The Nation's Favourite Beatles No. 1

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[Music] it's one of the greatest stories ever told will change the world how four boys from Liverpool went from an underground club everybody was just crazy about to top of the British pops I loved it and my hair it's shaking all over the place before conquering the planet the Beatles are the biggest thing that ever happened in boppers it just ate your ears The Beatles caused a revolution they were magic for nearly a decade with groundbreaking sounds the boot used to do during a trend-setting fashions failed their kings of the sixties and a fab sense of humor and the rest of you because rightly ruling over the next two hours we celebrate the band that ripped up the rule book and made britain cool around the world absolutely but just what is the nation's favorite Beatles number one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was joined Paul George and Ringo the Beatles scored an astonishing 27 chart-topping singles in the UK and the USA I think they went for it fearlessly I created some of the greatest songs of all time tonight will tell the untold stories behind those songs with a little help from their friends it was an extraordinary thing to be in that car with clips never seen before on TV we're sort of controller that makes them look like real people and exclusive access to the original recordings they would only add something to make it better lots for the sake of it so get ready for the results of our exclusive ITV poll and the choice to see The Beatles like you've never seen them before the biggest greatest on the element they appeal to all ages the greatest songwriters of all time' miles [Music] and we begin our countdown with the last of the Beatles 17 UK number ones spring 1969 the qe2 ocean liner was making its maiden voyage to New York the Apollo 10 spacecraft was orbiting the moon and John Lennon and his new wife Yoko Ono were on their own personal crusade a world peace powder Jon yoga was a specifically storytelling song almost in this sort of mode of old folk song about someone's life and what they did [Music] you know [Music] every record is a time capsule of where they were to take at the time and the balcony oka was of course about John and Yoko getting married [Music] you it was like the Atari John and his great peace mission and the betting in Amsterdam [Music] rather dromedary my night clothes holding white troops do what the message it was please please please because the Paladin okay followed Jolin rampu and said look of course I never saw about his life outside the group with Yoko Ono and that evening Paul wanted to record [Music] the other two people's were broad so the poor Mikado Chris bass and the drums and piano John Lennon played both guitars and saying they look just like two [Music] imagine someone doing that now imagine you know the ballot that plays in Beyonce brilliant pate Ripper is a great song when a great riff who's like the first riff violent on a guitar [Music] tambourine in there it kind of had a little Motown thing to it and then below that role is really really fast pretty amazing [Music] recorded in autumn 1965 DayTripper was written by John and Paul with the hope of landing their third Christmas number one in a row well it worked they're staggering in their simplicity for your song with the melodies on top over a brilliant [Music] but the way they hang their melodies around those cords is particularly early stuff pop stuff is staggering [Music] [Music] dojo is a great song I think it had slightly different meaning as you got older but at the time it made me think of just like you leave this at the top of school for the day get the training from Shepherd in the channel cross or something but I think it might have referred to people going on a trip to the day probably without having them leave their own homes by taking newspaper drugs quite frankly well whatever that song was about the Beatles were certainly abandoning you how to have a good time in fact these four likely lads could unite the whole nation with laughter beware very funny very witty before that actually John Lennon probably most famously like this one line up that has gone down in royal variety show history for our last number I'd like to ask your help but the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands and the rest of you could just rattle in jewelry there's just something so infectious about seeing politically in those early days it just looks like they're enjoying every moment you got a word of advice for somebody who's starting out at show business do your best I think the humors very very important part of their fear right from the start they're in clever little wisecracks whenever they get press conferences know what sort of stuff I did a television show isn't much well I'd like to have a go at this pop singing herself to be named you see I'd have to her name like cliff for rock something earthy it was still able to be for Liverpool lunch having a lark Power Man remember you you're the one with the short fat hairy legs no no no no he's even one with a shop fat early legs further bonds are the big fat early Ed's [Laughter] what do you like being famous that's not like in your day you know like in my dad used to tell me about you back to the music now under 25 in our chart the song that showed the Beatles could turn even musical accidents in two hits there in the studio John Lennon just leans a guitar against the amp and all the sudden there's this really weird sound John goes wow what's that George Martin goes feedback John and John goes what can we record that can we get that on the record [Music] and it wasn't just the music that was breaking new ground I feel fine coincided with a moment when their world popularity so used they could no longer satisfy these marks by going out and playing concerts so they had to make these pioneering videos [Music] [Applause] this early example was filmed in Twickenham studios and the job of shooting it went to a 25 year old filmmaker from Glasgow I actually was the first director to do promo video I didn't know it at the time [Music] my attitude was let him do it like Ringo gonna bite George singing into the punchbowl John actually suggested arrived putting the cigarette out and somebody actually said oh we could pretend we've been to the laboratory their manager Brian Epstein said stop it be serious he wanted to have them playing instruments and sing a Joe McGrath also filmed an alternative version these pictures have never been seen on television until today and 450 years later the Beatles were hungry during that tape and they sent out for fish and chips so they sat down in the studio and started eating these fish and chips at the newspapers and chatting so I said just roll the cameras on it and put a tray over it was Brian was there and hear the end of it he came over to the