George Harrison & Ringo on Aspel & Co. 1988.

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thank you very much and that is my pleasure to offer hospitality to a man who hasn't entirely wasted his life singer-songwriter author film producer keen gardener and master of understatement he once said if you're going to be in a rock'n'roll band you may as well be in the Beatles ladies and gentlemen George Harrison George is good to see you you're back in the charts oh you're a happy man ah I don't know if I'm back a beanbag but I don't know if I'm back this week but um I am a happy man yeah did you feel the time was right to do this yeah well I didn't really think about it I just felt some time to make a record and so I made it and you know sometimes things go right and sometimes they don't this time it went right they were attracting new fans some of whom perhaps have never heard of the Beatles I think most of the maddened yeah I met a few people just a Christmas I saw some kids in about 18 year old in Los Angeles and they saw me walk in a shop and they had looked at each other and said her mother there's that singer which I thought was pretty good just that's like so yeah yeah yeah you have kept yourself to yourself in in recent years this led to some wild stories about the the Howard Hughes of Henley that's right yeah well it's those silly newspapers I mean they're not all silly of course but some of them are very silly and because I did I don't go disco teching and things like that where people hang out with their cameras so they presume that I was Howard Hughes with my big fingernails and Kleenex tissues and that kind of stuff bottles of urine all around the house but I was my dad tall I go out all the time or a lot of the times see friends have dinner go to parties start so I'm even more normal than you know normal people I mentioned gardening you haven't yet but to stroll from one end of yours would take about three weeks wouldn't it how big is not really know my garden you can stroll around it in ten minutes if you're power-walking when I sort of do these days so what have you got if you saunter it could take half an hour if you swagger maybe 45 minutes he got lakes as well injured legs yeah got legs this is why it southern accent you got lakes lakes well there's a bit of water yeah this was sort of flows around that I was built in the Victorian days it's very nice it was all covered in soil and broken lavatories from a building site when I bought it was Oh Howard Hughes did have it then huh yeah what about your son who is now nine I think is he aware of your glorious past he's become a werenäôt the last few years and I didn't really tell him anything about the Beatles because it was so long ago anyway I didn't want to burden him with all that but nevertheless I think most kids when they gets about 4 or 5 they see Yellow Submarine and then he sort of twigged and then he came up to me one day and said they dad how do you play the piano lick from a bulldog which other that's strange obviously know a song like that but it's in Yellow Submarine mine was the impressed now has he actually seen you perform hmm well if you call it perform yeah he came to the I did this show the Prince's Trust last July he came to that show and I suppose you could call it performing but after the show I said to her what did you think you know is it house yeah you were ok dad why didn't you do rock and roll music and sweet little sixteen Johnny be good so well actually that's Chuck Berry he's nine nine and a half nine oh that's better he's really into Chuck Berry though as you are too I saw you on the show with him yes didn't have long enough from the fray but it was a great guy how long when you did the princess trust how long had it been since you had done a live show last time well I did one show which I happened to this I wore the suit for it's the first time I've worn it since the Carl Perkins show which was a televised program for HBR before that I did a tour in America in 1974 but in England I never performed since the Beatles which was 1965 or something on that 36 maybe you could have been very slightly terrified I was yeah it felt like I was going the electric chair sapper for hours waiting to go on and very very nervous but surrounded by old mates fortunately uh there's a lot of farm support from the gang Ringo and well Phil Collins was playing one night and Eric Clapton of course and Elton and mature a lot of people didn't someone suggest that you should get a sort of oldest group together I think that's sort of an idea that's bubbling about it maybe in Elton's mind I don't know it's sort of a good idea because everybody enjoys playing together could call yourselves Monsieur Zola be good yeah amazingly 25 years since Beatle mania swept the world when did you first realize it was happening to you the mania side of it happened it started happening I think 1963 when we started touring seriously in England like on the big moss Empire circuit and then we did some tours around Europe and I think it was because of the mania that was happening then that the Americans caught on we came over and they did features on us in time and life in Newsweek so then that sort of set us up for the trip to the USA in 1964 and when did the excitement wear off well it sort of whirs off and it comes back again like just recently I feel quite excited to be alive regardless of well that I'm making a record or promoting my record buy my album you know quite apart from that but I think for me the mania got to me in 1966 and around that time I got a bit tired of what they call the adulation I'm still not that keen on that side of it I it's nice to be popular it's nice to be loved but it's it's not so nice to be chased around and on the front page of the paper every day of your life with you know people climbing over the wall all day long and the endless round of course of meeting people dignitaries etc yes well we did tend to meet most of the dignitaries of the world so we're bored by all that well sometimes it was boring sometimes we just make fun of them or you have our own little