I hope these boxes are lucky!

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ohayo gozaimasu good morning everyone we are going to Odaiba today so we was trying to take the subway to train and try to find our way so we're put this down with maps we don't get lost we'll see you guys in ode I'm still making our way over to Odaiba I wanted to hear subway if it's above ground this tree I'm waiting yeah right now we're just transferring over to when I have to be on this one intense crow where we have to walk there so kinda rainy and open icon and here your favicon should about my jacket sold out but I don't want to get wet yeah it turns into water resist I don't think it's watered through but it will resist the water power infusion because it's early fog look Sonia we just got off the v train and look what's over there it is joy palace or joy oculus which everyone you want to say so we're going to head into that little mall Joey pull this Sega there's like quite a bit of a line here and even Cooper to havoc the entrance I see a lot of cool stuff in there it does right and we actually get discount because we have passport and we're not Japanese I thought it says I'm on a thing right so it's gonna cost five bucks to get in and then it's like $40 for like I guess the ride all the passage I'm not sure I think we're just gonna get like the admission at first got our admission tickets so I think you got to stick it in there or scan it all right there ask in line okay we're in entrance welcome to joyful is also toy appellees wow look at that it's like a look at screen over there so remember to do a lot of exploring in here because this looks pretty awesome oh yeah you know what we found already arcade games we're probably have to do a video here at least one right maybe two or three cuz this is awesome look at all these prizes like what is this thing I haven't noticed it it looks like a um it looks like there keep your life a pet thing right oh my gosh Sonique know we have to win sonic put it on sonic oh man this is want to be in a video guys we're not going to win it today on this because we don't want to waste too much time like for the vlog on this stuff because you guys don't care about arcade game wow they have a ton of flavors on that board and oh he'll get one balloon I'll get one leaders look at this it's like a real car they're in real cars and they're driving in that looks really awesome those become what kind of car is that Amiata okay I don't know anything about these cars but it's based not like a anime show and so like who actually had this game in the u.s. initial Deen not like an actual car though but it looks really cool oh yeah Sonic Carnival you know what that means carnival games oh man I'm ready to win some carnival games where we going to do I don't know what we have to do oh look they have like a a ball toss over here Oh Wacka Wacka Sonic it's whack and Eggman there's another game over there so here he's gonna throw it in the ball King throw the ball into the hole I'm not sure just sign in find out everything that's going on over here this looks like another simulator of some sort this is sonic brain ranking I think it's like a pillow another Hello Kitty it says right here it's like from the same family yeah every person can do it cuz I couldn't no it's okay I miss my first one too but now you know how to slow it right Jesse now she knows how so that wasn't your fault that wasn't your father's opt-out yeah oh wait maybe it is your fault Oh got to prison got some kind of cookies max I think I'm gonna give it one more try okay Chris was playing a game called oring she has to just drop the ball or throw it if she wanted to go into the ones for the color you can get the rainbow the rainbow is a big one no get the lol is go to rainbow rain frames brain no no no I think you actually get to go one more time though maybe this will be the one I win wow I came all the way back come on get it get it get it rainbow rainbow bomber yellow or blue no oh man no in all my traffic of that well that is so cool oh look it just keeps going crystals having too much fun over here with this machine it's like a TV it has like a camera and she can make bubbles make a lot of bubbles I wonder wave if you hold your hand still does it like start building up on your hand yeah it's building up now string it yeah this ride looks really fun I kind of want to try that but I don't think I let him put the camera on there yeah look at that line that line is insane I'm wearing an hour long lives it's called the halfpipe Tokyo so then you're Scrabble minute ends around like this is going up so just let joy obelisk now we're gonna go find something else to do I think there's more stuff up there in a different level here's a neat little like walkway inside the same mall it's really like looks like a street right yeah that's what I'm trying to think of a flea market they have like left little push things on the side like there's snacks there took an ice-cream like though oh these figures anime figures oh the lucky box stores I remember this I saw some videos of this so what'd you guys do guys in this um here's like a sample box you can't see in it and these are all just wrapped up but if you can find one that has a card in it when you open it you can actually exchange that for prize depending on what's on the card and they have different costs like these are 300 yen