Was The Emperor's Plan Always To Become A God? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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Yeah I've watched a bunch of his videos, very entertaining.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bcyost89 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2022 🗫︎ replies
if you were to strip the 40K Mythos down to the Bare Essentials the pillars of lore that the rest of the series is built upon the emperor sitting upon the Golden Throne writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology who despite his fervent claims against such Notions has potentially become a god this is possibly the most core fundamental idea that permeates through every piece of 40K literature ever written we are also led to believe that this was an accident a mistake a dramatic irony of the highest caliber is that the Avatar of science and reason had become a God against his will but what if that wasn't the case what if this was all part of The Emperor's plan what if in his infinite wisdom and knowledge he foresaw that the only path forward for Humanity rested upon Him ascending to the same level as the primordial four a being to challenge the chaos gods or potentially even surpass them in this video we're going to examine the possibility that the the emperor was either a God all along or that despite his denial of his divinity his goal had always been to become a God this is going to be more of a speculative video as I'm gonna be theorizing a lot here these types of videos are fun and I like to do them as a break from the standard lore videos just remember to take everything I say with a grain of salt so grab your tinfoil hat and come with me as we Ponder the emperor's Divinity but first a quick shout out to this video's sponsor I've recently just hit a really big milestone in my life something that if I'm being honest with you I didn't really think was possible I've recently become a lord lord Westheimer is my official title and you can become a lawyer lady too with established titles based on an old Scottish tradition established titles will sell you at least one square foot of land in edelston Scotland which technically makes you a lord or a lady it's actually kind of Genius you can officially add lorder lady to your name you can put it on stuff like your credit card or plane tickets or why not add it to your dating profile I feel like that's a pretty good way to stand out they provide you with a really cool certificate in Crest the that has your land's exact plot number on it so if you wanted to you could actually visit the land that you own in Scotland for every order that you place they'll plant a tree in your honor so not only do you become a lord or a lady but you're doing your part to help the environment a package from established titles makes for a really cool gift for your loved ones surprise you're a lord or a lady now it's like yeah I could have gotten you chocolates or flowers or something normal like that instead I have made you a lord or a lady and just for fun established titles has informed me that for the first 200 people that use my link any plot to land that they purchase will be placed right next to mine so we can build our own nerdy little Warhammer Kingdom established titles as having a huge sale right now for Labor Day so go to establishtitles.com Westheimer or use the link in my description and then use the code Westheimer to get 10 off your order so do yourself a favor and become a lord or a lady today thanks again to the awesome people over at established titles for sponsoring this video and with that out of the way let's get into the Grim dark when we look at the emperor we see one of the most convoluted and confusing yet deeply fascinating fictitious characters ever created to say that the emperor is a mystery wrapped in an enigma is a gross understatement for every single fact that we learn about him for every Peak behind the curtain we get 10 more Mysteries and a hundred more theories that take root in its wake it's almost as if the more we learn about him the less we actually know time and time again we are shown that the emperor had impeccable foresight and the ability to foresee the future that he was able to set in motion Galaxy changing events through simple actions tens of thousands of years before they would end up bearing fruit whether or not this is divine guidance or superb intellect and deduction is unclear but every single thing that he has ever done every sentence he has ever spoken has been calculated to a ridiculous level if it is a form of divine foresight if it was the case that he knew every single event that would transpire from the time of his creation until present year in the 42nd Millennia it stands to reason that it was his plan all along to end up on The Golden Throne to be seen as a living God and allow his worship to spread thus empowering his spiritual form in the warp to ever Greater Heights to the point where he could literally be able to stand toe-to-toe against the dark Gods but what would make the emperor take this path why would he choose to become a God especially when it seems pretty contradictory based on what we think we know about him maybe it's because he believed it was the only way to