in jokes you know what to get through we noticed that I mean you did send them up I mean looking back do you think that you were cheeky so incensed Kapow we were very cheeky yeah we had to be really it's so like us in a survival kind of thing your current single harks back to those early days are you feeling apartment being glad to be alive it's nostalgic I'm not really no I do like most people I like like the rock and roll years when you see what happened on Cuba attacked Russia and all that whatever happened and you remember that song Eddie Cochran was singing this joke I like nostalgia in that respect and I suppose all that 20 years ago today stuff that was happening last year you know it's nice to be reminded of things that happened except he reminds you how old you are so that's a good well let's see the video when we was fab with as you say more than a hint of size with pepper there that was made with a little help from your friends of course including the one the only Ringo Starr I've met you before clearly oh you're dead are you doing Michael a sharp suit ringer I hate gardening that's fashion that I live in well I hate gardening right you've been doing your own thing as well of course but you enjoy Batory old nostalgia temperature I love nostalgia I think I was nostalgic of birth that's why he got born again he goes oh sorry I like didn't I spot the sergeant with summer cruise yeah I did spot the Sergeant Pepper costume in that video that's right yeah the quick one I have a quick one yeah the actual original the original suit it's a bit tight around the hips at this moment have you kept memorabilia I keep everything I do I'm a hoarder and you know I I've saved all my clothes through the years and I thought you know it always goes round the kids are lovely but the only time they asked me for any clothes as if there's a fancy dress party I have all the hippie stuff oh yeah we're going to a fancy dress party let us dad would you do me a tremendous favor I'm not gonna kiss you like listen I'm not gonna rub your knees like the other guy would you would you we just take the shades off for a second yeah oh he's got the bluest eyes in the world but that's worst oh yeah what do you have to keep him close the ER gets on them you haven't kept of course the fans have were they always desperate for souvenirs uh but we I think we were real lucky I think the only thing I ever lost in all those days of madnesses was half of my scalp a shirt and a gold necklace which they gave me back in New York we really weren't beat up too much Wales was the worst place I ever went what were they after they were after my head and you know we had all these police room you know we walk down it's like corridor policeman and some hand just came through and just grabbed my head this child away died I don't remember well before you join the group we storm the hurricane oh it was you Georgie but you were so much younger than ah what do they look of yours they enjoy what they Nick of mine uh somebody wants broke in my house and nicked a pair of silk pajamas that was me you've all for of course had your own special followers how different was a Ringo fan from a Georgia fan say I had the mothers the mothers and the children always have George as the Mystics Jonah though you know the intellect intellectual college attitude Paul Paul had the teenies that shared out the human race quite well nerd yeah I feel as part of our strength where we were a band that were appealing to children to grandparents you know like the stones where they were mainly on a teenage attitude mm-hmm you were I don't Mick you would always be at the Dan to us one that's right good you're looking chubby what sorry I've gotta be a George's on what did you make of thing about you being down-to-earth what did you make of the Indian episode well the Indian episode is really interesting I got two phone calls back from George and one from John we're going to Wales see he's always been to Wales he doesn't remember to meet the Maharishi so I just got on the train because the guy wouldn't lie to me so we met him in Wales and then we all decided to go to this ashram in India I think that I still thank Maharishi you know for what he said but in the end I felt he was telling me stories but that's my problem in the end I mean how long did you actually stick that course 10 days he ran out of being he came Yeah right all the way up the Himalayas with a big suitcase of being the suitcase of clothes and I said it didn't like flies and spiders no can't stand but the interesting part was you see I can only bland food because I was very sick as a child and so I had me beans and I was getting fed up with that and so the I said got the eggs eggs in the morning you know and so I caught these guys burying the shells in the ground as if God wouldn't notice I decided to leave after that no those he doesn't see those you lived in each other's pockets didn't you I mean it was like being a family he's always lived at one you have family Rao's I mean what do you do we have terrible rows what was the main cause that go squabbles in the early days huh I don't know the owner hired you I don't remember any squabbles you don't remember anything do you easier what about now what makes you cross with each other now well the last time we were cross was when George was suing me what's nice though it calls me always cross yeah oh he's still cross uh the last time he calls you say I'm going to sue you so not judge Thompson no no I'm gonna see you don't like what you don't cuz he wrote this song and I had it mixed by somebody else and he didn't like the mix so he was gonna suit me so do I have to I said sue me if you want but I'll always love you speaking of which you two shared a flat didn't you yes we did yes we shared a flat to sell me em and one - okay wodden house yeah I get the jacket yeah was fabulous well we shared a couple of places actually you know when we first came down to London you know you're so insecure that we have to live together we weren't big boys and we'd all at my old place I never left home who's gonna make the tea and iron