console now makes them look like real people like like the Rolling Stones [Music] they never showed it [Music] we're celebrating the most successful band in chart history the four lads from Liverpool who unleashed teenage mayhem in the early 60s the whole thing's astonishing it never been that kind of hysteria but what was it really like being there to see the Beatles you could hear anything all you could hear was us screaming it's shaking all over the place but it was just like the most amazing scene to actually be there in saving everybody wanted a piece of the Beatles some were lucky enough to get it and I started getting us food it's a short hair fingernails I'd stand in the corner our George was getting his hair course and then I would pick it up and put it in an envelope and sometimes I would get them to sign him but I'd say Matt this is common in autumn 1963 a new word was invented to describe the phenomenon I was credited for coining the phrase didn't mean expression came right at the top of my head after going to one of the very early Beatle concerts the mirror my favorites are picked bacon mania out of my texts and had it straight onto the front page suta mainly was really born the Beatles first single love me do had been a top 20 hit in the UK and the follow-up Please Please Me top some but not all of the then different Singles Charts but with Beatlemania on the rise it would be a case of for third time lucky from me to you I think is an absolute breakthrough record had all the great trademarks the Beatles which were at the time exactly harmonica and the combination John inspiration for this the first of the vehicles seventeen UK chart toppers would come from the music press now on tour with Helen Shapiro there on the tour bus and they're reading New Musical Express and there's a letters page with people right here so they look at that and then Paul or John you know go wait a minute and they start writing it on the bus [Music] it's less than 2 minutes long so much happens and the other extraordinary thing is that it uses a series of chords that you don't really get hoppers there such as quarter [Applause] [Music] and the trick was that written through sophisticated immedately effortless and [Music] welcome to the leafy London suburb of st. John's Wood and near this famous zebra crossing is an even more famous recording studio artists as diverse as a Edward Elgar and Kanye West have climbed these legendary abbey road steps oh yes and these guys to the instant you walk into that studio it's as if the walls are holding the history of everything that's gone on there it was here in studio 2 that the Beatles created many of the world's favorite songs the band will be down here on the studio floor and my dad the engineers be up there I was fun interesting at a place like this is almost quite bland in disappearance it's sort of beige and white and I like that I think part of the carrot to the room is the fact that is this box where musicians like the Beatles would paint their own colors on the walls under-23 it's a George Martin produced classic from Abbey Road studio to 1966 and four years into their extraordinary chart run the songs of the Beatles were bringing musical storytelling to a whole new level [Music] I saw a novel by a man named Blair I need a job that wouldn't be a paperback writer the lyrics were amazing sophisticated lyric [Applause] pay that right is at that cusp of the Studios becoming this box of tricks they would look forward to going to and we've exclusively accessed the original master recordings to reveal some of those tricks whoo singing one one lead vocal and then double track himself it's a very beetle sounds para jockey obviously it's a French traditional children's song [Music] [Applause] I think it's John and George adding extra harmonies whirlpools playing bass [Music] both ports paperback writer and John's b-side rain were treated to lush looking color music videos over there young American director found himself being are some tricky question isn't John Lennon asked me which song do I like best and I thinking well how do I handle this in a kind of diplomatic way and then I said well gee I think they're both just so great and John should have turned away from me because he wanted me I think to come down on one side more than the other because he was looking for their truth he didn't want any polishing of the Apple as at birth our tour of famous Beatles landmarks continues in Savile Row London known for its tailors and for a remarkable event which took place one lunchtime in January 1969 Michael Lindsay Hogg was the director again this time shooting the climax of the Beatles final movie and what would be the band's last ever public performance we almost didn't shoot the roof and let it be because George didn't want to Ringo didn't want to Paul wanted to very much John didn't say anything at first made 11 cameras we're ready to go and then John said let's do it [Music] I was looking enough to black my way onto the roof of Savile Row when they done their famous farewell gig went upon the loop and indeed there were the boys it was so exciting nobody done that before so you know it was like oh my god we were going to do a concert somewhere in the world but we never could agree where the concert was gonna be done so I suggested that since they wouldn't go and do it in Tunisia that wouldn't do it is that we do it on the roof the thing which is wonderful about get back is that the Beatles were happy when they were playing on the roof do you want [Music] whatever disputes had been between them in the past several months playing together again for an audience even though his two stories below and the adjoining rooftops they felt like themselves [Music] Danny poore Street full of tailors business on directors and they'd be looking up thinking what the hell is going on there the sound was turned up really loud I'm sure somebody complained [Music] the police was so sweet there were bobbies who were sort of thrilled to be up in the room for the Beatles except they had to close the show down one that leaves when came inclined up on the roof he said mr. McCartney could you tell me how long you'll be [Music] we've got to see laughing half a dozen songs I put a lot of good footage [Music] please actually did nothing they enjoyed it even Giants like the Beatles had their heroes [Music] and in 1968 Paul McCartney decided to pay a musical tribute to one of his 50s rock'n'roll piano legend Fats Domino with John Lennon lending Paula hand on the lyrics lady Madonna was a song that Pat's Domino would go on to record himself lady Madonna definitely one of my favorites it's very beautifully written I like little things in the writing like rhyming suitcase and bootlace [Music] - tires boom [Music] the Fab Four played a lot of instruments but they couldn't play everything and lady Madonna needed a specialist they hired Ronnie Scott to