Soap Opera of Eden - Apostle T Mwangi

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[Music] you we must understand we are in the 21st century and I'm going to be real and I'm going to call my sermon the soap opera of Eden I was ready for you by then I was ready for you I still have to pay the 30 let's begin from Genesis 1:27 and let us see the genesis of everything because it all begins with God Genesis 1:27 Genesis 1:27 Amba ritual today none will walk out unsafe such summons the Bible says God created human beings decade of is better so God created man in his own image in the image of God he created him male and female he created the family I have preached about it enough times but I'll still break it down God created man singular but male and female he created him than them he said let us make man in our own image and likeness images glory likeness is character now God is a spirit and the Spirit of God has the male dimension and it is the female dimension and today we'll take them to understand those dimensions so God is a spirit and he has a male side and he has a female side the male side of God is authority and authority is visible the female side of God is power so when he said let us make man he created authority and power together because of power and authority that is the menial are you getting it so he created male and female and when the male and female come together they represent the perfect image of God because God has a male side and God has a female side and they are into because when we come to the reality [Music] we are [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and that is why you find Richmond in Runa and a lonely woman who says I got married to a house nor a man let me tell you no matter how much we have a tendency of getting used to good things a man today you are walking if I get you a Range Rover 3s down the man down the line it will be begins in the assignment you better work out because the whole night you're telling me are you gonna buy buildings and buy some baba faith and you don't even have a plot of 100 by 30 maybe you don't have another saving account where you're putting money to buy men who had season because you're entering as a helper noticed a lover as a helper god never created love as he created help us now let me tell you the helper was not in heaven the helper was in Adam that is why locating her is the spiritual affair I have the authority to say that because I have been a relationship [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the second thing in Genesis to the Bible when you read when he said it was not good for man to be alone he gives the mental picture that he he was naming animals very important you also need a relationship with a person of your species don't raise those chihuahuas and call them all the good names you cannot have a relationship with a chihuahua noctilum Adam down like a baby baby no you need a person of your species don't divert attention [Applause] dog because running away from the reality with the spirit because when you have to [Music] now when the Lord found it worth is so one you need you need a man who is in Papa's okay got a boy who is in pompous man boys will be boys they laugh toys on they love games they play a lot can tell you away from a distance it's not about age is about games but a real man knows what he wants and don't think you are old enough to change a boy to be a man you have no capacity to mother him allow the boy to just grow and outgrow it doesn't take tanks in the mountains it takes God to raise him to maturity so men in church who have the love of God they have a dimension of what we call ever loving their ever loving and their love is everlasting it stays for long men in the world who have no love to offer their ever lasting lu st lusting so you can choose a man who has everlasting love or a man who have an everlasting appetite now God creates man has to take Adam into sleep and you know the same thing is very prophetic because when Jesus needed a bride to be taken out of the house [Applause] [Music] [Applause] beauty that personality sustains you see you cannot just beauty because it's a game of makeup you cannot just character because it's a game of environment but you can never just personality because it is the reality of that person I say beauty attracts character can only sustain but it is personality that retains forever one has the feeling and that is why someone said that grass are not greener on the other side someone is just watering them God does not give you a finished material he gives you raw material to create a finished product so you're waiting for a beautiful complete woman she's not there because you're not also a beautiful complete man you're waiting for mr. profit they are not fair pleasing so you continue playing for perfect man and God will continue giving you an imperfect person why because the morning [Music] [Applause] and this is me that has invested all this time but outside is it when invest the time and money to the wrong person I believe that raised wives for some men mess up attach some of you have raised the husbands you picked Emily was so low now he knows how to dress how to present he left bless the Lord at least you got used to you for discipleship [Applause] [Music] so one of the things we have to appreciate that getting high is in the spiritual equation that we have to play because we even the purpose someone could say something powerful yesterday he said we don't even fulfill our purpose we fulfill his purpose so we have to understand the purpose of God concerning our lives that is why the purpose of God will camera laptop with a helper because I don't even know why I'm here he has to tell me by the way my purpose is one two three then slowly he's gonna introduce their wife to me of the helper to me so if we are looking for a lover I'm sorry just go get your assignment right get your Papa's right and in his purpose you will get your purpose mate when we have to know that authority is visible in most of the relationships men are more visible than the women in most because authority is what we see but in most of the relationships where the man is more visible just notice a very powerful wife very powerful and I wanna explain