Love Like You've Been Loved | Damon Thompson | Carolina Revival

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john 13 and let's skip to verse 34. um there's there's a lot in here there i'm not a huge fan of scripture divisions i don't like chapter divisions a whole lot i'd rather read the bible as if those chapter divisions are not there and i'd certainly rather read them as though the verse divisions are not there which is one of the reasons i like the format of the passion translation because it just kind of subtly hides the verse number in there sometimes you can't even find it when you're trying to track it down but i like that and i like the the absence of the chapter and verse divisions probably the chapter and verse divisions that are most offensive to me in the bible are john 13 all the way to john 18. i think 13 14 15 16 17 should be read as one as just one continuous thing it's all in the same context of the same conversation the glory of the beloved identity of the apostle john is his inclusion could you imagine trying to have the gospels without john 17. could you imagine trying to have the gospels without john 15. so 13 14 15 16 17 are all a part of the same conversation jesus says this in john 13 starting in verse 34 passion translation so i give you now a new commandment love each other just as much as i have loved you for when you demonstrate the same love i have for you by loving one another everyone will know that you're my true followers now he's just washed the disciples feet he's in the middle of dealing with judas's betrayal he's in the middle of dealing with judas's betrayal he's grieved over judas betrayal he's prophesying judas's betrayal and while he knows there's one in the room who's going to betray him he chooses at that moment to wash their feet he washes judas's feet while already knowing judas was going to betray him this is the kind of love that that that it god's going to begin to cause to move in the heart of a group of people who love beyond the people who are behaving the way that they would like to behave and this is some of what god did in me during the quarantine season he said you have forgiven people and i've asked you to go beyond that and love the ones that you have forgiven it's jesus that introduces the revolutionary concept not just of what they were required to do according to the levitical law which was to love other jews he's now telling them that you have to love people that are not jews he's then saying you have to love people that are not jews that are your enemies and he he so he's saying that to them and i'm going to show you uh let's let's just jump into some of that let's look at matthew 22 39 can you put the who's back there working that for me luke love luke gibson and one of you ladies should jump in and love luke gibson you'd be a very happy woman i'll i'll take bids after the service is over all right okay luke matthew 22 39 you ready for this matthew 22 39 the second commandment that is is like and in importance you must love your friend the same way that you love yourself okay so here we go here's here's here's a command from jesus matthew 22 the second is like it in importance you must love your friend in the same way you love yourself so he says we're taking love to a new level you don't just love your friend you have to love your friend like you love you all right that's also found in mark 12 31 if you want to jot that down and go back and look at it and look at the way mark puts that very similar by the way matthew 5 44. let's look at this one however i say to you love your enemy bless the one who curses you do something wonderful for the one who hates you and respond to the very ones who persecute you by praying for them that's also found in luke 6 27 that's that noise i was talking about we just right luke that's also found in luke 6 27 look now at matthew 7 12. this is matthew 7 12. and everything you do be careful to treat others in the same way you'd want them to treat you for that is the essence of all the teaching of the law and the prophets this is what we call the golden rule do unto others as you would have them to do unto you and he doesn't just give the what we call golden rule he gives this rule and he gives it to us in this context okay everything the law and prophets we're talking about is summed up in this one truth and that is that you should be careful to treat others in the same way that you want them to treat you all right look at leviticus 19 18 we'll do these quick just a couple of old so so that you know that this love thing is not new because jesus said it's new jesus said it's new after he told on it at least six different times leviticus 19 18 do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow israel alike but love your neighbor as yourself i am the lord why is this important because that gave israel permission to identify who their neighbor was which then gave them the ability to say who their neighbor was not so you told us to love our neighbor and this says that neighbor is fellow israelite that's the scandal of the story of the good samaritan because he's saying i know this is what the levitical law says is required of you but i'm coming with a message that is beyond that message and i'm telling you that you have to love your neighbor as you love yourself and then you have to love your enemy and you have to treat every person the way that you would want that person to treat you regardless of whether that person is your neighbor which is why the the which is why the scholar the hebraic scholar says to jesus who is my neighbor because he wants to trap jesus in identifying that neighbor is beyond the original levitical context of someone who is a fellow israelite because they're saying this way that we relate to each other is only applicable to people that leviticus identified as our neighbor and jesus comes with the scandalous story of the good samaritan which is an indictment against a priest right who sees the man in need and passes by him who doesn't even stop to identify if he is a neighbor a fellow israelite which he would have by law had to have taken care of and the one person who does this is the person that would have had no responsibility to do this which would have been the samaritan which is the half breed which is the person who's rejected by both sides of the coin all right so let just just a little something to show you look at leviticus 19 34 treat them like native born israelites and love them as you love yourself remember that you were once foreigners living in the land of egypt i am the lord your god let's read it again treat them like native born israelites and love them as you love yourself so this is where this got so interesting for the jewish world because we're in we're still in luke 19 and one of these makes it sound like they're only obligated to love fellow israelites and the other one is saying that you're going to have to love foreigners because you were once a foreigner you're going to have to treat them like they belong in the family even though you could give yourself the loophole of not loving them because they're outside of the family why does all this matter it matters because jesus says right before he's going to be betrayed right before he moves into his passion jesus says oh yeah i got one more commandment and it's new kanos it's new we've studied a lot about what kanos means but let's look at it nu is kainos it means recently made it means fresh it means recent it means unused it means of a new kind unprecedented novel uncommon or unheard of it's new well what are all those other things i just read to you that he told him to do because he said this is a new command and i just gave you one two three four five six seven eight examples of how he had already told him to love he told him to love their enemies he told them to love their neighbors he told them to treat other people as they wanted to be treated how how do you how do you get more gold than gold it's the golden rule treat others the way that you want to be treated and he's got them there in this moment supper being ended girds himself with the tile begins to wash the disciples feet in this utter act of humility and service if if i had time and i don't want to i don't want to take too much time on