for a free lunch it's almost like he said something he knew they would have trouble understanding on purpose to shake away those that were following him for the wrong reason it's a whole lot different than Muhammad who said whoever changes his Islamic religion kill him but since Jesus never forced anyone to follow him we can't and so if you cannot force the kingdom of God from the top down how's it going to happen well in New England they thought if the majority of the people held godly values and elected representatives with their values then laws would be passed reflecting those values and the values of the kingdom could come voluntarily percolating from the bottom up not forcibly shoved from the top down does that make sense so this is the change that happened in New England instead of Divine Right of Kings the Creator gives the power to the king he dispenses it to the people we go from the Creator directly to each person we sort of conveniently leave out the king and then we are all equal and we choose from amongst equals who's gonna fix the potholes in the road who's gonna fix the bridge who's gonna defend against the Indians and this is the unique form of government why cuz God is a jealous God and He wants a personal relationship with each person he doesn't want a go-between right the pastor teaches you how to have person will you get into the word you learn how to pray you follow the the examples of godly men and women but you it's your relationship and God is jealous from that relationship Kings always want to insert themselves in between you and God like you know you never can desert when I blow my trumpet you bow to my statute I don't care if you have a warm feeling in your heart for my statue you bow or I'm gonna throw you in the fiery furnace you're right and the King of England you good you believe what I tell you do or I'm gonna burn you at the stake so Creator directly to the people we choose from amongst equals Calvin Coolidge said placing everyman on a plane where he acknowledged no superiors he must inevitably choose his own rulers through a system of self-government Calvin Coolidge goes on the principles which went into the Declaration of Independence are found in the sermons of the early colonial clergy they preached equality because they believe the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man not if you're friends with the king you're more equal you're not friends with the king you're less equal you're gonna be the king you're dead no we're all equal and he says in order that they might have freedom to express these thoughts and opportunities to put them into action whole congregations with their pastors migrated to the colonies so where did the pastors get the idea of people ruling themselves without a kingdom the Bible well what part of the Bible well now when you go back in history yes our founding fathers did get some ideas from the Magna Carta and the British they did get some eyes the ideas from the Roman Republic they did get some ideas from ancient Athens Athens but ultimately they got their ideas from ancient Israel these New England pastors got their ideas from the Bible now you say bill can you prove it I found this interesting so our US Constitution was written all right the Constitutional Convention you got James Madison everybody's there they write it but it has to be approved and ratified by nine states before it went into effect they had eight and New Hampshire was in line to be the ninth but they were having arguments and about to vote against it and so Harvard president Samuel Langdon is there at the New Hampshire ratifying convention and he gives an address titled the republic of the israelites an example to the american states instead of the 12 tribes of israel we may substitute the 13 states of the american union and see this application plainly after his address they vote they ratify it and our US Constitution goes into effect our US Constitution went into effect after the sermon the republic of the israelites an example to the american states what was the republic of the israelites it was the first four hundred years when they came out of Egypt before they got King Saul this in the years I spent reading through history ancient Israel when they came out of Egypt around 1400 BC they came into the Promised Land for 400 years they did not have a king this was the first instance in recorded history of a nation with millions of people and no King I mean here they go from 400 years of slavery and they get downloaded is this most unique form of government and so their form of government everyone was equal there is no respect of persons in judgment rich or poor everyone's the same male/female made in the image of the Creator even the stranger living among shoes under the same law that you're under this was revolutionary because wherever there's a king if you're friends with the king you're more equal you're not front through the King your loves equal here I mean the King ancient Israel's the beginning of the concept of equality that everyone you see is equal to you there's no royal family somewhere that everybody's trying to butter up next to Israel came up with this idea towards here they were worshiping the one true God and they never felt compelled to force anyone to worship the one true God get your lamb you come to the temple no they realize it's only a value to God if it's freely given Israel is the first nation with private land ownership wherever there's a king you never really own the land it's always dependent of you staying on the nice side of the king you cross the king he will take away the land and kill you in Israel the land was permanently titled to each family if they got in the pinch and sold it every 50 years the lowland reverted