permanently destroy chaos or perhaps it's something as simple as he could have been a better guiding force for Humanity from the position of a god whatever his reasons may be I believe that the most logical deduction when we're trying to unravel his Mysteries is that the emperor did what he did for the sake of humanity that no matter how brutal how inhumane or how horrible his actions or the actions of those that worked in his name were that they were all Justified as the only possible course forward for the continued survival of the species based on the emperor's plan that is the Emperor is unquestionably one of the most powerful beings in the entire 40K Universe not just in his overwhelming psychic power but possibly more importantly his ability to see into the future and orchestrate events on a galactic scale tens of thousands of years before they would begin to bear fruit now I will say that if we are to accept that the emperor had foresight on the level of a God and then that raises numerous disturbing questions along this line of reasoning it would mean that he in fact foresaw the Horror's heresy and played a significant role in orchestrating it this has been a popular fan Theory that's existed for some time now and probably a topic for a longer video but it would give credit to why he seemed to play favorites with his sons having a glorious Drake Hunting Expedition with Vulcan or a drinking contest with Russ will simultaneously pressuring mortarion into a challenge he wasn't ready for only for him to fail and then come in and Rob him of his Vengeance or even straight up abducting angron against his will and leaving his brothers and sisters to die in the Sands of new Syria but perhaps a better place to start with this examination is the topic of Faith itself as faith is the most critical component to his role as the god of humanity we have numerous examples of The Emperor's disdain for religion one of the most famous being the short story The Last Church a part of the tales of heresy Anthology it's a simple yet insightful exploration of The Emperor's views on faith as a disguised Emperor spends a night debating theology with the priest of the very last Church on Terra known as the Church of the lightning Stone a church that by the end of the book ends up getting destroyed and with it Humanity's connection to religious worship we are told that religion is anathema to the emperor's plans we are led to believe that he viewed them as a hindrance to Mankind's progress but the emperor is many things and amongst his uncountable accolades is that of a master deceiver perhaps his hatred for religion wasn't that he saw it as a hurdle to Mankind's Ascension but that they may have been competition for his is to get a better picture of this I want to examine three separate instances of worship centered around the emperor that of lorgar and his word bearers and their subsequent manipulation of Horus that of Euphrates Keeler herself the very first saint of the emperor and finally the mechanicum the omnisiah and of course its Catalyst the void Dragon Euphrates Keeler is known as the first saint of the emperor and during the early days of the Horus heresy before the Trader's Rebellion even really got started she would spread the worship of the emperor amongst the crewmen of the vengeful spirit and at one point Demons of zinc end up getting summoned to the ship and through her remarkable faith in the emperor's Divinity she is able to banish them Keeler was not a psycher there was nothing special about her she was just a simple remembrancer yet through her belief in the emperor a man who as far as we know very much was not a god at this point in time those beliefs manifested in powers that take trained Sorcerers hundreds if not thousands of years of non-stop study to master how was she able to do this was it simply through her faith potentially but with some caveats faith and belief was a tricky thing in 40K as collective belief does tend to manifest in the warp and thus into our reality the old homage of the more people believe something the more it becomes true this is a very real phenomena in 40K but Emperor worship was still in its infancy at this point it doesn't really make a lot of sense if the same rules apply to our universe and me and a bunch of my buddies ended up getting drunk and truly believed that gravity wasn't real it wouldn't suddenly cease to exist hell even if we convince the entire Pub of the same thing and I mean copious amounts of alcohol so we don't just think it we really truly believe it at the end of the night someone's gonna end up getting hurt so blind faith alone no matter how dedicated killer was wouldn't be enough to manifest what she was capable of there's a lot more to it than that it would have either required a lot more people believing the exact same thing or a very real God at this point for her to be praying to now that being said we're told that time is meaningless in the warp it is an invention of the physical universe and thus has no sway on the immaterium to those that dwell within the depths of the warp all events happen simultaneously we have an exact date that the chaos God of excess slanesh was born yet the other gods have made numerous references to the fact that slaanesh has