this part of this because of we've already gone a while tonight but but i think it is important to understand that that would never have been done by the owner of a home for a guest only a slave would have washed feet and never a man only a slave girl would have been given the job of washing feet and hear jesus in this utter act of ultimate humility supper being ended jesus girds himself with the towel and begins to wash the disciples feet and in that context he ends the washing of the feet re-robes himself and says this i got a brand new commandment for you guys what's the commandment here it is again here's the commandment ready i give you now a new command love each other just as much as i have loved you that is not love as you love yourself that is not treat others the way you want to be treated that is treat others the way i've already treated you that is beloved identity personified because he now says your education in how i feel about you is a training in how you're to relate to one another he turns beloved identity into the standard for interpersonal relationship a new command i give it's not it's not a new command for them to love yet but it's the first time he ever said love them just exactly like and as much as that's what the words mean love them exactly like and as much as i have loved you that's the standard for how you relate to one another and it is the principal way the world will know that you're my followers let's read it again i want to make sure you get it because this is wrecking me in my heart i give you now a new command love each other just as much as i have loved you for when you demonstrate the same love i have for you by loving one another everyone will know that you're my true followers it's the word disciple it's a great translation both ways giving him a new command never at any other time when he's giving them the command to love in a way that is love but is not love that is a consequence of understanding how you're loved he never says that love is going to let the world know that you're my disciples anytime he wants to make love the witness of discipleship he says it's got to first come by way of being rooted in your understanding of how i love you whoa see this is the danger of beloved identity you don't just get to sit in the floor and play la la la jesus loves me the danger of beloved identity is once you figure out how you're loved it becomes the new moral ethic as to how you relate to other people and if revival doesn't produce that i'm not interested in it because i i spent my life around the people who prophesied each other fell in the floor and stabbed each other in the back in the same day and it did not let the world know that we were jesus followers so you experiencing more of the church stuff that you like is not going to get it done that has got to begin to manifest in the way we interpersonally relate not just to the people in this room all right let's go a little bit further in it because this gets really really fun here in just a minute okay so a new command newest kind of command is in tole command is in tolle it comes from two words that i love it has two components and command is a good word but precept is also the way that word is sometimes translated into lay comes from two words n e n which we translate into english i in and i've taught you a lot about the in hymn dimension right you were paying attention right if any man be in christ he is a new creation in him i live and move and have my being right john 17 i in you him and me him in me in in in okay so that word is is where we get the first part of intellect the second part comes from telos which i've also taught you about from telo which means to set out for a definite point or goal when we talked about telos thinking that's where we got the long path revelation which was to have a predetermined goal this is where we're headed for every believer that goal is this you were predestined to be conformed into his image everything happening in you is a part of the process of causing you to be like him and he's not calling us to love the way we want other people to love us he's given us a new command for the group of followers that has an ear to hear that's close enough that have experienced the intimacy that you and i have experienced it gives us a new moral ethic for how we relate to humanity and it starts with this how have i loved you when the lord started dealing with me this when i'm in quarantine i'm dealing with the whole covey thing i'm i do not want god to talk to me about this because i kind of suck at do unto others as you would have them do unto you i'm not real good at the love your enemy thing i mean y'all are because y'all are amazing if i was who y'all thought y'all were i'd be changing the world so you know so i said one time if i was just who people pretended to be we'd have this thing fixed by now so so here's the idea the idea is he's love your neighbor and he goes okay we're gonna love our neighbor we're gonna do that gotta love our neighbor as we love ourself so we can't just like kind of love them like their need has to be as important to us as is our need right think about this so so their need has to be support now i have to treat them the way i would want to be treated if i were in their situation which now requires empathy whoa and then you go god that's gonna that's gonna this would be supernatural if that ever happens and he goes hey hey hey hey now that i washed y'all's feet you're going to listen to my new commandment my new commandment is from now on when you love each other i'm making a new standard it's not how you feel about yourself it's not compassion and empathy it's the divine love that i extravagantly just bathed your feet with i want that to be the new moral ethic for how you relate to humanity and if you do that it won't be the dead people that have got raised in your shadow healing people that lets people know you're my follower it'll be that kind of love that announces to the world these guys are with me oh man and the lord started doing this in my heart and i'm telling you the moment i opened myself up to this revelation immediately it was met with grace and i have been given multiple opportunities to see people that at another time in my life i would have seen them in a different light i'm now beginning to receive grace to see them in the light of how jesus chose to see me which was one word mercy i think we're moving into the greatest mercy movement in the history of all mankind i think the holiest place in the universe is still a mercy seat and when we get beyond the veil into the next dimension it's going to be mercy is going to be the new currency and we're going to watch exchange begin to happen on the other side of mercy and a voice that we have not been given to the world because we're right and they're wrong we're going to receive because we are loving them with the same love that he has loved us let me say you being on the right side of a matter with the wrong spirit is just as bad as being on the wrong side and i'm seeing a love movement begin to come to a company of people who have said we've got we have we've been given a new commandment i guess it's the platinum rule i mean which did the diamond roll which other precious thing higher than gold it's not the golden rule's not golden enough it's still true but when he got ready to bring this thing to the people that he knew were going to receive the grace and the authority to spread this good news to the world he said i've got to leave you guys with one more and and this is what i love about the word telos from the word tello it means to set out for a definite point or goal this is literally in the lexicon the ultimate prophetic purpose is that crazy listen to this a new target to aim at when he says a new commandment he says you know what i'm gonna do you guys just experienced your feet being bathed by god i think i'm going to set a different target for you this is the this is the issue with people that get to experience what you and i get to experience this is why i feel like we trash the whole sunday morning wednesday night thing and become who god really created us to be because we're experiencing an intimacy with the lord that is going to impact the world around us it is not going to be about