One Man Army | Pst T Mwangi

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somebody celebrate jesus celebrate jesus hallelujah hallelujah let's appreciate the worshippers let me remain with somebody on the keys welcome someone to their beautiful seats are they beautiful tell them welcome to the beautiful seat tell them everyone is a vip here hallelujah while we bless the lord allow me to go straight to the word of god i want to appreciate the young people for the amazing work they did on the exchange conference i was just sitting in my office watching them live and they did a good job those who watched you can attest that we have the next church hallelujah the the greatness of every leadership is not measured by your success it is measured by the success of your successors the greatness of a leader is not measured by his success in time it is the success of his successors that measures the greatness hallelujah oh the sound is okay don't touch anything i feel good let's look at ezekiel 22 30 and i want to talk about a topic i'm calling the one man army hallelujah the one man army before we go to ezekiel 22 30 let's look at the book of acts 17 verse 6. i'll build it up from where i left yesterday because we saw in the book of acts 17 6 that there are men who turned the world upside down that man will be you in the name of jesus everybody read but when they did not find them they dragged jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city crying out these who have turned the world upside down have come here too let's read again if you can see read one two three but when they did not find them they dragged jason those are two hungry people reading let the whole church read one to three but when they did not find them they dragged jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city crying out these who have turned the world upside down have come here i want to declare prophetically that will be your new title they will see you and say these are the men that are turning the world upside down that name world there it does not mean the cosmological it means the mentality the philosophy the ideologies of men the name word world there it means the philosophy and the ideologies and the mentalities of men if a revival has to come it must shake the philosophy the ideology and the mentality of our time hallelujah now let's look at ezekiel 22 30 ezekiel 22 30 i want to take the shortest time possible to preach if i if you can read this or read so i sought for a man among them who will make a wall and stand in the cup before me on behalf of the land that i should not destroy but i found no one i will read again so i sought for a man among them who would make a wall fast and stand in the gap before me uh on behalf of the land but i should not destroy it but i found no one god is still looking not for a congregation but for man the name sought there it means to diligently search god is still searching for a man god is a master of ignoring crowds and separating men he is a master of ignoring crowds but separating men to affect crowds he does that very well god does not work with crowds god works with individuals to affect crowds god is not always in a crowd he is always working with an individual but he releases an ability in that individual to affect crowds tell your neighbor you are that man you are not another statistics that can go down when they are reading that that cannot be your person you never came to be a statistic you came to be an army and from genesis we see god was thinking the human race but he created a man by the name of adam he wanted a human race he had the power to say let there be men and would have showed up but he decided because my principle is the language of one man i will build a man but in that man will be nations in him so he said listen when he was talking about creation he commanded the ocean to release the fish he commanded the tree to release the vegetation but when it came to man he never commanded he had a meeting and said let us man never came from the ground man came from god hallelujah he said let us he never said let the ground produce man he said let us make man according to our own image and character and he wired some stuff in that man he gave the man dominion dominion is not something you receive is something in you fruitfulness is not outside genesis 1 28 fruitfulness is new multiplication is not a result of economics it is a result of knowing god i do i have a judge hallelujah so when god was thinking the human race what did he do he raised a man and in that man was the human race the the eight billion people we see today were in one man and that's why the devil targeted that man because of the possibilities and the assignment upon the man and when man fell the devil came for the seed of adam and he killed apple but in genesis 4 25 the lord raised another seed to replace abel okay follow me kindly we are about to summarize the bible in this service tell your neighbor one man army tell your neighbor one man army and when said was born men began to call upon the name of the lord and then the seed of seth compromised and they were destroyed and god destroyed the world in the flood and he needed one man by the name of noah to begin again god is not a god of crowds he's a god of man he said with noah i shall begin the world afresh noah was preserved and the floods killed everyone in the world except a man and his family and out of that man the lord was willing to begin another family and the family creo when god thought of israel a nation he never commanded the nation to appear he came forth and raised abraham and in abraham he released the nature of conceiving nations whatever abraham gave birth to became a nation ask ishmael because when abraham messed up with ishmael it was after a covenant was made that you shall be a father of many nations so when he walked though he did not have a son he had the anointing whatever abraham gave birth to became a nation there are other children that abraham got by concubines of them is called keturah those are the other nations other than israel they are malachites the canaanites they came from the concubines because the man carried the grace of releasing nations he got a son but in that sun one nations son of jesus am i speaking to anyone am i speaking to anyone whatever abraham gave birth to those nations their blessing upon isaac had nothing to do with material it was their ability to give birth to nations isaac conceived two nations the angel came and said to the wife rebecca that in you are two nations contending by the younger ruler of the older there was jacob and esau jacob became israel esau became a dorm the egomites came from israel i am reading the bible now it is error when you carry your bible as a sign like an idea to prove you're a believer and you don't know content about it and i will never read it for you you have to read your bible for yourself tell your neighbor neighbor if you are floating just question your salvation now the work of the church is to fellowship and to expound on what you have read hallelujah days of babysitting are over that one i will not do you don't raise an army by babysitting they must bear the weight in the training the battlefield has not shifted it is the quality of warriors we are raising that are shifted that is why the devil is winning the devil does not change so is god so if he lost another generation why is he winning in our time the quality of warriors is wanting namaste namaste queen you're owning your