Will It Work? Mushroom Risotto on the Cuisinart 360 XL Griddle

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check baby check baby one two three four check baby check baby one two three [Laughter] you held it out hi guys i'm mike and i'm lisa and today we are making risotto naturally because what it's like it's 100 degrees out and i what else do you make on a 100 degree day other than a hot steamy uh pile of rice yep comfort food it is right so risotto now this is kind of a non-traditional thing to be making on the cuisine art 360 extra large griddle but that's the point we were sitting there we were like what should we make next let's make something that you absolutely would never think to make on a griddle we want to see if it works we know ribs work what fried rice works we know breakfast works pizza doesn't work so well not so much it smells like grandma's oven tastes like it too okay so the biggest concern with making risotto on the griddle is the heat we're really not sure what we're supposed to do one of the key things for making risotto is your liquid has to be hot so we're trying to keep that at a low simmer and we're going to start by doing some sauteing but then we want the heat to be low enough that we're stirring in that liquid and it becomes that creamy al dente rice that we all know and love so right now how do you have the burners babe well i have the two outside burners on kind of medium low and then just for the purpose of sauteing our veg i turned the middle up a little bit higher and i think my gut is telling me we'll turn that down when we actually have the rice on the griddle so we don't scorch it so let's start with some oil and actually i think i'm gonna throw some butter in there too i have diced an entire white onion we're gonna put that on there get that nice and soft the bottom line with the griddle is it runs super hot pretty much anything you do it is going to cook a lot faster than you're used to so you kind of have to be ready to go yeah so we'll see this will be interesting risotto typically takes about 20 to 25 minutes of constant cook time um i'd say the craft takes about 10 to 15. i actually and now we're going to add our mushrooms so we have a ton of mushrooms here and we're just going to saute the heck out of these with some salt and pepper that's looking awesome already i had a couple hot onions hit my foot you did yeah are you okay oh i'm all right sorry about that much like cam coffee um risotto i think will be a fair amount of uh just staring at at the booth and kind of waiting for it to do its thing but that's part of the fun of cooking right yeah right now well we do that too so normally when we make this on the stove top we will leave the mushrooms in there while the rice cooks but we're gonna take the mushrooms off because i don't want them to get overdone as we experiment with the rice even if we up the rice then at least we can use these mushrooms for something amazing these beautiful babies yeah and we might i think we probably will chances are give us a what's the over under what would vegas off be on us up this right i don't know how over underwriting i actually don't either is it like the price is right where i'm like one dollar and then i win because everybody else went over yeah i think it's something like that we're gonna we're gonna that's all i know this is so freaking hot it is really warm to be doing this what are we doing 100 degree day i have absolutely no idea why we're doing that okay so we're going to add just a little bit of red pepper we only want this to go for a second just enough to get it a little bit soft but we'll still want a little bit of crunch to it too so the edge is looking great at this point i think we're going to attempt to figure out our temperature on the on the grill and i think we're going to do is turn down the middle or turn it off and then turn down the side burners this has plenty of residual heat right now what we don't want to do is gorgeous rice um so we'll kind of start low and then add heat if we need it ah i'm making on a heck of a mess we are going to go ahead and add did i get you sorry come on like you mean it come on buddy okay so we have two cups of arborio rice here typically a good rule of thumb one cup of rice for like four cups of um liquid we already have eight cups of liquid that's getting warm our butter is rolling away as we speak so what we're going to do is if any of y'all have ever made rice-a-roni before the first step is you toast the rice yeah pouch you toast it so we're just going to do a little bit of toast in the rice you might see about the heat here a little bit i might turn it up i'm not hearing that sizzle i'm not here either but we went lower and it just kind of seems to be we might be out of gas i have fond memories of rice ceroni it is how i learn to cook excuse me apparently i got you i don't know what was your favorite flavor anything from san francisco it is just san francisco tree feel that this is starting to do something but we are at a standstill for a minute so we are fully just staring at rice that's doing nothing i might want to turn up the heat a little bit i'm going to go ahead and hit pause on that camera what you think about that [Music] [Music] thanks for getting us set up again babe i smell gas that's me oh you okay did you don't burn your head on the edge the cuisinart 360 has a safety feature built in to keep dumb asses like me from burning her head off well hasn't stopped me from burning myself on it but not my head though all right let's get this thing going again so we're looking for kind of temp oh that's much better i'm just kind of testing why you want medium i don't know i'm so confused i'm getting a tiny fizzle i can hear it i just added a little oil gas again that should be helpful oh i hear it in the meantime i'm just going to eat all the stuff oh you want something no i'm good this is like shaped cheese it's good shaved