your shirts what was he like to live with but fabulous yeah I mean we only ever slept I at least always be in the nightclubs really in those days you're do you know all these lines about I was never to just go tech oh well I wasn't to drag him out to them you know that was back in oh no xt4 well before the live yeah no I stopped going to him around 1967 I think yeah I stopped in 1980 but then married I'm a wonderful wife and but then you rarely go to bed anywhere to sleep I never go to bed yeah I I'm an insomniac main mainly when I'm not insomnia carry him that would cure it I suppose do you let me set the record straight there but this is joy he sees a drummer he's a drummer this is all the time am i making the noise on the moment I laid eyes to my heartbeat that's oh well it's getting slower but it's go away for the coffee I have any Lord I hesitate to ask you a serious question but I mean that's weird why don't you Mike I will set the record straight about today's situation the press are keen to imply rifts how do you and Paul get on and we get on very well George yeah no we do actually we I mean we love you yeah tell me if a Chrysler get bobbing around headed for Arlen yeah I fell about 10 years I didn't resent him it's I didn't really know Paul and never really saw much of him through the last 10 or 12 years but more recently we've been hanging out and getting to know each other going for dinner and meeting and and it's absolutely not true what they said in the news of the world that's Sunday actually somebody actually I was in San Remo the day before Paul arrived and I got a phone call from the somebody a Daily Mail phoned up and they said Oh George or you know I said no sorry George Isla just left and I pretended it was I was somebody else and they said well there's some people down here who were trying to get this rumor started about you and Paul so I told him you know that we weren't the reason why we weren't there together was because we didn't even know each other was gonna be there anyway and we all learn different days but it's definitely just one of those things that these people sit around and think let's have a fight between you know George and Paul now you know but actually I love Paul he's my mate and it doesn't matter what they say in the papers it's not gonna you know they're not gonna get much mileage out of that one what about Yoko Ono Yoko I'm pleased to say which where are they Lucia say pleased to say that I had a great time with Yoko in New York darling Leivers Rock and Roll Hall of Fame it was nice to me to just handle fine yeah everything's fine when I and the rest of us here here Lennon records but still of course impossible for us to believe that he's gone it must be of course a million times more for you mustn't it well you've certainly brought the party down Michael yes I you know I was stunned on the day and I still shocked and stunned huh I mean I cries you know I mean just the other day just cuz we're all sitting here George I watch this movie the Tiago's making about John and I just get emotional don't tell people how I do I get emotional so like George I still miss the man I love the man I was close to the man how he went out just in such a stupid way you know how did you and the guys famous no but God said yes that's them what do you think of that that's the cruel irony of course you're quite right Cupid how did you hear the news yourself well I heard it we were in the Bahamas at the time and my stepdaughter francesca called at Barbara's daughter and she said some kind of news about John what is it like shooting and things like that we don't know what it is you know didn't really I never ever went to like good night and then they call back and they said better and you saw actually you even blown away so we said I'm just devastated accident and I was just down and so five o'clock in the morning ordered the plane and flew to New York just to see if there was anything you know you can do what you can but you just yeah you know when you get to that position or situation you know you just do something and that's what Barbara and I did we because you couldn't have a holiday after that yeah so George how did you hear it yeah I was in bed at the time in England and died another call came through sometime in the morning 4:00 or 5:00 in the morning I didn't take the call um Olivia took the call and she said John's been shot and I thought oh how bad is it you know I just thought maybe a flesh wound or something like that but so I said no that's it is dead so I didn't know I just went back to sleep actually I just maybe it's just a way of getting away from her I just went to sleep and then then waited to see you know what it said the next morning and he was still dead the next morning unfortunately but you know I I feel not so bad about it in as much as you know I had this you know unlike Ringo when I went to Rishikesh in India I went into meditation and had some good experiences and I got to X I know you didn't you forgot to tell her well yeah but he only asked about the eggs so I believe what it says in in the scriptures and in the Bhagavad Gita it says there was never a time when you didn't exist and will never be a time and you cease to exist the only thing that changes is our bodily conditioned soul comes in the body and we go from birth to death and it's death how I look at it is like taking your suit off you know the soul is in these bodies and one body falls off and I feel like that I can feel him around here Oh dirt was he didn't you feel that oh yeah you've you've seen oh yeah I felt a long time very strong that was in the hotel room in LA and I was real down visible whatever was going on who's in the Coliseum what are you do don't be miserable so come on get it together oh I believe like George on that respect though we just did the jokey bit about the eggs that we do continue and I do believe in God did he what mental state was was John in at that time dude do you know well I'd never seen him for a couple years before that but um I had enough experience of what we all did during the 60s we had you know there was