Will wine save an UNSELLABLE Brisket!?

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thanks mizion for sponsoring this video one dollar this is all i have i have good connection with my meat dealer but the question is can he sell me a brisket for one dollar yo emilia what's up this my man right here hey man i have a question for you go ahead i got one dollar that's all i got i need a brisket can you sell me a brisket for a dollar come on man come on will you hook me up bro for a dollar if there's anybody that can do is you one dollar come on emilio listen come on i have a sample supposed to take to a customer okay i'm gonna sell it to you for a dollar i will make it a dollar biscuit people be friends okay just because you're friends one dollar brisket baby let's go oh it's a big boy too let's go you have no idea what i'm about to do with it that's why i need it to be a dollar emilio whatever it is i hope it's worth it i hope so too you're the man oh oh it's a heavy one too how many pounds it's 18 pounds 18 pounds i love it thank you my brother you're the man that's why i got a meat dealer everybody let's go cook this thing right now thanks amelia take care and this is what a dollar brisket looks like now there's no way you're going to be able to find one dollar brisket anywhere however if you have great connections with your meat dealer you can get as lucky as i just did and as you can see this is not a high grade brisket and the first thing to do like every brisket is to start the trimming you see this part right here they used hot water to vacuum pack it it's basically cooked brisket so it is important to trim it all out and as you can see as i did man this thing has almost no intramuscular fat there are a few things that i look for to make my brisket perfect the first one is to have a good ratio of fat and meat the point which is the fattiest part of the brisket i always like to remove most of the external fat however since this brisket is a select i'm gonna leave quite a bit the flat usually has almost no intramuscular fat so i always leave a quarter inch but on this one i'm gonna leave a little bit extra when i flip it around i just like to trim the things that will not render talking about rendering i am leaving more fat on this brisket than i ever did in any other i cooked to ensure that the fat will render properly and most importantly get my season to penetrate i went ahead and score it and my thought is for a select brisket this is a must because once i was done check it out yeah this is something i've never done to a brisket now the next thing to do is to get it seasoned so for that i transferred to a tray because things are about to get a little messy you see you gotta make sure your seasoning will stink so adding a binder is a must for this type of brisket and yellow mustard has proven itself to be a good one so after rubbing both sides with it i went ahead and started seasoning with a good amount of salt remember this is a humongous piece of meat so make sure you season this thing well and once i was happy with the salt i went ahead and finished with black pepper as you know i'm going to be steaming this brisket with wine so i don't want to mask with any other flavor but now that we got the brisket ready it was perfect because it allows me time to go ahead and make an awesome side dish and these are perfect as appetizers or a side dish to any type of meat and to make them it's super easy and here's how the first thing is to crispen up some bacon always remember to keep it under low heat whenever you're cooking bacon you don't want them to go too quickly if not the fat will not render talking about rendering when you see them bubbling up like this it's a sign that the fat has rendered enough mix it around to make sure that it's perfectly the way you like it and reserve the bacon fat once i was done i was left with perfectly crispy bacons now that is gonna go into our filling talking about filling everything just goes into the food processor i started with cream cheese followed by the bacon we just cooked green onions garlic paste worcestershire sauce soy sauce a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper now blend everything on high because this is what you should be left with not the most appetizing look but i guarantee you it is extremely flavorful it's not fully done yet as now we need to wrap this up on this one tongue wrappers there are countless shapes that you can make i'm just gonna show you some of my favorites the first thing is to wet all edges add a little bit of filling right in the middle and tighten up the corners just like this check it out one of the most traditionals you see in all chinese restaurants here is another style close it up making a triangle and once you have done so twist it around and connect both ends and there you have it a very interesting shape once i was done take a look they are now ready to be fried talking about that to do that it's super easy you can use a very fancy oil like duck fat or just keep it in budget with vegetable oil you want to fry them up at 350 degrees fahrenheit until they are golden brown just make sure not to overdo it because this is what you're looking for a nice crispy crust and a golden brown exterior as you saw it these are super easy to make and most importantly absolutely delicious and it will be the perfect marriage for that one dollar brisket talking about that the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook it first i'm gonna be smoking it for four hours that means i'll be setting my smoke at 275 degrees fahrenheit once i'm happy with it i'm going to be using some wine to steam it for that i'll be using this very special container which if you want one check out the description down below i'm going to be steaming it till it's fully cooked for exact time i'll be letting you know real shortly as the only thing left to do is to go ahead and cook it so now i say it is enough talking and it is time to steam this one dollar brisket so let's do it [Applause] [Music] mm-hmm one [Music] [Music] [Music] before moving forward i want to thank today's sponsor misen missile's mission is to inspire and enable great cooking and what better way to get inspired than with beautiful tools like this one take a look at this with missing dutch oven you get a quality dutch oven without the outrageous price tag it cost almost half as much as the pricier dutch oven and the amazing dutch oven has been shown to outperform even the most expensive the