Wilderness Society | Damon Thompson | February 11th 2021

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[Music] adam son of god a man of dust thy condemnation had been just the father's heart could not endure thy banishment through flaming sword so before and time began the lamb of god [Music] [Laughter] [Music] heavenly race [Music] once again we tried thy pass for our father walketh with us he hath torn the villas eternal seed and weakness on unless he should abide alone and for his anger he received a brotherhood of priests and kings all creation waits and groans but the revealing of his own when everywhere [Music] oh [Music] walketh with us [Music] the same spirit that raised christ now beckons us to paradise drink from the river placed within you that god hath called a friend now hear my voice and choose to trust you who once were men loved [Music] shall limit truth thy god above [Music] for his spirit lives within us he has [Music] [Applause] [Music] lives [Music] he has [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we want to welcome you uh join with us today we're doing this by way of live stream and uh just for full disclosure we're taping this a little earlier in the day then you will actually be watching it i know some of you will watch it down the road but we're really thankful that you're connecting with us and this has been big in my heart for some time i miss the corporate gathering so much where we experience that glory presence together in worship outside of that probably the thing i miss the most is these wilderness society gatherings where we're gathering leaders from all over if you see me looking around the room there are people here i don't know if they're in your camera shot or not but tammy is over here to my left and matt putman and kk and jordan uh back here kk's my sister who's also the administrator of the ministry if you didn't know that jordan um works with all of our media stuff and then we've got tyler england here we've got matt putman here we've got brynn waddell here blake is in the back running the camera back there so looks like we've got a full setup in here and then jd johnson is over here and melanie linden is out of town uh flying an airplane around so we got the better half of that deal anyway so um i'm gonna open and i'm gonna pray and uh we're gonna jump right in and i'm really this is really burning in my heart and so uh just gonna ask the lord to help us father all my heart i believe we're on the precipice of a revolution we are on the precipice of a kingdom revolution and it's going to be led by kingdom thinking men and women sons of almighty yahweh that have set themselves to give their lives to one great singular passion to love you with all of our heart with all of our mind with all our soul and i believe today is a piece of fodder a piece of fuel for that flame for the one thing flame so father i ask that you put me on like a glove today that you'd use me to be an oracle to announce the blueprints of a revolution of a reformation of a cosmic reform unlike anything i have seen and here has heard my heart is filled with hope today not because of the external circumstances but because of the fire in a handful and i pray that that fire in a handful would begin to turn into a raging blazing inferno of holy passion to see the love of god shed abroad in our hearts by the holy ghost and that love become the agent that transforms the whole of the cosmos thank you for these things i thank you for yeshua i thank you for the glory of the inflection of the son of god to bring us back into the union that we were designed for jesus name i'm going to start talking i couldn't feel like i could just pray the whole time too because there's just some things stirring uh big time big time big time in my heart i'm i'm ultimately planning today to talk about joseph and i'm gonna i don't know how to say it i guess i'll give the punch line before i tell the joke so to speak i want to talk about the son of restriction i want to talk about what is born on the other side of a season of restriction when i mean restriction joseph's life before he ever reigned well was marked by restriction roadblock after roadblock after roadblock the the the being uh hated by his brothers being thrown into the pit being uh so uh sold into slavery um ultimately potiphar's wife lies about him he ends up in prison we're i'm talking to leaders we all know the story but i want to mostly talk about the restriction in the birthing of the dreaming beloved son that is joseph which will take us back to his mother rachel and her inability to conceive so i'm going to get into that but i'm going to do the work of the back story that i think is necessary specifically regarding jacob and rachel but also going back to isaac and rebecca maybe even back to abraham and sarah and so this is going to be long i'll just give that to you in advance it's classroom setting we're in my office today this was a cool idea we felt like we had not not because we're trying to be cool we gave up on that a long time ago but that gathering room is so big and if there's just a handful of us we felt like it would be better to do it in here and this is my space this is this is holy ground to me and i've spent no telling how many thousands of hours no exaggeration in this room just letting my heart be tenderized by the love of god so shooting this in here it's we're not trying to give an intimate feel but i am trying to let you in on on how this thing works in our world and i i feel like i'm supposed to come out of this quarantine with a holy fire for one singular focused passionate uh affection toward man messed up in my heart just one affection one passion one focus an eye that is single so that my whole body can be full of light and then i feel like the number one thing burning in my heart is fathering fathers is speaking into the lives of leaders and saying to you if you can burn with one singular holy passionate fire for god we we've not seen what can our prayers are not being answered and our prayers are not being answered because we haven't prayed enough of them and there's not enough people agreeing with us our prayers are not being answered because something's got to happen in us in the area of union so that we can claim according to john 15 that if i abide in you and my words abide if you abide in me and my words you you can ask anything you want we're not there but we're going there and i'm i'm convinced we're closer than we've ever been before so i'm going to be doing a lot of wilderness society i'm actually going to do two i hope i can do two gatherings in 2021 large gatherings larger gatherings in another location that are for nothing but leaders and i'm going to pour i don't know maybe the rest of my life into just maybe maybe one of the best ways to say it is is is release you from the lie that production brings satisfaction and that's what we're going to talk about if i can quit crying so ultimately i'm going to talk about joseph and i'm going to talk about the dreaming redeemer born out of restriction but i'm going to do it sort of in a classroom type setting and we're just going to read a lot and talk a lot so in order i think to to talk about joseph effectively it's important to go back and recover some of the backstory as it regards specifically jacob rachel like i said a little bit of isaac and rebecca too but i'm going to start in genesis 29 and give you time to get there if you want to get there with me i'm going to read a bunch today i'm just gonna cover big chunks of this story in scripture i know you're familiar with it but i'm gonna i'm gonna uh review quite a bit i talked about uh leah and rachel a little over three years ago and the lens of everything that was happening then has so shifted in my heart and god has so given us a grace to see things more effectively you know we said what you do with what you hear in 2019 will determine what you see in the year of 2020 and and our our our announcement for that was what we see in 2020 is going to be absolutely awesome well what we saw in 2020 was very very difficult and absolutely awesome and i want to say this i want to say this i think this is so important bobby limly helped us to understand when we were back in kannapolis around this time last year that 2020 is not perfect vision 2020 is seeing things as they are it's really what 2020 so it's a measurement of visual acuity and so it's seeing things as they are 2020 became seeing things as they are and the smoke and mirrors were taken away from us and we weren't able to put on the show the way that we've been able to put on the show and it enabled us to begin to see things as they actually are rather than seeing things as they appear or as we would like to pretend that they appear and so we're there we're in a moment now where we've moved into 2021 and i feel like the lord is saying to us now if you leave 2020 without having gone through a radical transformation of how you see things then you'll have missed the point and uh and for me it's that if your eye be single your whole body will be full of light there has become a a gift of focus in 2020 uh that that is really much of what the father is doing i believe in taking what the enemy meant for evil turning and using it for good so genesis 29 i was going to start i have highlighted here to to start in about verse 9 but i think i'm going to back up and just read the whole thing and just not not rush myself at all so genesis 29 verse 1 then jacob hurried on finally arriving in the land of the east he saw a well in the distance three flocks of sheep and goats laying an open field beside it waiting to be watered but a heavy stone covered the mouth of the well it was the custom there to wait for all the flocks to arrive before removing the stone and watering the animals afterward the stone would be placed back over the mouth of the well jacob went over to the shepherds and asked where are you from my friends we are from haram they answered do you know a man there named laban the grandson of nehor they he asked yes we do they replied is he doing well jacob asked this this by the way is who who is laban to jacob is jacob's uncle so he's inquiring about his his uncle okay yes he as well they answered look here comes his daughter rachel with the flock now jacob said look it's still broad daylight too early to round up these animals why don't you water the sheep and goats so they can get back out to pasture we can't water the animals until all the flock has arrived they replied we can't water the animals until all the flocks have arrived they replied then the shepherds move the stone from the mouth of the well and the and and we water all the sheep and goats jacob was still talking with them when rachel arrived when rachel arrived with her father's flock for she was a shepherd and because rachel was his cousin the daughter of laban his mother's brother and because the sheep and goats belonged to his uncle laban jacob went over to the well and moved the stone from its mouth and watered his uncle's flux then jacob kissed rachel and he wept aloud he explained to rachel that he was her cousin on her father's side this is this is um cultural disclaimer he if this is this is the way it worked he is about