Finishing up the Scenicruiser. What a challenge

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okay the mc5 is gone so now we're gonna get back to the scenic cruiser here the front end just needs to get put back together on this real quick and then we're gonna move that over here to the pad and finish up the right side rear wheels over here so we have the drive hub needs to be the wheel bearings and races replaced and then the two air bags on the tag need to be replaced and then this one should be all done so we just got to get it jacked up get the new front wheels back on it start it up move it over put some oil dry down on the pad we had a lot of a lot of little messes on there that you get cleaned up so we'll get the pad cleaned off before we move the scenic cruiser over here too the oil dry was donated by one of our patreon members david that was awesome he brought us some home depot buckets uh filled with oil dry so we can keep the pad clean like that detroit diesel was parked here this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community for creatives we've been taking classes there for the last six months we started out with asl american sign language classes i've taken classes on graphic design they helped us design our merch that we have available i'm currently taking classes on time management which is something i really really need help with taking control of my email inbox is just one thing on that list but skillshare has so many classes for creatives on there things you can go through art and photography and stuff like that too i invite you to go there and take a look and see if you can find something that will inspire you to learn about something else the first thousand people that click our link below will get a free premium trial membership to skillshare so click through and check it out it's a really cool platform this is my time management class i've been taking with taylor bruno i can just watch and listen to it right here on my phone it's super easy to scroll through it right just through the browser this class is very informative and helping me with my time management joining skillshare is less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription thanks again to skillshare for sponsoring this video charging our power tools today with the ecoflow river there so we have a grease fitting that's not taking grease we're going to use tyler's special fancy little tool where it injects fluid into it and we got a gallon of creole here how carefully can you pour uh not very either can i i didn't bring a funnel there you go hardly spilled any smells good too okay let's get pushed all the way on there swinging hammer barely but yeah we'll see it just injects the fluid in there and clears the grease fitting out nope still not taken i wouldn't take greasy because it was like smoked by some smashed and split open we're gonna start it up air it up move it [Applause] [Music] comes our cleanup crew caliente [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so tyler's going to cage this spring break here he's got a special socket we don't want to air it up because then the air bag will air up and we've been letting the air out of the air actually replace it so that's why it needs to be caged because we need to replace this wheel seal one here okay guys getting ready to remove the last screw here on the drum he had to use the handheld impact the hammer impact thing show that thing real quick just i know what it did now the impact that kind to get it most of the way the brake is caged so probably have to give it a couple whacks yeah you have the bigger i was hand to be amazed if that worked might be a little greasy be careful oh [Applause] oh that's awesome i mean that is grease somebody go grab some gloves and uh that is so great man that's 100 practical just approved so i'm busy replacing the bearings and races on this one tyler's gonna pull this one so we can replace the seal on it and then he's gonna replace those two airbags up under there these airbags are already done making good progress i got one race out already and the other one's about halfway out all new timken parts going in there we're watching tyler dig into the nastiness over here oh we're wanting to watch that first yeah we want to watch that first it's only an oil seal that's ridiculous got it it doesn't sink now how loose is that i'll go the other way with that i want to see how much heart spins not quite a half revolution are you loosening it is that what you're trying to do yeah i can't though okay too lubricated [Music] there's a lot of grease in this in the wrong spot please don't be destroyed bearings because we don't have you as parts i'm gonna disconnect i have to look at it closer but what i see there just it's just got a little bit of wear it doesn't look i don't see any major parts so let's see what we got going on that's a good sign okay so we got all screws out but it didn't want to come apart try not to hit that little lip [Music] did you see your foot no that was close that did yeah that's how dad does it like they can't hear you breathing from the other hundred swings okay so they missed about 30 swings with the sledgehammer made it look easy at the end this is one of the airbags that came off as completely delaminated and separated like that not crazy still holding air though impressive okay got this hub back together the one bolt stud that was broken in there i've extracted the stud i just need to get a long enough uh new one to go in there i'm gonna go to the hardware store and pick that up uh i have the brake adjusted and everything in here is done new bearings new races everything's packed ready to go here tyler is just now finishing up that air bag over there and this one's almost all the way off so we're getting there i got to repack bearings and get that hub going that's there and get the shock on so we're doing good for today probably not going to finish today but first thing in the morning tomorrow well the rain has come in here at the end of the day that airbag is on and done that one has one bolt holding it on so it's ready to come off that hub has been repacked the bearings new seals and inspected it looks good this one got new races and bearings um those are the new wheels the new tires we won't pick those up they're on there tire shot put those on for us so this side is this side is done and this one just got one airbag left to do and then we'll have to air it up uncage the brake adjust the parking brake