cheese was my band in high school i know i saw you play once you did where i was at the mall i'll be smoking a cigarette true story i think i hear some happening what's happening not really much is happening though so we're gonna hang out here for a minute although i'm feeling a little more optimistic about the rice being able to like hold on to the actual liquid once we put it in there we haven't put any liquid yet but we have put butter and olive oil and it seems to be catching it's not like rolling out under the pot anymore okay so we're nice and toasted next step is to add a little bit of wine normally that's gonna like deglaze the pan and also give you some flavor um there's no deglazing in this situation so it's just gonna give you a little bit of flavor and we're gonna cook it down until it's fully reduced rule of thumb is you cook with the wine you would like to drink we don't drink wine we're beer drinkers so i always just get the cheap because it is what it is you know so a little bit of chardonnay add a little splash oh good we've got some sizzle things are working now so we just have to like make sure we contain that liquid while it cooks in there right on this i think this experiment might actually work we have a shot we have let's just say we have a chance i don't know what vegas would say over under one dollar happy downey no han not on this video we can get this crappy wine out of the way who's good are you gonna drink this we always probably it always disappears i should do you want a rob brussels sprout rob a raw brussels sprout who's rob rob russell isn't that that guy from like nickelback i have no idea is it i hope rob if you're listening i didn't mean to name drop you we're big fans of your big fans okay now we're gonna start with actual risotto makin which means we're gonna do a cup of liquid at a time into this stir it in stir stir stir until it disappears and then we're gonna add some more this is where the love comes in from here on out is a constant effort i'm really sorry i'm kind of geeking out on this because i think it might work i hope so i mean it is running out trying to contain this will be the biggest and it seems hot but i honestly can't imagine going any lower no i think you'll need all that heat i think if anything we might end up using more liquid than we typically do yeah we're going to use more to steam probably you don't have the edges of a dutch oven to kind of contain some of that moisture so yeah um we use a little bit more liquid if you end up running out of liquid um you can always add water it won't hurt nothing yeah that's already evaporated so it's time to add some more do you want to turn down no i think let's do this for a minute i think it's going to turn out great it's it seems like it's going to be okay it's different than what we're used to yeah i'm just concerned but like not like really concerned this is an experiment what um where could this go wrong like what um what are the places where it could fall apart well with risotto the goal literally literally you just keep adding liquid until it becomes creamy so if it doesn't get that creamy texture i think that that's the biggest thing so if our if our liquid is evaporating too fast and not actually soaking i'm sorry if it's not actually like soaking in then um then we'll just have like a crunchy rice which would not be delicious at all but i think that's gonna be delicious i think it's looking good turning into a freaking pile of rice yeah i kind of want to take a little bite and see how far away we are from it that's the best way to test it right because it is seeming like we're fluffing up um it's seeming like we're not that far away oh we're fluffing up we're fluffing up the show i've been flopping up for four months now laughing and stuffing what do we got we're really far away still we got a ways to go now tell me how it is here you try it i don't wanna it's good i haven't salted it yet [Laughter] it really does it tastes i think it tastes like cardboard it smells like play-doh it's tripping me out it's coming together something like that oh and it is it's better than it was yes every time it's a little better labor of love it may not work so far it's not but it's a beautiful night to be out on the board sharing this massive failure with you guys we're just living just living loving laughing laughing occasionally gathering we can't gather right now well you and i are gathering hell yeah and we're gathering with all of our all of our friends have a little chunky the nice thing about risotto is you can do whatever you want with it we throw in like red peppers or peas you can make some chicken on the side add some shrimps if you want but today we are going to garnish with some brussels sprouts would you like me to add those yeah let's add those let's just get them roasting like we would with normal like with the wood like the way we would normally use the cuisine our 360 extra large griddle let's drop a little oil down definitely do you want butter or anything are you good yes let's put some butter in there also our temperature seems really low it sure does we got like nothing cherry cold butter yum yeah we got a gas flow problem here which i never have i have too much you have plenty of gas flowing pond what's this guy oh you got some clutter please do we have something to lose another towel we do don't throw the towels over the thingy i just have a random spoon in my hand i think i might eat some of this okay so we're hungry it's 100 degrees i'm like it doesn't seem like damn it temperature is a lot doing anything it's really pissed yeah i'm not sure what's happening here we have like super low gas flow we have flame though so it's not that the gas isn't coming through but we have like a really low flame so i think i'm going to turn everything off as annoying as that is i'll turn everything back on again i think i need another beer i think i'm just mooning the camera probably