some few things about the male dimension and I'm going to speak something that might sound off but I'm going to speak it because biology is allowed the male dimension is a sweet courier so it is ordained to give it's a seed courier that's why the devil wants to kill men because they carry seeds when a man gets born again our generation is saved because you don't know who is coming so a man is a seed Korea I'm the one connects him to second nature he is not given never understand the people so much to deny them their a chance to manifest who they are men are created to give that's their nature of course we'll do a comparison and you'll see any time you become a giver you need the response it is called praise for normally cause we feel but to come on a point [Music] [Applause] someone told me in the HR the best thing you can do to a man is praise them the best thing you can do to a lady is give them salary increment and the mama leader is feeling like she owes the company but when you praise a woman without anything tangible it doesn't work because my nature demands are you praise me that is why most of the man I'm not looking for a sheep as they're looking for praises shipping [Applause] so this is a social area so most of the men want to come back home and feel like this someone who believes in them that is to tell you there cannot be places if there is no faith men are not looking for love they are looking for faith let me tell you most of the men's it idea they will tell you they have crazy ideas and one person believes in them the one they are dating you should have that idea with me doesn't make sense but this one is share with and she will be like wow that is genius of you see brains and faith is like yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and there you are watching TV is nothing you're listening when it goes to another Kigali in campus we are listening under like guys that is so great oh my god you are like a king fellas like Ivana and it's like no this one please don't believe in me so women I'm helping you because the problem we have is that so many women go asking women about men they can only tell you about their access or the people they are dating but I'm telling you about men this is men psychology so most of the men are seeking faith just have faith in him and because you are the helper you will never disagree in what he seen because you never came with your idea you came to help the idea that is my men our vision as they see but you know when they see they need someone to help them can I give you a mystery man see destination but women see the path in the father look back one listen to your parents they'll tell you who could record Michele's tool - Carla kind she threw a cachaca last mama we are his mama that is to tell you them your mom never looked at what your dad head he's so where he's going and the Bible says - cannot work together unless they agree so we agreed from this level then we work together now what does that mean you agree on a path meaning that relationships are not democratic because when you have two people it tells you there is no there is no majority opinion the only majority can be when the two of you agree but when one is pushing his agenda that is dictatorship and that's why they are green parties the problem and we will come to that just put a hold on that so we see - it Koreas may not give us men sleep raise men are pleased by faith and men of the authority they are the visible element of a relationship so never try to take his place allow him to take his place don't be so quick to introduce him allow him to introduce you want poly Dada I say there are many women who want to be men because we are told what a man can do a woman can do this is the nature of a man let me tell you the nature of a woman the female dimension the difference between a man and a woman is a womb she is a real man so your mother forgot her sons and no daughters because we are all men one is a man I still carry that one is a woman man who takes the seed that's why in every title of a woman you get man woman female they are there and I can twist it and pasta Mac said everyone has a spiritual room because the every man has a woman dimension how you are the Bride of Christ so kill a man oh man oh mama I know when you're the Bride of Christ what do you do you expect him to give you expect him to supply everything you do is about Jesus and you have faith in him that's why if a man doesn't love God he can never understand a woman because he is the woman when he deals with God [Applause] and so what he loves from God as a father is what he exercised when he's dealing with his woman 1 women are recipients my friend showed me a stingy man he will be left with a schwa and Men let me warn you we have a generation of women who come with a statement of Nanda Stan you see understanding is in the mind but female is the nature so you you can't understand in a manner to reject who you are accommodate Valentine and my friend that is a speech [Applause] how much is about exercising your nature she's created to receive she has a room she's created to deceive so you can't walk nature I'm the moment she tells you she understands you better be a man even tell she understands the Potala do not COO Kaliko it doesn't matter monopoly care fudge the 15 ball gonna be happy valentines she will not sleep 15 ball she will reciprocate with our nature show me a stingy mom and I'll show you a single mom you keep money to yourself and you stay like that we men are created to be appreciated now men worship them when you end marriage that is praise and worship worship is for your woman you know in worship you spend time in worship we are not in a hurry in what should be our Sylvia you are open so women were created to be worshipped so when you get married you have a complete service praise and worship [Applause] and there is no worship without kids thank you tell me about family you just tell her Islam doesn't apply the poor but your sake design an organ you know [Applause] that's that's their nature that's their nature and that's where the world is willing because Timofey see they know what to say and how to say in Jesus you know you have feel free and wonderfully made but no wonderfully it's