people putting stuff in our coffee which gave us some crazy experiences and when they stopped doing it we started for me in our own coffee for do girls people in your coffee oh you know but um you know we had a lot of experiences I know John was you know he knew who he was that he was a soul it happened to be in this body for this period of time and you know I don't think it's just the method by which you die you know I mean I think it's nicer if he can consciously leave your body of death as opposed to just some lunatic shooting you on the street or having a plane crash something like that I think it's unfortunate the way went out but it doesn't really matter he's okay and life flows on within you and without you are you doing Johnny hmm would it with you Michael well I was going to ask what anything have persuaded you to all that is to reform the Beatles even for one night and what kind of offers did you get anyway well I think the only time we found each other up because everyone would kept trying to get us together but somebody phoned up and they offered was just for one one gig and we used to do 25 minutes but they offered us 50 million lera would've been in 85 booties and I just I do remember that George never called any but I remember call everyone else name comes you know what do you think you know 25 minutes buy your new suit there what what stopped you then we will never get it together and I mean we broke up you know for all the reasons we know about me to get together I don't really believe like this get-together thing really--it now if we got together it would be George Paul and Ringo we got together it would not be the Beatles you know we'll never do it with Julian because it'll be then be George for Judd what's my name yeah I'm saying I mean you know you would never go out there again with that oh I won't I don't like Georgie hmm would you go out George of about him oh no we could it wouldn't be the Beatles Bob but the thing is it's not to say that you know I mean ring and I hang out occasionally and play some tunes together I'm on the album he's on the album he was on the concert and Paul does concerts and as I say we're getting to be friendly with Paul it's good chance someday maybe we'll write a tune and play together but it won't be the Beatles and if people expect us to be the Beatles they're gonna be disappointed but you may see three old guys call John Paul and Ringo who someday may sing a song together I bet I don't get to sing but do you have other things to offer I mean though we asked Michael you're Julia now why not actually now you for acting you've done could I get a job if I died we've been of some fan I love films I love cameras as you may have noticed you've got a lot of new fans that were Thomas the Tank I have it's great it's right five years old I never knew it would be so big in fact the first time rich old crafty was the producer of always came up saying you'd like you to read these stories about this train which I never had cuz I was a B no man be crazy it's Star Wars and management on me years ago anyway and so she came back and convinced me so I said look I'll just read five of the stories on my own on tape and you listen to them and see if you're still walking and she did and then we did Thomas the Train there's all these little baby screaming again there we go who's the mother you are of course the poorest B I am chorus people that won't do much for your last where you're down to your last 20 min though I think not you know I didn't even make the the list and Georgie's got 14 so I'm down to what 12 you know great spender there I mean yeah you enjoy why not to spend that's why the only reason to have it it's the biggest waste of money you can claim to have done biggest waste I'm the biggest winner if you call this like some reality that's always what Apple well that was all of us who can't blame me for that first if it had all never happened what would you be doing now I'd be a drummer and what's funny about that I mean I I mean I decided when I was 18 this is my life so you know just because we made it you know didn't I don't think I mean you asking me weird question because we don't know what would have happened if you had not all conjecture I just feel that I still would have been playing behind the strippers John four in front to his tears I think I probably would have been a guitar are probably a better guitar player than I am now because you know because you know the famous bit sort of maybe ended up just playing the same old stuff for years but I started playing the guitar when is about and that's the only thing I really wanted to do I didn't want to be a Thomas the Tank Engine no thanks you know yeah I am I'm not anything like that would you have been happier men oh if it had not occurred I always feel I was born happy so happiness I don't you know happy yeah I'm basically I am happy and George ooh Sam yeah I'm quite happy yeah but you can't say you know it's all this is our lives you know this is the only life I can remember and I'm happy enough doing it's been up and down and good and bad and in the end I think I come all of us have come out of it reasonably sane and quite happy well the rest of us are happy and for all of us it's been fab thank you very much here Ringo Starr and thanks for your company suit next week good night
Channel: Beatles & Solo TV stuff !
Views: 1,076,329
Rating: 4.8798914 out of 5
Id: JQaqcLPAI_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 27 2014
Reddit Comments

I just watched this interview the other day. I'd recommend watching the whole thing, it's a good watch. You can really tell how warm and loveable a guy ringo is in the interview, he never seems to want to slag off anyone.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/davie18 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2015 🗫︎ replies

That was fun! It is that old Beatles wit from the early days with about twenty five years of maturity influencing it.

edit: words

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 20 2015 🗫︎ replies
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