Will it run after 43 years 1952 Chevy dump truck

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1952 Chevy dump truck and this old girl hasn't ran in at least probably 43 or so years the last time she was tagged was in 79 and as you can see she's a little rough but there is a motor underneath the hood the interior well we do have the uh Spider-Man performance package here there's two of these guys in here but I don't think they're vicious we'll relocate them later we do have a snake skin in here and that's about as far as I've looked in here we loaded her on the trailer and she rolls pretty good I think that's a set of spark plugs underneath the seat no big old snakes underneath there I guess not oh I think that's a new box of spark plugs it is box a little dry rotted but okay the moisture's got to these we're gonna use these but uh I guess not around back we have good old dump bed she is a hydraulic dump bed unlike this cable dump bed or that hand crank dump bed on the 38 so we're moving up in the world with fanciness and the bed's full of trash because it was sitting in the field and I guess anything out there you just throw it in there and you wouldn't have to worry about it a little bit of rust here and there the ptos up here for the bed and it has about 70 000 miles on it says the odometer and this little spider dude he runs away when you tap on him so we'll relocate him in a minute underneath the hood I do believe we have the inline six ain't looking over too good yet let's see well something's missing we are missing plug wires at least all the plugs are in it that one's been broke up oh is that thing stripped I hope not nah Boys in there that ain't even the right size plug somebody just jammed that in there so I guess dirt daubers wouldn't get in there a rat has started a to build its home in here I don't know how they get sticks like that up in here well that screw is still in there that's handy huh that's lucky we pulled this thing like 50 miles home and somehow they didn't fall out of there the oil don't look too bad it's still oily but it's low on oil but at least it's got oil in it so we're missing distributor cap points condenser all the plugs are in it which is a good sign except for that one's the wrong size I'm assuming this one came out of it years ago because they're all AC plugs and maybe this one was bad and they didn't have another one I don't know the water pump is locked up hope for the motor ain't locked up this old truck did come from Alabama it looks like because uh that's what the tag says on her we're gonna go ahead and pull them plugs out sprayer full of PB Blaster let her set for a while and try to get this a girl rolling over time we'll pull these plugs out of here and see what we get well it may just be hand tight in here bunch of rust on the threads but it don't look too bad no I guess they and uh yeah they are that one is at least I don't know if that's a good sign or not a bunch of rust on the threads from a setting with out being tight huh this may be the easiest spark plugs we've ever pulled out of one of these we know this is just sitting in there remember just barely hanging on in there too the only bad thing about that is it lets moisture in so that one was cross threaded well then we're gonna give her some good old PB Blaster and this morning may be a little easier to get running than I thought it would be you always want to be generous with the PV Blaster because it works pretty good when I did pull it home it was leaking water I think that radiator hose down there is busted hopefully it's not frozen busted well I'm gonna go ahead and spray the rest of these and we'll turn there you got a battery so we're gonna try to see if she'll wear all over somebody done did the conversion to put the battery cables underneath the hood because most of these they were underneath the passenger side floorboard hey a minute we about this is the positive and this is the positive this is the ground together we had to buy another Universal starter because uh well Universal key because I broke the other one the other day so we've got a brand new shiny one I think she's out of gear so maybe I won't run myself I guess you wasn't locked up she was good foreign oh yeah battery terminal is a little loose here wires burned oh it's this that's what's burning okay at least doing something in the cab there you know we're also missing a rotor button I don't think I took that into account I'm not sure we have one huh so we have a set of points and a condenser these are not new by any means but we're gonna throw them in there I did clean them up they've been sitting on a shelf for a long time they came out of something else we had that uh we had to change the points in it again because we had the wrong set of points I'm glad the little screws are in there though that saves us a lot of trouble it was something like this down in there let's see yeah I don't know if that screws loose or not but we're gonna see if we can get it jammed in there I hadn't got a rotor button off of another truck so if we're lucky I don't know that may be too wide may be too wide no it fits okay we didn't see if the points weren't but we're gonna have to hook up a you know uh cool before we can really do that oh yeah I better tighten them down no I was forgetting some step so far this has been real easy [Music] foreign good enough rope to reach the five yep three [Music] put them all untangle yeah it's a good old MSD coil I like to use these