battlefield manicure you're more concerned about your weak in war people don't is not a language of how are my eyelashes how am i no jesus oh jesus jesus tell your neighbor neighbor the language of war is brutal so we are raising people who are slick wings and slay kings smelling colognes designer you can smell them but the best cologne and the best thing you can smell is the anointing the devil is not moved by designer cologne you can apply ck calvin klein but if you don't have encounters with the holy ghost the devil will sit on you ask the woman with the alabaster child she had expensive oil but still oppressed by demons let me go back to my message so in jacob was nations i mean in isaac he gave birth to jacob but in jacob was the tribe of israel and in in israel was at home one man god is not a god of crowds he's a god that raises a man that can affect crowds and after israel arose the lord has seen ahead he knew that a time will come and there will be famine he organized by a divine design for joseph to enter egypt to secure egypt for the preservation of israel let me share a revelation that will mess you up i know we have taught the four ps of joseph the pit potiphar prison and palace it is good for some level for discipleship is good but for apostolic doctrine the reason why god took joseph to egypt is to preserve the purity of the jews let me explain judah messed up with tamar that was the daughter and she was a canaanite woman the 12 tribes had begun to marry other nations and there was a risk of them becoming extinct and being swallowed because of the marriage and the lord needed a pure breed of jews to work with them so he had to organize a global calamity for there to be a relocation but where they were entering they needed a man that could secure the territory for them that is why joseph was sold you may see slavery but this is what we call the wisdom of god wrapped up in events that don't make sense ah the bible says if the devil knew who jesus was he will not have crucified him but the wisdom of god was wrapped up on calvary there are battles in your life that are wisdoms of the father because how will joseph end up in egypt he will not have gone if he was told to go they were comfortable at home something was tired and the lord provoked the hatred of the brothers to become the courage to his destiny [Music] can i go further this wisdom and at that time when they took him in that beach which was a well that was dry it is not a coincidence that the well was dry it was a place of preservation okay so that they can decide now look prophetically who intervened judah what does judah mean praise there is a praise that takes men out of whales and then some businessmen were coming and among the businessmen was the ishmaelites who was ishmael the mistake of abraham found divine assignment in delivering joseph we serve a god that can change your mistake to become a platform for his glory and i'm not saying you're going blind and say god i'm creating many options no is someone hearing me in the presence and in the wisdom of god there is nothing he cannot use that is why joseph looked at the brothers and said that which you had done for evil the lord has overturned it for good why i'm seeing the bigger picture it was not your hatred your hatred was my courage to my destiny he never he never condemned them and forgiveness is when men operate with short-sightedness i'll repeat unforgiveness is when men operate with short-sightedness the devil does not use cows ask peter the one that says you are the christ is the one that says you cannot go to the cross and jesus knew the one that said you are the christ that is bitter the one that says you'll not go to the cross that is the devil i know that voice so stop hitting your mother-in-laws at your aunties you must separate between peter and the devil you must see the bigger picture the devil does not use cows he uses and sometimes those that are very close to you because one that is so far off can never cause damage to you it is them that are close that cause damage peter was among the inner circle joseph looked at his brothers and then he looked at the prophecy over his life and he knew in the wisdom of god there must have been a door for me to enter i may not understand the process and every process that joseph went through was a training ground for his throne can i go further yes ah jesus you see joseph was given a cut of many colors it was not a designer jacket it is a prophetic language of a covering of many dimensions from his father it is a covering you see the first thing that he left was the covering because they took off the court and they gave him the covering of a slave in the house of potiphar but in the house of potiphar he was learning the language of the palace you cannot stand before the king until you understand the protocols of the palace and because potiphar was a state man it was the best place of training some of you have overturned your training ground to be sex dense [Music] and i'm preaching good god took you to a company to train you but you began to chase cards instead of chasing destiny distraction will come guess when it came not when he was at least servant when he was promoted to be an overseer your visibility comes in promotion your girlfriend must be very happy and the question is are you single and then you respond with hahaha you don't want to respond or to reject but you love that conversation because it massages your ego god never send you in that company to deal with potiphar's wife you can manage anything except the wife hallelujah we have about destiny because of small success this is an issue in our time it was a training ground are we together and many have lost their training ground because they saw things that they never thought they will see and in the house of potiphar joseph was learning the protocol the culture the decorum of dealing with royalty then potiphar shows up that's a distraction and they will come every man will be tested with gold glory and girls or boys every man even me gold glory and we look on someone on the pulpit they sat here because women are moved by power that you can stand and tell everybody lift up your arms he's like oh jesus who's that man well no man has idea so history of hamburg it's not being a gentleman it's demotion it is domestication of a lion nah hallelujah okay i know i'm preaching good so we begin to see that that was a training ground tell your neighbor neighbor never confuse your training ground to be a dating ground what if i came and he said how can i do such a thing against my god i am not here by the masses of your husband i am hereby defying appointment only god can take me out and guess what he lost the covering of a slave and received the covering of a prisoner and if paul was to write about joseph he will say i'm a born servant and a slave of christ he was in jail for the gospel if he never entered in that jail he would have remained in another jail of immorality [Music] hero singing [Music] wife so the man receives another covering and that was his promotion he had to be the least servant and the least prisoner so that the day he will get power he will understand what the list goes through have you ever been in our subgroup where people are raising money for baby shower [Music] and you are from you you are jobless and you happen to have a connection with this person and they begin to say hi guys okay so we just give two thousand two thousand okay who doesn't have two thousand and at that moment