to marry his cousin but this cultural disclaimer so he explained to rachel that he was her cousin on her father's side the son of her aunt rebecca so rachel quickly ran and told her father laban as soon as laban heard that his nephew jacob had arrived he ran out to meet him he embraced him and kissed him and brought him home when jacob had told him his story laban exclaimed you really are my own flesh and blood after jacob had stayed with laban for about a month laban said to him you shouldn't work for me without pay just because we are relatives tell me how much your wages should be now laban had two daughters the older daughter was named leah and the younger one was rachel there was no sparkle in leah's eye there was no sparkle in leah's eye but but rachel had a beautiful figure and a lovely face since jacob was in love with rachel he told her father i'll work for you for seven years if you'll give me rachel your younger daughter as my wife agreed laban replied i'd rather give her to you than anyone else stay and work with me so jacob worked seven years to pay for rachel but his love for her was so strong that it seemed to him but a few days seven years this is long path revelation seven years seemed like a few days because of how much he loved the one he longed for seven years seemed like a few days because of how much he loved the one he longed for we have to get delivered from the clock while i'm saying that i'm looking at what apostle aaron gave to me as my birthday gift on my 40th birthday and it's an hourglass where the sand never moves i'm 46 now be 47 this year seven years ago this year he gave me an hourglass that never moves from that spot where the sand never moves because i don't serve time time serves me and we're in such a hurry and we got shut down for a year and leaders committed suicide and attempted suicide and left their families what are we doing when you really long for what you love and love what you long for time becomes irrelevant and you quit measuring how big your church is now compared to how big it was ten years ago and who left you during the pandemic and what happened to the tithes and offerings and god's got to liberate us and bring us back to the one thing we were ultimately designed designed to love and long for one thing if your eye be single your whole body will be full of light all right so so it seemed to him but a few days years seem like days finally the time came for him to marry her i have fulfilled my agreement jacob said to laban now give me my wife so that i can sleep with her so laban invited everyone in the neighborhood prepared a wedding feast but that night when it was dark laban took leah to jacob i'm sorry but that night when it was dark laban took leah to jacob and he slept with her laban had given leah a servant zilpah to be her maid when jacob woke in the morning it was leah what have you done to me jacob raged at laban i worked seven years for rachel why have you tricked me it's not our custom this is layman talking it's not our custom here to marry off a younger daughter ahead of the firstborn laban replied but wait until the bridal week is over then we'll give you rachel two provided you promised to work another seven years for me so jacob agreed to work seven more years a week after jacob had married lee leah laban gave him rachel too laban gave rachel a servant bilhah to be her maid so jacob slept with rachel too and he loved her much more than leah he then stayed and worked for laban the additional seven years verse 31 when the lord saw that leah was unloved he enabled her to have children but rachel could not conceive so leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son she named him reuben for she said the lord has noticed my misery and now my husband will love me now my husband will love me she soon became pregnant again gave birth to another son she named him simeon for she said the lord heard that i was unloved and has given me another son then she became pregnant a third time and gave birth to another son his name was levi for she said surely this time my husband will feel affection for me since i have given him three sons once again leah became pregnant gave birth to another son she named him judah for she said now i will praise the lord then she stopped having children so she has four sons rachel has none rachel is the the original passion of jacob's life the original passion for jacob is rachel all right now this is where we'll we'll kind of start the journey laban represents the fatherless system of religion laban represents the fatherless system of religion leah represents the ministry we inevitably settle for when we are not seated as sons now there's a lot in here that i'm gonna do to help construct that and some of this will be review but i think it's important okay so so laban comes on the scene not initially in the story of jacob and rachel and leah laban originally comes on the scene in the story of his sister rebecca rebecca and laban's father's name is bethule okay abraham makes his eldest servant put his hand under his thigh and swear an oath that he will not allow his son isaac to marry one of the canaanite women so he goes back to the homeland the servant does you remember the story he says same kind of thing he's going to meet a woman at the well which i could go man i could do the preacher thing on that one for sure and track it all the way to the saint fatini the woman at the well in john but but but look looking into this narrative he's he's the servant goes to the well he says this to god he says when when a woman comes to water the well i want the woman who says comes to get water at the well i want the woman who says not only will i give water for you but i'll water your camels also to be the one that's identified that that becomes rebecca okay rebecca's name means ensnarer okay rebecca is going to have a son okay named jacob jacob's name is trickster okay another son esau we see the trick playing out but the orchestrator the architect of the ruse of the stealing of esau's birthright is rebecca and i want to track this family's massive dysfunction it's plays out all through the story line all the way into the life of joseph it plays out and then it will play out later on in the life of the nation of israel i want to track it back to the absence of a present seated father in the story of laban and rebecca when a brother assumes a role that's supposed to legally belong to a father so in order to do that let's go back to genesis 24 and put a marker there in genesis 29 because we're coming back there uh for sure all right so we're gonna we're i'm gonna expedite this a little bit and i'm gonna skip down to maybe about verse 28. now let's go let's go um let's go verse 23 this is the eldest servant of abraham okay he's there to find a wife for isaac because abraham doesn't want isaac's wife to come from among the canaanites all right so this is what hap that's a picture the reason he doesn't want isaac's wife to come from the canaanites is because it's a picture of how we as leaders have made the mistake of marrying what we've actually been called to redeem and we've become like the culture in order to have an impact on the culture and therefore we celebrate ideas like being culturally relevant so we've got you know we've got creatures that are up there and you know how tight can my shirt be and how much of my body can i show off and how cool can i be and how relevant can i be and how hip can i be and what they're doing is they're marrying what they've been called to redeem and that's not actually how that's supposed to work the way it's supposed to work is they are supposed to find pleasure in an arena that's disconnected from the culture called the kingdom realm and that marriage to the kingdom realm gives them the authority to reach into the culture and bring transformation not because they look like the ones that they're being called to redeem but because they are filled with light because of the single eye and that becomes the real grace and authority for transformation so so we're going to pick it up where where the servant of abraham is now asking rebecca in verse 23 whose daughter are you he asked and please tell me would your father have any room to put us up for the night because he goes with servants and camels abraham's looking for a son for isaac and he's going to make sure that that the dowry is significant you know and so uh so so listen to this verse 24 i am the daughter of befuel she replied my grandparents are no and milka yes we have plenty of straw and feed for the camels we have room for guests the man bowed low and worshiped the lord praise the lord that god my master abraham he said the lord has shown unfailing love and faithfulness to my master for he has led me straight to my master's relatives the young woman ran home to tell her family everything that had happened now rebecca had a brother named laban that's where the story gets interesting who ran out to meet the man at the spring he had seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sister's wrist and he had rebecca tell him what the man had said to her so when when the servant meets rebecca he ladens her with gifts puts a ring in her nose puts bracelets on her wrist when laban sees that the material wealth that that these people are in possession of he immediately begins to move in in a manipulative fashion watches and he manipulates throughout the whole of the story all the way in all the way into the life of of jacob and all the way into the life of his daughter and all all the way into the life of his grandchildren he functions as a manipulator okay so he sees the bracelet the ring in the nose the bracelet on the sister's wrist and he heard rebecca tell what the man had said so he rushed out to the spring where the man was still standing beside his camels laban said to him come and stay with us now now that's the first time laban is assuming the road that should have belonged to befuel that announcement should have came especially in this culture that announcement our invitation should have come from the father laban said to him come and stay with us you who are blessed by the lord why are you standing out here outside of town when i have room all ready for you and a place ready for your camels can't you hear it so it sounds like tv preachers so the man went home with laban and laban unloaded the camels gave him straw for their bedding fed them and provided water for the man and the camel drivers to wash their feet then the food was served but abraham's servant said i don't want to eat until i have told you why i came all right laban said tell us now here's laban running the household not befuel the absence of a present seated father caused a brother to attempt to function like a father and when this happens and i'm going to give you an example of this and this is going to sound like i'm just you know trying to be argumentative but this is what's happening in these ministerial fellowships is we we're not receiving the relationship of father and son and not calling into not denomination doesn't make it not a denomination i i every spiritual son that i have that i call a spiritual son that i am fathering i know every one of their children's names some of their children