Attempting to get this 1930 Model A sedan to run and drive again.

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foreign folks we're heading over to a friend of mine he's got a model a sedan and uh he's been working on it getting the wiring and things like that try to get it ready for inspection but uh he's never got it running yet so he's got a just wants a hand to uh see what we can do so um yeah basically go down see what the see what makes a tick it's got the I don't know it's all original so I don't know should be interesting and fun anyways when uh we get there I'll uh we'll do a little walk around and check her out [Music] foreign place we are checking out his Model A he's done a bit of work to it so this is a clean looking car here I like it so it's a um 30 I think yeah I think it's a 31 but what do I know I was told it was a 30. it's a stock Banger everything's stock on it as far as I'm aware yet it is clean I like it give her the old walk around so brakes are working everything else as far as you're going yeah I rolled off the trailer and the brakes were working enough to stop it off the trailer so yeah you think they would anyways you'd have to they're mechanical yeah super nice I dig it even the fenders are super nice not all banged up the day you want to put in fancy paint is going to be easy it's probably gonna happen it's kind of the plan here all righty I guess they're gonna go first plan we'll go check out everything what's going on in the motor and then uh go from there as far as you know you've never had fuel in it or nothing no no fuel that I've had in there I can't tell it looks cleanish in there anybody else can tell but he's just been wiring it and whatever else yeah just the wiring is hooked up should be mostly Factory looking so we got going on everything looks like it's in there I think the condenser was like external yeah it's right there at least if you know if you need parts Jeff has tons of them do a few of these then what's that here's a few of these Jeff does has a couple Distributors and stuff okay and a bunch of extra random Parts like if you need he's got like the upgrade for the water pumps or the seals and things like that instead of the Rope is it just a rope coiled in there and packed in there yeah okay yeah cool well I guess let's just see if it's got spark I have a funny feeling this thing's gonna take like nothing to get going but because it looks like the fuel system's been hooked up at some point I guess the question will be what leaks and what doesn't leak oops still had the factory top oh Manny and that's it that is oh that's a light sock in the middle right yeah it's a light socket yeah yeah I think it's better to say if that was a cigarette layer my holy cool well I guess he'll pick up some power and just start the basics see if we got some spark would be the plan why not see if she if we got a clean points or not there you go all right two the key hey why not let's go full money I think that's on yeah I don't know we could either flick with the screwdriver do the old morsky flick oops got stuff there these are hot no nothing there they were hot but we're not pointside do you have uh some sandpaper or a file yeah yeah we got it it works I'm glad you were doing that not me hahaha all right I don't know it's probably just that simple you have a square bottle we'll just yeah instead of trying to tank right off the Hop I am just gonna blindly fill this up we don't know how you're fuel system quite is yet I guess we could just throw it in there because you're ready to do that anyway I will just swell back in tanko it looks like there's some junk in the bottom but let's see come on you bugger do you like me and I'd put like two gallons in there maybe a leak somewhere maybe all inside the car [Music] if you ever smell like gas I'm gonna try to just fill the filter up we'll go that route it's really I know when Jeff starts it's like just you crank whatever it pukes its gas out the curb okay now it's good now it'll actually fire super cool no image nope all right I don't know I'll just rifle some fuel in here see what happens here okay give her a fire try it out yeah okay Moment of Truth yeah [Music] put a bunch in here but I don't know if they'll okay should be the one up there I think oh oh she's not going no something went Sparky hold on should be this button though yeah oh [Music] something's not Joy even on that side yeah let yourself no no I've been I can push it on this side it doesn't do nothing okay I heard zappies wondering if that's why they had the other setup maybe the yeah something doesn't jive on that side let's go flippity flip though [Music] I don't know just try smashy smash with the rod see if it does anything with a hammer I don't know everyone you can't get her by him we know it's loose it doesn't really move a whole lot hmm what have we gotta take the top off see what's going on might want to disconnect the battery yeah okay see what's happening okay I got the negative off [Music] thank you well when I'm here try to spin no I don't hear it click we have a jumpers we can just be double boat just to see if it'll uh yeah I just want to see if that mortar works yeah [Music] okay you're good there you go [Music] spinning but it's not catching I grew up full starter yeah [Music] giving us full monty that's all okay but that thing should yeah just work three that is going to be like standard 916 yeah oh sorry [Music] foreign [Music] scroll down there eh yeah of course is just the spring I don't know it's gonna be the gear I don't know should we hold on then just try to make her go away I think just a vice grip or flyer on there I'm just wondering and maybe we just be dumb about it I don't want to do too much I'd rather try to hold that and then see if we can oh look at that Springfield isn't it kick it back apparently it flies out and then it's jammed up there and then I think the screen back or something we'll see [Music] foreign [Music] great so that went but it doesn't I don't know what because the flywheel just kick it back I guess so because now it'll it'll fly in though yeah I don't know it should work that's good I don't know spins and the gears loose yeah let's go full idiot about it put it back together [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] okay let's see what happens all right you gotta run yeah okay still I lost it uh hang on gotta be here make sure I gotta tighten this well yeah it didn't works we should still have gas so I don't know between there and choke should actually go so this joke is just pull on there yeah that's it I don't want to worry about any of that you got okay oh yeah I don't know I might have to go to the other side again this side works so now we can go back to this side