always and never existed at the same time from their perspective what if it's exactly the same with the god Emperor it's very likely that if the emperor was to ascend to godhood then the Divine version of himself that exists within the warp would exist at all times simultaneously meaning that the god Emperor was a god before he even got the idea to try to become one and if this is the case then it would mean that his influence could be felt by his followers at any point in time in history even if it was at a point before he entered the Golden Throne this would mean that the god Emperor would be able to reach back and to the past and guide the people that were important to his plan step by step to making sure they happened and although this sounds pretty crazy it's actually not incredibly uncommon as we've seen individuals who are definitely not gods do the exact same thing one such example comes from the short story The Voice we see a group of sisters of Silence exploring a derelict black ship that was found to drift in the warp they embark on a mission to investigate and figure out what happened to it when they arrive they find that the ship is full of psychers run rampant an insane asylum with no jailers and all of the psychers on board who had been captured by the sisters of Silence have been driven out of their minds by the corrupting influence of the immaterium the sisters end up fighting their way through the ship and come across something kinda horrifying a conglomeration of psychers that have physically mentally and spiritually welded together into a single entity an entity whose Consciousness claims to be the youngest member of the group Leilani she is trapped within the warp and used this man massive psychers to send a message back in time to her fellow sisters of something truly horrible that is yet to come to pass they however never find out what her message truly is as another one of the sisters executes her younger version on the spot for the crimes of heresy based on what this thing is saying thus severing the connection and dooming the future woman to her fate it's a pretty dark story but it shows that a sister of Silence managed to reach back in time to her former self for a god something like this would be Child's Play Because as I mentioned before time is meaningless in the warp what if the emperor the god emperor not the master of mankind already existed we know that he's a God now in the 42nd Millennia and if this is the case and time is truly meaningless then couldn't someone in the 30th Millennia thousands of years before he even became a god a pray to him and manifest Miracles through their faith could the emperor then reach out to them and guide their actions step by step to make them follow the path that he has set for them to make sure certain things happen at certain times in order for his past self to end up on The Golden Throne and following the same line of logic does that mean that the god Emperor could influence his past self it's an interesting concept to ponder in the novella Garo vow of faith we see the titular Garo trying to track down Euphrates he has questions that only she can answer he has a deep connection to her after everything they experience together in the novel Flight of the eisenstein when she is eventually low sends in his Knight's errant to reclaim her Garo In This Moment is willing to sacrifice himself and attack malcador's legionaries but in this moment Euphrates stops time in order to speak with him and calm him down showing just how far her abilities of Faith have progressed she says not to fight them as they are not the enemy and that she will freely go with them as she believes this is the path that the emperor has set for her later it is revealed that malcador wished to study her and see if the Miracles she could perform based on her faith in the emperor in general could be used as a weapon against Horus but what if Euphrates is exactly right what if this is the guidance of the god emperor in the warp a guiding hand reaching out from the future and beyond our universe to push her step by step towards mcador the very same man who created the early version of the Inquisition under the orders of none other than the emperor himself but before Euphrates became the first living Saint where did she get the idea that the emperor was a god well we know that the writings that she saw as sacred and thus would copy and distribute to her growing flock were originally pinned by lorgar Primark of the word bearers and at the time that he wrote them potentially one of the emperor's most devoted children lorgar was first and foremost a man of Faith having been raised on his Homeworld of cultures by his adopted father figure cortheron a priest of cultures's old faith that worshiped the primordial four Lord truly believed that his father was a living God and him and his word bearers would end up spreading his worship to the worlds they visited during the Great Crusade often staying at each of these worlds longer than was necessary when they would leave they would leave behind a loyal human population a society that not only had sworn loyalty to the Imperium but venerated the Emperor as their lord and savior this would come to a head when the emperor supplicated lorgar and his