lucky so for real though do we not have flame now no now maybe i just have the user error did i have those things turned down low yeah it's really cranking now i know so i think we've we've found the culprit we forgot to turn the griddle on today i don't know what you're accusing me of i said weehawn you had one job i'm just kidding so you're saying that that was it was just awesome that's so awesome like why is it broken i don't know why it's not working let's try this okay coming together kind of creamy still a little al dente we still have a little bit of time to go there's one thing that i noticed that really helped um is when i actually turned on secret yeah i really found that that makes a difference so this is the very last of our stock and we are gonna have to use water after this because we're not gonna quite be done but that's okay like we said one of the things is thinking that we might go through more liquid on this and we definitely will so if you decide to make risotto on your grill which at this point i really don't recommend um well or at least if you do it turn your griddle on turn your griddle on have extra stock available and just know it's gonna be a bit of a show it's still gonna be delicious i know i want you guys to do it and tell us how it goes tell us oh the better way to do it just because we couldn't make it happen doesn't mean you can't no there's no reason you can't and honestly when it's 100 degrees outside you don't want to fire up the stove and like get a bunch of heat in the house so there is a legitimate reason to cook outside you know you want to melt yourself over 500 degrees brittle i feel like i like boobs wet i don't even sweat and i feel you know when you feel like your drift go down you're like something crawling on me and then you realize you're like you're gonna breathe starting to get dark what would you put a grow light out here we can turn on your light we're making one hell of a mess out whoa how does that look oh if there was ever a time for this yeah i'm going to flip these brussels too those are looking fabulous we're going there we're getting close take those down though thanks baby got it yay something cold right now it's so crazy i like what you're doing well i usually have a wiki stand that was weird it was in the moment okay let's get them shits off of there on a scale of zero so weird how are we looking one dollar [Music] you know it's real weird it's okay it's all good it is warm i feel like maybe we could go with the initial heat when it wasn't really on turn it back off for our next video we will do risotto with no heat we already did that next video we'll do risotto with heat okay it started to look good and i know i keep making a face like and saying it tastes like cardboard one thing to note about risotto is i never really salt it until very end because what's gonna happen is once we have a good texture we're going to throw a ton of parmesan cheese in there oh it's actually got a cup but and that will add some salt once you add that cheese is when you want to salt it because you take to season it ahead of time you know trying to create an intimate moment there's that did this for you did this for you and then that happens it's 20 20 we can't have nice things it's really hot [Music] guys this shit's ready we're ready to add our veg which our mushrooms our peppers and onions back in which i'm super stoked on looks amazing i didn't honestly think we would ever get to this point okay we're going to add the cheese in here nice little parm shredded car and now that we have our cheese in there oh my gosh here we go this is where the magic is happening it's going fast i think we could maybe even turn the heat off yeah i don't know if you all can see that but there's like strings of cheese coming up off this which is really cool i'll let you taste this time and then i gotta salt it okay it's fantastic so the final thing we're gonna do i'm literally gonna plate this on here because i'm confused about how to move forward quite frankly so we have a little bit of a balsamic drizzle here that we're going to add now that we've drizzled that we're just going to like shake our rusted brussels sprouts are roasted they're rusted yeah uh quick reference to european vacation mermaid fans cheers baby looks like there's a spoon for you here's a spoon for me you're just going to eat this thing right off here let's have a little bite yay here's the deal delicious we'll leave the recipe down below do not make this on your cuisine art 360 extra large griddle it's not that we don't love this griddle it's not that it didn't turn out delicious this would take me 25 minutes in the house it took us about three hours outside make it in this inside when it's not 100 degrees what are you trying to you're trying to all you've got to do is go [Music] well taste them it is delicious we started this hours ago it's almost like we didn't have the heat on [Laughter] there we go it's super good i'm just gonna keep eating this office oh my gosh ron what are you pumping at just in case you need that for b-roll but it's up to you to tell your friends that this cardboard tasting rice on a big ass griddle on a 100 degree day is worth watching
Channel: Mike and Lisa do life.
Views: 583
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: cuisinart, 360, xl, griddle, cuisinart 360, cuisinart 360 xl, cuisinart griddle, cast iron, hahn, cooking with cast iron, outdoor griddle, outdoor cooking, grilling, best grill, best griddle, grilling and chilling, hibachi, hibachi grill, at home hibachi, hibachi cooking, round grill, unfaded, amazon grills, amazon must have products, review, grill vs griddle, will it work, flat top griddle, griddler, risotto, mushroom, mushroom risotto, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven, comfort food
Id: LpyJ5dI80Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2020
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