William Federer: Current Events Through The Lens of History (Part 1)

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it's so good to have you and so I've got so many questions coming at me how many of you did any of you make the summer family Bible conference up at Kara bunch of via did good deal Wow so rich and so powerful and Bill was brought in for a part of that so I said whenever you're around please give us first opportunity to get you and have you come minister to us and so today's going to be really really powerful and we're gonna have Southwest Jonas let's give them a welcome good morning Southwest campus good to be together I was just sharing with everybody our dear friend and special guests Bill Federer's with us today so we're gonna start out this morning there's so many things going on right now that I asked bill if he would be willing just let me up here and interview him because we're gonna we're gonna cover a lot of territory this morning but I need to do this starting now so I have this standing thing that if I ever misquote something or incorrectly state it I'll correct it and so I did miss State a couple of things on Senate bill 163 concerning the immunization by the way thank God for our culture impact team leadership give them hand clap they are tasked with oftentimes keeping me straight and so pray for them when you think about them and I'll just make mention that Kim Davis is going to be ministering at our culture impact team that is on Tuesday what is it guys 21st Kim Davis there we go seven o'clock here at the North East Campus this meeting had our largest attendance because when you talk about a parents child children that gets people's attention so let me read it correctly and this is right from the website where it stated Senate bill 163 is intended to boost Colorado's immunization rates it continues to allow exemptions on based on religious beliefs medical reasons or personal beliefs it does however require parents who seek those exemptions for their children to either obtain a certification of medical exemption from a health care provider sign a certificate for a non-medical exemption or show proof they've completed an online education module provided by the State Department of Public Health so there is exemptions but I do want to say you just keep your eye on vaccinations and it's just going to be something that in the coming days we're gonna see some things that are very very alarming and anyway let's do this let's let's get into this this morning bill um I've said this often and I asked you about it yesterday man going to lunch with bill is like an education and I should record our lunches they're so rich and but this Solomon principle how many of you've heard the statement history repeats itself well it's not only a biblical principle it's it's within the laws of nature and Bill blew me away when he explained this but I wanted to read this scripture Ecclesiastes 1:9 out of the New Living Testament it says history merely repeats itself it has all been done before nothing under the Sun is truly new sometimes people say here is something new but actually it is old nothing is ever truly new we don't remember what happened in the past and in future generations no one will remember what we are doing now and so bill the reason I so love your ministry and how God has really raised you up for this I believe two of the most important people for America is David Barton and Bill Federer because history is so critically important and there's revisionism going on so bill the the laws of nature and how it's even within the laws of nature what can we learn from history and from things of the past with all the things that are going on today well thank you Pastor and starting off I would like to let you know how much I respect your pastor Mark coward and Linda and the tremendous work that the Lord is doing through them and I want to thank you for your support of them because Pastor marks influencing the world I mean really the the country in the world and God has given him that platform so thank you you know people say history repeats itself but it does but every time it comes around it's a little bit worse so Cain killed Abel with a stone but then you have bronze weapons and then iron weapons and then big long phalanx piers that the Greeks had and then the the composite bow you know those little curved bows nerves that the Mongols had and then the scimitar sword that the Muslims had and then gunpowder the weapon changes but all it does is magnify that selfish fallen nature of Cain killing Abel Saint Agustin called it libido dominant evil lust to dominate and so you have these these kingdoms and these gangs and these empires growing bigger and bigger until finally the King of England was the biggest and he was like a globalist like a one world government guy and America's Founders broke away and flipped it and made the people the king so wherever there's a king it's a pyramid structure if you're friends with the king you're more equal you're not friends with the king you're less equal you're an enemy of the King you're dead it's called treason or you're a slave and it's in the fallen human nature so you put some kids on a playground once the bully you put some junior high girls in a clique and one of them is the diva you put some people in the woods one of them is an Indian chief put him in an inner city one of them is a gang leader and and all the King is is a glorified gang leader and if if any of them hadn't had died along the way they'd have been glad to have the world under their thumb I mean ivan the terrible' of russia killed 60,000 and novgorod and then you have Napoleonic Wars