sons in front of the ultramarines and burned his prize city of monarchia to the ground a city that was erected in the honor of the god Emperor this was an incredibly powerful moment that shook the word bearish to their core and would end up setting them on the path to find other gods more worthy of worship thus eventually finding the chaos gods and setting in motion the Horus heresy but if the emperor really did want to become a god from the beginning why would he destroy a monument of his worship and push the word bearish towards chaos it doesn't really seem to make a lot of sense perhaps he saw a future where lorgar remained loyal and continued to spread his worship and this just didn't fit into his grand plan what if he needed specifically Euphrates Keeler to be the first saint we know that this is one of the most pivotal moments in the storyline that it was his burning of monarchia that would spark the Flames to create the Horus heresy if we compare lorgar to Euphrates one of these characters is far more humble if lorgar and more specifically his father corfaron had remained loyal and thus were the central figures of Emperor worship for the next 10 000 years I imagine the 41st Millennium would look a lot different than Euphrates being the living Saint instead and thus was likely incompatible with the emperor's great plan and speaking of what the future ended up looking like we should examine the novel Galaxy in Flames where War Master Horus ends up mortally wounded on the moon of Davin an event that will later be revealed to have been orchestrated by Erebus under the command of lorgar who now seeks to turn the war Master to their cause Erebus convinces the Luna Wolves to take the wounded Primark to The Lodge of The Serpent they are through the use of sorcery he could be healed Erebus would end up materializing inside of the Wounded primark's vision and it was here that he showed Horus glimpses of the future that would come to pass if the emperor was allowed to continue his Pursuits now if you haven't read the book the context here is that Erebus is a lying manipulative traitor who is doing his best to deceive Horus now that being said the best lies ever told always are built upon a grain of Truth thus giving them Credence and making them more believable Erebus ends up disguised as one of horus's lost Sons sir Janus and shows him a shrine World dedicated to the emperor's Worship in the 41st Millennium he says this is one of hundreds if not thousands of such Worlds the vision is horrifying to Horus that the future that the emperor wants to come to pass is a Galaxy where the entirety of humanity worships the emperor after he has ascended to godhood Horus protests he says that the emperor would not allow this to happen it goes completely against everything he has ever preached that he punished lorgar in the word bearers for trying to spread the word of his divinity the disguised Erebus tells him that he simply wasn't ready to be worshiped yet but this is definitely the path that he will end up taking that even now he is growing his power in the warp and as soon as he gets what he wants he will completely abandon the Imperium He will forsake his sons and everyone that followed him Erebus tells Horus that after a man has conquered the Galaxy the only thing left to do is to become a God the only thing the emperor cares about is his own power there's a lot to unpack here because the scene creates a conflict in the audience we know Erebus is a liar that his goal is explicitly set to manipulate Horus but we also know that the vision that Arab has chosen to show him is very much the reality of the 41st Millennium these events do in fact come to pass and the emperor will eventually be worshiped as a God by the majority of humanity he also makes mention of The Emperor's foresight in that he's seen this reality and I fully believe that he's telling the truth here the great lie of what he's saying is the purpose the emperor was not trying to ascend to godhood just for the sake of power although that was certainly part of it he was doing it to better lead his species into the future it's a lie of a mission as he intentionally leaves out what that power is to be used for the emperor is not wholly unique and his ability to see into the future in fact there are many characters throughout the 40K universe that have mastered this discipline in various forms and degrees examples being two of The Emperor's own sons sanguinius and Conrad there's also Eldred of the Eldar and the corvidae of the Thousand Sons including Asic Arman even to a much greater degree we have the chaos God of change himself Z inch with every example we are told that there are certain things that affect their abilities such as the forces of chaos restricting eldrid's foresight or Conrad's instability and Insanity being exacerbated by his gifts even with zinch it's said that he cannot fully see the future that the future to him exists as trillions of silvered strands of possible paths and Discerning which will come to pass is something that continues to elude even an omnipotent being such as the Lord of change this is why karo's fateweaver is so important to him as one of his heads can see all potential Futures kerros is insane and rainbows about gibberish more