on it and then we can put the wheels back on it uh the brake drone needs to get cleaned up and go back on there but uh this one was in good shape the seal hadn't really been leaking much at all and it just needed to get new seals and then repacked the grease was pretty nasty in there so anyways the rain came at a very inopportune time oh my god put a new shotgun still too so that's all stuff we'll get up under there out of the rain tomorrow if it's still raining i'll at least be in the little cubby hole there get that all finished up uh i got one bolt i got to replace on there and there's one lug nut up front that we i have to bring down and put on there other than that it's looking real good monday i'm gonna take it over the tire shop and get the other five tires put on it that way i don't have to be the one to jack it up and take them off so i'll be in good shape finally down to the last new airbag going on just gotta take the ring off of here and change it out oh there was 12 12 airbags on here i think yep 12. and we fought every single one of them nothing was easy many many broken bolts strip bolts replace bolts cracked rings it was a it was definitely a fight had a lot of fights yesterday too broken bolts uh this axle was missing a bolt when we first started working on it turns out the old bolt was broke off in there i was able to drill it out and extract it and i've got a new stud that i'll have to go in that hole later it was missing some of the axle cones and some washers so i had to go get all that stuff replaced to go on there this airbag the top of it over there actually broke stripped every single bolt in the top except for three might have been four so there's a dozen up there um so all of them had to be cut off and then replaced i had to get different hardware for them just lots of little fights yesterday things that just suck up a lot of time when you're working on it but uh this airbag here there's no clearance up there to really get anything on it and it was all completely encased in dirt and just they're all like that but uh this was definitely a fight but we're in the home stretch now so they only can't stick to any kind of a time frame or budget you know it's really hard when you fight stupid battles like that so we'll get this last airbag on and get this thing aired up get these brakes uncaged and adjusted and we'll be good to go tyler's got two solar charge controllers same as what what we have except his or the the newer version with the ve can on it the mppt 150 70s so this will get him all of his panels and everything be able to charge his batteries and i think they're actually already set up for the battleborn batteries as well i'll just confirm that but when you buy from battleborn and they can pre-set up everything for you so you don't have to worry about any of that stuff leveling valve has a pretty good air leak on it see the bubbles tyler yeah i saw it okay i'm going to do a test here of the air system i know there's a little bit of an air leak on the air bag the height control valve for the driver's side rear but we're going to let this go for a minute here and see if we're losing looks like we're holding air pressure real well right now but we'll let it go a minute if we're not losing 3 psi a minute we're good and it's been 30 seconds it looks like we've lost one psi so i'm gonna say in a minute we're gonna be good yeah it looks real well 45 seconds looks like it's still right around that one psi clean the gauge okay i'm going to step on the break and hold it it's been a minute that's not a good sign where's that coming from definitely a problem with the brakes right now both axles the background's leaking on this can this is the passenger front okay let go this is air leaking somewhere back here by the drive axle let go i need to get some more soapy water today i've been using this mini baton the baton 3 flashlight and it comes with this new case if you open it up the case is actually a cordless battery charger so while it's plugged in there it's actually charging the battery on that so that's really cool convenient you can just keep it in the little case use it to charge i think it does like three charges maybe it says on there yeah three three point seven times yeah that's awesome though so you can always keep it charged up i've been using it today it's super bright it's been great for finding the air leaks we're looking for so over there on the driver the drive axle that diaphragm is obviously leaking too go ahead let go air back to the bus again please okay step on the break release there's your problem okay step on it release that's the passenger front also leaky rams um i'm just cleaning them up but they've never been used we'll uh throw them in there and that should solve this problem said the diaphragm bolts were pretty much so finger loose just about so it might not have been tight so we'll take it off and look at it he's watering so just on a little bit of a hill here everything's still aired up that comes really close to the ground um so i'm not crazy about that i think i'm going to move it i got to be careful because it wants to be a tail dragger okay so the tire guys are hard at work [Music] that is hard at work success that's not the way i want to do tires not very often we see no buses sitting down here that's not going to last long either well we have this delivery coming today on monday we're supposed to be here on saturday we had a scheduled delivery appointment between 9 00 a.m and 3 p.m and it never showed up bringing it today this is tyler's solar panels well this bus has been quite the challenge since it's been here fought us on every little thing from the very beginning but happy to announce that now it will officially pass a dot break inspection air brake inspection uh the air system is holding air the brakes aren't leaking when you're holding the brakes down when it came in had a massive air leak when you stepped on the brakes and then it still had other leaks after we fixed that massive leak i could never even notice the other ones because that one leak was so bad but this thing just boy it was it's difficult to work on these old vehicles and this one really proved it nothing came easy we earned every penny on this one
Channel: Bus Grease Monkey
Views: 492,327
Rating: 4.8736787 out of 5
Id: p-_SW1jZdm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 56sec (1496 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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