with Napoleon killed six million but then there's Genghis Khan he killed thirty million if these guys had to died off they'd have been glad to have the world under their thumb and so in that sense death is sort of a blessing but because the gives the people a breather and we get a chance to but the so the same fallen nature of cane kill and Abel is magnified through history but the righteous seed of Abel that's magnified through history now Abel approached God through the lamb Cain approached God through his works and and you know Cain's offering was works because God told Adam the ground is cursed for your sake and you'll bring forth fruit by the sweat of your brow so Cain was trying to work his way to heaven and you do works you can be you can be proud of your works and when his works were rejected as as his countenance fell his pride was hurt right he was offended and he wanted to kill his brother Abel that had the revelation of the Lamb it's your relationship so you've always had those that are work spaced wanting to kill those that trust in the lamb but but the righteous seed of Abel multiplies through history and Jesus says the wheat and tares grow together till the harvest and and every generation lives through some crises and the crisis is an opportunity for us to show what we're made of and that I'm convinced everybody goes nobody can tiptoe through life and avoid all the crises sometime in your life God is gonna let you go through a crises and it's gonna reveal what's really in your heart are you gonna choose the Lord trust the Lord are you gonna get offended are you gonna turn and reject him you know those chick flicks you know the romance novels and there's a girl and she's got some guy that you know she thinks maybe likes likes her but then there's some choice that the guys put into and he's gonna oh he chooses his career over her well that crisis just revealed that he really didn't love her but then there's some other guy and he's like I'll give up everything for you and he's putting some crisis and sure enough he gives it all up but she knows this guy loves me right it's the same way with the Lord so there's crises in world history and for every generation those I seize our opportunities for the Christians to respond and have God's love flow through them you know and one of the things I want to do bill was at the summer family Bible conference and part of that panel but all his books sold out so we don't have any books here or what we may have a few that we're left here and probably not any maybe some down at Southwest so I encourage everybody to go to his website called American minute calm and let me show you why the guys are going to put up today's American minute and the reason I say this history is the memory of a nation how many's ever dealt with somebody with dementia and the memories failing that's where America is so like today this I just pulled it up but you'll learn things that are fascinating and all you have to do is go to American minute comm and this comes daily you can read it probably in ten minutes or less but the story of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson can you tell us that real quick in a nutshell all right so obviously John Adams Thomas Jefferson signed the Declaration of Independence and they both died on July 4th exactly fifty years after they both had signed the Declaration of Independence and so these chills went up and down the spine of everybody in America and it just so happens that John Adams his son was the president and he says a coincidence so you know unusual gives confidence to us that the work of these two divine men was heaven directed and the liberties of America or the object of divine protection and at 700 miles distance from each other they were both called before the judge of all to give account for what they did on the earth but anyway but that was July 4th of 1826 and one of the things most people don't know they had a contentious relationship it was quite a breech and I think it was binge I don't know if this was in there but Benjamin Rush actually had a dream and was believing for their reconciliation but why is this important little things like that because you see the handprint and the fingerprint of God all over us this nation our government and one of the things that I brought a few of my favorite books of his and this one is called the treacherous world of the sixteenth century how the pilgrims and how the pilgrims escaped it and bill one of the things when I read this book I start getting a picture of number one we are not an accident as a nation we are by divine design in the wisdom of God but through much turmoil through much violence and bloodshed in the history of the world can you tell us a little bit about this right so I have a PowerPoint and I gonna give you a condensed version of it so if I don't know if I need there we go so that's the cover of the book there's a concept called deconstruction that the Communists use and it's you portray the founders of a country negatively so that the students emotionally separate from them and then you get them into a neutral where they don't know where they came from and then you brainwash them into the future you have planned for him you know Pol Pot did this in Cambodia he made 1975 the New Year Zero and everything before that was irrelevant so he killed anybody that wore glasses he figure if you wore glasses you could read if you read you do the history and he wanted to get rid of it so we killed two million people a third of his country mouths a tongue did this in China had the Cultural Revolution where he destroyed 5,000 years of culture because we wanted to bring people