I bought a 94 year old car and try to drive it home

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so we are up in Washington state where I just bought the coolest car I've ever seen and I'm attempting to drive it 300 mil home uh without ever even testing it out really uh this morning I was doing some computer work on the computer and about 3:00 a.m. I got bored with that and decided to hop over to Marketplace because that's what you do at 3:00 a.m. spotted this thing now it's the next more same well later same morning and uh I own it so it is a 1931 Dodge Brothers sedan that as you can see is not 100% stock and it's got some some fun Parts on it I know you want to see the inside and a full tour of the Interior but we've got to get driving home so we'll get to that oh go press the button the most important part bottom one on the dash over on the far side [Music] 70 mph down the highway no problem at all with this thing it just cruises I I could not be happier with how was driving right I very pleased [Music] still super windy we stopped at the yakamart just south of yakam uh we got I can't tell if we got a coolant leak going on well there's guaranteed coolant leak cuz somewhere you look right down in there you could see that coolant sitting in there and when I floored it from the stoplight this thing hauls ass by the way I'm so surprised uh I got a burning coolant smell up in the cab but after seeing that puddle of it there and nothing dripping anywhere I'm wondering if when I floored it it ran out of that back down there onto the exhaust cuz then you could you were able to see it on the exhaust back there on the road either way we stopped at the yaka Mart and got a thing of coolant sitting there so we have some but other than that this thing is running freaking amazing well I was cruising 70 down the highway you can take your hand off the wheel and it like it gets up to it fast it is a Highway Cruiser I so far could not be happier with the way it's driving other than just like not smelling coolant when I take off from the stoplight but I think it's just coolant in that Valley running back either way that means there was a coolant leak cuz that's how coolant got in the valley but I didn't shut it all the way no but it uh it drives really freaking good I am happy so far um we shall continue [Music] oh [Music] we got issues what was that lots of smoke yeah yeah I don't know from where build the cab yeah I don't know what was smoking it was when you went over like between the lines you know like the little bumpy things in the middle tire went down and then up and then huh there's nothing dripping it wasn't electrical either yeah okay let's drive we had another big puff of smoke go out I don't know what happened but uh it does just all of a sudden a big old huge puff of white smoke out the back bunch of it comes in here in the cab and then it clears out there's doing it now look it it almost smells like transmission fluid that is transmission fluid that's what I'm smelling shouldn't be transmission overheating I wouldn't think maybe it's over full I don't know it's still running good so yeah M trans fluid for sure hey there's the smoke still going fine though we're going to pull over in this turnout up here and uh check the transmission fluid oh yeah it's leaking right there oh it's leaking leaking good it's all over the bottom of the car right here and it's hitting that muffler and that's what's making the smoke got it [Music] so me we're way over full hot full is down here it is way up over here I bet it's puking out the extra okay let's drive a little farther and see what it does I'm not like could if it was low that means it's leaking out I think it's over full but but if it gets being bad I don't want to burn the car down or burn the transmission up so let's cautiously proceed a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we made it to Big's Junction here we just crossed over the Columbia River back into Oregon the car is doing freaking amazing the smoking issue uh the transmission fluid when it's doing it it's only doing when I'm climbing a hill and you're like in the throttle and it's high RPM and then it upshifts and grabs the next gear and brings the RPMs down real quick then you get a big puff of smoke and it burns off and clears right out so I I think it's it's over full and it's just spitting out when it gets that high line pressure or something like that it could be totally wrong in making that up I don't know it's what I'm going with for now but we just got some fuel here I just checked it and this is with me like being hard on it cuz I might test it out really want to you know work it and find any leak points 15 m a gallon so I'm very happy with that we're going to go inside get some cacks and then keep heading south into Oregon [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the 93y old car has made it home home so now let's get to the details check this thing out we made it is so awesome so it is the next day because uh by the time I got home uh last night after a very long day I just wanted to be home of my girl so that's what I did so now we are pulling in over here to Elite Fleet Automotive we're going to park in front of the door because Nate hates that and we're going to check out this car with Nate because I know he'll love to see it I love it this thing is awesome yeah it's like really really cool what's that for that's to stand on to get to the roof not you me those were originally for the uh the coups that had the rumble seat in the back they have the like the model T's and model Cheroke too I don't know what this is off of that's XJ but this roof skin is either I can't remember where they said a a S10 Blazer or Chevy Tahoe oh my gosh because this was a originally