back to that family this prevented a dictator from gathering up the land and putting the people back into slavery now if you own land you can accumulate stuff the Bible called that being blessed Karl Marx called it being a capitalist you got stuff you worked hard to save that so it's called the promised land because the family's got title to the land Israel had no police everyone was taught the law everyone helped and first the law it's like everybody was deputized if you heard somebody taking God's name in vain it's your job to go to tell the elders right so in Israel there were no police it was sort of like traffic laws today somebody's weaving in and out of the lanes you take it upon yourself to honk the horn you know or maybe a mom watching a bunch of neighborhood kids she has no problem correcting somebody else's kid in Israel everybody corrected everybody else Israel had no standing army you have a king he has an army to enforce his will and Israel every man was in the militia and armed with a sword upon their thigh and they were ready at a moment's notice to defend their family and their community Israel had no prisons remember Joseph in Egypt was in prison for several years in Israel when a crime was committed you got the elders of the city together and you brought the accused and you had the trial immediately and of course there was a City of Refuge that you could run away to to a way to trial Israel had a bureaucracy free welfare system what's that remember in Egypt people were selling their souls to the Pharaoh for a bag of grain in Israel when somebody harvested their field they left the gleanings the coroners for the poor people to pick through like Ruth this way the poor were taken care of and they did something so they kept their self esteem without some political leader collecting everything and doling it back out to those who can help him stay in power Israel had a system of honesty God hates unjust weights and measures this became the basis for commerce you could trust people and Israel got to choose their own leaders Moses spake unto the children of Israel how can I myself alone bear your burden take you wise men and understanding and known among your tribes and I'll make them rulers over you this was an election process within each did a little village in every little city in every little town they would elect their elders and then the elders would send somebody to the tribal meeting the tribe would send somebody to the Hebrew Sanhedrin their Hebrew Senate it was not some King appointing them all it was the people Moses says take you know among you you know who is the right person that hates covetousness so in ancient Israel anyone could be raised up into leadership here's Gideon from a nobody family becomes a leader here's Debra a woman becomes a national leader not because she's related to a king or a pharaoh she knows the law she's honest she sits under a tree people make their way all the way across the country to have her here their case and she tells him what the law says where else in the world could a woman become a national leader who's not related to royalty it's just her Harvard president Samuel Langdon finishes his address the Israelites may be considered as a pattern to the world in all ages of government on Republican principles from abject slavery a mere mob to a well-regulated nation under laws far superior to what any other nation could boast think of it they go from 400 years of slavery they can't even read and suddenly they get downloaded this most unique form of government it's so totally opposite human nature where you got this selfishness and everything there's no other way of explaining it then it had to be God and then Israel was the first nation that could read so Sumerian cuneiform did you know that there were 1500 cuneiform characters I don't know about you but memorizing 1500 anything's not fun so the first invention ever was the plough Cain was a tiller of the soil then people started hitting each other with it they turn into weapons and then people felt insecure they gathered together for protection and when you get people together somebody's a little better at knowing how to fight than the rest and we say you be our captain and he organizes you and you fight and you you win and you live that is a good thing but then this captain kids and grandkids who claim to be an elite class while my granddad's won we're all indebted to him before you know it you got a political boss before you know it you got his gang leader but before you only got a king and he claims to own everything in town and he wants to count it so riding started as an accounting method for Kings to keep track of everything China they wrote with not they counted with knots and ropes and then they had an abacus rods with beads and then little tokens and dishes and then they made markings on the tokens like tallying one two three four line across four five that was the beginning of writing so Mary had 1500 cuneiform really complicated Egypt had 3,000 hieroglyphs only 1% of Egypt could read reading and writing was the scribes secret knowledge they kept it complicated on purpose as job security they were needed to interpret it China had 10,000 characters only for court records only the upper class could read it was the communication of the deep state the common people were kept ignorant and in the dark and so anthropologist Claude levi-strauss ancient writings main function was to facilitate the enslavement of other human beings so when Moses comes down the mountain he did not just have the law he had the law in 22 characters first character is a left second letter Beth sounds familiar it's so easy to learn kids can learn it no longer is reading and riding this secret knowledge of this ruling