into the People's Republic Islam when they come into a country they destroy the churches and libraries and museums and artwork like because they want to bring in a new identity so it's a sales technique if I was a toothpaste salesman the first thing I do is to tell you negative things about the toothpaste you are currently using you're still brushing with that old stuff don't you know it'll eat the enamel off your teeth you really and now I got you into a neutral you're open-minded water all the toothpaste out there then I give you my pitch for this brand-new tartar control breath freshener stuff right and so it's a drive neutral reverse so we look at Europe it went from a judeo-christian Europe with Catholic cathedrals Protestant Reformation in Jewish neighborhoods and then it went into a secular elde you know free sex anything goes Europe with the French Revolution and so forth and now it's turning into an Islamic and a socialist Europe with Mohammed being the number one name for newborns and no-go zones and so or so we see that it's a trend you they want to go back to the pilgrims so real quick we have Islam conquers through a whole lot of the world and finally Egypt used to be Christians here used to be Christian Turkey used to be Christian all seven churches mention the book of Revelation were wiped out finally the Turks get to conquer Constantinople in 1453 why is that important when the Muslims conquered Constantinople in 1453 cuts off the land routes to get from Europe to India and China you know the China Silk Road the Gobi Desert so once the land routes are cut off the Europeans begin to look for a sea route and so a guy named Christopher Columbus set sail and runs into America and he thinks he's in India so he names the people he meets the Indians think of it we never would have called Native Americans Indians if that had not been for Islamic Jihad cutting off the land routes to India forty years earlier so everybody that hates Columbus should turn one chapter back in the history books and see the only reason he set sail in the first place was Islamic Jihad cutting off the land routes to India so if you want to get mad at anybody you get mad at his Islamic Jihad and in Islam enslaved over a million Europeans but over they estimated a hundred and eighty million Africans Mohammed was a white Arab and he owned African slaves and anyway so back to the pilgrim concept so we got Martin Luther starts the Reformation 1517 and then you have the Muslim Turks surrounding Vienna Austria in 1529 and the king of Spain tries to stop it and then he realizes that he needs the Protestants help so he does a deal with the Protestants and it's called the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 and Martin Luther says the Turk is the rod of the wrath of the Lord our God if the Turks God the devil is not beaten first or his reason to fear the Turk will not be so easy to beat and anyway so we have the king of Spain does it deal with the Protestants it's called the Peace of Augsburg and he's got two problems the Protestant Reformation and Muslim invasion so this piece of Augsburg let every King decide what's going to be believed in his kingdom let's just work together against this Islamic invasion and so for instead of all of Western European Roman Catholic now you have England his angle kin Scotland is Presbyterian Holland is Dutch Reformed Switzerland is Calvinist and so forth and and so it's whatever the King believed the kingdom had to believe and it started Wars and mass migrations of people that if you didn't believe the way your King did you were persecuted and you fled and so we look at England and there was a king named Henry the eighth and he was married to a Catholic the queen of the daughter of the king of Spain she doesn't have a son so Henry decides to divorce her the Pope won't recognize the divorce so Henry makes himself his own Pope he starts the Church of England puts himself on as the head and so it's this idea that you you have to believe the way the King tells you to believe he has William Tyndale burn to the stake William Tyndale's last words were Lord opened the king of England's eyes so Henry the eighth has some advisors that tell him King if you're serious about breaking from Rome you need to get yourself an English Bible stop using that Latin Bible the German princes have Martin Luther's German Bible that helped them to break away you need an English Bible and so he does he takes the the English Bible is called the great Bible and there's the ingredient in graving of Henry the 8th giving it to everybody and so the King has this put in every church in England and people started reading it and they started comparing what's in the Bible to this king who divorced and beheading his wives and so on anyway so the King said yes you can read the Bible in your own language but no you have to believe exactly what I tell you and so and so they passed the the five mile act if you're caught preaching within five miles of a town you're without an approval of the government you're a criminal and they'll drag you before the Star Chamber they pass the conventicle act you think what's that comes from or covenant where two or three gathered in my name and so they said if five or more people are Christians our meaning without approval of the government they will arrest you and that's how John Bunyan got arrested he wrote pilgrims progress spent 12 years in jail and then they called it the riot act and they upped it to 12 people so if you have 12 or more people meeting together and you are talking religion and you do not have pre-approval of the government the police will bust in to your house break up your