than actually gives solid advice but still his ability is seen as essential to zinja's plans most of the cases of foresight are pretty similar and that they give the wielder the ability to see many potential Futures but critically lacks the steps needed to bring about the manifestation of the desired one however there are beings like Conrad kurs that break this mold as his this gift of foresight is far more simplistic but most importantly unchangeable in the novel pharaohs sanguinius and Conrad clash with each other each brother being gifted glimpses of the future moments before they come to pass they end up in a standstill being able to predict each other's moves before they happen causing the swings of their weapons to aim not where their target is but where they're going to be but in return causing the other party to throw a parrying blow at that exact same location during this confrontation Conrad asks his Angelic brother a very interesting question pertaining to the nature of foresight Conrad says do you really think it was chance I want to know each one of us was cast away upon a world that turned out to suit our characters perfectly characters that are father engineered furthermore the characters of many of our Legions Terence Sons were also matched with those of the worlds we were found upon and oh yes we can both see the future I rather suspect therefore that father can read it like a periodical can you stand there and tell me that it was chance no said sanguine is quietly no reply or no is and no you don't believe it goated curse sanguinius's sword lowered a fraction why he confided in curse he could not discern but the words would out and he could not have stopped them even if that had been his desire no I do not believe our lossing was chance yes yes you see kurs became excited by sanguinius's agreement a man who planned so long and so hard to be taken in at the moment of Triumph nonsense congratulations you are halfway to seeing the truth that our father was a liar was askers Conrad informed sanguinius that he is seen when he will die that he will die at the hands of Horus he knows that sanguinia has seen it as well and he knows the exact moment that he will die too that it will be sanctioned by one of the emperor's forces so no matter what happens here in this moment Conrad is potentially Invincible because he's not fated to die here he challenges sanguineous to change this he tells him to strike him down right now he'll let him do it he spreads his arm wides and says kill me sanguinius ends up charging him sword in hand but something stops him it's written that his sword swung down and inches from his brother's head it suddenly and violently stopped it stopped with a force so hard it caused the blade to sing as it reverberated sanguineous very quickly comes up with the reason why he couldn't strike him saying that there's always hope for even the most damaged of individuals but that there is hope for Conrad but kurs doesn't buy it something stopped him the future that Conrad had seen cannot be altered it is not one of trillions of potential Futures it is the only future and I think this is incredibly important when it comes to the nature of foresight as we have examples of a chaos God and the entirety of the corbidae of the Thousand Suns seeing potentially millions of different Futures whereas individuals like Conrad can only see one but nothing anyone does can stop it from happening although the foresight of all of these individuals is remarkable the Emperors is on an entirely different level it seems like it's possible for the Emperor to see many potential Futures choose the one he wants to come to fruition and know step by step exactly how to get there that being said this idea does contradict with a conversation that the emperor has with raw Endymion a custodian in the novel Master mankind where he Compares his gift of foresight to the peak of a mountain you see the result and you know what awaits you up there but you're not shown the steps required to get there you don't know what footholds exist or what rocks are loose and will cause you to lose your grip it takes trial and error to reach the peak but this conflicts with a lot of other examples of The Emperor's foresight and I believe is more appropriately an example of his misdirection and deceit speaking of which let's talk about potentially the emperor's most ludicrous moment of foresight the creation of the mechanicum and their cult in the novel mechanicum The main character Dahlia has been searching with her group for the fabled dragon of Mars she ends up descending to the planet's core and meets with a strange old man who is not all he seems to be he reveals to her that this is where the dragon is kept that this is its jail that he himself comes from a long line of Guardians that are granted a sliver of The Emperor's knowledge power and extended lifespan their goal is to watch over the dragon and keep it hidden that its children are still out there somewhere in the void of space and one day we'll come looking for it and it's the guardian's job to make sure that they never find it he reveals to her the true nature of the void Dragon that it is in fact a living Catan although he doesn't use that word in their greed the Katan would end up