that are old enough have my phone number this this is this is this is not a brother who's trying to increase his reach and his influence by having a group of people that relate to him because of the position of authority he has within the church those those ministerial fellowship things playing a role i'm not against i'm honestly not against but for you to settle for that instead of developing a relationship with an authentic spiritual father that knows the ins and outs of your life that knows where you're weak knows where you're susceptible knows what you're what's in your past and chooses to love you and walk with you anyway it's absolutely irreplaceable it's absolutely irreplaceable so so we're back in verse 33 the end of verse 33 all right laban said tell us there's laban's running the household i am abraham's servant he explained the lord has greatly blessed my master that's a huge understatement you know how rich abraham was the lord has greatly blessed my master he has become a wealthy man the lord has given him flocks of sheep and goats herds of cattle of fortune and silver and gold and many male and female servants and camels and donkeys when sarah my master's wife was very old she gave birth to my master son my master has given him everything he owns and my master made me take an oath he said do not allow my son to marry one of these local canaanite women go instead to my father's house to my relatives to find a wife there for my son i said to my master let's skip down we keep keep going and going and going i want to i want to really establish the principle of laban playing befuel's role so let's pick up in verse 47 then i ask whose daughter are you still the servant talking she replied i'm the daughter of beth hewell my grandparents are nahoran mccall so i put the ring on her nose braces on her wrist then i bowed low and worshiped the lord i praised the lord the god of my master abraham because he had led me straight to my master's niece to be his son's wife cultural disclaimer okay so tell me will you or won't you show unfailing love and faithfulness to my master please tell me yes or no then i'll know what to do next watch verse 50. then laban and bethuel replied the lord has obviously brought you here so there's nothing we can say what in the world is laban doing commenting on who his sister is going to marry and this is the one and only time bethul is even found in the conversation when there is not a seated present father people end up playing a role that they're not supposed to play and it inevitably leads us to susceptibility in the area of manipulation all right which is what happened in this family laban and bethel replied the lord has obviously brought you here so there's nothing we can say here's rebecca take her and go yes let this be the wife of your master son as the lord has directed when abraham's servant heard their answer he bowed down to the ground and worshiped the lord then he brought out silver and gold jewelry and clothing and presented them to rebecca he also gave expensive presents to her brother and mother not her father he gave expensive presents to her brother and mother then they ate their meal and the servant the men went with him and stayed there overnight but early the next morning abraham's servant said send me back to my master. but we want rebecca to stay with us at least 10 days her mother and brother said where's bethule his daughter is being given away to go live in a foreign land and marry this man and bethule's not present therefore laban is playing a role he does not have the authority to play okay her brother and mother said then she can go but he said don't delay the lord has made my mission successful now send me back so i can return to my master well they said we'll call rebecca and ask her what she thinks so they called rebecca are you willing to go with this man they asked her and she replied yes i will go so they said goodbye to rebecca and sent her away with abraham's servant and his men the woman who had been rebecca's childhood nurse went along with her they gave her this blessing as she parted our sister may you become the mother of many millions may your descendants be strong and conquer the cities of their enemies our sister who should have been sending the daughter who should have been declaring over the daughter who should have been prophesying over the daughter who should have been struggling with the difficulty of the daughter having to be sent see this is the issue and so i'm gonna i'm gonna show you now by the time we get to the story of laban who is tricking jacob by sending leah on his wedding night into the bedroom to get seven more years of labor out of jacob that the manipulation it just continues and continues and if i had time i could keep walking through this story and seeing laban manipulate over and over and over and over again i believe one of the reasons why we've been so susceptible in the church to jezebel and it's become such a predominant thing and it is an important thing to teach and understand but i believe our susceptibility in that area comes down to an absence of authority in our ministry jezebel has tried to manifest but has found no traction the reason why is because authority is present in in the in the apostle that i've run with now this year be for 35 years been been my spiritual father for 35 years this is a really big year for me i've been born again for 35 years this year let me say i've been saved for 35 years i think i got born again in 2009. so but we'll save that for another time been married 20 years walked with my spiritual father for 35 years and been in the ministry 25 years been in the ministry 25 years this year so huge year 35 years with him 25 years in the ministry and 20 years with my with my bride over here so i'm i'm um i'm wanting to help us understand how jacob got in the position that he got in and the way that jacob got in the position that he got in is he was susceptible to being manipulated by laban because he was a manipulator okay because there was still a trickster in him by the time jacob meets rachel and that relationship begins to unfold jacob is sitting firmly between two dreams he's sitting between the dream at bethel which is where he sees the ladder and the angel is ascending and descending and he awakens and says surely i was in the in the presence of the lord and i did not know it i was not aware he names the place bethel later after this deal with rachel and after the subsequent manipulation through laban continues and continues jacob has another dream at pineal or penuel where he sees the face of god this this is where i teach jacob was alone and he wrestled with a man that there was this wrestling between the jacob nature and the israel nature on the inside of him that ultimately caused him to see the face of god in the israel he was to become so that between those two dreams we have jacob who's not yet had an encounter significant enough to deal with the manipulation in him and until we as leaders quit participating in manipulation we're not going to be able to contend with the lord as to why we're still dealing with so much division we've got to get our hearts purified from the areas where we know how to play the game where we know how to be successful where we know how to raise money where we know how to get people to fill the seats of our building and honestly that in goodness i believe was stripped away from us over the last year and what we're supposed to do is find ourselves in a dream that is the finishing dream that is the re-identifying dream and my hope man is that we come out of 2020 into 2021 with our greatest identification having been settled as we were not allowed to find our identification in production all right so so so next part of this are you ready laban again represents the fatherless system of religion no befuel that empowers laban to play a role he's not designed to play leah represents the ministry we inevitably settle for now again i'm talking to leaders the ministry we inevitably settle for when we are not seated as sons leah's name means weary and many of you are intimate with a ministry system that makes you weary and here's how it works this is where we start to unfold it okay leah is identified by dysfunctional vision remember remember in the story the first thing that we find out about leah is there's no sparkle in her eyes now that that that can be there i've done a lot of study on this and that can be looked at a lot of different ways where her eye was lazy she had an eye that couldn't focus her eyes were crossed whatever it may be she has dysfunctional vision there's something not right about her eye and when there's something not right about your eye you will strive to earn affection through production because her eye was not single because her vision was not correct she thought if i produce enough i can get jacob to love me this is where we end up in slavery believing because we've not been seated and established in beloved identity that what we need is to product to produce more effectively to produce larger numbers to become more successful and that'll draw attention and affection and no amount of sun's as amazing as it may have been for her to give jacob four sons at no point in time did her giving him four sons change the way he felt about her because it was never production that was supposed to lead to affection it was affection that was supposed to lead to the birthing of sons all right so leah's name means weary leah is identified by dysfunctional vision okay rachel is jacob's original passion but laban is a manipulator okay the manipulator can only prosper where authority is not present laban is manipulating jacob and the issue goes all the way back to befuel who refused to deal with the fact that he had a manipulative son by the name of laban we have let the manipulation run rampant because we've not fight fathers who are willing to do the difficult thing which is look into the face of the manipulation and say that's not who you are you're better than that you are better than given the rest of your life to see how many thumbs up you can get on social media you are better than given the rest of your life to get more followers you're better than giving up the rest of your life to do whatever trick and gimmick is necessary some of you even during the pandemic you couldn't put it down even when you couldn't get up on the stage and put on the show you couldn't stop sticking your phone in front of your face every five seconds to make sure you kept your face out there and you got the wrong face in front of you you got the wrong put the camera down put the phone down and let's recover the eye that is single and if we did listen our whole bodies would be filled with light and the whole of the body of christ i believe could be filled with light if you and i as leaders could return to a single primary undiluted focus on what we were originally passionate about and i think that is the question of questions what were you originally passionate about before you could measure production you had a passion before you needed to go to multiple services and before you needed multiple campuses and before you needed a million people following you on social media before you could