come and play tenor saxophone he was one of the greatest musicians in this country and the boys accompanied this jazz great with their own brass section kind of was John Paul and George similar to the kind of sound you get when you put paper over up at Cohen's quite funny lady Madonna has a particularly strong residence with me because piano records run in the charts then but suddenly this record came out that not only had a piano me but was that just what I wanted to play like Paul McCartney is a brilliant piano player charity but why in the promo video of the kala the song is it John not all playing piano Muricy today is the day they haven't recalled that video John Lennon arrived at the studio a song called hey bulldog and they've got the instruments up and I started rehearsing the song it's like to record it then and there when the film crew arrived you did what you told to film whatever they could and they're actually filming The Beatles performing hey bulldog they were so fast moving and so looking to the next project that they just hand got time to produce a proper video if anyone ever needs Basic Education in the Beatles I just point them to 1967 the album sergeant pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band the number one single all you need is love the double-sided single Penny Lane strawberry fields forever [Music] the EP magical mystery tour [Music] and the Christmas number one hello goodbye [Music] for most artists that would be a career for the Beatles it was one year [Music] [Applause] [Music] say goodbye [Music] people forget that hellogoodbye was number one for seven weeks and one of their biggest records because they'd had such a huge year that people were still digesting Sergeant Pepper so it was easy to not devote your full attention to hellogoodbye but it's a great pop record [Applause] but while 1967 was a stent a year even by the Beatles high standards it also brought tragic news of the man who discovered and managed them since 1962 Brian Epstein died and Paul seemed to be trying to be the one to hold them together and when I look back on it I can always think of pause in that position where the others are not them being negative and not in a bad way but certainly their feelings were quite I should imagine confused and and he's trying to stay positive when they say goodbye he's got nuts hello hello goodbye still sounds great and it stops and then starts again all radio station owners are afraid that their listeners are going to stare at their radios and think either transmission has stopped or their sets are broken so very rarely do they want to hear a record stop but hellogoodbye cut away with it next in our search for the nation's favorite Beatles number one it's a classic written but not sung by Paul and one that would inspire an animated Beatles movie it's full speed ahead at number 19 in our poll where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea and he told us of his life in the land of Sun I like yellow submarines [Music] you know it's a different thing it's a different feel [Music] it was ideal for Ringo and a thing for so much of it the appeal of it is the way Ringo delivered it Ringo Starr was born Richard Starkey the eldest of the Beatles and the last to join in summer 1962 just months before their first hit it became tradition that Ringo sang one song on each album and Yellow Submarine was written with him especially in mind now you could give it to John and Paul magnificent voice it wouldn't be right it has to be that every man's voice which is Ringo Yellow Submarine also played to the strengths of their genius producer George Martin my father did lots of comedy records with Peter Sellers and Spike Milligan and the Beatles loved this they loved comedy so when it comes to sonic Yellow Submarine the creation of sound effects and the sounds of a submarine would appeal to them all whether we have voices through megaphones chains pulled across the floor it's fun and there's more fatness just around the corner anyone care to guess the next stop on our magical mystery tour [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back to the nation's favorite Beatles number one it's February 1964 when plans were agreed to build a Channel Tunnel Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammad Ali and the Beatles were about to make musical history America here they come [Music] with the American that was absolutely dazzling the way they just got to make their own absolutely map never been the British people ever done that before [Applause] [Music] [Applause] different type of hair that whole thing drugs girls crazy wherever the Beatles went on this first US trip future legends of documentary making the Maysles brothers were filming the madness as it unfurled and part of the team at the heart of the action was a young English TV producer it was an amazing moment we went in a limousine to the Ed Sullivan Theater girls will line up outside kids hitting the windows and so on it was an extraordinary thing to be in that aha timing also paid its part because the Beatles first arrived in America just months after a tragic event had shocked the country to its core President Kennedy had been killed America was like a great wounded beast and the Beatles came and gave America what they didn't think they were gonna see anymore which was good of joy again along came these young guys who looked different sound a different full of energy hope optimism well of course we took to them and it's a song that topped the singles charts in America but not back home that's next in our countdown of the nation's favorite Beatles number ones eight days a week it was a great part of a great album over here first track side too but there they took it off the album diversity as a scene [Music] guess you on their second US tour in 1965 the Beatles found the crowd to grow ever larger and Wilder [Music] and when they played at New York Shea Stadium to a record-breaking crowd of 55,000 adoring fans the Fab Four became the first band in music history to plate of such an enormous audience the irony was that the Beatles were storming the states with their own unique take on the new sound of black America coming from labels like Motown the Beatles loved Motown and Stax and Atlantic and all those very soul record on their early albums the Beatles covered many American soul classics which then influenced the souls they were writing themselves like this one eight days a week you can definitely definitely hear the influence of Motown they always wanted to sound like a Motown record they would it's always like grass is greener they took the American influence and turned it around and made it very British it's really weird when you think about it but here you have these English young men telling Americans that these American artists agree [Music] all the songs say lennon-mccartney but they're usually a John song or a Paul song but