a social affair guys learn to appreciate them you know naturally naturally that's their nature they can't fight it that's their nature it's a nature that's the female dimension she's an incubator whatever you give you a woman you get double because they give more than what you give you give them chaos they give you skooma sapa you give them semen they give you a bouncing baby boy so they give more than what they received now women don't love their is deprecated in love and that is why the day you stopped loving her she has nothing to give back she only gives what she received so if she received bitterness that's what you get some of you I know syntax planning for an awesome birthday wait for your day the surprise is real now maybe many people don't know syntax but you just organized a party organize a birthday surprise huh and that day she will start planning yours because they are created to reciprocate you send an SMS during her birthday in your party you receive an email it's watching show that's what you it's very simple and when you see her changing ask yourself what am I not doing now let me give me some advice never start what you cannot sustain man commodians Anna Java I pray for grace to stay in that level is whether you go higher or stay there chameleons and actual from glory to glory not from glory to glory so they are created to reciprocate in nature does their nature they see the final one is that they are the invisible force but the fact that they invisible they appreciate when they acknowledged let me tell you I know some some girls will tell you I don't like the limelight me otaku siaka Facebook leave them alone when you put that picture on Facebook she will be the one to see how many likes and comments the fact that she said she doesn't like you just understand this nature and invest in his nature and omega2 was upbeat and Yakko she's always watching the invisible force you have to do something amen Vanessa Fievel so when you understand those dimensions for some of you these are things you understanding now so the day you enter I'm not saying now from here you go and look for a wife or husband some of you this is preparation okay of course you know their priority has to take place because we said relationship is for many purpose and that's why the Bible says a man shall leave his home now this is what I want to talk about capacity and ability because there is a level where men become men and there's a level where a woman becomes a wife because when you are dating a wife material she will not be moved when you spend a thousand in Java because those are few kinds of coffee now that's a wife but a girl we want so many of Java experiences that a woman is thinking future and it comes naturally because she has achieved and entered that level the problem is that we have a bottle of ability versus capacity the fact that you are able quincas are damn box it doesn't mean you are capable to keep high in that box I know you have the lines I know you have your heart set all together but you have the capacity ability is external you have a deep voice you have slight bumps you have a dread that capacity is psychological you know most of the times when you sit with wife materials they'll tell you like the way that guy thinks not how he looks he goes beyond done since capacity something men will tell you your damnum total because holy place now honor capacity now we have many able people it's easy to dress like a wife it's easy to look like a wife like a wife and we have many people men the way they dress you can't even know their age the way they talk you can't even know then the idea visions of the visions how do you know capacity capacity is introduced in time of crisis majula canal got Amy Ishida a Thalia a mecanim comes in multiple solution that's why we have abortions rates increasing in charge why because we have men man of ability and women of ability coming together instead of men of capacity and women of capacity that's why we have many heartbreaks in church a Christian brother had broke a Christian sister and you know it's so sad when a brother in charge it breaks your heart so you ability make my place where you know you can humble and for real for real they're people who'll tell you I'm not ready something just tells you Mannion sees I the mechanical arm TV did see only contento bar and it doesn't mean you're wicked you're just growing and when you become a mom I thought oh boy because the grace will be there and there are things that boys do and when you become a man then they are going to be over so you better understand abilities not capacity the the fact that you can put on a designer suit and look like a man does not make you a man you must match what psychologically and maturity psychologically is a product of experience maturity there it's not age by the way is what you have been exposed to because we have many men who are old but foolish and vice versa is true the way people think is totally off so we must not mistaken the two the second thing we must also not submit to pressure because of time for some men getting married is a rite of passage I got circumcised I cleared campus and I got married so there are people who are under pressure to marry because everyone in their circle is married so they feel they have to fulfill and graduate it's like a rite of passage and that's why after they get married they have a status but they are not in anything they don't serve their role as a husband and sometimes most of the ladies who are also under pressure time become victims of this man Lassa fever Benassi fever so don't get married because this pressure get married because these poppers I know parents will pray for you we will tell you what the tomato Imam or China or Quan Bay and sometimes you feel like you're failing people let me tell you it's better to have a broken relationship than a broken marriage because marriage is covenant-- relationship is agreement to not go out drug routes are at will you talk a lil you can break an agreement but you can never break a covenant that's very important okay let me touch on something submission versus manipulation and that will be my last point there are many people in relationships but they don't enjoy I say the first thing is