class everybody can read Israel's the first instance of an educated populace for the people to rule themselves they need to be educated and they need to learn how to read so the priest taught him the law but the priest taught him how to read the law various Truman said the fundamental basis of this nation's laws was given to Moses on the mountain so if you think of power as that spectrum right with the fist on one hand total government open fan hit finger on the other hand no government the king rules through fear you do what he says or he kills you the no government side that would be anarchy no government unless each person has taught the law it's like everybody downloads a behavioral app on their iPhone instead of a GPS telling you where to turn it tells you how to act right it's a behavioral app now don't steal that don't lie to that person don't hit this person don't yell right everybody's got the eye and the levites are the computer geeks that help you to download the app right press this button here memorize this first line upon line precept upon precept right and so in Israel II they take the power the King the people rule but the people need to be educated and they need to be taught the law this internal moral app but wait a second why would you follow it what would motivate you to follow an internal moral well ancient Israel had the key ingredient there is a God who is watching everyone he wants you to be fair and he's gonna hold you accountable in the future so you're about to steal something nobody's around you know he can get away with it and then you think God is watching me he wants me to be fair he's gonna hold me accountable mmm maybe I should hesitate stealing and it creates something in your head called a conscience if everybody in the country really truly believes this you can maintain complete order safety security for property women can go anywhere and feel safe without any please take the power of the King separate it in the hands of the people it's chaos unless they're taught the law what motivates them to follow the law is the God of the Bible and so Reagan said without God there's no virtue because there's no prompting of the conscience if there's if there is no God it's just a bunch of rules that some men made up why should you follow him and Democrat candidate for president William Jennings Bryan said a religion which teaches personal responsibility to God gives strength to morality there is a powerful restraining influence in the belief that an all-seeing eye scrutinizes every thought and word an act of the individual now it only works with the God of the Bible and Islamic Allah God says there's an infidel woman there nobody's around you're gonna rape her it's okay you this infidel steal from that of the God of the Bible says do unto others as you would have them do unto you be nice to the stranger because you want to stranger in Egypt so if you get rid of Scott all you got as much of rules that some men made up why follow them some will some won't well some might because old social contract or whatever but others are going to say forget this and they're gonna start lying and stealing and smashing windows and killing classmates and ambushing policemen and setting things on fire and it's going to turn this lawless mob where everybody everybody's gonna feel insecure and then they're all gonna say we need someone to come along with enough power to restore order and someone comes along says okay I'll restore it or but I need all your guns and you know your freedom don't say anything to their defend somebody you're gonna take away all this stuff and yeah they restore order but when the dust settles the rubber band will have snapped from the people ruling themselves bottom up back to a king ruling from the top down so what happened with ancient Israel their system worked for 400 years but it was dependent on the priests teaching the law to every brand new generation right every kid is born with this selfish fallen nature it's almost like imagine every computer you buy is preloaded with a virus and you have to immediately take the computer to the Geek Squad desk and say clean it off every kid is born preloaded with this virus of selfishness and the Israelites would take the kid to the Levites and say recode this kid the Levite was set the kid down say okay kid you want to steal don't steal one lie don't lie you want to come in a Dell turn don't commit adultery God is watching he's gonna hold you accountable in the future it worked as long as the priest taught it to every new generation when the priest stopped teaching the law it all fell apart he said did they yeah here's Eli the high priest the main guy that's supposed to teach it his own sons are sleeping with women in the tent of meeting Ark in the Covenant there's light and then there's a story of a Levite with a silver graven image in the house of a guy named Micah and the tribe of Dan comes along and steals the graven image and has this Levite come along and says hey you could be a priest for our whole tribe and you're reading the story scratching your head thinking what's this Levi doing with a silver graven image isn't that one of the commandments you're not supposed to have them he's not following the law and then this terrible story of a leave out with a concubine the law says the Levite is to marry a virgin of his own tribe here he is with the woman he's not even married to he's not following the law they're travelling in their to town surrounded by sodomites the bang on the door something about that behavior that appears at the very last stages of the people ruling themselves this casting off of self-restraint and abandonment to passion they bang on the doors the poor girl gets raped and dies and by the time you're