sometimes they do really work together on one and that was true about we can work it out I love the song but I almost love it more because of that perfect example of them as a dream team you can get it Paul is very optimistic you know we can work it out it's all gonna be all right and then you get John Lennon coming in in the middle it is like a bit more pessimistic [Music] now when I see that video note on your clothes on John and he's singing the line your life is very short it's no longer just a statement that a pop star is making it's a statement that's actually happened to him but thanks to the magic of television you can still see him looking young in the prime of John Lennon [Music] we can work it out was yet more proof of the musical genius of the Beatles band always bringing new sounds to public this time the novelty was John playing the harmonium a kind of portable church organ more associated at the time with early Coronation Street battle-ax inna Sharples and when the Beatles made a TV special at Bernardo where curry was filmed the two worlds collided with John playing eNOS actual harmonium [Music] there are labs that watch television and they love Coronation Street being on for five years by that time he was delighted to do that it was a very good publicity point for us [Music] it's one of my definite favorites it's the pure is the pop you know the Beatles were abandons we're as revolutionary as their sounds to some favor the original boyband all good-looking lads or the unique style that set the trend for others to come I fell in love with them their hairstyle the way they they were dressed they were just so cute I have great affection for the Ehrlich mortal thing yes even their hairdo sent the crowd wild but it hadn't always been like that in their early days at the cabin they look like a down-and-dirty rock-and-roll band [Music] we just bought leather jackets so it ended up we're on stage when all those worn jeans come didn't have anything else at the time so we bought leather pants made up by for Jean Vincent's only a bit younger I think my mother never got over the fact that they were scruffy just called the dirty beautiful we all loved every sort of a fantastic like Elvis and I was it you know and you just kept a leather gear to ride it on but then manager Brian Epstein ditched the leather and put his new band into smart suit what I love know is that people thought they were so kind of scruffy you look so sharp by today's standards my parents said look ridiculous and that's what made it so marvelous is because the parents didn't like unlike other bands before them the Beatles didn't settle on one look as their music evolved so did their style Beyonce will have you know 44 stylists in here dusted 70 they didn't have anything and they chose their own clothes and they just sort of turned up and what they were turning up here [Music] as the 60s wore on the Beatles fashion would lead the world everything got evermore colorful hair got longer and started appearing everywhere a massive transition from that clean-cut you know image they started with to the to the beards and the long hair by the end they were cavemen but they were trying to conceal themselves in bushes of hair maybe they were all trying to hide from each other by that stage I don't know time to return to our countdown now and at 16 is a place David Tennant knows only too well a TARDIS yes we've traveled back in time to 1965 and a rarely seen clip of the Fab Four on a classic British television series [Music] [Music] this is the only footage of the Beatles on top of the pups that hasn't been white and this bit only survived because it was reused in this Doctor Who episode no idea you knew about the pre-close theatre Liverpool ticket to ride was written mainly by John Lennon with a heavier sound in mind he later said this track just might have been the start of heavy metal' tickets a ride was kind of one of the early Rock Sunday if it's arrived that's an early example of the Beatles of rock-and-roll band it is a great guitar track but it wasn't just about the guitars this was one where ringin rocked - Ringo was always my favorite beauty is the head Bob if ever you're gonna mind runs if you do that long at the same time people know that you're doing bingo my meme was never a problem for Ringo [Music] but that's for German a lot of Italian when John knows the cameras on them you know II just would mob Caravan smiling and just stop mining she's gonna take it she's gotta take it too right [Music] at number 15 an autobiographical chart-topper from john lennon it's full on when you're in a band under the microscope and lenin had a moment and that was help [Applause] [Music] you know I need someone helpless John calling for help behind the up sounding music John's lyrics hinted at the downside of verbal Fame [Music] I think he was big didn't feel the pressures the whole beetlebum thing not had any time off at all maybe a weeks order two years it was a treadmill that's the Beatles were still able to cope with getting a little bit frayed at the edges by the stuff [Music] it's like one of those songs that a man can apply to his life a woman can apply to their life child we do it and we do that with song [Music] help was the title track of the band's second film so much and at that time the movie help and everything it seemed to me that they owned the world the feel of the movies famous Alpine sequence was recreated for one of Joe McGrath's promo films but on a much smaller budget the length was just that better people snow to the paper snow and Ringo with an umbrella a lot of paper was swallowed [Music] his midday station okay Kevin welcome back to our celebration of the Beatles and to the cavern a Club in Liverpool where they played almost three hundred times before conquering the world the cavern club is a unique place there was something magical there first I never come down the governing you just never forget and then I saw the Beatles and I just thought wow [Music] the Beatles were only captured on film at the cavern once and this is it a performance of some of the guy shot by 25 year old Granada TV director Leslie wood head there was a sense that there's something extraordinary I am Liverpool with all of these kids playing rock and roll I was absolutely blown away by what was going on there which was the Beatles in full throat doing their thing whelming energy I could feel it coming up through the soles of my feet and into my stomach there was something really special going on there just six weeks after this performance was filmed on August lunchtime in 1962 the rest of the country would get its first taste of the excitement when in the same week as the first Bond film dr. no the Beatles debut single was released and it's the song that's been voted number 14 in our exclusive countdown love me do was just like the opening of the doors for the Beatles it's like signifies