that this is not democracy it's agreeing on a path almost three three two cannot walk together unless they agree you must understand the Bible says it commands husband's love you and then wives submit meaning that if a wife is not love she'll never submit paralyzed either there are people who find themselves on a manipulation one is finances and also I encourage women get something to do was talking on a paper about your green Oakley and a qualm to attend your breadwinner what's a little bread later butter Nanuet include an appetite because there's a tendency of people feeling like they owe you because be hafsteinn ounces and they say a few things and then supply so make sure in fact I can say this year unless the non speaks to you we are not in the generation of housewives you are doing with your life because it needs to be me and my wife we have not I am that Kamala P relevant when you are empowered but don't be too much and power that you fight the authority remember your position okay and that's why walk when I marriage counseling jaw to handle you wanna marriage and finances nasi lemak who succeed wanna kinda wanna come on account in saqqaq wanna she that you some of us your mother was manipulated so she came and whispered and told you one on me what una nuova wakow excuse you our dad it's me the food account record handle artist aqua me Nika so you grow without subconscious with the food business how could you a care and slowly she's killing that relationship why because you have to leave your home leave the culture of your people start another life it's not another family start your own life with somebody so we have finances the second thing we have with the occasion you know education are the essence of making us feel proud which I driver cowboy cannot diploma day mana masters ask you don't get what I'm saying ok you cannot understand I know there are men peeling on the manipulation by the way because you feel like you don't call the shots in that relationship so education 100 maybe epsilon man Malik Whiterun Ummah Columbia camasta spirit of Kakaako hakama Comic Sans and O'Fallon leadership PAC the future masters for masters the other honest culture the other one is culture different backgrounds because there are cultures whereby women are seen like nobodies but can I tell you the truth we have to understand we in a new generation naked one of the factors of a successful relationship is what I call dynamics because if I come from a culture where a woman has to cook and I'm married to an ass who has to go for a night shift does it mean I can't prepare my children to go to school because it's the work of a woman so those are called dynamics and when you get in a relationship study dynamics what is that mean if you marry a preacher you just know all weekends are taken Jocko we can challenge a comedy vomiting multiple echo out Mandy and those are dynamics so what Rockapella kaki pana comas we Malini welcome home when I watch movies in Nigeria and it doesn't mean that the man has no time for you it doesn't mean he doesn't love you dynamics of where he is so you have to understand even the dynamics of a lady what's the kind of job - Chloe Jana Rafiq a job I stick home for now I'm self-employed she doesn't have time for you so those are very important but they're great relationships don't fail because of big things they fail because of small things it's the virus that kills the world it's an atomic bomb that causes war small things we also have Peters my advice so father get to know relationships are independent by the way the way I did my fiancée and the way you did you was totally different maybe Daniel Khanna pendulum ice-cream need an emoji about the physiology don't look like you're making me look romantic so there's a lot of peer pressure and it makes you feel manipulated when I was in from three religion ChaCha make a cut here demo chops the Murugan city is out Samina force my idea of us my dear can be a a bro you know sometimes they're people who take ice cream and the corn and the people who take ice cream and they throw the corn away sour your point eliciting click you a daddy an Arab University she was saying we are different so you don't force me take the cone if I don't take the con and if you don't force me then take the ice cream plus the corn if I hit the cone so just understand we are designed differently so get to know by the way after marriage counseling the way you will establish your house it's totally different because your relationship is connected to your purpose and the purpose is unique and in individual so don't allow you see like for me I'm a preacher there are people who married wives who preach there are people who married wives who work there people who married wives who stay at home so there's now there's no preacher who can tell me this is how a preacher's wife should look because she has to look in line with my assignment so P appear in a little machine appear cooler history become I'll handle it sometimes we enter into relationship with a very bad history Namibian aqua open na na in Akane come I'm gonna go find me a favor cuckoo did - well ammonia after where was it you did what did you village I history aqua naka where were we - palak out soon as a couch ELISA Riley Riley introduce that equation [Music] [Applause] advantage to destroy you never allow because their people want manipulated because they make you feel like you can never move on they did you a favor let me tell you no one can do you a favor you even did them a favor oh come on be is that was a favor my demo up a secret never kill the chase drama dammit em you kill chase honey yeah once in a while talking anger not gonna leave my job I'm here any items or comma Cifaretto promoter body he's the finance manager psychological masculine pizza to pick a push not Lamia all all enjoy road is my boyfriend Sadhna the problem is Celine Dion a box-like I'm gonna push them away never kill the chairs because the men have a natural ability and everyday they must feel like they are hunting so the moment you kill their chance now now they still have their hunting vigor today but attention always show him there are people back on Abdul Khaliq instead of Cocalico but I chose you over them so Nepean own