grossed out with a story you read this line every man did that which was right in their own eyes why because the priests had stopped teaching him what was right in the Lord's eyes they lost his consciousness and fear of God they were no longer taught the law they gave in to their selfish human passions it's like going fishing and you got the bobber on the fishing line that has a lead wait you're right and you have it dangling above the bottom of the lake but if you take that bobber off that leather weight it's gonna hit the bottom it's gonna get stuck in all the weeds down there so so every man doesn't try it in their own eyes right you feel like a girl today boy tomorrow whatever we want is for whatever you feels just saw anything goes out of that confusion they go to Samuel the Prophet and they say this isn't working anymore we want a king and Samuel cries and the Lord tells him they did not reject thee they rejected me that I should not reign over them God's original plan for Israel was to not have a king have everybody be equal everybody on private property everybody bless and the priest teaching of the system and so Samuel says okay you're gonna get a king but he's gonna take away your best land give it to his favorites wealth redistribution take your daughter's making be cooks make your sons run before his chariots he's going to determine the fate of your kids lives we don't care we want him anyway and now this is an interesting story so Saul is pouting that his son Jonathan made a league with David and he says none of you soldiers care about poor little me and a guy named Oh egg the Edomite says it King I care about you I saw David go to the city of Nob the priests gave him some bread and the sword of Goliath Saul says bring those priests here turn to his men says kill him the men hesitate dorg says I'll kill him goes out there and kills them all what just happened the soldier the soldiers were operating under the old system where every person is accountable to God to follow the law the law says you need two or more witnesses before you condemn somebody to death there's only one witness do egg they're hesitating they still have a conscience they're like what you says doesn't compute you're telling us to do something there's only one witness we're accountable to God Doh egg says King I'm gonna surrender my conscience to you you tell me to kill I'll kill you tell me to kill babies I'll kill babies you tell me to do I'll just do whatever the government tells me I'm gonna surrender my conscience to the government so we go through these 6,000 years of history we see the most powerful performer count former governments that King keeps getting bigger and bigger ancient Israel was the only the first example of the people rule themselves without a king but it didn't last all that long but the most King King of England was the most powerful King on the planet America's founders decided to break away take the power of a king and flip it and make the people the king but there was this still they felt this rubber band appointing to pull power together and so they say you know what we're gonna separate the power of the King into three branches and pit them against each other we're gonna separate the power of a king federal to state level we're gonna tie this federal government up with ten handcuffs we call the first ten amendments Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion free exercise thereof Congress shall not take away the freedom prize from history truths every right to possess America Congress shall not Congress shall these were handcuffs on the federal government and so this was the experiment in America we take the power of the King we separate it into the hands of the people so who is the King in America signer of the Constitution governor Morris said the magistrate is not the king the people are the king Chief Justice John Jay the people are the sovereign of this country signer of the Constitution James Wilson's sovereignty resides in the people they have not parted with it Abraham Lincoln the people of these united states are the rightful mass of both congress's and quartz I love this Grover Cleveland quote the sovereignty of 60 millions of free people is the working out of the divine right of man to govern himself a manifestation of God's plan concerning the human race so who's the king in America we are we're the king the word citizen is Greek it means Co King right Kings and subjects who are subjected to their will democracies and Republic's have citizens the word citizen means cocaine right now a democracy is every citizen has to be there every day to talk politics there were 6,000 citizens of Athens every day they went down to the market and talk politics if you don't show up for a couple days you don't know what's going on they call you an idio tiss a republic is where you take care of your family in your farm and you have someone in your place that goes to the market every day there call your representatives but you're the king either way so imagine visiting a king maybe in the Old Testament you're going through the streets of Jerusalem and you're witness and murder rape and crime terrible stuff and you get into the King's Chamber he looks up at you and he says did you see all that crime coming in here I wish somebody would fix it and you like to reach over and tap them on the shoulder say excuse me you're the King this is your kingdom I think you're the one accountable to God to fix this mess that's like somebody in America watching TV seeing all the terrible stuff going on sand I wish somebody would fix this mess hello have a finger reach through the TV tube and tap you on the shoulder you're the king you're the one accountable to God to fix this mess well I need somebody