when everything changed I bosses straight away I didn't have a record player but I just wanted it in the chart hello move the north lot of Cavanaugh it's not the same date in American players but other cabin regulars weren't so sure let me do it beautiful over the Merseybeat newspaper which was the Bible in those days and suddenly it was going to be a hit and that's when we started to feel a little bit threatened Lomu hang on we buy this or if they get famous but then leave the capelin but we do that [Music] the world stories about Pearson don't buy them back you know they'll get famous quick resist I worked over the record shop as well so couldn't resist could [Music] lugnut installed at a modest number 17 in the UK chance in late 1962 but that was only the beginning of the songs chart success it wasn't the number one in Britain it was a number one in America but that's because when the beatles broke so massively all of the tiny companies that had the rights to the earlier Beatles singles put them all out again at once and they were all hit saloons and so in the first week of April 1964 The Beatles had the top five in America and they then had another number one creep in which was love me do love the Americans didn't know it was out of sequence but they were eager to buy anything by the Beatles so it was taken to number one [Music] before the Beatles captured American hearts in 1964 they had become a lasting love affair with Europe too as this German TV footage shows of an implant and bond wolf by Hamburg - let's enlarge velocity V TC runs on Datsyuk he is even gonna tornado touchdown field and the story of the next song in our countdown begins when the boys reluctantly agreed to re-record some of their hits for the German market after recording new vocals for C lead dish and calm Ghibli down a hand in Paris the band still had an hour left in studio that time was put to good use recording the chart-topping classic at number 13 in our power [Music] [Music] macaroni the beetles per worker roll good they were fantastic welcome oh good [Applause] so they invented their own version and it was like an incredible version of it when I heard those records I said have just got that excitement can't buy me love was so different for everything in the went before he sold out it was so bad because you recognize Paul's voice that was the astonishing thing every single was different [Music] money Linscott was the engineer on many vehicles hit and would go on to work with stars like David Bowie as a producer but in 1964 he was a starstruck junior employee at EMI records I first started a hobby Roy when I was 16 I was a huge Beatles fan within a couple of weeks I had in my hand this box hapless notice in the name of the top was the Beatles and I saw two of their songs but the titles are in German and then there was another one I've never heard of that can't buy me love my hands before anyone at a parody was amazing [Music] by 1969 The Beatles family of John Paul George and Ringo was expanding Ringo had married hairdresser Maureen Cox George had tied the knot with model Pattie Boyd and in March 1969 all in photographer Linda Eastman left a London registry office as man and wife a week later John's marriage to conceptual artist Yoko Ono in Gibraltar would see all the members of the band enter a new phase of their lives and it was an era reflected in the song that's number 12 in our countdown George is said to have written it for his wife Patti and it's promo video featured the four happy couples she moves that song just has always touched me since the first time I heard it attracts me like no it just has everything that makes a perfect song it just comes at you from all sides and just take over your emotions [Music] something was a landmark song for the youngest Beatle George Harrison after seven years of Lennon and McCartney hits this was his first to be released as a single [Music] George was a great songwriter but the other two were like typewriters now if they didn't write a song in ten minutes it throws away and start another one George spent a lot of time getting his right he knew he had to present it to those two it wasn't until 1968 69 when he had a long time in India to write an awful lot of songs [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what a beautiful song what an absolute beautiful dazzling song [Music] and the cool Seletar bit whenever you hear that it's kind of shiver up this way artists as diverse as a Lewis Shirley Bassey and Liberace have covered something although not everyone had all the facts at their fingertips this is funny when Frank Sinatra used to perform it's used to say this is one at level Hakkar is greatest songs something was released as part of a double a-side and next in our countdown the song that was on the other side is the bass line man it's just pumps come together for me personally stands out we're so little going on that's so much sound the feel of the music the groove sounds so contemporary when it opens what a great poet my modernism B / John Lennon always had that weird sense of humor and that ability just to go off into this made-up crazy what what is it about what is a photo filter what is a juju Bible what is a walrus gumboot [Music] what is a spinal cracker I like no idea really what the songs about and the other extorted thing about which I'm just gonna risk it is it's a live recording there had several takes of it but what you hear is the fourth playing absolutely live in one tank in the studio phenomenal musicianship [Music] cattle together is a great song it was just so different you never could figure out what it beetles or Anika [Music] our magical trip through the incredible career of the Beatles continues in Liverpool their home city where tourists still flock to see where it all started [Music] okay guys step right this way and among the main attractions the homes where the four boys grew up [Music] when in number nine mattresses and this was the birthplace of Ringo Starr [Music] George's childhood address but staying with him throughout his career all old Grove was remain not yours you see years when he was shining in an ounce of hotels that was his alias the holes of John and Paul have been restored by the National Trust to how they would have looked when they were boys John lived here on men of Avenue for 18 years and this is the very porch where John and Paul practiced their vocals they'd sing Elvis's blue moon and then try to recreate the harmonies of the Everly Brothers there are songs which are definitely known to have their genesis in the house they are what goes on I'll get you hello little girl or perhaps most famously of all please please be nearby on 4th Lane Road Paul's house was where some early Beatles songs got their first hearing one of them she loves you perform to an audience of one Paul's dad Jim Jim listened and he said it's great I like it but I'm not so keen on the