Skillet Breakfast on the Cuisinart 360 Griddle

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so today we're gonna be doing a skillet breakfast on the griddle and we're not gonna be using this bad boy on our stove top here I'm going to show you how simple it is just to use a griddle and we've been playing around with ours we've done burgers on it we've done loads of breakfast and frankly I think it's gonna be the next big thing grilling so I want to show you just how easy it is frankly it's just like using a skillet except you've got a much largest surface area more room to work you can just prep everything at the same time so that people are ready to eat altogether so for this recipe it's pretty straightforward frankly you need your morning coffee first off this is our first cup so bear with us the bacon eggs hash browns and this is optional we've gone up a little bit of habanero shredded cheese we're just gonna sprinkle that on the hashbrowns at the end and this is gonna be awesome and of course don't forget a little bit of seasoning we're going with roasted Chipotle garlic and a salt and pepper from the eggs as you'd expect so let's get out there and fire this griddle up see that in there so I got both sides [Music] it's starting to get heated up and we're just gonna toss on some hash browns start should be a good amount right there the other great thing about the griddle is you can pretend to be one of those tapping active chefs move all this stuff around anyway but they won't do any of that nonsense here because it will hurt your ears so let's just get that spread out and this little top we've already got a seasoned pre-seasoned with a little bit of avocado oil so we'll get that spread over that and then we're gonna go in with a little bit of that roasted chipotle garlic that we talked about give this a little bit of color little seasoning flavor or if it maybe even some pepper and a pinch of salt perfect all right now we're just gonna close the lid up on this and let that steam away for a few minutes all right we've got these hash browns and cooking away for a little while move around like this make sure you get a nice even cook with them see the steam starting to come off that's exactly what we're looking for you can tell they're cooking off browning up spread this out again make sure get a good crust all over these hash browns I'm gonna put on a little more seasoning just like that get these back on all right let's check in on the hash browns again whoa look at that steam alright move it around make sure is getting even level of mess here almost done on these hash browns then we're gonna move on the side and start with bacon and eggs but as you can see like we've got 22 inches of grill space here so you know if you compared to just cooking in a regular cast-iron pan this is remarkable it's a ton of fun you get all the mess outside all the smells outside and and if you follow us on Instagram then you'll see on there stories we use this thing almost every weekend for breakfast and it's pretty much this just bacon and eggs sometimes we do the hashbrowns sometimes not like you know where we're following falling in love with with griddle cooking here all right the hash browns are really going here perfect let's get these over to one side they're browning up crisping up really nicely watch ship these over so get these strips on here perfect and as you can see we just got an entire package of bacon on here so you can do this all at once some of that bacon fast and move over into our hash clams this is gonna be amazing all right we want to keep moving our hash browns around here just to make sure they don't get burnt don't worry if you mix it up a little bit here your foods not gonna care flip this bacon oh yeah look at that now we're gonna make some bread here we're gonna start cooking our eggs now you can get these little griddle attachments like this that are perfect to keep your eggs in one spot just crack an egg just like that boom two eggs going get them like a little pinch of salt well then a fresh cracked pepper [Applause] now we're just gonna let this continue to cook we'll be done in no time now what we're gonna do here just get these eggs going we're gonna use a little bit of water put that down here get this steaming up put the lid on close this so I can just steam away inside that's gonna help to cook the top of the eggs as we're doing these sunny-side up now we're gonna start to build alright we're gonna get our hashbrowns on one side of our skillet here oh so nice and crispy the cup bacon fat that's moved into them then we're gonna push skillet over here I'm just gonna sprinkle on some cheese over the top just a little bit you know no judging now we're just gonna put the lid on like this and hopefully that will help the cheese melt we're just gonna get that steam going over top of the hashbrowns the cast iron pan and that heat is really just gonna help melt that having your cheese all right Bacon's looking nice and done they're just gonna lower the bacon in here on the side just like that the eggs came along perfectly all right now we're just gonna move this into the middle put the lid back on can I get that cheese nice and melted all right let's check in on this guy now just for the finishing touch a little bit of chopped chives just for freshness and a little bit of color all right there you have it this is how you do a skillet breakfast on the griddle can't wait to try this let's bring it inside well do give it the test test all right folks we got this skillet breakfast inside you're gonna go in with a little bit of hot sauce on the eggs of course and across the hashbrowns and now of course let's dig in and see how this taste test goes just look at that got a nice runny egg get a little bit of bacon a little bit of hash brown every light a little bit of this cheese mmm mmm hash browns really nicely seasoned bacon crispy but not overly crispy I still got a little bit of giving them which is just the way I like it love it this is gonna be my new go-to on weekends guys so if you like this recipe give us a like below if you if you've got a griddle let us know what do you like cooking on it what do you want to see us cook on a griddle because I think we're gonna be doing a lot more of this just taste too darn good so thanks for tuning in give us a like below comment subscribe and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: BBQ and Bottles
Views: 9,236
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: BBQ and Bottles, BBQandBottles, Breakfast skillet, breakfast skillet potates, bacon and eggs, Cheesy breakfast skillet, cheesy breakfast potatoes, griddle, cuisinart 360 griddle, cuisinart griddle
Id: bU6sft4NO4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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