to tell me what to do since when does the King sit on his throne and say can somebody tell me what I'm supposed to do here hey Butler cook come here tell me what am I supposed to do no it's your job to get educated on the issues seek God's will and you tell your representatives what needs to happen you're the king God will give you all kinds of ideas on how to do things to make an impact every citizen every congregation member has to be a part James Wilson said every citizen forms a part of the sovereign power he possesses a vote johnjay the first chief justice Americans are the first people whom heaven is favored with an opportunity of choosing the forms of government under which they should live all other constitutions have derived their existence from violence or accidental circumstances your lives your liberty your property will be at the disposal only of your Creator and yourselves if I were to sum up the greatness of America it's this quote right here your lives your liberty or property are at the disposal of your Creator and yourself there's no king in between you and all your stuff it's just you and your Creator you decide what you want to do with your life where you want to live what career path you want to take who you want to marry what clothes you want to wear right and you see you're not forced to wear a burqa or whatever thing you decide Reagan put it this way in this country of ours took place the greatest revolution that has ever taken place in the world's history every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another here for the first time in all the thousands of years of man's relation to men how many thousand maybe six the founding fathers established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the god-given right and ability to determine our own destiny that's what our founding fathers gave us that's what George Washington gave us for all of their human failings they gave us a form of government where you get to be the king of your life right so and together we're all Co kings of America we pledge allegiance to the flag in to the Republic or Republic is where the people are king ruling through representatives so we're basically pledging allegiance to us being in charge of ourselves right and so when somebody protests the flag what they're saying is I don't want to be the king anymore I protest this system where I participate in ruling it's like okay dude somebody else will rule your life so in America you get to be the king of your life and you have the opportunity of willing submitting your life to Jesus the king of kings people's well Jesus is the king of America he's only the king of America by the citizens of America individually surrendering their life to him so you get to be the king of your life and you get to surrender so revelation 1:6 Jesus washed us from our sins and has made us kings and priests unto God so he says we're Kings and so we're all kings he's the king of kings and we voluntarily get to cast our throne our crowns at his throne and we get to surrender our lives to him so it says in Psalms the Lord said unto my lord sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool die people shall be willing in the day of thy power so it's not some King come and saying you got to be afraid of me or I'm gonna chop your head off no it's a willing thing that we voluntarily surrender our lives to him but we voluntarily get to submit and if the whole country does then he gets to be the King of Kings that way now the last point of my talk it says if the people are the king who are the councilors to the king 379 ad the Roman Empire's Christian remember Constantine 313 ad stops the persecution and then Christianity eventually becomes the official religion and so here you have a Christian Roman Emperor named Theodosius and he's going to church in Milan Italy and the pastor is st. Ambrose Bishop Ambrose could you imagine being Ambrose and having the Emperor in your church on Sunday guess what that's exactly what we have in America Pew Forum that does surveys says that 70% of Americans identify themselves as Christian used to be higher but it's still a majority 70% of Americans identify themselves as Christian that means they go to church at least every now and then which makes the pastors in America counselors to the king instead of it being one Emperor Theodosius the people are the king seventy percent of the people are Christian and to the pastor as the king in his pew every Sunday and you have to kinds of pastors one tells the King to go to sleep and the other tells the King to wake up now I was watching the movie the Lord of the Rings in this scene stuck out there's a scene of a king théoden he's the king but he has a spell cast on him he's got gray hair gray eyes cataracts he's all crunched up on his throne and he has two counselors in this scene one is his greasy guy named Wormtongue that's telling the King stay asleep don't get involved yeah your kingdoms being overrun and it's going down the tubes but just sleep a little longer and it's all gonna be over and then there's another counselor to the king named Gandalf and he like comes in and cast the devil out of the king and the King wakes up and right before his eyes he looks around the room and says dark have been my dreams of late like yeah you've been out of it with a spell cast on you for generations telling you not to get involved and so he says maybe you'll remember your strength if you take your sword and so the pastor's job is to wake up the King so again you have to type of pastors one tells the King to go to sleep and shirk your responsibilities another throws ice water on his congregation and says you don't just have the right to vote in America you will be held accountable to God for