this would have been a cloth roof vehicle no so they weld it in a roof skin so that it's a hard top now wow and then put a roof rack on it this is what's rated for Nate yeah you could sit on that yeah sit yeah this was they they originally put these on for people get getting into the rumble seats is why those pads are there a rumble seats yeah dude you could even fit in the back seat of this thing it's so big I accept your challenge I've been working today I don't care I'm going to get dirty too s call your mom she's on the way dude you got and this is with this seat all the way back and you want to know the cool thing if you need more room this is a power seat I'm I'm impressed this thing has more head room than like Chevy Tahoe yeah oh you got Riley's tablet look you could both like ride back there I got I got like dude I don't like small spaces this this thing is like almost 100 years old and it's got way more room than an airplane for jumping bro for yeah that's that's for jumping yeah 93 years old it's for power well like this part of it it's legit this thing is cool but like feel smooth the door shut my Ford doesn't even do that no my my no vehicle I have shuts as smooth as this got the dangle for style armrest too Factory AC up there no those are windshield wipers and you want a crazy thing so normally these these windshield wipers like this there's like a little toggle switch on them that's what turns them on and off they actually wired it into work off of the windshield wiper switch on this Dodge van steering col but they used a Dodge van steering column like a 110 Dodge van you keep calling that a Dodge that's a GM column Dodge uses GM columns well it says Dodge on it it came out of a Dodge van because it's shorter column because of a van which gave him more room to work with down here in the small engine bay but all of this stuff works your blinkers work off of this the windshield wipers your whole like multi-function switch functions all the multis yeah like that's that's the same steering column that you'd find in like an S10 obviously the proba but that one has the range like the range yeah so in the in the Vans they're a shorter column right this in a wiper AR so yeah he had to take this one off because the Springs are too weak for the return so he put both Springs over here and took that one off there you go dude totally drive off yeah yeah you can no I it's plenty comfortable the only problem is like you have to duck down to see stop lights I don't look at those anyway but as far as like room to sit in I just drove it 300 M as comfortable as can be that aome it even sounds like an S10 well it is on and you hear the the Chevrolet P yep yeah all of all of this stuff works I hate that Dash that Dash is super cool in this car yeah exactly that instrument cluster in what it came out of horrible but it looks but it's awesome right here yeah and every gauge works and all the gauge lights work in that whole cluster here's the problem like I see this and I'm like now I want to go buy an S10 and some old freaking thing and but it's like sorry Becca yeah all the light so winch works like everything oh and you want to know what's crazy um see that and the column like actually works like yeah but see that switch over there that one right there that is the S10 transfer case electronic transfer case switch press it up for the green light you got four-wheel drive press it down the other one you got four low oh and it doesn't care at all no so you got to not hit that when you're doing 70 on the road I mean you could well once once it's mad so so no lights is two wheel drive uh yeah look at all the gauges work all the gauge lights work these are your a your uh driving lights up front the normal headlight switch over there works I'm in trouble oh and this works too yes want from the store uh no I'm good than you though this is so cool yes so guess how much it weighs we got four-wheel drive we got winches we've got this full bodyi sedan car V6 42 39 o I was thinking would be in well it's 542 [Music] now God it scoots it goes doesn't it yeah I I was very when I took off first time uh the the funniest thing ever um I have an air tag in my Ram hidden somewhere even drives like a Jeep it does I have a air tag hidden in my Ram so that ever like goes I know where it is um and you know like when you leave an air tag it says such and such has been left behind so like David was following me and we pulled on the on ramp for the freeway and I floored it and the most satisfying thing ever was my phone popped up a notification your RAM has been left behind is this thing took off I was so surprised this thing it drives good huh this thing is cool yeah yeah it it literally drives just like a YJ hands off no problem I hit 85 in it yesterday this probably one of the smartest thing to do on these tires cuz they're like gone but it did it oh yep it's Jeep yeah leaf springs it's leaf spring front yeah I thought you said have had Cherokee axles it does with leaf springs put why axle at it and this thing makes everybody all all the heads turn I know that's that's the problem with it cuz everybody wants to talk to you about it I hate that now I don't want to build one that that'll deter you [Music] yeah the Alters threw you off yeah it but this one's not alter this is a street slick dude it is super cool yeah yeah even looked under the hood yet I don't want to I this I want to see where the front drive shaft is I know it's on the other side but oh it's tight but it's there so these are the new seals for the AC system okay and we need to find the leak and then put the new seals in it and then charge it there's the leak there's the leak we just found it yeah it's got dye in it so coolant so I just topped this off full and then after the