measure any of that something made you want to give the rest of your life to see his kingdom come this will be done on earth as it is in heaven what was the original passion that's what that's about what's been being refined in me and honestly that's been been being refined in me for 35 years if not from my mother's womb there was something in me that wanted to love the lord my god with all of my heart with all of my mind with all of my soul and then i found out i could produce outside of affection jacob is obviously still having sex with leah four sons jacob is still having sex with leah but let me tell you something that that is not fixing what's going on in the heart of leah and leah getting pregnant and having a son and presenting that son to jacob is not fixing what's broken in the heart of leah what's broken in the heart of leah is broken because of laban and what's broken in the heart of laban is broken because of the fuel see hear this see this this idea that what we need is another round of celebrity leadership is nonsense we need present seated fathers who who are willing to raise spiritual sons and daughters and have no agenda except to release them into the fullness of what yahweh has identified them to be in the earth and i'm telling you we're at that point i'm going to give the rest of my life to that right there to give the rest of my life to that right there and i and i've been saying lately i i i somehow end up pastoring a church and that was never what i was called to do but to father a culture where sons are being raised in the identity of beloved and that beloved identity is releasing them from the fear of man and from the opinions of man and they're being seated and established so that they can give their lives to one thing one thing have i desired of the lord this is what i've been talking about with with prioritizing focused affection right psalm 27 matthew 6 revelation 2. we've got some teaching on that you can you can go look at it but but i want to start reading a little bit of some of the things i've written about this i believe that all of the dysfunction and manipulation within this family begin by befuel failing to play the role of a present active father in the lives of both rebecca and her brother laban okay genesis 24 six times laban assumes befuel's role illegally brothers are not fathers jacob works for laban for seven years willingly because he longs for rachel we will always willingly linger for what we genuinely long for we don't actually have a lingering problem what we actually have is a longing problem yahweh began about three and a half years ago to talk to me about the art of lingering and he began to talk to me about how i needed things going on all the time and i i i prayed i sought god i worshiped with my mind on other things and he began to deal with me about the art of lingering when he started talking to me about lingering i wanted him to talk to me about time management that's not what he was talking about he actually used the art of lingering to bring me back into the wonder of longing of just longing for him just being satisfied in the morning with spending hours in the presence of god even though there's millions of things that need to get done and when that to-do list begins to be immersed in the love letter of the passionate fiery relationship between bride and groom then all of the sudden all of the sudden the one thing the single focus you receive a grace for it that that yahweh is literally jealous that you not find listen fulfillment in production and so so let's go let's go a little bit further in this when yahweh began to talk to me about the art of lingering i knew he was reinforcing the revelation of the necessity of escaping an inferior time-based reality an inferior time-based reality what i did not know as yahweh ultimately wanted to do was deal with the cause of my failure to linger and he began to immediately and furiously show me the poverty of my own longing i don't have a lingering problem i have a longing problem we restore the art of lingering by yielding to our deepest heart of longing jacob for jacob both the clock and the calendar were irrelevant he measured his days exclusively by being one day closer to the day he inherited the one his soul longed for so years seemed like days because of how much he loved rachel and if this one thing becomes our pursuit then no time is wasted no time is wasted man could leah represent the ministry many of us has have settled for because of the poverty of our longing we under the government of illegitimate fathers climbed into bed with dysfunctional vision leah leah whose name means weary are we weary because we settled for a substitute it's just it's just normal for leaders to be exhausted and i don't think that's right when we've been promised a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and i'll give you rest the rebuke of hebrews 4 as a group of people who had great faith and no rest could our restlessness be a consequence and a witness that we have settled for something other than what we were originally passionate about and here's the problem there's a season where your original passion doesn't look productive rachel not having babies leah is having babies and if you need production for identification you'll settle for being in bed with dysfunctional vision because there is a vision out there that will get you productive and you don't have to be anointed to be productive and you don't have to have a fire in your heart to be productive and you don't have to be in holiness to be productive and you don't have to have a right relationship with your spouse and your children you don't have to handle money right none of those things are necessary for production because dysfunctional vision will be happy to climb in bed with you and give you numbers because that's what leah could give this is a bit of a review but we're going to go into some stuff hopefully i'll get to the to the joseph stuff at some point i believe it's our longing that secures our legacy not what you produce i don't think you're going to get to the end of your life and people are going to look and say that guy had a huge church i hope to god that's not what they say when i get to the end of my days i hope they say that man had one single passion and it cost him some production one single passion he could have a bigger ministry but he had one single passion he could have more followers but hit one single patch could have had more money could have more influence could have sold more books could have put his face all over the television screen but he had one single passion and he was not willing to climb in bed with dysfunctional vision but he stayed the course it was able to say i stayed the course until i could prove that if your eye is single your whole body can be full of light i thank god that he's using this pandemic to fix that in my heart to fix that in my heart your longing secures your legacy why has it been such a delay why such a challenge for rachel to conceive the law of divine restriction the law of divine restriction the delay is not so we can prove how patient and disciplined we are if things have not worked out for you the way they've wanted them to work out for you it's not so you can be a good soldier and keep on marching even though things don't look like they're working that's not what i'm talking about i want to say this to you the delay it's not so we can prove how patient and disciplined we are the delay oftentimes is trying to make its own prophetic announcement many times the more significant the dream the longer the incubation process leah was going to have sons that were significant obviously they're the tribes of israel everything leah produced would have died had jacob failed to long for his original passion because it's rachel that produced joseph leah produced sons but it was rachel that produced joseph the dreaming son of beloved identity that would have rescued his that would that without him his father and brothers would have starved to death in the nation of israel how important is it for you and i to keep burning for our original passion and what dreamers are not being born because you and i are failing to burn for our original passion i i actually believe i i know when i teach like this people think i'm i'm rebuking everybody that's in the system and maybe i am maybe that's part of the authority and the call that's on my life but ultimately what i want to do friend i want to save you i want to save you from believing if you had one 100 more people or 1 000 more people or 10 000 more people or if you had this many more likes and many more shares or whatever it is that you're tracking more followers whatever but that'll do it that'll that'll make no it won't no it won't take it from somebody who's been on that stage that many of you so want access to there's nothing there it's about one singular passion the eye being single so that the whole body is full of light there's a significant dreamer that's yet to be born and that dreamer requires a longer incubation process how does this apply to jacob and rachel you might ask on the other side of their endurance longing and intimacy is a son named joseph a son named joseph who is a dreamer and one who will ultimately rescue the sons of leah that have persecuted him because of the significance of his dreams jacob the dreamer was longing and lingering until he became the father of joseph the dreamer what have we settled for as leaders because of our impoverished longing what have we settled for because of our impoverished longing our impoverished longing would not enable us to linger for rachel and as a result what josephs have failed to be birthed scholars generally agree that abraham was the preeminent faith man throughout all of the old testament yet he did not conquer enemy armies or build a great political power he just continued to believe his legacy was in the arrival of a promised son thank you lord this is wrecking me man let's let's get to joseph and then well let me talk let me do this leah thing a little bit more because i think i think there's more in my heart regarding that i've talked about jacob's relationship to leah let me talk to you a little bit about leah herself dysfunctional vision believes that if you produce enough numerically then you'll earn affection what you actually want more than anything in the world every person watching this is to know you're loved it's the greatest desire ever planted in the human heart is to know you're loved and you will only trust to the measure you believe you're loved it's one of the most important things i could ever say to you you will only be able to trust to the measure you believe you're loved that's why we have leaders with anxiety that's why we have leaders on antidepressants so i have leaders taking their own lives why because they are anxious and twisted in their interior world because they are still struggling to say maybe if i produced more i could be loved maybe i could be accepted if my production was higher this was leah's issue her dysfunctional vision caused her to crave listen she was born to crave affection her dysfunctional vision made the mistake of trying to earn that affection through production what is this