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hey everyone wolf Loro here today we continue our Imperial fist week with the chapter's return to Terror spoiler warning to begin as the events we're discussing today are from the Warhammer 40K novel Throne World by Guy Haley as always I really recommend you read the stories for yourself first without spoilers as that's the best way to enjoy the law for yourself but with that said let's waste no time and just jump straight in okay so over the past couple of days we've discussed the fall of the Imperial fists chapter and how thanks to the Calamity of the war of the Beast this proud symbol of rogal Dawn was reduced to one single surviving Marine Captain corand who would invoke the last war protocol calling together all the sons of dawn to become the last war for Terror once again as they were in the heresy so too would they now be terror's salvation and yesterday we discussed the meeting of these chapters the Council of leadership and corand having to break the news to them that the founding chapter was no more that he was all that remained and this was obviously a shock to all of the successor chapters and it led to a bit of a tense debate on not only what the Wall's course of action should be but also who should lead them while naturally you may expect a first founding chapter to have a bit of prestige or respect over their successes technically it doesn't automatically mean that that chapter would be in command of a combined force and really there's no precedent to go by here either with corand being only a captain it became immediately clear that high Marshal band of the black Templars saw himself as the rightful Choice all causing a bit of a problem however corand felt it was his duty to the legacy of his chapter to lead the last W and that seeing as he was now the final Imperial fist he was the de facto chapter Master it was his place his duty to command and in actually being the sole member of his chapter it did unexpectedly provide the benefit of no favoritism corand would be able to command freely without being being swayed by loyalty to his own chapter and so despite some hesitancy corand was voted in to command the last W and he felt the weight of that responsibility the assembled sons of dawn a moment in history however for all the talk of a reformed Legion the return of the Legion of old in reality it was still a Far Far Cry from that glorious age as corand reflected in a private conversation with issachar chapter Master of the excoriators so many of Dawn's Sons gather together in one place said issachar beneath the fearsomeness that his damaged armor and scarification bestowed on him isachar was a considered man and he spoke Softly the power concentrated here halts my breath such an army such a fleet with it the stars are ours for the taking isachar stepped closer to the armor glass of the window gallery and spread the fingers of one scratched Gauntlet upon it as if he would seize that power for himself he smiled at corand the knotted tissue on his face distorting the expression into something ugly that is why the legions are no more and this is no Legion said corand despite our numbers at last count we are 2,800 of the line of rogal dawn the fist Exemplar are much depleted High Marshal bohemond calls in his Crusades but they are scattered he left unsaid the fate of his own Brothers slaughtered at ardam manur five companies of the Crimson fists eight of your brothers the rest will come reassured issachar we grow in strength daily soon the excoriators will be here in Fall every last battle brother and neopit I swear this to you the iron Knights have responded to the call and make their way to join us and then what how many can we count upon if all our brothers answer the call there will be fewer than 4,000 of us High Marshall bohemond keeps his own chapter numbers a mystery how many of them might come and we have yet no word from the soul drinkers they are secretive but honorable and will have set out in force the moment they receive the call to the last wall so 5,000 at best said corand at the height of its power the old seventh consisted of over 100,000 Warriors and it was but one of 18 Legions how differently things would go were it still so and you can't help but think here how right that statement is yes Gillman had Sound Logic for his breaking of the legions and yes you have to say it worked for all the war of the past 10,000 years the Imperium did did survive so you have to say at the end of the day it was right right individual chapters stationed and Scattered across the Imperium able to respond quickly to any threat that arises a sound structure for defense however when you hear those numbers hear the sons of dawn struggling to pull together a few thousand and that's the site that's takes their breath away when the Legion of old was over a 100,000 it's just a completely different realm you just forget how devastatingly powerful the legions were maybe due to the heresy being Legion against Legion it doesn't quite sink in at times but in this situation here listening to the two chapter Masters speak you realize how insanely powerful the legions were how they could just annihilate anything and that's not even mentioning the fact that they had a Primark at the head of each of them the rise of the Orcs their battle moons appearing across the Galaxy it would have been Stamped Out and destroyed immediately were the legions around and yet here it brought the Imperium to its knees threatened the very Revival of the throne world because they weren't and yet that few thousand the sons of dawn are trying to assemble is the most powerful force bestriding the Imperium it's only hope and it's all really down to a simple Oath a sense of Duty loyalty to their blood the rest will come reassured issachar we grow in strength daily soon the excoriators will be here in Fall every last battle brother and neopit I swear this to you the iron Knights have responded to the call and make their way to join us it's a bond and Brotherhood that transcends mortal boundaries it's a commitment that has conquered death Traverse the Galaxy there is no doubt they will come yet despite the differences and opinion across the chapters the threat of an orc Moon appearing over Terror was simply too much for corand to ignore perhaps as an imperial fist he felt the duty to protect terror more keenly within and ultimately he ordered the assembled last war Force to head for Terror immediately and they arrived in incredibly quick time unknown to them a by The elari Who had calmed the imum to speed up their passage and upon arriving in the system the fleet laid course straight for Terror and the attack Moon making sure to force the fabricator General and Mars to add their forces along the way and so it was the sons of dawn returned to Terror fulfilling their oath to the primarch and the emperor and the they wasted no time in commencing the fleet battle against the orc Moon the orc Moon hung over the holy orb of Terror a rock that threatened an imminent drop shattering the Bland gry surface of Mankind's home but it was no longer Master of the Void Space Marine ships stood off outside the range of the moon's gravity weapons a raid in attack formation seven Mighty battle barges more more than a dozen strike Cruisers scores of lesser attack ships behind them