you and i getting slain again prophesied to again and more chill bumps and we call that revival until we become incestuous and the lord lets the weeds grow up around our building i mean i when i saw what i saw at brownsville i wanted to get in touch with somebody in springfield missouri and tell them i'll pay to take care of the dang yard because that's a memorial stone for me that's a memorial stone for millions of people around the world and i wanted to say let's and and then i felt like the lord said listen don't clean it up after it's over never let it die what if you never what if you give your life to say this is going to continue and the division that has stopped revival is not going to be able to stop this one because this is going to be a house filled with people who do mercy big time who do love like jesus loved us big time who do forgiveness big time you disappointed me and i love you regardless of the fact that you disappointed me and i'm gonna get disappointed again but instead of me packing my bag and going home because everybody didn't do things the way i thought they were gonna do things i'm gonna choose to love the way that i have been loved i have a new moral ethic and i am staying to see the lord do what the lord has designed to do and yes my feelings got hurt and yes i would not have handled it that way however i've been given a new telos the target has been moved out a little bit further for me why because he's washed my feet as he took the dirtiest nastiest parts of me and he unfolded it in him and i'm not that guy anymore what does that mean what does that mean that means that beloved identity is not just now about you knowing you're loved it's about you receiving the standard for how every other person is to be loved by you if i if i sit with a group of theologians and i've done this before but if i sit with a group of theologians and ask them what the theme of all of the writing of the apostle paul was about almost all of them would say something like justification by faith which is which is true i mean there's no doubt that's in paul's writings i could show you at least six maybe seven times for every time you show me paul talk about justification by faith i could show you six or seven times he talks about unity but nobody has ever answered that the theme of the apostle paul's writings was unity but i can show you six or maybe even seven i'm not finished counting so let me finish counting six or s and and many times like in galatians two he lets those two things overlap justification by faith should be creating in you a heart for unification and let's let's look at john 17 23. let's do this real quick i've got so many notes here and so many verses and i know it's well we're not going to do this getting late things so forgive me for that we'll just finish when we're finished and you watch the sun come up hopefully it won't still be that you're having to listen to me but john 17 verse 23 for you live fully in me now and i live fully in them there's your n-word again okay so that they will experience perfect unity and the world will be convinced that you have sent me for they will see that you love each one of them with the same passionate love that you have for me again he connects the proof of who we are as his disciples and that he was sent from abba to how we love so watch this let's listen watch this so the the theme of the apostle paul's writings is justification by faith i don't think it is i think the theme of the apostle paul's writing is that a group of people would be so loved that it would affect the way they relate to one another interpersonally and that would become a witness according to jesus in john 17 to the world of what that jesus is the sent one of the father how will the world know because we get our theology in line because we get all of our doctrinal boxes checked because we finally come into agreement on on what we believe to be true about the nature of god all of those things are important and none of those things are the thing that jesus says is going to cause the world to know that he was sent of the father he said it's going to be the fact that you have a different way of relating to one another so i stood there i'm talking way more about this brownsville thing than i meant to and i know people are going to get offended and send me emails i love that place i love what god did there are people here that were a part of that leadership of that i'm thankful for what the lord did there let me say this to you the enemy knows every one of these verses about unity and he knows how to kill every revival and you kill every revival by sowing seeds of discord our mouths are a big deal they can actually kill revival i know enough about the inner workings of the way god has moved to show you division after division after division in church history that stopped incredible moves of god from having the impact they were supposed to have on the world because people couldn't agree over doctrine because people couldn't agree over who was in charge because one person started taking it to themselves and making it all about them and it ends over stuff that if we understood how deeply we were loved it would be natural for us to learn to live that love out amongst one another but it starts with you knowing how loved you are now let's look at this part of it are you ready a little bit further how is this commandment new a new commandment i give to you he already told us to love to radically love this time he dares to say we must go beyond love as we love ourselves or do unto others as we would have them do unto us jesus's new command to love is not a product of human empathy or compassion or even because the bible says so this new command is in fact a new command this is the first time jesus makes himself the new standard for interpersonal relationship here is the bombshell ready love each other just as or just as much as i have loved you whoa and if you do that they'll know you're with me or we can tell them they're all wrong and they need to repent of our sin and they don't even know we're with him but if you and i begin to dare to embark on a journey of receiving agape living in agape and ultimately releasing agape we could start a revolution we could start a revolution there's so much humility in the early church that paul withstands peter to his face and the hero of the story is not paul's boldness it's peter's humility it's peter so you christian murder and you who you think you weren't even with you're going to try to stand up to him and you're going to do it in front of and he says no you can do that with me because i want to be right more than i want to look right oh man watch watch watch the humility involved in this company of people who are getting together and saying we have they have no infrastructure they have no it they have to create the idea of a deacon they don't even know what the rules are they finally got together and said abstain from sexual immorality and don't eat meat that's been offered to idols now go for it you're like you might want throw in a couple more rules than that no they didn't no they didn't they said we've had enough rules we've had enough of the rules the new rule is love the new standard is love the new boundary is love so we're gonna love and we're going to love and we're going to love and we're going to be in love and we're going to sing like we're in love and we're going to honor each other like we're in love and we're going to give like we're in love and we're going to share each other's table like we're in love and we're going to quit living like if we get all of the rules down why in the world okay here god i can't believe i'm gonna say this but let me say this why in the world of all the things jesus could have used to put the wine in did he use the ceremonial pots for washing their hands he's trying to piss them off it's just the way it is that's not what they originally brought the wine in there are wine containers there they ran out of wine somebody brought wine somebody carried wine in something that wasn't the ceremonial pots that the people used for ceremonially washing their hands there were wine skins there or wine pots or wine bottles but he said no let's use those [Music] and the hair stood up on the back of their neck