so it's like a roughly three dollars and inside they have some more expensive ones I remember I saw the videos online we totally up to go find some these boxes right here or $100 u.s. it's ten thousand yen which is about 100 bucks I don't know what could be inside a thing but every better be like an iPod or something a dream box it's only 30 bucks oh no it'll make you all your dreams come true wait you hear that it sounds like there's some cards in there they're not going to buy those so here's some of the stuff that you could win like I guess if your card says like certain numbers you just match it up and you can win one of those so I would want one that had like the number what is this dragon ball over here like the number it doesn't have a number on it but I'd want a Dragon Ball Z one so I think crystal found one that she wants she's been listening to it for a long time now like you think there's one in there this box is making no sound listen everything yes I'm thinking of trying to trick people why making it not sound like anything I bet there's one in here they're actually having no recording sign in there and it said YouTube know so we're gonna open them out here so they don't get mad crystal do you have a card in there hope it's a lucky blog something yeah it's like the surprise bags from dollar trees do you have a card in there no you didn't get a card what is it flip it over it's some kind of toys think it's like on TV Oh lame-o finings all have a part in there so we can get something really cool perfect Martha do it it is murmurs oh yeah no I don't know that I would not have done address conditions it could be something really short here what is it what is it 12 the Jews oh my gosh can you get out sense of telling hey tell me what it is Oh Oh what is that Oh what's your spine cool smell okay no I can't let such a demon most likely the devil that's actually the devil Gary I think this whole place just has lucky stuff here are lucky machines very much about how they know yeah I don't think we're especially within costing $10 which is a 2000 yen is roughly $10 so we're going to walk away from this before a very unlucky today wow look it's like a retro arcade they have super old games in here it's like with this game I think you got to push the ball down and you win the corresponding prize this is just a machine for snacks hello barber could they have a barber cut actually that looks pretty stupid so with this I think with this game it's like a magnet and it will pick up the balls and you got to try to add points or something to get these or something like that this will arcade is cool you can believe we're going to get a video from here I definitely get a video in here leaving this little mall now because there's nothing else to do in there crystals like they're scared to get wet it's lunch time guys and we decided to get McDonald's because we heard of some epic fries here those are huge it's like two large fries put together and then we got some chicken nuggets we didn't want it weren't really in the mood for trying something new today or at least not right now so we want some some American food and we're going to try something later that's like new Japanese food but those fries are huge so we had to come inside because it is raining a little harder than we want out there right we don't have an umbrella either look at this car that looks so cool it can have one person oh I see yeah only holds one person this is neat I'm not sure what's going on here but you can like see everything is this a real car yeah I know but why do they have it like like this I understand why you have it like this how would I have it just a little cool now see this one looks really cool like this could be really a car because it looks like it um you can't touch it don't touch it it look as I said the fuel cell so a battery operated car this one's weird too it's like you're an egg the magic ain't in this and then closing it is it for one person or two people what do you do stand-up special hours on a night recon leader land and a lot of fun mothers might be are killing me if you turn this way just a little bit you can see be a super piece very good I think is like probably bigger than the Orlando Eye shoes a big one for me holding her to doto I dressed up a little bit we heard Wow look at this beautiful cherry blossom is the most amazing thing in the whole wide world and on the floor they have a little cherry blossom right it was official oh I know that's a really nice peepers like of those are really nice blue oh my god it's so amazing no we have a change of plans we are really really really tired I think dad and Christmasy hurt really bad I'm so bad I don't know why today is any worse than the other day so so yeah what I can go back out we did actually trying to just nice food today Donald those fries are huge rather than America and America anyway we had a lot of fun in Odaiba um a little areas calling time I had fun anyway today yeah it was really fun so thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Plush Time Vlogs
Views: 783,926
Rating: 4.7919388 out of 5
Keywords: tokyo, japan, Tokyo, Japan, Odaiba, odaiba japan, tokyo japan, joypolis, joyopolis, lucky box, odaiba, plush time vlogs, japan trip, japan vlog, sega joypolis
Id: ll4VsxyvUII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2017
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