all right so I only got throttle yeah show okay go ahead I'll just give it some gas okay I open your choke up I'll just rifle this thing with some fuel alrighty here we go yep let's just check that this check for spark yeah okay see how to do this okay try it that part's good okay so we're good there either just gonna want tons of drinks of fuel or gonna dump some down a cylinder or just keep going down the carpet I'll keep going like this go ahead even with low compression it should just want to go give her a bit what go crank it yeah you have ether by chance maybe I think I used it all but there might be some not very much give it a little okay all you want me to give her and then you can [Music] okay [Music] now we might have to check the compression side of things here sure yep I think this is foreign [Music] thank you okay go oh yeah lots on that one okay let's just squirt them some fuel and more than my flat head maybe I don't know it's weird though it's not sucking it up there you go is there like a Rat's Nest in that intake Maybe who knows well we'll find out second right in there I'll give her a silky drink there I think if it just sits nudging the porcelain is that what you want to do yeah I want to just see that they spark just to make sure it's not in the distributor maybe we're losing okay wait don't zap me okay go ahead okay key is on okay ready yep that's amazing they all fell off except for life all right never mind it runs fine it's probably the carburetor you're gonna have to look at and if you say there's probably something there you did [Laughter] that's crazy they're putting a lot of faith in the carburetor just works after years and years it's all three though I mean yeah so there's nothing in it so all right fill this thing back up we'll try to fill up maybe I didn't get enough fuel might do everyone we're shooting it raw into the oops what are you doing oh I don't know if it needs to choke it ran good without the choke it was hot okay so let's give it some gas here I'll do the choke okay uh I'm gonna give her a crank and I'll just lots of fuel in there okay here we go yeah a little fire I don't think it'll run but go again yeah yeah okay I'm gonna guess we're gonna have to pull the carburetor there all right probably something plugged because it's got fuel everywhere or let's do the old tap tap straw on and it'll just rifle that into there [Music] come on you could do it there we go here we go ratchet all right give her a shot I don't think it's gonna pull we'll try one more time okay try it I'll just see if I keep it running I'll do the throttle bit okay here we go oh oh hang on a battery okay here we go [Laughter] I might have to actually fix this one I want to do again yeah here we go laughs all right I think we have to commit and pull the carburetor up I think so well it runs yeah I knew it would yeah he's always run [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] see what happens I won't do anything we'll just see if it works okay turn your key power and throttle right now just around a gas or what I'm kind of guessing I choked it a bit but I was kind of like okay uh I'll put more fuel in it cool go ahead I mean it actually could idle way way down we could almost turn the idle screw out it's running quite a while on that little bit of fuel I almost want to turn the screw up I don't have one if it'll actually turn it out no oh I like when I play with the timing though and I go down it oh okay I'm better actually well I guess we could try putting well I guess you got to put some more water in it yes and then okay we can try spending some fuel in the tank let's see if it'll okay let's do it let's vacuum that tank out because it looked pretty gross in there yeah [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] that doesn't leak so that's good okay make sure nothing's leaking here you check the car yeah that's looking good too I don't know that we need a lot just to see there we go I see it in the bottom there so minimal leakage that valve is on on or as we know it's all the way yeah oh yeah yep oops we'll let that sit a bit [Laughter] [Music] actively we'll uh yeah my one-handed life just sucks alrighty cool key this time so now we got that going we fixed the throttle we put fuel in vacuumed it out so I think we're I think it should be good we're gonna do our first run start up and see if she goes off the the fuel tank here we go oh I did turn the idle down so maybe I'll get a little bit and maybe it's this mixture thing maybe it wants it I know a half a turn quarter not very much I know uh Jeff's is only like a turn a half three quarter that's all this really needs yeah okay you'll notice when you're driving you go it gets you lose power and let's just go back in and oh it's all good again all right Paul your wheels are chalked up what this is your wheels are chalked up maybe we'll just see if your clutch is good and stuff that one turned yep it is cool uh those things are awesome I totally would rock a banger if I had one [Laughter] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so we got this thing actually all together wheels back on it's gonna go for its maiden voyage right now let's see how far we go we'll see if we're walking or not at least that's the not the plan but I guess yeah fired up yeah your garage door oh you got it over there you got the doorman there perfect all right [Applause] give the breaks a try here oh that would be good [Laughter] it kind of work yeah it's kind of how they do work sounds as rattly as Jeff so that's kind of oh that's good that's a good choice sounds normal yeah okay you're kind of there [Music] that square one oh It's gotta be just a cable oh yeah oh boy all the stuff oh yeah laughs I'll do that one around just imagine a day of rocking that around okay in the snow yet right that have about 10 people in here and everybody hang it off the side I find it like it's surprisingly not easy to get into this thing like between the seats and the whatnot there's a coolness about the jalopiness yeah actually whatever it's not bad once you're in here well that one you can tightened up it's the same old steering box tightened up you could do a good thing I'll drive it [Music] all right [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Halfass Kustoms
Views: 359,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barn find, model a, will it run, ford model a, model a ford, ford model a engine, will it run and drive home, will it run and drive, will it run again, will it run videos, ford model a hotrod, abandoned, resurrection
Id: fK_R5Sa7dX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 0sec (2280 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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