insecurity she's not secure in who she is one in the natural one of the reasons why her dad is laban her dad is laban her grandfather is befuel you track it back and you find out she was never appropriately identified to the point that her father reinforces her insecurity by causing her to believe the only way any man will ever want you is if i trick him now she lives knowing he never wanted me feel it he never wanted me and i'm telling you there are many of you that have never felt accepted you've never felt loved you've never felt honored you've never had a father put his hands on you wrap you up embrace you and tell you you mean the world to me and i don't care if you ever produce a thing i don't care if you ever hit it over the fence i don't care if you ever get a 4.0 i don't care if you ever get a college degree i don't care i love you because you are you i tell my kids at night when i put them to bed i say i love everything about you i wouldn't change one thing about you god gave me you and i celebrate everything about you you're you could not be a disappointment if you tried and i'm telling you because we've not established sons in that we have guys that are spinning a thousand plates trying to become more productive believing if i could do a little bit better if i could accomplish a little bit more if i was more successful successful where get successful in one seat to see the beloved identity and watch it cancel all of the accusation and intimidation that the enemy throws at you to say you're a nobody and you're nothing and you bring your past up and he'll freak you out over your past and he'll show you a future where nothing amounts to anything and he'll freak you out over your future he'll keep you from living present in today keep you from the joy of another day laban represents the system of religion in our day he's empowered by befuel's refusal to be a present father operating in transgenerational consciousness leah isn't the system leah is the vision we settle for if we live in the house of laban how does jacob okay now remember when it's time to find isaac a son abraham sends his eldest servant okay goes back to their homeland gets rebecca and brings her to isaac okay why is this not happening for jacob jacob's out looking for his own wife right why wasn't isaac doing what his father did for him which is sending his eldest servant because that pattern had worked before why you know why because rebecca is behind the scenes telling jacob your brother's going to kill you and you need to get out of here see because jacob had manipulated esau and he was unwilling to repent and make things right at home he lost home you know how many people lose home because they're unwilling to operate in authentic repentance and they end up on the run operating as a vagabond for the rest of their lives remember the curse of cain a homeless wanderer you'll be for the rest of your life looking for a way trying to find a place all you had to do was stay home and make things right and if you'd stayed home and made things right you know what you would not have done you'd never moved into laban's house for 14 years of slavery you'd have found rachel you'd have brought rachel back home right and the whole story would have played out differently the reason we end up in the home of illegitimate fathers is because we've been unwilling to stay put where there is a legitimate father and i can say that for 35 years i've walked with the same man and there have been opportunities for us to break relationship on his end and my end if they wanted to say uh well he did me wrong or he disappointed me mayan not his end did him wrong he disappointed me whatever that there is no excuse that is my father right my ordination paper hangs on that wall right there and i don't care a thing about the ordination paper i care everything about the man's name it's on the bottom of that paper if you look right there it's a business card that's right anybody's ever walked in my office that's always been there that's f nolan ball matter of fact i know this would be awkward for a camera shot but i don't know if i can go much further without reading this the kingdom man true success is not achieved true success is received kingdom men work out their faith worldly men cause others to know their methods kingdom men cause others to know their god the success of worldly men can be defined in certain observable methods methods that can be cataloged emulated and sold for profit the success of kingdom men is attributed to only one thing that one thing is obedience to the spoken word of yahweh and while that obedience may be manifested in observable acts emulation of those acts by others will never bring the hope for success hear that man while obedience may be manifested in observable acts emulation of those acts by others will never bring the hope for success therefore the kingdom man's success does not produce much leah therefore the kingdom man's success does not produce much in the way of a product that can be marketed at great prices bringing great wealth to the man but the kingdom man's success does cause glory to be given to yahweh worldly men base their success upon information information that can be cleverly edited to smooth away the rough edges cleverly packaged advertised and marketed in order to bring great wealth to its author kingdom men know that their success is based upon uncompromised obedience to a revelation from yahweh true revelation is biting sharp provocative challenging an ever-present threat to the status quo therefore kingdom men therefore kingdom men are almost always misunderstood lonely and rejected in their time therefore kingdom men are almost always misunderstood lonely and rejected in their time most often remaining a voice crying in the wilderness they are recognized honored and even revered but always by another generation never by their own therefore kingdom men are content hear me hear me today hear this today therefore kingdom men are content to be the leaders of a remnant the keepers of the flame the preservers of the sea the protectors of tomorrow's abrahams isaacs moses john the baptist and yes even the christ no wonder that heaven and earth together cry out for the manifesting of the sons of yahweh 1998 f nolan ball apostle my heart is full joseph name means jehovah has added more literally translated jehovah multiplies how does a father named for manipulation produce a son named for multiplication jacob trickster joseph yahweh adds jehovah multiplies how let me say this again how does a father name for manipulation produce a son named for multiplication the father wrestles his way into superior identity in the wilderness of devotion he lets his lingering be reinvigorated by his longing and he refuses to settle for anything other than his original passion refuses to settle for anything other than his original passion jacob the trickster becomes israel which means yahweh prevails it is in the wilderness of devotion that providential re-identification is inherited by one man jacob becomes israel and he shifts one family that would ultimately shift all of the known earth into an explosion of unending legacy genesis 28 14 the promise comes all of the families of the earth will be blessed through who through you jacob through you through you and your one family every other family in all of the earth throughout all of the time will be blessed that promise is still active in the heart of people that are connected to the line of jacob jacob becomes israel all of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants jacob most notable contribution is re-identification and subsequent reproduction finding your way into the seat of beloved identity could be your most valuable contribution to cosmic transformation hear me the abba revelation releasing grace for you to sink deeply into the seed of beloved identity could become the greatest announcement that cosmic transformation is in process why because romans 8 said all of the earth is groaning and travailing standing on tiptoe eagerly awaiting the manifestation of the sons of god watch this okay a little bit more what legacy has failed to be established because men with greatness in them were unwilling to embrace the wilderness of re-identification men with greatness in them unwilling to embrace their wilderness re-identification therefore the church at large is still wrestling in manipulation rather than multiplying through intimacy joseph becomes a principle example of how a son dreams when he is genuinely authentically and unshakeably rooted in beloved identity let me say that again joseph becomes a principle example of how a son dreams when he is genuinely authentically and unshakably rooted and i'm going to say that man i feel that in my heart joseph becomes a principle example of how a son dreams when he is genuinely authentically and unshakeably rooted in beloved identity genesis 37 31 jacob love joseph more than any of his other children because joseph knew he was favored and loved he has given access to a realm where he is permitted to dream without boundaries joseph is so rooted in beloved identity that he dreams a dream not only that his brothers bow down to him but that his father and mother bows down to him to the point the father actually has a problem with that dream because he doesn't fully understand transgenerational consciousness i dream of one day being under the governmental authority of my sons well that would be out of order no it's not because my father is under the governmental authority of me and it's a beautiful thing never that i would not that i would ever hoard that over him but it's created a place of protection provision and joy for my parents that are now in their 70s to say we are experiencing god and we've never experienced and i long one day to sit under the shade of the fire of my son's passionate love for god and say dad is growing in a way he never would have grown had you not dreamed your dream you dream your dream some of you lost your dream because you cannot birth your dream until you return to your original passion and you and how here's the grand question here's the grand question that i've asked hundreds of times how did jacob not know he was in bed with leah not rachel how did you not know the subtlety is this leah was related to rachel leah was rachel's sister there were certain things about leah that would have resembled things about rachel and the reason we end up in bed with dysfunctional vision is because dysfunctional vision is related to what you were originally passionate about it wasn't ministry that you were originally passionate about see ministry is the weary-eyed sister of what you were originally passionate about what you were originally passionate about was his face and i didn't dream dreams of numbers and i didn't dream dreams of success i dreamed dreams of him coming to me in the middle of the night i'd have to pull my car over on the side of the road because he would come you wake up in the middle of the night vibrating on a cellular level because you know he's in the room with you i'm finding my way back to my original passion and do not settle for ministry and for preaching and for church growth for twitter and instagram and facebook god help