sheltered the huge adeptus mechanicus Arc and Factory ships their metal bellies full of cybernetic armies ready to wreak cold vengeance upon the Orcs there was one other ship of significance in the heavens the mighty Naval vessel Auto selac Eternal stood at high anchor treacherously doing nothing signal the autosell Eternal again said corand staring at the coward lansung Flagship through the center of the grand Oculus she is still not responding my Lord corand reported one of bohan's bondsmen corand watched the other vessel as his own Fleet flew past it anchored there doing nothing said bohim and the high Admiral will answer to me himself ignore it said isachar over the fleet Vox there is more at play here than Warfare some political move on the part of the high Admiral begin the attack said corand what a perfect symbol for the Imperium that is the adepta saatis plowing straight into the enemy giving their all for the Imperium and the emperor and the most powerful vessel in the Imperial Navy the High Lord Admiral's own Flagship no less and it's just sitting at anchor over Terror not moving doing absolutely nothing the perfect representation of the high Lords Of Terror God the more you see of them the more and more you just can't help but wonder what the emperor and malador were thinking how the Imperium could have ever truly prospered beneath a Council of ordinary Baseline humans in a bare few centuries the entire institution became rotten to the core nothing they are doing absolutely nothing the mechanicus forces are only present because corand had to essentially threaten the fabricator General how better the Imperium could have been were the estares in charge how you can understand why Gilman is doing that very thing right now with the tetrox and Ultramar perhaps had the emperor been able to truly rule had the Golden Age survived the flaws of humanity wouldn't have been so pronounced however here in the Grim dark ironically they are all too visible to see salvation brought to Terror not by those who rule who have the responsibility for it but by the emperor's Angels instead the ancient Sentinels of Terror the sons of the petorian and the battle against the orc moon is epic the last wolf Fleet advancing on the orc battle Moon as the orone fleet races to meet them it's like a 40K version of Return of the Jedi two fleets going at it before a planet-sized space station when of course the worst transpires and the moon fires all we needed was calland yelling it's a trap the moon deploying some form of gravity lash or whip which could strike out and Destroy vessels in a single hit causing immediate losses to the assembled sons of dawn leaving them no choice but to press the attack against the orc Moon Retreat quite simply never an option and the losses began to pile up as the fleet poured everything it had at the Moon desperately trying to disable the weapon yet it was beginning to appear in vain the weapon nearing charge once again and it was at this moment of Despair when things surely couldn't have got any worse that another fleet was detected rounding Terror we have an energy signature of a large Fleet approaching from terra's night side it cannot be the Imperial Navy the autox Eternal stands off and there are no other Naval vessels in the system said bohon there was no warning Of Orcs on the far side of the throne World said corand gravity weapon is close to full charge warned K brace shouted Clermont the lightning discharge built and corand prepared for the worst the attack never came the face side of the orc moon appeared to change shape redrawn by a swift painter working in blinding light the Oculus dimmed itself at the sudden flare and the Space Marines saw the moon's face deformed by a dozen Atomic blasts from out of the Maelstrom a fresh Fleet came sailing jet black Silhouettes set against the destruction they had Unleashed adeptus aarti vessels a powerful sonorous voice burst over the Vox this is chapter Master malons the iron Knights respond to the call of the last war we apologize for our tardiness but we are here the sons of dawn stand together oh waiting orders ah there is nothing that gets the pulse racing like the arrival of unexpected reinforcements when all hope seems lost this absolutely gave me goosebumps when I read it for the first time and honestly it still does a bit now like the charge of the reim appearing over the hill the iron Knights have heeded the call of their Primark the sons of rogal do fighting as one it's an absolutely Sublime moment in the law let alone the last war narrative honestly when the voice of chapter Master malfin sounded I almost leapt out of my chair it's just one of those moments this is chapter Master malons the iron Knights respond to the call of the last wall ah it's just Epic it makes you want to start an iron Knights Force right now and I don't even know what the chapter looks like this is the greatness of 40K law a moment that can take you from despair to Adrenaline fued excitement in the blink of an eye that inspires you to want a force of these Heroes you're reading about there's just nothing else like it it just takes me back to reading the exploit of Heroes in in these second edition codexes as a kid the imagination firing and I'm not even an imperial fist guy and yet this moment still just has you unable to sit still in excitement drawing you in the sons of dawn standing together absolutely fantastic I cannot praise the entire Beast arises Saga enough you really really do have to read it if you haven't before and honestly even if you have it's definitely worth diving back in and giving it another read through because man it is worth it but as for the sons of dawn their story would of course continue perhaps conversations for another day but the void battle here would be won thanks to the arrival of the iron Knights chap heeding the call of the last wall showing the enemies of the Imperium once again whomever they may be that if ever Terror the throne world the emperor is threaten it'll be the sons of dawn who stand defiant but as always everyone what do you think is the sons of dawn return to Terror one of the moments in the law is it a moment that just made you love the line of rogul all the more and honestly given their exploits in the siege of Terror and now here does the line of rogul have some of the best lore events ever like me did you instantly fall in love with the iron Knights chapter was that an entrance for the ages and when it comes to the assembled might of the fleet is it a star comparison to how weak the estares have become in the wake of Gillman's codex would the Imperium have been far better off retaining the might of the legions as always everyone leave your thoughts in the comments below huge thank you to all my subscribers your support truly means a lot to me it really does if you're new please consider subscribing to help the channel grow and if you enjoyed this particular vid then why not drop a like on it too but with that said I am off and I'll see you all again real soon
Channel: Wolf Lord Rho
Views: 14,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: imperial fists, rogal dorn, crimson fists, black templars 40k, primarch, space marine, primaris, warhammer 40k, orks
Id: iPJVNrcA9E8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2024
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