because jesus wasn't there to use their structure for his good he was there to eliminate their structure jesus did not come to create a new religion called christianity jesus came to obliterate the concept that god cared anything about religion jesus is not the head of christianity jesus is the head of a body and he never intended to start a religion called christianity he intended to fill a family with the knowledge that they are loved with the same love that the father loved the son and they have permission to love with the same love they have received from the son and he said if you do that the world will not be able to ignore that those guys are with me and how big of a deal is it to be with him it is said of average unlearned people that the reason why they were empowered for revolution was they had been with jesus when they perceived peter and john were ignorant and unlearned men they said surely these men have been with jesus how important is it for them to know we're with him they don't need to know what church you're a part of they don't need to know what you're specific what's your statement of belief it's changed nine times in the last 10 years check with me next year it'll have changed again because i'm not trying to get all of my dogma in order that is what makes us dogmatic he said just love yeah i know but we have to have no you know just love and nothing that you have right or wrong in your doctrine is going to override the fact that you people don't really love each other you love you and you don't get to make you the new standard of what love looks like it's now me jesus makes himself the standard for how you and i relate to one another which just made it ready and i'll get ready to close it just made it one thing fundamentally impossible to do without the spirit and as billy graham said 95 percent of what's happening in the church in america today could happen with no involvement from the spirit you want to talk about what revival supposed to produce prophecy tongues dancing i hope so because i love everything i just named and at the end of it a group of people who so know they're loved that it affects the way they look at each other man i feel this we could start a revolution y'all listen to me we could start a revolution how does it how does how does it look this part is important his part is important jesus makes himself the new standard for interpersonal relationship the bombshell love each other just as or just as much as i have loved you now in light of this new command are you ready are you ready are you with me in light of this new command how important is it for you and i to know how deeply we're loved in light of that new command how important is it for you and i to know how deeply we're loved beloved identity we already heard the beloved identity no no no no just wait a minute now if the way the world knows we're with him is that we love each other with the same love that he's loved us how seated should we get in beloved identity if beloved identity is the only way we will ever be qualified to release the proof that we're with him watch this watch this i've got some notes on this that i think is important how absolutely crucial then is beloved identity it's the new standard of two things one how we love one another number two how everyone in the world will come to know that we are followers of jesus how crucial is it that you and i really get this revelation this gift of beloved identity number one it's the new standard of how we now love one another number two how everyone in the world will come to know that we're followers of jesus starts with what you knowing how you're loved because you cannot love with a love that you don't know you're loved with so this shift over the last seven eight years and our heart around the revelation of beloved identity around the revelation of the goodness of god around the total absolute complete shift in consciousness as it relates to the nature of god that that that's not now a sidebar that's so significant because it determines whether you and i receive the grace to release what we were called to release because we have received what we were designed to receive so so here's the thought ready according to john 17 23 this type of unity birthed in beloved identity is what is designed to convince the cosmos that abba sent yeshua that's john 17 23 it's kind of a big deal this is not a sidebar to revival this is the infrastructure of a luminescent anthropology beloved idea i know beloved identity but we need to get on to the signs and miracles and wonders in hallelujah and he didn't say any of that would show the world that jesus was sent by the father i am into signs and wonders a matter of fact i planned on tonight sharing with you some stories that we are actually seeing miracles i can trace it back to valentine's day i don't know why but from valentine's day on i believe we've seen more miracles and stuff we prayed for than maybe the whole revival combined the the just continually hearing of miracle after miracle after miracle three people i can't tell you the details of three people have been raised from the dead three people that have been raised from the dead that's associated with what god's doing right here i i know that's happening more and more abroad the the miracles of healings and breakthroughs in things in people's body it's absolutely unbelievable however the church has seen that before and it still never had the impact it was supposed to have on the culture we are going to see that again but this time it's going to begin to happen in the company of people who so know how loved they are that it now affects how they relate to one another and people who who who will believe every story of every miracle every proof that we have every testimony we share they won't believe one word of any of it but jesus said if you love the way you've been loved it will bring evidence to them that you're with me feel this mighty god it brings evidence that you're with me and ultimately the way you relate to one another can convince the world that jesus is the sent one of the father boom that becomes the infrastructure for signs wonders and miracles that becomes the infrastructure for the person who's hurting to want to come to us to receive freedom from the thing that's oppressing them this is this is when people begin to line up for miracles it's not just because they hear miracles are happening it's because there's a culture of beloved identity that is so deeply rooted in a company of people it now affects the way they treat one another and and listen to convince them that our pentecostal doctrines are correct it's an absolute act of futility but if we can love right they come into one of our meetings we speak in tongues out loud they're immediately going to say that we're in error and i could argue that for them and with them i'm just being honest i don't believe that because i believe in diversity of tongues i'm not here to teach on that but i understand that argument very well and i see the validity of that argument and if you want to use that argument to determine whether or not this is real we will never gain an inch but if the way they determine if it's real is that we love with the same love that we've been loved then all of a sudden all of the other stuff that goes on around it is just minutia the nuts and bolts of the thing is we love the way that we've been loved and it creates proof to a world who doesn't even believe listen that we're with him and he was the sent one of the father they don't get convinced of that because we're right they can't convince of that because we're so deeply loved that it started to spill we're so deeply loved that that cup is running over we're so deeply loved that it's affecting our interpersonal relationships we're so deeply loved that it affects how we treat the homosexual we have to go to work with who doesn't believe anything the way that we believe it but this love can't help but spill because it's so deeply rooted in the fabric of who we are this is not a sidebar to revival this is the infrastructure of a luminescent anthropology this is an epic shift in the narrative the new command generates its own new question instead of asking how would i want to be treated if i were in their shoes the new question