us not to settle for something related to what we were originally passionate about because there's a dream being born in my heart right now because of what i was originally passionate about and that dream is cosmic reform my dream is the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our god and of his christ and it's not going to get there because i'm strategic that's not working it's going to get there because i say i abandon every other pursuit i'm done with every distraction related to rachel and i'm going back to rachel i'm going back to my original passion how did jacob not know he was in bed with leah many of you don't know you're in bed with dysfunctional vision because it's related to what you're originally passionate about i'm not talking about people in sin i'm not talking about the vast majority of you out there who are leaders who have a pornography problem the vast majority of leaders who watch this have a pornography problem you better go find a father or you're going to absolutely lose it you better go find a father and you better get real that's not what i'm talking about that's not what i'm talking about and when i talk about finding a father let me tell you what i'm not talking about i'm not talking about accountability i'm talking about transformation i'm talking about somebody who will walk you into the light until you become another man somebody that'll introduce you to the wilderness of devotion and you come out on the other side and say my name is not jacob anymore i'm israel i am israel i'm not talking about people struggling with that sin i'm talking about people who have justified the fact that you've become intimate with dysfunctional vision and you say yeah but i'm productive yeah but i'm productive yeah but i'm productive yeah but i'm productive but i'm telling you if you got conquered in the place of private devotion and affection you were designed for you would no longer even need those measurements to say you're successful i do nothing i haven't seen the father do that's jesus measurement for success so he heals people and tells them don't go tell anybody we heal them and record it and blast it and pray and we call it with you we're getting the word out there whatever that's not how jesus did it because jesus was not trying to increase his following he gets this massive crowd maybe as many as 40 000 people following him and in order to get them to leave he turns and tells them unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no part with me you have no part of me in essence he's not trying to get him to stay he's trying to whittle that group down to the group that are willing to say at any cost we give up our lives for one thing at any cost we give up our lives for one thing because joseph knew he was favored he was given access to a realm where he has permitted to dream without boundaries what if there is an assurance of beloved identity that never ask how far is too far as i've been sharing some of my eschatology and theology lately the the rumor mill said well he's he's he's out there i i don't know when that started being an insult but i'm okay with being out there because staying in this box we've been in is not changing the culture voting republican not changing the culture let's be real it's not working and you're always asking for a people to find the more excellent way i believe it is the i that is so single that the whole body is full of light and the church has not seen that and the world has certainly not seen that and a handful of leaders is going to manifest that and i know i don't i i i want to talk to you in a minute about six burning leaders becoming 60 but we'll get to that in just a little while let me go a little bit further with this i long to see leaders and more particularly the spiritual sons yahweh has entrusted to me dare to embrace the dimensions that systemic religion warned us about dare to embrace the dimension that systemic religion warned us about he's out there only in religion could that be an insult only in religion could that be an insult the current indictment against me is an over emphasis on the love of god that that criticism i revel in as if you can over emphasize infinity infinity plus what the love of god is the message of the kingdom of god the problem with joseph's dream was they had a dominion orientation when you and i get seated as beloved sons we begin to think in terms of dominion we begin to dream in terms of dominion and we quit prepping people to survive the days ahead and we birth dreaming agents of transformation that say it's getting darker awesome must be an opportunity for people to see a great light because the bible says in the days of jesus the people who sat in darkness saw a great light i'm not moved by what's going on around me i am holding steady to believe that the romans 8 cry is going to be answered by a handful of sons who are rooted in beloved identity unfortunately many of our intellectual giants in the church world are also experiential dwarfs many of our intellectual giants are are also experimentally dwarfs therefore they recoil over the invitation to see the rule of yahweh's dominion be actualized within the culture this has led to pontification rather than colonization speak well about something that's bringing actual no actual hope of transformation to the cosmos joseph's joseph is initially despised over the uncommon relationship he has with his father the results of that uncommon relationship is a willingness to dare to dream dreams of authority and yes dominion he would need them because without a joseph in authority his father his brothers their their mother his mother his right their servants everything they have dies if joseph doesn't dream a dominion dream joseph dream does not work if it does not end with him seated in authority without him seated in authority the rest of the family dies how would listen this listen to this how wildly you dream communicates how deeply you're loved and when you're burning i want you to go back i want leaders to go back before the disappointment before the betrayal before nine church splits before the people who said they're gonna walk with you for the rest of their life prove they were lying before all of that happened to you there was a dream in you and it had to do not with thousands of people coming to your campuses it had to do with limbs growing out had to do with eyeballs being formed where there was no eyeball it had you hear what i'm saying to you when i say limbs growing out i'm not talking about your shorter leg gets longer than that stop let's stop okay i'm talking about there was no foot and now there's a foot there was no hand and now there's a hand this one was blind and this this is what we are tracking back towards a handful of us are tracking back toward a passion and a rudy a rooted seat of beloved identity that's making us dream wild dreams again it's making us dream wild dreams again hospitals completely emptying out instead of us trying to figure out how to survive a pandemic we have faith to believe we can turn one i'm still there it did not work the prayers i prayed did not work i am not going to then settle for oh well what will be what what will be will be no sir i'm gonna find my way into that seat of beloved identity and i'm gonna dream the original dream that can only be dreamed inside of my original passion joseph dreams the dream he dreams because jacob refuses to settle for anything other than what he was originally passionate about you will inevitably be rejected by people who can't discern your wild dreams because they've never felt what it's like to be wildly beloved thank you again yahweh for the wilderness where you are convincing me just how wild you really are about me oh man thank you lord there's a radical difference between the people who follow you because they're mesmerized by your gifting and the people who submit to you because they're fascinated by your communion and if it's if it's if it's your ability to perform that hooked them it'll be your ability to perform that keeps them but if they only found their way to you because they were looking for somebody that had bright enough eyes the bright eyes became a witness that they had found the treasure hidden in a field the man sells everything he has to buy it would you sell everything you have to get your treasure back would you climb out of bed with dysfunctional vision and return to what you're originally passionate about because we need to come out of this season of restriction with dreaming ruling joseph's being born all over the earth if we don't come out of this restriction with wild burning loved dreaming sons then we'll have wasted one of the greatest opportunities we've ever been given to return to our original passion will have wasted one of the greatest opportunities we've ever been given to return to our original passion i believe joseph's ability to embrace process difficulty restriction came as a direct result of his being sure of how his father felt about him he every day got up and put a coat of many colors on to say i'm my father's favorite now there's a disclaimer here because we know that jacob didn't have the ability to love all of his sons equally but i will also say to you you will never love what dysfunctional vision produced the way you love what your original passion produces let me say it like this the satisfaction of holding in your hands the result of what you were originally passionate about versus holding in your hands what came as a consequence of you being intimate with dysfunctional vision it'll never bring the measure of satisfaction and fulfillment that yahweh ultimately has reserved for the man who refuses to settle for anything but what he was originally passionate about how long have i been going i'm going to go a little longer it's a radical difference between those that follow you because they like your preaching and they like your music and they like your production and those that are joined to you because they've witnessed your communion listen to me leaders your gifts and talents may produce fans or groupies but only intimacy with your original passion will ever produce authentic sons our divided intimacy as fathers has fostered sibling rivalries and esau joseph and all of his brothers bless don't miss one rachel and leah this is filled with sibling rivalry do you know what the church is a cesspool of now sibling rivalry tammy continually says the greatest witness to her of the authenticity of our culture is the lack of competition between these spiritual sons that love each other and celebrate each other and how did that happen how did that happen how did that happen how did that happen that their pursuit became beloved identity not how many people do i have versus how many people do you have i don't talk to my sons about that i don't talk to them about how many people came to their church this week i don't want to hear how many people came to your church this week it doesn't matter to me that you're out of space unless you're asking me to help you come up with a plan and if i'm the one who helps you come up with a plan for being out of space that's kind of that's kind of kind of unusual because i haven't come up with my own plan yet for being out of