first time you run it shut it off it spit some out my uh Willies used to do that too it had it was like it had a low spot where it wanted to run it did not want to be full how dare this guy labeled everything everything I build is just like yeah here's a mystery relay the only thing that's not hooked up is the washer hose for the windi even put the control valve yeah for the AC system for this for the heater heater AC yeah so it shuts off the heat tubes right so like this he was like I didn't know how I wanted to run this to be the squirters for the windshield without putting something right here so want to do I'm like how this is how you're supposed to run wash you spray it right into the air filter that way when boost comes in it cools the air you leave it like this and you put the button right here so you can pull this hose out and press the button and hose off what you want when you need hose off your shoes if you step in something like I'd say leave it like that look at this I know I love that at first I thought it was a ABS pipe but it's copper that you painted black uh-huh no it's actually like soldered in yeah copper that's probably like I thought it was sewer pipe when I probably like a $200 radiator but like the wiring so nice like everything right that's not so that's all false right that's all false it's just this just a shell yeah this doesn't work it's actually in here they did such a good job on it it needs a turbo well let's do it cut a hole in the fender right here for a turbo to set turn the manifolds around yeah it's Trail R uhhuh that's what I do with it I even looked at the easy side this is the first time I've driven to the gas station and not I'm like this gets a gravy wow yeah what what Vortex V6 we should put a new bushing in there no it's Jeep it's Jeep thing oh it's fine hey I can tell you did 85 without being a problem like that so I can't imagine why that failed I don't know Myst still a better than idea than half a for yeah just tighten that recommend locktite I would not expect those horns to make that noise well one's a normal horn the the other's the Yuga horn it's got both when you hit the steering wheel it's a normal horn this is the best part about this the thing like v- belts are horrible what year is this body uh it's at least a 96 31 31 cuz I'm looking for a 33 Dodge and this is that is right out of the Blazer yep yeah they put all that Blazer they know how to do this in the the 30s no they didn't know how to do that in the 60s yeah see there's your front drive line goes right through there God right back straight back to the transfer case back there and it all fits which is the crazy part I wish like we could go back to working on cars like do you know how much of a pain in the ass that spark plug is to get out on a Blazer yeah uh this one's going to be pretty easy it can't be a vortek 43 it says Vortex it's not puking oil we'll give it time and I will make that happen give it a minute man this is there is there's a lot a lot of time into this yeah there's a lot of very custom time into this to make it fit like it is that's got a tuck behind that little thing right there yep dude I love how you have like a whole shop with lifts and bays and nice floors and we come to the gas station to crawl all around it this is where the magic happens let's go get breakfast yeah so breakfast was good and we made it back to the shop uh s there ordered up some new tires for this they'll be here tomorrow uh afternoon hopefully if you're wondering the why of this car and what its purpose is why not when I saw that like I I could not pass it up you guys know uh the t- bums that I've done some stuff with and want to do a whole lot more with I I was wanting a car I could go out with them and do their thing with cuz that is the coolest thing ever what they do and finding this that like the family will be comfortable my daughter wants to ride in it took her to school in it this morning she loved it um four-wheel drive everything like I can use it on some recovery stuff uh it's just way too cool to pass up way too good of a deal uh the guy needed to sell it and it worked out in my favor so uh we we'll use this this going be like my daily driver uh that's like my my working property maintenance type truck the black one I've been for a while now tossing around the idea of selling my black Ram because I just I don't need it for what it is I I never used it as a tow truck I think that think's done a dozen commercial toes in all the time that I've had it I just I don't use it for that so i' considering selling that this is going to be my new daily driver like well the Western Star is basically my daily driver but when I'm not in that it's going to be this it just drives way too good to want to take anything else um this will be a great cruise around the woods it's not a Wheeling rig it's fourwh drive four high four low all the things but this is not going to be like a Wheeling Wheeling rig obviously but it's going to be a great cruising out the forest Service Roads out in the desert like just exploring the outdoors type of rig it'll be perfect for that the family could f in it comfortable got the roof rack on it is just going to be way too much fun so that's the plan for this although there is no real plan because I bought it a few hours after I knew it existed um but yeah this is the new ride
Channel: Casey LaDelle
Views: 99,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tow truck, towing, wrecker, recovery, rescue, off road, stuck, jeep, kinetic rope, heavy rescue, winch, 4x4, 4wheeling, overland, overlanding
Id: HfvSVoEs3Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 8sec (1628 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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