is how has jesus already treated me let me see here's a new question are you ready here's the new question not how would i want to be treated if i were in their shoes the new question is how has jesus already treated me you following you and i are required to know how much we are loved in order to demonstrate discipleship effectively that may be the crucial statement of the whole night we are required to know how much we're loved if we're going to demonstrate discipleship effectively i was never taught that i was taught that discipleship meant this be disciplined and it does it is it's a disciplined learning it's a disciplined learner it's a commitment to being disciplined concerning what you learned yet it's the word he uses to say this is how they'll know that you're one of my disciples that means somebody's gonna have to get a deep education in beloved identity to ever be determined that they're a disciple wow this is not what we're focusing on and i'll be honest with you this is not what gets focused on in revival you people don't come to revival to hear messages about interpersonal relationships but it becomes the guard against the seeds of discord that produces the disunity that causes the enemy to do what he's always done effectively find somebody to come in agreement with his accusatory dna who are you partnering with wow think about it this took me into a place of weeping as i went back and thought about a conversation i had over here in a conversation i had over there in a conversation where somebody's character was being berated over there and i was involved in those conversations and i would just sit with the lord and i would weep and i would go i felt justified because what they did was true and he said yeah but aren't you glad that's not how i treated you and the new standard is not whether they did it or not the new standard is what did i do with you when you did it and this started creating something so of uh afraid i don't know how to say it any other way than this a harmonious frequency felt like it began to move all through my whole interior world almost as if this is oh this is it this is the lost key this was the five blue angels of grace flying over the lost key as i was there with the lord and the lord was saying to this is the key the church has lost it's not pentecostal fire it's not even revival it's the unity that ensures that what god has started nobody will be able to stop isn't that incredible isn't it incredible maybe not to you it's incredible to me i could share the buzz of what's going on in my harmonious frequency with you i would it's an epic shift in the narrative it's a new question are you ready how has jesus already treated my me you and i are required to know how much we are loved in order to demonstrate discipleship effectively look at john 15 9 through 12. this is i've got a bunch more verses i'll give them to you you can go home and look at them but i'm not going to share all them with you look at john 15 9 through 12. i shared some of this earlier in the service as matt begin to sing about the vine and the branches john 15 9 i love each of you with the same love that the father loves me stop right there what did jesus say what is the new command that you love each other with the same love and the same degree of love that i have loved you what does he say here i have loved each of you with the same love that the father loves me this just got even more interesting because now i know that he loves me with the same love the father has for him and now i know that i'm supposed to love you with the same love that he has for me what does this get us all back to it gets us all out of the orphan spirit brings us all back into the we other spirit of adoption that we were designed for to understand the father loves me the same way that he loves jesus jesus loves me with the same love that he's received from the father and with that revelation there's a grace for me to turn and love you with the same love that jesus has loved me with which is by the way the same love that the father has for jesus this is perfect love it's nothing short this is first john this is perfect love that cast out all fear because fear carries with it in anticipation of punishment this is the kind of love that could become a standard for existence that would announce the reality that the son of god was the sent one of the father and you and i are a part of that family and i don't want this to be i want it to be something different than loving people like this is listen y'all know me this is not my wheelhouse kicking the devil's throat in that's what i was born to do my verses i like for this cause he came that he might destroy the works of the devil what are the works of the devil diablos he's the accuser he's the one who sows this discord because he knows all of these verses and he knows the way to keep us from our evangelistic their endeavor is not to keep us away from pentecostal fire is to keep the seeds of disunity that have always seemed to thrive in pentecostal fire dividing dividing dividing dividing dividing that now there are thousands of denominations that are all splits off of somebody somebody disagreed with and this thing's going to shift and you're going to have a whole generation of people who are not interested in always being right because they're so deeply loved and instead of arguing over where you're right and i'm wrong and i'm wrong and you're right and let's figure out who's actually right people are going to say what does it cost for us to live together in unity a revelation of how deeply we've been loved it could be revolutionary it's impossible outside the spirit it this right here is a bigger miracle than raising the dead hello who's going to start it let's do it i'm that's where i am let's do it let's get so re-rooted in this beloved identity thing that it makes me see people differently as i start to see them not the way i want to be seen i start to see them the way he chose to see me when there was nothing good in me to see yes we love like jesus because we are loved by jesus the exact same way the father loves jesus let me give that riddle to you again you ready we love like jesus because we are loved by jesus the exact same way the father loves jesus the first focus must become our focus on the love we have received hello how can we ever appropriately give away that that we really don't believe we possess here's an astounding and revolutionary new question what if just what if loving others and that love according to jesus shows the world abas and his son what if that love starts with abba showing us just how completely and extravagantly he loves us because i think it does that's why i think the context of the new command which is the last command which is the final command which is the new epoch standard of all commands comes watch this comes in the environment of him washing their feet in the same chapter we get him washing their feet is in the same chapter we get judas deciding he's going to betray him and jesus identifying that one of you is going to betray me and i'm going to wash his feet too are you kidding me are you kidding me get that guy out of the room so you've got some unity and then wash their feet no that's not how this is going to work because that's not how i'm going to treat you whoa baby this is way worse than love your enemies way word give me love your enemies any day that just started sounding easy because i don't have to love them the way he loved me and the mercy's for me because i believe justice is for them because they don't believe and he said not not i got a new law for you you could get them to believe if you could love them the way i loved you the convincing proof of where i came from is in your love for one another give me that revival let me say this try to stop that revival whoa this is happening me i'm i'm not i'm not saying this because i want people to stop talking about me that's never going to happen like no question about like i signed up for that i get it believe me that is not what this is about this is about something happening in me and how i love other people and how i felt like i feel like i do empathy well i even feel like i'm by nature people don't believe this who don't know me but i'm a very compassionate person