Bible study they'll open up a piece of paper and read the riot act which says you must immediately disperse or we're gonna arrest you and kill you so that went into our vernacular read him the riot act so you can begin to see why the pilgrims were fleeing and they fled to America and they believed in something called conscience that your worship of God is only pleasing to God if it's freely given and now one of the dissenters in England was named Thomas hell wise and he was one of the Baptist's he would he died in the Newgate Prison and they did not give him any riding instruments because he was writing these these pamphlets and so he had a friend they didn't feed you in the British British prison you had to have somebody miss you and they would bring you food and so a friend brought him some food and a bottle of milk and instead of a cork a wad of paper and he unfolded the paper took a splinter dipped it in the milk and he wrote out his pamphlets and then when it dried he folded it up and the guard came in took the empty bottle his friend came and got it unfolded the paper held it above a candle and the heat of the candle turned the milk brown and they could read what he wrote and they typeset and printed his pamphlets and so the Baptist call it the milk of the word and anyway what did one of his pamphlets say it said this that the the king is a mortal man and not God and if the Kings people obey all the humane laws made by the king that that's all the king can ask for I'm sorry I'm I'm flipping a little too fast here so for men jury let's see her okay for men to religion to God is betwixt God in themselves the king shall not answer for it neither made the King be judge between God man I he goes on to say if the let's see anyway this inspired a Baptist in America a two centuries later who was a friend of Thomas Jefferson and his name is John Leland and he says every man must give him account of himself to God and then he says this if government can answer for individuals at the day of judgment let men be controlled by it in religious matters otherwise let men be free in other words if the government is gonna stand there on the day of judgment and answer for your conscience find believe whatever the government tells you to believe but if the government's not going to be there on the day of judgment you're accountable to God for your own conscience Wow that was why the pilgrims came to America is this sounding a little familiar I just we were talking before we came out and it says the governor of California has ordered all faiths to quote discontinue singing and chanting activities according to the local media churches must also provide masks to those who come without and and what-have-you and and so we're starting to see these things and there's just this is why I wanted bill to be here because we're seeing these things and they're happening we're under siege right now and most of you probably know this but so Thursday morning bill is teaching and I got I had to run out ran to the restroom in there there speaker's room and I saw bill get up start to speak and I go I need to get out there for Bill and I just couldn't leave the room and I sit there and I started feeling bad so I I could hear you on the screen and I wanted to be out there and they came in and there was a cease and desist order issued by the state of Colorado to Andrew Wommack ministries on Thursday morning how many of you did hear about that did you hear about it and so that kicked in a domino effect of all sorts of things and you know there may have been a thousand people up there if you include the children and was streamed live and that's a 3200 seat auditorium and they gave us till 9 a.m. Friday morning to answer now I thought it was interesting because offices are closed on Friday being a holiday and so on the phone with attorneys and all sorts of things like that and I just noticed that the government is allowing protests there's no social distancing rioting looting people dying and things like that but they are putting the kibosh on the church how does that square up bill with what you know about history which is a vast amount what you see happening today versus what you've seen historically and how we need to respond yeah so in many states they have the abortion clinics open the marijuana shops open the liquor stores open the casinos open but they want to shut down churches two weeks cause in Kansas and they said yep a social distance saying you know God oh but if you're protesting you don't have to do any of that because it's your First Amendment right and and then of course somebody drops off a pallet of bricks right where they're going to have their peaceful protest and the enough people put was there to put a stop to that but it's clear that go back in history 1500s you have a Catholic France and then you have a Reformation and then you have Protestants and now I don't want to restart the the controversy there because now all of Christians are under assault but I'm just using this as a historical analogy there was a Catherine de Medici in France she was the Queen Mother and there was orders issued that the Protestants called Huguenots that they had to live in certain areas and the Christians like okay we'll do it and then they they had restrictions on travel they're like well okay we'll do it and then they could you know only worship at certain times well okay we'll do it then they and they kept doing more and more and the Christians were like saying okay okay okay they're backing up finally she had there's this wedding taking place in Paris where they're supposed to patch up you know a Protestant married a Catholic of the royal family