javins when subjected to heavy wear and tear the competition cracked and broke under pressure while museum shows zero signs of wear or cracks in the enamel minson uses robots to spray four layers of priming ammo by being spread over dipped mison ensures evenness in the enamel of the dutch oven down to 0.2 millimeters and with mizin's 4.5 millimeter cast iron core you get a dutch oven designed for better heat retention than those overpriced options this is pretty convenient it comes with two different lid options you get the grill lid which can be used as a grill panel on any stove or you can pick the traditional lid they also offer silicone lid which is handy for when you need the dutch oven and the grill pan at the same time when stored you can put it between the lid and the dutch oven to prevent chips or damage click the link in the description and use my promo code google foods for 20 off your first order it's simple use promo code google foods for 20 of your first order thank you music for sponsoring this video now let's get right back to it all right everybody here we have our beautiful brisket are you hungry remember i'm hungry to go this thing's smelling good smells phenomenal everybody and that's a lot oh you like that my little appetizer my mom yeah that's a little appetizer but i don't care about appetizers i care about the brisket that's not how things work by the way this is an experiment brisket last experiment was good exactly remember when we deal with the beer the beer when we did it with the beer mama they went ahead and requested this experiment so this is a hundred percent your request it's your fault uh if it's bad yes not my fault not my idea not my idea i already i'm already getting myself out of the conversation uh we're gonna have a serious talk this thing is not good so here's the deal last time was wagyu brisket now this one is a dollar brisket i pay one dollar for it yeah i don't have a brisket invite they saw it in the video i i know it's hard to believe but it actually happened okay one dollar that's how much i paid for it i don't know if it cost a dollar but i paid it okay that's what i'm going to say like does it cost a dollar or emilio sold you for a dollar how did you know that was a million because the only person that you're the only meat dealer who's gonna give you the discount so it is not a wagyu brisket get your hopes way down yeah all right they're already crashing so we want to know if it's good bad or ugly and at the same time it is a little bit of experiment so let's go for it you ready what are you talking about we're going to go for this oh you want to go it's an appetizer you know i made it you open up your appetizer exactly i made it so we'll go ahead and we try this is a little one time with bacon and cream cheese spread my mouth i know right that's already sunny amazing enough cheers everybody it's like a little flavor bomb you know what i mean as a matter of fact i didn't put much salt that's because it has worcestershire sauce and other things and the bacon so it's very salty very creamy extremely creamy mama what do you like what do you think are you going for another one i'm going for another one i can tell my mom like it already you know what let's call this what it is what is it mama this is a barbecue crab that's right barbecue so good but i want to try the brisket are you ready i'll tell you one thing this brisket before we try it i must give you guys a huge warning exactly it's falling apart this method is phenomenal everybody it cooks the brisket a lot faster than any other brisket it took me only five hours to cook the whole thing my mouth man i smoked it for four hours and i steamed it for one hour by the way i'm already telling you i steamed it mama it might it might be a little overcooked yes it is because that was my surprise it's a little bit over i'll be honest okay and that's because i was not expecting to only take one hour i thought it was gonna take three hours four hours you know but only one hour and when i took it out i probed it it was like butter that's how good this method is so it's really soft just from yeah i mean look at the fork we're gonna do the you know the protest whatever and then to take it apart i mean check it out everybody there's zero resistance the poo test you already know you know what i mean it's slightly overcooked slightly it's not gonna it's not gonna damage the meat oh my god oh you're cheating finger looking good i have to my there's that dirty okay enough are you ready for mom all right let's try it we're waiting for you man all right enough cheers everybody wow that's good it's not wagyu it's not a wagon yeah what a nice flavor and it's still juicy even though it's a little overcooked it's juicy you use red wine i use the red wine yeah damn almost good not because i know wine is because i know the red wine is a little bit sweeter so it has a little hint of sweetness on it it is not an overwhelming amount of alcohol amount no no no at all at all like you can barely tell you can barely tell you got to pay extreme attention it's more on the bark that's why you're coming in also the smell is different on the brisket it is it that and at the same time you see it smells different it feels different it tastes slightly different but it does not by any means make it bad or taste like alcohol it just tasted different that's how i describe it so the method works very well slightly overcooked just a tiny bit but at the same time very delicious a lot of people like falling apart you know what i mean yeah that's exactly what's exactly what it is anyway guys these are the results i highly recommend giving a try to this method it works extremely well just make sure you got a nice big large steamer i'm going to put a link on the description of mine so that you can get the same i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it make sure to give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye-bye this is so good i haven't even gone for back for the upper advertising yeah usually you have i'm forgetting how to speak english that's how good is that how good it is see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 760,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brisket, bbq, wine, experiment, cooking, grilling, food, recipe, how to cook brisket, steamed brisket, best brisket, tender brisket, how to grill brisket
Id: TwsLizKaCxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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