space because it's not the aim it's not the aim my original passion wasn't see how many people i could gather my original passion was how much glory can i carry that's what i was passionate about when i get up at five o'clock in the morning in this little backwoods church in nowheresville alabama and i'd kind of get up at five o'clock in the morning and i would feel god sometimes for four hours pinned me to the floor with a shekinah glory of god so i give the rest of my life to this right there i was not from that place dreaming about being worldwide famous international evangelist whatever i just never wanted to be without that again and i know what it's been well i know exactly what it's like to climb in bed with dysfunctional vision name leah and think maybe if i produce a little bit more maybe if i produce a little bit more and now if the mega church stage leads to the conference change leads to the 12 000 people leads to the 25 and it led all the way to the stadiums and you step off the stadiums and you say if that didn't do it what will you return to your original passion and you linger for what you really long for and one son with a dream ends up rescuing the whole family it's beautiful it's beautiful i don't know how much further i need to go but there's a couple of things i want to finish with here we got to get out of this sibling rivalry thing we got to get out of this sibling rivalry thing joseph is not initially rejected as a consequence of his dream but rather he's initially despised as a direct result of beloved identity inherited from his father it is an absence of an intended degree of beloved identity that has caused us to illegally compare ourselves with one another marie that again it is an absence of an intended degree of beloved identity that has caused us to illegally compare ourselves with one another our impoverished vertical connection has caused us to put too much weight on horizontal affirmation our impoverished vertical connection has caused us to put too much weight on horizontal affirmation your brother's coat only offends you because you have an error believed the father doesn't have one with your name on it the religious spirit governing many of your brothers will cause them to say it's your dominion theology that caused them to reject you but it's actually your multi-colored coat from your abba that they despise i had no idea that me being in the lap of abba would be so offensive to my brothers and sisters brother my brothers and sisters that have previously celebrated my prowess on the battlefield my ability to be productive inside of the bed of dysfunctional vision i will not take the coat of beloved identity off because of how it makes you feel man because jacob did not have the capacity to love his sons equally because they were the offspring of divided affections he also was not permitted to fully understand legacy the promise of genesis 8 is not simply that all of the families of the earth will be blessed through you jacob but rather that through you and your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed which it would would require at some point jacob to bow down to joseph which he did with an appropriate revelation of general generational legacy that is celebrated you hear this within a narcissistic paradigm of personal destiny one generation surpassing their predecessors will always be rejected let me say that again within a narcissistic paradigm of personal destiny one generation surpassing their predecessors will always be rejected i found a lot of people who said the next generation's going to stand on our shoulders and be brothers i've only found a handful of people that are actually comfortable with being past you saying that sounds real good but when you start tearing down the next generation that's actually surpassing you because you want to keep your place of prominence and they don't think just like you and believe just like you it's a witness that you have not found the seat of beloved identity that celebrates the success of sons by way of the boundaryless dream of dominion within beloved identity joseph is rejected and sold out as a consequence he finds himself in the environment most well suited for unending boundaryless dreams the wilderness hence the wilderness society if you are not careful and if you have an inherited permission to see the wilderness for what it truly is you will in error believe that the reason joseph ends up in the wilderness is the jealousy of his brothers when in actuality the jealousy of his brothers is just a tool yahweh uses to move joseph toward his predesigned intention it's not the jealousy of his brothers that sends him into the wilderness but the jealousy of his god yahweh's jealousy is positioning him to rescue the very people who had at one time despised him now i want to take the wilderness and i want to force it into the lens of a global pandemic and i want to ask you why we were allowed to go through what we've been through in 2020 starting in march we are a month away from it having been a year since the world changed and i get so many people who are so mad at how the pandemic has changed their life they're mad i mean they're i can't i'm so sick of these restrictions people make me wear this mask all the time and they go down and i'm listening and i just let people talk and let people go through their deal and then i go or we could look at it and say do you think the end of story was joseph despising those years he spent in that prison or saying something happened to me in that season of restriction feel this feel this this is this is why i had to do this before we even go back to meeting publicly because there are people you've got to finish this you've got to be able to look back on the last year and say it refined my focus you look back on this last year and say it restored me to what i was originally i was off if i was off a degree i was off and it became this thing where instead of pressing to keep the wheels of progress moving we stepped back and said i'm going to finish this beloved identity thing in my heart if it requires the wilderness and i look back loud and i say now now now i believe the enemy did that i also believe the enemy put joseph in the prison i believe potiphar was wrong i don't believe potiphar was was god's idea but i believe god capitalized on potiphar and potiphar's wife ultimately and god used it to promote joseph out of a season where he could not measure his progress watch this he's on the fast track he's in charge of potiphar's house the dream is coming true and he can see the trajectory of the dream coming true and then comes the prison why because there was something in his identity that needed to be reformed before he inherited a position of authority and here's what i've written on that joseph's ability to embrace process was as a direct result of beloved identity joseph knew how his father felt about him and this enabled him to wear his favor in spite of how it made his brothers feel here we go are you ready i'm going to start closing this please lock in if you're weary pause it and come back later but get this right here if your identity is that you are beloved let me back up let me let me do this whole thing joseph would never forget that his authority was intended to rescue the hurting even the hurting who had done him wrong i don't know had he not gone through that process that included that prison if he would have had a right perspective on his brothers and i don't know if we had not gone through this pandemic if we would have a right perspective on the hurting on the week on the disenfranchised i i listen i don't know had we not gone through the racial conflict we did in the last year we would take had taken the time to empathize with people who have different colored skin instead of trying to be on the right side of all of that let's just look at people and say even if the way you think is not the way i think you should think i'm going to emphasize with empathize with the pain that is a consequence of the way that you think this is big man this is big he would never forget that his authority was intended to rescue the hurting if your identity is that you are a leader then you will insist that others serve you to prove the strength of your identity if your identity is that you are a leader then you will insist that others serve you to prove the strength of your identity if your identity is that you are beloved then you will serve others in order to reproduce beloved identity watch the humility of the joseph who is strutting and announcing his dream in his multicolored coat there is a different man seated on that throne ruling in egypt that process did something in him that must happen in us if your identity is that you are a leader then you will insist that others serve you to prove the strength of your identity if your identity is that you are beloved then you will serve others in order to reproduce beloved identity reigning through beloved identity is something the earth has not seen i don't believe since jesus the last one to rule and reign well not maybe i shouldn't say that in our post-modern culture we are not seeing yet the authority that comes through beloved identity but we will and it may be in our children and it may be in our children's children but we are going to see the impact of a group of people who have never had to question how their father felt about them who have never wrestled with the duplicity of the good cop bad cop thing who believe that the father is just like jesus and that group of people is going to rule not just with great strength and great power they're going to rule with great grace and great humility they're going to be the poor in spirit they're going to inherit the kingdom of god we need a revolution away from our fascination and subsequent immersion into the culture and we need to recover the message and the heart of the kingdom of god one more time we need a revolution away from our fascination and subsequent immersion into the culture and we need to recover the message and the heart of the kingdom of god i want to make sure i'm covering this well man when joseph's brothers come before him i think this is probably about chapter 45 he has to sneak away and go weep he weeps over leah's sons hear this man he weeps over leah's sons because yahweh loves the ones that were birthed out of dysfunctional vision too i'm not against you i hope you hear this i'm not gonna gain anything by confronting what i don't have a heart to see transformed those sons would become the tribes of israel the sons of bilhah the sons of zilpah the maid of rachel and leah those would become the tribes of israel god's going to use it it's this thing god used the season where i had no clue i was loved god used the season i was in bed with dysfunctional vision but at some point you can't just stay there and say if it's if if it's working it's not working it's not working because the culture is not changing it's not working because the kingdoms of this world are not becoming the kingdoms of our god and of his christ there has to be a change there has to be a transformation and and the strutting joseph in the multi-colored coat telling his brothers his dreams is not the same man who has to sneak away