you keep quiet because 2000 is a prayer item and you decide to follow silently and you hear we are 200 of us and only four have responded [Music] and you just follow them like news you don't respond you don't comment because there are people who don't understand life at the bottom so for them they think men came in this level one of the trainings of pastoral work utalanja fungi so that the day a man will come and tell you pastor sinha food out of command you will understand there is a day i was anointed prophesying in times of hebrew but i was hungry there are afflictions that break you for relevance are you getting me and that's why they can't wipe you out but they prepare you and give you authority by the time the man was receiving the position and the royal government he understood the afflictions of the lowly and you see when he got into that he was given the comment guess what the king dealt with the king said give him my wife fast this is a rape convict i don't trust him with my daughters that's how joseph got an egyptian woman but the bigger picture was for the preservation of the eleven tribes the ten tribes god preserved the children of israel in egypt that's why they were preserved are we together and it was through joseph when he thought preservation he thought about joseph one man by the time they left by the time they entered they were it was just a small family of around 70 members they left egypt a nation of 2 million people because one man became a gate of preservation when the oppression of egypt was over god never raised an army he raised a man by the name of moses in that man he released the battle of a whole nation two million he said go to pharaoh tell him the lord has sent you and he said what will i tell the people and he said tell the people i am whom i am the hebrew word means i will be what i will be give them an open check they want a deliverer i will be a deliverer they want a healer i will be a hero they want the one that opened the sea i will be what i will be tell them that i am has sent you and he said i'll make you a god because in egypt pharaoh is a god he's worshiped and after i deal with the other gods i will deal with pharaoh as the last god okay so there are levels where god raises you as a god i know people have abused this word if i be a man of god because they saw a man of god on tv say the same word and they thought it threatens that is the level where god anoints you as a god that whatever you act becomes law in the spirit it is not for small boys who are trying minister in high school now when we're doing high school ministry some of us used to watch a lot of tv and a friend of mine used to watch a nigerian preacher i used to put cal kit on his hair and used to wear white suits white sharp shooters and the man of god will come and say you want the holy ghost stand lift up your hands receive and everybody will fall you want the holy ghost stand lifted receive and he thought it is easy so he did everything white salt shop shooters went to high school he preached like the man he said why let me cut you you want the holy ghost lift up your hands receive nothing happened however nothing happened by the time the man is saying that you don't know his dealings with god you think it is so easy that people are just falling there is a blessing coming from it's not in the suit and in preaching what is preaching it is then the level of labor hallelujah there is a level there are territories you can possess them as a man you must enter as a god i've heard preachers who tell me when we enter the holy season what shall we because the gods of that land began to identify you from power and authority ah jesus am i speaking to anyone let us run away from these small victories 100 000 and we think this is all that is in god all your life you went to school to get a job of 150. i remember in my single whole days a day i prayed in shanghai and call is a god amani meme [Music] because there is how god sees you and there is how you see yourself and god can never allow you to walk in what you think you are he will allow you to walk in what you are so god tells moses i'm sending you as a god go and tell pharaoh to tell my people to go and aaron shall be your prophet two million people delivered by one man two million people when god wanted to settle them he raises a joshua to usher them to the promised land and they settled there when they entered there the lord had to raise judges deborah gideon jephthah and the final was somewhere who was also a prophet one man you read your bible it's not a story of congregations it's a story of one man that did something for god are you getting it are you getting it when the lord was thinking of a king he raised a shepherd boy one man saul was a plan b the original plan was david but by the time they were asking for king david had not grown [Music] in fact he had not been born [Music] because saul ruled for around 35 to 40 years and the ark of god was taken out in israel in his second year of rulership meaning that he ruled israel for 38 years without god the first manifesto of david when he came to israel was where is the ark saul translated the nation into slaves and they paid heavily to sustain his presidency i feel like i'm speaking out there they were taxed heavily but they were warned the lord said to someone tell them if they get a king other than me now these are the things you will do your women will be perfumers you are men will be slaves and military men and you will be taxed heavily to sustain the budget of the palace when the ark was taken by the philistine saul did not have any any cry he was okay that is why milka or mikka the daughter of saul was raised in the absence of the presence she could not understand the dance of david because the woman looked and said how can you ashame yourself she was raised in a system where the protocol of the palace was power but where david came from it was lord thy decrees that you may increase i cannot approach you with my kingly garment i can only come with an effort because in your kingdom you don't have conversations with kings you have conversation with either priest or a son or a progeny of the kingdom so david was being prepared at 16 years the lord discovered a sergeant agent he sent someone to the house and called the parade seven children came the father of david thought the order of kingship is the same system tall dark and handsome the big brother came he said even someone thought this him this time he was judging with the eyes of the flesh and he looked and said not you and that's what the scripture says god looks at the heart not outside now let me correct it you see the prophet was pleased by the appearance the prophet was the mind of god so that does not mean the man was dressed badly before you quote some scripture to support your fashion statement go and do what we call excuses and suggestions and do context and content then go out on facebook and say if the man pleased the eye of the prophet it was not scanty it was not tight jeans and a muscle shot now could you charge bonus version and so at that time now see how god looks at men at that time the lord has said go and anoint a man in the house of jesse but there was no man because all the men came and there was a small boy 16 years old 16 16 you have an anointing of a nation that was the real slinking because in chapter 17 he was a slain goliath not facebook stone maneuvers and valley tessa i'm tessie quality battlefield at 16 and this is what begins to tell me