and she hasn't pull the chains across the streets of Paris so that the carriages can't go out and they kill thousands and thousands of Protestants to throw them in the Seine River and then they begin to go all throughout France and just wipe out all the the Protestant movement and and so that the point I'm bringing out is that if you give in they want more you give in they want more more you give in they want more more more and it's the law nature if you have a nice barbecue set out on a blanket and then you forgot something in the car but there's a bunch of dogs around so you leave and you go back there they're gonna say hey free lunch and they'll run and grab it and umm and so in nature weakness invites aggression and there's an aspect of Jesus that we sort of totally ignored do you know if Jesus's first sermon ends it ended with them wanting to push him off a cliff this is our Jesus his first sermon ends with him wanting to push him off ago and there's another time he's in the the the the temple area and it's you know saying stuff and it says they picked up stones to stone him but he walked through the midst and got away and then he's invited over to somebody's house for dinner and the guy notices Jesus didn't wash his hands and Jesus says you fair see some more concern about the outside of the cup but not the inside and and then there's a lawyer there it says Jesus by saying that you're insulting his lawyers he goes well you lawyers like birds on people too heavy to carry and you don't even lift a finger and he's like laying into his host and then they says then they were trying to catch him in his words and they were like and and then the chapter ends and you wonder if they ever got around to eating dinner but there's a side of Jesus that to the humble but those that approached him humbly he was all love to those that approached him pridefully he was tough and so anyway you know this is this time went way too fast so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do something different we're gonna attempt to each service but one of the things I want to point out on Wednesday night this was very interesting in my mind bill was part of a panel with General Jerry Boykin Perkins of Family Research Council Bishop II W Jackson Janet boynes and Andrew Wommack and there is the panel right there and that was two and a half hours I actually you know did not have the worship because Andrew is gonna air this on national TV but Church you've heard what Bill is just shared we are at a place we have never been before it is no longer Democrat against Republican it is righteousness versus unrighteousness it is good versus evil it is light against darkness and you are gonna see things and if we were to lose this White House the country that we know now will not be again this this has gone the the farthest reaches so I'm gonna get permission from Andrew to email that interview uh the panel discussion out but we we have some things and just so you know this in spite of all this stuff going on in May do you know that we added two and a half million jobs in America and they expected a loss of up to nine million June of twenty twenty four point eight million jobs were added so I'm gonna give you a little prediction I predict the coronavirus if not the coronavirus another virus is just going to swell and just begin to break loose because there is an election coming up in November and there are people that are afraid to talk about these things and pastors that need to begin to speak up because we are in the most critical place and time that we've ever been built closing thoughts here what would you say to us well the the one party does not have a very strong candidate and so I ran for Congress three times so I got a little so if you can't build up your positives you want to build up your opponent's negatives and so it's a standard history that whoever is president when there is an economic collapse gets voted out Herbert Hoover perfect example Herbert Hoover was first graduating class of Stanford and geology went to Australia worked in a mine part-owner then he B had own part ownership and mines in Russia and India and all around he's an international businessman world war one happens Herbert Hoover helps to feed Europe organizes private organizations 1927 Mississippi River flood and there is no FEMA and so he organizes private organizations and churches and they feed all these displaced people and he swept in as president and he is the Republican and eight months later as a financial collapse and he's working the same way to get private organizations and churches to help bring America back out but he sabotaged in Congress because they want to put in FDR who wants to put in all these big deal a New Deal programs where they usurped power and and so the the standard is that whoever's president when there's an economic collapse get voted out and so you look at the response in the last several decades we've had you know MERS and SARS and avian flu and swine flu and all these different flus that had a higher death rate right I mean I had the Cova you know it was two weeks of sweating and chills and little hockey cough and and but we've had ones in the past that were worse and more people died but the response this time is little different and so you think what's the response well they let criminals out of jail and ms-13 criminals and amongst the unvetted immigrants that came to America were a lot of Isis people and so now we see these people sort of being organized in these cities to do riots now when crime goes up in the city what happens some people feel unsafe and move out who well maybe those with children and families okay