by nature i am moved by the hurts of other people significantly and i would love for this to have stopped there i want that to be discipleship because i can check those boxes but if the real sign of discipleship is not that i just have compassion it's not just that i have empathy and it's not even that i treat other people the way i want to be treated it's that i have to love with the same measure of love that he has loved me which is a forgiving love it's an overlooking love it's a merciful love it's a non-judgmental love you know what it is it's agape it's other centered self-giving love that's what we've received and if we receive it fully enough it's going to start to spill i'm i'm right now beginning to understand that beloved identity is the key to ending revival i'm just proving it to you if you're listening beloved identity is the key to never ending revival because when i'm getting an education on beloved identity it does not stop with me my education on beloved identity rearranges everything about the way i see every other person in existence wow my opinion on homosexuality before beloved identity you know what i think i think i was right and completely wrong yeah i think i was absolutely right in what i was saying i think i was so far outside of beloved identity when i said it that it became wrong even though it was right it was fact but it was not true see this this is my journey this is my evolution now i find myself going into the secret place and one of the chief passionate prayers i'm praying is for god to send homosexuals into this community that need to know the perfect love of jesus and get re-identified so the misidentification and the orphanage spirit is broken off of them and we can help them find their way to papa's lap where all of that gets healed it doesn't mean i'm not going over here with this liberal thing that says they just get to stay gay and that's just i don't think that's enough love i don't think that's enough love even more than it would be for you to say you get to stay a heterosexual pervert no you don't get to stay anything if any man be in christ he's a new creation old things have passed away behold all things have become new but it doesn't become that way because we stand in their face and tell them how wrong they are and how right we are because our temptation is heterosexual and their temptation is homosexual the shift comes when we say i'm gonna treat you the way he treated me and he washed my nasty disgusting feet when i brought nothing of any value to the table he washed my feet he didn't use religion to wash my feet and he didn't use a preacher and he didn't even use a spiritual father he did it himself jesus got in my dirt himself i got to close this let's finish this up oh there's an astounding and revolutionary new question what if oh man what if just what if loving others and that love according to jesus shows the world that alba sent his son what if loving others starts with abba showing us just how completely and extravagantly he loves us what if releasing love to others starts with receiving not releasing isn't that selfish because that's a criticism on my message of beloved identity it's just causing people to be more narcissistic more self-involved that and another criticism i receive is that i have an over emphasis on the love of god love that one that's my favorite you you just accused me of over emphasizing infinity that's not even mathematically possible much less theologically but this is with beloved identity it's all about your love you're loved your love yeah well you know what about the lost and dying world he said when you really figure out how loved you are it'll change the way you love the lost world and it'll convince them you're with me they don't know we're with him because we don't act any different than the people who are not with him except for two hours on sunday morning and this is a revolution that's going to begin to sweep this is why it's grassroots this is why it's going to stop a start a pocket of people at the time because a pocket of people are going to get so convinced of how deeply they're loved that it's going to start to spill that cup's gonna start running over that expression in your interior world is going to demand an outlet you get so loved that you have to find somebody to share that love with or you feel like you will explode you remember that just gotta tell somebody has to tell somebody to tell somebody just have to tell somebody if we are ever going to love others the way that god loves us somebody will be required to get a radical education in just how very much god loves us let me say that again i'm going to close this my last one if we are ever going to love others the way that god loves us somebody will be required to get a radical education in just how very much god loves us and i plan on preaching that for the rest of my life is this selfishness let's ask paul ephesians 3 16-19 i've got one two three four five six seven other verses but i'm skipping them i want to share this one with you though ephesians 3 16-19 and i pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power verse 17 then by constantly using your faith the life of christ will be released deep inside you and the resting place ben robbins the resting place ho ho the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life stop right there let's read it again constantly using your faith the life of christ will be released deep inside you and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life make a real challenging statement revival is not first about a great harvest of lost souls because we've done that revival yeah we've done that revival in in in and in social in a social reality the world's as bad as it's ever been and we did the revival where we told the lost people that were lost got them convicted of their sin got them to repeat the prayer i'm not against that i'm here to tell you there's a step beyond that that's this and when the resting place of his love becomes the very source and root of your life watch verse 18. this is phenomenal then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences the great magnitude of the astonishing love of christ in all its dimensions jesus how deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love how enduring and inclusive it is endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of god how does the love move into a state known as overflowing and fullness it gets poured into you one of the greatest mistakes i've seen people make in revival is when god sends the outpouring of his spirit they want to discern a way to parlay that experience into the fulfillment of their personal agendas my apostle taught me he said before you cry out for revival you better know the first stage of revival is called revival and before it revives anything it'll reveal the stuff in you that needs to be revived and i found this to be true and so when we start talking about beloved identity and we start releasing people into beloved identity be careful that you don't want to move on to the next subject is that a fair way of saying that because there's a there's this propensity into saying yeah check the box i know god loves me let's go do the miracle thing and i'm telling you when you get this your shadow will start doing the miracle thing let's read it again then you will be empowered but back up look at verse 17 again because i want you to connect the then all right verse 17 then by constantly using your faith the life of christ will be released deep inside you and the very resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life now verse 18 then when the resting place of god becomes the root and source of your life then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences the great magnitude of the astonishing love of christ in all its dimensions how deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love how enduring and inclusive it is endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding and extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflowing with the fullness of god full to overflowing with the fullness of god anybody like to get to full to overflowing you look how these words are used full to the point of overflowing with fullness and the fullness is of god