Who we are (Documentary)
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Anthony Chene production
Views: 649,316
Rating: 4.9135494 out of 5
Keywords: eben alexander, anita moorjani, bruce lipton, near-death experience, jeff olsen, enlightenment, anthony chene, beyond our sight, rupert sheldrake, consciousness, oneness
Id: 2AeOfYAJJ8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 40sec (4540 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Thank you sharing this with us. I have been following the work of Anthony (the producer) for some time mainly through his other (French) Youtube channel Tistrya.
There are some very good interviews with NDErs (my favorite one being Frédéric Medina's, who I've had the occasion to talk to, very nice guy).
A word of caution regarding Tistrya : it slowly became a platform for pseudo science BS and con artists trying to alleviate not your soul but your wallet. I am sure you will discern the good from the bad vids of this channel. Just wanted to share my opinion.