god is not a respecter of men or even age we have permitted our children to mature in childishness you know there's a statement that was going around other than i was young which other excuse do you use to do silly things amazing i am tweeted okay when god sees young he sees opportunity of partnership for long 16 men who are being anointed to be kings at 16 which mantle did you have let's talk some of you are 25 and you always say i'm a leader but you are a leader of our subgroup with three members and two numbers are you as nearly as a nike in this afco tell your neighbor neighbor we are overgrowing there are things that men are not listen at 19 daniel was a governor in babylon 19 19 19 nintendo kenya called ps4 19 people were becoming governance 19 donations there is no dancing move you don't know but you know all the musicians with their profiles you know footballers and their salary but you don't know your purpose you can even predict the next transfer of but you don't know your next five years how they ought to look like it is error it is here i tell your neighbor neighbor you are not too young for god at 19 at 17 john was a disciple of jesus and he was the beloved he's the one that lived longest to write revelation peter was around 50 he died early so the lord had the use of john for long he was told he never said peter behold your mother he knew you were an old general he said john behold your mother take care of mary at 17 and he was the beloved he wrote the deepest book among the gospels it's not even put under the synoptic because we don't know how they say the book of john is the theological book of the bible paul never even wrote any theology he writes before genesis genesis says in the beginning god he says in the beginning was the word the first chapter is not genesis 1 it is john 1 1. he goes beyond creation and goes to the existence of the creator in his material form before he became man to create mystery at 17. my masturbation my pornography my coffee we have to lift the bar so that expectations can increase hallelujah so at 16 david is receiving an anointing for a king 16 unity anointed in the presence of his brothers his last bone the eighth bone looking after his father's sheep what is that again training training okay why because where god has put you that's the training they thought he's a shepherd but he was being trained on leadership because men are like sheep club divine backup are you hearing me are you hearing me so never the places of our training don't look familiar everything in your life will count one day even your mistakes god does not waste opportunities so being a shepherd was leadership see what he said when he got to the battlefield he said to the king saul i have killed the bear i have killed the lion what was that training to deal with kings because the lion is the king of the jungle the bear is the king of the woods so even this man who is the champion of the philistines i have a record of dealing with kings simple things like internship and you have an attitude they don't give you fair and they don't give you food and you use the office internet facebook and dming people and the lord is saying look at your attitude how will you stand before goliath and you have no history of slander of slaying lions and bears tell your neighbor neighbor every place in life is a training ground even today as a pastor i can account for many things i was in the ngo it taught me accountability systems i always tell the church this side is the holy ghost that side is a corporate we run the office as a corporate but we run this side with the upper room philosophy on that side we talk checks signatures account balances audit that's the language where did i get that in the ngo i didn't know i had a prophecy 2005 and i landed in an ngo distributing condoms and i was supposed to see how messed up my generation is the voice of god told me i never called you for condoms i called you for kingdom after breaking a record in kissy county of having distributed 60 000 condoms in less than five minutes employee of the year hallelujah and the lord told me this is the mess in your generation they don't need condom they need jesus that's how i got out but i got out with my experience and a burden for a generation tell your neighbor every training has something for you let your attitude be upright because your future is only in god so the lord raises a david as a king and there was no king like david you study him he was anointed three times by saul as the king of judah and by the elders as the king of israel because you can have the anointing and not have the position and that is the first test of humility and sometimes it is appointed men that frustrate anointed men the day david was anointed the anointing moved from saul he remained appointed but it became the snare for david there's always a battle between the anointed and the appointed but god begins to check your heart [Music] that's not the time to say if i be a man of god is to say the same god that anointed me let him appoint me in the right time and in the right season jeremiah met a child called pashur pashur was the son of the priest and that time the temple could not produce prophecy so jeremiah began to prophesy and pashur took him to jail he was appointed out of his lineage but jeremiah was anointed out of calling they are men that have positions because of connections they are men that are going to those positions because of anointing if we begin to hold it even in this nation we'll be so surprised them that have it the seats don't have the anointing it's the same paradox that says the day you had money you didn't have ideas and now you have ideas and now you don't have money someone can relate there are days all the clothes suppliers are your friends no idea they could donate now you have multi-million ideas you don't know where your money went hallelujah tell your neighbor one man tell your neighbor one man army god is not looking for a crowd he's looking for a man he's seeking for a man that can rebuild the walls and stand in the cup david was there david became the greatest king when god needed a savior he never created many saviors he created one man jesus one man jesus he is a master of dealing with one when he thought about the jewish touch he raised peter one man apostle when he thought about the gentile church guess what he raised paul a gentile apostle you go through church history you see the pattern when god was thinking revivals he raised one man luther it all came to calvin came to john wesley and now here we are and i came to announce even now god is looking for a man god is not looking for a crowd some of you are leaders following others it's a paradox because the mystery should be men ought to follow you but you are following men because you have not entered the space of understanding god does not work with congregations he works with separated men and i'm going to give you four things that god does when he's dealing with a man the first one is separation separation the first one god has never dealt with a man he never separated the feelings of god are in separation separation tell your neighbour separation tell your neighbor separation and god does not separate you from what you hate he will separate you from what you love and your comfort one of the laws of gym is if it doesn't pain it doesn't count i attempted going to a gym i like the word attempt until i looked at the instructor and i asked him miley clip on your music and walked out he was