and how does any of that happen when you become the resting place for his love i'm not talking to you about you finding how god loves you so that when you die you go to heaven i'm talking about you finding out god loves you until you start a revolution you finding out god loves you until it changes the way you see every living person on planet earth you finding out god loves you until when you pray you believe god takes your words and turns them into weapons of activity to accomplish historic things why because i'm not some random person praying to some far away god i'm his beloved one and not one word i speak will he allow to fall to the ground but he is partnering with me this is what i want to see happen from 9 to 11 on wednesday mornings when we get together and we begin to lift up that sound and that frequency i want to watch how heaven rides into the cosmos on that declaration and frequency that's coming from a group of people who are not trying to pray enough to maybe get god to love them not praying to get god to love us we're praying because who would not want to commune with the one who has so extravagantly given us the riches of his love and now i'm overflowing with this stuff yeah yeah this is a luminescent anthropology this is the group of people that becomes the light of the world this is the group of people that becomes the light of the world because because this is where we are we're we're real close and currently we're real close to making the presence of god a thing instead of a face and if we if we if we dangerously in this worship movement that i think has more sometimes more concert dna than it has presence if we don't make a shift this is some stuff that's deep in my heart right now if we don't make a shift into the understanding that the presence of god is not the thing that comes when artists do the thing they do the presence of god is him being present the hebrew in hebrew there is no word for presence it's face it's face to face as a matter of fact if you want to really study it it's mouth to mouth so when we talk about it being a people that are given to hosting the presence of god we are people that are given to mouth mouth-to-mouth encounters with almighty god that cause us to become so convinced we're loved that the fullness of god begins to overflow in us through us and to others wow what if what if how i feel about this row becomes how i have to feel about this row and that row and that row and then that row becomes the expression for that row and all of a sudden you have a group of people that begin to live watch out with no clicks no clubs no subcultures nothing incestuous that says this group of people is a part of this group and this group of people is a part of this group that's incestuous which produces bad offspring i'm being nice the pure seed of the individual that loves the way they were loved to the measure they have been loved begins to create i see it as cohesive there's something beautiful that begins to move and flow and it's one of the reasons why i think while god is doing some of this stuff in my own heart is one of the reasons why he's saying man you're going to have to trash the model because there's a measure of love people are beginning to encounter they're not going to be okay with coming in being together once a week there this thing is going to start to move all over the place you'll be they're going to be a group of you know three families are going to get to get together for what they thought was a bonfire and a cookout it's going to turn into this glorious explosion of communion with the father as he rides in on two or more gathered together in his name i dream of that i dream of that i think you were born for that i think that's who you are and i think i think the quarantine thing the pandemic gear i like that johnson the pandemic gear i think what that's done for us i think is let us know who we are and let us know who we're not i i sti i stood in here week after week in front of a camera a feeling about as naked as i've ever watched yahweh require any other person to be i felt like i went through a theological disrobing publicly some of y'all were in here when that that was happening and i'm i'm looking at it now going i'm coming out of this fully convinced i believe i can say this honestly fully convinced beloved is enough to change the world i don't come out of this with strategy i feel like i came out of it with less strategy i feel like i had more strategy and then you can you know 15 months to become strategic and i've become less strategic i came out of this going away if it's a river why are we so determining how to paddle it's a river why don't we just get in and see where it takes us right i mean it is a river jesus stands up on the great day the last day of the greatest feasts and says if anyone's thirsty let him come unto me and drink i shared this in new orleans didn't i matt let him come unto me and drink for he who believes on me out of the scripture has said out of his innermost being rivers of living water will flow what is the key to having rivers of living waters flow out of you you're thirsty for one cup a thirsty people can become a river i feel that there's a river thing happening here and there's been some prophetic words hannah you remember where god said i'm going to redeem the river movement and i'm going to marry some streams and you're going to come into this place where people are gonna worship for four five six seven eight nine uh 90 days people are going to come together to say we're going to host the presence of god this is what our life is going to look like from this point forward i don't know where that river leads us but i think one of the reasons we've had to be so doggone strategic is because we haven't been in the river river the life is in the river amen anybody anybody anybody amen i this for this this whole loving people thing i'm saying if it starts with this row right here it stops for this row i'm golden but it's not supposed to stop with this row it's supposed to move all it's supposed to this is the grassroots beginning of a revolution the earth has seen revival i just don't think the earth has ever seen the what revival was designed to produce i think the earth has seen revival and i want more i'm encouraged that there are more places in revival i like to go to all of those places and sit with a handful of leaders and tell me man if you can get these people seated in beloved identity this revival thing will never end we weren't able to come in here for 15 months we come back in here and it didn't feel like we lost anything and not coming in here for 15 months that's pretty astounding i mean you you get that's not normal like we didn't have to recreate momentum we just didn't have to do it it just was it was as if we didn't take 15 months off there's new faces here some transitioned elsewhere some moved in here in the process whatever all that looks like is cool but there's a group of people that are beginning to understand how love they are and it is spilling and it's spilling it's it'll make you generous it'll make you compassionate it'll give you grace for empathy but it'll move you way beyond those expressions yeah i believe you can have all of those without the spirit matter of fact some of the most generous people that i have known are not believers and some of the most stingy people and greedy people i've ever known y'all said it not me right right so this is what i feel like the lord saying the lord is saying that i created a new standard inside of the new command there's brand new grace when that when that i'm gonna wash your feet thing starts to happen you gotta be cautious that you don't respond the way peter did not me lord i need if somebody's been washing my feet i'm going to wash your feet because because religion has made it all about us loving him right and that's true love the lord your god with all your heart with all your mind with all your soul right that's true and that starts with because he first loved us and he says peter if i don't wash your feet i have no part with you and peter said just get up get get take do it all he said i don't need to the word that i've given to you has already cleansed you i just want the dirtiest parts of who you are i want the part of you that