Americanisms in the chorus can you change those so Jim wanted she loves you yes yes yes he didn't like the yeah yes a bit too American at the time for Jim from its debut in Paul's front parlor she loves you would go on to take the world by storm and it's number 10 in our countdown the first Beatles record I thought must have been she loves you it was like the teenage girl Anthony everyone would jump up and down and soon it was so brilliant [Applause] good idea first songs yet talking to somebody some no no no no you're alright she loves you that can't be it changed my world in so many ways because suddenly was a goo and they sang their own songs and that was a revolution because it made so many like me think [Music] maybe I should the other thing about it was that it brought George Harrison very significant to the front line Jews have to sink nearly all the way through and that became part of their suit family conceived three part comment [Music] I attended the party that George Martin threw on the occasion of the release of his very last album and she loves working on I noticed there is a fellow dancing up and down at the corner and I looked a little bit closer and it was Ringo Starr's everything great record Hooten disagree [Music] at number nine Assam recorded in just three hours at Abbey Road the next song we'd like to say [Applause] and with one of the most famous opening chords ever guitarists around the world who try to work out what chord that is and the reason why they haven't done so is because it's not just a guitar that's playing a piano is being here if I just play the electric guitar you have this it sounds a hard day's night but it's not it's just a court if I play all four two guitars and two pianos you get the depth of that chord [Music] [Music] John Lennon wrote a heart day tonight with a little help from one of his friends it was one of Ringo's old funny sayings he just said the hard day's night John looked at him and said that's it that's the title we want Ringo saying also gave us the title of the Fab Four's first film nominated for two Oscars and sitting records in the first week of its release in Britain I thought they were very funny in the film I thought there were naturals and they found it and identity in the film which was very real and the sort of thing yeah they were the boys are you that's that's good fantastic they didn't get them to play roles they weren't companies who basically played himself a very clever thing to do Ringo and his character is really well captured in that film The Odyssey complex you laugh yeah no that's why blended dolls Paul's cheeky chappie everybody's friend feel is also brilliantly caught and John's rather sardonic field and George has allowed a few rather Ricky decides for its Liverpool premiere on July the 10th 1964 before international movie stars returned home to a reception even wilder than those in the film two hundred thousand people were in Castle Street and Jane Street alone [Music] when they opening the doors to the house once the balcony then the audience was tremendous like looking out and just seeing the history just full that's when I realized they were famous at number eight the last of the Beatles amazing run of chart-toppers an undoubted classic but one which splits opinion to this day in April 1970 the same journalist who'd been following their progress since the days of Beatlemania broke the news that the greatest band in history had decided to go their separate ways from a journalist point of view is a great scoop but it was kind of sad in many many ways because we travel the road a long time and there's poor roads it was the end of the long and winding road we'd reached it I knew we'd reached [Music] - the long and winding road is the most outstanding record melody the voice haunting vocal magic I've seen that [Music] but by the time it gave the Beatles their 20th u.s. number-one in June 1970 the band were no longer together and even this song was cause for dispute the long winding road is a very strange story first of all the artist had no idea that it was going to sound like what it sounded like because Phil Spector got it it's right to Paul McCartney had no idea that maverick producer Spector had been brought in his tasks are to tidy up the unfinished tracks that George Martin had originally recorded for what would become the let it be album and this was how it sounded when Phil Spector first got hold of the song [Music] let me know long winding road sounds better with a piano and voted Laos [Music] because it's a good personal song so tall that Specter rubbish on it was wrong [Music] Paul rang me up and and said they've taken it to America it didn't it to Phil Spector and they put heavenly claws they're sort of soupy strings on on it on my songs he's furious I got a call could you come and do an arrangement for this song the longer money road I started off quite modestly you know with six violins and three beyond his reach others but then I kept getting calls from Phil saying oh I'd like a few more Valley as a few more things for some brats and some horns and some some harps and even a quiet and I thought oh so I did it and then the final smoke was the PM I said well we wouldn't have your name my name on meow because Phil Spector had now producing and I said let's have a command that's why don't you say produced by George Martin ever produce my thoughts vectors but they didn't get [Music] a long long time ago [Music] the story of the next Beatles number one in our exclusive countdown begins here in London at the family home of Paul McCartney's then girlfriend actress Jane Asha Paul was living at the time in our guest room one particular day John came over and joined in they were down there a couple of hours in the Paul's back his head up the stairs Martin I wanted to come down here what they were working on but they finished they were sitting side by side on the piano bench of hammering away at the piano and played I want to hold your hand for the first time to anybody anywhere [Music] kind of though you know my going matter is this just about the best pop song [Music] [Music] learning UK lumber once was becoming business as usual for the fat for this was backward in 1963 alone but I want to hold your hand also started to climb the American charts and so by early 1964 it had conquered the Billboard Hot 100 just seven weeks earlier they were performing this song on Granada's local magazine show now the Beatles were paying it to what seemed like the whole of America in the first week of February they appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show to the largest television audience to date which was 73 million people [Music] I did see the Beatles play The Ed Sullivan Show and it was amazing I fell in love with him we're all saying who lied to I like playing and I John I like Ringo [Music] the CEO of I wanna hold my hand it was like something that