Will People Ever See It? - George Harrison On The True Experience

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NrN Search 'TTM'

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gripmyhand 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

NrN Search 'DUALITY'

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gripmyhand 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

NrN Search 'USACX'

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gripmyhand 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
it may sound like a lofty thing to say but basically you know what are we doing on this planet and i think through the beetle experience that we'd had we've grown so many years within a short period of time i'd experienced so many things and met so many people but i realized there was nothing actually that was giving me a buzz anymore i think fame is a good thing in terms of giving you a heightened experience or at least more experience and but then it's what you do with that or what what that uncovers i think for me you know as i say i realize i want to you know i just want more this isn't it this isn't it you know fame is not the goal money you know although money is nice to have it can buy you a bit of freedom you know you can go the bahamas when you want but it doesn't it's not the answer and the answer you know is um how to get peace of mind and how to be happy that's really what we're supposed to be here for and uh the difficult thing is that we all go through our lives and through our days and we don't experience bliss and you know it's a very subtle thing and to experience that and to be able to know how to do that is something you don't just stumble across you've got to search for it did you experience bliss on stage or in the studio um in a way did performing it put you in touch with with that with that bliss well we had happiness at times and you know not the kind of bliss i mean where every atom of your body is just buzzing you know because it's again it's beyond the mind it's like you know it's it's when there's no thought involved i mean it's it's a pretty tricky thing to try to um to get to that stage because it means controlling the mind and being able to transcend the relative states of consciousness waking sleeping dreaming which is all we really know but there is another state that goes beyond all that and it's in that state that's where you know the bliss and the knowledge you know that that's available is [Music] you know i get confused when i look around at the world and i see everybody's running around and you know as bob dylan said he not busy being born is busy dying and yet nobody's trying to figure out what's the cause of death and what happens when you die i mean that to me is the only thing really that's of any importance the rest is all secondary do you think pop musicians are afraid to deal with subjects that are so big or it just doesn't occur to them or do people think oh it's not commercial enough who wants to talk about life itself i don't know what anybody else thinks and you know as the years have gone by i seem to have found myself more and more out on a limb as far as you know that kind of thing goes i mean even close friends of mine you know they maybe don't want to talk about it because they don't understand it but i believed in the thing that i read years ago which i think was in the bible it said knock and the door will be opened and it's true if you want to know anything in this life you just have to knock on the door whether that be some physically on somebody else's door and ask them a question or which i was lucky to find is the meditation is you know it's all within because if you think about it there isn't anything i mean in creation the whole of creation that is perfect you know there is nothing that goes wrong with nature only what man does then it goes wrong but we are made of that thing the very essence of our being of every atom in our body is made from this perfect knowledge this perfect consciousness but superimposed on that is through if i can use the word the tidal wave of bull that goes through the world you can say that yeah so does this were being barraged by um you know by bull but not only that the way the world is structured or the way creation is structured we have duality which says yes no good bad lost game birth death and it's a this circle that you get trapped in it's like the memphis blues again and that's the hardest thing to to understand what is causing um both of these things what's causing day and night good and bad it's all the cause and this is the effect so i mean we're getting really transcendental here but to say that our our physical being is really um on a very very subtle level it's just like the sap in a tree is is the sap and it runs throughout all the parts of the tree now it's like that our bodies are manifesting into physical bodies but the cause the sap is pure consciousness pure awareness and that is perfect and perfect knowledge but we have to tap into that to understand it you know in in england you always get as far as i was concerned the left the center and the right they're all really the same they're all different shades of the same grayness and although it's a long shot you know marishi tried to get these people formed together into a party which would be called the natural law party which was um the same maharishi and the idea behind it really is to have consciousness as the basic thing because really you know we get in government or we get in any situation in life we get the reflection of our own consciousness we can't really complain about what we have because that is us it's a reflection of our our own being now if we could have um people who are actually conscious in a spiritual sense then all the underlying problems to society i mean it wouldn't be able to change just overnight but over a generation or two generations you could have things were for instance say in england and i'm sure it's the same here you get disease so you've got a lot of expenditure on hospitals and on fixing up people who have disease now the problem is that most doctors they study disease they don't know about health so you'd need to reprogram stuff so that you teach people about how to be healthy that way you don't spend so much money on on disease you'd have people would be healthier you wouldn't have such a you know requirement for you know is the various things that take up all the money you'd be able to use that money for something else so the natural law that operates on this planet or in the universe everything as i said earlier everything works in a perfect order and there's a scheme to things which has a certain intelligence that drives it and makes everything work now if we as individuals could go to that level of consciousness where we can bring it into our being and as maharishi my shyogi once said for a forest to be green each tree must be green so it's known as just one or two people being you know like this you'd have to make the whole of society if they had that understanding and that's what i think really you'd have to you know school people um right from being children teach people about their health about their bodies about consciousness because it's all to do with consciousness raise the level of consciousness and then everything automatically becomes better do you think it can happen or do you think people are totally on autopilot too much he it it can happen but it's something which will take a long long time generations of people i mean if you look now just through say from the 60s or the 50s there's a lot more people thanks to say indian music thanks to rock and roll music who have got much more understanding you go out there on the street now you can find indian spice shops indian restaurants and places to go for yoga for meditation there's a much higher awareness generally on those kind of things and so it is seeping through i mean where did all the really good hippies go when they all dropped out i think a lot of them are you know have you know brought up there's probably two generations of kids now who are much more um open to that type of consciousness and they've been brought up by you know being vegetarian or whatever that helps the society become you know much more balanced that's it's all to do with the balance you know we've got too much extreme going on you're optimistic you have to be optimistic yeah you know it is getting better and worse because that's the nature of relativity you know good and bad good and bad but the individual you know if the individual gets um that consciousness then it doesn't matter because in a way you can retain the balance between the good and the bad you know because really good and bad are the same um they are it's the same sort of thing so it's like in the middle is the safe safe path [Music] you
Channel: T&H - Inspiration & Motivation
Views: 474,226
Rating: 4.9557867 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, inspiration, t&H, t&h inspiration, speech, speechless, philosophy, why can't we see it, the secret, creativity, creative, david lynch, enlightenment, consciousness, creativity and consciousness, talk, Meaning of Life, meaning of life t&h, why, it, george harrison, george harrison t&h, Will People Ever See It? - George Harrison On The True Experience, why are we here, the experience, george, harrison, george harrison interview, george harrison speech, true experience, vh1 interview
Id: FxL69A5d7kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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