and weep when his brothers walk back in the room and he's rescuing the people that wanted to kill him till reuben got him to change their mind right was it reuben or simeon i think it's reuben got him to change their mind and said let's sell him instead you see how this is playing out this is what yahweh is going to begin to do many of you that have that your ministries have been productive because you've been in bed with dysfunctional vision god yahweh is about to use that and he's now going to cause you to step into a seed of beloved identity if you'll be vulnerable and transparent and let people know where you lost your way you can be a guide to help them find their way back to where they're designed to be but it's not going to happen if we keep putting on our cape every time we hold a microphone in our hand and strut around like we have this thing figured out the dreaming joseph of chapter 37 would not be enough to bless all of the families of the earth it would require the dreaming joseph of chapter 37 to become the weeping joseph of chapter 45. your dreams of what yahweh wants you to be a part of in the earth are they're insufficient unless they have been well watered with the tears of restored relationship with your father i think i should read that again your dreams of what yahweh wants you to be a part of in the earth are insufficient unless they have been well watered with the tears of restored relationship with abba i've said this so many times and i want to say it to you as i as i really wrap this up today i'm serious this time i really am wrapping it up there is no tribe of joseph who's the most significant son of jacob israel jacob israel joseph but there's no tribe of joseph but the tribes are named for leah's sons the tribes are named for the sons of the maids bilhah and zeppa but there is no tribe of joseph but there's two tribes that are not sons of jacob they're sons of joseph ephraim and manasseh joseph becomes the the predominant dreaming son of authority that says don't name a tribe after me. i'll take double if you'll name it after my sons the long path of transgenerational consciousness said if my only role is to make sure my sons have seats at the table then it'll be well worth everything i went through to see that my sons have seats at the table i have no greater joy than that my children walk in truth ephraim and manasseh ephraim means i shall be doubly fruitful manasseh means yahweh has caused me to forget joseph once you hold legacy in your arms you forget about the pain it took to get there when yahweh starts to multiply your sons you will turn and honor the father of the wilderness way and you'll say yes again to your original passion i honor the wilderness way and i say yes again to my original passion what is this pandemic it's a lot but one of the things it is let me say it are you ready we're going to close with this thought man what happened in the pandemic yahweh blocked our access to leah's bed and we could not produce their dysfunctional vision let me say it again for a year some of you fought like hell to get in that bedroom anyway much of it through this social media nonsense you fought like hell through self-promotion to get yourself in that bed anyway but i'm telling you what happened we thought in a month we're gonna be able to come back in 30 days we'll be able to come back in 90 days we're gonna be able to come back in six months it's nine months so it must be gestation and we're gonna have the baby because the nine months is up and and we find ourselves just now getting to planning to regather as a family of people in that process of time do you know what yahweh did yahweh in his goodness blocked our ability to find the bed of dysfunctional vision that is highly productive and he said if you'll let me i'll give you the gift of a year to recover your original passion and it's happening in me it took a year but it's happening in me it's happening in the middle of the night it's happening early in the mornings it's happening throughout the whole day because i couldn't finally his bed y'all i blocked my access to leah's bed and therefore dysfunctional vision couldn't buy into the lie that production is enough production is not enough production's not enough there's a wild dream that's going to be born on the other side of restriction what samuel is about to be born because hannah had to go through a process of divine restriction you read the story of hannah and you read the story of rachel and they both say the same thing yahweh kept them from getting pregnant why because he didn't want them to produce anything or he wanted what came out of them to actually matter i know i'm going a little further here but listen samuel is a product of the same type situation another wife right she's got a husband named alkina she's got her husband has two wives panaya and hannah panaya's having babies every time you turn around she's giving another son giving another son giving another son hannah is favorite of alcanna but she can't have a child but when she does when she does his name is samuel he anoints the progenator david of the line that would produce yeshua the christ name one of penina's sons you can't nobody has any idea what panini's sons are named but we know that one named samuel who carried that horn of oil to the house of dahaved beloved identity and poured that horn of oil over a man who would not just be a king he would establish a lion the throne of which yeshua will sit on forever and ever and ever and i'm prophetically saying to you what is about to be birthed on the other side of a season of restriction our samuels and josephs are going to begin to come to the forefront and there's a lot of people that prophetically you're going to want to embrace that word but you did not embrace what yahweh wanted to do in this season which is return you to your original passion is to get you out of leah's bed to say i'm going to go back and i'm going to return and i'm going to burn for the one thing i know i was ultimately designed to burn for one thing have i desired of the lord if your eye be single your whole body will be filled with light i have somewhat against you you've left your first love if you and i can go back that's protoss that word first insignificance the significant love you had at the beginning if you and i can go back and recover it i'm telling you we're going to be shocked by what's about to be birthed on the other side of a return a return to our original passion i'm going to pray over you and we'll be done i i don't know when you'll watch this i know we're airing it during the day and uh i mean i'm sorry we're taping it during the day and airing it this evening but whenever you watch this i want to say if you if if i offended you today that wasn't my heart but it is my heart to challenge at some point we finally see some transformation in laban and it does not happen until jacob finally stands up to him and tells him you changed my way just ten times and you've tricked me and you've manipulated me and it took somebody who was willing to in love say you're better than that there's more in you than that and i'm saying to us as leaders there's more in us than what we've settled for and that is the production that is a consequence of being in bed with dysfunctional vision i actually really love you i love leaders i love leaders i want to father fathers for the rest of my life i do i want a father fathers for the rest of my life i wanna father fathers i wanna i want to father a culture of revival where fathers can come and say i remember and walk in the room and feel the glory of god they say i remember my original pash father i bless the leaders that are watching this hopefully lord all over the world and hopefully lord for years to come and i bless them now to be able to have grace to make the turn back to their original passion father that you're going to give leaders the ability to be transparent and honest and vulnerable and you're going to give them grace to make a turn so father all over the world as this live stream is streaming life into their heart into their homes into their offices into hotel rooms and hospital beds college campuses i pray father for the grace for us to return to our original passion to burn the way that we burned in the beginning to not settle for a substitute to not settle for production to not settle for success but to return to our original passion to burn for your face king jesus day and night and night and day that we would burn to know you the only true god and your son who you sent and we would identify that as eternal life i bless them now i bless them as many distractions and responsibilities as they have you've given us a season where we've not been able to juggle the plates we've not been able to spin the plates and juggle the balls and so father in the name of jesus i bless them to be able to have a grace to return to an original passion wake them up in the middle of the night wake them up in the middle of the night wake them up early in the morning father the way you're doing me with a blanket of love and goodness that absolutely changes everything i'm closed this today and saying this i know six leaders i know six leaders right now in the nation that i have relationship with that are burning in personal revival in a way they were not burning before this pandemic i know six leaders burning in personal revival burning with fresh tears burning with a heart ablaze in a way they were not burning before and every one of them have said to me in a way i would not be burning without not just are they burning in a way they weren't burning before this pandemic they're saying i don't think i would have gotten there not the way i got there maybe sometime down the road just because god is good but he's using this so as i was praying on driving here this morning i said lord i'm believing for you to do something amazing through this today and he said well what are you believing me for you have not because you asked not what are you believing me for i said what if that six became sixty what if six leaders and i know there are more than that i'm not saying there's only six i'm saying six that i know but what if i could say there's 60 that i know leaders that are burning in personal revival in a way they were not in 2020 in a way they would not have been without the wilderness of 2020 because you and i are going to sit in tremendous thrones on tremendous thrones of significant authority with a grace and a humility and a poor in spirit posture that's going to give us the ability to reach people that religion has not been able to touch cosmic transformation is on its way may the kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our god and of his christ may the knowledge of the glory of the lord cover the earth as the waters cover the sea may daniel's small stone not hewed with hands become the giant mountain that fills the whole of the earth in the name of yeshua the christ amen you
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 7,634
Rating: 4.9028339 out of 5
Id: -dsPiqlw36o
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Length: 107min 20sec (6440 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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