mishandling the anointing you know the worst part was i got a muscle pool and that day there were many ladies in the gym i told him i have a muscle pull so he came and was massaging me and i felt like screaming but now because of the presence of the ladies that was my last time with the gym but every time i will enter i will see a banner written no pain no gain seller so tell your neighbour separation god will separate you he will separate you from the world separate you from your friends separate you from your appetites he will separate you because there is no preparation without separation men are saying that's why we separate men and take them to school why preparation but they are separated from home so that they can be prepared and the quality of your preparation is equal to the intensity of your destiny the quality of your separation and preparation is equal to the intensity of your destiny our dealings are not the same there are weights i can handle that you can handle and there are weights you can handle i can't handle why you have been prepared for something one day i looked at my manager and i told him sir i don't admire you he was earning 120 000 also earning a third of his money not at that it was a quarter 30 000. and i never complained for my salary they used to wake up at five and go for board meetings at six i was comfortable going to work at nine they will leave office at ten writing proposal i was comfortable leaving for thirty and earning 30 000 very comfortable but the man had capacity to handle [Music] results are a product of capacity that's why before a man shares their results look at their scars before you admire medals look at the distance between scars and medals one day i gave her from four lifts and i knew what he was telling me upgrade but until you know the process some metals are not attracted easily separation in the kingdom god will separate you the second thing wilderness wilderness wilderness barracks are not in cbd's you don't find kicc and then baracks the system that has fed you and taught you you can't change it you cannot change a system that fed you taught you and raised you you must be out of the system to get another teaching raising and training that is why military men are not bound by the constitution of the land they have their own court martials they are not civilians when you go to driving school they will tell you this is a sign of a military car they cannot be stopped by traffic why their training does not permit them to suffer things ordinary men suffer the wilderness experience changes your mindset changes your language and it changes your attitude everyone that god worked with even jesus had 40 days in the wilderness you can't run away it is a place of loneliness solitude a place where men despise you but that is the place where men are formed and forged before you see a man on the ring ask them about their dealings in the gym no one will come to join you in the gym but men will celebrate you in the ring tell your neighbor neighbor the wilderness and guess what in every level of your life it is not ushered by prophecy it is ushered by wilderness the moment you hear next level don't shout locate the wilderness men don't emerge from towns they emerge from bushes to change towns ask john the baptist you see when you deal with men in town you buy the philosophy of the city you guide my guy this thing is maya people are occupying you better vote the mass can just be you know better safe than sorry men in the wilderness have interacted with raw scripture they have seen scorpions and pythons by the time they are writing and saying you shall step on scorpions and python and they shall not harm you they know they have dealt with them [Music] but men in the city they are well taught and well-mannered anyone that ever changed the world they came with a round ecospell they call it the gospel of that rugged cross they used to preach nothing but jesus hi my spiritual father was telling me how they used to preach with the father of massimo and he said the man will preach for five minutes but the kind of anointing that will fall and he told me he had two statements you need jesus and you will stay there on for a few minutes until that thing begins to vibrate in your spirit and say get born again or die and stay there until the word die begins to echo in your soul and you say i need jesus you don't preach what is popular you begin to preach what god is saying you don't you are not limited by what is limiting men your vibrancy and that of god is the same the wilderness number three preparation there is separation there is wilderness and number three there is preparation even saul that saw jesus eyeball to eyeball still needed three years in asia for preparation don't run before you equipped preparation preparation preparation the the distance and in preparation there's one thing you learn i learned the distance between potential and productivity of profit is a language called discipline the distance between potential and productivity and profit is a language called display majority of us we don't have a problem with saying where we are going we have a problem of having the discipline of the journey and i'm one of them and i keep on right now i'm working on what i'm working on and nature finishing projects i begin things and when the excitement dies i stop i have around five books i've read halfway so i looked at all of them and was like page 75 page 19. but when i began i read 50 pages they won my wife will come and ask me are you sleeping i'm like watching cool then day two the momentum goes down tell your neighbor there are many of us how many projects have you left hanging only a cuckoo mulan go to java people don't fail because they lack potential majority fail because they don't have the discipline of the process and this plan is not easy you must come to a place that discipline becomes a culture discipline of prayer discipline of reading the word discipline of communing with the things of god study it's a discipline someone told me busy see feeling you could pray i say that's the problem you don't pray because you feel it is a discipline how many remember in high school is there one day you felt like waking up i don't know why matress nimbaya kitana nimbaya using is in itamu barely killing i remember this a day we stole the school bell [Music] icon and what was the motivation of waking up because they kept on telling you when you get good results you'll have a good life so discipline must have a motivation behind it when the bigger picture is not clear we lose the momentum of now someone wrote and said great men don't work for the future they work from the future are we together i listened to one of the billionaires in kenya and he was asked what was your greatest care when you're about to die and he said because there are many things i've not achieved and the man asked him what do you mean he said anytime i complete a project i forget it and i discovered many believers have stories of zealand they are still surviving on former glory but they have nothing they are doing now the day you die is not the day you stop breathing is the day you stop dreaming the day you stop dreaming you are a cops walking wasting resources of earth hallelujah discipline must come is it easy you will sacrifice your friends a woman of god was telling me she saw a general in the spirit addressing her and guess what the general told her get out of his book it's wasting your time of prayer and the general said the reason why