you would be the most ashamed to expose to me and i want to cover that with such extravagant love that it becomes the new standard for how you relate to other people well this is the seeds of a revolution you good you good this is happening this is happening is happening well you don't know what they did no you don't get to do that one because it's him remember right you you can do that if we're still doing the eye for an eye thing i love when jesus gets ready to do away with all that thinking he says you have heard it said no no you said y'all the one said that we get it right here right we that's torah y'all said he said you have heard it said some translations say you have heard that i have said but i say to you there's a new rule there's a new law there's a new commandment and there's a new grace amen i feel like i feel like god's healing a heart valve if you or this may very well be someone who's watching on a live stream or you're in the room and you need a miracle in your heart valve i feel like the lord was put is putting a new heart valve in place it may be somebody you don't even know what's wrong with you but it is a heart valve and the lord is giving a brand new heart valve and this is what i feel the lord saying that that receives and gives blood supply is being healed in the body your ability to both receive and give love is being healed in you right now you have not been able to receive love because people that were supposed to love you showed you something other than love and when you hear that kind of love something in you recoils notice that it is not john the beloved who is wrestling over having his feet washed it's peter who's wrestling over having his feet washed notice this there's something in you that when he wants to come to you with this measure of beloved identity you've still been trained to earn it and the lord said that is not how you receive it and it will not be what you give you will not be able to give away what you've earned you will only be able to give away what grace has given to you as a gift so i bless you to be able to receive that you're loved i bless you to be able to receive that that love is unconditional away with the conditional unconditional love of god and we're going to see the actual unconditional love of god we have put conditions on that that is unconditional and i'm telling you you're going to receive a love that is unconditional and we are going to have grace to release a love that is unconditional and it's going to become so revolutionary that it's going to convince the world that the father sent yeshua and that we are with him lord do that in and among a company of people those that have been walled off those that have been hard-hearted those that have become calloused through rejection and betrayal even those that have seen churches split even those that have seen great moves of god get stopped by disunity and something in them is causing them to brace themselves and stay at a distance and try to protect themselves from future pain i say it is being released from you now in the name of jesus and by the power of the government of almighty god you are saying yes to an encounter at the place of the heart that is going to become a seed of revolution in the earth a handful of people let yourself be loved instead of bracing for rejection let yourself be loved by the grace of god let yourself be loved people watching live stream let yourself be loved come out of isolation and allow yourself to begin to be loved allow yourself to begin to be loved allow yourself to begin to be loved to be able to trust to be able to trust it's one of the greatest things you'll ever be able to do in your life is to be able to say you are flawed and by the grace of god i trust you wow feel it feel it as a heart valve it's a it's a weird thing i'm seeing right now but it's like there's a physical heart valve that's being replaced in somebody and it's going to be a witness to you thank you lord it's going to be a witness to you it's going to be a witness to those around you that your heart is being made new god give your people a new heart god give replace the heart of stone with the heart of flesh again lord make the exchange this is what you do that's happening to some of you i see some tears beginning to come you've been hard-hearted you've gone through some extremely difficult things and the lord said but in one moment i can make an exchange you receiving beloved identity will be a process but your new heart can happen in a moment that's what i just heard the lord say you receiving your status as beloved will be a process but the heart that can receive the initiation of that process can be given to you supernaturally in an instant so i just bless you with a new heart i just say your heart is new this one's not scarred this one's not calloused this one's not been mishandled this one has not been abused this is a brand new heart this is the heart of listen this is what i hear this is the heart of the father for you this is the father's heart for you let he has an ear to hear hear this this is the father's heart for you being given to you your new heart is the heart the father had for you so i come i i now i dispel disappointment grief shame watch it's being dismissed from the room right now this is what it's done this is what it's done this is what i saw about people who were divisive the lord said they don't know they're divisive they don't want to be divisive but there's a wound in their heart that causes them to react the way they think i have reacted to them and i'm rewiring the whole system i'm causing a whole family to begin to receive brand new hearts you have projected onto god the way that people have treated you and you equally have now listened you have now placed on people the way you believe god has treated you and god has entreated you with jesus and that's becoming the new standard for the way you and i do life love like you've been loved love like you've been loved don't love like you deserve to be loved and don't love them like they deserve to be loved love them like you have been loved and you and i have been loved by way of mercy and grace and goodness in jesus name so the so the divorce does not define you you're receiving a brand new heart that's going to be ready to receive love as you've never received love before the abuse the rape the molestation the betrayal those are not points of identification those are places where god has gone in advance and made a way for you to receive a new heart that creates a testimony i am the way i am because of how deeply i've been loved i am the way that i am because of how deeply i've been loved i dance the way i dance because of how deeply i've been loved the joy is a result of how deeply i've been loved the peace that i have in the middle of the night is not based on my circumstances it's based on how deeply i have been loved receive it just receive that right now i know it's a weird moment just in the moment receive that right now the lord's doing that some of you carry the baggage of having been betrayed and i learned in this season i carried that baggage too and it made me a fighter it made me predispose to resistance it listen this is what it made me create borders and boundaries that kept people at safe distances because you let them in it's going to be trouble right i mean there is a way to avoid trouble just keep them over there and you stay over there and the father said there's a problem i need you to get like this so that they know these guys are with us what what wouldn't it just be neat if you could just do relationship with jesus like some people do and just say it's just about me and jesus and i don't have to have relationship with anybody else because it's just about me and jesus and he's absolutely shooting that ideology out of the water it ain't about just you and jesus it's about being so deeply loved by jesus that that's now the new grace you have to love every other person on the planet whoa you
Channel: Damon Thompson Ministries
Views: 5,724
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Id: gjZ9V4ua2-Y
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Length: 81min 34sec (4894 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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