came from the moon [Music] inside it was very very different [Music] it was more than just the song itself daily making them so popular they had looked personality and something about them the kids just gravity they love [Music] it was so quick it was so deep it was so impactful and during the year 1964 they had 25 hit singles in America [Music] next we're moving on three years to 1967 and the great Beatles album had got away [Music] the beatles decided to make a concept album about their life and early days in liverpool the fair song forest which paul wrote was penny lanes and then John wrote strawberry fields forever but sadly the Liverpool themed album was not to be instead the two songs were brought together for what many consider the greatest double a-side ever it's amazing to think that this classic combination was the first Beatles single for four years not to reach number one in the UK but Penny Lane slice of Liverpool life did strike a chord in the state where it reached the top of the charts and tonight it's number six in our countdown [Music] pleasure to know any lace such a beautifully crafted song [Music] every little bit of it is so catchy [Music] really fantastic production as well as for service and made in South Liverpool where we all live and we've all sort of meet up in Lane to go to places [Music] all those beautiful images of the people in penny line captivated Americans imaginations and they think of and I honestly mean this Liverpool as some exotic place with all of these wonderful images because the Beatles made these images come to life [Music] 50 years on tour is still not to see the places mentioned in the song where we are now is at the Betty top end of Penny Lane and just over on the other side you'll see the famous things that the Beatles sang about the sheltered in the middle of the roundabout we're pretty near Saussure's puppies from astray just over to the right you'll see the bank where the bank and ever water Mac in the poor the mean and just to let their fear that off is the famous barbershop live just behind Penny Lane Hill I spent many many months years of my life walking up and down here a brings a tear to one's eye all this I wouldn't just captured the atmosphere there [Applause] all you need is love was there great imperial moment because it was written specially for this topic Joe our world broadcast in June 1967 this was the first TV program to be beamed around the world by satellite claiming this should be a moment in television history because this program will bring together more places throughout the world than has ever been possible to form 19 countries provided performances and representing the UK with the Beatles with their latest single live from Abbey Road I remember watching this as a kid and what was so exciting was we were told this was going to be a global broadcast the entire world was gonna be watching next two hours everything will be live no film or recordings it's Commission really can you write a song whole world gonna sing and only the Beatles would have accepted that terrifying challenge probably only build was succeeded [Music] I felt really nervous on the Beatles behalf you know I remember watching it live at the war they felt whole world watching and eventually the camera alights on John Lennon who if I remember rightly had his his hands on his son on his headphones and his eyes shut and completely self-possessed nothing you can say the cup is son I was chewing gum I might remember thinking cool [Music] the broadcast came just as a summer of love was in full swing with a song that summed up an era of optimism love used to be talked about a lot in the 1960s there should be a better way of living than everybody just cooperating with each other and the Beatles are very influenced by them in the build-up to this moment of history fellow cabin graduates the mercy beats were allowed a rare glimpse of the Beatles at work in the studio as the song came together on the back it's love that's all we got and they said to us what do you think and what did you say look I like the words [Music] but then Paul kept popping his head outside he said John have you written any lyrics to this song yet and John said we've got two days it doesn't go out live till Friday [Music] here's this ultimate sing-along song it was uplifting and it meant something and it really worked just felt so incredibly proud that this wonderful band were performing breathtaking song and representing our country I thought all the other countries in the world are probably a little bit jealous actually [Music] [Applause] at number four it's the McCartney classic from the revolver album that topped the singles charts in 1966 as a double a-side with Yellow Submarine [Music] what I loved about Ellen Rigby is the fact that you followed her journey and they made her feel very real in separation of church where a wedding is being it's so heartbreaking it's in a dream which is very own poetry perfect lyric but then we've got massive punchline all the lonely people where do they all come from oh it's very from a lifetime that every piece very unusual it's the first time that the Beatles didn't play a mistress in their records what they did they record a double string quartet and my dad talks to Paul about it and they and listen to Bernard Herrmann's now Berlin Homer was a famous film composer who is famous for psycho as the woman is attacked in the shower there's there's an incredibly aggressive sound and it's almost like a 24 year old Liverpudlian saying I want a string quartet to sound like this and using my dad as a translator for that Paul has said that the name Eleanor Rigby came from combining the names of actress Helena Braun with a Bristol wine shop but intriguingly a stone's throw from where John and Paul first met in 1957 this gravestone can be found the majority of fans love the idea that the years it's true Allen live it be so they're not particularly bothered that Paul says it's is it the Astra's element on they still want to come and see this grave in st. Peter's chairs it's strange to have a number one that is only string quartet and vocal and it's just the thought of being able to come into studios tear out the rulebook break the mold and then move on something else was just very Beatles [Music] welcome back as we're nearing the end of our incredible journey to reveal the nation's favorite Beatles number one and we're now into our top three and the epic title track from the Fab Four's final album and film based on a dream Paul McCartney at about his late mother Mary when I find myself in times of trouble mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom let it be and in my hour of Darkness she is standing right me speaking words of wisdom let it be always said the dream came to him during a difficult time in the band's history when Mary appeared to him saying it will be alright just let it be it was the