things because they got a lot of juice to them and running negative ground so the positive gets to go to the distributor good Ness and I guess we could this in here yeah that one's a little loose really well this one's bent can't win for losing on this thing now we should have some just got a connector to the battery we're gonna see if she'll hit and then we're gonna go ahead and change that oil come on okay the letter said overnight so she should fire right up some reason when they've been sitting for a long time once you get them cranking over and them Rings moved around them cylinders a lot of times the next day they'll fire right off it did rain about 4 million inches last night so we're standing in two feet of water over here but we'll make her work just a little bit of gas you know what okay A little bit of throttle okay we're getting there thank you everybody foreign 's pretty good for setting that long we let her run out of gas we'll let her cool down here for a minute it may not make any sense but I like to get them fairly warm not too hot before we do a whole lot to them as soon as you get them running you got to keep them running or they don't like to start back I think it has to do with the ring said in that long and they somewhat are stuck but we've got her she ain't too warm she's still cool to the touch there well lukewarm so we'll let her sit for a good 30 minutes or so and we'll put some water in the old girl and we'll see we'll see if she'll move underneath her own power she don't smoke too bad but uh there's a whole bunch of wasps pouring out of this thing I think they're in the exhaust somewhere we got rid of a nest that was underneath there yesterday so I'm gonna say they made a home in that Nest there well a home in that exhaust pipe so we'll have to do something about that oh they're everywhere they're flying around everywhere and they're mean [Music] [Music] she tried to run away on us huh not sure what that was about but uh she runs she drives I think a throttle spring came undone [Music] the technology gives me more trouble than the dadgum old Vehicles we got her to drive then the camera decided it was no longer going to record so pull back the old girl up hopefully she'll fire off for it [Music] [Music] thank you spring did not come undone it's still hooked up so still pulling not sure what went wrong there but uh we're gonna let her cool down the water pumps not circulating of course so we ain't gonna we don't run along we don't want to melt her down but she runs she drives we're gonna see if the dump bed works here in a minute there's not much of a clutch really left in this thing I'm not sure if it's just from setting or that may have been why it was parked the carburetor seems to be working okay-ish our fuel systems delivering fuel but I keep dumping the clutch no matter what I do because sometimes you let off of it and it just slings out of there and sometimes it's at the very top of the pedal before she comes loose I think she's just stuck I tried getting her in a bind when we had her on that ramp to try to put some torque on it but I think just from Southerners play some Rust between there but she's a running she backs up she goes forward we're gonna try the PTO here in a second and see if the beetle dump hopefully the clutch will hold up for that this thing is full of red wasp they've just been flying all over me for the past ah 10 or so minutes when we've been trying to get this thing to back up also there's a bunch of yellow jackets in here not sure what that's about but they're none too happy [Music] okay we have no PTO seems so underneath here there's the hoses there's the pump where's the juice go I don't know I don't think it's got a place to put the hydraulic juice at you think you'd stay in there after 40 something years maybe we'll try that again [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you the old girl running there at the end she didn't want to go backwards because that rear tire on the driver's side was spinning there's a bunch of rubber and stuff wrapped up around the wheels we'll get that cleaned off here in the next couple days but we got her running she runs pretty good we do need to order a carburetor rebuild kit for the old girl and I think the clutch is starting to go it it's getting a little bit better I think but that may have been why she was parked and the bed won't dump because the PTO is out it will not work I messed with it for a good 45 minutes and we just couldn't get her to work but thank you guys for watching I gotta say she runs pretty dog sudden for 43 years and you can see she sat for a while because she's got the floor pan delete but thank you guys for watching you guys will see uh AER Cuda video here pretty soon this Saturday it's when we put a five nine Cummins in the original blue car it'll be a while it's just me working on these things and we got seven million projects we're doing and it takes some time here towards the end of this month we should have a really cool will it run that's why we've been not buying as many cars recently because we're saving up to buy this one well that ain't exactly a car but if we can get it bought it'll be the coolest will it run we'll probably ever do but again thank you guys for watching I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 185,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QIScd9he2ZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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