we became who we are we spend more time in prayer they say a normal kenyan boy or girl spends between four to six hours daily on facebook so meaning that you sleep for eight hours and if you sleep for eight hours and you die at the age of 80 you will spend around 32 to 35 years of your life asleep so you have 50 years now add four hours meaning that you will spend 56 years of your life doing nonsense how many years do you have 24 okay now it's sinking home auto to simula and there's a whole chemical in your brain that is starred by likes and comments is the chemical behind every addiction dopamine it's a chemical when you take alcohol it's released in the brain chemical when you take cigarettes is released in the brain and it causes an excitement look what makes you look at your phone you go straight to your photo and see how many have liked and then comment and see how many have commented and then slowly you say let me look at the next one you see a friend you see a friend you see an enemy and you post there you go to their page and see how they are doing by the time you are done two hours over that time was sufficient to read a book in the bible and then you come to church like a tourist as if i'm preaching alien gospel tell your neighbor neighbor success is not accidental is intentional and then you fail in life and you begin to connect with the message of wachawi pastor nonani kamakura okay [Music] and you are lifting holy hands with ninety thousand and saying father bless me and god is saying your capital is in your hand where lord how can you buy a ninety thousand phone and you're living in a bed sitter are you normal okay where was i preparation i'm not talking about deep things preparation entails the very basic things of life the final thing is commissioning never go when god has not sent you i read something and it was very exciting it says don't eat your harvest don't eat your seed because men are enjoying their harvest are you kidding me wait for the time of your commissioning god gives a good example of a potter that takes time on the pot and takes it to fire but it doesn't end in fire it ends in the place of display there are times people look at you and ask you where have you been and you tell them in the formation and preparation one man i mean stand up on your feet tell your neighbor neighbor i am that man i am that man god is not looking for another stranger god has been looking for you god has been looking for you have you learned something have you learned something when god needed revival in kenya he created you and we are the carriers of god in our time we are the ones to manifest and express the possibilities of god in our time hallelujah i just want you to pray for yourself today there are many resident potential god is looking for a man he's seeking for man you are the man time to think you are not worthy it is over you are not the opinion of men you are not the suggestions of your failure you are the reality of god you are the possibilities of the promises of way begin to open up your mouth you don't need a song to pray some of you you know where you are that is not where the lord wants you to be you are the deliverer of that family some of us are in the preparation in the wilderness in the seclusion others today it shall be a day of commissioning it is not over we are alive because of a reason somebody make a prayer make a prayer make a prayer come back to yourself begin to see yourself with the lenses of scripture you are not a loser you are not a failure you are not a defeated person you are the child of god you are born from above you have the possibilities in your dna it is time to look at the future and look at what god is doing look at the prophetic star that which has always been you you cannot die where you are somebody pray god is still looking for a man he's looking for a man in our time a man in our generation a man in our families a man in our homes god is still in the business of raising a man somebody pray declare for your life you are a history maker you are a carrier of revival as for me and my generation we shall be for science and for wonders we are wonderful for korea we are men of the spirit we are fire we are wind we cannot be stopped we cannot be limited we shall turn the world upside down it's time to arise possess thy possession conquer your mountain caliph said give me this mountain i'm still as strong as i was when i was 40 years old weakness of the flesh cannot limit you let the eyes of that spirit be open at 16 david was a king at 19 daniel was a governor at 17 john was a disciple you are not too young for the dealings of god you are not too young for the possibilities you are not too young to raise a dream you are not too young to start a revival you are not too young to heal the sick you are not too young to raise the dead you are not too young to starve the heavens to start the you are not too young it is not yet over god is still looking for a man he is seeking for a man who shall rebuild the walls of kenya who shall restore the glory to the church who shall bring back the gospel of revival god is looking for a man he is not a respecter of leader barack every generation has men that god raises in every sector i declare you shall be the man you shall be the man the dealings of zion the covenant the possibilities of eternity will begin to find expression with your life in the name of jesus [Music] somebody lift up your hand say i am the man somebody say i am the man i shall rebuild the walls of my family i shall rebuild the walls of my generation i shall rebuild the walls of my time somebody declare i am the man i am the man i am the man we are the solution of the hour the church must arise the world is waiting for the church wherever you are in the marketplace you are the man in the marketplace you are the man let there be a stirring whatever you carry you cannot go with it in the ground the vision the potential the ability [Music] of want to declare to you none of you will die before their time whatever heaven has obtained for you it shall come to pass god is not looking for a congregation he's looking for a man limuru can change when a man catches the fire your family will change because you are the man our community will change [Music] give me genesis 1 28. i want you to go with this word in this month the lord was speaking to me during the midnight prayer and he told me this month is giving rest to his sons and daughters rest does not mean absence of work it means you labor but you don't feel the pain of labor it is the weight of labor that is lifted oh then god bless them tell your neighbour you are blessed tell your neighbor you are blessed and god say to them be fruitful and multiply feel the heart and subdue it have dominion over every fish of the sea over the bird of the air and of every living thing that moves on the earth now when i look at this scripture it begins to tell me genesis 1 28 god was dealing with a spirit man the man of the flesh was created in genesis 2. the blessings of god are not in the flesh the flesh is a conduit to manifest what is in you so as we are reading this scripture guess what the nature of being fruitful and multiplying is in you it is in your spirit man it is not an external thing it's something that is resident in you tell your neighbor neighbor this is a nature in you multiply and be fruitful it is in you i feel there are this has nothing to do with children i know we have had this message in weddings it is god revealing the potential of