dream that he had about his mother I can imagine him having an experience like that it's quite mystical isn't it when she died it was like a big big thing to him he was very very close with his mom's fact that he had wanted to put that into music trying to sort it out some kind of creative way through a song that's very him [Music] they allowed men to be able to go you know what this is okay to be emotional to talk like this we've a lot to thank them for they wrote those songs the kind of early anthemic songs that we all wanted to get behind and put our hands up in the air and say yep that's part of me it just sounded very spiritual like a gospel song [Music] [Music] it's very kind of straight back simple way of delivering that message it says all it needs to say and there's just no need for elaboration [Music] it pretty much sums up how to deal with any situation when you're really struggling this would be the final single released before Paul McCartney left the band and the Beatles were no more let it be as a finality to it it almost sounds like the song for the credits at the end of the film [Music] we're now just one Beatles classic away from the end of our countdown and at number two the most recorded song in pop history 3000 cover versions so far and Counting [Music] Oh yesterday's one those songs were you could have taken a number of what is important we had to be stripper I had to just sing to you yeah kilala boy [Music] why [Music] Skol a very identifiable sentiment yesterday love was such an easy game [Music] No place slightly yearning for what's gone by it's a beautiful song they connect with you just like let it be this was another song that came to Paul in a dream and another song born at the family home of Paul's girlfriend Jane Asher he woke up with the song in his head finished the melody he assumed it was a pre-existing song my mom remembered him wandering after breakfast as it were saying what is this song and I've got stuck in my head she said it's very nice but I've never heard it before and it preventively dawned on me that he Britt liver lessly yesterday's a really special song just can't imagine a world where the Sun doesn't exist fabula and our love is wonderful thank you John at the time for joking over as we reach the end of our journey through the extraordinary career of the Fab Four it's finally time to reveal the song ITV viewers have voted as the greatest Beatles number one ever tonight we've enjoyed souls that summed up the 60s songs are pure genius songs that change the world and at number one it's an anthem let's move millions of us since 1968 a seven minute epic written by Paul for John's son Julian prepare to sing along with the nation's favorite Beatles number one hey besides to hey Jew [Music] John Lennon loved that song because it was written for Julian was Paul's way of saying I know your parents had divorced but things are gonna be okay what a present to give to someone and it was a beautiful gift in our lifetime for us [Music] [Applause] [Music] the song has opened in a way that he's saying don't worry you want to sing it with each other and tell each other whoever you're with [Music] it's one of the true pop anthems it's one of the oldest and greatest but recording this great pop anthem wasn't all plain sailing [Music] the first two days spent on it at Abbey Road were caught on camera great for us now but not at the time he's a film crew in typical of a film crew they said don't worry you all know we're there well we did they were in everyone's faces everyone was quite irate we finished up not getting anything it eventually took six days to record hey dude the longest turn needed for any Beatles single it would also be the longest Beatles number one a running time of over seven minutes meant the band were breaking yet morons back then radio was two and a half three minutes arms don't think anyone thought that Hey Jude would get the amount of play that it did get but it was the Beatles who's not going to play the Beatles [Music] boom beetles premiered the song on the David Frost show on ITV in September 1968 this was a real TV occasion and for the big sing-along chorus at the end director Micheal Lindsey hub decided to pull out all the stops we realized that just being on the Beatles for the four-minute closing course wouldn't sustain and so Paul and I thought wouldn't it be interesting to get people in as an audience to represent world Housewives students certainly multicultural they just sang the song and when they got to the nun on our part we all had to run on I was about two people away from Ringo and he's in my heart out [Music] it was a once-in-a-lifetime it's it's a really lovely memory [Music] nothing beats the end when it's the big sing-along hands in the air and that at that point is where if you've got a room full of people he doesn't know if they can sing or not if they want to shout along that works [Music] if you don't join in our major there's something wrong with you I love it never-ending [Music] the legacy is that music those songs that we all join hands and sing along to at the end of the night god bless the bees it's now over 50 years since the Beatles first came saw and conquered the world today sadly it's a world without John a world without George but the legacy of the greatest band in history remains as strong as ever [Music] to go from what we do to a tune in seven and a bit years is staggering stay I would all of this longer than I thought rain the Beatles are the Shakespeare of popular music as a quality and as a longevity to war they did that will outlast all of them and all of us the songs will go on and on and on like the music of Mozart it stand the test of time because it's so unique you listened to a Beatles record and generally will make your day a little bit better they've given the world a huge amount of enjoyment and it's as simple as that on behalf of the band I'd like to thank everyone in the UK for their continued love and appreciation for our music our early success is all down to your wonderful support and we have never forgotten that thank you oh you're up next hello there this has been a great program and I'm very happy to be part of it I can't believe that after all these years people are still listening to the Beatles still playing the music and I'd send my best I'm grateful we still love [Music] well another actors got to go this weekend your vote decides like from 8:00 on Saturday and Sunday it's the X Factor next tonight Sean Bean stars in a new drama the Frankenstein Chronicles the exclusive to ITV encore and on ITV B is the new series of The Only Way Is Essex next hear the latest ITV News at 10:00
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Id: t1BEIbtoqK0
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Length: 92min 5sec (5525 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2015
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