ability Rosanna okay so women I'm giving you secrets that are going to after these I know notes have been taken and this will be used like in this mid future but this is no understanding men psychology are you getting it this is understanding not psychology because the moment you understand how we think it will be very easy to come together in it all if anyone ever started a relationship maybe you you went on stage with your boyfriend and it's a can we stay never jump the rope never go ahead make sure you make it right do you know why marriages are failing when people don't go for marriage counseling but there are so many things you don't know it is God who created marriage you're a stranger in that thing we are mainly named after our tell as Monica chilling in from this way my Buddhist a Savino Nobunaga wife Yakko a pasty tax levy ambience our pasta if in a relationship buy books for the two of you start reading getting material what summons that will start opening your eyes to us these things because we are new get knowledge submit to a couple that is loving each other get to know what is their secret what is their secret once in a while pray that God will introduce a situation that will expose the person you're dating love has everything to do with personality if we don't have the chemistry of personality that is skills and personality is not confessed it's expressed how do you express 200 sinkers comedy me Iconium - Kapunda habit change the white ground does never it does not change personality you still get married to a loud person let me tell you one thing you know will change is how his line and his waistline suddenly change because every incubator must adjust with the environment so sometimes she will change depending on what she's carrying even for mum sometimes they will change because out of the bellies snow the scheme's of life but physically people change but personalities never change many of the guys silent that's him if the guy's loud that's him come aboard kana hi tempeh that's him but you know God is a perfect match of personalities never change to please a man or a woman come Elaine him to kabandha Banga God a taco party a wife audience Alana's Kieran O'Donnell is a lonely agile donkey go to audience [Applause] everybody do like this in in salalah stampede enough in the jungle now this is conflict if in this relationship this is conflict okay and this is competition this one when in prayerful in impression when him deep in deep Jana panic we all own design now this is conflict but now you need a person who fits in your weaknesses okay because now this is completion and when you stand in the presence of God she covers your weakness what I do to a type you see you know that's a house and in that relationship there is no one who will ever look down upon the other because your strength and my weakness and my strength is your weakness so there is no one day you can raise yourself to make new clicker the one who makes the relationship work and so because we are completing each other you will always feel this a part of me that is not complete without him or her and so what God does when a man lives is all these spirits get joined together again in marriage when they have sex during honeymoon when you go to honeymoon with a lot of honey to eat that is when the female and the male are trying to get so make sure your honeymoon is worth it who's the Freak a honeymoon one Galia Umaga lumen be a babes coming as you fire it must be a new experience you must come to a place of saying and I knew no but now you know so preserve the honey for the honeymoon some of you then I make you a quarter bottle I'm not marriage Acacia as fast as it began make sure you go when everything is sorted Amen so one of the things is that keep your relationship pure women be strong for your men because we are very weak and men be strong for your women survive avoid moments because when you love by the way that chemistry knock knock who trespass boundaries know how to move uma McCallum corner the next thing moving our watch so the end of the day the final thing that kills marriages is when two partners one or even faithful with themselves because how will I trust you when you are not even faithful to me when you're not legally mine you cheated with me so how do I trust you in marriage because if you can avoid me then I know you can avoid any other man and if you can avoid me then I know you can avoid any other woman because if I'm the best thing to you and you can say not to me then these others are second class so it is very easy not even to look at them and that's how we start building trust because marriage does not begin on the altar marriage began the deal is a manga khan zeenat not go out that's when it began the altar is just a place where you're given legal and spiritual permission to do what brothers and sisters cannot do so you take it to the next level so right now she's your sister you are his brother but the time will come when she will be not sista and we'll be more than a brother and may it be holy and pure in Jesus name let the white gown not just be white let it be a sign of purity because even Jesus is coming for pure bride and the more you interact in purity you tend to understand you get to know her or him more you have more time to talk you have more time to connect but the moment that pattern is broken you introduce this icon and it's very hard to break it and most of the people anytime intimacy is introduced it becomes a bondage and most relationships die before they even began now you know the problem is you can never talk about relationships without sex so can we pick it up from there next Thursday Cindy have you learned something have you learned something whatever you'll update on Facebook give me credits just right there mr. t ok just lift up your hands just lift up your hands also to make a declaration [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Truth Mentorship
Views: 75,932
Rating: 4.9043403 out of 5
Keywords: Samukat, Life Church, Nairobi, Love, Soap Opera, Mr T, Eden, Angaza, Truth Mentorship, Gospel, Sermon, The Gathering of Champoions
Id: c2JFhdbO51A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2017
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