the spirit and subdue it have dominion have dominion over the powers of the air the powers of the land and the power of the sea these are the three kingdoms contested demonically the air the sea and the ground now dominion is not something outside it's a new i'm saying this knowing that some of us are living below average below average what do i mean there is something in physics they call potential energy it is the energy resident in our entity that is stagnant you see the cars you've parked there some of those cars have ability to go at 120 and right now that is potential energy if you die without launching out guess the kind of energy we are burying last month to the routine is in facebook jesus let me tell you one of the ways of evangelism is the results we bear in the marketplace i'm not telling you to be a preacher daniel never preached in babylon but his results could not be denied until men begin to ask you what's your secret panda mungo pandama that's how we evangelize you cannot be defeated women do not begin with warning letter wherever you're the least seller allah there is a lot of potential energy but the moment you ignite the car change the gear step on the pedal of the acceleration and the car begins to move it is called kinetic energy it is the energy in motion i came to announce fruitfulness is a potential dominion is a potential the nature to multiply is a potential now engage the gear step on the accelerator every day when you wake up don't pray for dominion activate dominion every day when you wake up you are a businessman don't pray for profit activate fruitfulness this is where prayer comes in it is in you is a mechanism in you is not an anointing outside if you are a child of god these are things in you am i preaching a strange gospel yes what do i do near why is the corner is also to like the day you open that door they will doubt whether that's your father a woman of god is to tell us every end month be a very happy and she never lacked trend this is not a woman who went to theology she had simple revelation he's in me and if i get out he's the one they will say ullah mamawa maombi ali fungi have you ever had people ask believers like that now we don't know i've shared principles to apply listen we don't run to prayer we come from prayer in the next five minutes i want us to take the gate of me and then tomorrow monday step out us i tell you utah sota so that by tomorrow you are energized to wake up at five and step out when men step out engage as i'm speaking now men will begin to pick their dead visions and say i was not a madman when i wrote this dream down there was something that said pastor t you can do it i was not a mad girl when i was talking about this idea one of the things covid has taught us is that employment is not the sustenance of life there is something in man some of you are praying for jobs god is saying there is an ability that cannot be employed it can only be deployed there is a solution but fear has kept you bound today that fear is going down whatever is in you must begin to find expression you will not die with ideas resources and visions you will die empty you will reach where paul said i have run the race i have kept the faith now i am ready you will not look back and see the many wasted opportunities open your mouth take charge of the week take charge of the month begin to program it begin to program it announce possibilities announce them you can send prayer ahead of you there is one thing we can send it is called prayer the mind of me shall be my man is my mount of results my mouth of divine divine encounters my mouth of divine possibility supernatural encounter take charge of the month stand at the gate stand at the gate secure your allotment my lies are falling in pleasant places my allotment is secure i uplift every war i uplift every barrier i have believed every contention this is the man to step out declare health declare wellness declare peace declare the shalom kabbalah mandela satire every engagement in the realm of the spirit against my life let it be lifted whatever is obtained from me it shall come to pass that which the lord has set up for me it shall come to pass as for me and my house the heavens are open divine possibility supernatural supply the work of my hand is blessed i am fruitful i have dominion i am bearing fruit i am stepping out i am a sign and i wonder those have been opened no contention somebody secure security to my own send your prayers watch prophesy announce declare them that declare all them that love the plan they shall eat of the fruit therefore pacquiao let's begin let every dead vision come back to life every potential come back to life every assignment possibility come back to life let the anointing to step out be upon you now you are not sure of tomorrow do it now do it now it is now it is now it is now it is now it is now none of you shall die with visions that he was supposed to fulfill none of you shall die with potential resident i say anyone under the sound of my voice i covenant with my future [Music] hallelujah the time is now we are not sure about tomorrow procrastination is not our portion i declare strength of what i feed i declare as you step out of this kid it is time to step out every dream every idea every desire i declare the grace of god to manifest it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus go out and shine all of us will not preach but some of you god has anointed you in the marketplace you will advance there no positional barrier this man is already blessed for you i declare no sickness divine health is your portion supernatural supply let every door that has contention let the contention and conspiracy be lifted i declare over your life may this be the best month of your life in the name of jesus and i announced by the authority of eleon the time for that business is now time to knock that door is now time to step out is now you threw away that vision pick it up and go you are not mad the ideas of god are beyond our ability step out step out in the name of jesus in the name of jesus that's my prayer to you i tell you where you are it's not where you're supposed to be and you know that receive the nature to sacrifice and the nature to walk in the purposes of god [Music] you must succeed because the revival that is coming will not be financed by wasongos we are not waiting for christ for all nations to come and start revival no and then they finance everything and then they go back home and the harvest and the only thing we are left with is also no this time we must know the law god must bless you in the land by the time this revival comes men will be writing checks of millions why because god has blessed them and they have known their place in ministry are you getting me me i'm not i'm not praying for a partner from america no i'm believing god for ordinary men that will walk with extraordinary results people who came jobless we prayed people who came with visions that looked like crazy but we prayed we trained we gave them strategies and we see them ascend and we shall say these men are our testimony of what we do in the muru talk to them you will sense they have god they have principle but they are turning the world upside down they are rewriting the philosophy of business they are rewriting the philosophy of governance they are rewriting the concept of marriage they are turning the world upside down if a man can rise this nation will be restored may god bless you to all the visitors thank you for coming