what happens in America if they're teaching stuff the little kids that Jesus wouldn't teach Jesus says if you allow one of these little ones that believes me to stumble better that a millstone be put on your neck Jesus taught that in the beginning God made them male and female and they try to guilt-trip you if you're really Christian you let him teach this agenda it's like would Jesus teach that and so you are blessed here to have pastor Rob because he is the type of path that's waking you up saying hey you can be involved you need to be involved this is your turn out of the 6,000 years of world history God chose for you to be alive right here you're not born in some Chinese dictatorship or Iran or the you know Sultan's or Turkey or whatever you're born in America where our founders gave us this form of government that was drawn from the Bible of the people getting a chance to be involved and determine what's going on the bottom up form of government so we will all agree that the most important thing is to bring people to Christ but the second most important thing is to preserve to freedom to do the most important thing because if Sharia law Islam takes over like in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia it's the death penalty for you to tell somebody about Jesus you won't be able to witness very long if you're in North Korea and you're a Christian you're captured you're put in a labor camp the rest of your life right if you are in Egypt in Cairo they have Christians there they call them garbage people because they eat got a living digging through garbage in America if you really convince the Gospels the answer you will be involved wanting to preserve the freedom to preach the gospel right there was a case a couple years ago where the mayor of Houston was a lesbian and she wanted to censor all the sermons of all the pastors in Houston could you match this no different than King George the third and this Star Chamber wanted to tell you what you can preach and what you can't preach and it came this close right and so there's this push that if we don't get involved the other side is chomping at the bit to persecute the way that they are persecuting right now in these other countries so if you really convinced the Gospels the answer you're going to be involved wanting to preserve the freedom to preach the gospel and Martin Luther King jr. said the same thing he was upset because there was a whole bunch of church fields oh we're not gonna get involved because of you no 501c3 and everything is like no there's there's injustice racial injustice that's going on and you should be involved says the church is the conscience of the state it's supposed to be addressing every single issue now in closing it's in times of crises that people turn to Christ how many of you tend to come to the Lord when everything is perfect how many how many of you it's when there's a crisis bigger than you can handle death divorce discouragement discouragement depression you're flat on your back right do we pray more when things are going good or when they're not we should pray all the time the same but all the country is is a whole bunch of individuals and so the same crises that may be causes and us individually to turn to the Lord God may let a lot of people have a crisis a simultaneous one and what's the purpose of it the purposes he wants to draw people do God loves you he wants you to love him back he doesn't need your love any more than parents don't need their kids to love him but they want the kids to love him so God loves us he wants us to love Beck but love by definition must be voluntary the moment it's forced it evaporates it's like a if a husband twists his wife's arm and says tell me you love me no matter what she says she doesn't love him but if he Woo's her and court sir and defends her and protects her and provides her and takes her to dinner gives her flowers and chocolate and out of the abundance of her heart to bubble up I love you then it means something that's what God's after he's not after submit or I chop your head off if he wanted to make us obey he could've but he he wanted us to be involved in to love him so in crisis sorry for getting a little preachy there and crisis people turn to Christ but it's also in times of crises that leaders are raised up the point I was gonna get it is God has planned a and plan B plan a is he blesses us so much we turn to Him and love him voluntarily right if that doesn't work there's Plan B he withholds the blessings and we turn to him out of desperation so he wants us to turn to him and so when things get bad it's not because he wants to punish he wants us to turn to him and he turns the heat up a little bit and more people turn he turns up the heat a little more and more people turn so finally nobody else is gonna turn and he turns up the whole thing and he fries what's left and that's for the book of Revelation and I'll leave that up for somebody else to preach on so last verse a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children so if you are really a good person you will want to leave a country with the same freedoms that you inherited the same freedom so that they can walk down the street and feel safe that they can be able to share their faith in a public school without being persecuted that they can you know marry who they want to marry and it takes a job that they won't have so that's my talk and I'm gonna turn it back over to Pastor god bless you thank you so much you
Channel: Coral Ridge
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Id: KC4svBZ2Lck
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Length: 73min 7sec (4387 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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