warring against one another and that the wounded void Dragon would end up going to Earth in order to hide and heal the dragon would end up Landing in Libya near the city of Cyrene during the 12th century and had been terrorizing the local people that lived in the region demanding sacrifices from them every single day the dragon fed off of Their Fear its wounds healing slowly over time it was the Emperor who ended up coming to their rescue although this was not his name at the time he appeared on Horseback holding a golden speed beer riding under a banner that depicted an eagle clutching lightning bolts in its Talons the emperor would do battle with the void Dragon who was described as a beast on four legs with an avian face and covered in shimmering scales that looked exactly like metal it sounds like what is being depicted here is almost like that of a necron construct made entirely from necrodermis of which we know is a material that the Catan had bodies constructed of when they were originally communicating with the necrons it's revealed that the emperor's purpose in slaying and capturing the void Dragon was to imprison it on the planet of Mars that the Visions it would generate for those that lived on the planet would end up guiding them towards the worship of machines and thus planted the seeds of the eventual mechanicum a faction that not only would provide for him the tools and technology that he would need to conquer the Galaxy but in turn would end up worshiping him as the omnisaya the one-third of the machine God that walked the physical Universe now this would contradict with what we as the audience have been told about the Treaty of Mars at the very beginning of the emperor's great Crusade that he allowed the mechanicum to continue their worship of machines even though it went against his principles as it was part of the compromise that United the two planets but this is actually a great deception as he was the one who caused this religion to come to fruition let's read a passage from the book where Dahlia is shown all of this Dahlia asks then that was the emperor yes said Simeon he brought the defeated Dragon to Mars and bounded beneath the noctis labyrinthus but why the emperor sees things we do not said Simeon he knows the future and he guides us towards it a nudge here ceding a prepared prophecy of his coming there the beginnings of the transhumanist movement the push from Humanity's understanding of science to its Mastery all of it by his design working towards one glorious Union in the future where the forges of Mars would perceive the Emperor as the Divinity for whom they had been waiting centuries you mean the emperor orchestrated the evolution of the mechanicum of course said Simeon he he knew that one day he would need such a mighty organization to serve him and from the dragon's dreams came the first Machines of the priests of Mars without the dragon there would have been no mechanicum and without the mechanicum the emperor's Grand dream of a United Galaxy for Humanity would have withered on the vine Dahlia tried to grasp the unimaginable scale of the emperor's designs the clarity of a vision That Could set schemes in motion that would not come to fruition for over twenty thousand years it was simply staggering that anyone even the emperor could have so carefully and precisely orchestrated the destiny of so many was such skill and cold ruthlessness the scale of the deception was beyond measure and the callousness of it took her breath away to lie to so many people to twist the destiny of a planet to suit one man's aims even a being as lofty as the emperor was a crime of such monstrous proportions that Dahlia's mind shied away from that awful calumny if the truth of this just became known to breed Dahlia it would tear the mechanicum apart and I just want to take a moment to really Hammer home how ridiculous that is the Emperor foresaw the mechanicum a massive organization that not only worshiped machines but viewed him as part of their God he saw all of the forge worlds that would create his ships and engines of War he predicted all of this in the 12th century and put in motion certain events to make sure it came to pass that's absolutely insane it's so crazy that it's almost as if he was a God all along or was receiving Divine guidance from his future self and this creates a really interesting inconsistency lorigar and the word bearers have to be punished for their views on the emperor but he specifically planted the seeds to have the mechanicum view him as the omnisaya and the mechanicum famously is one of the only organizations that he allowed to continue with their worship having previously destroyed every religious organization on Earth when it comes to the emperor's Divinity there are a lot of possibilities perhaps he planned on being a god from the very beginning of his journey and maybe it was a quickly cobbled together Plan B after the destruction of his web Way project maybe the god emperor of the future that would come to exist after his entombment on The Golden Throne was active in the warp from the very beginning Reaching Across universes and timelines or maybe it really was just an instance of dramatic irony the truth is probably something that we will never really know but