we always finish ali but i had missed the guys sina on imagina next time we will keep time so next sunday we begin our two services uh we really encourage all of us to take care of one another amen let us not be careless hallelujah just be responsible but just know god is the one keeping you but for the sake of responsibility let's be responsible is that okay so from next sunday we'll make sure the church is well spaced please purpose if the first service be on time 9-11 the second service 11 11 30 to 1 30. so be here on time so that we can be able to make sure we we observe the protocols and all that hallelujah it's time to give it's time to give it's time to give [Music] but before we even give if you're here and you've never given your life to jesus that will be the best offering we can give is there anyone you want us to pray for you anyone oh thank you there if someone comes here let's appreciate the lord hallelujah [Applause] i believe we can do better than that church hallelujah hallelujah amen is there anyone else that wants to give his life to jesus the hour is now the hour is now is there anyone else this is the evidence that jesus is in the house because he's the only one who can save is there anyone else anyone else anyone else anyone else oh hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus this is the day of salvation hallelujah is there anyone else when you sense the savior's in the house you better make that decision now hallelujah you better make that decision now is there anyone else you are saying pastor i need to give my life to jesus i am tired i've tested the world i have seen the world has nothing to offer is there anyone else i tell you we can wait for you the offering we are giving is important but not as important as the souls because this is an imperishable offering is there anyone else hallelujah my jesus my jesus my jesus god is speaking to you ah jesus please help me preach to your neighbor help me preach to them mulizer too molisa angel test trumpets [Music] kwana kama zika ready for rapture it has to come out of my glory the reason why i'm doing it like this is because the kingdom of god is a family are we together it's a household let me have pasta um just come pasta peter mr william are you there or just come behind that lady i just want to let's stretch our hands and pray for them father in the name of jesus it's only you who can save lord in your eternal journals you knew that today was an appointed day for this brother and this sister lord you know their lives better than anyone else you know their tears they have not run to pastor t they have run to the cross they have come to you jesus because this day was ordained for them and now i declare anything that is of pharaoh and of the world let it be terminated from their life every claim every covenant every vow let it be cut off we contend for their souls and we declare now they are under the lordship of jesus no claim from the devil no claim from hell these are your sons and daughter lord supper cathaya even now you can fill them with the holy ghost may this be a new dawn a new day a new beginning and a new order in their lives those who are here just lift up your hands you are confessing this because you have believed say lord jesus today willingly i ran to you knowing that i'm a sinner in need of a savior and today lord i submit under your lordship and from today i confess with my mouth because i have believed in my heart that jesus you are lord thank you for dying for me when you come for the church let me be among the saints in your holy name jesus i have prayed amen and amen hallelujah let's celebrate them once again welcome sir hallelujah hallelujah so you'll give your name and number to that gentleman over there and we'll follow up on you amen are we ready to give our offering are we ready to give our offering [Music] are we ready to give amen i know it's end month also them that have received their salaries let's also submit our tithe let's just pray for our offerings father we thank you and we thank you today we give because we are blessed the portion we are picking as our tithe as our first fruit and as our free will offering is coming from an archive of your blessing and we are picking this because we love you and because we understand the dealings of the ministry we know that money is needed as this money goes for ministry lord we bless you and we thank you lord because we are the partakers of blessing in jesus name we pray amen and amen those that are giving online that's the detail allow me to make this one announcement just hold on and this should be an encouragement to you amen um you know we are buying this property and we began we've already made the first deposit the owner gave us a five-year payment plan and every month we have a target of raising 650 000 it looks like a lot of money but when i look at the projections of the pledges well it was around 330 000 and you are offering and you are tithed all the money you give we don't touch it even the few bills we pay we don't pay from the church account it goes to the land project are we together so when you are faithful with your tithe honoring your pledges and even your free will offering it helps a lot it helps a lot in what we are doing can i give you the good news now tomorrow we will be making our second installment because we always pay after every two months so we paid the first installment tomorrow we are making our second installment and guess what we are not making it with an apology we have the checks ready the man is there it's home so i'm sharing this so that you can be encouraged and i told god and i told the pastoral team it is my prayer we will never make an apology the owner of the land will see our god because we'll be faithful and i believe in god even the five years will not end can i give you another thing we are doing yes because we are a family now already you see this place is becoming small right a few men gathered and we are trying to see some three four five acres somewhere within limuru hallelujah and we have identified the place we've already secured half an acre and we will be in the process and there are few properties over there because we are believing god there is a place it's taking us now tell your neighbor neighbor eo5 acres god has positioned a few people and they are working on that vision are we together some of us are not sleeping so let us serve selflessly amen so by you are giving a hundred ten bob we are able to do a lot we've also managed to buy a stage soon and very soon we'll be doing crusades every sunday all over limuru hallelujah so we are ready for the work of god we are believing god for revival and that's why i'm believing god god must bless you because the budgets are in another level and you know what i'm so happy about this church i love my timeline apparently but i bless god god has blessed you hallelujah so be encouraged and any time you give just know we are giving for something bigger than ourselves amen amen so god bless you now the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forevermore amen see you at the worship experience you can give a number [Music] amen [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] and we will ever [Music] [Music] we know
Channel: Life Church Limuru
Views: 18,095
Rating: 4.9043064 out of 5
Id: mrB7hTjiTWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 43sec (5683 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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