so pro-family people move out and then the kovat response was what shut down businesses okay now the small business leaders leave well we got pro-family pro-business people leaving and then they want to shut down churches well that's where social conservatives and pro-life people organize okay well if they all leave who's left in the city maybe more people dependent on government handouts and entitlements okay statistically those are more Democrat and so crime goes up shut down businesses Republicans leave and the Democrat Party gets a monopoly on city government and again I don't mean to talk but I'm just doing an observation and an in presidential election years whoever wins the big city wins the state whoever wins the state gets all the electoral votes for the state and the president is elected by electoral votes so there literally is a political advantage to a particular party for a crime going up in the city shutting down businesses and shutting down churches Wow so I think we're getting the message at least I hope we are and somebody will say so what are you or you a democrat or republican I'm neither because right now we are watching Republicans begin to rally around Joe Biden and and there are some disgusting things going on I'm a Christian first of all now how do I vote I vote a particular way because of the platform that this White House has that this Republican Party and and if you want write this number down I've got in my hands these this is a over seven pages of what our president Trump has accomplished on life family and religious freedom this list is growing and all you have to do is text the word actions plural a CTI ons two five one five five five just text that so I'll say it again text the word actions two five one five five five we are under siege right now in this nation and here we you talked about letting criminals out and arresting pastors and fining people for going to church and what-have-you this is happening in plain sight and this is a time church we cannot be silent so here's what we're going to be doing we're going to do something different second service and third service and we'll make all that available for you to see I'll get permission to email or a blast if you like or a place to go and and get it the the panel that took place let me tell you what was so awesome about Bill that so we had general Boykin who's fought for freedom tony perkins is on the front in Washington DC bishop P W Jackson that has a very unique perspective because of him being african-american in his position he is an on fire believer a pastor and Janet boynes having come out of the LGBT the lesbian lifestyle for many years loves God with all of her heart and then they would talk and bill would come in and give us the historical perspective it's two and a half hours it'll be worth your time and I hope you'll take the time to do it but then the next thing have conversations this is the time we must speak up you must make sure you're registered to vote encourage others to vote I'm telling you right now this is no longer like what we used to think of Democrat Republican this is tyranny versus freedom that's where we're at how many of you love and appreciate Bill Federer blessing well my last thought is it's in time to crises if people turn to Christ so how many of you turn to Christ when everything was perfect in your life how many of you tend to pray and turn to the Lord when things aren't going so good and what's a nation but a whole lot of individuals and so you think God why are you allowing this well he's blessed us and a lot of people have been kicking him out and so it's like okay the crisis is not to punish it's to cause all of us to really seek the Lord and turn to him so in times of crises people turn to Christ hallelujah can we pray this morning father in the name of Jesus Lord first off we thank you for Bill Federer and the blessing that he is we ask you Lord just keep him strong and give him good health he and his family and all that he sets his hands to direct his footsteps and thank you Lord for the gift that he is to the body of Christ to this country to bring perspectives Lord of what we're living in even currently and father God I just pray that you'll make every one of us a voice that will no longer be silent will no longer be closed about what is taking place but that will rise up and be bold and be strong and Christiane's before were anything else Lord and father I thank you this great country and we're just asking that all of this crises that is going on right now the Lord it will turn for the good and the advancement of the kingdom Lord we pray between now and these next presidential elections that Lord you're moving mightily we thank you we see it but we also have an adversary that is unseen that is spiritual Lord we pray for wisdom we lift up pastors today in America that God we ask you to give them strength and boldness to no longer cower in fear to no longer back down but to speak up father I want to thank you for Andrew Wommack and his boldness Lord I think he is willing to stand up and and be counted and be strong about this we just ask you Lord continue to bless he and Jamie the ministry and give them wisdom Lord as they continue to go forward and proclaim the Gospel and we give you all the praise in Jesus name and everybody shouted amen let's give the Lord one more praise thank you for being here this morning
Channel: Church For All Nations
Views: 1,311
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Id: KCq1WmgOBjg
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Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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