that's okay that's kind of the beautiful thing about 40K doing thought experiments and mental gymnastics like this is what makes the universe so engaging to me and regardless of the origins of the god Emperor as we move forward in the storyline we are starting to see the evidence of him actually coming back to the physical Universe an instance where the true God Emperor will walk amongst his followers in the materium we're starting to see the very beginnings of this storyline with his son giliman in the present timeline The indominus Crusade is the most recent story arc that we've seen so far in it we've seen Gilman return to lead the Imperium in his father's absence during the dark Imperium Trilogy we witnessed giliman as he confronts the new reality of mankind a future where his father is worshiped as a God the very same vision that Erebus showed Horus over ten thousand years ago has finally come to pass this new galaxy is the exact opposite of everything that gilliman believed he was fighting for under his father's leadership and to say that he struggles with this is a pretty big understatement he knows that he can't dismantle the church as even though he is loved as the Son of God return to lead the Imperium in their darkest moment if he was to speak out against the ecclesiarchy and claim his father was just a man he would be labeled as a blasphemer and a heretic he can't even mention that the leticio divinitatus was written by his brother lorgar as the gravity of that Revelation would shake the Imperium apart throughout the novels we see him at first cling to his old beliefs and then slowly over the course of the trilogy the question of whether or not his father has truly become a god sinks deeper and deeper until at the very end of the book he is questioning if such a thing is even possible maybe he really is a God he ends up conversing with a creation of belisarius call known as the call inferior this creation speaks for him in his absence and relays any communication between him and gilaman back to the original in the final paragraph of the trilogy gilliman asks call a very straightforward and simple question he says I fear the emperor may be moving I fear that he worked through me I refuse to believe it at first but the evidence I had been presented with offers only one viable practical maze says the Lesser call the emperor is active again he is at work through the tarot through Visions through so-called Saints and acts of faith I know I spoke with him but I'm still not sure what I saw or heard in the throne room my first solid indication that something real was occurring was the nature of the warning of the Parian axis I resisted the idea at the time though the possibility was put to me early on but evidence accrues now I can no longer dismiss the theoretical out of hand why fear what you use the word fear not think believe consider calculate guess hypothesize or any other appertaining to deductive psychological processes why fear do you believe the emperor is a God said gilliman ah I see why fear do I that all inferior believe that or does arch Nago spell series call either both said gilliman the dogma of the majority of the sex within the cult mechanicus regards the Emperor as the living Avatar of the young Messiah the third of the machine God that destroys the Galaxy clap in moral form I know that said Gillum impatiently agreed that the emperor pointed out as false on numerous occasions by the way what I wish to know is what you and Carl think not believe but think the machine felt quiet mechanisms clattered loudly I have no response do you believe he can come back asked Gilman can he be returned to full life like I was who the emperor sees toying with me the question is meaningless I have no beliefs I said do not play games with me respond I command you more silence more clicks the heads and the tanks twitched Gilman was about to speak again when the machine's voice filled the room if I were the arch magos Dominus Bell series Hall which I am not I would have one cautionary advisement to give regarding this line of thought then advise me machine if it is possible to restore the emperor and if he could regain true life then what went into the throne room of the Imperial Palace may not be what emerges there's great Peril considering this even as a hypothesis because thoughts lead to actions whether we intend them to or not before you know it we reach disaster all for Good Intentions there was a pause they used to see that about roads to bad places paved with good intentions why would it be perilous expand because all gods are blanks on existence whether they call themselves gods or not I think you know that better than anyone do not forget it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: WesHammer
Views: 568,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Warhammer 40k lore, emperor 40k, god emperor, master of mankind, water emperor, emperor imperium, emperor of mankind lore, space Marines, astartes, primarchs, imperium of man, xeno's, Eldar, necrons, ultra Marines, Tau, Konrad curze, sanguinis, black library
Id: HH7SLsGjfdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 55sec (2035 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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